When to transplant irises. Benefits of summer transplanting irises: why it is better to divide them after flowering

elegant, but such unpretentious care beauties! Of course, these are irises - Bearded, Japanese, Dwarf, Russian, Sword-shaped ...

In Russia, they are also called "irises". Their delicate aroma and rich palette of colors will impress any grower. The variety of varieties and species of this flower culture so large that sometimes it is quite difficult to decide on the choice in favor of only one variety.

Having planted irises on their plot, gardeners fall in love with the exquisite beauty of flowers that look like orchids.

Iris Charm

But unlike tropical whims, "killer whales" are completely unpretentious and undemanding. In order for perennials to please the eye with violent flowering, you need to know when and how to transplant irises to a new place.

Do irises need a transplant?

"Iris" can grow in one place for a long time. But over time, they cease to delight with their bright, eye-catching colorful colors.

This happens due to the fact that root system irises has the ability to grow rapidly, placing new rhizomes on the surface of the earth in the form of a ring. For this reason, part of the old roots, which are usually located in the center of the bush, dies off, forming a "dead zone".

When there is not enough space and nutrients for new shoots, as a result, the plant begins to get sick and gradually dies.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to plant irises in a timely manner in the spring, about once every 5 years. Flowers quickly adapt to a new place, take root well, provided that the transplantation procedure is correctly performed.

Spring transplant

Novice flower growers do not know when to transplant irises so as not to harm the plant. You can rejuvenate iris bushes by planting both in spring and autumn. Many gardeners prefer to transplant "iris" in late August and early September. The plant has already faded, and it can begin to be divided into parts. But then you have to take into account the likelihood that the flowers may freeze out without having time to take root. Such a nuisance occurs quite often, especially in the northern regions of our country, where winters are quite severe.

To reduce the risk of losing varietal irises, it is not forbidden to transplant a flower culture in the spring.

And here it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • work on dividing and transplanting flowers should be carried out in early spring, from mid-April to early May;
  • "iris" will bloom, which have undergone a transplant in the spring, most likely for another year. But if the bud has time to ripen, it will be possible to admire the bright large flowers in the summer. This is especially true for bushes transplanted in the first decade of May, no later. Apparently, this is due to the onset of heat, since in April the soil is not yet warmed up to the desired temperature.

Before starting work on transplanting irises in the spring, it is necessary to prepare new seats. No matter how unpretentious these flowers are considered, the observance of certain rules when propagating and transferring bushes to a new location guarantee the varietal qualities of the plant in the future.

seat for irises prepare as follows:

  • it is required to carefully dig the soil, remove all weeds;
  • apply a complex of mineral fertilizers so that the plant can take root faster and get all the necessary nutrients for full growth and flowering in the future;
  • with organic top dressing, you need to be extremely careful. This is due to the fact that the use of organic matter stimulates the growth of leaves to the detriment of flowering, and also often provokes the development of fungal diseases that lead to the death of the plant;
  • "iris" grow better and bloom together in areas where there is enough sun and a low probability of strong winds. You should definitely pay attention to this when choosing a place for a future flower bed.

Having prepared a seat, you can begin the main work of propagating a flower bush.

How to transplant irises:

  1. the plant must be dug up with a clod of earth, this technique ensures minimal damage to the root system;
  2. carefully clean the roots of the flower culture from the soil, since at this time of the year the roots of irises are very thin and fragile;
  3. carefully inspect and, if necessary, remove all rotten, damaged places with a sharp garden knife;
  4. if last year's foliage is present, it is also carefully cut with a knife;
  5. the root of the plant is divided into smaller units, or as they are also called divisions or fans. Optimal size divisions are considered 3-5 cm;
  6. the roots must be disinfected in special solutions, for example, potassium solution, for at least 20 minutes;
  7. after which they are thoroughly dried and the places of cuts are treated with powder charcoal;
  8. make a small depression in the prepared hole and plant the iris, trying not to dig the roots of the plant particularly deep. Otherwise, the flower will die without even taking root, since the probability of root rot is very high;
  9. after planting an iris outlet, moderate watering is necessary;
  10. have bushes of irises not less than half a meter from each other.

One of the main enemies of this flower culture is gladiolus thrips.

The consequence of the appearance harmful insect is the loss of wax coating on the leaves of the plant, they begin to actively fade.

The drug "Confidor" will get rid of such misfortune - 1 ml is diluted with 10 liters of water, after which the infected plants are treated with a sprayer.

Irises are quite sensitive to excess moisture, so often their root system is affected by rot. You can save the plant only by drastic measures: dig it out, remove all the affected links, treat it with a disinfectant, then dry it thoroughly and, after all the measures, plant it in a new, drier part of the garden.

At the end of summer, small brown spots can be seen on the leaves of irises. They signal that the flower is affected by heterosporosis - a fungal disease. Control measures include the removal of infected leaves and treatment with a solution blue vitriol, prepared at the rate of 50 g per 5 liters of water.

Charming, with a pleasant unobtrusive aroma, irises can decorate any garden without requiring time-consuming efforts to care for their plantings.

Irises have long been used in the design of flower beds and lawns. Per original shape their inflorescences are even called soil orchids. Irises are so loved by gardeners also for their huge variety of shades: from lavender, cream, white to copper, bronze, chocolate, etc. With proper care, which, by the way, is quite simple (timely watering, loosening and weed protection), irises can grow in one place and bloom regularly for 5, or even all 7 years. However, there comes a time when replanting irises becomes absolutely necessary to keep this type of plant in your backyard.

Understanding some features life cycle irises

To understand how and when it is better to transplant irises, you must first learn some of the subtleties regarding their growth, namely, periods of activity and periods of rest.

Planting increments current year and bloom

Like many rhizomatous perennials, the ground part of irises dies off every year, and dormant replacement buds remain in the axils of the leaves during the winter. At the beginning of summer, with the appearance of young shoots from these buds, the laying begins. flower buds. If you want to get a flower bed with blooming irises this season, then you only need to plant young plants with about 8 fully developed leaves. They are strong enough to release a peduncle and delight you with flowering this year.

Bookmark next year's inflorescences

The end of summer - the beginning of autumn is a very important stage in the development of this plant species. At this time, the inflorescences are laid for the next flowering period and the formation of young roots. How to care and be better given this aspect? Firstly, in August-September, irises need especially careful care and attention: they need to be watered and fed in a timely manner, since the successful growth and development of plants in the next season will directly depend on this. Secondly, it is strictly forbidden to prune the leaves of irises in the fall, as this can give impetus to the premature development of shoots from replacement buds, and also make the delicate buds of next year's inflorescences defenseless even against a slight cold. In addition, this is the period when transplanting irises is not the best solution, because by damaging the fragile young roots or inflorescences, you will almost certainly lose the chance to enjoy their flowering next year.

Proper transplantation and reproduction is the key to abundant and regular flowering.

“So when can irises be transplanted so that they will surely bloom on next year? - you ask. There is only one answer: immediately after the end of flowering, but before the period of formation of the rudiments of inflorescences and young roots. Perfect option- two weeks after the withering of the last flowers on the bush. At this time, the root begins to develop more actively, as if preparing it for the separation of young bushes. The adult iris bush chosen for division is carefully removed from the ground, the rhizome is shaken off and divided in such a way that each segment contains a bunch of leaves and roots. In order to better accept, the leaves of the current year are shortened by 2/3, and the roots - by a third. All cuts do sharp knife or secateurs so that the surface is even, and then for a while it is dipped in a strong solution of potassium permanganate (to disinfect sections), dried in the sun and only then planted in prepared holes at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. It is important to remember that the rhizome should protrude slightly above the ground.

So, knowing about the characteristics of the growth and development of this flower culture, you can decide when to transplant irises and how to do it more correctly. Good luck in your endeavors!

Today, irises, which have become a luxurious decoration of gardens, are found in the most incredible colors. For high-quality growth, plants periodically need to move to a new place. Autumn transplant irises is a responsible business that you need to know everything about.

Features of the autumn transplant of irises

You can transplant and plant irises not only in autumn, but also in spring, and even in summer. However experienced growers they prefer to do this precisely at the end of the growing season of plants, when all processes in them begin to slow down, but at the same time they have not stopped yet, and therefore the flowers have time to take root.

most auspicious time

It is necessary to transplant irises 1 time in 4 years, and with a decrease in the quality of flowering, 1 time in 3 years. The beginning of autumn is considered the optimal period, since at this time the plants are still active enough to take root; and there is no risk that they, taking root in a new place, will be subject to negative impact summer heat.

Also, autumn transplantation has the following advantages:

  • a significant reduction in the number of insect pests, which, when transplanted in the spring, will weaken plants and worsen their survival in a new place;
  • ensuring high-quality flowering in spring - if you touch the irises before flowering, then it will not be strong;
  • sufficient humidity - with the onset of autumn it is easier to maintain required humidity soil, which after transplantation is especially important for the full development of irises.

Planting material preparation

Preparation of irises for transplanting to a new place begins in August. A month before moving the plants, it is necessary to completely stop feeding them. Leaves are cut off 7 days before transplanting. Only their petioles 10-15 cm high, extending from the outlet, remain sticking out.

If the rhizomes are divided, then all the places of the cuts must be sprinkled wood ash to prevent rot. It is also possible, instead of sprinkling, to withstand the rhizomes in a solution of the drug Maxim, which will protect them from damage by pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. If desired, it is good to combine both methods of protecting plants from spoilage. Special additional measures for irises are not required. Autumn transplantation of irises takes place without much difficulty, with a number of simple preparatory work.

The snow came down, began dacha work, and the florist is already planning how the planting of irises will go in the spring. These plants can be planted on the site that you are preparing for a future flower bed: the roots will make the soil structure looser. When laying out a flower garden, you need to take into account that irises begin to bloom in May and end in July. They will decorate the flower bed when the early spring flowers have already withered, and the summer ones have not yet blossomed. The bearded iris looks unusually beautiful, in which the petals are covered with villi. Plants are unpretentious, do not require careful soil preparation and complex care, and up to 11 flowers can bloom on each stem.

What will we plant

Irises multiply and vegetatively, and seeds. The second method is too complicated, flowering will have to wait 2-3 years. Why are you such a hassle? This method is used at breeding stations for breeding new varieties. If you still want to experiment and get a flower unusual shape or coloring, sow the seeds in early spring or autumn in a nursery. There, young plants will develop for 2 years, then you can plant them in a flower bed. AT northern regions grains do not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather. If frost threatens, cut the pods and keep them at home until the seeds are ripe.

To properly prepare the place, think about what kind of irises you will plant on the site. All varieties bloom well for 4 years, then they need to be transplanted. The Siberian species can live in one place for up to 10 years, but these flowers have a drawback: they do not fill the air with fragrance. Bearded varieties need soil with a good outflow of groundwater and rainwater, they grow better on a hill, and marsh iris loves moisture, it is often placed near water bodies. You can plant bulbous varieties, they have a richer palette of colors, an interesting combination of colors. This species has one minus: immediately after flowering, the bulbs need to be dug up and stored all summer in a cool place, and buried again in the fall in the fall. If a extra work does not scare you, enrich your flower garden with such plants.

Owners of summer cottages usually prefer growing bearded irises and propagated by division of the rhizome. If you want to start planting in the spring, take care of preparing the tubers in the fall. There are recommendations to divide the bushes at the end of September, but it will be correct to look not at the calendar, but at the plant. When the flowers wither, and the greens and underground parts continue to develop, it's time to harvest the rhizomes. You may have to do this work several times: each variety has its own ripening time. Do not wait until all the bushes are ready, if you are late, the quality and viability of the planting material will deteriorate.

Dig up the plant, shake off the earth and divide into parts. Each new seedling should have a bunch of leaves and an underground part of two annual links. At the rhizome of the main bush, cut off the dried parts and shorten the root processes by a third. For all fragments, completely remove dry and damaged leaves, and cut off the upper half of the remaining feathers. Treat the underground part with a disinfectant solution, dry it, sprinkle cut wounds with crushed coal and sulfur, and put it in a dark, cool room where the seedlings will be stored until spring. Sometimes flower growers do it easier: before planting, they cut off part of the bush with a shovel and transfer it to a new place. In this case, there is a risk of damaging the plant, but usually both the main bush and the cut off fragment feel good.

Rhizomes of beardless irises may dry out during storage. This species will overwinter well if the tubers are planted in a container with soil. In the spring, plant a seedling that has begun to develop along with a lump of soil.

Flower garden for irises

Irises love the sun - choose a place for a flower bed in a bright area, protected from strong winds. Dig up and loosen the soil. If you want to create flowers comfortable conditions, get rid of the roots of weeds and pest larvae, sift the earth through a large sieve. Soil moisture depends on the type of plant: bearded irises need soil with good drainage, and marsh and Siberian varieties prefer to grow wet areas. On the good ground these flowers can develop without additional feeding, but if you decide to apply fertilizers or herbicides to the ground, the flower bed will be ready for planting only after a month.

If the land is not very suitable for growing irises, it can be improved.

  • Add potash and phosphate fertilizers to greasy soil.
  • If acidic, neutralize the soil with chalk or ash.
  • Add sand and peat to the loam.
  • A sand bed can be improved with clay.

Dig holes 10 cm deep. The distance between plants depends on the height of the aerial part:

  • border varieties - 15 cm;
  • irises of medium height - 20 cm;
  • tall bushes - 50 cm.

If you are going to make a multi-tiered flower garden, plant the lowest varieties on the south side, and the highest varieties on the north. The distance between the rows should be at least 70 cm, then all the bushes will have enough sunlight.

Spring planting of rhizomes

Rhizomes winter well under the snow, but if young bushes do not have time to get stronger, they may die. Therefore, planting irises in spring is preferable than in autumn. If you want to see flowering bushes this summer, hurry up with the arrangement of the flower bed. In the southern regions, the soil is ready at the end of March, in colder regions it can be planted in April or May, later it is not recommended. The rhizomes are very hardy, they will take root at any time, but the bush must have time to form and release flowers. The first summer, do not expect large lush inflorescences, the plant will enter its full strength only in the third year.

Look at the condition of the rhizomes. Cut out diseased, damaged or rotten parts, shorten long processes. Disinfect planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then treat with a growth stimulator. Be sure to keep the planting material purchased on the market in a disinfectant solution: you do not know under what conditions the tubers grew and were stored.

If you are going to plant several rows of irises of the same height, make a hill from the bulk soil with a slope to the south. The back bushes will be elevated and receive enough light.

At the bottom of the holes, make a mound of sand and place a rhizome on it. When burying plantings, be careful not to confuse what kind of flower is there. In beardless varieties, the rhizome and part of the stem should be underground, and the tubers of bearded irises should not be completely buried, the top should remain in the air. If you plant varieties that need to be buried, cover the ground with a layer of 5 cm thick mulch. With a thinner backfill, the weeds will have enough strength to break through the compost, and they will gladly attack the flower garden. Water the plantings well, this is necessary not only to moisten the soil, but also so that air cavities do not remain around the roots. If the weather is too sunny, shade the plants for the first few days.

When planting, keep in mind that this flower can move, and next year it will be a few centimeters from where you placed it. If, at the same time, the fans of leaves are directed towards different sides, the flower garden will look messy and unkempt. Arrange the bundles in one direction, it is better that they are turned along the row, and the flower bed will immediately take on a decorated look.

Caring for young plantings will not cause much trouble. If you have prepared the ground correctly, the flowers will not need to be fed at first. Plants will need abundant watering only when the buds begin to tie, moisten before that when upper layer the soil will become completely dry. Weeding will take the main time: the root system is located at a shallow depth, and coarse tools can damage it. Remove weeds by hand with a small hoe. To prevent diseases, spray the bushes with Bordeaux liquid, and treat pests with karbofos.


Irises will take root well and give abundant flowering if, when planting, you take into account the features of each type. Some can grow in moist soil, others need soil without stagnant water. There is a general requirement for all varieties of these plants: they all love the sun, and they do not bloom well in shaded areas.

Weeding a flower bed is very difficult, with a chopper you will damage the roots of bearded irises, which are located on the surface. To make it easier for yourself, sift the soil in the flower garden or shed it with herbicides. After making chemical compounds rhizomes can be planted only after a month. Many species do not tolerate waterlogged soil, it is advisable to arrange a flower garden on a bulk elevation, you can also do good drainage or add hydrogel to the ground. Do not be afraid that caring for irises will take you a lot of time, if you plant the rhizomes correctly, the flowers will not require much care from you.

One of the rules for caring for flowers is their constant and timely transplantation. You need to know when is the best time to move a flower to a new place, how to choose the right place, what you need for work and how to carry out the transplant process. Most gardeners, beginners and experienced alike, are wondering when and how to repot the commonly seen iris flowers. About their transplantation to a new place in autumn period, aftercare and necessary rules which should be followed, we will tell.

Why and after how much you need to transplant to another place

In order for the bushes to grow and bloom well, they need to create comfortable conditions. To transplant flowers to a new place, you need to choose a site where there is a lot of sun, there must be good ventilation.
Under these conditions, irises feel best and bloom profusely.

Did you know? FROM Greek the name of the flowers is translated as "rainbow" or "rainbow". This is due to the fact that there are a fairly large number of varieties and shades of this flower that are available for purchase and planting.

A planned transplant should be carried out at least every three or four years. best time in order for the flower to get used to the new soil, spring is considered when the active phase of leaf growth begins. But you can transplant in the fall.

When to plant irises in autumn

The best time to change the place of residence will be the period after flowering or vegetation. If you transplant irises during flowering or too late after it, then they most likely will not survive the transplant.

If the summer turned out to be very hot and dry, the best time to change places will be last days August or early autumn.
At this time, the growth phase of the plant also begins, and it can take root well in new conditions.

It is worth choosing the time in early autumn - it is best to get down to business in September, while it is still warm. But in late autumn, after mid-October, transplantation is not recommended - the iris may not take root and wither.

Transplanting in the fall has several of its advantages - at this time, the rhizomes are not forced out, which means that this does not reduce the duration and abundance of flowering. Also during this period, the bush grows well, it can be planted after that or left to bloom and get a large number of flowers.

Site selection

When choosing a site, it should be remembered that these flowers are photophilous, therefore it is recommended to select a site with good access to light and wind, preferably without shadows and excess moisture.
Too much water in the soil can lead to root rot or mold and other diseases. Therefore, you need to monitor the level of groundwater in a new place.

Important! Iris is a very frost-resistant flower, so it can winter in open ground any composition.

The lighting should be bright enough, and the bushes also like ventilated places, but not with strong winds. It should be remembered that the landing site must be prepared in advance.

Preparatory work

There are mandatory steps that should be followed when transplanting to a new location. After his choice, the soil is prepared and fertilized, in addition, the plant itself is prepared.

Soil preparation

A place for a flower should be dug up in advance, at least a week or two in advance. Ideally, such preparation is carried out even a few weeks before the planned movement of irises. They dig a hole about twenty centimeters deep, that is, with a spade bayonet.

If necessary, sand is added to the soil with. If the soil is too acidic, be sure to add at least a handful of lime.

It is also important to carry out top dressing of the earth: for this they are suitable mineral fertilizers, to which the bushes respond well. If you fed the iris with one type of fertilizer, continue to use them.

Of course, when preparing the soil, all extraneous plants should be removed, the place should be cleared of weeds and other root systems.

Plant preparation

If the bushes are already old and very large, it is better to dig them out using a pitchfork, slightly planting roots on them. This case cannot be avoided without damage, since the roots of the plant are very fragile.

Therefore, if the volume is quite large, you will have to separate them and transplant only some part. After the main part of the roots that will be transplanted has been selected, they can be washed with water.

This will allow you to view the state of the system and determine if these particular divisions should be used. Sick, dry and damaged parts are removed.

Important! In order for the plant to better tolerate the transplant and get used to the new conditions, you should stop fertilizing the bush about a month or two before the planned date of the change of place.

The leaves should also be cut - always at an angle of 1/3, so that a kind of fan is formed. After that, it is worth disinfecting the rhizomes and leaves in a solution of potassium permanganate or a special preparation that can be purchased at a gardening store.

For transplantation in the fall, you need to choose potash and phosphorus fertilizers - nitrogen fertilizers are not suitable at this time.

Plants tolerate organic matter very poorly, it is better to add ash to the hole, about a handful or two, and after that plant the iris in a new place.

How to plant irises in a new place

In a new place, it is necessary to create conditions in a timely manner for the free growth of each bush. So, the earth is already prepared and loosened, fertilizers are present in it.

Plants are placed in holes about 20 centimeters deep and wide, carefully sprinkled with earth to form a small hill.

Tips to help you plant irises in the fall:

  1. Plants should not be placed too deep or they will start to rot. The top of the root system should be at ground level.
  2. When planting, the rhizome must be straightened in different directions.
  3. Choose 3-4 rhizomes for planting.
  4. All sections must be treated with an antiseptic.
  5. Choose a dry rather than a rainy day for planting.
  6. It is not necessary to apply fertilizers directly when planting a plant - those that were applied earlier when preparing the soil are enough.

Did you know? Iris seeds were once considered a very expensive delicacy. They were fried in a special way and served as a treat. And from them they prepared a drink reminiscent of the taste and color of coffee.

The distance between the holes should be at least 50 centimeters - this will ensure the free growth of bushes in the future.


Watering plants after transplantation is rarely necessary, as it is approaching cold period, besides, an excess of moisture will prevent the bush from taking root. Fertilize also should not be.

Dry leaves may appear after transplantation, but this is quite normal, as the flower is just getting used to a new place: fresh new leaves will soon grow.

Preparation for wintering plants at this stage ends. Since they are winter-hardy, there is no need to cover and insulate them, the necessary pruning has already been done. Special care after such a transplant is not needed.

Iris - very beautiful flowers easy to care for and maintain. The process of transplanting them is quite simple. The main thing - right choice places and preparation.
If this process is carried out as expected, then the bush will grow well even in autumn and have enough strength to calmly overwinter and very soon please you with beautiful flowers.