Reproduction of bearded irises. Iris, planting tricks, soil, reproduction of irises How quickly irises multiply

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General description and varieties of irises

Irises are perennial herbaceous plants, numbering 250 varieties that adorn Europe, Asia with their decorativeness, North Africa, North America.

Since irises are still plants in open ground, they like coolness, so at home the optimal temperature for them will be 4-7 degrees Celsius. Irises will grow well if the room is warmer, about 13-16 degrees.

This is done so that the irises breathe easier. If the ground under them is dry, then you need to water it.

  • ... Therefore, the flowers of irises, which have already withered, should be removed, and the peduncles should be completely broken out by hand.
  • The cut sites must be disinfected with a manganese solution and sprinkled with crushed wood ash... Pieces with buds are planted in clean sand to a depth of 3 cm.
  • The bulbs are planted about 5 cm from the soil surface.

After the roots have grown enough, it will not be necessary to loosen and weed the bed, since the weeds can no longer damage the flowers.

Vegetative propagation is used most often, since it is much less laborious than growing from seeds, it allows you to achieve the desired result faster. The next year after transplanting, the plant will begin to bloom. Delenki are used as planting material - this is the name of the one-year-old rhizomes from which they are cut lower leaves... Delenki are collected after the summer flowering time ends - usually this is the beginning of July. This is the best time for plant reproduction.

Bulbous varieties are more fond of warmth and sunlight, it is more difficult for them to organize the ideal environment for long flowering.

Requirements for growing root irises

It is no coincidence that fragile and delicate irises got their name in honor of the goddess of the rainbow: these flowers surprise with the richness of colors and the variety of appearance. In total, there are more than 250 types of irises, of which at least 20 are actively cultivated in Russia. Experienced florists they attract not only cute external appearance, but also unusual flowering times. They seem to fill the gap between spring and summer flowers and are perfect for those who want to always see blooming garden... With all the external fragility, this unpretentious plants, and growing irises on the site does not require much work.

  • Iris is truly a beautiful and graceful creation of nature, rich in diversity color shades: pink and lilac, blue and purple, white and yellow. Distinguish:
  • How to water irises

Adult plants do not need protection from cold weather.

  • As already mentioned, the site must be exposed to the sun. Previously, some time before disembarking, it should be carefully dug up and loosened. It will be very good for irises if you can raise the bed, making a slope to the south. You do not need to add manure to it.
  • Irises should be planted after they have faded. At this time, root growth becomes more intense, and the engraftment capacity increases. This usually happens in the first two weeks of September. With a later planting, the plant will not be accepted until the onset of cold weather.
  • In addition, irises are propagated by seeds. But reproduction from seeds is ineffective and therefore unpopular. With the help of seeds, you can mainly propagate specific irises. Then there will be confidence in the preservation of their properties. By propagating varietal irises from seeds, you can have all kinds of surprises. If your soul craves creativity and experimentation, then reproduction of irises from seeds is just for this.
  • Bulbous plants require more care than rhizome plants, as they do not like weeds and are afraid of pests. With proper processing and care, bulbous iris takes root well and does not cause any difficulties for a novice gardener. If the stalks become too tall, they must be tied up so that they do not break under their own weight.
  • Iris requires care at regular intervals, these rules will help you provide the best conditions for it, and the result will delight you with beautiful large flowers:
  • Delenki is recommended:
  • Root irises are less whimsical, and it is much easier for them to find a place on the site.
  • Not everyone knows that under the name "iris" three types of plants are hidden at once: these are common in our country root irises and bulbous varieties, which are also divided into several groups.

Rhizome irises;

Planted irises should be well watered and then only kept moist. The optimal watering regime is once a week.

Planting root irises: rhizome propagation

But there are iris varieties that do not tolerate low temperatures well, and for them even an 8-degree frost can be fatal, so they require additional care.

On the same bed without special care, irises can grow for about 10 years. But for hybrids, the place after a few years (for example-5) is better to change everything. Since the plant grows very quickly, and it will not have enough nutrition.

  • One-year-old iris segments intended for reproduction are shortened by 2/3 of the leaf and 1/3 of the root, and only then placed in the pits. A tubercle is made on the bottom of a hole, and roots are placed on its slopes.
  • Irises love areas that are open to the sun and have good lighting. A light shade slightly harms them - the flowering becomes worse, although in the heat it helps from early wilting. There are no flowers in the dense shade, but the leaves grow.
  • Since there are many types of irises, many novice gardeners are at a loss and do not know what to choose. If you are not satisfied with the usual bearded iris with blue flowers, you can decorate your garden with the following exotic species:
  • Mineral fertilizers should be applied to the soil three times: at the very beginning of spring, during the flowering of irises, and another month after its completion.
  • It is imperative to dig it out every 3-5 years, since in unkempt areas the plant will quickly begin to form a dense carpet.

This type of plant has the following requirements for the place and growing conditions:

These include Juno, Xyphium, and Iridodictum. For planting in flower beds, root irises are often chosen, which are often called "cockerels" or "Iris".

Root iris care

Bulbous irises.

  • When the plant begins to bloom, then watering is increased up to two times.
  • Growing irises is not difficult, but very exciting. When minimum costs labor and time and easy care, you will receive a lot positive emotionsadmiring the multi-colored bearded splendor.
  • Flower buds are laid in irises in the summer, and they winter under the snow together with the growth buds that have formed for the next year, from which leaves and luxurious flowers will grow.
  • After that, the roots need to be covered and squeezed well with your hands. The roots of irises should not be buried - this is destructive for them. They should be in top layer land. For the winter, the rhizomes should be covered with earth or peat.

Excessive moisture is fraught with root decay for irises. The place for their cultivation must be chosen where the occurrence groundwater minimal. But during the formation of buds and flowering, they need generous watering.

  • Yellow Queen is a type of bulbous iris, which is classified as iridescent due to its special color. The basic tone of the bud is yellow, but it differs significantly on the lower and upper petals.
  • Fertilizers are applied only to dried soil in the required amount.
  • At the same time, the flowers will become smaller.

The soil should not be too dense. In order for the irises to grow well, peat and sand must be added to the soil, the mixture is thoroughly mixed with a shovel.

The most common variety of irises is the bearded cockerel.

Rhizome irises, in turn, are divided into beardless and bearded. Bearded irises are more decorative than bulbous ones, which attracts the love of flower growers. They got their name due to the presence of petals, decorated with hairs that stand out in color from the color of the flower itself. The height of irises, depending on the variety, can be 10 cm (undersized), and can reach 120 cm (tall). Flat, xiphoid, double-row or linear leaves collected at the base of the stem. Iris fruits are capsules with large, ribbed seeds from 25 to 45 pieces each. The most popular types:

Since homemade iris is grown at rather low temperatures, the air humidity should not be high. In no case should you spray the plant, otherwise cold and moisture will cause rot on the leaves.

Therefore, best time for planting irises - summer, since the growth and development of rhizomes begins 1.5 - 2 weeks after planting. At this time, the laying of flower buds has already begun, and the cuttings can already take root.

Irises are planted according to the 30x30 or 30x40 scheme - it all depends on the variety (more precisely, on the height).

In severe frosts, there is a danger of the death of the rhizome. If the plant grows in one place for a very long time, then the upper layer of the roots may be damaged. In the spring this plant appears to be dead, but after a few weeks, leaves and other roots may grow and the plant is full of life again. Belated spring frosts it stands with honor for itself.

Iridodictium Vinogradova is an interesting bulbous variety, with white petals covered with an interesting dotted pattern. It will look unusual in the garden, and at the same time it is not particularly demanding to care for.

Once every two weeks, irises are sprayed from pests. This plant can be attacked by thrips, which eats leaves. They become weak and depressed, wax deposits disappear from them. Special protection will keep the green mass free from pests, moreover, this is not a very common attack.

What type of iris to choose for the site

The dug rhizome is freed from dry and diseased leaves, in addition, you need to carefully examine the root.

  • On acidic soils irises give leaves, but in this case they will not bloom.
  • Such unusual name they got it because of the special shape of the flower, which really somewhat resembles a head with a comb.
  • Bearded iris, Russian iris, Siberian iris, marsh iris, smooth iris, German iris.

If you have to plant irises in the fall, then you should use seedlings that have flower buds have already formed. Rhizomes intended for planting should be about 5 cm long, 2 to 3 cm in diameter, and well-developed roots.


We must not forget that each piece of rhizome (each section) must be placed in horizontal plane, taking into account the conditions for their growth in the future, since the underground part of the tuber will grow towards the growth of the rhizome, and leaves always grow in the aboveground part. Therefore, in the garden, they must be positioned so that the roots have where to move.

Vegetative reproduction

Iris flowers walk confidently on free ground, spreading horizontally. Over the course of a year, the increase in root area can be about 10 cm, therefore, if you do not follow them, then very soon all varieties can mix and get confused.

Fan formation

Juno Bukhara is a plant with narrow petals and two-colored white-yellow buds. This plant looks surprisingly graceful, it is one of the most fragile and exotic varieties. Much more often plants suffer from diseases, among which the most common is rhizome rot. If it partially begins to rot, all affected areas must be removed as soon as possible.

Seed propagation

In this case, it is necessary to bring ash into the ground or otherwise neutralize excess acidity.


Bearded irises are the most unpretentious variety, but far from the only one.


Before planting irises, the soil should be dug up (about 20 cm deep) and fertilized. Fertilizer is produced with potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, humus (with the exception of manure, which is applied a year earlier). It is recommended to dig up and fertilize the soil 7 days before planting. Fertilizers are applied to a depth of 10 cm. Planting work spend in late summer or early autumn. This is the most favorable period for transplanting irises. It is recommended to replant irises once every 3 - 5 years in order to preserve decorativeness and beauty. Plants should not be planted too close to each other, otherwise they will not have room to grow. The most acceptable distance between seedlings is 40 cm. The rhizome does not deepen much when planting, otherwise the irises will not bloom.

When growing irises from rhizomes, you need to feed the plant once every ten days. Liquid fertilizers are used as top dressing, intended for indoor plants... The dosage is used as indicated in the instructions. The first feeding is carried out when buds on the plant begin to form. When the leaves begin to die off, the feeding is stopped.

Spreading over the site

On the same topic

In autumn, irises should be planted in such a way that, before the onset of severe frosts, they can take root well. It is necessary to take into account the way in which the rhizomes are located, which should be in the same plane with the ground level, and the leaves should be in an upright position, in a fan.

Place and soil

If, when planting, you place iris leaves across the garden bed, then their rhizomes will grow along it, because the rhizomes spend their lives in the upper part of the soil in its horizontal plane. The roots should be horizontal and the leaf fan should be tilted slightly. If planting takes place in the nesting way according to the schemes indicated above, then the leaves should be placed across the outlined circle.In irises, half of the roots are located underground, and half of them always go up. In late autumn, all roots go underground. As a care in the fall, they should be covered with earth or peat, and opened in spring.

These are just a few of unusual species irises to plant. It will not be difficult for iris to create comfortable conditions, they can grow even with moderate watering.

Propagation by rhizomes

If the root begins to rot, it must be removed from the soil, removed the damaged areas and treated with the "Hom" preparation. After processing, the iris root is dried for 12 hours on open air... The most common cause of rot is waterlogging of the soil. Watering should not be excessive, and a drainage layer of sand under the bed will help drain excess water from the roots.

At the same time, the place of the cut should be covered with a mixture of sulfur and crushed coal - this will protect the root from further spread of the disease.

Division by kidney

It is desirable to provide a drainage layer in the soil, since a common iris disease is root rot.

Disinfection of sections

Dwarf, blue, Japanese irises are also popular, and there are even more bulbous varieties.

When to plant

Irises are quite unpretentious plants, but they love places well-lit by the sun, when they get into the shade, their flowering stops. When favorable conditions irises delight with flowering for about two months, and some varieties manage to bloom twice a year. The most gorgeous iris bloom in the third year after planting. These plants prefer neutral soils. If the soil where the irises will grow is acidic, it must be neutralized with ash. Watering is done in the evenings in moderation to avoid excessive waterlogging of the soil, which has a detrimental effect on the plant. When watering, avoid getting water on the iris flowers. Weeding and loosening are carried out carefully with your hands so as not to damage the rhizomes of flowers that are in the upper layer of the soil. For the winter, planting irises is best covered with foliage in case of severe frosts.

Segment landing

The easiest way to reproduce irises is to divide the rhizome. For this, the rhizome of an adult plant is divided into parts, each of which must have buds. Then these rhizomes are planted in the ground.

Irises are never planted one at a time. For planting in it is best to choose a small box or. Irises look great in small wooden tubs. Containers with a diameter of 10-12 cm are best suited. The soil is poured into the container, consisting of peat, sand and leaf or sod land.

Landing scheme

The planting hole should correspond to the length of the roots. The planted plant is watered abundantly, and the wet hole is sprinkled with dry earth (so that a crust does not form). The second time can be watered in 3-4 days. In zharuiris, you need to shade from the sun.

Landing location

If you are planting a whole plant, then you need to take away for it permanent place and not bother him for about five years.

Cultivation of irises should take place in a sunny place, protected from the wind and having an afternoon partial shade on loam and clay soil

If you try to propagate irises with seeds, you can get the most unusual colors of buds - your own breeding work can become the real pride of the owner of the site.

Top dressing

A common disease is gesteosporosis, which affects the leaves of the plant.

Planting material is kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate before being placed on the bed: this additional protection from rot, it will help the rhizome to take root better in a new place.

At the same time, iris - moisture-loving plant, so you will have to water it often. The ground should be slightly damp at all times.

Breeding work continues now, therefore, perhaps, new interesting varieties will begin to appear in the future.

The situation is more difficult with plants affected by diseases. If rot appears on the root system, it must be cleaned off. For this, the plant is dug up and the roots are processed. special means... In addition, it is necessary to remove the soil surrounding the diseased root. All affected leaves are cut and then burned. The second method is less popular, but some growers prefer it - growing from seeds. To collect seeds for planting after the petals fall off, several peduncles are left on the plant. Boxes with seeds will form from them in the fall.


6-8 rhizomes are planted in each box. They should be close to each other. Sprinkle with earth on top of the rhizomes and watered. Unlike many plants, irises do not need to be placed in dark place, partial shade is perfect for them. You can put them on a cool windowsill on the east or west side.

Iris care consists of weed control, weeding, constant and generous irrigation and fertilization that is appropriate for the development of the plant. Also, care for irises involves the prevention of diseases, and if necessary, treatment of the plant.

Summer landing

In order for the irises to receive full-fledged care, they need additional feeding in the warm season. It must be done at least three times.

... Heavy earth, you need to mix with spice and peat. On acidic soils, a little lime can be added to neutralize. If there is stagnation of moisture, then this place needs to be drained.

Autumn planting

More information can be found in the video.

Small brown spots this is especially common towards the end of summer. Each affected leaf must be cut off, and then the whole plant is processed copper sulfate in the amount of 50 gr. for 5 liters of water. In winter, plants must be covered with leaves from the cold, especially for delicate varieties. With the beginning of spring, as soon as the snow melts, the "veil" is removed so that the plant has time to emerge leaves and bloom.

Parts of the rhizome in the garden are placed about 40 cm apart, so that it has enough space for growth. The earth is dug to the depth of the bayonet, after which the rhizomes can be placed in the garden bed. Planting material is placed only vertically, while the bud should remain at surface level. Do not plant the plant too deeply; all remaining leaves should be completely on the surface and placed vertically.


Root iris is a light-loving plant, but it does not like extreme heat. In southern regions with a warm climate, it is quite possible to grow it in the shade, while it will feel great and give large flowers at the set time.

All rhizome irises have xiphoid flat leaves growing in the lower part of the peduncle on the stem of the leaves. There may be several peduncles; at the end of spring, large single flowers with pleasant aroma... Each flower has 6 petals, which can have a wide variety of colors. The lower petals go down, and they may differ in color from the upper ones.

Cold protection

Vegetatively (reproduction of irises by rhizomes); In the fall, seeds are sown in containers with sand and a greenhouse is built over them. The seeds are in this form throughout the winter. In the spring they sprout, which are transplanted into other containers after they grow a little.Irises are unpretentious and complex care is not required. The cultivation of irises at home consists in timely watering, feeding and creating optimal temperature and lighting.

Iris care includes disease prevention. For which they are processed twice a month. Processing begins from the time when the leaves grow 10 cm in length. When the leaves are fully formed, the processing is completed.

The first is done immediately after the winter shelter is removed. For it, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers are used, for example, potassium sulfate in combination with ammonium nitrate (20 grams of each substance).

Under the irises, the earth is dug up to 30-35 cm, all weeds are destroyed and organic matter (rotted manure) is added to a depth of 20-25 cm.

Irises are subdivided by height: tall - above 70 cm, medium - from 40 to 70 cm, undersized - about 40 cm, as well as by flowering time. Early - bloom in late spring, mid-early - in early summer, late - bloom in mid-summer.

Growing bulbous irises somewhat more difficult, since they are more demanding on both the lighting mode and the amount of moisture. They need a sunny place, periodic abundant watering and fertile soil - this will provide plants with fast flowering with large buds. Juno remains the most unpretentious type of bulbous irises - it can grow even on rocky soils, but it definitely needs a sunny side.

Iris - perennialwhich requires regular, but not at all burdensome maintenance:

Excess sun, on the other hand, can damage the leaves and cause the petals to fall off.

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Iris flower planting and care at home, photo and video

Planting irises

When the petals crumble, a fruit-box with seeds is formed on the peduncle, which are used for selective propagation of the flower.


Iris care

If the plants are varietal, then the seedlings may not retain the color of the petals. Often such plants are very different from the mother.

Choosing a place for irises

One-year-old plantings of irises need to be protected from the cold with spruce branches, and in spring they are harvested.

The second (nitrogen-potassium) is carried out four weeks after the first. Fertilizers are applied in equal parts.

Reproduction of irises occurs mainly by dividing the rhizome into parts. Divide them with a knife - sharp and clean. During the separation of the rhizome, the knife must be repeatedly disinfected in saturated potassium permanganate.

Irises are perennial rhizome plants. Their reproduction occurs vegetatively. That part of it, which is located above the ground, consists of leaves and peduncles, which die off every year after flowering, and only rhizomes winter. The replacement buds are located in the leaf axils.

Bulbous irises bloom for about two months: the first buds will appear in mid-May, and flowering will end at the end of June.

Immediately after planting, the plants need to be watered well, and the next watering is carried out at least three days later.

Fertilizers will need to be applied to the soil about a week before planting. The main type is nitrogenous fertilizers, which must be applied to depleted soil. In this case, the amount of feeding should not be excessive.

According to the color of the petals, irises are divided into one-color, two-color, two-tone, edged and iridescent. The last variety has a very unusual color, in which one tone seems to shimmer into another. Graceful yet modest irises can be the perfect decoration for the site.

Plants are propagated vegetatively by a rhizome consisting of links. The bush is cut into several pieces. They get rid of old links, and two - three-year-olds are seated. This is an easier breeding method and more common among florists. Seed propagation is mainly used for hybridization. With this method of reproduction, flowering begins only 2 - 3 years after planting.


Rhizome division

After the end of flowering, the peduncles must be cut off, leaving only the leaves. Watering is gradually reduced. Then you need to remove the yellowed leaves, dig up the rhizome, separate the formed offspring and put it away for storage. At the beginning of autumn, this rhizome is again taken out and planted.

Seed propagation

Irises love good lighting, so you need to choose a lighted place for them, but at the same time, shade a little from the sun's rays. Can be placed with irises in front of a sunny window on high stand or a table.

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, you need to lightly stir up the foliage, which has accumulated over the winter and remove part of the winter shelter

The third is done when flowering ends. For this, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used - such as potassium sulfate (about 25 grams) + superphosphate (about 50 grams) per 10 liters of water.

The rhizome suitable for reproduction consists of several (up to 3 pieces) one-year-old segments or more adults, with viable buds.

If a weak fan (from 3 to 5 leaves) has formed during the formation process, then the flower buds will also be weak and this plant will not bloom next year.

Irises - planting and care, growing, reproduction - Photo of flowers

After that, the bulbs are dug up. If, after flowering, they are left in the garden, the bulbs will suffer from fungal diseases and will be unsuitable for further use. After digging them up, they are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried well. it planting materialwhich should be kept until September.

At first, before root system grows, it is necessary to protect the irises from weeds: they are carefully pulled out with their hands there so as not to damage the root of the cultivated plant.

  • Special requirements apply to the planting material. If you have taken a young root sludge from a bulbous plant, they must not be wrapped in plastic or in a wet cloth before planting. The roots start to rot very quickly, so they should just be kept loose before planting.
  • Root and bulbous irises differ in their requirements for growing conditions:

Iris got its name from Hippocrates, in honor of the goddess from ancient greek myths, which informed people about the will of the gods. According to Japanese legends, even in ancient times, amulets were made there, possessing magical power, protecting from diseases. The city of Florence, which means "blooming" was named by the Romans in honor of the irises, densely growing and blooming in its vicinity. As ornamental plants, irises began to be cultivated more than two millennia ago, and are valued to this day and not only for their beauty. Its fragrant root aroma is used in the perfumery and food industries.

Growing irises at home is an easy way to get in early spring beautiful flowers, then, when other plants are just emerging from the dormant period. Caring for irises is not difficult and even inexperienced growers can do it.

Iris planting

Temperature requirements

Growing and caring for Irises

During the flowering of orcas, they make sure that their obsolete petals do not fall on the leaves, as this leads to their decay

Reproduction of irises

  • But if you come across a rare variety and can't wait to propagate it, then the one-year-old rhizome can be divided into segments according to the number of buds available. You can cut both along and across, but so that each one must have at least one kidney.
  • Healthy bearded irises have a fan of 7-9 leaves with a waxy coating

In September or at the very beginning of October, the bulbs are planted in the ground, after which they are covered for the winter. After wintering with the beginning of spring, they will quickly begin to sprout again. After such a cycle, you can expect real large buds that will turn into a garden decoration.

From the history of irises

The soil must be loosened very carefully, parts of the rhizome will be located close to the surface.

Honeysuckle tartar reproduction

In the literature, it is sometimes indicated that irises reproduce by roots. In this case, two absolutely different organs: roots and rhizomes. The roots of irises cannot regenerate, that is, restore a whole plant from a part. From this it follows that they are not suitable for reproduction.

Some gardening practitioners think that irises can be propagated by leaves.

This is also wrong.

Iris leaf, separated from the rhizome, even in best conditions for root formation (in special greenhouses) does not form root systems and gradually dies off.

(1 - by dividing rhizomes, 2 - by buds) and landing in the ground(3)

It is a different matter when a so-called "shovel" is planted in the ground, which is a shortened bunch of basal leaves with a part of the rhizome. Due to the presence of a piece of rhizome, such a blade under favorable conditions takes root very quickly and turns into a new plant.

Consequently, irises can be vegetatively propagated only by the rhizome, which consists of several thickened links - shortened underground annual shoots. The iris bush is broken or cut into several parts (the break points are added dry charcoal). Each part can be represented by one, two or three annual links. The old links are thrown away. Before planting, cuts are made on the leaves and roots.

When breeding these varieties, the "kidney" method is practiced. In this operation, the annual link is cut into 6-8 parts so that each has a kidney. If a piece of rhizome weighing 0.5 grams remains with the bud, then even such a bud, planted in a pot or a dive box, will develop into an independent plant under favorable conditions. When good care the plant is already capable of blooming in the second year. The maximum number of cuttings comes from lateral buds.

Plants that develop from terminal buds bloom in the first year of growth, which is undesirable, since this makes them weaker. Later, the August-September cuttings of rhizomes give a large percentage of plants that begin to bloom in the first year after embedding. With June-July cuttings, when the flower has not yet been laid in the final buds, the percentage flowering plants falls sharply.

Iris hybrid can be propagated by parts of rhizomes with a bud at any period of growth, and if you have greenhouses and rhizomes harvested from autumn, at any time of the year.

Under production conditions, pieces of rhizomes with a bud are planted to a depth of 3-5 cm in the grooves of the ridges. Plants are most successfully formed on rather moist loamy soils, in shade. Shading is rare for them. standing treesthat do not form a closed canopy. We must not forget that the method of kidney reproduction justifies itself in those cases when in shortest term need to get more plants from a small number of mother bushes. In all other episodes, iris is best propagated by dividing the bush.

For many varieties of iris hybrid nai the best time the second half is used for transplanting and dividing the bushes summer period - beginning of autumn. Late planting is dangerous on heavy, poorly structured soils, since early spring not too rooted plants are squeezed onto its surface when the soil freezes and thaws. In transplanted iris plants, foliage and roots are made less than a third of their length.

In humid summer conditions, iris is best transplanted in early spring or in August - early September, when the plants renew themselves. active processes growth of root systems and leaves. The best planting depth of rhizomes should be equal to 1.5-2 of their diameter. A distance of 25-30 cm between plants in a row, and 45-50 cm in a row spacing. With such a planting, plants in a row close very quickly, form solid lines, which are separated by aisles. This greatly facilitates soil maintenance, fertilization and reduces plant shade.

After planting, the plants are generously watered, for which a slight depression is made around them. When water is absorbed into the soil and its surface dries up a little, the hole is loosened and mulched; in order to make the bed look more neat, the leaves of the plants are turned to one side when planting. In this case, the plane is left across the ridges.

When dividing iris bushes and transplanting them to a new place, the hybrid iris variety accumulates strength in the first year, in the second and third years they bloom generously, and subsequently, when they thicken, they gradually reduce decorativeness.

Irises are used to decorate a personal plot, square or park. The groups that are made up of different varieties tall bearded irises. The selection of varieties for the formation of such groups is carried out taking into account their color, the height of the peduncles (high-stemmed in the background) and the flowering time. Irises are excellent in mixed plantings with other perennials. The most successful components in this case are one-day lilies (hemorrhoids) and perennial lupins. Iris also looks good in mixed beds, in the so-called mix-borders in combination with phlox, peonies, delphiniums and many other perennials. Irises are beautiful in combination with ornamental shrubs, especially with lilacs.

For winter distillation, strong iris shoots... They are carefully cut off with a part of the rhizome with a garden knife. The cut site is treated with sulfur powder and charcoal (1: 1) and dried in the sun. Only shoots of this year are separated, which have at least 8-10 expanded leaves.

2-3 planting units are obtained from one three to five year old plant. For optimal rooting, the leaves on the shoot are made shorter up to 15-20, and the roots - up to 7-10 cm. Delenki are planted in boxes, plastic containers or on racks. The best soil layer height is 30 cm, the planting depth is equal to one rhizome diameter.

The substrate is light and nutritious (sand, humus, peat in proportions of 1: 1: 2), pH 6.5-7.0.

Planting iris produced from early August to mid-September. When watering the soil with a solution of 0.06% succinic acid or 0.01% sodium humate (5 liters per square meter), they root best. There are 40-50 of them on one square meter. Artificial irradiation is performed in mid-October. For irises, the day should last at least 14-16 hours. Light intensity - not less than 4-5 klx.

The best temperatures are from October to January 15-18 °. By adjusting the temperature (from 10 ° to 22 °), you can slow down or accelerate the flowering of irises. When planted in early August, it occurs in mid-November and lasts until February, that is, the most difficult period for obtaining cut flowers.

Characteristics of varieties of hybrid iris

According to the research results of the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences, both early and mid-late varieties can be driven out: Blue Chiffon (bright blue), Big League (bright blue), Blue Rhythm (dark blue), Brasilia (red-brown), Cadillac ( salmon pink), Brimstone (burgundy), Sheri (pink), Chris-May Time ( white), Chi-Chi (dark pink), Cosmopolitan (yellow-green), Golden Delight (bright yellow), Deep Black (dark purple), Karachi (purple-red), Ripling Waters (light purple), Rococo (white with a blue border), Wild Ginger (yellow-brown), etc. Their peduncle height reaches 55-85 cm. During pasture, 3-7 flowers are formed. In the half-release phase, they are perfectly transported.

After forcing, 2-5 new shoots begin to grow, which remain without problems until spring in the digging hole. To obtain flowering irises by March 8, boxes with planted rhizomes are kept until mid-November at temperature indicators 2-5 °.

Forcing bearded irises is simple and can be successfully mastered by flower farms. Forcing irises will significantly expand the range of cut ornamental plants in winter.

Top dressing iris begin after the growth of shoots.

Complex fertilizers N: P: K: Mg (10: 5: 20: 6) and N: P: K (13: 40: 3) are added at least 2 times a month.

In the latter case, magnesium sulfate is also used (10-25 grams per ten liters of water).

The soil is moistened relatively less frequently. With frequent watering, wet bacterial rot can develop, which will cause the death of the shoots.

The iris plant has two completely different organs. They are rhizomes and roots.

In irises, the roots have this feature, they are unable to regenerate, which means that you cannot restore a whole plant from one part. Therefore, the roots are not at all suitable for reproduction.

Irises also do not propagate from leaves. Iris leaf, taken and separated from the rhizome, will not form roots and subsequently gradually dies off, even if a good conditions, in special greenhouses.

How to propagate iris

Basically, the gardener uses the following iris propagation method on his flower garden.

If you take a shortened small bunch of so-called basal leaves together with a part of the rhizome (they are also called a scapula), and plant it in the ground, then due to the existence of a small piece of rhizome, this scapula quickly takes root under optimal growing conditions and you get a new iris plant.

Hence the conclusion - irises reproduce well by rhizomes, which are separate thickened links, the so-called shortened underground annual shoots.

The technique of preparing the division of the iris bush.

The bush is carefully broken or cut into a number of parts, while sprinkling with dry crushed charcoal to preserve the place of the cuts. Each part should have one, two or three annual links. It is better to discard the old links. Before planting the iris, the leaves and roots are pruned.

In case of reproduction of irises of valuable varieties, the kidney method should be used. The annual link is taken and cut into several parts from 6 to 8, while making sure that the kidney is in the cut part.

If in this part, together with the bud, a small part of the rhizome remains, at least 0.5 g, then from this bud, when planted in a pot, in a seedling box, under optimal conditions of temperature and humidity, a new independent sprout of iris will be obtained, a full-fledged plant ...

With proper good care, iris will delight you with its flowering in the second year. The lateral buds produce the largest number of cuttings. Plants that begin to develop from the terminal buds sometimes bloom even in the first year of its growing season. However, this is undesirable due to the weakening of the plant as a whole.

Terms of cuttings

If cuttings are carried out in August - September, then many of the planted plants will bloom in the first year. When plants are propagated by cuttings in June or July, during the period when no flower buds have been set in the final buds, the number of flowering plants is much smaller.

Propagation by parts of rhizomes with a bud, in hybrid iris, is carried out during the entire growing season, and if there are rhizomes harvested in the fall, there is a greenhouse, then you can propagate at any time of the year. In modern production conditions, the resulting particles of rhizomes, together with the bud, are mainly planted in the soil to a depth of about 3 - 5 cm.

Plants thrive best on well-humid loamy soils, in shaded conditions. Shading is good for this, while rarely standing trees that do not form a complete closure of the crowns.

Gardener's tip: The bud propagation method is used when you need to quickly get a lot of plants from a small number of mother bushes. In other cases, iris should be propagated without damage by dividing the bush.

Sometimes it is indicated that irises are propagated by roots. In this case, two completely different organs are confused: roots and rhizomes. The roots of irises are unable to regenerate, that is, to restore a whole plant from a part. Therefore, they are not suitable for reproduction.

Some gardening practitioners believe that irises can be propagated by leaves. This is also wrong. The leaf of the iris, separated from the rhizome, does not form roots even under optimal conditions for root formation (in special greenhouses) and gradually dies off.

Another thing is when a so-called "shovel" is planted in the ground, which is a shortened bunch of basal leaves with a part of the rhizome.

Due to the presence of a piece of rhizome, such a blade, under suitable conditions, quickly takes root and turns into a new plant. This means that irises can be propagated vegetatively only by the rhizome, which consists of separate thickened links - shortened underground annual shoots.

The bush is broken or cut into several parts (the break points are sprinkled with dry charcoal). Each part can be represented by one, two or three annual links. The old links are thrown away. Leaves and roots are pruned before planting.

When propagating valuable varieties, the "kidney" method is used. In this case, the annual link is dissected into 6 - 8 parts so that each has a kidney. If a piece of rhizome weighing 0.5 g remains with a bud, then even such a bud, planted in a pot or dive box, will develop into an independent plant under suitable conditions of temperature and humidity. With good care, it can bloom in the second year. The largest number of cuttings is obtained from lateral buds.

Plants developing from terminal buds bloom in the first year of the growing season, which is undesirable, since this weakens them. Later, the August-September cuttings of rhizomes give a large percentage of plants that bloom in the first year after planting. With June-July cuttings, when the flower is not yet laid in the final buds, the percentage of flowering plants drops sharply.

Iris hybrid can be propagated by parts of rhizomes with a bud at any time of the growing season, and in the presence of greenhouses and rhizomes harvested from autumn - at any time of the year. Under production conditions, pieces of rhizomes with a bud are planted to a depth of 3 - 5 cm in the grooves of the ridges.

Plants develop most successfully on fairly moist loamy soils, in shade. Shading of sparsely standing trees that do not form a closed canopy is good for them. It should be remembered that the method of bud propagation justifies itself in cases when in the shortest possible time you need to get more plants from a small number of mother bushes. In all other cases, it is better to propagate iris by dividing the bush.

For most varieties of hybrid iris, the best time for transplanting and dividing bushes is the second half of summer - early autumn. Late planting is dangerous on heavy, poorly structured soils, since in early spring, insufficiently rooted plants are squeezed onto the surface when the soil freezes and thaws. In transplanted plants, the foliage and roots are shortened by at least one third of their length.

In humid summer conditions, it is preferable to replant iris in early spring or in August - early September, when the active processes of root and leaf growth are resumed in plants. The optimum seeding depth of rhizomes should be equal to 1.5 - 2 of their diameter. 25 - 30 cm are left between the plants in a row, and 45 - 50 cm between the rows. With this planting, the plants in a row quickly close together, form solid lines, separated by aisles.

This facilitates soil maintenance, fertilization and reduces plant shade. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly, for which a small depression is made around them. When the water is absorbed into the soil and its surface dries slightly, the hole is loosened and mulched to make the bed look more neat, the leaves of the plants turn to one side when planting. In this case, the plane is directed across the ridges.

When dividing the bushes and transplanting them to a new place, the hybrid iris varieties gain strength in the first year, in the second and third years they bloom profusely, and then, when thickened, they gradually reduce decorativeness.

Irises are used to decorate a personal plot, square or park. Groups made up of different varieties of tall bearded irises are very good. The selection of varieties for the creation of such groups is carried out taking into account their colors, the height of the peduncles (with higher stems in the background) and the flowering period.

Irises are excellent in mixed plantings with other perennials. The most successful components in this case are one-day lilies (hemorrhoids) and perennial lupins. Iris also looks good in mixed beds, in the so-called mixborders in combination with peonies, phlox, delphiniums and many other perennials. Irises are beautiful in combination with ornamental shrubs, especially with lilacs.

The family of iris or iris has more than 800 species. It is clear that with such a variety, there are certain requirements for each group. It is impossible to create standard conditions for all irises - they are so different. Some irises like well-lit places, but they also tolerate short-term partial shade well. Some rhizomes cannot be poured, while others, on the contrary, grow waist-deep in water. How to choose the right type of plant so as not to destroy the divine beauty?

We will divide all types of killer whales into 4 large groups and consider the cultivation technique for each of them.

Bearded irisesIs the largest and most popular group. Characteristic feature this group is the presence of an additional petal - a beard. Flower structure:

a - internal perianth lobes (standards);
b - stigma;
c - outer perianth lobes (fouls);
d - nadal ridges;
d - stamen;
e - blade of the column;
g - ovary;
h - beard;

and - wrapper

Plants in this group love sunlight, but not direct rays. In the sun, the color of the petals fades, the flowering period is shortened. Leaves grow well in the shade, but the flowers are small, or do not bloom at all.

The soil should be loose so that water does not stagnate, the acid reaction should be slightly acidic or neutral. Loamy or sandy loam soils are best suited. The necessary results can be achieved by introducing ash, peat, sand. Manure for bearded irises is categorically contraindicated. Watered "bearded" rarely, so as not to rot the rhizomes.

It is enough to carry out top dressing twice a season:

· In the spring - azo-potassium fertilizers;

· After flowering - potassium-phosphorus.

In one place, bearded irises grow for about 7-8 years, after which the flowers begin to lose their decorative effect.

Siberian (not bearded) irises - good friends of florists, but, unfortunately, newcomers to household plots... However, these are such elegant creatures that growing them will bring a lot of positive emotions and allow you to create a unique design.

Prefer fertile clay soil and sunny places. They practically do not bloom in the shade. You can add compost and peat to the ground. Monitor the presence of lime in the soil - leaves turn yellow from its excess. And most importantly, beardless "Siberians" love water very much. If the rhizome dries up, the plant will die, so they are watered abundantly and often. Ideal spot for Siberian irises - shores artificial reservoirs... It is better to acidify the soil for these plants, but it is better not to use ash. They grow well in one place for about 10 years, but also an overgrown bush with 20 years of experience somewhere in nook country gardenstrikes the imagination.

Swamp (calamus) irises - wild species that successfully take root in gardens. In natural conditions they live near reservoirs, on the banks of rivers and lakes, waterlogged meadows and in light moist forests.

1 - erect stem;

2 - lanceolate bright green leaves;

3 - the outer leaves are ovoid;

4 - the lower part of the outer sheet - marigold;

5 - internal erect leaves.

They are planted in shallow water, since even short-term drying out of the rhizome leads to wilting.

Prefers slightly acidic soil, fertilizers are well suited for rhododendrons.

There are decorative variegated forms of marsh irises that adorn the pond throughout the summer.

Bulbous irises- primroses that bloom as soon as the snow melts. The most common types:

· Xyphyums - Spanish bulbous irises;

• Juno - Bukhara irises;

· Iridodictiums.

They prefer light soils, since it is difficult for a delicate sprout to break through the thickness of even lawn grass. Planted in full sun or partial shade. Water in moderation - the bulbs should not be constantly in the water.

Growing and care

All irises, except for bulbous ones, reproduce well by the usual division of the bush. You can transplant irises at any time of the year, but it is better to do this immediately after flowering or at the end of summer.

The dug rhizome is washed from the ground, cut into annual tubers so that 3-5 leaves of green mass remain above each. Then the fan is shortened (by 10-15 cm) and roots (by 8-10 cm).

The planting material must be kept for several hours in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. If there is a suspicion of gray rot or other fungal diseases, rhizomes are washed with 10% bleach solution (usual "Whiteness").

Land for planting is prepared in advance so that it settles a little. Potash-phosphorus fertilizers are applied to the planting pit in a ratio of 1: 1. For tall bearded irises, a little nitrogen fertilizer is added (preferably wood ash). The cut is planted on a small mound, directing the heel of the tuber to the south. The roots are well leveled on the tubercle, and sprinkled with earth.

It is impossible to deepen the rhizome.

The distance between tall, bearded irises is kept at the level of 20-40 cm. Siberian irises grow strongly, therefore they are planted at a distance of 80-100 cm.

Care consists in timely loosening and moderate watering. From the second half of summer, watering is stopped in order to prevent root rot.

Bulbous irisespropagated by "children", or get ready-made planting material. It is convenient to grow primroses in plastic containers... Procedure:

· Remove the upper part of the sod around the container;

· Dig a hole to a depth of 10-15 cm;

· Install a container with soil mixture and bulbs in the recess;

· Sprinkle the bulbs with earth;

· Lay the removed sod on top.

With this method of planting, it is convenient to take out the bulbs for winter storage.

General landing rule bulbous plants: The planting depth of the bulb should be about 3-4 of its diameter.

Wintering irises

Most varieties of bearded and Siberian irises are frost-resistant - they do not need to be dug out for the winter. Many gardeners in middle lane do not even cover the irises for the winter. Still, for plants of the first year of planting, and for old bushes in which the tuber rises above the ground, winter shelter is necessary. In autumn, the upper part of the leaves is cut off to a height of 10-15 cm, the soil around the rhizome is mulched, and the bushes are covered with spruce branches or straw.

Swamp irises hibernate well in water, but before frost it is necessary to remove all withered foliage.

Bulbous ones are best dug out at the end of summer (not earlier than their leaves turn yellow) and store in a cool room after drying.

You can talk endlessly about irises. Each owner has his favorite varieties and his own tricks of growing and care. Join the discussion of the intricacies of gardening on the pages of our magazine.