Care for domestic lilies. Lilies - care and cultivation. How to transplant oriental lilies in a pot

What includes care for homemade lily? Compliance with the rules of content of lilies at home will allow a long time to enjoy the type of healthy and flowering plants. But how to provide colors comfortable conditions When growing in pots?

Lilia in pot, care

How to plant a lily in a pot

Before boarding the lily bulbs, they keep 16-19 days in the refrigerator, with temperature indicators of 3-6 ° C. Then placed in a weak milgantin solution for about 2 hours. After that, it is useful to lower the bulbs into the solution of any growth stimulator.

The soil should be nutritious and loose. It can be purchased in the store or make it yourself, mixing the ground from the garden with a compost, humus and fertilizers.

In a high pot of 16-18 cm in diameter, one lily bulb plant. For several bulbs, the container is required larger. To use too spacious kashpo should not: the plant will send all the forces on the formation of subsidiaries, not colors.

At the bottom of the pot, the pots are placed on small stones, pour the layer of the Earth about 10 cm, put the bulb, fall asleep with a layer of land to 20 cm. Pot put in a cool shady seat, and after the appearance of sprouts are rearranged onto the illuminated.

How to care for lily

Rising lily are required:

Constant influx of fresh cool air;

Food fertilizers;


Spraying with water;


If we treat carelessly to perform any of these items, it may damage the plant.

Fertilizer feeds are made every 7-9 days. Upper layer You need to burst regularly, making it neatly: the depths of up to 6 cm will be enough, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the roots.

If you care for Lilia correctly, it is good forces and you can put fresh bulbs each year, getting a new plant.

When the stem reaches 10 cm, the flower pot starts to be taken to the balcony every day for 20-30 minutes, gradually increasing time. Holding a plant, you need to be careful. It is impossible to leave homemade lilies in the pot on the balcony at night if the thermometer column falls below 12 ° C.

The lower parts of the lilies are useful to spray from the pulverizer, while placing the plant in the shadow (otherwise there will be a burn on the leaves). Inflorescences and buds can not be sprayed: it leads to rapid fruit and fading.

Domestic Lilies in Pot: Landing and Care Rules

Almost all varieties of lilies grown at home as a pot culture. These include royal lilies, golden, amaryllis, hypers, dwarf lilies. You can grow at home Lilies of Eastern and Asian groups.

How to plant lily homemade pot

In order for the bulbs subsequently went into growth faster, stratification is subjected to them: put in the refrigerator at a temperature of 6-9 ° C for 16-19 days. Next, 1.5-2 hours are disinfected in a moderately pink solution of manganese. The last stage of preparation is the processing of growth stimulant, for example, "epic", " Amber Acid"Or" Zircon ".

Source: Depositphotos.

Growing homemade lily in a pot

To grow lily it is important to properly prepare the soil. There is a ready-made soil for lilies, but the flower makes it and independently. To do this, mix the garden ground with a humus and compost in equal parts. At the next stage, make mineral fertilizers at the rate of about 60 g per 1 kg of soil. Fertilizers are suitable, which contain iron, phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium and potassium.

The resulting soil disinfect, irrigating a solution of fungicide.

In each pot, put drainage from the ceramzit. At the top on it, pour the soil with a layer of 8-10 cm onto it, stick onto the bulb and pour the soil with a layer of about 17 cm on top. It is not necessary to fill the cutting to the top, it is recommended to leave the place to the edges so that it is recommended to add soil if necessary.

After planting the pot, take into the cool dark place And wait for shoots. When the bulbs give shoots, cease the containers there, where the plants will be provided with fresh air and sunlight.

Lilia Care Rules

While the plants have not bloomed, once every two weeks spray them with a solution of growth stimulants: it helps to form floral kidney.

The soil in the pot is regularly breaking out, because lilies like air access to roots. Do it as much as possible not to damage root systemlocated close to the surface of the Earth.

Lily homemade - moisture-loving plant, and the drying of the earthen coma affects it is detrimental.

In the care of Lily at home there is nothing complicated. Subject to the recommendations of the plant thanks you abundant blossom And make the atmosphere of the holiday to the house.

Room Lilia - Beautiful gentle flower. The Lilia has long been considered a symbol of superiority and chastity. In painting, the image of this flower was very common, especially during the rebirth era. For example, on some madonna canvases, just depicted with white lily on their hands. Short excursion In history is completed. Go directly to how to properly care for Lily.

Earth for homemade lilies.

Earth must have the following components:

  • Peat,
  • Sand,
  • Humus,
  • Bone flour,

It is best if the soil is loose. You can buy it ready in a flower shop.

Watering indoor lilies.

In no case do not water Lily icewater And water from under the tap. Better if it is a little warm and stretched day. Watering is necessary frequent, so that the soil did not drive. During the dying period, watering colors should be slightly reduced.

Where to put a homemade lily.

The lily premises should be cool and ventilated, but without cold draft. With the arrival of heat, the lily will feel great on the balcony. The main thing to avoid the scorching sun.

Lily lily planting.

Large pot is not needed. It must be 15-20 cm in diameter. At the bottom it is necessary to pour drainage, approximately 2-3 cm. Next, plump a bit of the earth (from 3 to 5 cm.). Then put the bulb and gently straighten her roots. Fall asleep to the ground, about the middle of the bulbs so that ultimately the Earth reached half the pot.

Transfer room Lilies.

Lily transplant is not very desirable. If the lilies have grown onion and children need to disembark them.

Undercalinking homemade lily.

The feeder is required 2-3 times a year. It is necessary to feed with liquid fertilizer together with watering. Take care of the leaves from falling on them fertilizers.

Lilia reproduction.

When your lily turns 4-5 years, the main bulbs are formed "kids." They will have their roots. They must be carefully separated from the main bulbs, without damaging the roots, and put in another pot of small size.

When the lilies are blooming.

Lilies very rarely bloom in the first year of their lives. If you bloom, then "not free." From the second to the fourth year, Lily comes to his flourishing (blooms lush and plentiful). By the fifth year, stormy bloom falls. This is a signal to the fact that it is time to disembark "kids."

Storage of lily bulbs.

Early spring purchased bulbs are stored in the refrigerator, in a container that transmits air filled with sawdust. For more than 2 months, they cannot be stored in the refrigerator.

We hope that our advice will help you with your room lilies. And for a long time they will delight your blossom.

Lilies, these truly royal flowers can be grown not only in the gardens, but also at home. There are many types of indoor lilies: Asian hybrids, dwarf, royal, beautiful, golden and long-color lilies, as well as plants of Hippeastrum and Amarillis, which are often called lilies because of their beautiful large flowers, so similar to the flowers of real lily.

Lilies' indoor flowers are very beautiful: white and purple, purple and pink, monophonic or with stains of various shades, these plants will remarkably decorate your interior, bringing fresh breath of nature.

How to care for room Lilia: Memo Flor

Home Lilia is a rather capricious plant, it requires care and attention to yourself. Caring for this indoor plant Such:

  1. Lily loves slightly wet soil and the influx of cool fresh air. Keep it in a bright place, but avoid straight rays of the sun. Water the earth as drying and definitely provide good drainage: Excessive humidity can destroy the plant.
  2. Occasionally spray the leaves of the lily from the pulverizer, refreshing them.
  3. Periodically break the ground in the pot and pour there woodwood, humus, peat.
  4. Remove weeds as needed.
  5. When Lilia blooms, tear the stalks to the sticks.
  6. Feed the plant with liquid fertilizers before it blooms when buds appear and after the flowers fell.
  7. So that the bedroom lily was strong and healthy plantIn the first year, the buds appeared are best removed.
  8. At the beginning of autumn, when Lily will flash, cut her leaves and stems near the bulbs itself.
  9. On the winter Hide the bulb into a polyethylene bag with wet sand or moss.

Landing and transplanting room lily

Since the flowering period of the room lily usually lasts from June to August, it is recommended to plant it in early spring. For a medium-sized plant, a pot of diameter is not more than 20 cm. Pour the pot on the bottom of the drainage, and then up to half fill it with a mixture of river sand and light fertile land. Squeeze the lily bulb so that it is in about the center of the pot (height), straighten the roots and slightly in the earth. Sleep the soil to the top will be possible when the stems are raised above the edge flower pot. You can also put several bulbs in one tub different species - It looks very impressive.

Before the appearance of green sprouts, store a pot with Lily in a dark cool place, and as soon as you see young shoots - rearrange it on the windowsill or on the balcony. Do not forget to open the window and ventilate the room where Lily grows. During flowering, it is slightly increased watering plants.

Lily does not require transplant: over the spring-summer period, it must remain in the same capacity. If its size during this time increased significantly, then the next spring simply put the bulb into a pot of larger diameter.

Possible room lilies

Diseases of indoor lilies most often occur from excessive irrigation, insufficient air permeability of the Earth or as a result of infection with pests.

In the first case, the bulb can rot, the mold appears on it. It is necessary to stop watering for a while and change the land: perhaps in a pot too little drainage or soil is too heavy. There may be a reverse situation: when Lily watered a little, her leaves become dry, losing color, wither. Just review the graph of irrigation, and the plant will recover.

In the second case, if you notice insects - a lily fly or beetle, TRU - use to combat them insecticides.

Create a suitable condition for room lily, and it will delight you every year with beautiful bright colors.

  • House lilies
  • Time to landing lilies in pots
  • Rules landing lilies in pots
  • Caring for Lily in the pot
  • Varieties of lilies that are suitable for growing pots

Blooming lilies in the room Or on the balcony - this is something incredible. During flowering, the room is filled with an amazing aroma, and bright colors Please and surprise the eyes. Today are special varieties that are adapted for potted growing. First of all, it asian and oriental hybrids. They are formed very few kids, and in one pot without transplanting can grow for several years.

House lilies It's not so difficult to grow, as it may seem. The flowering period of lilies can be adjusted, and have excellent buds to any celebration. Ever lilies can even be held in winter time. To do this, you just need to choose the right time to land and observe the necessary conditions For growth and development.

The height of lilies can reach 150 cm. But for potted growing, you need to choose low varieties that form compact bushes. No less important is the choice right pot, that is, the pot of the desired size. The higher the flower, the greater height and diameter there should be a pot. For example, if the height of the stem is 150 cm, the height of the pot must be 35-40 cm. For one bulb, 16 cm. The volume of landing place. Based on this, in a pot of 40 cm with a diameter, 3-4 bulbs can be planted. We do not advise to plant one bully in one pot. First, it is not so beautiful, secondly, with a large amount of land, kids are actively formed and the flowering process slows down (the plant does not bloom until all the roots fill the free space).

Where to begin:

  1. Choose quality planting material - The bulbs should beat large, weigh at least 40 g, not damage;
  2. Stop on two or three grades, give preference to asian, oriental, dwarf and long-color species;
  3. Till hold in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks;
  4. Before boarding the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium mangartage for 2 hours, after which 12 hours in the growth stimulator solution.

As lily can grow in a pot of non-transplantation For 2-3 years, it is necessary to ensure that it is optimal wintering. You can not keep tanks with landings on the balcony in the winter, as the bulbs can freeze.

Time to landing lilies in pots

Disembark bulbs lilies in a pot You can at any time of the year. If you need to have flowering lilies in summer, to decorate balconies and terraces landing bulbs no later than the second decade of March. Such lilies will bloom no later than the second half of May. For later flowering, repeat the landing at intervals in two weeks. If you need flowers in December, the bulbs need to land at the end of September.And as soon as the sprouts will appear to provide additional lighting.

Rules landing lilies in pots:

  1. Preparation of soil mixture. Unlike tulips, which for flowering does not need nutrients, lily bulbs need them. The land must be light and nutritious. It can be purchased in the store (primer for lilies) or prepare yourself. It is suitable for nerd land and compost or humus, in equal proportions. Add comprehensive mineral fertilizer (nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus in equal proportions to this mixture.
  2. Drainage . At the bottom of the tank, put a 5 cm layer of drainage, Keramzit or broken shards, and pieces of foams are suitable. From above, pour 10 cm layer of prepared soil mixture.
  3. Landing . Spread the bulbs with tops up so that they do not touch each other. Lightly press to the ground. Pull them off 15-20 cm layer fertile soil. To the upper edge of the pot, leave approximately 7 cm, because as it should be added to the soil, because the bulbs form additional surface roots. Landing pour warm water So that the soil evenly moistened to the entire depth.

Caring for Lily in the pot

Bright and long-lasting bloom is possible only when all agrotechnical requirements are met. It is not difficult to care for Lily in a pot. We only need to regularly water and feed the planting by complex mineral and organic fertilizer.

After landing, you need to wait for Rostkov, at this time need to maintain a low temperature and watering As the earth coma dries. It's every three or four days. As soon as the sprouts appear, spend the first feeding with a solution organic fertilizer. After a week, spend reuse feeding phosphorus-potash fertilizer. During the growth of Rostkov, it is desirable to spray them with a growth stimulant twice a week. As soon as the sprouts reach a height of 10 cm, spread in the pots of the earth. Further care lies in daily irrigation, and loosening as the soil seals. Swimming should be carried out very carefully, so as not to damage the roots, to the depth of no more than 5 cm. All this time, hold the lilies in the brightened place. A month after the appearance of sprouts, the plant can be taken out. On the first day half an hour, on the second - for an hour, and so gradually up to ten hours a day. The temperature on the streets should not be below 10˚С.

Varieties of lilies that are suitable for growing in pots or potted lilies

For potted growing Perfect fit short lilies - this is eastern and Asian hybrids. They reach up to 80 cm in height. Eastern hybrids are characterized by large very fragrant flowerswhich reaches up to 12-20 cm in diameter. They are available in red, purple, pink or white shades. Asian flowers Smaller size 7.5-10 cm in diameter. They are without flavor and are available in bright shades of golden, yellow, orange, pink and white.

  1. Lily White Joy. - Asian hybrid. Beautiful large flowers Snow-white coloring will not leave you indifferent. But there is not enough fragrance. In addition, it is easy to care for it. Ideal for early surveillance. Flowers are large, consist of six petals, which are very similar to each other. Flowers are directed up. The length of the booton is 8 cm. Red-colored anthers. Buds are proudly towering on durable bluers and remind of candles. The size of the flower in the disclosed form is about 15 cm in diameter. Long do not fade. Color color may vary depending on the lighting. The height of the plant is 30-40 cm. Does not require enough big SquareAnd successfully can even be grown on the balcony and in the room. It is also suitable for distortion in greenhouse conditions. Buds are revealed after 60-65 days after landing!
  1. Lily Sunset Joy. - Asian lily hybrid has up facing sunny yellow flowers with copper-red tips, thin border and middle. With prominent red-brown anthers. It produces loose inflorescences from the beginning to the middle of the summer and is ideal as a container culture. Flowers bloom after 60-65 days after landing. They just charge their solar energy All around! Flowers are simple, six-board, reach up to 16 cm in diameter. Buds are directed up and look like candles. The length of the booton is 9 cm. Talking of low growth, durable. They grow high to 40-50 cm.
  1. Lily Sunny. Joy - Elegant variety, which refers to Asian hybrids. Potted lily, which was bred in Holland. This variety was originally intended for container landing. The plant looks perfectly in the garden when it is in a group landing in the foreground in the border and in the mountaineering. Flowers bloom after 60-65 days after landing. This little Lily really justifies your name. She simply charges his solar energy around. Its golden yellow flowers with dark freckles closer to the center, orange celebrations on the petals will give you the soul. Farmers of redheads. Flowers are simple, six-board, reach up to 16 cm in diameter. The length of the booton is 7.5 cm. Talking of low growth, durable. They grow high to 30-40 cm.
  1. Lily Preciouus Joy - This is the most "red" lily. Brilliant terry flowers Dark red color and without pollen conquer at first sight. In addition, it blooms one of the first. This variety Refers to the group Asian hybrids that are designed for growing in pots. This is one of the most beautiful varieties of unpretentious lilies that we offer! In addition, it is easy to care for him. In one flower, all shades of red color are collected and complements their purple tint, which, as a rule, is placed in the middle of the petals. Flowers are large, consist of six outer petals and sewers and six internal. External petals and cupid wide, and spectacularly wrapped back. The inner petals and chashelistics are narrower and half short. It happens that they have a kind of thin ribbons. Flowers are directed up. The length of the bud is 8 cm. There are no dustners. This is a pleasant news for those people who suffer from hay fever. Buds resemble candles. The size of the flower in the open form is about 16 cm in diameter. They do not fade for a long time. The height of the plant is 50-60 cm.
  1. Lily Delicate Joy - Elegant variety, which refers to Asian potted lilies. These beautiful and unusual flowers, like Delicate Joy Lily you have not seen. Flowers with a diameter of 15 cm, with creamy yellow petals and tips with a pink blush. Farmers of redheads. Flowers terry, with a double number of flower petals and cupboards. External petals and cupboards are wide and spectacularly twisted backwards. The inner petals and cups are narrower, with elongated strongly aligned tips, like the tail of the firebird. It happens that they have a kind of thin ribbons pink colour. Flowers are directed up. The length of the bud is 8 cm. There are no dustners. It is also suitable for distortion in greenhouse conditions. Flowers dissolve after 65-70 days after landing.
  1. Lily Sparkling Joy - This lily of snow-white color, like a bride dress, with a shade of pastel-yellow color in the center. It has stamens that shade petals. This variety is derived in Holland. One of magnificent varietieswhich belongs to Asian potted lilies. Without possessing any one particular dignity, has whole line Attractive features: large flowers of unusual colors, compact growth. Flowers dissolve after 65-70 days after landing. Flowers are simple, sixiest, size with a dining room. They reach up to 17 cm in diameter. The length of the booton is 8 cm. Compact pattern. They reach up to 40-50 cm in height.
  1. Lily Perfect Joy - Firestarter. One of the magnificent lilies, which relates to Asian hybrids. Two-color. These are dwarf Asian hybrids. Their growth rates are strong, and flowering - long. The rich colors of flowers makes them desired in each garden. Strong stems grow only to 40-50 cm. Six-flower flowers, diameter up to 15 cm. They are drawn up. Have intense-pink petals with a soft, milky-white center. There are also several "freckles", which are located closer to the throat of the flower. Farmers of redheads. Buds reach up to 8 cm in diameter.
  1. Lily Confetti Joy - It introduced into the culture quite recently and can serve as a standard of compact lily. Without possessing any one particular dignity, has a range of attractive features: large flowers of unusual colors, early blossom, endurance. Flowers are revealed after 60-65 days after landing. Flowers are simple, six-board, reach up to 13 cm in diameter. Watch up. In half a rays, the water lily is very much reminded. The booton length is 7 cm. Flowers in the shades of white and pastel-purple color with a dark rare crap closer to the throat. Farmers of redheads. Leaves from 2-3 to 20 cm long, seating or cuff, medium-green, glossy, they are thickly covered color-bearing stem And create contrast to flowers.
  1. Lily Aprot Joy - This is Lilia amazing beauty. She is so beautiful that he captures the spirit. Its light orange flowers with dark freckles closer to the center, poorly white marks around the throat come to your heart. Farmers of redheads. Flowers are simple, six-board, reach up to 16 cm in diameter. The booton length is 8 cm.
  1. Lily Majestic Joy - The majestic coral and pink flowers are excellent in combination with a yellowish-white glow in the center of petals and a dark red throat. One of the exotic lilies, which relates to Asian hybrids. Two-color. Such a variety of lilies is sensational, and is ideal for a grandiose flower show. Suitable for growing on the terrace, patio, on the balcony in the room. It is also unique and useful in the garden. The extension looks better when it is in a group landing in the foreground in the border and in the mountaineering. Flowers dissolve after 65-70 days after landing. Strong stems grow only to 40-50 cm. Leaves from 2-3 to 20 cm long, seating or sweet, dark green, glossy. They densely cover the flowers and they contrast effectively with bright flowers. Flowers are six-board, size with a dining room (diameter up to 17 cm). They are drawn up. Have intense-pink petals with a soft, milky-white center. There are also several "freckles", which are located closer to the throat of the flower. Dark shade anthers. Buds reach up to 9 cm in diameter.