The construction of an inexpensive wooden fence around the suburban area. Cheap fence for giving with their own hands

You need to build a fence on suburban area, but you do not have the financial capacity to hire workers. How to be the most unique and sophisticated and at the same time spend the minimum amount of money?

To build a fence in the country, you will need poles and a crate. Pillars can be metal, concrete, wood or brick.

What may be needed during construction

With such construction, it is necessary for high-quality work to have such a tool:

  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • lacing;
  • construction wheelbarrow;
  • (depending on your preferences and capabilities);
  • a hammer;
  • screws or nails;
  • brush and paint;
  • concrete mixer.

Fences separate your land plot from neighboring properties, from the street, from the penetration of third parties.

In addition to its functional qualities, the fence must be strong, durable, and its part facing the street must be attractive.

How to make a fence yourself - many gardeners ask themselves this question. First of all, it is necessary to study what parts the fence consists of. Then purchase all the details you need and only then proceed with the construction of the fence.

The crate for the fence can be made of any material: chain-link, corrugated board, boards, willow, etc.

  1. The fence consists of load-bearing parts and crates. The role of the load-bearing elements of the structure is performed by the pillars on which the rails, wire, and frames are attached.
  2. You can make a crate from any material you have available. It can be brick, metal, slab, slats, boards, willow, any material suitable for this.

You have decided to make a fence out of wood. To do this, you need to make pillars. For their manufacture, use logs or timber. Treat its lower end with an antiseptic, you can cover it with resin or wrap it with roofing material, roofing felt - this will extend its durability. Make the upper end on a bevel, then rainwater will drain from it to the ground, and not get inside the tree, you can cover it with decorative roofs. With the help of notches or overlays, the legs will be attached to the poles.

The legs are attached to concrete and metal poles with clamps, brackets and brackets.

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If you want to make a fence cheaper, then you can make it yourself concrete pillars. To do this, make molds from boards, inside they must be sheathed with sheet iron. It is best to make several molds and pour them with concrete at the same time.

The scheme of brick pillars for the fence.

  1. It will take some time for the concrete to dry. The frame of concrete pillars must be made of 6-8 mm wire. It is inserted into the form, and everything is poured with concrete. Do not forget to provide staples to which you will then attach the legs.
  2. You can drill pits for poles with a hand drill 70-90 cm deep. If the poles are large in diameter, then prepare pits 70 cm deep for them. concrete screed or clay castle.
  3. Brick pillars are placed on a foundation made of concrete, brick or rubble.

Hedges made of wood are still the most popular, despite their relative fragility. Optimal time their service is 12-15 years. Sledges for wooden fences are made from timber, thick boards, poles. They are attached to the posts with nails and staples.

One of the main advantages of wooden fences is the possibility of making them from cheap improvised, local material: brushwood, sanded poles, willow.

A picket fence is easy to erect and does not require large labor and financial costs.

  1. Clear the perimeter of the future fence from all unnecessary items, as well as from bushes and other plants. At the edges, drive in the pegs and pull the twine between them.
  2. Dig in poles at a distance not exceeding the length of the legs. Check the verticality of the posts with a level or plumb line.
  3. Fasten the legs on the poles, nail the picket fence on them. You can nail it horizontally, vertically or in a checkerboard pattern. Cut off the upper ends of the picket fence strips on a bevel, then the water will drain from them to the ground. A wooden fence is necessarily covered with paint, which protects it from rotting and wear.

A metal mesh can serve as the main part for making a fence. It is mounted on metal, reinforced concrete or wooden poles. The lower edge of the mesh is located at a distance of 10-12 cm from the soil. If necessary, this gap can be sealed with stone, gravel or boards.

The scheme of the gate from corrugated board.

Between the pillars, you stretch two carrier wires, on which you will then attach a metal mesh. It's better to do it together. Unwind the mesh and lay it along the perimeter of the future fence.

Separate pieces of the mesh are connected to each other soft wire. Insert a piece of reinforcement into the edge of the grid and fix it on the corner post. Raise the mesh fabric and temporarily fix it on the upper carrier wire. When m remains to the second corner post, insert the reinforcement into the mesh and pull it, then fix it on the post. Tie the mesh to the carrier wire at a distance of 30-40 cm.

Doing around suburban area fence, you need to install a gate or gate in it. They must be comfortable and durable. Usually wood or metal is used for their manufacture.

It is not difficult to come up with a fence design, it is more difficult to realize the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to do exactly what you want. But when there is a desire to also make money on it, then you need to evaluate the attractiveness from the very beginning. consumable. After all, the overall design is often assembled from everything that is idle or sold for a penny.

From improvised materials

Now, it is on the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, that's what you can choose from:

  • Pallets;
  • Used slate;
  • Plastic (various containers);
  • production grid;
  • Cutting from a sawmill (the most budgetary rural option);
  • Shrub branches (gathered with their own hands, if there is one near the construction site);
  • (for a fence or a barn, there is no budget option);
  • Dismantled wooden barrels (a rare case, but sometimes in production workshops they are forced to sell already broken barrels made of strong wood by self-delivery);
  • Scrap metal (if you have transport, you can visit retail outlets and collect poles, crossbars and even some handmade decor by weight);
  • Professional sheet. The most inexpensive;
  • Concrete, cement and decorative.

How to make a cheap fence out of all this? Let's analyze in detail.

Designer novelties

Beautiful photos with original ideas:

Simple design layout. In the photo - a homemade picket fence from wire, hazel, willow. You don’t even need to nail anything on a simple fence made of branches with your own hands, it’s enough to make turns between the supporting parts, and a low fence will be ready very soon. It is a pity that such constructions do not last very long because of strong winds and precipitation.

A garden version of a decorative fence in a private house, assembled on its own. And the more paint residues are used in this version, the brighter the garden itself will look. Boards can also be selected from pallets, creating a simple decoration element.

Worth noticing! Such a garden fence is also an impromptu bird feeder and drinker. Very original and inexpensive.

Brick, cement and glass. American novelty. The materials are not cheap and improvised, but it looks great. Unfortunately, such a design, most likely, will not stand for a very long time due to the rapid interest. In total there is someone who cannot repeat this.

Copper or other metal at work. Of course, an element for an amateur. Yes and welding work a lot of. But if you make, for example, from iron beds of past eras, then it will be original, free and forever.

Plastic. Even greenhouses have been made from containers for a long time. And don't forget about fences. It is desirable, of course, to make small pieces from empty containers flat material, with which buildings or fences are then sheathed. But the above method is also suitable, just prepare a strong frame in advance.

Europallet. Suitable everywhere: firewood, building a barn and a fence. Interestingly, the technology for creating the pallets themselves has a drying stage. It turns out that pallets from the warehouse are ideal construction material for an inexpensive fence. And often unloading pallets are sold simply by weight. On small-sized boards, there should be no knots and defects.

It is not necessary to dismantle pallets for the construction of the fence. It is best to do as in the photo above - expose and fix each of them in turn.

Branches, tree and slab

Quite inexpensive, an example in the photo:

You can’t imagine it easier - they insert or drive in something for support, and then weave the way the soul desires. Everything that lies under your feet goes to work. Even dry, crooked and heavy oak branches can be the end of the composition.

Below is a picture of a fence. From a thin branch such a design, of course, does not differ in strength. But you can fix a ready-made home-made fence with a mesh over the entire area.

So (next photo) is much stronger, more economic and more beautiful. Livestock, pests from the forest or abandoned dogs will not violate your territorial space. Moreover, the grid can be installed not the smallest, and it is enough for one meter from the ground. Above, such protection is no longer needed.

Mesh combined with a wooden frame performed according to right technology(a tree under a cone, columns are processed by bitumen). Modest, not very expensive and reliable. You should not sin on a tree, because a fence made of absolutely any material will not last forever. And even monolithic structures are destroyed by atmospheric changes.

carved grace. This is a small work of art. Although earlier, when most of the population of our country lived in private lands, carved elements were in every yard. It had several meanings: prosperity, accuracy, skill and respect for traditions.

Below - pallet garden fence treated with protective compounds.

fence board blends very nicely with concrete base and pillar.

By the way, it is the “fence board” that comes in several varieties (grade 1-3). If there is a lot of crooked wood at the sawmill, then grade 3 fence boards will accumulate in cubic meters. Externally, of course, there are differences, but this is the same wood that is used in construction. There is more trouble with her, but for such a low price she is forgiven. And if grade 1 costs from 3 thousand per 1 cube, grade 3 will cost 1.5-1.8.

It is also interesting that cheap lumber is not bought quickly, therefore, in warehouses or squares, find a dried up fence inexpensive board easily.

Original wood processing

By Japanese technology now you can burn fence boards, giving brown shade. Similar processing for natural material only needed once. Moreover, a thin layer of burnt wood is resistant to moisture, and natural processing can only be replaced by expensive paint, the service life of which leaves much to be desired. Burn several dozen boards with oxygen or blowtorch comfortable, practical and original.

Slate, profiled sheet, concrete and mesh

If you take a new slate into work, then it would be better to order exactly the flat version, designed for 1 span. Such material is easy to replace in case of breakage, and it looks discreet, solid, more solid.

Used slate more often with a wave. It is rarely used on the front part, except for visors. However, the back side of the site, closed from the eyes of everyone and everything, also needs to be fenced. That's where they find use for the old slate from the grandfather's house or barn.

Interesting fact! Slate, released in the 70-80s of the 20th century, is very fragile, but durable. If no cracks are made during transportation and installation, then it will stand in the fence for more than one decade.

Classical rules for working with your own hands on a profiled sheet and a metal frame. As shown in the figure, for a high fence (above 2 meters), it is more correct to make 3 logs. Well, the span is not more than 2.5 meters.

Patterned grids. Long and hard work. It must be carried out according to the project or pattern. Of course, you will have to work hard, but you can sell such works. Or get hired for design, if there is interest in your ideas.

Cheap, beautiful and original. Everything can be used in decorative elements: from forks to car hubs. And it doesn’t matter how it all will look exactly in the overall picture, because it’s impossible to ugly assemble different elements made of iron or other material into one design.

Profiled sheet or corrugated board wooden frame . An option for those who do not know the welding craft. It is better to make the frame itself more stable, although sheets arranged horizontally will give the necessary rigidity. It is desirable to treat wood with protective agents based on drying oil.

Concrete or brick fences. Lots of shades here. decorative elements and, consequently, costs. It is more profitable to make only the base from stone, placing it in the center of each span wood, forging, decking or even factory plastic.

Estimated cost

Let's take a look at the example of a standard 6 acres of a summer cottage:

Type of fencematerialsQuantity of materialsCost per unit, rub.Amounts, rub.
Wooden fence with concrete baseCement (concrete);11 cubic meters;3 thousand;33 thousand
pillars (logs);From 50 pieces;450; 22 thousand
logs (beam);40 pieces;150; 6 thousand
fence board (grade 2-3).200-250 pieces.60. 15 thousand
Result: 76 thousand for building materials.
Mesh with concrete baseConcrete;11 cubic meters;3 thousand;33 thousand
Pipes for the frame;89X40;1500; 78 thousand
Logs made of wood;50 pieces.

200-250 pieces;

108; 3.7 thousand
Grid.170 square meters.60. 9.4 thousand
Bottom line: material without delivery 124 thousand.

These are prices for the central region. And if you call to count the fences of the above materials on a turnkey basis, then you need to add up to 50 thousand for work and delivery.


Fences made of stone, brick and a decorative component cost twice as much as a fence made of mesh or wood.

It is easy to guess that it is most profitable to do what you have planned with your own hands, using the same euro pallet or used pallet. After all, with high-quality installation, they look much more original. The price of the work is cheap, the material itself can be ordered from 100 rubles apiece. 1 element is a whole meter of an almost assembled fence. Consider for yourself what is better for a conventional fence.

Video instruction

Ivan Galkin tells how to make an inexpensive fence.

The fence of the site plays not only a protective, but also a decorative role. Due to the variety of materials in modern market, you can build a fence not only from wood or chain-link mesh, but also from brick or corrugated board.

You can find instructions, ideas and drawings for building a fence with your own hands in this article. It contains useful information for those who want to make a strong and beautiful fence for the site.

DIY fence

Permanent fences are subject to both general and statutory requirements. Among the common ones are:

  • Reliability of supports, their resistance to wind loads, as well as to rain and melt water;
  • Lack of shading of residential buildings and green spaces;
  • Neat appearance;
  • The erection of deaf fences is allowed only from the side of the street.

Guided by these requirements, you will be able to independently create a project and build a fence on the site, choosing the most suitable material for this.

How to make a wooden fence

Recently, wooden fences are becoming less and less common, because wood is being replaced by more modern building materials that have high quality. However, a picket fence structure is often erected in summer cottages, as it combines ease of construction with an attractive design. appearance and cheapness.

Installation materials

For construction wooden fence from the picket fence you will need the following materials:

  • Wooden poles for supports;
  • Trimmed or planed boards, the length of which depends on the estimated height of the future structure;
  • A beam, 2 - 2.5 m long and 40x40 in section;
  • Cord and stakes for marking;
  • Construction nails (screws);
  • Crushed stone (concrete) for mounting pillars;
  • Ruberoid (roofing felt) for waterproofing supports.

In addition, you will need an antiseptic or bituminous mastic to process the pillars. Without this, the supports can quickly fail, and the integrity of the structure will be compromised.

Construction of a wooden fence

With the budget cost of a wooden fence, it can serve its owner from 10 to 15 years. In addition, its construction does not require special building skills, so it is quite possible to do all the work yourself without spending money on the services of professional builders.

Stages of building a wooden fence

Consider the sequence of work in the construction of a wooden picket fence:

  • Performing markings with determining the locations of the pillars (2-3 meters apart);
  • Preparation of wooden poles for installation in the soil: treatment with an antiseptic and bituminous mastic. Alternatively, wrapping the ends of the supports with roofing paper or roofing material can be used;
  • Digging recesses for supports in accordance with the markings. In this case, the depth of the submerged support must be at least a quarter of the total height of the structure;
  • Arrangement of a sand and gravel cushion at the bottom of the recesses. Its thickness should be from 10 to 25 cm. It is mandatory to spill the layer with water and thoroughly compact it;
  • Installation of supports and their concreting;
  • Fastening wooden beam to the installed supports after the concrete has set;
  • Fastening shtaketin to transverse bars. In this case, the minimum distance from each picket fence to the ground surface should be at least 5 cm.

At the final stage, the wooden structure is treated with colorless mastic, impregnation or oil paint.

How to make a chain-link fence with your own hands

In the conditions of small summer cottages, due to the risk of shading, it is impossible to build fences from corrugated board, slate or brick. In this case, the chain-link mesh becomes indispensable, the fence from which does not prevent the sun from entering the site and passes air well.

In addition, the netting is inexpensive, but it lasts a long time. Let us consider in more detail the features of the construction of a structure made of this material.

Construction of a chain-link fence

The easiest way to build a chain-link fence is to fasten it between posts made of various materials(metal, wood, concrete). Wherein optimal distance between the supports is 2.5 meters, and their height is calculated in a special way.

To the width of the grid add the height of the clearance from the fence to the ground (5 - 10 cm) and an additional meter and a half. The resulting number will indicate the average height of the column. At the same time, the length of the corner posts exceeds the rest by 20 cm, since these supports carry a large load, and therefore they need to be buried deeper.

If you are using wooden posts, be sure to treat them with an antiseptic before installing. It is also recommended to concrete the bases of all installed supports for greater stability.

Further, hooks for mounting the mesh are attached to the supports with the help of screws, nails, wire, welding. The grid begins to be installed from the corner post, straightening it from post to post and hanging on hooks with a rod. Then, reinforcement is threaded into the grid from above and below, located horizontally, at a distance of 5 cm from the edges, and the rods are welded (attached) to the poles. Construction work is completed by bending the hooks and painting the supports.

Stages of work in the sectional construction of the fence

Another option for building a chain-link fence is to attach it to sections. As in the case of the tension model, work begins with the marking and installation of pillars. Then proceed to the manufacture of the frame. For him, you need a corner measuring 40/5 mm.

Chain link fence construction plan

Next, you need to calculate the desired dimensions of the frame. To determine the length of the section, it is necessary to subtract 10-15 cm from the distance between the posts, and to calculate the width, the same number is subtracted from the height of the support above the soil level. In accordance with the calculations, the corners are welded in the structure rectangular shape and fasten the mesh, forming sections. Then, between the pillars, it is necessary to fix metal strips, 15-25 cm long, 5 cm wide and 5 mm in cross section. Finished sections are welded to these strips. The work is completed by painting metal elements.

How to build a fence from corrugated board

Fences from a professional flooring enjoy wide popularity thanks to a number of advantages. Profiled sheets are reliable and durable, and their colors and various sizes able to satisfy even the most demanding consumer. Such a fence protects well from dust, wind and noise, it is easy to install, and the service life is quite a long time.

This material is great for building a stepped fence on a site that gives a slope. With some building skills, it is quite possible to build such a structure from corrugated board on your site. Let's see how it's done.

Fence Installation

The construction of a fence from a profiled sheet begins with precise marking and installation of pillars. You should know that in this case, the supports are installed at a distance of no more than 3 meters from each other. For these purposes, pipes with a square or round section can be used. In the first case, their size should be 50/50 mm, in the second - at least 76 mm. The upper holes of such supports must be welded to prevent moisture from entering them.

Stages of erecting a fence from corrugated board

To install the pillars, you will need pits with a depth of 1 to 1.5 meters and a width of 15 cm, which depends on the height of the fence and the diameter of the supports themselves. The bottom of the pits must be covered with gravel of the middle fraction, then the pillars must be strictly vertically installed and concreted. In the case of soil where groundwater comes too close, a strip foundation will have to be built to install the pillars. It consists of a box, 20 cm high, the boards of which are fastened with bars or wire. The walls of the box are covered with a layer waterproofing material and filled with concrete. After the solution has completely solidified, they proceed to the installation of the lag - transverse strips, to which the profiled sheets will be attached. As a log, you can use a profiled pipe with a cross section of 40/25 mm. At the same time, the number of logs depends on the height of the future fence: with a height of up to 1.7 m, you will need to install two logs, with a higher height - three.

The upper and lower lags are attached at a distance of 4 cm from the top of the sheet and the edge of the earth. mounted in this way metal constructions must be treated with a special primer to protect against rust. Sheets of corrugated board are attached to the logs with the help of metal screws. In this case, the joining of the sheets is overlapped.

What is needed for construction

For self-assembly You will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sheets of corrugated board;
  • Pipes for supporting pillars;
  • Pipes for log;
  • Cement, crushed stone, sand for the preparation of concrete mortar;
  • Rope, level;
  • Primer;
  • Welding machine;
  • Solution container;
  • Drill and drill;
  • Riveter with rivets or self-tapping screws
  • Antiseptic and bituminous primer for wooden poles.

How to make a brick fence: video

Brick fences retain their popularity due to their strength, durability and decorative effect. However, this type of fencing is expensive and requires special construction skills. Therefore, most often the canvas is made combined using various materials.

Construction stages include:

  • The choice of material and the calculation of its quantity
  • Drafting
  • Marking on the ground
  • Foundation laying
  • Bricklaying
  • Plastering

Since the construction of a brick fence requires certain skills, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which shows the main stages of this process.

A foundation is needed to build a fence. At the same time, its appearance depends on several factors: the type of soil, the type of supporting structures, and the material of the canvas. It should be borne in mind that the foundation must withstand the loads applied to it from the environment, the soil and the fence itself. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right type of foundation. For example, a tape type is required for brick and concrete fences. Under the fence of corrugated board, it will be enough to lay a point foundation at the installation sites of the supports. Let's take a closer look at the construction technology different types foundation.

Bookmark strip foundation preceded by marking along the perimeter of the site with the help of pegs and twine. This is followed by digging a trench according to the markings. At the same time, its depth reaches half a meter, and the width should not be less than the thickness of the future fence. The bottom of the moat is covered with a mixture of sand and gravel, after which it is rammed.

The main components of the foundation

This is followed by the execution of formwork from boards, the height of which above the ground level is about 15 cm. inner surface must remain smooth, so all board fastenings are made from the outside. Reinforcement is laid inside the box: cuttings of pipes, metal, reinforcing mesh. In the places where the supports are installed, the reinforcement should form a three-dimensional structure.

The next step is to fill the formwork with concrete mortar, level it and remove air bubbles. At the end of the concrete hardening (after 1-2 weeks), the formwork is removed, however construction works do not continue, since the foundation will still gain strength for about a month and cannot be disturbed. Only after the final installation, you can proceed with the installation of the fence itself.

For light types of fences use pile foundation, raising it in the following sequence:

  • Site marking;
  • Drilling wells for supports, with a depth of 0.8 m for the fence and a diameter of about 20 cm;
  • Laying a sand and gravel cushion in wells, from 10 to 15 cm high;
  • Installation of supports with their preliminary processing (if necessary), their fixing with props;
  • Concreting of pillars from the outside;
  • Concreting of wells from the inside to the ground level;
  • Further construction of the fence after the concrete mortar has completely solidified.

fence posts

Support posts play an important role in the process of arranging any fence, because they not only increase the strength of any structure, but also complement it in style. Therefore, it is so important when building a fence to choose the most optimal view supports.

Types of pillars

Most often, wooden, brick and metal poles are used as supports. The choice of material depends not only on financial capabilities, but is also determined by the expected load that is created by the sections, as well as mechanical and wind loads.

So, metal poles are universal, since they can be mounted on both sections of a chain-link mesh, as well as a wooden picket fence and corrugated board. In addition, metal poles have a long service life (up to 50 years). Wooden supports, on the contrary, can last no more than 20 years even with proper processing due to the tendency to rot. Therefore, wooden poles are recommended for use in the construction of temporary fences, front gardens, or low hedges. Brick (concrete) pillars are erected during the construction of heavy fences, however, in some cases they are used for decorative purposes.

Installation methods

The installation of pillars can be carried out in several ways, the choice of which depends on the design features of the fence and the nature of the soil. So, metal, reinforced concrete and wooden structures on soils with a low level of groundwater, they are mounted in a universal way. This means that a hole of the appropriate size is drilled (dug out) under each support, a pole is installed, and the remaining space is filled with concrete mortar.

The easiest and cheapest way is to drive poles with the help of the so-called "headstock". In this case, the supports are installed on a tape or columnar foundation. Another option is to use piles that are easy to install. manually, and serve as a reliable support for heavy structures of the fence.

Materials for building a fence

As mentioned above, you can build a fence from almost any material. For small areas, a chain-link mesh is most often used, but if the design needs to be more reliable, preference should be given to wood products.

The most reliable are brick fences, but their installation requires special construction skills or the involvement of specialists. One of the simplest and most modern is considered to be a fence made of corrugated board, which is easy to install, but has a long service life.


Performing the calculation of the foundation for the fence is a rather complicated process and requires special knowledge. In addition, you should know the features of the soil on which the fence will be located, the prevailing direction and strength of the wind. Therefore, if you are building a fence yourself, it would be best to resort to a combined tape-point foundation, which is considered the most reliable. With this design, any type of load will be distributed over the entire length of the fence.

Let's give a simple calculation of the fence from corrugated board. With a span length of 2.5 meters and a height of 160 cm, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet of corrugated board will be 4 sq.m. Taking into account the value of the aerodynamic coefficient for flat vertical surfaces (1.4) and the value of the velocity pressure of the wind (about 40 kg), the wind load will be 224 kg for each support. Having distributed the load evenly over the entire surface of the fence, and taking into account the coefficient of resistance (225), we obtain the depth of the foundation, equal to 80 cm.

However, it should be noted that this calculation was made without taking into account the characteristics of the soil. Therefore, in practice, the foundation is buried to the depth of soil freezing for each specific area. Most often it is 120 cm and guarantees a solid installation of the pillars.

What boards to choose for sheathing

Inexpensive unedged boards are most often chosen as fencing cladding. They can be placed vertically or horizontally. The first option is considered the simplest. In this case, horizontal crossbars are attached between the supports, and pickets from boards are attached to them.

It is worth considering that a wooden fence can be through or deaf. In the first case, a certain distance is left between the boards, and in the second, they are nailed tightly on both sides of a horizontally located beam.

Before installation, the boards must be carefully inspected and cleaned. A width of 20 cm is considered optimal, since in this case the material will not dry out or crack.

Fence sheathing calculation

The main structural elements of any fence are the foundation, supports and materials that will be used to sew up the spans. But, if for the calculation of wooden boards the calculation is carried out simply (the width of the span and the board is measured, and the distance between the pickets is determined), then for products from corrugated board, calculate required amount sheets need to be more carefully.

An example of calculating materials for building a fence

First of all, you should decide how the sheets will be attached, and what brand of corrugated board you will use. The last point is especially important, since the sheets of different brands have different widths.

Consider several common calculation options:

  • Horizontal placement without gaps for supports: in this case, the brand of the sheet does not matter. The only thing to consider is the overlap on the poles (subtracted from the length of the sheet). This indicator should be half the width of the support plus 10-15 mm.
  • Horizontal fastening with gaps for supports: with this arrangement, the calculation is carried out similarly to the first example, with the only difference being that no margin for overlap is left. In other words, you need to measure the width of the span, and buy sheets 10-20 mm less than the figure obtained. This will allow you to build an even and symmetrical fence, even if there are bumps on the support posts.
  • Vertical fastening without gaps for poles requires careful calculations. First of all, it is necessary to determine the working width of the sheet, since the width of one span will depend on this indicator. Further, depending on this indicator, sheets of suitable width are selected and multiplied by the number of spans. For example, if 3 sheets are required for one span, then 15 sheets are required for a fence of 5 spans.

However, with a vertical mounting method, there is a risk of uneven material consumption and the formation of a large amount of waste, so when buying a profiled sheet, you should make a small margin.

construction tool

To build a fence you will need standard set tools. First of all - a tape measure for taking the necessary measurements, as well as a drill for digging holes for supports.

In addition, you need to prepare a drill, a screwdriver and fasteners (self-tapping screws) to fix the structural elements together. It is better not to use a grinder for cutting profiled sheets, as it leads to heating of the metal and a violation of the integrity of the protective coating. For this purpose, it is better to use electric shears for metal.

How to make a budget fence

There are situations when the site must be fenced off, but there are no extra financial resources for the construction of a brick or corrugated fence. In this case, it is better to give preference wooden products or chain-link fences.

It should be borne in mind that a wooden fence needs to be painted regularly, and a mesh fence has a decorative rather than a protective function, and can only serve as a temporary structure or delimiter for several areas.

Today, many newly minted owners of suburban land plots wondering - how to make a fence with your own hands? It is not surprising, because the development of the territory of a newly obtained site always begins with the construction of a fence.

Do-it-yourself fence construction

It happens that a place for building a house has not yet been marked out, and its future owner is already starting to build a fence. What fence to make? - Preferably by spending as little money on its creation as possible. There are a lot of types of fences today, and they all differ mainly in the material used. It can be: chain-link mesh, wood, corrugated board or even concrete.

It all depends on the purpose for which the fenced area will be used, as well as on the personal preferences of its owners. It’s one thing to build a couple of beds with tomatoes and cucumbers, for which the most common wattle fence is suitable, and it’s quite another thing to build a comfortable multi-storey cottage, for which it is better to use a beautiful fence to fence decorative fence made of red brick. In any case, regardless of the type of fence, you can always build it yourself, saving money and getting a lot of pleasure from the process. After all, everyone is pleased to see with pride the results of their own painstaking work.

Perhaps it is worth starting with the simplest and most affordable, and most importantly, easy-to-build kind of fence - a wooden one. Such a fence is quite cheap, but at the same time very beautiful, and the material for it can be obtained in any market. True, he has one significant disadvantage, which is fragility, however, its service life can be increased using quality wood treated with special impregnations. Typically, wooden fences are used to protect small garden plots, vegetable gardens and front gardens. Such a fence looks elegant and fresh, of course, for this it needs to be tinted in time.

Along the perimeter of the future fence with garden drill pits are dug 1 meter deep, in which load-bearing poles are installed, treated with an antiseptic in order to protect against decay. As a material for the manufacture of pillars, it is recommended to use the most dense wood possible. Then, two horizontal beams are attached to the dug-in pillars with the help of self-tapping screws, to which pre-prepared beams are nailed with nails. wooden planks or slats with a smooth, planed surface.

Someone prefers to install planks or boards with a small gap, someone will like a blank fence without gaps - this is a matter of taste. After the fence is ready, its surface is treated with drying oil and covered with paint desired color, for which the most ordinary paint brush is used. For better durability paintwork it is desirable to apply it in several layers.

A type of wooden fence is a wicker fence, in the common people - a wattle fence. It is used, as a rule, for fencing from neighbors, as it has a small height. The manufacture of a wicker fence is not very different from the construction of an ordinary wooden fence, except that, in addition to supporting pillars, it will be necessary to drive pre-prepared stakes into the ground. The thickness of the stakes is 3-4 centimeters, and the distance between them is no more than 1.5 meters. It is important to carefully monitor that the result is a structure of sufficient rigidity, for which, if necessary, wire is used. Then the most difficult part of the work begins, which consists in weaving in horizontal plane vines. Here everyone can show their imagination properly, having received an original and spectacular fence, which has such a beautiful appearance that it does not require additional painting.

Another popular type of fence is the chain link fence. It weighs a lot, besides, the tension of the mesh creates a large load on the pores, so in this case, instead of wooden poles, stronger metal ones, for example, thick pipe sections, are used. The pillars are not just dug into the pits, but also concreted near the base. Large crushed stone is poured into the pits, on which a pole is installed, after which the pit is filled with a thick concrete mixture. In the upper and lower parts of the pillars, a strong wire of 6 millimeters is stretched, on which the rolled rolls of the chain-link mesh are attached. Bottom cement mortar can be decorated with colored pebbles.

AT last years fences made of corrugated board, which are characterized by enviable durability and are able to stand for decades without the need for repair, are in increasing demand. The fact is that corrugated steel is an extremely durable material. In addition, being covered with a protective polymer layer, it is not afraid of rust and does not require painting.

Building such a fence with your own hands is also not difficult. Holes are dug in the same way, support pillars are installed in them, then they are covered with rubble and poured with concrete. After the solution has finally set, horizontal logs from an iron profile are attached to the supports by welding, covered with a layer of primer and paint. Finally, the final phase of the construction of the fence is the attachment of sheets of corrugated board to the logs, for which the usual self-tapping screws or rivets are used, which is more reliable.

That's all the most popular and budget options for a fence in the country and options for their construction.

Build beautiful fence in the country is not considered an easy process.

But by following the instructions that will be discussed today, you can learn how to build a fence correctly, saving valuable time and effort.

Fencing made of corrugated board

One of the most common materials for the construction of a country fence is corrugated board, which has a lot of advantages.

Do-it-yourself installation of a corrugated fence helps save valuable time due to the speed of the workflow.

It only needs to be determined required space the location of the fence, mount the pillars, which will subsequently be sheathed with corrugated board.

Material advantages

Such a fence reliably hides the site from prying eyes, especially in comparison with a fence built from a mesh.

Decking reflects various sounds as much as possible and acts as a practical material that does not require professionalism in installation.

To create a fence, the photo of which can be seen below, it is preferable to purchase a corrugated board with a corrugation of about 20 mm in height. After all, a large height is intended mainly for arranging the roof.

Installation of a fence from corrugated board

Before constructing a fence, it is necessary to perform the appropriate calculations. To do this, you should outline the placement of the future building, determine the location of the gate, as well as the gate.

In addition, it is important to determine where the fence posts will be equipped, calculate its height along the perimeter, as well as the height of the gate with a gate. It is from these parameters that the amount of material directly depends.

Then the pillars should be mounted using metal pipes with a diameter of 80 mm or more. The upward part of the column should be welded to prevent moisture from entering the pipe.

To equip the pillars, you will need a pit, the width of which reaches 1.5 meters, and the depth is up to 1 meter. Equip the foundation and, after it has completely solidified, mount the profile, which is designed to fasten the profiled sheet.

It is important to fix the profile, as well as the poles, by electric welding, then cover with a primer to prevent corrosion. On the final stage fasten the corrugated board to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Mesh fencing

Fencing a site with a fence created from a chain-link mesh must begin with an accurate marking of the placement of pillars, for which metal pipes are used.

Under the intermediate-purpose pillars in the ground, recesses of 40 cm are made with a drill, a recess of up to 60 cm is required for tension-type columns.

As soon as the tension poles are installed in the corners of the proposed fence, it is necessary to connect them by welding, or by bolts with the poles nearby, using props.

But such a fence will not turn out to be reliable, so you can not do without a wire rod, which must be passed through the cells.


To stretch the wire rod between the posts, several holes should be drilled in each. You can mount the grid on prepared poles.

To learn how to make this fence with your own hands, stand the roll in an upright position next to the support post and make sure that the folded sides of the lines are placed at the top of the roll. Attach the stitching at the top of the net to the top of the post, then move on to the next post, slowly unwinding the roll.

After the wire rod is passed through the mesh between the prepared poles, it is necessary to insert its ends into the holes that were prepared in advance, pulling the wire as much as possible, fixing it well on the surface of the poles, using tension type bolts.

Fence decoration

Often in front of hosts suburban areas a reasonable question arises related to the design of a wooden or other fence material in the country.

The first design option for the fence is, of course, its decoration with plants. Vertical landscaping is used. For a similar purpose, hops or grapes are suitable. It is also good to plant annual plants climbing along pre-stretched wires.


Another way to decorate the fence in the country is painting, as well as painting.

It is good to hang a special planter with petunias on a deaf-type fence. These plants are completely unpretentious and bloom almost the entire warm season.

A blind type of fence will serve for many years in the construction of a gazebo, since you already have one wall surface, you will need a few more additional supports, after which you can begin to install the roof.

Innovative technologies make it possible to build a fence of durable material. Also, the fence can be of any height. It all depends on the preferences and wishes of the owner of the suburban area.

Therefore, be guided by your wishes and financial capabilities and equip your possessions outside the city!

DIY fence photo
