Fire retardant protection for wood: description and reviews. Fire-retardant wood protection. How to choose a quality flame retardant

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In order for structures made of rounded logs (however, like other wood products) to serve for a long time, at the production stage they are treated with biological protection means.

The main purpose of these chemical compounds:

  • prevent the development of blue discoloration that may occur in conifers at high humidity;
  • protect the tree from the effects of wood-boring insects;
  • prevent the formation of mold and the growth of fungi. But in addition to confronting biological factors, do not forget that wood is a combustible material. Therefore, fire protection finished products as important as the impregnation with antiseptic agents.

Features of applying biologically active impregnation

There are four ways to antisept:

Brush application

The cheapest and easiest way that does not require special equipment or special knowledge. Despite the high labor intensity, it is successfully used for antiseptation of cylindering and other large-sized sawn timber in small industries.The main disadvantage: the human factor and the need to apply impregnation in 2-3 layers.

2) Spraying

Compared to a brush, using a spray can greatly speed up the antiseptic process. For processing, pneumatic spray guns or portable (backpack) spray guns are used. But manual labor remains the same unchanged problem.

3) Processing on the machine

In large industries they use stationary machines through type with the possibility of automatic processing of logs with an antiseptic.

The principle of the device:

  • rounded logs are fed manually or by means of a drive;
  • from the tank, the pump pumps liquid, which sprays the workpiece through the nozzles and again flows into the tank;
  • the tank capacity is closed with a filter that does not allow sawdust and other foreign substances to enter the antiseptic;
  • a system of bumpers at the inlet minimizes the possibility of chips entering the body, at the outlet it cuts off excess liquid.

4) Immersion in the bath

The principle is simple: the container of the impregnating bath (concrete or metal) is filled with an antiseptic, into which the lumber formed into a package is immersed. In this case, the level of the liquid should exceed the level of the submerged material by at least 10 cm. To prevent the wood from floating and soaking evenly, the logs are stacked with a mandatory cushioning layer and pressed with a metal frame.

But for the application of this technology, it is necessary to have a lifting mechanism for lowering / raising a package of logs. And when using antiseptics in the form of a dry powder, it is necessary to install a special mixer in the bath to prepare the solution.

Of course, the deeper the antiseptic penetrates, the more reliable will be the protection against the destructive effects of various biological destroyers. The best performance is for products processed by the immersion method using difficult-to-wash antiseptics.

But the depth of impregnation depends not only on the application technology, but also on the type of wood.

According to the degree of penetration of protective equipment, GOST 20022.2-80 divides wood species into the following subgroups:

  • difficult to impregnate - spruce, fir, Siberian larch;
  • moderately impregnated - Siberian pine, cedar, European larch, oak;
  • easily impregnated - Scots pine, beech.

As you can see, the wood from which cylindering is mainly made (pine, larch) lends itself quite well to impregnation. But you have to work hard with the spruce.

Biosecurity classification

All biosecurity products are subdivided into: fire retardants, antiseptics, universal preparations of combined effects.

By solubility, all protective agents are divided into:

  • oils;
  • water-based preparations;
  • diluted in petroleum products and light solvents.

Since all preparations that provide for the presence of oils in the composition worsen the fire resistance of wood, water-soluble substances (sold in the form of powders or liquid concentrates) are most used for impregnating lumber.

Purpose and methods of fire protection of wood

For what?

Today, much attention is paid to ensuring the fire safety of carriers, fencing and other building structures made of wood. Of course, no impregnation will preserve the structure in the event of a full-fledged fire. The rate of charring of coniferous wood is high due to the high content of resinous substances - 0.7-1 mm / minute. Therefore, at a developed stage of combustion, surface impregnation will not be able to affect the rate of charring, but will only delay the ignition up to 4-5 minutes, which will extinguish the fire.

According to statistics, 80% of fires are formed due to the so-called low-calorie fire sources (cigarette butts, burning matches, welding, electrical short circuit, etc.). From these accidents, a fire retardant impregnation is provided, which "muffles" the interaction of wood and sparks, and will make it possible to prevent a fire at the stage of occurrence.

The main methods of fire protection used in wooden housing construction:

  • constructive - facing with non-combustible materials;
  • chemical - the use of impregnating compounds, paints, enamels.

In the production of rounded logs, fire retardants are used for fire protection - they practically do not change the color of natural wood and meet the requirements of fire safety standards.

The methods of applying fire protection do not differ from antiseptic; they are also applied with a brush / roller, spray or immersion in a bath.

Features of applying impregnating agents for fire protection

  • Fire retardants are applied to finished products that will not undergo further mechanical processing.
  • The moisture content of the wood should not exceed 15%.
  • Processing is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5, and air humidity not more than 70%;
  • The composition must be applied in an even layer, without sags and gaps
  • Quality control is carried out using PiP-1 (a portable device designed by VNIIPO) or by evaluating the ignition of chips from a simple match. For this, shavings up to 1 mm thick are removed in 4-5 different places per 1000m 2 finished product... If the wood is well processed, the shavings will not ignite when the match is lit.

How to choose the right means of fire and biological protection

When choosing preparations for impregnation, one should pay special attention possible vapors and their effects on human health.

Main criteria:

  • absence in chemicals organic solvents, salts of heavy metals (chromic acid anion, cations of arsenic, copper, etc.);
  • durability - compositions for impregnating internal structures should not be washed out with water, destroyed by ultraviolet radiation and retained their operational capacity for at least 5-7 years (for internal structures - at least 30 years);
  • stability - during use, the product should not evaporate or decompose.

The provision of a quality certificate, a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, a package of documents from the manufacturer indicating the components of the mixture and recommendations on safety measures when working with the product and its disposal will help to determine the purchase. The presence of only a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion is not a guarantee of safety. Many chemical components that we are allowed to use for wood processing according to old GOST standards are recognized as harmful to human health in many countries.

It is best to trust a large manufacturing plant with a good reputation. So, among the imported manufacturers, the brands Tikkurila, Ici Paints, Caparol, Bochemie, Sadolin, Remmers, Belinka, Osmo are distinguished. On domestic market the products of Senezh-Preparations LLC, NPO NORT, CJSC Rogneda, CJSC Antiseptic are worthy competitors.

Wood is the most environmentally friendly building material. The building made of wood is warm in winter, cool in summer, and there is a special, healthy microclimate with self-regulating humidity levels. But, this material, like any organic matter, is susceptible to fungi, bacteria, harmful insects and flames very easily.

Therefore, experts recommend using a wood preservative as a protective agent.

Types of antiseptics

Antiseptics are water-repellent compounds designed to protect lumber from microorganisms and insects that feed on the wood.

Wood, of course, is best treated with them in advance. However, if it was nevertheless infected, a high-quality drug can stop its further destruction.

Antiseptics for wood are divided into four groups in composition:

  • Water soluble;
  • Oil based;
  • Based on organic solvents;
  • Combined.

Water-soluble formulations are prophylactic for those structures and coatings made of wood that do not come into direct contact with moisture.

Solvent formulations able to protect wood both outside and inside buildings. Such an antiseptic forms a dense film that has good characteristics adhesion and moisture resistance.

Combined formulations in addition to biological protection, they are able to reduce the flammability of wood, i.e. also have the properties of fire retardants.

As a rule, modern wood preservatives do not have a pronounced odor. In order for the processing to be of high quality, the composition must be applied in 2-3 layers.

Remember! Do not make the impregnation frozen or wet wood, as this drastically reduces the absorbency of the antiseptic.

Wood treatment with antiseptic

  1. A prerequisite before the process of applying the antiseptic is the cleanliness and dryness of the wood. A steel scraper and a suitable solvent can be used to clean the material.
  2. First of all, damaged areas should be treated - the ends of the boards, cuts, cuts, etc.
  3. Wood treatment with an antiseptic should be carried out at a temperature of at least + 5º, if it is based on a solvent, and at least + 10º, when it is water-soluble.
  4. The relative humidity in the room when working with the composition should be at least 80%.
  5. You can apply the antiseptic with a brush, roller or spray.

Wood preservative can be applied with a brush or roller

Most of these compounds repel, but do not kill pests. To destroy them, special preparations are made, usually with an alcohol base. The technique of using such antiseptics is different.

Liquid is poured with a syringe or a pipette into the outer holes of the beetles and larvae. Then the surface around them is carefully coated.

How to choose the best antiseptic

There is an opinion among some builders that many antiseptics are an advertising duck: video "The Truth About Antiseptics"

A high-quality antiseptic impregnation for wood must have high toxicity in relation to harmful microorganisms or insects. According to the level of protective ability, such compositions can be conditionally divided into 4 categories:

  • ineffective,
  • medium effective,
  • effective,
  • highly effective.

The preparation should correspond to the level of damage to the wood. According to this parameter, it can be divided into three groups:

  • clean,
  • not contaminated sawn timber,
  • having a slightly affected surface,
  • highly infected.

For each of these types, you need to purchase a special composition. Keep in mind, too, that antiseptics are often designed for either indoor or outdoor surfaces.

If you need the purchased composition for processing indoor spaces, then its packaging must contain an official sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, preferably duplicated by the conclusion of an independent laboratory, about the harmlessness of the solution to humans and pets.

Wood preservatives for facades must have good weather resistance.

It is important that the composition is convenient and easy to apply, and if you are going to use any paint materialthen and be compatible with it.

The best foreign manufacturers of antiseptics

Comparison of antiseptics for wood should start with the products of the Danish company Pinotex, which appeared first on russian market in this area. Many experts consider her preparations to be the best in Europe. They protect not only from mold, fungi, insects and moisture, but also from harsh temperature differences... This allows the use of Pinotex compounds outside buildings.

The famous Finnish company "Tikkurila", in addition to paintwork materials, also produces high-quality antiseptic compositions. They can be used to treat both exterior walls and fences, as well as wooden structures.

The Slovenian company Belinka Base produces the best antiseptics for deep penetration wood. These are colorless primers containing biocides, the purpose of which is the preventive protection of wood from blue stain, fungi and harmful insects.

Russian antiseptics

Antiseptics from "Senezh"

Among russian companies Senezh was the first to enter the international level and received the appropriate quality certificate (ISO 9001). Its antiseptics "Senezh Ecobio" provide increased biological protection of wood. Can be used independently, as well as a primer for painting.

"Wood healer"

The worst enemy of the tree is the white house fungi that imitate common mold. Until recently, it was not possible to effectively deal with them. But there was also such an antiseptic for wood: customer reviews indicate that the domestic company "Wood Healer" has developed drugs that can solve this problem.


Another Russian company "Neomid" differs from other manufacturers in that it sells antiseptics in concentrated form, and this significantly reduces their cost. Its formulations are available in compact bags, like dry mix.
For the initial treatment, Neomid 46-bio wood preservative is best suited, as well as Neomid 440.

Video about an antiseptic from the Neomid company:

Wood is one of the most popular construction and finishing materials... In a house built of wood, an excellent microclimate is formed with optimal humidity: it is warm in such a building in winter and cool in summer. This material has a small drawback - without adequate protection it will become covered with fungus and mold, making it unsuitable for its function.

Every construction industry professional will tell you what to protect wooden buildings you need to use special antiseptics, which include special substances that protect the tree from fungus and mold. To see for yourself, you can read reviews on the Internet about how to protect a wooden surface.

Types of antiseptics

Before choosing one or another material for protecting a wooden surface, you need to find out what types of these products are found on the market. In general, an antiseptic is a water-repellent composition that does not allow microorganisms that feed on wood to take hold in the environment of this building material.

There are three main groups of this material:

  • Water-soluble formulations - used for preventive protection buildings that do not have direct contact with high humidity;
  • Solvent-based formulations are a versatile material that protects wood both indoors and outdoors. After it dries, a dense film forms, which reliably protects the building from moisture;
  • Combined formulations are capable of protecting not only from fungus and mold, but also, for example, from fire, that is, they include the properties of fire retardants.

Modern technologies for the production of such impregnations do not use harmful chemical substances, therefore, such material will not emit a strong odor. This liquid is colorless so as not to hide the natural structure of the wood. Not having much experience in repair work, can be easily treated with an antiseptic wooden walls, floors or ceilings with your own hands.

Senezh products

The Russian company Senezh has been specializing in the production of impregnations that protect wooden buildings from a variety of harmful effects in any climatic environment. Their materials are among the best on the domestic market.

Why choose Senezh products:

  • products from this manufacturer not only protect the material from fungus, mold, fires, etc., but also, after drying, emphasize the natural structure of the wood, making it more attractive;
  • after the impregnation of Senezh has dried, you can be sure that now the tree will serve long years, under whatever influence environment it wouldn't be. This is achieved due to the fact that the film formed after work is able to "breathe";
  • favorable prices available to every consumer;
  • excellent composition and specifications, relatively low consumption per m2.

What Senezh products can you choose:

  • senezh Aquadecor is a composition made on an alkyd-acrylate base with the addition of linseed oil... It is diluted with plain tap water and can be easily applied with your own hands. Consumption is 120-180 grams per m2. The price of such material is 490 rubles per 0.9 kg container;
  • senezh Sauna - protects saunas and baths from mold and mildew, is made on a heat-resistant acrylate base, to which special biocides are added that are not exposed to heating. The consumption of such material is 120-180 grams per m2. The average price in a store for a package of 0.9 kilograms is 490 rubles;
  • senezh Ecobio - economical option to quickly protect wood from harmful weathering... The composition of this antiseptic is a simple aqueous solution with the addition of targeted inorganic components. Average consumption is 270 grams per m2. 5 kilograms of this protective solution can be purchased at building stores at a price of 350 rubles.

Which solution is better to choose depends on the specific purposes, the location of the timber building. After consulting with a specialist of the Senezh company, you can choose the best option for all your needs. To make sure of the positive reputation of this company, you can read various reviews on the Internet.

Pirilax Lux products

Working in the market of protective impregnations for natural building materials since 1993, Pirilax Lux has acquired vast experience, which now allows them to produce high quality products using modern technologies.

The main advantages of Pirilax Lux are as follows:

  • low material consumption due to the high adhesive characteristics of the product;
  • all Pirilax Lux compounds are universal, they can be used for both internal and external protection;
  • only environmentally friendly components are used in the production, therefore, after drying, people and animals will not receive any harm;
  • pirilax Lux solutions not only destroy the formed mold and mildew, but also protect surfaces from their reappearance in the future;
  • the material can be applied even at negative temperatures down to minus 15 degrees;
    Easy to use, can be applied by hand with minimal skin protection.

The company's most popular antiseptics are:

  • Pirilax Lux - is a protective material that includes a complex of fire retardants, natural essential oil and functional additives. Average consumption per m2 is 100 grams. The price of one kilogram of products in the store is 375 rubles;
  • Pirilax Lux Classic - designed to destroy and protect harmful organisms on the surface of wood. Extends the life of the material. Self-applied consumption is 100 grams per m2. The price in the store for 3.5 kg is 820 rubles.
  • Pirilax Lux Terma - used for wood processing inside baths and saunas. It protects them better than competitors from high temperatures and prevents mold and mildew from developing in such favorable conditions for them. Material consumption per m2, on average, is at the level of 100 grams. The average price in stores is 200 rubles per kilogram.

Neomid products

The company Neomid has been producing construction chemicals since 2005. Starting with a small assortment, the organization now offers a huge range of various protective substances for the most different coatings... In total, the company's line includes about 1000 items.

Product overview of NEOMID protective materials

  • The best professionals in the construction industry choose the products of this particular company for their work;
  • In the production of products, exclusively innovative technologies are used that allow achieving the maximum better result;
    The widest assortment, in which everyone will find exactly what he needs;
  • The Neomid impregnation guarantee is 30 years.

ABOUT high quality products of the company Neomid says not only the experience of professionals, but also numerous positive reviews on the Internet and the absence of negative. The main advantage of the products of this company is the low price, which makes wood protection even more affordable.

After reading this article, you can choose for yourself which antiseptic is better to choose to protect your own wooden house or baths. On the Internet, you can familiarize yourself in more detail with the characteristics of other antiseptics in order to choose exactly the material that meets all your requirements, in order to apply it to the surface with your own hands and protect it from destruction.

How does fire protection for wood work

What is wood fire protection and how does it work? Fireproofing is a general name for wood processing agents of various composition and principle of action, which allow protecting it from rapid fire, as well as damage by rot, fungi and insects.

Science today can do a lot, but, unfortunately, not everything. Means, one hundred percent protecting the tree from fire, have not yet been invented. Treatment with fire-biological protection only complicates the ignition and does not allow harmful microorganisms to actively develop. Such products contain two main components - a fire retardant and an antiseptic.

Fire is the main enemy of wooden buildings, therefore, manufacturers of bio-fire protection focus their main efforts on the effectiveness of fire retardants - substances that impede the combustion process. In addition to fire retardants, protective compoundusually includes an antiseptic that protects wooden structures from rot, mold, insects. Today, there are compositions on sale that contain only fire retardants or only antiseptics, and there is a combined fire-retardant protection, which includes both components.

Fire protection in Moscow is of several types, it may differ:

  • according to the principle of fire protection;
  • by the method of application;
  • by breeding method;
  • by the degree of effectiveness of protection against fire;
  • by consumption per sq.m .;
  • by the depth of penetration;
  • by coloring ability.

Classification of fire retardant compositions

Types of fire protection

The action of the fire retardant composition can be based on any of the three fundamental physical processes:

  • melting of the substances that make up the fire retardants, such as silicon salt, phosphoric or boric acid, to form a non-flammable protective substance;
  • decomposition of substances, accompanied by the release of gas (ammonia, sulfur dioxide), displacing oxygen, which, in turn, impedes combustion;
  • swelling of the protective shell, resulting in minimal fire contact with the wood surface (organophosphates).

Types of fire protection by the method of application

Depending on the way in which fire-retardant protection is applied to the wood, they are distinguished:

  • impregnating compounds - act from the inside;
  • coating compounds - form a protective layer on the surface (pastes, varnishes, enamels, putties).

The main difference between them lies in the aesthetic qualities of the treated structures. Impregnating compounds after application do not change the smell and wood pattern (sometimes even emphasize), that is, the wood retains its natural view... Conversely, coverings greatly worsen appearance wood and differ unpleasant odor, therefore they are used for processing wooden load-bearing structureswhich will then be hidden under the trim.

Classification of biological protection by breeding method

Fire-retardant compositions are subdivided into: water-soluble and organic-soluble. Water-soluble protection - formulations that dissolve in water. They, in turn, fall into two categories:

  • saline;
  • non-salt.

Salt fire protection has a low cost. And this is perhaps its only advantage. But there are enough cons:

  • increased consumption and low degree of protection;
  • after applying the salt composition to the wood, it will no longer be possible to cover the structure with a paint and varnish;
  • such fire protection is valid for no more than five years;
  • in case of overdose and non-compliance with the recommendations on wooden surfaces whitish stains appear.

In addition, the salt composition is easily washed out with water, and at high humidity, its effectiveness decreases significantly, therefore such materials are used exclusively for internal work.

Non-salt fire protection is made on the basis of compounds of boric, carbonic or phosphoric acids and has the following advantages:

  • long period of action, which is 20 years according to the "bio" parameter, and 15 years according to the "fire" parameter;
  • versatility of use - can be used both indoors and to protect outdoor wooden structures
  • structures treated with such compositions can be varnished or painted;
  • non-toxic, safety for humans and animals.

The main disadvantage is the higher price of this type of bio-fire protection. Although the quality, practicality and long-term effect in this case fully compensate for the extra costs.

Organosoluble formulations are made on the basis of solvents. After applying the composition, a durable thinnest film, which perfectly repels liquids, and also effectively increases the thermal stability of sawn timber. The main disadvantage of such compositions is the toxicity of some of the components included in their composition, therefore, it is strictly not recommended to use them inside buildings. In addition, some organosoluble protectors are "narrow profile".

Effectiveness of bio-fire protection

According to the degree of effectiveness, fire-retardant protection is also divided into several types. When buying fire retardant compositions, you should pay attention to the group of protective effectiveness indicated on the product label. There are two of them - 1 and 2. Index 2 indicates that after processing with such a composition, wooden structures become hardly flammable. If the task is to give the wood the properties of fire resistance (maximum possible resistance to open flame), then the fire-retardant protection from the warehouse should be purchased with the marking "1".

It should be noted that the number of layers can change the degree of protection. For example, applying 6 layers of a weaker composition of group 2, you can get the resistance level of group 1. And vice versa, after applying only one layer of protection of the 1st group, you get the 2nd level of fire resistance.

Penetration depth, consumption

Consumption of the composition per square meter is important economic indicator, which you should pay special attention to when buying. You should look not only at the cost for a specific packaging, but also estimate required amount in terms of square meter processed area. For example, inexpensive salt formulations have a consumption 2-3 times higher than relatively expensive non-salt products - as a result, the apparent savings are reduced to zero.

By the depth of absorption, there are two categories of fire-biological protection:

  • capillary (surface) compounds - they penetrate the fibers no deeper than 6 mm;
  • deep penetration compounds are capable of impregnating wood by 12 mm or more.

It is more profitable to use surface fire protection, since it can be easily applied to structures with any available painting tool (brush, roller, spray gun). Such compounds in wood internal stresses do not create, which means that the strength of the material does not decrease. Protection against deep penetration (in most cases of the salt type) for application requires the use of special equipment, therefore this type of fire protection is rarely bought wholesale and retail.

Some features of the use of fire protection

In order for the composition to protect the wood to the maximum after application, the surfaces should be well cleaned of dust, dirt, various spots paints or oils.

It is necessary to apply fire-retardant protection on structures only after their finishing by planing or grinding, while the moisture content of the tree should not exceed 30 percent.

It is necessary to cover the surfaces with the composition at a positive temperature, since in cold weather water freezes in the capillaries of the wood, which interferes with the penetration of fire-biological protection.

Also, work should not be carried out in high humidity and in the rain.

Purchase of fire protection

What to look for when buying bio-fire protection? In this case, it is very important that such a criterion as the cost of fire protection should not play a major role when choosing a composition. The main points that the consumer should pay attention to are:

  • the specificity of the application according to the certificate available from the seller (external or internal work, possible toxicity);
  • expense per square meter;
  • impregnation depth;
  • application technique;
  • fire safety group;
  • validity period of fire-biological protection;
  • the ability of the composition (and how much) to change the shade of the wood.

Currently on sale big choice fire-biological protection means, both Russian and foreign manufacturers. Practice shows that russian squads absolutely no worse, while the price for them is much lower. Regardless of which composition you choose, you should understand and correctly decipher the letter code on the package.

  • "B" - the composition contains boric acid, which increases its flame retardant properties;
  • "D" - in direct fire, a film forms on the surface of the wood, which slows down the combustion process;
  • "M" - is a part of fire-biological protection copper sulfateprotecting structures not only from inflammation, but also from mold and mildew;
  • "C" - the product contains calcium-fortified soda, which is considered one of the best defenses from fire;
  • "F" - the composition contains sodium fluoride (toxic substance), which protects the tree from fungus and insects - when working, you should use a respirator and thick rubber gloves;
  • "X" is a rather poisonous compound used against woodworms and bark beetles;
  • "HA" - the composition releases gas, enveloping the fire and contributing to its extinction.

It should be understood that each of the means of fire-biological protection is characterized by a different specialization, their effectiveness in relation to various problems is not the same. Drugs can be especially effective in either the "fire" or "bio" direction. Practice shows that it is best to use complex processing, so that the products complement each other organically.