How to feed decorative window roses. Favorite flowers

For centuries, the rose has been considered the queen of flowers and a symbol of perfection. As well as garden beauty, indoor rose is beautiful and elegant, creates a mood and is a decoration of the house. It is not difficult to buy such a flower, many stores offer big choice a wide variety of varieties of mini-bushes, you just need to make a choice for yourself.

To plant long time pleased you with long flowering, you need to properly care for it:

  • the queen of flowers does not like tightness - provide her with space;
  • carefully monitor the humidity, optimal air temperature;
  • follow the rules of watering depending on the current season;
  • perform regular hygiene procedures;
  • prevent pests and diseases from existing houseplants.

Subject to these simple rules, the rosette will soon delight you with the first buds and subsequently overshadow all other indoor flowers with its lush flowering.

Types of indoor roses

At home, roses of the following groups are most often grown:

  • remontant;
  • tea hybrid;
  • pernetian;
  • polyanthus;
  • Chinese (hibiscus).

All of them by appearance, except for the size, do not differ from their garden sisters, have a pleasant smell and different colors, are sold in pots. Can't be called miniature. Chinese rose, quite popular among flower growers - it can reach a height of three meters. If properly cared for, this perfect flower will delight you from early spring to early autumn.

After buying a miniature rose, do not rush to transplant it into another pot, give it the opportunity to adapt to new living conditions.

Before you understand how to properly care for a room rose in a pot after purchase, figure out what the rose loves:

  • the flower should be located on the south side of windows and balconies, the southeast side is also suitable;
  • the soil needs to be fresh and saturated with nutrients;
  • a lot of light, in the warm season a must Fresh air;
  • during growth and flowering, provide abundant watering (do not overdo it - only as the soil dries);
  • feeding is necessary once a week;
  • as needed, it is possible to transplant into a larger pot.

home rose capricious, after the purchase, careful care for it is simply necessary. The flower does not recognize:

  • watering with cold water;
  • direct sunlight and high temperature;
  • dried flowers on the stem (they need to be removed regularly);
  • root injury during transplantation;
  • invasion of pests and diseases.

Care, attention and gentle care are a must for a rose bought in a store. The flowers behave very well when spraying the leaves from the underside, which is done in the evening with a spray bottle, using cool boiled water with the addition of fertilizers. There is no need to spray every day, even in the hot season of the year. Watering is done in the morning and evening time, by autumn reduce to once a day.

Winter is the time of fading, the rose will stop blooming, it may shed its leaves. It is enough to water it once a week and spray regularly. To keep the soil from drying out too much (the air becomes drier in winter), place the flower pot on a special pallet with moistened pebbles.

When to prune indoor roses?

It is more correct to do this procedure before wintering or in early spring during the rising of the moon. It is necessary to arm yourself with a knife and carry out pruning on each individual branch, not forgetting to leave up to five live buds. If you do not do this before winter, on next year the plant will look sluggish, and lush flowering don't expect.

To properly care for a rose in room conditions Please be patient and knowledgeable.

How to do a flower transplant

At home, this can be done at any time of the year, but preferably in early spring or late summer, then roses will bloom better.

The soil used for flowers should be nutritious. It is recommended to use the composition:

  • turf (4 parts);
  • humus (4 parts);
  • sand (1 part).

It does not hurt to add complex fertilizer to the soil. You can use special mixture bought in the store.

Do not forget to use drainage (expanded clay) - in a pot prepared for transplantation, it is laid out on the bottom with a small (1 cm) layer. Take advantage lunar calendar. Most the best time for transplantation - the transition of the moon to the phase of increase.

Before the transplant procedure, the plant is watered abundantly and allowed to be well saturated with moisture. After you need to remove it from the container, trying not to damage root system flower and earthen ball, place in new pot, preferably ceramic, with a diameter and height larger than the old one. Do not compact the ground too tightly. After the procedure, you need to place the beauty on the shady or north side of the window. After a day, you can rearrange to another place where there is a lot of light and enough fresh air. A phased transplant is shown in the video.

How to protect a rose from diseases

If you strictly follow all the rules, it turns out that caring for indoor roses at home is not so difficult. The beauty will reciprocate all your efforts, will delight you with the splendor of flowers, the brightness of colors and pleasant aroma. And it does not matter at all whether it will be a small tea rose or a large Chinese rose - a true connoisseur of beauty will find a place for her in his home.

Indoor roses are much more demanding in care than ground roses. This is expressed in frequent watering, creating a light regime, top dressing, fighting diseases and pests, maintaining desired temperature in winter time.

In order for the rose to bloom the whole summer, and it is for this that the housewives buy the plant, it is necessary to figure out what the indoor rose needs.

First of all, temperature in summer should be between 20 and 25 degrees. This can be achieved by artificially darkening windows or sending the plant outside into the shade.

In winter, it is advisable to remove the flower pot away from central heating. Well, if the temperature is in the region of 10 - 15 degrees.

Ground roses at home

Often plants that are usually grown in open field, transplanted into tubs and kept at home. It's not very efficient method, since it is difficult to organize the conditions for keeping roses close to street ones. If there is a greenhouse where the temperature is 5 to 10 degrees in winter, then it is suitable for growing flowers. The fact is that the rose is not a tropical plant and it needs to observe the regime of summer and winter. Tropical palms, ficuses are more likely to grow in warm climates and high humidity.


Room roses in summer period need daily watering. At the same time, the water from the pan must be drained, as it prevents the flow of air to the roots, and they can begin to rot. Water for irrigation should be warm. tap water must first be defended to remove chlorine compounds.

Bathing is required periodically to remove dust from the leaves. In summer, it is necessary to spray the leaves on both sides in the morning or evening. On rainy days, when the air humidity is high, the procedure can be omitted, as excessive humidity provokes fungal diseases.

Excessive watering or overdrying of the soil weakens the plant. The soil should be moist, but not too much so that there is no stagnation of water on the surface. To do this, sand is specially added to the mixture, and pebbles are placed on the bottom to improve drainage.

In winter, if observed temperature regime, roses at home are rarely watered and sprayed. In a cold place, watering is carried out after the soil in the pot has completely dried. If a home rose hibernates at room temperature in dry air, then 2 times a week it is sprayed from a spray bottle.


Periodically, roses are transplanted to stimulate the growth of the root system. Carry out the process carefully so as not to damage the plant. Each time a pot is required larger than the previous one by 5 centimeters in diameter and height. It is believed that best material for the pot is ceramic or clay, but should buy natural material and not plaster fakes.

In plastic, the soil dries quickly and the plants do not breathe well. True, there are modifications of pots for which you do not need to install additional drainage. Such containers are suitable for diseased plants in order to provide better air supply to the roots.

Transshipment of roses is usually carried out at the end of summer or before the beginning of the spring growing season.


Roses are propagated by cuttings. To do this, choose a completely lignified section of the stem with buds, of which there must be at least four. Branches cut to size about 15cm and put in water. You can add a growth stimulant, which is sold in flower shops. Experts recommend an infusion of willow branches: finely chopped stems are poured with boiling water and insisted for a day. Further used for germination of cuttings of roses.

Yeast is a good stimulant. The cuttings are soaked for a day in yeast water - 1 liter of water and 100 g of yeast - then put in clean water.

Honey water protects the cuttings from decay and provides all the necessary trace elements for successful rooting of the rose.

Varieties of home roses

The most suitable for growing at home are varieties of roses:

  • miniature;
  • room;
  • ground cover (ground);
  • hybrid tea;
  • polyanthus;
  • floribunda roses;
  • Chinese.

Such roses can be kept in large containers, taken out in the spring or planted in the soil. A plus for growing big plants there will be availability winter garden where you can create favorable conditions for wintering.

Fertilizers for indoor roses

Indoor roses are the most demanding plants in terms of dressings. This is explained abundant flowering and nutrient intake during this period. Fertilizers for indoor roses can be used both purchased and prepared at home.

Nutrient mixtures should be applied based on the needs of the plant: in the fall - phosphorus and potassium, in the spring - nitrogen and potassium. Both root and foliar top dressings are used.

In order to decide how to feed a homemade rose at home, you need to know in what period there is an intensive intake of nutrients.

In spring, the growth of shoots and foliage begins. The main fertilizer during this period is nitrogen. To increase flowering time and avoid dropping buds, potassium must be applied. Nitrogen and potassium are present in manure or chicken manure, which can be purchased dry in the store. At home, you will need to dilute these substances according to the instructions and water the plants twice a month.

Video: Fertilize roses

The disadvantage of organic fertilizer is the absence of phosphorus in its composition, which affects the formation of the root system. Without a developed rhizome, the foliage and shoots of a room rose will be weak. Flowering may not occur. Therefore, in the fall it is desirable to introduce phosphates into the soil. This is mineral fertilizer which is not toxic to roses. But still, dosages should be adhered to, since with an excess of phosphorus in the soil, a room rose has a deficiency of trace elements - in this case, manganese.

The amount of fertilizer must be calculated based on the volume of the pot or tub.

Foliar top dressing for indoor roses carried out during the summer. They are both a remedy for diseases and food for the leaves.

Complex mixtures

Once a month, indoor roses are fed with complex microelements. During the period of active flowering, plants consume magnesium, manganese and calcium very quickly.

Dry complex mixtures are used before planting. They contain a balanced set of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It is better for the rest of the plants to make nutrient solutions so as not to burn the roots. Instructions for use are provided for each type of fertilizer.

If you are willing to experiment and find out why roses bloom best, then it is recommended to try to cook at home a “delicacy” for indoor roses - an infusion of banana peel. It is better to use natural additives than to feed a rose in a pot with chemistry with a similar composition.

banana peel fertilizer

The lack of potassium for miniature indoor roses can be successfully compensated for with kitchen waste - banana skins. They contain large amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium. There is not much nitrogen in bananas.

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour three skins with three liters of water and leave for 2 - 3 days. Then you can water the soil under the roses. This infusion also helps against aphids that start on plants. Banana contains papain, a natural enzyme that can dissolve organic matter, so insects try not to come into contact with this substance. It is enough to spray the leaves and in a day the aphids will disappear.

Before using a banana peel, it must be washed with warm water with laundry soap. This will wash away the remnants of chemicals that growers spray on fruits for better ripening.

There are other ways. For example, dry the skin in the oven, then grind it and pour it into the ground when planting. It is not recommended to leave such a fertilizer on the soil surface, as this leads to the development of mold.

Fresh banana peel is cut with scissors and applied to the soil. After some time, it is completely absorbed by microorganisms.

The main problems in the care of indoor roses

Indoor plants are susceptible to diseases that are associated with a lack of nutrients, the action of insects - aphids, mites. Also, with improper watering, the process of root rotting can begin.

Pest control

For the destruction of pests of indoor plants, you can use ready solutionsacaricides.

When buying, the leaves must be inspected for the presence of a spider mite. If there are traces of his stay, then the first step is to wash the leaves of the plant with laundry soap. This will wash away the already laid eggs of the pest. Leave the soap on the leaves for 3 hours, then rinse and put a bag on the bush. It is necessary to keep the plant under the cap for a day. The spider mite does not tolerate moisture and the entire brood dies.

This is how it looks

There is a spider mite natural enemies- also mites, but they feed on eggs and themselves spider mites. Sold in flower shops. It is necessary to leave a bag with predators near the plant. You should not be afraid of these insects: as soon as they destroy the pests and are left without food, they will soon die.

Diseases of domestic roses

With improper care, traces of diseases appear on the leaves:

  • brown spots - fungal infection;
  • gray bloom on the leaves - gray rot;
  • yellow spots - powdery mildew;
  • the purple color of the foliage is a lack of phosphorus.

The cause of room rose diseases is insufficient or excessive watering, lack or large amount of fertilizers, poor ventilation in the room or lack of sunlight.

Acclimatization of roses after purchase

A newly acquired rose bush is not recommended to be transplanted and disturbed immediately. It is necessary to give the plant time to get used to the new conditions - humidity and air temperature. After three weeks, you can start picking up a new pot, which will be a little larger than the shipping one. The new soil will have enough fertilizer for about a month, then you can start feeding - alternately with organic matter and mineral mixtures.

Fertilizer and care calendar

Starting from the end of winter, the rose must be moved to a warmer room, where it will gradually begin to wake up. During this period, branches are pruned and nitrogen and potash fertilizers in the form of organic mixtures. This technique leads to increased growth of shoots and the formation of buds.

They require increased attention: you must create optimal conditions for their active growth and flowering.

Growing conditions

Since the plant is not, it needs moderate conditions. So, let's figure out how to care for a home rose so that this beautiful flower become a real decoration of your interior.

Temperature and humidity

During the summer season, the temperature should be moderate, and in the winter season - cool. At home, miniature roses suffer not so much from elevated air temperatures as from overheating or drying out of the soil in the container. Optimum temperature content in the summer - + 20-25 ° C. However, slight daily fluctuations in temperature will only benefit the plant.

In winter, in order for the rose to rest, it is transferred to a cool place with a temperature of + 10-15 ° C.

Important!On a bright sunny day, try not to splash water directly on the flower. This can lead to damage to the buds and the development of fungal diseases.


Home rose, like most, is a light-loving culture. At the same time, overheating of the bushes should not be allowed, so it is customary to place them on the southeast or west window. To in summer season protect the flower from direct sunlight, it is better to take it out into the open air (balcony or terrace).

If this is not possible, then it is advisable to transfer the pot to another window or darken it.

pot and soil

Roses can be planted in containers of all shapes and sizes. The only condition is that there must be enough space in the container so that the bush can develop and the air circulates freely. You are required to find a compromise between beauty and functionality.

It is advisable to transplant overgrown bushes into a larger container. When choosing a pot, the color of the flowers and the style of the surrounding interior should also be taken into account. By container type the best option are wooden or ceramic pots.

Plastic pots are allowed, but they are less reliable. in them in the summer quickly dries out, which leads to the rapid withering of the buds. It is also better to refuse clay pots - they quickly lose water.

The soil must be air and moisture permeable.

Use the following nutrient substrate:

  • sod land (4 parts);
  • humus (4 parts);
  • sand (1 part).
You can also purchase a ready-made specialized substrate.

The pot must have a good drainage system to allow excess moisture to pass freely through the soil. However, the size of the drainage holes should be such that water does not flow out of the container too quickly.

Care rules

Next, we will take a closer look at how to care for roses at home. These flowers love good as the soil dries out, top dressing in phase and timely.


Regular watering of rose plants is especially important in summer during flowering and growth. Drying out of the earth is dangerous for them. Therefore, water the flower as soon as the soil dries out (especially in small containers). However, do not overdo it with watering, the soil in the pot should not turn sour.

In spring, the plant should not feel a lack of moisture or light. Sometimes in the evening, the plant is sprayed with cool boiled water from a spray bottle. As soon as the bush outgrows the pot, it must be transferred to a larger container, trying not to disturb the roots.

After spring frosts and with the establishment of a warm night temperature, it is time to transfer the flower pot to fresh air (to the garden or loggia). Home plant accustom to the bright sun gradually. For this purpose, the flower is first placed in a shady corner and only after 10-14 days is transferred to a sunny area.


Summer care for a room rose consists of regular watering, spraying, fertilizing, and removing wilted parts of the plant. So that the flower does not overheat in the summer heat, monitor the condition of the plant. It is important to notice signs of diseases and pests in time.

If you notice that the bush is growing rapidly, and the container is getting too tight, wait until evening and transfer the rose to a new spacious container. If the flower located on the window is illuminated only from one side, then it naturally reaches for the sunlight.

To ensure uniform illumination of the flower, it is necessary to turn the pot from time to time. Thanks to this procedure, you will avoid the problem of developing a one-sided plant.


In autumn, at low night temperatures (up to 15-12 ° C), transfer the rose from the balcony to the room and place it on the windowsill of the south window. After the flowering phase, start preparing the plant for wintering: water less often (leave the soil dry for 1-2 days before watering) and gradually stop feeding.

A home or indoor rose is a miniature (up to 50 cm high), beautifully flowering, potted plant, of which there are about 250 species, but there are much more varieties. In the photo of domestic roses, you can see a wide variety of colors and shapes of buds, which makes this houseplant very attractive for growing at home.

Among the varieties of home roses most suitable for growing as indoor plants, it is worth highlighting such as "Miss Rowena Tom", "Grousse en Teplitz" or "La France" from a variety of hybrid tea roses, "Madame Falco", "Marshal Niel" or 'Nifetos' of the tea rose variety, 'Orand Triumph' of the polyanthus variety, Bourbon 'Souvenir de la Malmaison' or most Bengal red roses.

The whimsicalness and exactingness of home roses is well known and can scare away beginner growers, but still it is worth trying to grow home roses in pots, because they are very decorative and able to bloom for a long time.

And so that there are as few questions as possible about how to care for a home rose, you need to remember certain recommendations:

  1. for the location of pots with these plants, you need to choose southern and southeastern window openings and balconies;
  2. you need to plant homemade roses in fresh nutrient soil;
  3. in the warm season, they need to provide fresh air in sufficient quantities;
  4. during the growing season, indoor roses need to be watered abundantly, but at the same time take into account the temperature environment and the degree of drying of the top layer of soil;
  5. in the process of caring for a home rose, it is imperative to carry out weekly top dressing, especially carefully - during flowering and active growth;
  6. transshipment of plants in larger containers, but only if necessary.

Negative factors when growing indoor roses must also be considered. These include:

  • dry air and direct sunlight, which may cause overheating;
  • cold water used for irrigation;
  • leaving dry foliage and stems, withered buds and sprouts on the plant;
  • root injury;
  • wintering in a too hot room;
  • untimely treatment and control of diseases and pests.

Home care roses require constant and rather active care, but provided that a favorable environment for growth is created and maintained, it will come down only to regular watering and top dressing.


Care for home roses should begin from the moment of purchase. The whole process can be broken down into procedures that must be followed:

  1. Adaptation - while the flower is getting used to the new room, you need to repeat as much as possible the conditions in which the plant was before the moment of purchase in the store, including the mode of watering and feeding. At this time, it is necessary to isolate drafts and direct sunlight, use settled clean water for irrigation, and spray the leaves. It is necessary to transplant a home rose only after it adapts.
  2. Transplant - carried out after the plant gets used to a new place. Transplant a new rose it is necessary together with an earthen clod, only slightly loosening the outer layer and removing a small amount of old soil. Transplantation must be carried out very carefully so that the roots remain intact. It is best to use a mixture of soddy and humus soil mixed with sand (in a ratio of 4:4:1) and a small amount of complex fertilizers. The transplant pot should be several centimeters larger in diameter and 5-7 cm higher than the container in which the rose was purchased. A drain hole is required. The bottom of the pot should cover a layer of expanded clay drainage. After transplanting, the rose should be left in the shade for a day in a cool place, and then rearranged on a well-lit window sill, but not under direct rays, with fresh air.
  3. Watering - indoor roses are very demanding on watering and, due to insufficient moisture, they can even begin to dry. Therefore, you need to water regularly, in the cool time of the day, under the root, on hot days more often, as the top layer of the soil dries up. Water for irrigation should be clean, separated, at room temperature.
  4. Top dressing - should also be regular, at least 2 times a month. In this case, you can use complex fertilizers according to the instructions or mullein. In addition to fertilizing the soil, you can use special soluble complexes for top dressing in the form of spraying. Sick and only transplanted roses are not fed.
  5. Preparing for wintering is also an important stage of care, as domestic roses hibernate like their garden "relatives", and some varieties even shed their leaves. In order for the indoor rose to endure this period well, you need to move it to a cool room (15-17 ° C) with sufficiently humid air and without household appliances. Also, before wintering, roses are pruned, leaving 5 live buds on each branch.
  6. Wintering - in autumn winter period roses need no less careful care, namely, watering and spraying, maintaining normal humidity air.

Homemade roses are very beautiful houseplants, and, despite the demanding care, they are still very popular among flower growers.

Many people dream of how to decorate their balcony with beautiful roses. But the whole problem is that very often, when trying to fulfill this pink dream, many are disappointed due to a lack of knowledge about caring for these indoor flowers. What you need to know about growing a rose bush at home? The article talks about the basic rules for caring for a rose in a pot.

You need to know some subtleties that will help you choose the right roses for your home.

Roses are truly magical flowers that can instantly enchant with their fragrance and fall in love with yourself. These flowers are actively used not only for garden plots but also in the decor of a house or apartment.

Of all the variety of roses for indoor cultivation you should choose undersized species (15-25 cm). A small stature is ideal for a home - it will look original and miniature. True, sometimes adult plants grow up to 40-45 cm. Flowers - 1.5-2 cm in diameter, densely double, collected in inflorescences, rarely solitary.

Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis) - the smallest variety of indoor roses (15 cm), with very tiny flowers, about 2 cm in diameter, both with and without scent, red-burgundy, yellow-orange, even silvery shades.

Polyanthus (Rosa polyanta) with a pleasant aroma, pink-red, sometimes white, not capricious, feel great in pots. Strongly branched bushes, on average about 50 cm tall.

("Miniature" - an ideal polyanthus rosette with double flowers of white or color pink; "Orange Triumph" with bright red flowers, "Clotilde Super" - pale pink fragrant roses ...)

Ready-made sprouted bushes are sold in stores, so the task is reduced to a minimum - you need to choose the most healthy and outwardly whole bush, and, preferably, with closed buds.

They have quite a lot of varieties, you can choose roses different colors and different shapes buds.

  • Among the profusely flowering miniature roses there is a lavender rose with shades of lilac and purple "Lavander Jewel". The shape of a hybrid tea rose, opening up, is similar to a miniature floribunda.
  • Thick terry variety"Green Ice" (Green Ice) - as it blooms, this pretty rose turns white with a greenish tint.
  • Not less than original variety- "Stars & Stripes" with large white flowers, red stripes.
  • Some varieties are distinguished by an unusually delicate, delicate aroma, for example: "Lavander Lace", "Sweet Fairy".
  • One of the smallest varieties is the tussock-shaped yellow rose "Yellow Bantam".
  • Climbing varieties: "Red Cascade" (Red Cascade), "Hi-Ho" (coral red) - are characterized by unusually abundant flowering.
Indoor roses are inferior to garden roses only in their size, nothing more. Minima will take root perfectly on your windowsill - 15-30 cm ...
  • Mini varieties (terry): "Judy Fischer" with pink-double flowers, "New Penny" (copper pink), "Angela Rippon" (carmine), "Baby Darling" orange-pink, "Yellow Doll" (pale -yellow, fragrant), "Starina" - crimson with an intense aroma, "Cinderella" - a silver-pink variety.
  • "Scarlet Gem" (bright red, odorless), "Pour Toi" (white with cream, with a slight aroma), "Colibri 79" (apricot, odorless).

How to care for a home rose?

Roses are considered capricious plants, prone to many diseases. They can dry out for no apparent reason and constantly need to be fed and home care.

Without exception, all roses love sunlight and die in the shade, for them the sun's rays are vital. Therefore, after the purchase, you need to put the rose in the brightest place.

But everything should be in moderation. In hot weather, do not leave the bush in the sun. During this period, its rays are especially dangerous and the plant can not only receive physical damage, but also get sick. You should protect the flower with an umbrella, screen, blinds, or simply rearrange it to another place.

Like many plants, the rose does not like drafts and wind. If the rose is nurtured and grows on outdoors, then you should play it safe, and tie up a bush or put supports for it. This is done so that the fragile branches of the flower do not break under strong winds.

You need to water the rose abundantly, but keeping a sense of proportion, not creating puddles on the soil and not leaving the flower in humid environment for a long time - this is detrimental to him. In summer, you need to water the flower more often, in winter - less often, and always - with warm water. The roots of the flower do not like cold water, as a result of such watering, the rose can get sick.

Dried shoots, dry leaves or signs of disease in any part of the bush must be neutralized immediately - feel free to cut off the lesions. This favorably affects the bush and prevents the disease from spreading. As it grows, you should periodically trim the bush.

Top dressing is a very important component in caring for a rose. To see lush color bush, you need to constantly feed it from February to October. There are a lot of special dressings for roses. Most convenient option- soluble mixtures. They last for quite a long time and they are cheap.

After two hours from the moment of watering the rose, it is necessary to loosen the earth. This is done for two reasons: the first - it allows the roots of the plant to breathe, the second - does not allow the formation of a film that prevents water from entering the roots.

For the winter period, the rose must be brought to a warm place, if previously it was on the street (on the balcony, for example). You need to put the flower in a bright, as sunny place as possible. If there is a window sill with sunlight lamps, then it is generally wonderful.

In winter, the rose begins to shed its leaves - this is how it prepares for rest. No need to feed and in every possible way stimulate the growth of the plant. During this period, you need to cut it off, leaving a few green leaves, and put it in a warm sunny place. In the spring, she will again start up twigs, leaves and bloom in lush color.

Easily propagated by cuttings in the spring and summer, already on the 4th-5th day the cuttings in the water, sprout roots. It tolerates winter well in a home climate.

These simple rules for caring for roses will give great result - indoor flower will bloom intensively throughout the year and delight all households.

In the photo: Rose variety "Stars & Stripes"