How to get rid of rats: preventive measures. Mechanical, chemical and folk remedies for rats. Fighting rats with effective methods

It is very difficult to combat the invasion of these pests. Any human tricks in the form of poisons, baits, traps do not work as effectively on rodents as we would like. But if the invasion is not stopped, all objects in their path will be destroyed, and a serious threat will loom over the health of humans and pets.

What is important to know about the “gray enemy”

If you have never encountered rats before, you have no idea what kind of cunning animal you want to declare war on. First of all, remember - these small unpleasant rodents have intelligence. Scientists from Oxford have found that rats are characterized by abstract thinking.

As you develop methods to catch a rat in your home, accept that the struggle will not be easy. If at least one animal falls into the traps you set, then other individuals will analyze the death and will no longer stick their nose into the trap. A similar situation will happen with poison. The deceased relative will clearly demonstrate to the rodents what substances caused death. Therefore, in the future, rats with a sensitive sense of smell will accurately guess the poison by smell and will not touch it.

Intelligence, lifestyle, food

Insidious and dangerous rats can be found in any outbuildings or garages. They often climb into private houses and, having found food for themselves, quickly develop new territories. Sometimes rodents can be found even in city apartments. Who are they - long-tailed pests that have intelligence and bring destructive disasters. The following facts are known.

  • Lifespan. Individuals living in landfills and garbage can live up to one and a half years. And rats live up to about two or three years in the warm and comfortable conditions of an apartment or house.
  • External data. A rat may have gray or black fur. It has two pairs of paws, with the hind ones being much stronger than the front ones. The body length of an adult varies between 14-25 cm. The tail can reach 18-20 cm. Weight is approximately 200-400 g.
  • Upper incisors. Throughout life cycle rats grow upper teeth. And quite intensively (1 cm per month). Therefore, the rodent needs to constantly grind its incisors. Otherwise, the teeth grow into the jaw, and the rat dies an extremely painful death. To avoid this, she has to constantly gnaw on all objects that come in her way.
  • Mobility. The rat is very active. It is capable of reaching speeds of up to 10 km/h. And if necessary, it takes a barrier 80-100 cm high. Rodents are able to swim and dive. They can stay in water for about 12 hours.
  • Nutrition . In nature, wild individuals feed on fish, shellfish, mice, and frogs. Rats enjoy eating grain and plant seeds. If rodents settle near humans, then their diet consists of grains, cereals, food waste and products. And if a period of famine sets in, then cannibalism can flourish in the colonies - rats eat their relatives.
  • Assault on a person. Can a rat attack a person? In most cases, rodents emerge from their burrows at night, when the owners are already resting. This lifestyle is associated with a reluctance to catch a person’s eye. But in some situations, rats can become quite aggressive. The attack is usually dictated by the following events: the rodent has rabies, is afraid, is driven out of its inhabited areas, and is experiencing severe hunger.
  • Reproduction. IN wildlife rodents give birth twice a year. But those individuals that live in warm conditions receive sufficient nutrition and are able to reproduce up to eight times a year, bringing from two to 20 cubs at a time. Puberty in rat pups occurs at three to four months.

Danger to humans

Meeting a rat causes fear in many people. What can be frightening in an animal trying to hide from human eyes? Musophobia (fear of rats), according to psychics, is inherent in humans at the genetic level, dating back to the times when tailed pests served as a source of infection with fatal diseases. However, such fear is still quite justified today. Rats can cause serious harm.

Mad rats are especially dangerous. The disease affects nervous system rodent, so he becomes very aggressive. Such individuals attack a person even if the latter does not touch them.

Signs of rodents in the house

Rats don't breed on their own. They definitely come from somewhere. Rodents are able to come from basements, enter from neighbors, move into a house with personal plot. IN apartment buildings They easily master ventilation shafts and sewer pipes.

Main reasons

Why do these unpleasant and dangerous villains enter the house? In most cases, rodents run to the smell. And not always pleasant from the point of view of the human nose. The most common causes of tailed pests are:

  • untimely removal of garbage;
  • improper storage of food;
  • often leftover bread crumbs;
  • faulty garbage disposal;
  • cluttered closets, closets;
  • faulty plumbing;
  • cracks in walls, foundation;
  • old wooden floor.

Most often, rodent infestations occur in the fall. The onset of cold weather forces rats to look for warm rooms in which to spend the winter.

Traces of presence

It is not difficult to identify uninvited guests in the house. Rodents always leave marks behind. Be careful, and signs of rats will not be hidden from you. A dangerous “neighborhood” can be signaled by:

  • traces - the presence of rat droppings, spoiled food, chewed furniture, wires;
  • sounds - rustling or fussing in the kitchen, behind the walls, under the floor;
  • burrows - the appearance of cracks in the walls, near the baseboards;
  • aromas - the distribution of a characteristic rat odor, slightly reminiscent of ammonia.

How to get rid of rats that have taken a fancy to non-residential buildings

Rodents most often inhabit outbuildings. Moreover, rats give preference to warm sheds and cellars in which food supplies are stored. Sometimes long-tailed pests can even be found in the garage. Depending on where you saw the villain, the methods of dealing with her vary.

Pigpen and chicken coop

If rats are infested in a chicken coop or pigsty, when choosing a control method, keep in mind that they may suffer from poisons, poisons and rat traps. Domestic bird or cattle. Therefore, the list of acceptable methods of control is limited to only two areas.

  1. Use of aromatic herbs. Rats are afraid of many odors and prefer to leave as soon as they smell unpleasant odors. Herbs that can expel pests include elderberry, wormwood, peppermint, tansy, ratwort, and chamomile.
  2. Purchasing ultrasonic repellers. Such devices can be powered by mains or batteries. They operate at high frequencies that are not perceived by the human ear. For rats, such sound waves are extremely unpleasant. Therefore, rodents experiencing serious discomfort rush to leave the premises.

If you plan to use more drastic measures to exterminate rodents in the barn (using poison, calling a special service), then the pets must be temporarily transferred to another room.

Cellar and garage

A lot of products are stored in the cellar; there may be bags of grain. Warm conditions and food supplies invariably attract tailed pests. Sometimes the rats' attention comes not to the cellar, but to the garage. Here, enterprising rodents also find something to profit from. The first thing that suffers is the wiring. There are three methods you can use to get rid of rats.

  1. Poison. In specialized stores you can purchase a wide variety of rodent poisons. Good feedback received the drugs “Rat Death”, “Krysin”.
  2. Traps. Rat traps will help destroy rodents. However, remember that you need to set several traps at once. After all, after the rat falls into the trap and dies, the effectiveness of this method will sharply decrease.
  3. Aggressive odors. The aroma of kerosene and burnt rubber can repel rodents. Tailed ones react very sharply to the stench of burnt fur, especially when it comes to rat skin. Rodents cannot stand the smell of mothballs. However, all these scents can only be used in the absence of people and pets.

If the rodent did not just crawl into the garage, but climbed into the car, use the following method. Turn on the motor. Close your garage windows and doors tightly. Walk for approximately 25-35 minutes. Then return to the garage, making sure to wear a respirator. Turn off the engine. Ventilate the room well, remove the corpse of the pest (be sure to wear gloves).

Methods of fighting in residential premises

The most difficult thing is to drive rats out of an apartment or private house. Rodents, having chosen the warm, cozy place, in which you can always find water and food, are absolutely unwilling to give up their positions. And you need to choose not only effective ways eliminating uninvited “neighbors”, but also maximally protecting households and pets from the risk of intoxication. What can you do?

Folk remedies

To remove rats from your home, you can resort to fairly simple, but very effective methods. The main advantage of such products is the absence of toxic substances. However, remember that small children or pets may disobey and break the ban. Therefore, be sure to protect them, or better yet, temporarily move them to their grandmothers and friends. The following will help you cope with a rat infestation: folk remedies.

  • Wreaths of herbs. Use dried or fresh bunches of chamomile, wormwood, peppermint, tansy, wild rosemary. To enhance the effect, first pour boiling water over the wreaths. Hang them around the apartment. The specific aroma emitted by herbs will quickly evict unauthorized tenants.
  • Bait balls. Mix 100 g of gypsum and wheat flour. Pour the resulting powder into a glass of milk. Knead the dough thoroughly. Roll small balls out of it. Place them near baseboards, behind cabinets, and behind the refrigerator. Check the test status periodically. Gypsum can harden quickly, so renew the bait every two to three days. Construction material should get into digestive tract rodent and harden there, provoking its death.
  • Soda poison. Combine 130 g baking soda, 200 g sugar and 140 g flour. Stir. Place the resulting poison on sheets of paper or in disposable plates. Place containers of water nearby. Renew the powder mixture periodically. Baking soda will cause excessive gas formation in the rat's stomach. Flatulence will lead to death.

Be sure to inspect the room for dead rodents. Carcasses must be removed in a timely manner. Otherwise, the house may be filled with the unpleasant smell of decaying animals.

Finished chemicals

Ready-made poisons will help you effectively fight rats. But before using such products, completely eliminate the possibility of contact of the drugs with people and pets. It is advisable to find another place to live for a while. When using chemicals, be sure to wear a respirator, gloves, and, if necessary, wear safety glasses. The following poisons will effectively kill rats:

  • "Storm";
  • "Goliath";
  • "Rat"
  • "Zookoumarin";
  • "Ratindan";
  • "Krysin";
  • "Cyclone-D";
  • "Fluoroacetamide";
  • "Cyclone-B";
  • "Mortorath."

Calling professionals

Most effective method rodent control - call the service involved in rat control. Workers will quickly assess the situation, select the most effective methods of control, and treat the areas inhabited by rats.

The team will not only clear the premises of rodents, but will also give recommendations on proper prevention. In addition, specialists will treat with products that protect against re-invasion.

Unpleasant “surprise” in the toilet

Rats can appear not only in the kitchen. Sometimes you meet them in places where you least expect to see them. So, you can see a rat in the toilet. What to do in this case? The main thing is not to panic. The rats begin to move around sewer pipes only if they are driven “into a corner.” Such individuals become very aggressive. And your frightened cry can serve as the impetus after which the frightened animal will attack you. When you see a sewer rat, perform three actions.

  1. Close the toilet lid. This is necessary so that the rodent cannot attack you.
  2. Press the lid down with something heavy. The rat can jump high and can easily lift the lid.
  3. Call a special service. The team will carry out deratization, destroying rodents throughout the apartment.

To permanently get rid of rats in a private home, plant elderberry in the yard. This shrub has a very unpleasant aroma for rats. But the most effective “rat killer” is the root of the plant. It contains hydrocyanic acid, which is a strong poison for rodents. Even very hungry rats will never stick their nose into the yard where the elderberry grows.

Rodents are carriers of more than 70 types of diseases dangerous to humans. They can easily settle among people, especially if the conditions for this are created: holes in the walls, unsanitary conditions. Considering that rats reproduce at a high rate, it becomes clear why the task is urgent quick disposal from pests.

What are they afraid of?

Some people believe that rodents are not afraid of anything, but this is not true. Rats are sensitive to odors, so unpleasant aroma may scare them away. To get rid of mammals in non-residential premises, you can use kerosene, machine oil, burnt rubber, burnt wool, and naphthalene. It is clear that this option is not suitable for a living room. In places where poisons or unpleasant odors cannot be used, an ultrasonic rat repellent works great. The operating principle of the device is the propagation of sound waves, which negatively affect the central nervous system of small and large rodents.

How to catch rats

You can fight mice and rats with the help of mechanical traps, which must be installed along the walls where rodents move. Hunting for pests will not be effective if you catch them far from the nest. How to catch rats and mice if their habitat is unknown? It is easy to identify the pest by piles of droppings or traces of spoiled things. The rat trap should be installed away from the paths of household members, hiding the trap behind large objects. The principle of operation of the trap: the frame, which is located under the spring, breaks the rodent’s neck when the bait (cheese, meat) is removed.

What to poison

If you don’t know how to get rid of rodents yourself, the easiest way to get them out is to call the sanitary and epidemiological station. Professional employees will carry out deratization in all premises using pesticides. A simpler way iseffective rat poison, which can be purchased in a store ready-made or made independently. Chemicals are divided into two groups: rat poison of immediate or prolonged action. In the first option, the pests die quickly, in the second they are slowly destroyed.

How to get rid of rats in a private house

Often rats start on the property, take up residence in a barn, pigsty or chicken coop, and steal chicken eggs and other food products. Pets will help catch the population: cats, dogs (fox terrier, dachshund). Rats are smart animals, therefore, watching how their relatives are destroyed one by one, they will quickly leave a private house. Fighting rats in a private home will be effective if you get a snake.

Rodents are afraid of reptiles, because in nature they are prey. This natural resistance helps fight pests. It is not necessary for a snake to crawl around the house. You just need to place a terrarium in the middle of the room, which will scare away uninvited “neighbors”. The most effective method of keeping rodents out is to keep your home clean and food in the refrigerator or out of reach.

In the chicken coop

If pests are found in the chicken coop, it will not be possible to kill them with poisons. How to get rats out of such a room? Herbs will help exterminate rodents and not harm chickens: dried peppermint or elderberry sprigs. You can use a bunch of fresh plants or a piece of cloth soaked in their essential oil. Many people claim that such an aromatherapy session helps to quickly get rid of rats in the chicken coop.

In the apartment

The appearance of tailed mammalian pests in an apartment is a shock for the owners, especially if it is located on the upper floors of a high-rise building. Many people don’t even know how to kill a rat, because it is inventive and may not even show itself to humans. You can suspect the presence of a pest by an unpleasant odor, excrement in the form of balls, squeaking, grinding, scraps of paper, or holes in the wall.

Getting rid of rats in an apartment using poison is not the best good option, because the rodent will eat the poison, and then die somewhere in the ceiling, after which bad smell guaranteed for many months. There are several ways to protect your apartment from uninvited guests:

  • place rat traps along the walls and tie them to the radiators;
  • apply glue to a piece of cardboard and place it in the penetration areas so that the rodent is securely fixed on the cardboard;
  • buy a device with ultrasound;
  • fill the holes with crushed glass, concrete mixture and iron sheets.

In the barn

It is easier to remove rodents from non-residential premises. You can get rid of rats in a barn the old-fashioned way folk recipe: Scatter ash on the floor. The substance irritates the skin of pests, so staying indoors will become unbearable for them. Adhesive tape-based traps are also effective. Another way is to place a deep basin of water in the middle of the shed. An animal, when it wants to quench its thirst, will definitely drown.

In the cellar

To drive pests out of the cellar forever means creating the most unfavorable conditions for them. To do this, it is necessary to deprive them of food so that active reproduction stops. To begin with, the cellar door needs to be covered with metal sheets, the pipe openings must be sealed, and the ventilation hatches must be covered with mesh. You can get rid of rats in the cellar using mechanical (homemade traps) or chemical methods. Experts say that the latter are more effective. These include the use of poisons, which are produced in solutions, aerosols, powders, and poisoned grains.

Rats. If they are not purchased from a pet store and are not living in a cage or where you decide, it is very doubtful that you want to have them in your home. After all, these animals are carriers of dangerous diseases, and they are responsible for the emergence of the famous plague, which almost destroyed the population of medieval Europe.

Modern medicine has brought the deadly disease under control, but there is no guarantee that it will not return. And that's why it's important to control the rat population.

In addition to spreading infections, rats can not only spoil food and supplies for the winter. Often they are the cause of fires: wiring insulation - favorite treat rats!

Are there rats in your house: how to determine

Miniature devices, plugged into a regular outlet, repel rats from the house at a considerable distance - up to 250 square meters. m. In 2-3 weeks you will forget that rats once lived next to you. And pets and children – even near the device – will be completely safe.

Pets, especially cats, can be good helpers in the fight against rodents. They love to hunt rodents and show off their catch. Although, it is not the most pleasant sight to watch your pet dragging a trophy through your slippers.

Why use personal protective equipment

When it comes to handling a dead rat, always wear latex gloves. Wrap the rat in newspaper or place it in a thick plastic bag before taking it to a container outside.

Be extremely careful if you want to get rid of a rat that is still alive: wear rubber gloves and keep the rat as far away from you as possible. The rodent is very resourceful and can bite or scratch you.

It is very important, even if you were wearing rubber gloves, to wash your hands with soap and water after handling a live or dead rat.

Benefits of preventing rat re-infestation

After you have rid your private home of rats, you need to make it as unattractive as possible for them to avoid a repeat invasion. The first step is to remove all food sources: Buy a metal container or a very thick plastic container to store pet food.

If your pet hasn't finished eating, remove the bowl immediately.

Make sure trash and compost bins have lids that cannot be knocked off the bin. Do not compost food scraps.

If you spill something, immediately wipe the surface and degrease it. All bulk products (cereals, grains) must be stored in containers with a tight-fitting lid.

Applying these in your life simple rules precautions, you will protect your home from pests completely free of charge.

Advice from grandfather Frol.

Getting rid of mice using ash.
I will tell you one old way to get rid of mice in your basement and cellar. People call it dirty. And that's why. Have to take wood ash and finely chop it, and then cover the dry floors of the basement and cellar with it at the rate of one bucket per 5-10 m2, of course, only in those places where it will not interfere with you. The ash contains alkali, which corrodes the paws of rodents. They lick it off, which causes further irritation to the mouth and stomach. Therefore, the mice are forced to move to another place. For humans, unlike rodents, ash is absolutely harmless, which is why the method I described is good. But there is also a disadvantage to this means of getting rid of mice, because the “tailed” ones spread ash throughout the house and this does not make it cleaner.

Fighting rats and mice using culinary methods.
There is another one in my collection of folk wisdom original method rodent control, I call it culinary. Wheat flour and building gypsum(alabaster) is mixed in a 1:1 ratio and this dry mixture is poured into a container. Water for drinking is placed nearby. The bait has a familiar smell and does not arouse suspicion. The essence of the method is that after eating and drinking, a rat or mouse gets specific indigestion, since after a few minutes the mixture hardens like cement in the rodent’s stomach. In our village, sometimes instead of flour and alabaster they used a dry mixture of quicklime and sugar.
And there is another tricky way - take a wine cork and cut it into small pieces with a knife, mix it with finely chopped crusts of bread, and flavor it with a few drops of unrefined sunflower oil. When this culinary delight gets into the mouse’s stomach, the plug begins to swell and gets stuck in the mouse’s intestines. Did you know that rats are very sensitive to human smell? Therefore, when preparing bait for them, you need to use something plastic or wooden, it could be a stick or a spoon. You can wear rubber gloves. Before spreading the bait, the rats must be fed normal food for several days. And only then food with a “surprise” is placed in the same place.

We kill rodents with perfume.
To repel rodents, formaldehyde or kerosene has long been successfully used, the smell of which is so disliked by mice and rats. But these liquids can only be used to protect non-residential premises. I recommend that you spray the corners of the cellar or basement with formaldehyde or kerosene and the rodents will immediately leave there. If you yourself do not like the smell of kerosene, then you can take a piece of old rubber, place it in a bucket and burn it on the fire using blowtorch. It is better to do this while storing food in the cellar. Well, if you are not satisfied with all of the above methods, try one more. Mice and rats cannot stand the smell of mothballs. Make a mixture of equal parts naphthalene derivatives and sawdust and sprinkle it near mouse holes, passages and holes.
Mice can be effectively exterminated with turpentine, the smell of which they cannot tolerate. To do this, soak a rag in turpentine and place it in the hole. After a few days, this operation must be repeated.

And now I'll tell you about reinforced concrete method fight against rats and mice.
In order to prepare a cellar or underground for storing food, all existing holes must be filled with glass, stoned or concreted, and the supply and exhaust pipes must be covered with a fine metal mesh. A week before storing the food, you should disinfect the room with a solution of bleach. And I recommend fumigating the cellar located outside the living quarters, and before storing the harvest, with a sulfur bomb. This is done like this: we plug up the vents and cracks in the room being treated. Light the wick and close the door tightly. The smoldering time of the checker is about 1 hour, the time of the cleansing effect of the smoke is 24-36 hours. After this, it is necessary to ventilate the cellar well for 1-2 days until the smell disappears completely. And your cellar will be cleansed of fungus, mold, rot, and insects. And the rodents will run away. And so that rats and mice do not return to the smell after laying vegetables - put ultrasonic rodent repeller.

Marine method of getting rid of rats.
One day, while sitting on a rubble, I heard about an ancient maritime method of fighting rodents. It is said that several healthy adult rats were placed in a strong metal barrel. Left without food, they began to devour each other. The surviving rat was released into the hold of the ship, where it found and ate all its relatives. Today, the method is not relevant, since it requires a strictly limited space for the activities of the surviving individual: otherwise you raise a monster, and it will run away to another place. Yes, and there are simpler and less bloodthirsty methods of controlling rodents.

We exterminate rats with vodka.
And the last method of exterminating rats - you don’t know for sure - is with vodka. Frol Fomich's eyes sparkled slyly: - here, dear man, wine cork If you can't get away with it, you'll need half a liter for a scientific experiment. I had to respect the old man. Before his story, they took a sip of a glass. From a good conversation and a drink, Frol Fomich became slightly tired and he snored sweetly and took a nap on the rubble. I didn’t wake him up, so Frol Fomich will tell you about fighting rodents with alcohol next time...

If dangerous rodents such as rats appear in your private house or apartment, do not despair! There are many popular folk remedies to combat these obnoxious “neighbors.”

Why is it necessary to fight rats?

The main thing we must not forget is that rats reproduce very quickly, so you need to start fighting them as quickly as possible. In a year, one female alone can bring about a hundred new small pests into your home. They cause significant damage to property, destroy and spoil food, and cause many dangerous diseases. Imagine how much the damage caused by these rodents will increase if there are more and more of them in your home. And it will become much more difficult to get rid of them.

Extermination of rodents at home

There are many folk remedies for repelling and baiting rats. They are used when the use of poisons and other methods is impossible or undesirable. We will present some of the most popular methods.

Video: how to get rid of rats once and for all

Physical destruction

The first thing that comes to mind is the physical extermination of rats. A cat can help you with this. However, not every one of these predatory pets will begin to catch rodents. To do this, the cat must develop hunting skills that will tell him what to do when meeting uninvited guests.

Cat - ambulance in the fight against rodents

If you don't have pets, traps will come to your rescue. Place bait in regular mousetraps - sausage, meat, cheese or lard - and leave it in places where rats are found.

Glue traps are also quite effective. The fragrant bait is already present in them; all that remains is to place them in the right places and dispose of them along with the dead rodents.

If there are children living in the house, make sure that they do not mistake the trap for a new toy.

Video: how to make a rat trap with your own hands

Use of folk remedies

What folk remedies for fighting rats will be safest for household members? Here are some popular recipes:

  • Plaster, alabaster. Mix flour with this product in a 1:1 ratio, distribute it around the room where rodents were spotted, and place a container of water nearby. The plaster will harden in the rat's stomach, after which it will die.
    The gypsum mixture will not arouse suspicion among rats
  • Putty and semolina. Dry semolina (or buckwheat) must be mixed with dry putty and placed near the rat holes. Water can be placed nearby. The putty in the rat's stomach will swell, which will lead to the death of the rodent.
    Putty provokes intestinal obstruction in rats
  • Soda. Leave bait for the rat from a mixture of soda (100 g), flour (100 g) and sugar (150 g). In the stomach of the animal, the drug will begin to produce dangerous gas which will poison the pest.
    A mixture of soda causes profuse gas formation in the rat's stomach.
  • Broken glass. It is best to mix it with crushed strong-smelling soap. When a rat eats this mixture, it injures the gastrointestinal tract.
    Mix broken glass with soap or bread - such a mixture will be too tough for a rat
  • Cork plug. Mix crushed champagne or wine cork with bread, season with unrefined sunflower oil. This treat is deadly for rodents' digestion.
    When a cork enters a rat’s body, it swells greatly and damages organs.
  • Blackroot (ratrunner). Its pungent smell repels rats and mice, forcing them to leave their nests. A person does not smell this smell. You can also mix poisoned food and crushed plant root, the juice of which has a depressant effect on the nervous system of rodents. It must be remembered that black root is very poisonous; you can only work with it while wearing gloves.
    Blackroot contains alkaloids that literally destroy the nervous system of rats

Deterrents include following plants and substances:

  • Cilantro (coriander). Rich in essential oils, the smell of which perfectly repels pests. You can place the stems and seeds of the plant collected in the fall around the house.
    The most ancient and effective folk method coriander or cilantro is considered to fight rats
  • Calendula, chamomile and daffodils. These plants can also help you in the war against rodents, because the latter simply hate the smell of these flowers.
    Calendula can be used as a rat repellent plant.
  • Tansy. It can be spread out if there are no cats in your house that cannot stand the smell of this plant.
    Rats are repelled by the sharp and slightly sweet smell of tansy
  • Peppermint. Excellent at repelling both rats and mice.
    The aroma of mint does not evoke any negative emotions in us, but rodents cannot stand it
  • Elder. This plant is also often used in pest control.
    Elderberry roots produce hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous to many animals, including rats.
  • Tomato tops. It contains toxic substances that give it a specific aroma. Rats can't stand it. It is best to collect the tops in the fall, cut them into small pieces and spread them around the house.
    The insecticidal properties of tomato tops, which repel rats, have been known for a long time.
  • Sagebrush. It has a tart and bitter aroma. The smell can sometimes cause headaches and even nausea in people, so laying out this dried grass V large quantities not worth it. You can also make a strong decoction that is great for repelling rats. It must be sprayed in places where they appear.
    To repel rodents in the house and underground, dried wormwood grass is laid out in places where mice and rats appear.
  • Ledum. It also has a rather specific smell, so you can use it, but you shouldn’t overuse it.
    Ledum contains something poisonous to rats essential oil and is capable of having a damaging effect at a considerable distance
  • Pyrethrum. Is one of the most safe plants for a person. You can use its stems or flowers. The aroma also helps against insects.
    Pyrethrum is one of the safest plants for humans, the smell of which is hated by rodents and insects
  • Formaldehyde, kerosene, naphthalene. These products are great for treating basements or technical rooms. Experts do not recommend using it in residential premises.
    The use of kerosene and other similar substances does not kill rodents, but only forces them to leave their habitable places
  • Bleaching. It can be poured into rat holes. However, the residents themselves will have to inhale the product, which is undesirable.
    Rats avoid places where the smell of bleach is too strong
  • Ash. It is known that rats do not move into buildings that have recently had fires. The ash left behind by the flame affects them Negative influence. It contains alkali, which irritates their paws. Rodents lick it off, which causes irritation of the mucous membranes. They have to move out of such living conditions. The bad thing is that along the way they can also spread ash throughout your house.
    Ordinary ash is an excellent assistant in the fight against rats
  • Bay leaf or cotton wool soaked in vinegar. This product can be placed in cabinets. But it is worth remembering that inhaling vinegar vapors is also unsafe for people.
    Place it around the house Bay leaf- rodents will avoid your home

In addition, creating unfavorable living conditions for rodents will help get rid of rats. This method is suitable, for example, if you find them in the basement of your private house. Limit the rats' access to food and lock all entrances to their burrows, all pipe openings, holes and ventilation, and cover the doors to the basement with sheets of metal. Without food, rodents will either die or be forced to look for more comfortable conditions for accommodation.

Prevention of rats

Unfortunately, simply keeping the house tidy and clean is not always enough. To protect your home from rodents, try attaching a fine grille to all ventilation ducts, and also seal all the cracks and seal the water supply system. It is best to store food in containers with tight lids, and dispose of garbage as quickly as possible so that pests do not have access to food.

You can take action already at the stage of laying the foundation of your private house or cottage - install a fine mesh vertically in the cement and seal all small holes.

If you live in an apartment, remember that many of the listed herbal products can be grown even on the balcony and used both to scent the room and to repel rats.