How to paint plastic from a spray can. Plastic painting technology: how to get a durable and beautiful coating

A modern car is not only assembled in the right order metal parts but also a mountain of plastic: bumpers, spoilers, moldings, outside mirrors, etc.

What you need to know to paint plastic car parts with your own hands?

And so that their untidy appearance does not oppress the driver and does not scare away his passengers, you will have to learn how to paint plastic body parts with your own hands. Perhaps someone has already mentally drew a picture of how he easily takes a spray can and puts the car in order in twenty minutes. But it was not there! The subtleties of this simple work fit into just one article, which is better to read to the end.

Like all other plastics, plastic has some properties inherent only to it, and therefore the car enthusiast should at least understand a little about the materials that went to the car. Almost all parts are made of different types plastics. Typically, all plastics used for internal and external machine parts must, above all, be durable and safe. They are divided into 2 types: those that require a primer and do not need it at all.

Usually you have to choose one of the following methods of plastic repair:

1. Check for buoyancy

After dipping plastic in water, see if it sinks or not. If the part is submerged in water, then unnecessary trouble can be avoided. If it floats, then first you need to apply a primer for plastic, and only then - an acrylic primer.

2. Incineration

Break off a small piece of plastic from the part you want to repair. Make sure there is no dirt, paint or mold grease on it. Light the plastic. If it burns and smokes, then there is no need to prime the material. If the flame rises clean (like a candle), then a plastic primer should be applied before the main primer coat.

DIY painting a new plastic car part

If you have purchased a new plastic for a body kit or a bumper, then for sure you want it to fit almost to match the color of your car. Here's what you have to do:

  • Degrease the part;
  • Apply primer on plastic;
  • Apply acrylic primer;
  • Sand the last layer;
  • Apply pigment or "base";
  • Apply varnish.

If your plastic part does not require additional primer, then first degrease it by wiping it with anti-silicone. Then apply the adhesive strip under the two-component acrylic primer with abrasive 240 or better and prime thoroughly.

Grind the dried primer with abrasive 320 (for plain enamel), and then “under the metallic” with abrasive 450 or 500. After adding primer and plasticizer to the paint, or “Elasticator”, as it is called, paint the part ( percentage components, look at the bottle). "Elasticator" will help the paint not to crack even with small shocks of the car.

In the case when the part needs to be primed with a special substance for plastic, do not forget to very, very carefully clean the surface of the factory lubricants used for molds.

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Staining plastic elements is a simple procedure that any master can handle at home. If you have a question about how to paint the plastic and in what sequence you need to perform the work, read the advice of the masters.

Before painting, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the plastic element. The most important rule- it must be absolutely clean. After cleansing, remember to wipe the plastic dry. Pay attention to the edges. You may notice that it has become deformed - this often occurs during the operation of a particular plastic part. If possible, cut off the damaged edge by at least a couple of millimeters - for this you can use an ordinary knife or with an electric jigsaw.

If you notice that a layer of glue or film remains on the surface of the plastic part, then they must be cleaned off, otherwise the staining will not be durable. It is recommended that you purchase a cleaner - you can find plastic surface cleaner at a hardware store. Such a composition will help you thoroughly clean the surface and degrease it. It is also recommended to use special impregnations - such a substance will allow the paint to better adhere to the plastic surface.

Now, after preparation, you can proceed directly to the staining process. The craftsmen claim that the work is not much different from painting any part from another material.

An excellent option for painting plastic - polyurethane paint on water based... It is easy to use and very durable. Remember that this paint is usually applied indoors - for work you need room temperature... Use a spray bottle to help spread the paint evenly. The layer should not be too thick - otherwise, the drying time will increase several times, and there is also a risk of dripping. If you need to paint the part in several layers, then do it one by one - after the previous layer has dried, apply a new layer. But there are also limitations - you should not apply more than 3 layers of paint.

Additionally, you can cover the painted surface with a special varnish. With its help, the surface of the plastic part will acquire a more bright color and a very beautiful shine.

Dry the surface

The best way to dry paint is by using a natural process. To do this, fix the part on a stretched rope - on average, at room temperature or close to it, the paint will dry completely in 9 hours. However, this is provided that if you applied one layer of paint, it is not too thick, and the humidity in the room does not exceed 65-70%.

If you need to dry this or that part as quickly as possible, you can use the forced method. To do this, you need a device that supplies hot air with a temperature not lower than 70 °, but also not higher than 80 °. Under the influence of the air flow, the plastic part will dry completely in two hours (if the layer is thin, then the time is reduced to one, maximum one and a half hours). But if you applied varnish after staining, you will have to wait at least 3 hours, or better 4.

First, remember that ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) -based plastic needs a primer. With its help, the surface the best way evens out, besides, the adhesion of paint to plastic significantly increases. It is better to apply a primer to plastic with a spray. Remember to wear gloves.

Secondly, it is important to follow the rule: the temperature of the paint and the surface on which it is applied must be the same. So, if you brought paint from the store, and it's winter outside, let it settle indoors.

Thirdly, polyamides, as well as polypropylenes, can be dried in less than half an hour at a flow of hot air with a temperature of about 100 °. Keep in mind that complete drying is achieved in 5-6 days. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this or that part during this time.

Many people think that it is quite easy to paint plastic, but not all types of this material lend themselves to coloring. More precisely, you can paint such surfaces, and the paint will lie quite evenly, but after drying it can peel off or crack.

In order for the paint to last for a long time, and the painted surfaces to look attractive, you must first figure out what types of plastic can be painted and with what paints it can be done.

Plastics are different types, and each of these materials has unique properties, accordingly, such surfaces should be painted in different ways. There are also plastics that cannot be painted.

If the plastic is like polypropylene or polyethylene (PE), then it is almost impossible to paint it and any paint will peel off from it in pieces. That is, if you want, for example, to paint metal-plastic heating pipes (they are made of polyethylene), then nothing will work, so it is better to immediately choose the appropriate shade.

When it comes to plastic car parts, they are divided into two types: those requiring a special primer and those that do not.

Determining which group a particular plastic part belongs to is quite simple:

  1. You can lower the product or a small piece of it into the water: if it is completely submerged, then the part does not need a primer, but if it floats on the surface of the water, then it is necessary to apply a special primer for plastic.
  2. You can also burn a piece of a plastic part, cleaned of paint and dirt - if it burns with black smoke and soot, then you do not need to apply primer, if the flame is clean and even, then applying a primer is necessary.

Plastic dyeing technology

In general, the sequence of operations for painting plastic surfaces and parts is as follows:

  • Degreasing
  • Primer application for plastic surfaces
  • Acrylic primer application
  • Sanding acrylic primer
  • Paint application

Features of painting plastic

  • ABS or PVC-based plastics can be painted over, but such surfaces should be coated with an adhesive primer first. It can be purchased at car dealerships (plastic primer) or in paint and varnish stores - Otex-type primers from Tikkurila. Such formulations are applied by spraying or wiping, and after that the surfaces should dry within one minute.
  • Plastic surfaces to be painted must be dry and clean and free from grease, dust or other contamination.
  • Additionally, there is no need to prepare the surface for painting, only if the work is carried out with polystyrene or ABS plastics, which will be painted with acrylic water-based paints.
  • The temperature of plastic, paint and even painting equipment should be the same. Conditions in a room with a temperature of at least 18 degrees and a humidity of no more than 80% are considered ideal for painting plastic.
  • Coloring is carried out in one layer with a thickness of about 60 microns. A thinner layer may be weak and the paint will not adhere well to the surface of the plastic. Conversely, an overly thick layer of paint (more than 120 microns) leads to an increase in drying time, and this can adversely affect the appearance of the paint.
  • Drying of plastic surfaces after painting should be carried out at a temperature of 18-60 degrees, the exact value depends on the thickness of the paint layer. So, with a layer of 90-120 microns, the drying time of the paint will be about 3 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees and an air humidity of 65%. Polyamides and polypropylenes can be dried in 20 minutes at 100 degrees Celsius.
  • Complete drying (polymerization) of paint on plastics occurs in 5-7 days, but if the temperature is low, humidity is high, and the paint layer is very thick, then this period can lengthen several times.

Painting plastic products is not an easy task, as the smooth surface causes paint to drip off. But dealing with it is actually not difficult if you properly prepare the treated area and use a suitable application method. decorative coating... How to paint plastic - we will tell in this article.

General rules for staining plastic

First of all, it is worth finding out which plastic surfaces can be painted and which cannot. Plastic material can be of different types depending on the raw materials used in the manufacturing process. Each of them has certain characteristics due to the unique properties of polymers.

If you need to paint plastic based on polypropylene or polyethylene (PE), then you should not waste time. The dye composition will flow over the surface without changing color. From such raw materials, for example, metal-plastic ones are made. When purchasing them, you need to immediately select the appropriate tonality.

Various parts made of plastic are suitable for painting. Such surfaces are classified into two types:

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In need of preliminary preparation (PVC, ABS);

Does not require processing before paint application.

Determine the need preparatory work you can do it yourself. To do this, use one of the following methods:

A plastic part is lowered into a container with water, if it does not sink to the bottom, a primer is needed, when drowning, pre-treatment is not carried out;

If there is such an opportunity, then a piece of plastic must be set on fire, the presence of soot and black smoke indicates the readiness of the material for painting, and if a clean and even flame is found on the burning fragment, a primer must be applied to the surface.

Materials and tools

To perform painting work, you need to prepare everything you need:

Priming compound;

Colored coating;

Fine sandpaper;

Masking tape;


Stages of staining

When painting a plastic surface, the following sequence is observed:

The working surface is cleaned of the old protective coating, if there is strong contamination, then it should be washed with soapy water;

After drying, clean the plastic part with fine sandpaper, eliminating minor scratches and other flaws;

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To improve the adhesion of the surface, you need to remove the dust with a dry cloth and degrease it with an alcohol solution (an acetone solvent is also suitable);

Those areas that cannot be stained are recommended to be closed masking tape;

Apply a primer to the plastic with a brush (the composition is selected on an acrylic basis);

After drying, apply paint to the surface with a brush or spray gun.

Drying is carried out by natural or forced method (using a building hair dryer). Temperature regime drying - 18-60 degrees with a humidity level of up to 80%. The polymerization of the applied layer will be completed after a week, therefore the painted part is not recommended to be used for its intended purpose earlier than this period.

As a primer, you can use a primer for plastic, which is sold in car dealerships.

When preparing the surface, you must thoroughly clean it from dirt and dust. It is equally important to remove oily stains. This can be done with a solvent.

The primer layer can be omitted if acrylic-based paints are planned to be used for painting.

Plastic things have many benefits. They are lightweight, relatively durable, withstand heat and contact with water well. but appearance such products do not always satisfy people. After prolonged use, the plastic loses its attractiveness and becomes covered with scratches. And sometimes the color of the chosen item is not pleasant from the very beginning.

In many cases, the solution turns out to be high-quality paint for plastic, but when choosing, it is necessary to take into account its specific features.


Plastic paint is different from formulations that are applied to other materials. Its application also has its own specifics. For example, plastics based on ABS and PVC must be coated with a special primer before painting, which should be purchased at a car or paint shop. The mixture is sprayed and wiped, the treated surface dries for at least 60 seconds.

Basic requirements for staining:

  • thorough drying and cleaning of the surface, freeing it from lubricating oils, dust particles and so on;
  • preliminary preparation is necessary in all cases, with the exception of applying acrylic water-based paint on polystyrene or ABS;
  • the temperature of the plastic, the colorant and the equipment to which it is applied must be carefully balanced;
  • it is advisable to heat the air to 18 degrees and above, it should be dried up to 80% or less;
  • it is necessary to apply only one layer, the thickness of which is on average 60 microns;
  • when drying, plastic products are kept at a temperature of 18 to 60 degrees, depending on how thick the layer is applied.

A very thin layer of paint is not very strong and does not adhere well to the surface. If you apply more than 120 microns of paint, it will dry slowly, and decorative qualities worsen sharply. The polymerization process usually takes 5 - 7 days. However, with insufficient temperature, solid humidity and increased layer thickness, it may take several weeks.

Scope of application

Almost any plastic product can be painted with special dye mixtures. PVC window sills and windows are covered with some compounds, fiberglass and other plastics - completely different. PVC is often treated with polyurethane-acrylic water paint... It does not give a matte effect and performs well even on large areas.

The same paints and varnishes will come in handy if you need to process:

  • siding;
  • sandwich panel;
  • rigid PVC;
  • construction profiles;
  • doors and window frames.


Acrylic enamel on water (polyurethane-acrylic paint) in most cases has two basic components. In addition to the dye itself, the composition includes a hardener, thanks to which the mixture becomes resistant to mechanical and chemical destructive factors. Good curing compounds are colorless and odorless themselves.

In addition, they give the paint and varnish material and other valuable properties:

  • hiding power;
  • decent adhesion;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays.

Polyurethane paint it is highly durable. It is formed by polyurethane components with the addition of acrylates. This paint and varnish material solves two important tasks - replaces both the primer, and coloring composition... However, priming can be dispensed with only if the surface is not too dirty.

Polyurethane paint is a wear-resistant substance that allows it to cover even large areas of plastic products. The waterproof film increases the hardness of plastic items without compromising their firmness or elasticity. The surfaces do not stick to each other after drying and retain their original attractiveness for a long time.

Regularly used items (cordless phone, glasses case, toys, flashlights, tool handles) cover matte dye soft-toch... With its help, a pleasant tactile effect is achieved. Another important advantage is the intense absorption of sound and light. In most cases, soft-dot is made black, but chemists have learned to release brighter, more saturated tones.

Vinyl paint in terms of plastic, it is highly environmentally friendly, it is relatively inexpensive. One unpleasant circumstance prevents its widespread use - low resistance to destructive influences. A short contact with water or wind is enough for the plastic structure to regain its unattractive appearance.

Foamed rubber products must have three qualities: resistance to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and slight mechanical damage. These "opponents" are the most dangerous for any thermal insulation, as well as other insulating structures. Spray treatment allows the paint to adhere better to the surface, no matter which concentrate is chosen.

None of the widely used paint can impart antistatic properties to objects. As a result, they are ensured by applying additional preparations after staining the plastic.

Design and colors

Consider all existing options products made of plastic and it would be too difficult to conclude which color and design is better for them. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the doors and windows on PVC based that are often found in residential buildings.

When choosing a painting option, it is advisable to focus on the general style of the structure. If it is necessary to decorate a house in the Russian style, it is worth maintaining a balance between the colors of windows, doors and the tone of the roof. Natural shades will be appropriate here. Dark brown paint can be used. It perfectly masks rain streaks and street dirt.

Light colors (beige, yellow, bluish, orange) are recommended to be used only in combination with similar roofing colors.

Minimalistic houses are poorly combined with various decorative delights; it is most correct to use discreet tones here. If there is a desire to create a high-quality and attractive coating, it is worth using a chrome finish.

Modern manufacturers have learned to create beautiful sparkling and iridescent dyes. Gold paint looks elegant and chic, sometimes even somewhat pompous. Mirror paint gives a very attractive chrome-plated surface effect. The film formed by such a composition is relatively thin, but at the same time as strong and resistant to external influences as possible. For obvious reasons, anti-corrosion properties are not very important here, however, protection against negative atmospheric phenomena much appreciated.

Matt paint soft-toch is intended, first of all, for those objects that are constantly in contact with human hands. It is pleasant to touch them, a feeling of velvety and warmth is created. The color can be anything - black, silver, bronze, and so on.

Glossy black paint is considered by most car owners to be great for car interiors.

  • moldings;
  • boxes of external mirrors;
  • bumpers;
  • parts of salons.

It effectively tackles any visual imperfections, including scuffs and cracks. The dye is able to reconstruct the original appearance of plastic, give it a characteristic roughness and hide minor damage.

It is possible to apply a layer of paintwork materials, even without special skills and experience in such work. Fast drying allows you to appreciate all the attractiveness textured surface in a matter of minutes. The use of an additional layer of varnish is not required.

Unlike cars, where nothing should distract the driver from the road and instrument readings, any (silver or even bright) tones can be used at home. You just need to maintain a balance between different shades of the environment, adhere to the selected color temperature (cold or warm).

It is worth focusing on personal taste, and on how well a certain solution fits into a particular interior. For example, painting "silver" is not always appropriate... By evaluating the environment in which the plastic product will be used, you can eliminate mistakes when choosing a tonality and texture.

Soft-toch is ideal for finishing vehicle interiors, because it is resistant to wear and tear, can be easily applied even on vertical surfaces, and helps to smooth out sharp corners. Compositions of the soft-toch category can be used to paint not only plastic. However, in this case, a careful selection of a primer will be required that matches the specific substrate.

It is unacceptable to use solutions with vitriol as a primer, since upon contact with acrylic paints this component weakens them many times positive traits and interferes with adhesion.