Water based airbrush paint. About paints, in particular for airbrushing (reference m-l)

Tools such as airbrushes are used in bodywork when creating any kind of drawings or patterns, that is, for the precise application of paint. Usually, these works are carried out by professionals, and to do them yourself, you need to know the features. So, first of all, not all materials used for spray guns are suitable for airbrushes. This article discusses what paints can be used for an airbrush and how to dilute them with your own hands.

Types of paints and varnishes

  • acrylic water-soluble;
  • urethane base;
  • multistage multicomponent.

The features of the work depend on the type of paint and varnish material. So, compositions of the first type are applied in 1 or 2 stages, urethane base - in 2 steps, including varnishing, multi-stage multicomponent - in 3 stages.

Water-borne materials such as gouache are not suitable for bodywork as they do not hold varnishes. Therefore, they are used only for training. Among the substances of this type for bodywork, only acrylic can be used on water based, moreover, fine, intended for an airbrush. This ink is most suitable for airbrushes with a fixed needle and external displacement air flow.

The main advantages of data paints and varnishes water-based are considered low cost, non-toxic, good miscibility with each other, immunity to chemical and physical influences after drying.

An important feature that must be considered when painting with your own hands is a very fast drying... As a result, it is impossible to correct the applied pattern. but this feature can be eliminated in two ways. First, you can add alcohol to the water used to thin the water-based paint. However, if its content exceeds 20%, it is possible for the formation of blobs of paint on the surface, called roll-up. Secondly, you can completely create a water-based mixture with your own hands, picking up the components in the required amount. In such a case, the drying time is adjusted by changing the amount of polyester resins. This method is more perfect in comparison with the first.

Polyurethane paints and varnishes are represented by polymer emulsions, consisting of stabilizing and coalescent substances, coloring insoluble pigments, resins resistant to solvent solvents. Pigments are presented:

  • titanium white (white);
  • iron oxides;
  • soot;
  • carbon black powder (black);
  • chromium oxide;
  • red lead;
  • ocher;
  • iron azure;
  • umber (various colors);
  • tin disulfide;
  • silver (metallized).

Such paints can be brought to the consistency required for an airbrush with filtered water with your own hands. In addition, there are compositions of transparent candy paints designed for layered glazing.

To obtain a "candy" color, you will need to use a binder solvent, which keeps the viscosity of the enamel at a constant level. Typically, airbrush paints are diluted 1: 1.

Nitro paints are "bases" with an average hiding power. The main advantage of such paints and varnishes is the possibility of their layer-by-layer application without mixing. In addition, they are characterized by a very small pigment size, which makes it possible to work with lines with a thickness of less than 0.3 mm and transparent halftones.

Moreover, the compositions under consideration have many disadvantages. The main one is toxicity. In this regard, it is unacceptable to work with them in residential premises, and in the process of application it is necessary to use funds individual protection... In addition, nitro paints are characterized by low light reflection. To increase their brightness, a white base coat is applied. In addition, to correct the mistake made, you will have to remove all applied layers, since they cannot be separated.

Mixing requires the use of color indexing according to the manufacturer's palette in order to avoid the appearance of unexpected shades. Solvents 646 and 650 are suitable for nitro paints. It is unacceptable to pause work until complete, that is, applying varnish, as the material fades. For application, use airbrushes designed for contact with the material, without rubber gaskets.

Principles of diluting paints

The paint should be thinned with exactly the solvent recommended by the manufacturer. This will achieve best quality cover and avoid various problems. There is a possibility of achieving better results with other diluents, but this requires a lot of experimentation based on experience.

There are no exact recommendations for thinning the paint: the material is diluted individually in each case. Carrying out this operation with your own hands will allow you to form an idea of ​​the properties of paint diluted in various proportions, and act on this basis in the future.

In the process of dilution, they are guided not by the model of the airbrush, but by the air pressure at the outlet. In this case, they act on the basis of the principle of correspondence of a high liquid to a low pressure.

Normally diluted material requires a pressure of 1.5-2.5 bar, and fine work is carried out at 0.3-0.5 bar. However, it is important not to overdo it, as excess liquid paint will spray like a cobweb even at 0.3 bar.

There is a known rule according to which a normally diluted paint is similar in consistency to milk. However, it should be borne in mind that it applies only to PF enamels and NC nitro paints. For water-based acrylics, this is not relevant.

Dilution process

  • First, the compressor outlet pressure at open valve the airbrush is set at 19-20 psi (1.5 bar).
  • The paint is stirred and dripped into the device, without diluting, in a small amount (1-2 drops).
  • Then they watch it flow down the side of the tank, blow it off and listen. If the material does not blow, the pressure is increased.
  • Next, in a container, paint is mixed with a solvent in a ratio of 1: 1, poured into an airbrush, slightly lowering the pressure, and changes in the behavior of the substance and the transparency of the layer are observed.
  • The behavior of the material diluted 1: 5 in a 10 psi (0.8 bar) airbrush was then examined.

Airbrushing is widespread today among modern motorists. Now decorating your car with a unique, bright and memorable pattern or ornament is just a matter of money and time. If you decide to master the technique of airbrushing in order to create colorful masterpieces on a car with your own hands, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of the main consumable material - paints for airbrushing. In this article we will get acquainted with the main types of car enamels intended for spraying with an airbrush, as well as give a few practical advice about their choice.

Airbrush paints: what are they?

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All airbrushing paints that exist today, regardless of the manufacturer (be it eXmix, Air Master or others), can be divided into three main groups:

  • Water (water-based);
  • Nitro paints;
  • Artistic.

The main difference between all three types of paints is the solvent used. For nitro paints, special chemical solvents are needed, water solvents can be diluted with plain water with your own hands. Artistic ones are sold ready-made (already divorced), and work with their use can begin immediately after opening the can. Let's consider each group in detail.

Water based paints

Waterborne car enamels need to be diluted with water before use. You can buy special, purified (and, as the manufacturers say, irreplaceable) water, or you can get by with ordinary water, having previously purified it through a filter. The indisputable advantage of water-based paints is the almost complete absence of harmful fumes during work. Therefore, the master who carries out drawing on the car does not have to worry about his health. But this does not mean that ventilation in the room in which the work will be carried out can be completely neglected: good ventilation will help not only to remove the smallest particles of paint, but also speed up its drying on the body.

Water-based airbrush paints set fairly quickly and can be applied in multiple coats. Their only drawback is some color change (hue and saturation) after mixing with water with your own hands. The manufacturers eXmix and Air Master (which will be discussed in the following chapters) have achieved excellent color retention after the paint has dried.

Nitro paints

Nitro-paint for airbrushing on a car

The first difference between nitro paints and water enamels is the need to use a solvent. They are sold in specialized salons and are presented in a wide variety. The fraction of nitro paint particles is so small that the material grasps almost immediately after it is applied to the surface of the car body. This property will be especially useful when you need to draw a thin pattern or supporting ornament with your own hands, when there is no time to wait for it to dry. Now let's look at the main disadvantages of nitro paints:

  • Each nitro enamel has indexing, which is why the finished result (color, its hue and saturation) may differ from the expected one, which is explained by the interaction of the paint with the surface, as well as its transformation chemical composition as it dries;
  • Relatively low brightness: the problem is solved by using white background(pre-applied to the body);
  • Deep penetration into the surface structure: removing upper layer nitro paints, you will subject the subsequent rapid abrasion and damage;
  • Increased toxicity characteristic of such materials (it is necessary to use a respirator, as well as take care of good ventilation of the room in which the painting work will be carried out).

Art paints

Artistic - the third type of car enamels, which are actively used today in airbrushing for painting cars and motorcycles. Such paints have great advantage over water and nitro paints - they do not need to be diluted: just buy a can finished composition, open it, and you can start working on creating drawings. The tools used can be very diverse: from brushes to rollers and an airbrush.

In a specialized salon, you can find ready-made paint in almost any color you are interested in. Popular manufacturers (such as eXmix, Air Master and others) produce a wide range of colors, among which there are even metallic and silver (with a glow effect). All presented shades of colors are distinguished by good intensity and brightness. Such enamel is not susceptible to the harmful effects of sunlight and painlessly tolerates water (if desired, it can be slightly diluted with liquid).

The composition instantly grasps with the surface, and finished color(after drying) practically does not differ from the original. Moreover, artistic paints are not as harmful as nitro compounds. And they dry noticeably longer, which allows you to achieve interesting artistic effects(vary transparency, “play” with stains, mix shades right on the work surface, and so on).

  • Increased density, due to which the spraying of such paint with an airbrush is almost impossible without its preliminary dilution;
  • Slow drying (the reason lies in a thick base), which from an advantage can turn into a disadvantage if it is necessary to apply drawings in several layers.

How to choose paint?

Airbrushing paints for cars today are presented in a huge variety: anyone can find the best option for themselves (in terms of price and quality). It remains to figure out how to make this choice.

  • The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing - possible difficulties in working with a specific paint, its compatibility with the processed surface and the level of wear resistance finished coating... According to all three criteria, the leaders are urethane, polyester and synthetic paints, for which a solvent is used as a base.
  • Second, paint for airbrushing should be easily diluted to a "milky" consistency with a solvent (necessary for working with an airbrush) without losing its qualities. Otherwise, you will quickly clog the airbrush nozzle and all work will stop. Every manufacturer, be it eXmix or Air Master, has a line of solvents for their paints, but you can get by with the versatile ones.
  • Don't chase cheapness;
  • Choose materials with increased level wear resistance, as well as those that are not afraid of UV radiation.


Materials from this manufacturer are very popular among painters. They are commonly used to paint the surfaces of cars and motorcycles. Moreover, eXmix paints are suitable for painting household appliances (PC, microwave oven etc). Even in the case of wooden furniture and other interior elements eXmix shows itself the best way... Moreover, they are used to paint on the human body: the absence of harmful elements in the composition of the paint makes this event completely safe for health.

Ethyl alcohol acts as a solvent for these enamels. It promotes instant drying of the paint and its strong fixing to the surface. Instead of alcohol, you can also use water, but this will significantly increase the setting time of the material.

The main advantages of eXmix products:

  1. EXmix Airbrush Paint is compatible with the smallest diameter nozzles;
  2. The ability to use ethyl alcohol for dilution, due to which the composition dries almost instantly;
  3. Ability to create sharp and smooth transitions between colors and shades;
  4. High adhesion of the material to the surface (not only with metal, but even with plastic and silicone);
  5. Lack of harmful impurities, unpleasant odors and other "attributes" of autochemistry;
  6. High quality products, confirmed by a number of certificates and expert opinions.

Airbrush paint from Air Master is another favorite on modern market paint and varnish products for cars. The company tries to provide the maximum selection of colors and shades for the implementation of the artistic ideas of painters. There are fluorescent, silver, gold and other elite types of paints.

The advantages of the products of this company:

  • Variety of colors;
  • The ability to create super-bright and "rich" patterns using flakes from Air Master (paints with a high degree of brightness);
  • The presence of "invisible" paints, manifested only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • High reliability and durability of the finished coating;
  • Ease of use;
  • There is special paint for airbrushing in the pinstriping style from Air Master, which is ideal for making complex drawings with the finest lines and small patterns;
  • Constant updating of the product line, which allows craftsmen to improve their art.

There are different types paints with which you can paint with an airbrush. They are divided according to their purpose (universal, metal, plastic, glass, fabric, etc.). almost everyone is looking for an immediately ready-made paint for airbrushing (acrylic paint specially designed for airbrushing or auto enamel), in return there are alternative options that are suitable for application through an airbrush.

Acrylic is versatile, suitable for different areas of application.
The main advantage of acrylic paints is a short time drying, acrylic paint dries literally before our eyes and is ready for processing immediately after drying. Their other advantage (and no small one) is the absence of smell during work. Paints spray well (but this is a matter of practice). A great advantage of the new generation paints is a very cheap and affordable solvent - water.

Advantages of water-borne acrylic paints:

No special solvents needed;
there is no unpleasant odor, are not poisonous and hypoallergenic (that is, they do not cause allergic reactions);
unlike other water-soluble paints, acrylic dries quickly and does not get dirty after drying;
easy to wash off hands;
a wide range of opaque opaque paints (you can, for example, write in white on black without the formation of "dirt");
How to dilute acrylic?
As a rule, they are water-based, if thick, then they dissolve with water, or with a solution - distilled water + vodka in a ratio of 1/1. important condition the paint should have a consistency like milk.
For more transparent colors, add more thinner to the consistency required!

Acrylic MAIMERI Policolor, maimeri acrilico, idea decor
Policolor - paint of the Italian company Maimeri, the paint is very thick, suitable for airbrushing, with good dilution, it is available in a wide color palette. Lightfastness is indicated on the can with asterisks. An unpleasant feature - it often clogs the nozzle, I do not recommend it if the nozzle diameter is less than 0.3 mm. In general, the most suitable for airbrushing both in quality and price
Usually they use paint from this manufacturer for murals, and painting.
maimeri acrilico, idea decor-not such topcoats

Professional paint Rubens "Premia" (Rubens Prize)
The colors are very rich and vibrant.
Paints made from natural pigments, water-soluble, have excellent adhesion (adhesion) to any surface, including plastics that are difficult to paint (nylon, polyester), any metals, walls, canvas, glass, surfaces painted with any paint, wood, fabrics, etc. etc. Lay very evenly, possess saturated color that does not fade after drying. The spray is uniform, the "snot" at the end of the game does not collect with the correct dilution, there is no "spit".
You need to carefully look at the markings - some of the body paints, some of the translucent and transparent leeing paints.
Body paints (marking with a black square) are indeed very body paints, so you need to be careful.
Translucent (half-filled square markings)
Leading (marking white square) - for especially thin leeing,
fine-dispersed paint works with very small nozzles up to 0.15mm.

paint Rubens "Atelier" (Rubens Atelier) - gives way to the Prize, the larger the pigment. not natural, more liquid, great for airbrushing. Works with nozzles from 0.2mm.

Rubens "Deko" (Rubens Dekorakryl) is the most liquid paint from the Rubens line, these glaze paints work with a nozzle of 0.3 mm.

Water-soluble varnishes, when thinned slightly, can be easily sprayed with an airbrush. For high-quality fixing, it is necessary to apply several layers of varnish.
Synthetic resin varnishes are slightly more difficult to spray, and more difficult to thin to a liquid state without losing varnish properties.
Finishing varnishes, dammar varnishes, fixatives, also spray well. They work with a nozzle from 0.3 mm.

They need binders, if they are not there, it is possible to use varnishes as a base.

Liquid metal-paints from metal pigments, have excellent adhesion (adhesion) to any surface, plastics, any metals, canvas, glass, painted with any paint
surfaces, wood, plaster, ceramics, glass. Fixed with water-based gilding varnishes. They lay down very evenly, have a rich color that does not fade after drying. The spray is even, there are no "spits". They work with a nozzle from 0.2 mm.

Liquid potal from Kreul does not require dilution and is excellent for airbrushing.

Liquid metal Maimeri is diluted with alcohol.

Liquid metal Viva (Viva) is diluted with water,

can be used as paint for airbrushing, especially for training and for working on paper and cardboard, very high quality and rich, mixed with acrylic paint. The disadvantage is a small color palette. works with a nozzle from 0.2mm.
Rinse the airbrush with glass cleaner.

Gouache - poorly suited for airbrushing, instantly clogs the airbrush, you will have to clean the airbrush more than paint, so it's better not to try. works with a nozzle from 0.5mm.

Watercolors are nice to work, but they quickly fade in the sun. This paint
suitable only for creating illustrations in printing, and for watercolor painting.
Works with a nozzle from 0.2mm.

Oil paint
firms Nerchau (Nerhau) Germany, Classico Maimeri (Maimeri) Italy, Master class St. Petersburg.
- a wonderful thing, diluted with turpentine or white spirit. fix with dammar varnish. Similar to car paint in use, but colors
are much nicer and more lively, without the effect of illustrativeness. In order to work normally with oil, it is better to dilute the paint with an odorless thinner, but then you need to work in a very well-ventilated area, since the concentration of solvent vapors becomes subtle and can seriously damage your health. works with a nozzle 0.3 and finely dispersed from 0.2 mm.

Stained glass paints
idea by wind Maimeri (Maimeri)
hobby line by C. Kreul
Varnish transparent paint glass and metal Vitrail Pebeo (Pebeo)
It is necessary to thoroughly degrease the surface before work and protect it from dust, since the paint on the glass is transparent and any speck of dust will manifest itself as a dark spot, and this is especially evident when working with an airbrush. Therefore, when processing before painting, do not use fluffy rags, napkins, etc.
Stained glass paints are pleasant to work with, but only when diluted with a "native" synthetic thinner, you can also paint some types of transparent plastics. Interestingly, by adding stained glass paint to a varnish based on synthetic resins from C. Kreul, you can get the effect of candy paints (transparent paint layering differs from glaze in color depth)

Textile paints by C. Kreul
Silk paints are highly sprayable and do not require thinning.
Paints on light-colored “Sany” fabrics should be brought to the required consistency by diluting with water, but not more than 20 percent, as they may lose their fixing properties. These paints can be used on both light and dark fabrics (dark fabrics need a white backing) and are fixed with an iron. They work with a nozzle from 0.3 mm.

Enamel Rainbow
-quality paints, diluted with an organic solvent, are used in modeling.
They work with a nozzle from 0.2 mm.

Acrylic Airbrush Paint
SP-NAIL COLOR. Universal acrylic paint for airbrushing, non-toxic, volume 30ml, ready to apply with an airbrush, can also be applied with a brush. It is perfect for nail art, forming durable coating... The paint is water-soluble, the colors mix well with each other. The container is equipped with a convenient dispensing spout, which allows you to add paint to the airbrush container drop by drop.
SP-TATTOO COLOR. Universal acrylic paint, non-toxic for airbrushing, volume 30ml, (in assortment) ready for application with an airbrush, can also be applied with a brush. It is perfect for body painting and nail art, forming an elastic and at the same time durable coating.

The paint can be on the body, lasts up to 3 days, water-soluble. All colors in the palette are perfectly mixed with each other. The container is equipped with a convenient dispensing spout, which allows you to add paint to the airbrush container drop by drop. They work with a nozzle from 0.2 mm.

Water-based airbrush paint "Colorex" 45ml.
Water-soluble paints for airbrushing "Colorex" are liquid acrylic paints alcohol-based. They can be mixed with each other in any ratio. Ready to use, if necessary to adjust the color intensity or to spray through an airbrush, dilute with water (nozzle 0.3 dilution 1 paint / 1 water). After drying, they form a strong indelible and indelible film, unlike water-based acrylic "Colorex", it is more resistant to mechanical damage. You can achieve interesting effects using color blending. Made on the basis of acrylic dispersion. The paints are lightfast and have a high degree of grinding and pigment concentration. They have high adhesion to many surfaces and low viscosity. V equally suitable for use with airbrush, brush, pen, ink liner. Keep out of the reach of children.

A special thinner can be used to dilute acrylic paints.
SP-THINNER for acrylic and latex paints for airbrush 120ml. Alcohol thinner, in pure form only dilutes latex paints for airbrushing Sparmax (sparmax). regular acrylic needs to be diluted with water + thinner 1/1. in its pure form, it rolls up acrylic paint. If you dilute with water + thinner + acrylic, paints will last longer, thinner and dry faster. Can also be used to flush an airbrush.

Airbrushing as an independent direction visual arts appeared in the second half of the twentieth century. This direction is more focused on the automotive theme and the most popular are water-based airbrushing paints, although this is not a dogma and some masters prefer to use other compositions.

A few words about the tool

It should be noted right away that this way drawing requires accuracy, knowledge of the fundamental principles of painting and an expensive, professional tool.

What is an airbrush

  • Simply put, an airbrush is a kind of spray gun for airbrushing. General principle their work is similar, but painting with an airbrush is performed in the same way as applying a drawing with a brush to a canvas.
  • Currently, there are quite a few such tools on the market, they differ in several criteria, first of all, this is the price. The cheapest devices cost around $ 20 - $ 30. But if you do not want to face the fact that your airbrush spits paint and it is not realistic for them to make a clear drawing, then it is better to take a tool that costs $ 100 or more.
  • Now there are 2 main types of airbrushes on the market... The first has a dependent feed coloring composition, the second is more perfect and has an independent, adjustable feed paints.
  • The dependent system is like applying water-based paint using a conventional vacuum cleaner with a special attachment. That is, the higher the air pressure, the more paint is sprayed onto the surface.
  • In devices with an independent supply, it is possible to regulate both the pressure of the air stream and the degree of supply of the composition to the nozzle. As a result, the artist can achieve almost any jet thickness.
  • For beginners taking their first steps in this art form, we confidently advise using airbrushes with an independent system, which have both an air valve and a valve for adjusting the supply of the coloring composition.

Compressor selection

The price of domestic units adapted for airbrushing starts at $ 200, import representatives want about $ 300 - $ 500. But do not worry, for a novice artist there is always an option to buy a used compressor.

Selection of paints

As mentioned earlier, this art is most common in the automotive theme, but it is not limited to this. More and more often you can find such drawings on furniture, on walls, even on computers and mobile phones... For each base, its own type of composition is selected.

Liquid acrylic

  • Acrylic paint for airbrushing is currently the most popular. Most of all, it is preferred by professionals who know about painting firsthand. For novice craftsmen, liquid acrylic can be fraught with certain surprises. (See also the article.)
  • The palette of colors here is the widest, from translucent shades to bright, stylized gold and glowing neon compositions. These paints have good level hiding power, which greatly facilitates the artist's work, saving him from applying a multi-layer coating.
  • They have unique indicators of adhesion, plus they have a significant margin of time during curing, which allows you to create special effects such as wet splashes or drips.
  • After drying, liquid acrylic forms a hard but elastic surface made of a thin layer of plastic, which can only be washed off with the help of special chemicals. This feature is very convenient when applying a new layer, the artist can improve the picture without fear of dissolving the lower layer.
  • It is acrylic paint for an airbrush that is the easiest to prepare with your own hands, the instructions are simple, it is enough to mix the composition, bringing it to the desired consistency with pure distilled water. But acrylic paints for an airbrush are fraught with a certain danger, if the diameter of the nozzle is incorrectly adjusted or the tool is not washed in time, the airbrush will "spit".
  • The big plus is that these compositions have a water-dispersed basis and are absolutely non-toxic. Thanks to this, they can be used both on outdoors and in living quarters without using protective equipment or additional ventilation.
  • Liquid acrylic, at this time, is the most optimal composition for applied, professional airbrushing. They can paint on almost any surface, the main thing is to cover the image with a special varnish at the end of the work. (See also the article.)

Advice: when choosing paints, you should not absolutely trust the sales assistant.
Each package lists the recommended nozzle diameter, minimum and maximum.
If you neglect this information, then no amount of filtering the paint will help, the tool will clog or will not work correctly.

Nitro paints and nitroenamels

  • In the automotive field, these compounds are almost the main competitors. liquid acrylic... These are common automotive enamels diluted with an organic solvent.
    These paints have their advantages.
    1. Compared to acrylics, they dry much faster.
    2. With their help, it is much easier to draw thin graceful lines.
    3. They give a unique opportunity to create beautiful translucent fills.
  • But this is where the advantages end, but there are much more disadvantages.
    1. The opacity and brightness of the tones are much lower here.
    2. With nitro paints, you won't be able to create a beautiful background by imposing 2 colors. In any case, a grayish tint will appear, which can only be dealt with by applying a light substrate.
    3. Not every airbrush is suitable for working with nitro paint. The instructions on the packaging should contain information about the recommended type of tool.
    4. These formulations are reversible, which can lead to dissolution of the lower layer when a new one is applied.
    5. For professional artists, nitro enamels are fraught with the main surprise, the laws of color mixing work here differently than in artistic paints.
    6. And the most unpleasant thing is that it is recommended to work with nitro compounds in special boxes, with good ventilation, plus in proper equipment. Because nitro compounds are toxic.

Working with watercolors

  • Watercolors are also known to be diluted with water. Therefore, it is quite easy to work with them, although watercolor is only suitable for drawing on paper or some types decorative plaster... Watercolors do not work on metal.
  • But for novice masters of airbrushing, watercolor is the best option. Here they will be able to master the application technique well and acquire the skill of mixing. different colors... Plus, such paints are absolutely harmless and easily washed off.

Important: for working with diluted watercolor compositions, you can use an airbrush with a nozzle hole diameter of no more than 0.3 mm.

The video in this article tells about the types of paints.


As you can see, the most important thing in mastering the intricacies of airbrushing is a great desire and presence quality tool... And there are many application options and types of paints available for both professionals and amateurs.

The ability to draw, create drawings is not given to everyone. But if you can draw with pencils, brushes, chalk, or a mouse on a computer, the airbrush will easily obey your desire to work with it. This attractive nickel-plated tool lets you paint on fabric, walls, metal surfaces... entered our life with tools, paints intended for her, picturesque paintings in the interior of the house, on motor vehicles, on fabrics.

To work with an airbrush, you need to be able to draw

What is an airbrush?

The name airbrush was formed by the merger of two words: aero - air and grapho - I write. I write in air. Drawing is done is applied. The airbrush is designed according to the principle of a spray gun. spray of paint in the form of a torch, covering a certain area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe coating.

The diameter of the airbrush nozzle and the distance at which it is from the surface to be painted also affect the width and shape of the line, the pressure in the compressor affects the intensity of the paint supply. The airbrush creates bright, thin lines and wider, but subtle shadows. All this must be taken into account when.

In order for the airbrush to turn from a miniature, graceful little thing into an effective drawing tool, it is necessary to adjust the pressure within two atmospheres using a hose.

The principle of operation of the airbrush is based on the Bernoulli principle, the essence of which is the pressure difference in the airbrush tube and in external environment... A vacuum is formed in the tube, which raises the paint from the mug into the airbrush tube, here the paint and the air supplied by the compressor mix and are ejected through the nozzle. It happens that the compressor works unevenly, intermittently, and then the paint is literally thrown out by the airbrush, as if the airbrush is spitting. Such a nuisance can ruin the whole work. Therefore, you need to monitor the technical condition of the compressor, as well as timely clean the airbrush from paint.

When choosing an airbrush, pay attention to the material from which it is made.

Structurally, airbrushes are distinguished by a unit for mixing flows of paint and air and a mechanism that regulates their supply - a trigger.

  • On a single action airbrush, the trigger controls the air flow. Within this category, tools are classified as both externally blended and internally blended. The first are the simplest design, used for uniform coloring or varnishing.
  • In a dual action airbrush, the trigger simultaneously regulates the flow of paint and air. This design of airbrushes is divided into airbrushes with a direct dependent supply of paint and air, with an independent supply.

Airbrushes differ in the location of the tank:

  • In an airbrush with gravitational paint supply, the reservoir is on top, above the instrument.
  • In a paint siphon tool, the tool is located below the tool body.

The designers have developed airbrushes with a mixed paint supply scheme. Working with an airbrush is not difficult. You just need to get used to it, get used to it. The tool is held in the hand like a pen, between the thumb and middle finger. The pointer rests on top of the trigger and controls it.


Paints are the main consumable in the creation of airbrushing drawings. The following paints are used:

  • Nitrocellulose paints;
  • Artistic acrylic paints;

Airbrushing can be single-layer or multi-layer. Nitro paints are not suitable for creating multi-layer drawings, because if you make a mistake on one of the upper levels, then erasing it, you will touch the lower layer. But at the same time - nitro paints when creating one-layer drawings are great choice... A solvent is certainly added to these paints, thanks to which the saturation and transparency of the color are regulated. They dry very quickly, it is convenient to make drawings using the pinstriping technique, because nitro paints allow you to create the finest lines and ornaments. Airbrush paints based on nitrocellulose are toxic and should be used in a well ventilated area with a respirator.

Airbrush paints are often sold in kits

Acrylic paint for airbrushing is produced in sets of different colors and it is no coincidence that it is called artistic. Artistic ones are made in a ready-to-use concentration; they do not need to be diluted with water or solvent. But if you yourself feel that the paint has thickened, such paint is diluted with alcohol or water. Water-based acrylic paints for airbrushing are non-toxic, artists work with them without fear for their health.

Exmix airbrush paint has managed to gain recognition from artists working in the airbrushing technique. The manufacturers of this paint have achieved the finest grinding of the coloring pigments, which allows them to be used in airbrushes with the finest nozzle diameter.
Water-based airbrush paints are diluted with clean, filtered water. They are less toxic than nitro paints, dry easily and are used in multi-layer drawing applications.

The airbrush paint goes through preliminary preparation before filling the tank. Paints are not always ready to work with this sophisticated tool, as stated on the packaging. From long-term storage films form on the surface, the paint thickens. For creativity, you need to dilute the airbrush paint to the consistency of milk. After dilution, the airbrush paint must be filtered. These simple actions are necessary in order to exclude the ingress of large pigments, particles of dried paint into the spray nozzle.

Along with paints, you will need other materials for airbrushing.

  • Thick film, a knife for creating stencils and patterns for the future drawing;
  • Foil and tape to cover areas that cannot be stained.
  • Marker for primary drawing.
  • Vodka for dissolving acrylic paints. (Do not drink, otherwise it will not be enough to dissolve the paint, and the hand will lose its firmness and confidence).

Airbrush drawing on fabric

Airbrushing on fabrics is often used for interior decoration.

To begin with, we suggest performing airbrushing on fabric. Why fabric?

  • First, it is a relatively inexpensive material;
  • Secondly, you will have time to erase an unsuccessful drawing before it grabs.
  • Thirdly, having completed an airbrush drawing, an ornament on a jacket or T-shirt, you will see how it will look, for example, on a car or motorcycle, and on the other hand, if applied successfully, you will receive an accessory tied to your vehicle.

We do not take as a starting material new jacket or a t-shirt. Please note that knitted fabrics tend to stretch. As a "stretcher" we use a piece of fiberboard of a suitable size, on which we put on a T-shirt (jacket). You can secure the fabric with tape, a needle and thread, or a water-soluble glue, such as PVA. Acrylic paints for the fabric are taken for drawing. There are also such. Sketch with a marker, but gently so that the fabric does not stretch. If you are not confident in your abilities, prepare a stencil.

It is not difficult to make a template for drawing pictures. But this will require a transparent film, such as the curtains for gazebos and open verandas... On transparent film the drawing is easier to transfer. This material is durable and a stencil cut from it will last quite a long time.

Interesting effects in airbrushing are obtained if you apply simple techniques:

  • By sprinkling salt on the fabric, you can get the original grainy coloration.
  • A cloth moistened with water will show expressive streaks.

Airbrushing looks great on a denim jacket. Even if you are using an old and outdated denim jacket to airbrush it, airbrushing will make it "all the rage."

Important. For drawing on clothes, choose paints that polymerize under the influence of high temperatures. It is enough to iron such a pattern with an iron, and it will become indelible, it can be washed in warm water with ordinary washing powders.

If you don't want to experiment on clothes, take an ordinary calico, pull it on a stretcher and try to create a picture. If your creativity turns out to be successful, get an original addition to the interior or a gift for a friend.

Airbrushing on a car: is it worth it to do it yourself?

Airbrushing looks good on all basic body colors

Airbrushing technology for cars requires professionalism. And no matter what some articles about airbrushing say, it is impossible to create a good airbrush drawing with your own hands, without a set of basic knowledge and the ability to draw.

Of course, wonderful drawings on motorcycles and cars are created not by gods, but by people like you and me. And what someone can do, you can too. If you really want to. But it makes no sense to buy tools and paints for the sake of one drawing, the creation of which remains in doubt. Better give your vehicle to professionals.

But if airbrushing interested you, and you want to make it your profession or hobby, then the cards are in your hands. Buy paints, tools, tutorials and create. Airbrushing is really fun and interesting activity... It's also profitable, because there are not so many good airbrushes. You can teach a person to tighten the nuts, paint or putty, you cannot teach drawing if he does not have a vocation for this, a talent.

Why do you need a drawing on a car?

Silly question, you say, and you will probably be right. Unique airbrushing on a car is

  • First, it is beautiful, stylish, original;
  • Secondly, it makes the car unique and recognizable. Unless, of course, your drawing is a copy of your neighbor's airbrushing. In this case, everyone will start confusing cars;
  • A car with a picture in combination with good tuning creates an image of an accomplished and wealthy person;
  • Third, and this is the biggest plus, your car is not of particular interest to hijackers.

Airbrushing can correct defects in car body painting

It is, of course, possible to mask the tint or other paint defects with the help of airbrushing. But this is not the most the best solution Problems. Because in this situation, the theme and location of the drawing will not dictate your desire and desire to show your individuality, but the location of the defect. And no one can guarantee that the airbrush drawing will mask the defect, and will not highlight it, will not emphasize it.

How is a drawing created on a car?

Here we will not go into the intricacies of painting a car; there are many articles about this on the site. Suppose that to create a painting, the customer provided a car with a new and high-quality paintwork. The master shows sketches made on paper or offers a portfolio of finished vehicles. The client chooses the sketch he likes, or offers his own. It is desirable for the master to know, and most importantly, what varnish the car is coated with, and depending on the paintwork chemistry, paint for airbrushing on the car will be selected.

Before work, the area of ​​the paintwork surface of the body, set aside for the image, is cleaned with a sandpaper P2500 for creating easy roughness. The roughness is necessary for the adhesion of paints. For the same purpose, degreasing is performed. The surface is first wiped with a sticky cloth to remove dust and degreased. And the rest of the body, fittings, glass are pasted over self-adhesive film or masking tape to avoid paint splashing.

If you are not an artist, entrust body airbrushing to a professional

The sketch is transferred to the auto with a marker or pencil. Stencils are used if there are repeating patterns or to create symmetrical patterns. Free hand(no stencils and templates) only self-confident professionals work. The finished drawing is varnished to fix the colors and shine.

How to choose a theme for your drawing

In automotive airbrushing, two directions of images are recognized

  1. Commercial (corporate logos, advertising of products and brands);
  2. Non-profit.

The non-profit area also has its own topics:

  • naturalistic (forest, mountains, sea, etc.), animalistic and floristic themes;
  • Mythology
  • man-made (image of a motor on the hood, fenders with rivets, metal structures);
  • Military (camouflage painting, images of weapons, episodes of hostilities);
  • Erotic
  • Ornaments, abstraction, surrealism.

The chosen theme is to some extent a mirror of your soul, your mood. And by the picture on the car, you can characterize its owner or proprietor.


Do you already have an idea how to airbrush the body of your car?