What is latex paint? Its differences from acrylic. Latex paint or acrylic, whichever is better

This article will consider two types of paints: latex and acrylic. Each type has its own advantages as well as its disadvantages. Let's compare them with each other. Also consider tips, features and specifications.
And let's start with acrylic paint. This type of paint is one of the multipurpose materials that is used in different types work, for example cosmetic repair, restoration, giving the material an excellent design look. Various options acrylic paint have beneficial features... One of the main components of what it consists of acrylic paint- This is a rubber that has the performance properties of paint, due to the strength of the material.
Let's talk about latex paint. Latex paint also consists of rubber, only synthetic. This type of paint has components that give the paint saturation, it does not disappear over a long period of time. And thanks to its many components, latex paint is resistant to sunlight.

Benefits of latex and acrylic paints

It should be noted that the features and characteristics of the paints are the same. In many ways, their material is the same. The fact is that the base of these types of paints is the same - water.

  1. As mentioned, it has durability and a long service life of the paint.
  2. Gives more color saturation, is resistant to sunlight, and the brightness remains for a long period.
  3. These types of paints do not have toxicity, and also do not emit harmful substances.
  4. Paints can be applied to any surface, regardless of its relief.
  5. After drying, acrylic and latex paints are resistant to the influence of water, which allows you to easily clean the surface to which the paint is applied.
  6. Possess aesthetics. Thanks to the rubber, the surface acquires a certain visual silkiness.
  7. No paint is emitted bad smell neither during painting nor during drying.
  8. Acrylic and latex paints are perfectly breathable, making bubbles on the surface of the paint simply impossible.
  9. Another advantage is that water can be used as a solvent for paints, and water is environmentally friendly. pure substance that does not harm human health.

Disadvantages of latex and acrylic paints

We've looked at the benefits of acrylic and latex paints. However, not everything is perfect and these paints also have disadvantages. The disadvantages of these types of paints are the same.

  1. As we have already learned, acrylic and latex paints are resistant to water, however, the surface of the paint is not protected from the formation of fungus. Therefore, before applying paint to the surface, a primer must go through the process of applying a primer (special treatment on the wall to give the surface special properties) on it.
  2. Low temperatures have a detrimental effect on painting, so these types of paints are suitable only in well-heated rooms. However, acrylic paints cope better with low temperatures. This applies more to latex paints.

As we have seen, there are many times more pluses than minuses. Therefore, these types of paints are great for painting any room, observing certain rules. Now we will discuss them.

Paint application rules

The rules for applying paints are also the same for both types of paints. Let's consider an algorithm for applying paints.

  1. The surface to which the paint will be applied must be free of old paint or some other coating.
  2. Then it is important to apply a layer of primer and level it special tool(gypsum plaster).
  3. After everything is dry, we proceed to sanding, we do it with an emery float.
  4. We remove the ardor after grinding.
  5. Next, select the borders for painting. masking tape and close all furniture to avoid paint getting on it.
  6. Then we leave the paint in a certain container, dip the roller and apply it where the boundaries were marked, and we begin to paint the surface with a thin continuous layer.
  7. After applying the bottom layer, apply the top two layers on top of it. The last two layers should be as solid thin as the first. You need to paint carefully so that the surface is free of waves.

These are the rules that should be followed in the right order, and it is important to do the work carefully and carefully.
Now let's consider what the colors are separately. Let's look at acrylic paint first.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paint is water-based and also based on copolymers. The copolymer contains silicone, styrene, vinyl - this is one of the main differences between acrylic paint and latex paint, therefore, acrylic paints are considered to be of better quality than latex ones, and they are in much greater demand. This is both a plus and a minus, since this composition is very expensive. Copolymers (included in these paints) give the paint much better resistance than the artificial rubber that is included in the latex paint.

This type of paint (acrylic) does not crack due to temperature changes. Acrylic paint also has advantages in use. First of all, this paint is easy to use. Secondly, you can work with it even at very low temperatures (-30 degrees Celsius). Also, after it has dried, a very strong film forms. Acrylic paint can last for about 20 years. Acrylic paint will do for both external and internal works... Of course, acrylic paint - best paint presently. It is used in almost all types of painting work. Due to its quality and ease of use, given view paint is immensely popular with users. After painting, the brush used to paint any surface is very easy to wash off. Acrylic paints also have their own types, which are endowed with their own individual properties. They can be considered each separately.

Types of acrylic paint

The most common acrylic paints are glossy. The advantages of these paints are only in the fact that they dry very quickly and can be dissolved with ordinary water.
The next, often used, type of acrylic paints are glyphthalic paints. The main difference is that it contains a special substance (alkyd resin), due to which a waterproof film is formed. Glyphthal acrylic paints are used in residential areas.
The last type of acrylic paints are special ones. This is the most expensive type of acrylic paint. And all because they have special properties. It does not need to be further processed, it is already in finished form. After the surface dries, it also forms a film. Only this film covers the smallest flaws. And if you need to paint a metal surface, you will not need a primer before painting, since special acrylic paints have anti-corrosion properties.
As we have seen, acrylic paint and its types have many benefits, but latex paint also has its benefits, let's take a look at them as well.

Latex paint, like acrylic paint, is used in residential buildings. The paint is odorless, has no toxins. The paint thinner is water - an environmentally friendly substance. It is used for both internal and external work. The connecting link is latex. But very often other substances are added to the paint. Since latex paints are water-based, after the appearance of some stains, you can get rid of them with a regular damp cloth. Latex paint dries faster than acrylic paint, the drying time is only 30 minutes, but it can be less and more - it depends on the temperature and humidity of the room. But still, latex paint loses to acrylic and has significant drawbacks. If you opened a window in winter, then you cannot avoid the appearance of cracks on the surface of the paint and the paint will begin to fall off slowly. A damp room is also not suitable for this paint. The mold will simply eat away at your paint. But this is not such a big minus, the main thing is that the room must be treated with an antiseptic before painting. It is difficult to paint with latex paint, as it requires a special skill: if you paint with weak or strong brush pressure, the paint will spread unevenly over the surface. It is important to take very seriously the choice of types of latex paints, since they do not have a special type of paints that will suit any painting surface. There are many types of latex paints with different additives. Let's see.

Types of latex paints

The types of latex paints are subdivided either from their composition or from the scope of application. Types of paint composition are: acrylic, acrylic butadiene styrene, acrylosilicone, acrylic polyvinyl acetate. All have different polymers. And the names of other types of latex paints depend on the scope of application, they are: textural - to create relief patterns, drip-free - they do not drip, perfectly hide visible cracks, they are used for painting walls and ceilings, vinyl latex paints are also used for painting the ceiling and walls, dense - for painting ceilings. In general, latex paints are the best way for high-quality but cheap painting. But painting with such paints should not be carried out on your own, because one wrong movement with a roller can affect general form walls or ceilings, and in general there is a special technology for painting the surface with latex paints.


In general, acrylic paints of any kind can be used to paint both walls and ceilings. In this regard, latex paints are inferior and they require a certain kind with its additives, so you need to be careful when buying latex paints. The main advantage of latex paints over acrylic paints is moisture resistance, a room where frequent water ingress on the painting area is possible, acrylic paints are not recommended. Also, only water cannot serve as a solvent for acrylic paints, but there are special thinners - this is another disadvantage of acrylic paints over latex paints, since we have already learned that water is a solvent for latex paints. But nevertheless, ordinary latex paints cannot cover all surface defects, acrylic paints cover all defects much better, and when buying a special type of acrylic, you can forget about this problem altogether. The question is about the price, if the owner is willing to spend money on the purchase of acrylic paints - this is the best option for painting.

Even in terms of self painting it is better to use them because it does not require specific skills. But if you don't really pay attention to various defects or they are insignificant, then latex too right choice, so the price for these paints is small. However, if you don't have the ability to paint, it's best to hire a painter. Keep in mind that latex paints are not suitable for all rooms. The room should be well heated, as latex paints do not tolerate low temperatures. However, if stains appear on a surface painted with acrylic paints, it is more difficult to get rid of them. In the meantime, if stains appear on the latex-painted surface, they can be removed with plain water.

Acrylic and latex paints are generally the same, each paint has its pros and cons, so you shouldn't stop there. The main thing is to always monitor the cleanliness of the room, then there will be no problems in the future. And when using acrylic paints, the owner can forget about updating the interior for a long time for twenty years. There is a separate type of paints - acrylic latex paints. It is also gaining popularity and is also suitable for painting walls and ceilings.
In general, if you need a very high-quality painting and do not think about means, acrylic is the most excellent option. But if you need to save on painting, latex paints are perfect for the interior of the room. The choice is yours!

The chemical industry offers a wide range of interior and exterior finishing materials. Modern water-dispersion acrylate paints in this list occupy a special place and they are mainly used for application to plastered facades. Due to its high resistance to weathering and ultraviolet dyes retain their decent appearance for a long time.

One of the properties that contributes to their popularity is ease of use and the ability to apply to the wall with any tool convenient for the performer. The contractor can use a construction roller, paint brush or spray gun with a compressor. For retail sale, these products are delivered ready-made and can be used immediately after opening the container.

The main purpose of acrylate paint is to create a durable protective decorative coating on the outside of the walls. It can be used in conditions corresponding to a temperate and cold climatic zone.

It can be applied to surfaces made of the following materials:

  1. silicate or clay bricks;
  2. monolithic or foamed concrete;
  3. asbestos cement slabs;
  4. moisture resistant or ordinary drywall.

The dye can be used both when decorating newly rebuilt walls, and in the process of capital or maintenance... For outdoor use, it can be used on smooth or textured plaster and putty, as well as on a surface without any coatings. The paint owes such a wide range of applications to its high adhesion and ability to form a strong film that retains its elasticity for a long time.

The composition of the finishing material and methods of their application

The basis of acrylate paint is water, which has undergone special chemical preparation and purification from impurities.

In addition to the solvent, it contains the following compounds:

  • acrylate dispersion;
  • a thickener that regulates the consistency of the composition;
  • a preservative that prevents the oxidation of active and coloring compounds;
  • concentrated pigment;
  • coalescent - a substance that strengthens the bond between individual drops of paint;
  • antifreeze that prevents excessive thickening and freezing of the composition at low temperatures.

In addition to the above, additional additives can be added to the mixture, which improve its technological and operational properties. The paints are available in two forms: in the form of a white base and pigmented, ready for use immediately after opening the package. To obtain the required tone, a concentrated color is simply added to an unpainted paint base. the required amount and mix thoroughly.

Acrylate or acrylic paint, which is better to use?

Used in construction different types finishing materials having the same basis. The difference between acrylic and acrylate paint lies in the fact that in the first version, concentrated compounds without additives and impurities are used as a binder. In the second case, the so-called acrylate-copolymer dispersions are used: latex, vinyl or styrene.

The introduction of such additives into the dye composition makes it possible to significantly reduce the production cost. Accordingly, the price of products decreases, and it becomes more affordable for the consumer. The permeability of the coating to water vapor and air ensures good moisture exchange and excludes the possibility of surface oversaturation.

Helpful advice: in most cases, preference in favor of a certain type of paint is given in view of the attractiveness of the price for it.
It should be remembered that low cost rarely happens in high-quality products, it is better to purchase compositions of the middle price category.

Product packaging, storage and transportation conditions

In building supermarkets and specialized companies for retail sale, acrylate paints are supplied to plastic buckets with lids of 1, 5, 10 and 25 liters. The conditions of transportation and storage of materials must be applied to the container. Mandatory instructions and other useful information, such as certification data, are printed on each package.

In accordance with the manufacturer's requirements, the paint must be transported at positive temperatures in closed containers. A short-term, not more than several hours, stay of products at a temperature of 20 ° C below zero is allowed. After that, for defrosting, the paint is left in a warm room for a period of at least one day, which is enough to completely restore its properties.

These compositions belong to the group of finishing materials that, due to the water base, do not burn or explode. The paints have a hygienic certificate issued by an accredited testing laboratory. When working with this type of finishing material, the usual safety measures are taken: safety glasses and work gloves made of cotton.

The use of acrylate paints for finishing

To apply ready-made formulations on the surface with your own hands, you need to carry out a number of measures to prepare the walls:

  1. using all peeling fragments of the old coating;
  2. if outer layer glossy, then it should be treated with sandpaper for better adhesion to the surface;
  3. oil, bituminous stains and other contaminants are removed from the wall;
  4. dust must be removed from the base by sweeping with a brush or blowing with a stream of compressed air;
  5. the surface is treated with a penetrating primer and cured until the composition is completely absorbed and polymerized.

Now the wall is ready for applying acrylate paint, Painting works outdoors is performed under certain climatic conditions. The ambient temperature should be in the range from +5 ° C to + 45 ° C with a wind of no more than 10 m / s, and the place of work should be in the shade. It is not allowed to apply this type of colorants during rain and high humidity of the surface.

Acrylate paint is applied to the wall using a paint shop, the tool is dipped into a container and lightly rolled along the inclined part of the cuvette. Then the working part is applied to the surface and distribution over it is made by reciprocating movements. The second layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried, when no touch marks remain on the coating.

The use of other types of paints for decoration and repair work

Reconstruction of buildings or structures provides for the renewal of coatings not only on a mineral basis, but also on metal doors and other designs. The innovative electrically conductive paint Zinga is a one-component composition with a high zinc content. The protective and decorative layer is able to recover even with very deep damage.

Special paints for wood ensure the safety building structures under extreme temperature conditions. Some of them are capable of withstanding an open flame even for some time. Special fire-retardant paints for metal Polysteel swell at high temperatures, reducing stress in steel structures and increasing their durability.


Acrylate paints have not only high protective, but also excellent decorative properties. They are technologically advanced and can be easily applied to the outer surfaces of the wall using any tools that are used by painters. A short video in this article will help you master the methodology for preparing and carrying out work.

Paints and varnishes presented in modern building stores, is so diverse that starting repairs in an apartment or house, you involuntarily think about which material is better to choose so that it meets all the requirements. In this article we will talk about what latex paint for walls and ceilings is, and why you should pay attention to it when choosing finishing materials.

First of all, latex paints are enamels on a water dispersion basis, which means that they do not contain chemical ingredients that could harm human health. That is why experts advise using such dyes for interior work and even in children's rooms or bedrooms.

But there are many water-dispersion paints, and often they do not differ in the quality of the coating and durability, so why are they preferred over latex enamels?

Firstly, due to the presence of natural latex in the composition, the coating is very resistant to many types of influences, including water, and therefore, such dyes are considered washable. But there is no need to reassure yourself, the water emulsion remains so even with the presence of stable polymers in the composition, and the surface can quickly deteriorate if it is constantly washed or even wiped with a damp cloth.

Benefits of latex paints


  • The paint is easily applied to any surface and in any of the available ways.
  • After painting, a high-quality and durable coating is obtained., especially when compared with other paints on water based.
  • Complete environmental friendliness. The standards allow the use of latex paints in rooms with increased requirements.
  • Most often, the paint is produced in white and can be easily tinted with a special paste in any shade.
  • Profitability... Consumption of latex paint per 1 m2 is only 0.1-0.5 liters, depending on the quality of the surface.
  • Affordable price significantly lower than oil-based enamels.
  • High vapor permeability of paint prevents condensation from forming under the coating.

Advice! detailed instructions on working with latex paint is indicated on each package, which greatly simplifies the work if there is no relevant experience.



  • The surface to be painted with latex enamel should be perfectly flat, since the consistency does not allow covering all the imperfections and irregularities.
  • Low temperatures adversely affect latex coating. Frequent drafts and temperature changes can lead to cracking of the paint layer, and you will have to completely redo all the work.
  • Water-based paints are harmless not only to humans, but also to all kinds of bacteria and mold, therefore, if the surface is not treated in advance with a special impregnation or primer, microorganisms will surely begin to develop on the latex paint.

Advice! When using a primer, it is best to choose the same brand as the paint. This can guarantee high quality coverage and no conflicts between materials.

Varieties of paints

Despite the fact that latex paint is independent material, which does not require additional processing of the painted surface, it can also differ in the degree of smoothness finished coating... This indicator is influenced by the size of the fraction used in the composition of the paint, so, the larger the grain, the more matte the surface is, and vice versa - the small fraction creates a feeling of shine and gloss.

Conventionally, all paints can be divided into three categories:

  • Matt.
  • Semi-matt.
  • Glossy.

And each of the varieties has its own characteristics, knowing which it is easier to choose suitable material taking into account the individual characteristics and purpose of the room in which the painting works are carried out.


  • Steals away small surface irregularities and defects formed as a result of filling (see).
  • More susceptible to dirt and more difficult to clean.
  • Visually reduces space.
  • It loses its quality much more slowly with regular cleaning.



  • Visually enlarges the room.
  • The surface to be painted must be perfectly flat and flawless.
  • Less susceptible to dirt, in contrast to matte and semi-matt coatings.
  • Less resistant to abrasion when washed.

In turn, semi-matt paint has an average performance between the two options described above.

Working with latex paints

First of all, you need to know how to dilute latex paint, since in cans it has a very thick consistency, and it is very difficult to apply such paint. The solvent in this case is plain water, however, before diluting the latex paint, it must be thoroughly mixed, trying to lift from the bottom all the clots that form as a result long-term storage in the store and in the warehouse.

When the paint is thoroughly mixed, water is gradually poured into it, while constantly stirring, until it reaches the required consistency. For dilution, it is better to use purified or drinking water, but by no means technical, which very often contains large admixtures of salts and iron.

Iron particles in water are not visible naked eye, but they will certainly manifest themselves later in the form of impartial yellow spots, which will be impossible to wipe off the painted surface.

After the paint has reached the required consistency, it must be allowed to brew for several minutes, then mix again and add the tinting paste. It will give the desired shade, as in the photo below, but it is important to remember that in the event of a lack of paint, it will no longer be possible to achieve the same color, so you need to prepare the material with a margin.

And you can clearly understand it by watching the video in this article.


The whole process of working with latex paints differs little from dyeing with other types of paints, and consists of several stages:

  • The surface is cleaned of the old coating, and all significant flaws are eliminated.
  • The wall is primed and treated with deep penetration impregnations.
  • The surface is putty.
  • Another layer of primer is applied, which is necessary to prevent the formation of mildew and mildew.
  • After the soil is completely dry, the surface is painted.

Depending on the temperature in the room, latex-based paint can dry from half an hour to a day, and only after that a second coat can be applied if necessary.

Advice! If in the process of work the question arose of how to wipe latex paint for walls and ceilings from clothes or leather, then it is best to do it warm running water with soap.

Applying paint with your own hands is not such a difficult process, the main thing is to strictly follow the sequence, and any convenient tool is suitable as an assistant for painting.

It can be:

  • Roller.
  • Brush.
  • Spray.

There is not much difference in what tool to work with, it all depends on personal convenience, but for example, it is not recommended to use a spray gun indoors, since a large amount of paint will simply be sprayed into the air and onto other walls, leaving behind small cracks that are not should be, especially if glossy paint is chosen.

The question of which putty is better, acrylic or latex, can only be answered by examining each of them in detail.

Today it is very popular among professionals and beginners. And all because the result of working with this material will remain for a long time. This is exactly what is the main reason choice in favor of latex putty.

To work with the material, you will need the following tools:

  • Bucket.
  • Water.
  • Putty knife.
  • Washcloth.
  • Gloves.
  • Putty.

Material description

Any surface must be treated and leveled before applying paint or varnish. In this case, latex putty comes to the rescue. It will make any surface even: drywall, concrete, wood.

What is this wonderful material? It contains modern fillers, binders, antiseptics, plasticizers, hardening regulators and various necessary additives. The best binder is latex, and this is exactly what is included in the latex putty.

With this putty, the walls in the house will be covered with an elastic and durable putty layer that is easy to apply and dries quickly. This type of putty does not crumble, and due to its minimal shrinkage, blisters and cracks do not appear.

Pros and cons of latex putty

The positive qualities of this building material are that:

  • The latex included in the composition is flexible and easy to apply.
  • After drying, the material does not crack or crumble.
  • If necessary, an ultra-thin layer can be applied.
  • Has good adhesion to the work surface.
  • Due to the fact that there is no shrinkage, no cracks appear on the surface.
  • Since the material is comfortable and easy to work with, it is perfect even for beginners.

The negative property of the material is only its cost and the effect of low temperatures.

The material is relatively expensive if you take into account other types of putty. However, this is compensated for by the time and result of the work done. In addition, it fits both finishing putty before painting.

But the low temperature has a very bad effect on it. The most elementary thing is the freezing of the putty in the warehouse, then it will not have the corresponding properties. Therefore, buy material in those places where it will be possible to return it later.

After working with this building material, make sure that no dried particles get in when closing the container with putty. It's just that with further work with it, these particles will fall to the surface, and again you will have to putty everything.

Putty application

Before starting work with putty, you need to leave a closed container for a while at room temperature... And if the finishing will be carried out in cold period years, then it just needs to be done. Before applying the putty, the surface that will be in work should be cleaned of old finish and coat with a primer. Then you need to wait until the surface is dry and you can start working.

It is necessary to prepare a mixture (it is prepared in the same way as simple putty). Pour the material into a pre-prepared bucket and add a little water, while the solution should be constantly stirred. The result should be a paste-like mass. The proportion of water and putty is one to one. After mixing, the solution needs to settle for about two minutes, then add water if necessary.

Advice. Since the solution hardens quickly, dilute such an amount so that it is quickly consumed and does not allow it to dry out.

The putty quickly releases moisture, even if the surface is primed. Therefore, when it is impossible to make a screed on the surface, you just need to moisten it with water. The same should be done if the room temperature is over thirty degrees.

The solution is applied to the working surface with a spatula. There can be several layers. Only when applying the second and subsequent, it is necessary to wait until the previous layer is dry.

Drying time directly depends on the manufacturer and brand of finishing material, on average it is four hours.

After drying, do not rub the surface with sandpaper or mesh, as this will not be easy, and besides, you can remove excess if you put in a lot of effort.

It is best to use wet foam. When the applied layer has not yet dried, carefully level it with foam rubber, the main thing is that excess water does not drain from it.

Safety during work

It is only necessary to work with such a finishing material with gloves, even though it has environmental performance. This is because each person's skin reacts differently to the components of the material, so it's best not to risk it.

In addition, the room where the work is taking place must constantly receive Fresh air... The discharge of material can irritate the mucous membrane.

You have learned almost everything about latex putty, now let's look at the principle of operation of acrylic.

So, acrylic putty is divided into different types. In each of them different composition and scope.

Acrylic putty

Depending on the properties of a given finishing material, the places of its application are determined.

Basic properties:

  • Has good adhesion to the processed surface.
  • Environmentally friendly and durable.
  • Resistance to low temperatures, as well as to its drops.
  • Does not form films on the surface, so the walls can breathe.
  • Elasticity of the material.
  • Protection of walls from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Able to protect from moisture, and keep warm in the room.

The above properties make it possible to use this finishing material outside and inside the premises.

  • The drying time for this material is approximately one day. Work should be carried out at positive temperatures, because low temperatures make the elastic properties of the material lower.
  • One layer of putty should not exceed two millimeters, and the total thickness of the layers should not exceed ten.
  • The most suitable surface for working with this material is wood. Although it adheres perfectly to any surface.
  • To putty metal products, choose a putty in color with it.
  • When working with this putty, you must use a spatula, but depending on the consistency, you can use a spray gun.
  • The finishing material does not require special mixing with water, since it is sold ready-made. Stir well before use.
  • You can use both starting material and finishing material.
  • When filling a large volume, this putty should be applied in several stages, waiting for the previous one to dry. If immediately repaired with one layer, it may crack.

Acrylic putty: the use of material for work outside the building

This material is mainly used for outdoor use.

Some tips for use:

  • Before starting work, the surface must be cleaned of old finishes, dirt and completely leveled.
  • A mandatory item is a primer before starting work.
  • Stir the finishing material as needed.
  • Use a spatula when working.
  • After the material has been applied to the surface, it must be wiped off, or the surface must be processed with a roller so that the desired pattern comes out. This must be done while the material is still wet.

So I got acquainted with these two finishing materials... It is almost impossible to choose the one that is better, because latex putty is more suitable for interior work, and acrylic for finishing outside the building. Although the choice is still yours.

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

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Attention, only TODAY!

Acrylate latex water-based dispersion paint is an example of modern paint material with a wide range of applications and high quality indicators. We will tell you about its main characteristics and eliminate some confusion in terminology, as well as pay attention to the rules for applying this material.

Latex acrylic paint is different wide choice shades and saturated color.



The difference between latex and acrylic paint exists only in the halls of the mind of marketers.

V recent times there are a lot of discussions, the main topic of which is the difference between latex paint and acrylic paint. They were caused by confusion in terminology, which arose due to the activities of marketers, whose knowledge in chemistry and science in general can be compared with the knowledge of executioners in medicine. As you know, the sleep of reason gives rise to monsters, so all this mythology should be toughly and unequivocally dispelled.

Latex is an aqueous dispersion of natural or synthetic rubber colloidal globules (particles) that are stabilized by emulsifiers (these are surfactants). Natural latexes include the juices of such plants as opium poppy, dandelion and, of course, hevea.

The photo shows the process of collecting natural latex from Brazilian Hevea, in a bucket - latex.

Synthetic latexes include aqueous dispersions of isoprene, styrene-butadiene, polyvinyl acetate, acrylate (acrylic, polyacrylic), urethane, siloxane and other synthetic rubber particles.

And this is how synthetic rubbers look, in this picture - BSK.

Important! Acrylic dispersion is a type of latex. Most often, it contains a mixture of acrylate copolymers with the addition of other substances from the group of rubbers, mainly styrene-butadiene (SBR).

Thus, the question "Which is better - acrylic or latex paint?" doesn't make any sense. It's like trying to figure out what's best alcoholic beverage or vodka.

However, in order to understand the trade names of materials, you will have to delve into the jungle of marketing quasi-science. We did it for you and nevertheless defeated this legion of darkness: it turned out that for some reason they call styrene-butadiene dispersion latex, and they simply call the dispersion of acrylic copolymers acrylic.

Latex acrylic enamel (citrus orange juice sounds about the same).

Therefore, now we can say how the acrylic paint differs from the latex paint: the same, how the styrene-butadiene dispersion differs from the acrylate one. The latter gives a more durable and high quality coverage, but its price is significantly higher.

You can also understand such "terms" as "acrylic paint with the addition of latex", "acrylic paint with latex" and other interesting names: they tell us that we have acrylic paint with the addition of styrene-butadiene particles, which means, that this material is cheaper than pure acrylic, but better quality butadiene-styrene.

This is how acrylic paint is usually marked without BSK.

If the can says "Latex paint", then its composition should be clarified, since there are many latexes, and their characteristics can vary greatly. If you hear the opinion that acrylate paint is somehow different from acrylic or polyacrylic, as well as from water-based and water-dispersion paints, you can stop listening.

Important! Based on this alternative logic, we can answer the question "Which paint is better - acrylic or latex?" The answer is: acrylic paint has best performance but more high cost, therefore, an unambiguous summary can be made by examining all the features of its future use.


One of the characteristic differences of acrylic paints is the unique color rendering.

Acrylic water-based dispersion paint consists of polyacrylate polymers and their copolymers as film-forming substances. In addition to them, the composition includes water, fillers and various targeted additives. When applied to the surface, it dries quickly to form a strong elastic film that does not dissolve in water.

The main characteristics of this material include the following:

  • Moisture resistance. The coating is not afraid of moisture, does not wash off when wet cleaning, does not dissolve in it and does not react with water. Can be used for outdoor use;
  • Water vapor permeability. The dried paint allows vapor to pass from the thickness of the material to the outside, allowing the walls to breathe and maintain normal gas exchange with environment and the usual level of humidity in the room. For this reason, this coating is recommended for painting walls and facades. residential buildings;
  • Elasticity. The film, with all its strength and rigidity, is capable of expanding and contracting without violating its structure and integrity. For this reason, acrylic paint has shown itself well on metal surfaces and facades that are subject to strong temperature changes and thermal expansion;
  • Good adhesion. The material adheres perfectly to different surfaces, which determined its durability and resistance;
  • Wide temperature range. This paint can be used in low temperature and heat conditions in all climatic zones our planet;
  • Unlike BSK, acrylic latex is not afraid sunlight and can be safely applied to sunny side facade;
  • Widest possibilities tinting, giving from 2 to 5 thousand different shades (according to different tinting systems) favorably distinguish this class of paintwork materials and, along with a unique color rendering, make it especially popular among designers and interior artists;
  • Decent wear resistance. On the basis of acrylic latexes, they produce anti-vandal protective paints for plinths, floors and facades;
  • The absence of organic solvents and heavy metal salts in the composition allows these materials to be classified as one of the safest, which makes it possible to recommend them for decorating bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms and dining rooms.

Excellent decorative qualities and rich colors are typical for acrylic coatings.

We should also note the versatility of the acrylate coating. Paints and enamels based on it can be applied to materials such as glass, stone, brick, wood, concrete, plaster, plastic and metal. This quality has determined the unprecedented popularity of this material in construction and the visual arts.

Important! Despite all the advantages, acrylic dispersion will not be able to replace compounds such as fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil, and Zinga conductive paint also has serious differences.


You can apply the material to the wall with your own hands.

Our step-by-step instructions will help you cope with painting the walls in an apartment with acrylic-based latex paint:

  1. We free the surface from the old coating, then prime and level with plaster putty;

Align the walls.

  1. After the putty has dried, we grind its surface with an emery float;

We grind the base.

  1. Remove dust from the wall after sanding and apply a layer acrylic primer deep penetration; (See also the article.)

We apply the primer.

  1. We mark the boundaries of the coating with masking tape, lay a film or paper on the floor, cover the furniture and hang the windows;

We glue the masking tape.

  1. After the primer has dried, pour the paint into the tray, dip the roller there and shade the coating over a thin continuous layer;

Apply the first coat of paint.

  1. When the first layer is dry, apply the second and third layers. All three layers should be thin and free from streaks or waves.

We complete the work with the second and third layers.

Important! Don't try to get intense saturated color from the first layer, be patient and apply two or three layers, only then you can conclude about the intensity of the color rendition.


Acrylic paints and varnishes are one of the highest quality modern coatings used for internal and exterior decoration... With the help of the video in this article and our instructions, you can quickly understand the intricacies of applying this material and perform high-quality wall decoration yourself.