Beautiful gazebos, terraces, verandas, patios: photos, design ideas. How to properly attach verandas and terraces to a finished home with a photo Open verandas patio terraces

Being in nature is so much fun for most of us. Even being in the country or in a residential area (your own house), you really want to be closer to nature! I think that's why many people do different zones relaxing in your garden. There are many options for decorating recreation areas. Also, here you will find a selection of gazebos, patios, outdoor seating areas and pergolas.

Gazebo - usually an octagonal structure with an octagonal roof that protects from the sun and rain. She usually has a built-in bench that runs along the inner perimeter of the gazebo. The gazebo usually does not have blank walls that allow you to enjoy the surrounding view of your garden. Of course, it can be either square or round.

Terrace- construction in the form of a platform with a roof on fresh air, adjacent to the wall of the house and being its continuation. Most often, the terrace does not have walls and doors, but only low railings or porticos with a free entrance. It can be compared to a balcony on the ground. The terrace is intended for inactive relaxation, conversations with friends, dinners, handicrafts and other entertainments.

Nice terraces in the photo! I wanted to rest on them ...

A playground for privacy and tranquility - this is a playground, which is an "open room", the walls of which can be decorative fabric curtains, trellises with climbing plants and bamboo screens. Rather, it is like decorating a recreation area with a pergola.

Patiopatio hidden from prying eyes. An open-air room is a great option for organizing family holidays, reception and privacy to soak up the sun and sunbathe.

Placement of the gazebo.

Much of the choice of location determines how you plan to use your gazebo. This is a gazebo garden or gathering place for warm friends and family summer days, then you can make the gazebo stand out by making it the center of attention. If, in order to relax and reflect, then you should build it in the depths of the garden - a quiet place.

Depending on the size of your plot, you can set gazebo closer to the house or place it along the way to some element of the garden, for example, If a body of water (lake, pond) is adjacent to the site, then it is more appropriate to place the gazebo on the shore of the reservoir. Aesthetics is the most important factor, when installing a gazebo for non-utilitarian use. After all, gazebos are often used as a connecting space for the entire garden. Great idea to accentuate the style of your site, which is what makes it the center of attention.

Terrace location.

Since most terraces are attached to the wall of the house (perhaps they go around the corner and are located along two walls), then it is more convenient to make a single foundation in advance for the future extension. The same applies to the roof shared with the house and the materials used. However, we often think about terrace (recreation area) when everything is built, the hozblog took its place and the vegetable garden is already spawning. It is more reasonable to have a terrace with a south-facing orientation, well warmed up by the sun. For a while summer sun and in the heat, provide for shading. These can be: roof, awning, awning, canopy, stationary or easily transformable.

Since it can be located not only on the ground, but also be raised to a sufficiently large height (sometimes it is even organized on the roof), and the walls in it are not provided, then a fence up to 1m high is installed along its edge. The lower the height above the ground, the lower the fence can be. You can hang curtains, preferably light colors... They will create shade and protect against gusts of wind.

Patio location.

Patio located between the adjoining and outbuildings. The patio outwardly resembles a closed area, but the adjoining walls of the house act as protective and enclosing supports in this version. If the site allows, you can erect not two high walls (angle). One can be equipped with a wall-mounted fountain-mask.

Access to the recreation area.

The first thing to remember is that your seating area is meant to be used, so it must be accessible so that you can reach it from any part of the garden. If you want to enjoy the sunset or drink an evening glass of wine, then you need to consider lighting along the paths to recreation area.

With a small country house role terraces a spacious veranda combined with a porch plays successfully. But even in this case, consider the possibility of a separate exit to the garden or courtyard.

View of the recreation area from the side.

Even if you don't use it that often gazebo or patio, for example, for gatherings in friendly company, all - it is still necessary that they please the eye and evoke pleasant emotions. Think about placement, let's say small tree or bush next to gazebo, to soften appearance and make it an integral part landscape design your site. Planters of flowers can be arranged on the patio.

View from the recreation area to the site.
The view from the gazebo itself (patio) also plays a big role. After all, being in it, you will be pleased to contemplate the ripples of water from the breeze on the pond or the murmur of a small waterfall, or admire your favorite flowers. It is also important and necessary, if there are children, to locate the playground nearby so that it can be viewed from the recreation area. This is a separate topic, I will devote an article to the playgrounds later.

I made a photo collection as an example. Unfortunately, you will not find photos with real recreation areas precisely in our country. Few people turn to the services of a designer, then it is understandable - means! I want to show that even without the invitation of a designer, you can arrange many of the elements in the garden yourself. For this, I select a photo and share my ideas of how any design element in the garden can look civilized and aesthetically pleasing. And it's not even about the money. At low cost, you can make a very interesting, author's element.

Ambient sounds.

It may seem like a good idea to make a gazebo near the fence, but consider whether the sounds of neighbors will intrude and disrupt the pleasure of your time in the recreation area. Yes, and you can disturb your neighbors. If you need to distract yourself from extraneous sounds, a small fountain nearby will create a more pleasant atmosphere. Unfortunately, not all of us have large plots, so no matter how you think about where to place, neighbors are everywhere. Well, if the neighbors are good, you can take off the gatherings and arrange !!! And the owners of 6-10 acres, surrounded on three sides by neighbors, option will do placing a gazebo in the middle of the site. Let's say there is a vegetable garden in the background, a gazebo in the middle, and in front zone(flower bed, rabatka) or rock garden, or reservoir. Just surround the gazebo with shrubs and non-aggressive trees for a more secluded feeling and escape from the sun.

The patio, as I wrote above, is a patio located between buildings. But this does not mean at all that it cannot be placed, for example, in the corner of a garden, or if a plot with elevation differences is in a secluded place surrounded by trees and shrubs from prying eyes.

Construction schemes or how to build gazebo or pergola, I don’t give. There is a lot of information on the Internet about this. It is not enough articles to describe everything. Everyone decides to make their own patio or buy a gazebo. It makes no sense to advise here. Enjoy viewing photos, note and create!

I think you are convinced that rest zone can be an elegant and refined element in the garden, if it blends in seamlessly with the landscape of the site. In the photo, of course, chic, time-consuming, large recreation areas. But what prevents us from making an analogue of any of them?

Is there a gazebo or a terrace on your site? Which recreation area will require less cost and labor, in your opinion?

By the way, it is now easier to leave comments - no need to enter e-mail, just the name is enough! We would be grateful for your comments! We read everything. We answer whenever possible!

Let your site not be like a neighbor's!

Regards, Tatiana!

Every home needs a seating area. Especially on the territory country house you can arrange a comfortable place in the fresh air, where you will gather with friends and family, eat, play and just spend time outdoors.

The idea of ​​an open gazebo

For inspiration, we suggest considering beautiful gazebos and terraces with photos, as well as familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each of the buildings.

I will try to make the quality of the photo as good as possible so that you can see all the details and get aesthetic pleasure.

For some, a country house is a place of residence, for others it is a place for growing crops, for others it is simply a recreation area. You can build gazebos and terraces with your own hands or hire specialists.

Idea open area recreation

First you need to decide what type of building will be, what material it will be made of and how it will be equipped. There are a huge number of types of them.

In some you can just sit on a bench under a canopy from the sun, and in some you can have a good time swimming in the pool or jacuzzi, barbecuing and relaxing on high-class hammocks or swings.

The terrace differs from the gazebo in that it is adjacent to the house. Such an extension can be of several types:

  • Open, which can only be used during the warmer months.
  • Closed, allowing you to use all year round this room.
  • Universal, with a specific design that can be opened.

The disadvantages of gazebos include their impracticality. For example, in a small structure open type, you won't be able to rest in winter. In this case, a closed terrace or veranda with a stove is better.

Warm arbor made of rounded logs with a stove

Interesting ideas for arranging terraces can be found on our website. Open buildings often used for eating, sleeping in the fresh air, meeting with friends. In closed terraces, you can fully live like in a separate room.


Gazebos, verandas and terraces are somewhat similar to each other, but at the same time they are completely different buildings.

The veranda is a complete extension to the house, which is based on the foundation. As a rule, it is completely closed and plays a role additional room... The main difference between a veranda and a terrace is the presence of walls. Without them, it will already be a porch. This type of structure can perform many functions, unlike other recreation areas:

  • Living room.
  • Canteen.
  • Greenhouse or winter garden.
  • Gym.
  • Pantry.
  • Kitchen.

In addition, the extension can perform many other functions, as far as the owner's imagination is enough. Verandas summer type can have open wall that is covered by curtains, street blinds or pvc film like some types of gazebos.

Glazed option

Verandas are divided into two main types:

  • Attached, which are located on the outside of the main house, and they can be built both together and separately from construction works, some time later;
  • Built-in, which are located directly on the territory of the house. That is, it is a kind of separate room. The construction of such a veranda can only be in the initial construction, since such a structure is being erected simultaneously.

For the implementation of the veranda project, it is necessary to fill the foundation. It is selected depending on the dimensions of the structure and the estimated weight. It is worth considering the peculiarities of the soil, since on loose ground the extension will deform and crack in the walls.


Terraces and gazebos are mainly used during the warmer months. The most popular type is small outdoor terraces, where a table is placed. Often they equip a children's playroom on it, installing a couple of carousels on the terrace. This allows children to play in the fresh air, while at the same time stay at home under the supervision of their parents.

Summer summer cottages and terraces are not just a recreation area, but a place for aesthetic enjoyment of nature. For meditation, for reuniting with the environment.

The construction process includes several main stages:

  • Territory selection and compacted soil.
  • The choice of coverage (most often - wood).
  • Definition of design and interior accessories.
  • Construction of the foundation.
  • Laying the floor covering.
  • Finishing and decor.


Not all owners of private territories have an idea of ​​what a patio is. Let's figure it out. This is a fenced-in part of the courtyard that is used as a recreation area.

It can be of any size, as far as the territory and desire of the owner allows. Inside there can be tables, gazebos, lawns, flower beds, a pool, sun loungers, hammocks, barbecue and other accessories for a pleasant pastime.

Often used to accentuate patio style decorative elements in the form of hanging flowers, waterfalls, fountains, fireplaces and other decorative elements. A patio of any complexity can be done by hand, the main thing is to first solve several problems:

  • Select a territory.
  • Consider a building plan.
  • Calculate costs, make an estimate.

After that, you can start directly to work. It is necessary to remove all obstacles at the site of the future patio - debris, roots. After that, build a fence that will clearly separate the recreation area from the rest of the territory. Further, depending on your desires and possibilities, a place for rest is ennobled and equipped.

For example, a small corner with a table, hammock or swing is enough for two. It will become wonderful place for privacy or a romantic pastime in the summer under the starry sky.

More recently, our ideas about summer cottage rest were reduced only to relaxing in the shade, sitting in a sun lounger or lying in a hammock, or in the evening on an impromptu barbecue - all this seemed to be the top of suburban life. Today people have changed, which means that their needs have changed. One of the points of small construction in country house was the construction of a patio.

Patio Is a small paved area adjacent to the house on one side and looking like a courtyard, where it is convenient to relax, hiding from prying eyes or to take welcome guests... Patios can vary in size, level, quality and variety of finishes. The sonorous word “patio” can be called a small patch of land, tiled and equipped with a plastic table and a pair of folding chairs, or a multi-level area with stationary furniture, raised flower beds, small ponds with pergolas and multi-textured finishes. Both are patios, the only question is in the level of requests of the owner of the house and the thickness of his wallet.

Terrace has little difference from a patio and is often confused. To distinguish between these terms, as they say, on the ground, you should know that the terrace is always raised above the ground level, and in addition to limiting one side to the wall, it can also have side partitions in the form of gratings for or raised flower beds as such.

Patio device will require a lot of time and money, so make sketches yourself or invite a specialist, calculate the quantity and cost necessary material, this amount must necessarily include the fire protection of metal structures that may be needed in the construction of pergolas and gratings. Choose a design to your liking, because this structure is designed for a long service life, which means you should not get bored ahead of time.

If the patio still turned out to be inexpressive and boring, then you can "revive" it by removing part of the tile and replacing it with another one - contrasting or matching, another option is to plant it in the resulting voids ornamental plants... Remember that the patio must match the design of all the relevant elements of the garden - paths, the facade of the house, for retaining walls etc.

The main challenge when creating a patio from scratch is determining the size of the site. One thing is for sure - owners of limited space can take the entire plot under the patio, paving it completely, using different textured materials for decoration, planning permanent flower beds and the arrangement of pot crops and resulting in a real small garden. Do not forget that fire alarms in similar functional areas is not a luxury, but a vital necessity.

As illustrative example We present to you a variant of the installation scheme for a simple patio with a classic design.


Tips and ideas for choosing flooring for outdoor terrace or veranda. The choice of material, color, designs.

Patios, verandas and terraces

Owners of private houses and summer cottages have a wonderful opportunity to equip an outdoor recreation area. If there is not enough space, such a zone can adjoin directly to the building, and if the property is extensive and there is no need to sacrifice hundreds, it can be a wide terrace, patio-type patio, open veranda.

Choose as a basis for patios and terraces different materials (a natural stone, paving slabs, all kinds of artificial turf), but one of the most popular remains wooden covering for the terrace - terrace board... The wooden floor on the terrace is ecological cleanliness, absolute compatibility with other decorative, facing and interior details, giving the atmosphere a special neatness and comfort, textural warmth.

Wood flooring design

Thinking about what it will look like wood flooring on a terrace or open veranda, several points must be considered:

  • color scheme - basic and tint;
  • type and shape of flooring elements, installation method;
  • details that add decorativeness;
  • capital structure.

Color selection

Wooden flooring, which acts as a floor on a terrace or patio, has a significant impact on the overall color range recreation areas, so its palette should be combined with a shade of furniture and wooden interior details: decorative grilles, rain canopies, edging railings.

If the seating area is made in a certain style, the color of the flooring should match it: for country style, discreet yellow and gray-brown are suitable, for oriental style- terracotta and its dark shades, for hi-tech - lacquered dark gray.

Laying methods, types of decking

When choosing a wooden floor, you need to decide what type of terrace or patio you have - a temporary structure or a permanent one. For temporary buildings intended for use only in the warm season, garden parquet or specially knocked down flat ones are recommended. wooden structures- for the winter they are dismantled and removed to the utility room until the next season. If the site will be used as a permanent one, the floor is always made of decking.

Details that add decorativeness

Wood, as a rule, gratefully accepts the neighborhood with different texture materials. When designing a patio, you can combine wood flooring with gravel platforms and ceramic tiles, lawn islands and small flower beds. The color roll or the same shade between the flooring and the elements of the fence, containers for flowers, a gazebo looks very good. An additional effect is given by various lamps, ladders, steps.

Capital structure

In addition to the permanent seating area in the garden, a terrace-deck, attached to the house along the perimeter, is a permanent structure. Its construction requires special construction work, so it is worth entrusting such a grandiose project to professionals.

While glazed terraces and patios are very different in design, they are a great way to expand your living space and a great opportunity to take advantage of the beauty of nature and the benefits of relaxing in outdoors.

By the way, building or remodeling a terrace and patio is a great plan, but there are a few fairly common mistakes that many homeowners make during the construction process. In addition to spending a lot of money and time, these mistakes can lead to the fact that your vacation spot will not bring you pleasure.

Fortunately, these mistakes can be easily avoided. Here we look at some of the most common mistakes and how to get around them. In addition, we will present you short review what are terraces and patios. It should be noted that previously considered possible options construction decorative coatings these sites.

What are terraces and patios?

Glazed terraces, often referred to as closed or three-season verandas, are structures attached to the home.

They are usually located on the front side, although you can place your veranda on any side of the house where you prefer the view.

The glazed terrace (solarium, conservatory) is simply a more open room, protected from all sides, but not completely isolated like all other rooms in the house. Large windows allow homeowners to take full advantage natural light and warmth.

Patios (patios) are traditionally furnished outdoor living spaces.

They are usually located close to a rear or side door, and often consist of a concrete slab serving as the floor and several decorations.

You can make your patio as simple as possible, or as thoughtful as you like; some owners are converting this living space into a fully furnished outdoor recreation room. The patio is completely unobstructed, although you can use lattice rails or a large canopy to keep the weather out.

Common mistakes in creating terraces (verandas, winter gardens)

Some mistakes are so common in the construction or decoration of terraces that builders and designers invited to renovation work almost expect to find them. However, you can avoid these costly and unsightly mistakes simply by following some common sense rules and carefully weighing your decisions.

Ignoring weather conditions

The terrace is an outdoor living space. Therefore, before starting construction, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the local climate. If you live in an area with very cold winters, you might want to make your terrace more enclosed. This will allow your family to use it for most of the year. Likewise, a glazed terrace in extremely hot and humid climates will be of great benefit if equipped with multifunctional windows. Some homeowners living in warm climates even install a cooling system. It could be either part of a home cooling system, or a stand-alone air conditioner, or even some kind of large fans. Whatever your climate or budget, keep in mind that the device winter garden or terraces would be a big investment and it would be bad if the weather prevents you from enjoying your new living space.

Unsuitable furniture

Since your new terrace will become part of your home, naturally you will want to decorate it accordingly. However, be careful to avoid the common mistake of using unsuitable furniture and flooring.

Even closed terraces mostly have very big windows often floor-to-ceiling, allowing bright sunlight get inside unhindered. Everything that the sun shines on for a long time tends to fade. Many homeowners who have adorned their terrace with expensive room furniture will find their gorgeous upholstery faded and completely damaged in just a few years. The same goes for floor coverings.

Fortunately, this mistake is easy to avoid. If you still want to use furniture designed for rooms, then you have two options. You can design a shaded area on your terrace and arrange furniture there. Alternatively, you can purchase furniture whose upholstery is made of special ultraviolet radiation fabrics. Such furniture has a wide range of colors and different design, and is completely different from the traditional outdoor furniture.

There are also sun-resistant ones. floor coverings... In the case of natural wood floors, builders use special UV-resistant sealants and topcoats to prevent fading. Specially designed for use in bright sunlight, carpets and carpets are also great for you.

Your second option is to use outdoor furniture to decorate your winter garden. If you haven't bought outdoor furniture for a long time, you will be surprised. You can't even imagine how much big choice similar furniture, made in any style, exists. You can choose furniture for both the rugged country style and the elegant Victorian. Best of all, this furniture is designed to withstand the whims of the weather.

Ignoring the design of your home

When deciding to add a terrace, especially in the front of the house, be sure to pay attention to the house as a whole. Many homeowners make the mistake of adding a Victorian terrace to a Cape Cod home. It doesn't matter how much you like the look of Victorian homes, this is not The best way pamper yourself. A terrace that contrasts with the house to which it is attached will become an eyesore not only for the homeowners themselves, but also for the neighbors. Do yourself a favor and follow the style, design, and architecture of your home. In the end, you can decorate the interior of the terrace however you like!

Ignoring comfort

In many cases, homeowners build a lovely terrace and fail to decorate it. This, of course, is not critical, but it happens more often than you think. And what is the result? A great addition to a home that no one wants to use.

Try to avoid this pointless waste of money and space, make your terrace a comfortable, inviting place to relax. Regardless of how you furnish it, you should have enough room for comfortable seating, a table, and other items you are used to using. The more attractive your terrace becomes, the more people will want to spend time there, the more benefit you will get from your new investment.

Creating an attractive terrace also means having the right interior decoration. Yes, this is a semi-open space, but this is not a reason to display auxiliary racks and beams. Unless you're looking to create something like a rough log cabin (which might also be interesting), finish the walls and ceiling just like you would any other room in your home.

Mistakes in creating a patio

Several common mistakes made when designing a patio often prevent homeowners from getting the outdoor living space they envisioned.

Insufficient space

At the very least, the patio area should be about 9 m². This is sufficient for a small grill and street table standard size with chairs. However, if you plan on spending a lot of time on your patio, if you like to host crowded parties or have a large family, it is worth considering larger area your patio.

The whole point of a patio is that it should be a pleasant place to hang out. If you or your guests are cramped, no one will be pleased to be there. Consider how often (or only plan to do) outdoor fun and build accordingly.

If the fill is large concrete base You can't afford it, there are many other ways to organize your patio space. Using trellises for climbing plants can create lovely room outdoors, and climbing up them vine will only add attractiveness. This classic option is elegant and not very expensive.

Ignoring your home and yard

As mentioned above about terraces, patio design should match the decor of the house itself and the entire yard. A patio that is completely different in design from everything that surrounds it, as a rule, does not look very pretty, no matter how much you like the decor of the patio itself. Try to design and decorate your patio in a way that at least complements, if not completely matches, the style of your home and yard. For example, imagine a backyard decorated in a classic regular style with a large fountain made of white marble and figuratively trimmed trees. Now, imagine a patio decorated with glowing multi-colored torches for a distinct tropical party feel.

Isn't it awful? Of course, this is too extreme an example, but the idea is clear to you. It is best if all your buildings on the site and the garden are made in the same style.

Uneven slabs

Uneven concrete slabs are the most common mistake homeowners make when designing their patio. This is extremely dangerous, highly annoying, and very difficult to fix. How does this happen? Usually, this is due to improper preparation of the substrate, the use of unsuitable materials.

Before proceeding with the pouring of concrete, the professional must make sure that the base, i.e. soil, perfectly leveled. Some areas may have to be deepened, while others, on the contrary, filled up, but in the end you should get a smooth and even surface. If not, your concrete slab will have dimples, slopes and other dangerous and ugly imperfections. You can read more about the coverage options.

Unfortunately, this mistake is often the result of hiring an unskilled worker. Since a concrete slab is the backbone of your patio, it is worth paying a little extra for high quality professional services. In the long term, the additional investment will pay off as you will avoid the expense and hassle of removing uneven concrete later.

Matching your patio with your lifestyle

With the exception of structural elements such as the base plate, most of the most common mistakes are fairly minor. Make sure your terraces and patios meet the expectations of your household members and their plans for using it. Plan and expect frequent use, but don't waste money on furniture and decorations that you will never need or will not use. Try to choose décor to match, or at least blend in with, the overall décor of your home.

After all, terraces and patios are created to decorate your home, expand it, and enjoy the outdoors. Now that you know what to think about first, plan wisely, taking into account all the nuances, and you will surely succeed.

Good luck to everyone in your work and see you soon on the pages.

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