The composition "The Image of the Mother" based on the work of Sergei Yesenin. The image of the mother in the poetry of S. Yesenin. A bright image of the poet's mother passes through Yesenin's work. Endowed with individual traits, it grows into a generalized

Before proceeding to artistic analysis poetic work "Letter to Mother", you should find out history of its creation. This poem was written by Sergei Yesenin in 1924, a year before his death. Later, Yesenin's work is rich and bright: the author seemed to have plucked up courage and expressed everything that he had carried with a heavy burden in his soul for so long.

"Letter to Mother" is one of the most famous and touching poems of this period. This work can be regarded as an ambiguous appeal to Motherland, or mother as a woman who gave birth.

The image of the mother in the poem "Letter to mother"

The main images in the poem "Letter to Mother" are the lyrical hero himself and his mother. Mother and home for the lyrical hero is a symbol of childhood, easy life and all-forgiving love.

At the beginning of the work, he asks his mother if she is alive, which means that the son is a very infrequent visitor to his native land. The lyrical hero, as well as in childhood, seeks protection and understanding from his mother.

He pours out all the hidden sadness of his soul, experiences, life disappointments in his letter and turns from an adult into a small defenseless child, which we all are in the eyes of our mothers.

The idea of ​​the poem is that we should all appreciate the dear and close women who gave us life. After all, only they will always unfailingly come to our aid in difficult times, they forgive their children the most serious sins and sacrifice their lives for the well-being of their children.

The lyrical hero of the poem asks his mother for forgiveness for actually forgetting her and not visiting his native land for a very long time. He does not even have doubts that his mother will forgive him, mother's love is taken for granted.

The image of the Russian village and the Russian state

Sergei Yesenin in his "Letter to Mother" describes the beauty of the nature of his native land. The Russian village in which his old mother lives is a real oasis for the poet, in which he can hide from the hardships of life.

Also, the image of the mother can be interpreted as an image Russian state. After all, the relationship between the Motherland and a person is as strong as mother and son.

Russia is the personification of the old mother, who went through many upheavals and hardships, often faced ingratitude and betrayal from her citizens. But all the same, she has the maternal property of forgiveness and gladly accepts repentant children in her arms.

The meaning of the poem "Letter to mother"

It doesn’t matter what exactly Sergei Yesenin personified in the image of his mother. The main thing is that he teaches us to love and appreciate what really has the greatest value in the life of every person - mother, motherland, home.

Very often we do not pay due attention to our mothers, as we are absorbed in daily worries, but we should always remember that that fateful moment may come when we are simply too late to say words of love to our close and dear person.

The image of the mother in the work of S. Yesenin. Nekrasov's traditions are reflected in the poetry of the great Russian poet S. A. Yesenin, who created surprisingly sincere poems about his mother, a peasant woman. Yesenin was 19 years old when, with amazing penetration, he sang in the poem "Rus" the sadness of the maternal expectation of sons-soldiers. Fidelity, constancy of feelings, cordial devotion, inexhaustible patience are generalized and poeticized by Yesenin in the image of a mother. "Oh, my patient mother!" - this exclamation escaped from him not by chance: the son brings a lot of unrest, but the mother's heart forgives everything. So there is a frequent motive for Yesenin's son's guilt.

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Literary images

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"The Image of the Mother in the Lyrics of Classical and Modern Poets"

teacher primary school MBOU

Lyceum №13 Rostov-on-Don

Mom, I carry your name through life, like a shrine.

Years will go by. Apples will fall on the grass.

The sun will rise.

Rivers will rush into the desert.

Ships will sail into the whiteness of the Martian seas.

Life will rage.

Every atom. Each vein.

People! My brothers! Take care of your mothers!

A real mother is given to a person once!

Sergei Ostovoy.

Who teaches the child to take the first steps? Who sings the first lullaby in his life? Who is telling the story? Who teaches you to speak your native language? And what is the first word most often spoken by the child? Of course, MOM!

Yes, it is MOM who opens the door to the baby Big world, she is relentlessly with him, the first to rise to his cry ... He hears the affectionate words of his mother, feels her warmth, protection. How his little hands reach for MOM! And even when people become adults and break away from their home, their connection with their mother does not break. And in moments of trouble, danger, despair, we still call for help, first of all, MAMA ...

Modern world cruel, power, money, patronage rule here. But what about the power of maternal love, all-consuming love, all-forgiving love? Perhaps, by turning to the beginning, to the source of life, society will be able to restore peace, tranquility, prosperity? With Mother's milk, each person absorbs the most precious, tender, sincere feelings. Why, over time, from such a baby, and then an adult, cruelty appears, the desire to humiliate, even destroy his own kind?

These questions have troubled poets and writers since biblical times. The image of the Mother is one of the most revered and beloved in Russian literature.

mother's heart

The mother's heart is the most merciful judge, the most sympathetic friend, it is the sun of love, the light of which warms us all our lives.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

"The Sun of Russian Poetry" - a world-famous classic - A.S. Pushkin in childhood was deprived of maternal love. Nadezhda Osipovna had an uneven character, with abrupt mood swings: she would get angry, then fall into black melancholy, then suddenly become affectionate and lively again. Alexander most often irritated her and was usually called after another prank for reprisal. Everything annoyed the mother: the boy's stubbornness, his dissimilarity to other children, his incomprehensible complexity.

But still, there were two women in the Pushkins' house, who gave Alexander the maternal love and affection that he so lacked. The nanny is Arina Rodionovna, a serf peasant woman who was set free, but did not want to leave her masters, who nursed their children, and then their grandchildren. Grandmother - Maria Alexandrovna Gannibal, who, according to the poet's sister, Olga Sergeevna, "was a bright mind and educated in her time, spoke and wrote in beautiful Russian ..." It was they who told him fairy tales, legends, introduced him to the world of folk fiction.

Oh! I will keep silent about my mother,
About the charms of mysterious nights,
When in a cap, in an old robe,
Cross me with zeal
And in a whisper it will tell me
About the dead, about the exploits of Bova...
I won’t move from horror, it happened,
Barely breathing, I'll snuggle up under the covers,
Feeling neither legs nor head.


With great love and tenderness, the poet often spoke of his nanny, Arina Rodionovna. She was constantly there not only when the poet was a child, but also being a famous poet, friend and ally of the participants in the Decembrist movement. She accompanied him both in exile and in isolation in their family estate in the village of Mikhailovsky.


Friend of my harsh days,
My decrepit dove!
Alone in the wilderness of pine forests
For a long, long time you've been waiting for me.
You are under the window of your room
Grieving like clockwork
And the spokes are slowing down every minute
In your wrinkled hands.
Looking through the forgotten gates
To the black distant path:
Longing, forebodings, worries
They squeeze your chest all the time.

Madonna - in Catholicism means the Mother of God, the "mother" of a divine creature, the son of God. The embodiment of the ideal of motherhood was the wife of Alexander Sergeevich - Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova.


Not many paintings by old masters
I always wanted to decorate my abode,
So that the visitor marveled at them superstitiously,
Listening to the important judgment of connoisseurs.

In my simple corner, in the midst of slow labors,
One picture I wanted to be forever a spectator,
One: so that on me from the canvas, as from the clouds,
Pure and our divine savior -

She is with greatness, he is with reason in his eyes -
Looked, meek, in glory and in the rays,
Alone, without angels, under the palm tree of Zion.

My wishes have been fulfilled. Creator
He sent you down to me, you, my Madonna,
The purest beauty, the purest example.

The image of the Mother in the work of A.S. Pushkin went through all the stages of poetic evolutionary development: from hostility to his own mother, through kind tender feelings for the nanny and grandmother, to the highest worship of the Holy Mother of God.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov.

Mother M.Yu. Lermontov - Maria Mikhailovna - was very kind person, treated serfs, helped the poor. She often took little Misha on her knees, played the piano and sang.

"When I was a boy of three - recalled Lermontov, -that was the song from which I cried ... Her late mother sang to me ... " Tenderness for the mother and longing for her are reflected in many works of the poet.


An angel flew across the midnight sky

And he sang a quiet song;

And the moon, and the stars, and the clouds in a crowd

They listened to that song of the saint.

He sang about the bliss of sinless spirits

Under the bushes of paradise gardens;

He sang about the great God, and praise

His was unfeigned.

He carried the soul of the young to the young in his arms

For a world of sorrow and tears,

And the sound of his song is young in the soul,

Remained - without words, but alive.

And for a long time she languished in the world,

Full of wonderful desire;

And the sounds of heaven could not be replaced

She bored the songs of the earth.


Maria Mikhailovna died of consumption in February 1817 at the age of 21 years 11 months 7 days. The theme of loneliness and sadness that accompanies the poet with early childhood, ran like a red thread through all the work of M.Yu. Lermontov.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet.

A.A. Fet's childhood was not entirely happy. But you can’t call him sad either: “... he had everything like many landlord sons, living mainly on land and land. There was village life, ordinary rural life, and around - Central Russian nature "- this is how his daughter later recalled the poet.

The image of the poet's mother is associated with German roots (mother - nee Charlotte-Elizaveta Fet), the future poet was brought up in a German school until the age of 14. Then - the Oryol province with its boundless fields, plains and completely different memories of that time, about close and native person- about the mother. In the poems associated with that time, we find closely intertwined folklore:

Lullaby to the heart

Heart - you're a baby!

Take it easy…

Even for a moment of reason

I'm glad to accept

All your sickness!

Sleep, the Lord is with you

Baiushki bye!..



Quiet evening burns out

Mountains of gold;

The sultry air is cold, -

Sleep, my child.

The nightingales have long sung,

Twilight proclaim;

The strings timidly rang, -

Sleep, my child.

Watching angelic eyes

tremulously shining;

So light is the breath of the night,

Sleep, my child.


In the later period of his work, the poet turns his attention to the image of the mother as the Mother of God. This is due to internal disagreement in the poetic field, and misunderstanding on the part of relatives, whose love A. Fet was deprived of in childhood. And the poems turn into a prayer:


AVE MARIA - the lamp is quiet,

Four verses are ready in the heart:

Pure maiden, grieving mother,

Your grace has penetrated my soul.

Queen of the sky, not the brilliance of the rays,

In a quiet dream come to her!

AVE MARIA - the lamp is quiet,

Four verses are ready in the heart.


The poet represented the appointment of a woman as motherhood, and glorified the woman herself as the Madonna, carrying her son to people in the name of salvation.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.

The childhood of N.A. Nekrasov passed in the village of Greshnevo, which is located on the banks of the great Russian river Volga in a family of wealthy landowners. There was little pleasant in the life around him, the future poet had to experience enough sorrowful minutes. The poem "Motherland" is a biographical saga about his native land, where he spent his childhood, memories of tragic minutes from childhood. His mother, Elena Andreevna, is a kind, gentle woman who resigned herself to fate, lived with a man who tyrannized not only serfs and servants, but also all household members.

Whose face flickers in the distant alley

Flickers between the branches, painfully sad?

I know why you cry, my mother!

Forever given to the gloomy ignoramus,

You did not indulge in unrealizable hope -

You were frightened by the thought of rebelling against fate,

You carried your lot in the silence of a slave ...

But I know: your soul was not impassive;

She was proud, stubborn and beautiful,

And everything that you have the strength to endure,

Did you forgive your death whisper to the destroyer? ..

Bitterness, pain, longing are also heard in other poems - memories of relatives and friends:

See me, dear!

Appear as a light shadow for a moment!

You lived your whole life unloved,

You lived your whole life for others

With a head open to the storms of life,

All my life under an angry thunderstorm

You stood - with your chest

Protecting my beloved children...

("Knight for an Hour")

The poet of "revenge and sorrow" in his works often touched upon the tragic fate of a Russian woman, a woman-mother. This is the poem "Russian Women", and the poem "Who Lives Well in Russia", "Frost, Red Nose" and many others.

Village suffering is in full swing...

Share you! - Russian female share,

Hardly harder to find.

No wonder you wither before the time

All-enduring Russian tribe

Long-suffering mother!

And again there are lines from a prayer addressed to the Mother of God, in defense and forgiveness, in mercy:

Day-to-day my sadness,

In the night, the night pilgrimage,

For centuries my dry-house ...

("Orina, mother of a soldier")

Not a single poet before N.A. Nekrasov sang with such force the image of a woman, a woman-mother. How amazing the ideal images are created by the master. How beautiful are the images created by Nekrasov, who are in constant work, the joys and sorrows of motherhood and the struggle for the family.

Poetry of the 20th century. New wave

The twentieth century burst into literature and, in particular, into poetry, with the novelty of forms, versification, meter, and lexical turns. A lot of different trends appeared with their own ideological views, new themes. But the topic of motherhood not only remained one of the most important, but also sounded with new force. A. Blok, I. Severyanin, O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetaeva, B. Akhmadulina, E. Yevtushenko and many others addressed this topic more than once.

Sergey Yesenin

But perhaps the most capacious, expressive, national image of the mother belongs to Sergei Yesenin. In the Russian mind, the image of the mother has always been assigned special role: she is the giver of life, and the nurse, and the protector, and the mourner for the hardships of children, she is the personification of her native land, she is the “mother green oak forest”, and the “Volga-mother”, and “Motherland”, and finally, “ mother - damp earth "- the last shelter and refuge of every person.

It is unlikely that there will be a person who does not know the Yesenin lines of "Letters to Mother". And even the most hardened heart in the storms of life shrinks at the memory of the mother when reading his poems or singing songs, even if they are strangers, but so similar to him with their love, anxiety, patience.

Are you still alive, my old lady?
I'm alive too. Hello you, hello!
Let it flow over your hut
That evening unspeakable light...<…>
Nothing, dear! Calm down.
It's just painful bullshit.
I'm not such a bitter drunkard,
To die without seeing you.<…>
I'm still just as gentle
And I only dream about
So that rather from rebellious longing
Return to our low house.<…>
And don't teach me to pray. Do not!
There is no return to the old.
You are my only help and joy,
You are my only inexpressible light<… >


S. Yesenin's friend Ivan Evdokimov recalls the poet reading the letter:“... my throat was tightly clamped tightly, hiding and hiding, I cried, in the depths of a huge ridiculous chair, on which I sat in a darkening space between the windows.”

Such a piercingly exciting image of the mother was formed by the poet only at the end life path. Mother in Yesenin's poems is a symbol of childhood, home, hearth, native land, Motherland. She becomes like all the mothers of the Russian land, patiently waiting for the return of their sons and grieving over their troubles and failures.

The words in the poet's verses are often intertwined with the words of many prayers addressed toMother of God:

“O God the Virgin, do not despise me, a sinner, demanding Your help and your intercession, my soul hopes for you, and have mercy on me ...”

Yesenin, dedicating poems to his mother, made his son's prayer for the Mother. And his prayer reached the heart, broke into the memory forever and became a folk song.

Anna Akhmatova

The stubborn and wayward girl had an evenly cold relationship with her mother, and therefore we do not find warm words dedicated to a carefree childhood. However, the theme of motherhood in A. Akhmatova can be traced from early work. And through all the verses - the image of the Mother Martyr, intercessor, Mother of God.

Mother's share is light torture,

I didn't deserve it.

The gate dissolved into a white paradise,

Magdalena took her son.

My every day is cheerful, good,

I got lost in the long spring

Only hands yearn for the burden,

I only hear his crying in my sleep.


tragic fate Akhmatova repeated the thousands of women's shares that fell on the shoulders of the mothers of the repressed. The pain of all mothers merged into one dark, all-consuming and resulted in the poem "Requiem"

Mountains bend before this grief,
The great river does not flow
But the prison gates are strong,
And behind them "convict holes"
And deadly sadness.
For someone the fresh wind blows,
For someone, the sunset basks -
We don't know, we're the same everywhere
We hear only the hateful rattle of the keys
Yes, steps are heavy soldiers.
We got up like it was early lunchtime.
We walked through the wild capital,

They met there, the dead lifeless,

The sun is lower and the Neva is more foggy,
And hope sings in the distance.
The verdict ... And immediately the tears will gush,
Already separated from everyone
As if life is taken out of the heart with pain,
As if rudely overturned,
But it goes... It staggers... Alone...
Where are the unwitting girlfriends now
My two rabid years?..<…>

The quiet Don flows quietly,
The yellow moon enters the house.
Included in a cap on one side -
Sees the yellow moon shadow.

This woman is sick
This woman is alone
Husband in the grave, son in prison,
Pray for me.<…>

And again the name of the Mother of God sounds, the name of the sufferer, the great martyr - the name of the Mother.

"Do not cry to Me, Mati,
in the grave they are sighted."


The choir of angels glorified the great hour,
And the heavens went up in flames.
He said to his father: "Why did you leave me?"
And Mothers: "Oh, don't cry for me..."

Magdalene fought and sobbed,
The beloved student turned to stone,
And to where silently Mother stood,
So no one dared to look.

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

The poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva is a stream of turbulent memories of a distant carefree childhood, where her mother, Maria Alexandrovna Main, loved to play the piano, instilling a love of music and art in her daughters.

We, like you, welcome the sunsets
Reveling in the nearness of the end.
All that we are rich on the best evening,
You put us in our hearts.

Tirelessly leaning towards children's dreams

(Without you, only a month looked at them!),
You led your little ones by
Bitter life of thoughts and deeds.

WITH early years we are close, who is sad,
Laughter is boring and homemade is alien ...
Our ship is not sent off in a good moment
And floats at the behest of all winds!

All paler azure island - childhood,
We are alone on deck.
It can be seen that sadness left a legacy
You, O mother, to your girls!


In the cycle "In the first poems about mother" we see and feel all the tenderness and touchingness of Tsvetaeva in relation to loved ones, especially to her mother.

Subsequently, after years wanderings, troubles, rejection, separations, in her lyrics we see an appeal to God, prayer verses.

For the Boy - for the Dove - for the Son,
For Tsarevich young Alexy
Pray, Church Russia!
Wipe angel eyes

Remember how you fell on the slabs
Pigeon Uglitsky - Dimitri.
Affectionate you, Russia, mother!
Oh, don't you have enough
On him - love grace? …

The suffering of a mother who gives her child to people, eternal patience, love, expectation, hope - feelings that permeate the poems of Marina Tsvetaeva, glorifying the difficult mother's lot.

Modernity and poems about mother

Love for a mother is one of the most intimate themes not only in Russianbut also world poetry.

Mom ... this is the purest spring from which every person draws strength. This is our hope, our support, our protection, our love.

In poems about the Great Patriotic war we see the all-forgiving heart of mothers who escort their sons to war - to defend the Motherland.

The first bullet in any war

A mother's heart is struck.

Whoever wins the last fight

And the heart of a mother suffers! ..


And again, prayers in the verses of contemporaries sound with renewed vigor.

Oh, why are you, the sun is red,

You're all leaving - don't you say goodbye?

Oh, why from a joyless war,

Son, are you coming back?

I will save you from trouble

I will fly like an eagle quickly ...

Respond, my blood!

Small, the only...

White light is not nice.

I got sick.

Come back, my hope!

my grain,

my little dawn,

My goryushko, -

Where are you?

"Requiem" R. Rozhdestvensky

Modern poetry continues the traditions of the classics, singing the image of a mother - a simple peasant woman, a Motherland, a mother-soldier who gave her sons to the war, a mother -Mother of God, who brings to the world a part of herself, her soul, her life - her child.

The theme of separations, meetings, farewells sounds more often ...

We, like moorings, are waiting for native lands ...

And, burnt by the winds of the ways,

You, father's house, returning, as for the first time,

You will see the hands of your mother ...

That they merged all the good, the holy,

And the light of the window, and the trembling of the ripe fields,

That they, sleepless, would have more peace,

And you do not give them all peace!

I. Volobueva.

The mother is metaphorically and figuratively presented in the work written in blank verse by the German poet Zbigniew Herbert "Mother":

He fell from her knees like a ball of wool.

Developed hastily and ran blindly.

She kept beginning of life,

O waving around your finger

Like a thin ring. I wanted to save.

And he rolled down the steep and climbed up the mountain.

And he came to her, confused, and was silent.

Will never return to sweet

the throne of her knees.

Outstretched arms shine in the dark

like an old city.

Mom is the closest and dearest person on earth. Next to her, whether we are five, twenty or fifty years old, we are always children, and we have, as S. Yesenin said, “help and joy” in the face of our mothers. The understanding of this does not come immediately, but the older we get, the more acutely we feel the tragedy of the inevitable loss and our guilt for not always being grateful enough, attentive, tender enough. You can't bring back the past, so you have to protect the present.

List of used literature.

    Akhmatova A.A. Poems. Poems. Tsvetaeva M.I. Poems. Poem. Dramaturgy. Essay. – M.: Olimp; LLC Firm AST Publishing House, 1998.

    Nekrasov N.N. Poems. Poems. Articles. – M.: Olimp; Publishing house AST, 1996.

    Poetry Silver Age at school: A book for teachers / ed. E.M. Boldyreva, A.V. Ledenev. – M.: Bustard, 2001.

    Silver Age. Poetry. (School of classics) - M .: AST, Olympus, 1996.

    A.A. Fet.. Leningrad, Soviet writer, 1959.

A bright image of the poet's mother passes through Yesenin's work. endowed individual traits, it grows into a generalized image of a Russian woman, as a fabulous image of the one who not only gave the whole world, but also made happy with the gift of song. (reading the poem “Wake me up early tomorrow”) T.F. Yesenin. The poet's mother

Fidelity, constancy of feelings, cordial devotion, inexhaustible patience are generalized and poeticized by Yesenin in the image of a mother. On his trips, he constantly recalls his native village: it is dear to the memory of youth, but most of all, the mother yearning for her son, her bright smile, attracts her there. (Reading the poem "You sing me that song")

Yesenin's bright image of the mother is akin to the eco-painting - they are related by eternal patience, expectation, hope for "help and joy." S. Yesenin created a real cult of the mother in Russian literature. “I have never seen anyone better than you” - this is how the poet will say about his mother. (Reading the poem "Letter to Mother")

Mom... How much that word means to me! I think that for every person dearer than mother there is no one in the world. Mom will always understand, advise, never condemn, never betray... The mother's place in our life is special, exceptional. Mom is a person to whom we are always indebted, because it was she who gave us the most beautiful thing - life.

And how many beautiful words are said about mother writers and poets of different times and peoples!
Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is an outstanding Russian poet, perhaps the most widely read poet in Russia. Yesenin's poetry is unusually lyrical. All of it is a sincere, sincere story about her life, love, oh joys and sorrows, experiences, dreams. Often in verses he refers to the closest people - to his mother and father, grandfather, sisters. The poet mentally recreates pictures of his native places - his parental home, "that village where he lived as a boy." Yesenin knew Russia from the side from which the people saw it, created a colorful image of nature, sang a high feeling of love for his mother.

I really like the poem by S.A. Yesenin "Letter to mother". This lyrical poem rightfully occupies one of the first places. It is Yesenin's poetic message to the person dearest to him. Each line of this poem is full of restrained love and tenderness. The work is confessional in nature. Sad, repentant notes sound in the voice of the lyrical hero:
Are you still alive, my old lady?
I'm alive too.
Hello you, hello!
Let it flow over your hut
That evening unspeakable light.
This stanza is filled with great meaning: it is warm here, and the time that has passed since the last meeting of the son and mother, and the poverty of the old woman's home; and the poet's boundless love for his native home. The hero treats his mother with big love, calls her: dear, old woman, help and joy. We feel that the poet is lonely, he has no one closer than his mother.Mother for Yesenin is the only person to whom he can entrust his most intimate thoughts and feelings.
Old, hunched over for years and constantly worrying about her naughty son, she often goes out on the road “in an old-fashioned shabby hutch”. The words spoken to comfort the mother sound warmly and tenderly:
Nothing, dear! Calm down,
It's just painful bullshit.
I'm not such a bitter drunkard,
To die without seeing you.
Over the long years of separation, the poet has not changed in his tender, caring attitude towards his mother:
I'm still just as gentle
And I only dream about
So that rather from rebellious longing
Return to our low house.

Love and tenderness for the mother are combined with love for one's land, the parental home. “Low, hut,” the poet affectionately calls his house. Dreaming of returning to it and starting a new life.
In his mind, the poet already sees himself returning to parental home, in a spring-like white garden, which is akin to the spiritual mood of a poet who has survived melancholy and fatigue. The feeling of a son in this small work is conveyed with great artistic power:
You are my only help and joy,
You are my only inexpressible light.
The kind smile of the poet warms every line of this poem. It is written simply, without pompous phrases, lofty words. It contains the whole soul of Sergei Yesenin.
I love this poem for its truthfulness, sincerity, tenderness. It feels the poet's ardent love for his mother. Reading the “Letter to Mother”, one involuntarily admires the tenderness and sincerity with which it is written. There is not a single false word in it. Maybe that's why I

I love this poem, that's why it is so dear to me.