"Golden Age" of Russian literature of the XIX century. Golden Age of Russian Literature: History, Writers and Poets

What period of Russian culture is called the Golden Age? The answer to this question serve unprecedented vertices in architecture, music, painting, the theater achieved by Russia in the XIX century. The largest contribution to world culture in this age has made Russian literature.

Golden century architecture

After the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, the style of Russian ampir becomes leading in Russia.

Ampire (from Franz. - "Empire") - Late classicism style for which the limit monumentality and the use of military emblems are characteristic.

The most famous architectural structures of the golden century of Russian culture of the 19th century:

  • Kazan Cathedral (A. N. Voronikhin);
  • Admiralty (A. D. Zakharov);
  • Alexandrinsky Theater (K. I. Rossi);
  • moscow Big Theater (O. I. Bowe).

Fig. 1. Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

In the 30-50s. The XIX century on the change of classicism comes "historicism" or "eclectics".

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Eclecticism - direction in architecture using a combination of various historical architectural styles.

In Russia, the eclecticism brighter is represented by the Russian-Byzantine architectural style:

  • Church of Christ the Savior;
  • Grand Kremlin Palace;
  • buildings of railway stations in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Music of the golden century

The formation of Russian classical music and the national music school is associated with the name of M. I. Glinka. He became the author of the first Russian operas: "Life for the king" and "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

In the XIX century, Russian music became famous for other great composers:

  • N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov;
  • P. I. Tchaikovsky;
  • A. N. Scriabin.

Painting of the golden century

At the beginning of the XIX century, the visual arts in Russia were presented by two main directions: classicism and romanticism.

Bible and mythological plots were used on the classic canvases:

  • "Copper Zmiy" F. A. Bruni;
  • "Priam, requested by Achilles, Hector's body" A. A. Ivanova.

Romanticism is presented by the works of O. A. Kiprensky and S. F. Shchedrin.

The alloy of classicism and romanticism is the work of the famous Russian artist - K. P. Bryullov.

In the picture "Last Day Pompeii" is depicted by K. P. Bullel himself (with a drawer of paints).

Fig. 2. Last day Pompeii. K. P. Bryullov.

In the second half of the XIX century, the leading direction in painting is becoming realism.
Self famous work This period:

  • "Prival Hunters" V. G. Petrova;
  • "Burlaki on the Volga" I. E. Repin;
  • "Fear Morozova" V. I. Surikova.

Theater in the Epoch of the Golden Century

In 1824, a small theater troupe was formed in Moscow. In 1832, the Alexandrinsky Theater began to operate in St. Petersburg.

Romanticism and sentimentalism gradually inferior to the leading role of realism. The founder of realism in the Russian theater scene is the famous actor - M. S. Shpkin.

Theater was one of the most available species Art and enjoyed great popularity in Russian society. Realistic traditions in acting art developed the following outstanding actors:

  • M. P. and O. O. Sadovsky;
  • G. N. Fedotova;
  • M. N. Yermolov.

Literature of the golden century

In the XIX century, the classical Russian literature appeared and rose to the inaccessible height. Sentimentalism (N. M. Karamzin) and Romanticism (V. A. Zhukovsky) in the 30s. Replaced by realism. In the origins of Russian realism, A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol.

Fig. 3. Portrait A. S. Pushkin, Hood. O. A. Kiprensky.

Paradoxically, the beginning of the golden century in the literature falls for years of reaction and cruel censorship Nikolai I.

The second half of the XIX century is the flourishing of Russian literature with its hot sermon of Christian morality, justice and truth. Briefly about the golden age of the Russian culture of the 19th century in the literature they say famous names Russian writers:

  • L. N. Tolstoy;
  • F. M. Dostoevsky:
  • A. P. Chekhov;
  • I. S. Turgenev.

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XIX century became the golden age of Russian culture. Russian poets and writers, architects, composers and artists have made a huge contribution to the development of world culture. Important feature Russian culture of the Golden Century - anxiety for the fate of the homeland and all mankind.

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In the development of literature different countries There are epochs marked by an unusually powerful flourishing of its talents. For such periods, even a special designation was invented - the Golden Age. So, the "golden age" of the English Theater is the drama of Shakespeare, and the "golden age" of Persian poetry is a medieval lyrics, to which owned, in particular, the work of Omar Khayam. There is your "golden age" and in Russian literature. They are rightly called the XIX century, which generated the constellation of brilliant masters of words: A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontova, N. V. Gogol, F. I. Tyutcheva, N. A. Nekrasova, I. S. Turgenev, N . S. Leskova, I. A. Goncharova, L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov, and others. Their artistic legacy is the property of not only Russian, but also Mi-Povo literature. Each of these writers and poets was an artist inevitable, unlike others. Nevertheless, there was something in common in their work. It can be defined as a powerful Humanistic pathos.

Of course, the humanistic pathos was characterized by the literature of many countries. However, in Russian literature, he acquired a special sound and special significance. The ideas of humanism proclaimed the revival of the Renaissance, whether in her deep moral and philosophical understanding. If Renaissance artists challenged the beauty of earthly joys and the greatness of a person as the "crown of the Creation of the Universe", then the Russian writers of the "Golden Century" first of all opposed the passionate sermon to sympathy "a little man" and sewn "humiliated and offended." The famous Pushkin lines "And forever I will be kindly of the people that the feelings of good I am awakened that I had a freedom and grace to my cruel century." Could serve the motto of all Russian literature XIX century. This literature first of all acted as a means of education of conscience in society and moral guidance for each human thought. Her difference from european literature Ukrainian poet I. Ya. Franco described as follows: "If we like the works of European literature, we worried our aesthetic taste and our fantasy, the works of Russian writers tormented us, awakened our compassion, awakened a person in us ...".

An important component of the humanistic pathos of Russian literature was concern for general good and above all - about the situation of the people. And this is surprising: many writhe, whether, sincerely expressed this concern, belonged to the secured strata of society and, in general, could be satisfied with the existing order of things. Therefore, raising questions about the difficult conditions of the people of the people and changing the unrighteous social laws, they acted, in fact, contrary to their personal interests and the SA-MEs showed real spiritual faceless furnaces. However, this feature was inherent not only to writers, but also the entire advanced intelligentsia of Russia, so in this case the literature did not open up new values \u200b\u200bto society as expressed best properties Those who are customary called "color of the nation". One of the first lessons of unconsciousness presented the de-Cabrist uprising, which became the turning point of all history and culture Russia XIX. in. His uniqueness was exactly the fact that representatives of the most notable and rich nobility names were made against the autocarete-serfdom regime. Risching his own position in society, freedom and even life, they rose to the rebellion not for the sake of achieving personal or lengthy purposes, but solely in the name of the development of the people from slavery, and countries from the oppression of autocracy. Material from site.

Thanks to its moral and preaching nature of Russian xIX literature in. Accepted the role of the great mentor of society. Readers perceived it not only as a source of spiritual food, but also as a mighty force capable of transforming the consciousness and life of the company. The word writer often had over the subject Russian Empire much more power than the word emperor. The books were plunged into the confusion of the kings and illuminated the meaning of the life of thousands of disadvantages, and their authors became the continued spiritual authorities of society, proudly called "prophets", "teachers", "rulers of the Dum". It is in this sense that the well-known statement of the "poet in Russia is more than the poet". And the first one who has their own creativity and his destiny is the right thing of this judgment, was A. S. Pushkin.

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The first half of the XIX century - the time of folding and the development of the norms of modern Russian literary language, strengthening the interest of writers to folk traditions and folklore and the beginning of the publication of monuments of folk art.

So, in 1830, the writer, lexicographer and ethnographer V.I. Dalem (1801-1872) The collection of Russian fairy tales was published, the collection "There were no unprecedented", and in the 60s - "Proverbs of the Russian People", which included more than 30 thousand proverbs, sayings and additives. In 1863-1864 Four volumes of its basic labor were published - " Intelligent dictionary living Great Russian language. "

The first reformer of Russian literature was N.M. Karamzin, as a large role in this belongs to A.S. Pushkin. And although already in the XVIII century. We can talk about the existence of Russian masters of the word, only in the XIX century. Profession appears - writer. In the second half of the XIX century. There is a flourishing of creativity of many writers who have entered the history not only Russian, but also world literature.

Various literary flows and schools contributed to the further development of literary genres. The dominant role in the beginning of the century belonged to the story, and at the end of the century - the novel. Epistolar and memoir genres are created. Increased interest in human internal experiences; It finds a person's expression in sentimentalism, and then in romanticism, which is how steel develops at the beginning of the XIX century.

One of the main genres in late XVIII - early XIX centuries. There was romanticism. The birth of romanticism in Russia is associated with the socio-ideological atmosphere of Russian life - a nationwide rise after the Patriotic War of 1812. The formation of noble revolutionism, the exacerbation of personal self-consciousness. Paphos of the winster and struggle, the idea of \u200b\u200bcivil serving, the Poetry of the Decembrists penetrated: K.F. Railleva (1795-1826), V.K. Kühelbecker (1797-1846), A.I. Odoevsky (1802-1839). Hero of the poems of Ryleev "Varianarovsky" and "Nalyvayko" - a citizen-thiranoborets with a tragic destiny.

Volno-loving motifs close to the poetry of the Decembrists, the lyceum, settlement and "South" Lyrics A.S. was penetrated Pushkin (1799-1837), in which the personal pathos of the Great Poet was brightly expressed.

Romantic apotheosis of personality is also expressed in the early lyrics Lermontov M.Yu. (1814-1841). The unprecedented intensity of emotions and tense self-examination are characteristic features of the lyrical hero of Lermontov.

There was another direction in Russian poetry - Elegy. Poets of this direction were V.A. Zhukovsky (1783-1852), Batyushkov K.N. (1798-1831), N.M. Languages \u200b\u200b(1803-1846), E.A. Baratsky (1800-1844). The creativity of these poets is imbued with dissatisfaction with existing. Not believing the possibility of social harmony, they sought to achieve harmony in inner world man.

An intermediate link between romanticism and realism was poetry A.V. Koltsova (1809-1842). Koltsov pontovated the work and life of the peasants, opened the world of internal experiences of the peasant with Russian lyrics, contributed to the poetry of the folk song ("not the noise of you, rye", "kosar").

Poetry N.A. Nekrasova (1821-1878) is realistic and citizen. The poet showed the bladd and dreary life of the Russian village and amazing images of Russian women. His "Muse of Revenge and Sorrow" is especially sensitive to injustice, human pain. Cenning publicism has been further developed in the work of poets I.S. Nikitina (1824-1861), A.N. Plescheyev (1828-1893).

Philosophical and Love Lyrics F.I. Tyutcheva (1803-1873) is marked by the splitness of the soul and merciless of self-analysis; Pucked lyrics, with a pronounced musical start of psychological novel - in verses A.K. Tolstoy (1817-1875); in verses A.A. Feta (Name. The name of Shenshin, 1820-1892) - the fleece and variability of feelings; sensible perception of nature and harmonious merger with her; Musicality is distinguished works by Ya.P. Polonsky (1819-1899) and A.N. Apukhtina (1840-1893); Thin psychologism is peculiar to poems I.F. Annensky (1855-1909). In landscape lyrics A.N. Majkova (1812-1897) is the high contemplation of ordinary Russian nature.

Since the late 30s, the formation of realism begins, the founder of which A.S. is considered to be Pushkin. Pushkin - ancestor and all new Russian literature. His poetic ("Eugene Onegin", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Caucasian captive", "Bakhchisarai fountain", poems, epigrams, fairy tales) and prosaic ("Tale of Belkin", "Arap Peter Great", "Dubrovsky", "peak The lady "," Captain's daughter ") works are written amazing in the ease, accuracy, grace and fine irony. The scale and independence of his thinking, the gift to penetrate other cultures and epochs, the ability to put and discuss "Eternal Questions of Being" - about death and immortality, love, freedom and moral debt, humility and his opposition to blind fate - all this predetermined his central position Only in Russian literature, but also in Russian culture as a whole.

The emergence of "genuine school" and critical realism is associated with the name N.V. Gogol (1809-1852), for whose creativity, a pronounced critical direction was characterized, a special brightly manifested in the story "Shinel" with her theme of humiliation of a "little man." The grotesque beginning of the "Petersburg Hundreds" ("Nose", "Portrait") was developed in the auditor's comedy.

In the poem-novel "Dead Souls", the setting of landlord Russia has connected with the pathos of the spiritual transformation of a person, creating eternal human types.

Founder of Russian literary criticism V.G. Belinsky (1811-1848) preached the principles of realism, democratism, nation. Putting the criticism of the existing reality in the head of the corner, he formulated the principles of "Natural School" - the realistic direction in Russian literature.

Roman in verses Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Belinsky called the Encyclopedia of Russian Life. This is a story about the era and human destinies. The realistic tendency received its expression and in the Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", noted by social reflection and psychological content.

In Roman I.A. Goncharov (1812-1891) "Oblomov" The fate of the main character is revealed not only as social phenomenon ("Oblomovshchyna"), but also as a philosophical understanding of Russian national Character, a special moral path opposing the bustling of all-consuming "progress". As a significant conflict of Russian life, "conflict between" realism "and" romanticism "in the novel" Ordinary History. ".

A wonderful master of classical realistic novel was I.S. Turgenev (1818-1883). In the novels "Noborsk nest", "On the eve", "fathers and children", "Rudin", "Smoke", "New" Turgenev described the life and ideals of the new generation of the discharge intelligentsia of the 50s - 70s of the Hih century, the conflict "fathers "And" children "," walking in the people ".

The vertex of critical realism was the work of L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910). The long period of Russian life - from the beginning of the XIX century. Before the beginning of the twentieth century. - presented in his novels. In the epopea "War and Peace", the writer recreates the lives of various layers of Russian society in a war of 1812, the patriotic impulse of the people, the path of spiritual self-determination of the individual. Anna Karenina Roman - about the tragedy of a woman in the power of a devastating "criminal" passion, about the destruction of family feasures, the Roman "Resurrection" is an irreconcilable criticism of the public device, the entire lifeguard of "educated classes".

Master of Psychological Roman F. M. Dostoevsky (1812-1881) in the works "Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers of the Karamazov", "Idiot", "humiliated and offended", "demons" through the image of the "Depth of the Human Soul" revealed the hardest personal and Public conflicts of the transition era in the life of Russia showed the painful searches of truth, God and harmony.

The magnificent samples of the satirical genre are the works of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889). The writer created a satirical image of the Russian bureaucracy as a deportation of an autocrenial-serf system ("Poshekhonna Starina", "provincial essays", "Pompadura and Pompadurshi".). In the "stories of one city", parodying official historiography, the writer created the gallery of grotesque images of urraders; In the famous "fairy tales" in the images of the "wisdom of Pescase" - the phrases of the new class - bourgeoisie. Socio-psychological novel "Lord Golovyov" - about the spiritual and physical degradation of the nobility.

The new stage of development of realism found the most vivid expression in the work of A. P. Chekhov (1860-1904), the author of fellietones, short humorous and "oppressive" stories, innovative plays. The thought of the death of a person under the burden of dim ordinary was the leading motive in his novels "Man in the Case", "Chamber No. 6".

A. P. Chekhov, a subtle psychologist, a master of subtext, who combined humor and lyrism, wrote the play "Seagull", "Uncle Vanya", "Tir Sisters", "Cherry Garden, imbued with a special anxiety atmosphere of the coming catastrophe. The writer has created a new structure of a dramatic action that can include any manifestations of life formed not by events and not the struggle of existing persons, but by the development of key topics, sentiment, "underwater flow", irony and lyrical symbolism. The plays Chekhov had a significant impact on the development of national and world dramaturgy.

The development of the domestic theater is inextricably linked. At the beginning of the century, the canons of classicism inherent in the Russian scene, rhetoric, and plays with mythological plots prevailed in the repertoire. But already in the 20s and 30s, romanticism with tragedy themes prevailed. Wonderful dramatic images created in the Alexandrian theater Actors V. A. Kratygin (1802-1853), P. S. Mochalov (1800-1848).

Gradually, realistic traditions began to prevail in the drama. Dramaturgia A. S. Griboyedov (comedy "Mount from Wit"), A. S. Pushkin (Drama "Boris Godunov"), N. V. Gogol (comedy "Auditor").

These and other plays were put in the Moscow Mall and St. Petersburg Alexandria theaters. Bright images Created an outstanding actor in the Small Theater, former serfs M.S. Shchepkin (1788-1863), and in the Alexandria Theater - Actor A.E. Martynov (1816-1860), son of a serf peasant.

In the second half of the XIX, Moscow, the Small and St. Petersburg, Alexandrian theaters remained the centers of theatrical life. The central place in the repertoire of the Small Theater was occupied by comedy and socio-psychological drama A.N. Ostrovsky (1823-1886). In his plays, Ostrovsky brought the gallery of types - from the passion covered by the money of self-masses - merchants, officials, landowners to numerous servants, barnings ("His people - to tear!", "Profitable place", "Thunderstorm", etc.). The playwright with great sympathy depicted artisans, a labor intelligentsia, poor bureaucrats, provincial actors ("Nonmennica", "Forest", etc.). His comedies and socially psychological plays laid the foundation for the National Repertoire of the Russian Theater.

Talented actors were enormous on the development of the reform theater, the actors of the Small Theater Prov Sadovsky, Maria Yermolov, Alexander Sumbatov-Yazzhin, Alexander Lensky, Actors of the Alexandria Theater Maria Savina, Vladimir Davydov, Konstantin Varlamov.

In the 70s, private theatrical circles and theaters began to be created. At the initiative of A.N. Ostrovsky and N.G. Rubinstein (1835-1881) Artistic mugs were created from talented youth, in 1872. Director and drama A.F. Fedotov opened the People's Theater in Moscow. Later were created: "Pushkin Theater" by the artist of the Moscow Small Theater A.A. Brenko and "Russian Drama Theater" by entrepreneur F.A. Core.

In 1882, the monopoly of the "Imperial" theaters was canceled, which provided positive influence The development of provincial theaters, the basis of private and "folk theaters".

In 1898, K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko was opened by the Moscow Art Theater (MHT, MHAT). Its founders put the goal "... to create the first intelligent, moral publicly available theater ...".


Start XIX. century - the time of cultural and spiritual lifting of Russia. Patriotic War 1812 accelerated the growth of the national identity of the Russian people, its consolidation. The growth of the national self-consciousness of the people during this period had a huge impact on the development of literature, visual arts, theater and music. A self-sufficient-serf system with its class policy held back the process of the development of the culture of Rossi. Children of Nedevian origin received primary education in parish schools. For children of nobles and officials, gymnasiums were created, they gave the right to enter the university. In the first half of the XIX century, seven universities were formed in Russia. In addition to the operating Moscow University, Derptsky, Vilensky, Kazan, Kharkov, St. Petersburg and Kiev Universities were established. Higher government officials were preparing in privileged educational institutions - lyceums. The book publishing and magnificent newspaper continued to develop. In 1813, there were 55 certified printing houses in the country. The buildings built in the style of classicism are distinguished by a clear and calm rhythm, quenching proportions. In the theatrical life of Russia, foreign troupes and fortress theaters still played a major role. Shchepkin, Mochalov - actors. In those days, not everyone was aware of the true importance of his creativity. Charmingly talented Alyabyev, Varlamov, Gurilov enriched Russian music with charming romance. In the first half of the XIX century, Russian musical culture rose to an unprecedented height. A.S. Pushkin became a symbol of his era when the rapid takes place in cultural development Russia. Pushkin's time is called the "golden age" of Russian culture. M. Yu. Lermontov took the voyage LIRA. Development of Russian culture first halves XIX. The century, ultimately, was determined by the economic and socio-political processes occurring in the life of the country. In addition, in the middle of the XIX century, increasing growing world meaning Russian culture.

In the Xih century For the first time, great and serious success achieved domestic science. Studies of Russian scientists - mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, astronomers, geographers - made a significant contribution to the development of world scientific thought. Of particular importance in the nineteenth century, mathematics and natural science acquired. Schools of the Russian scientific thought, creating at this time, prepared a base for development domestic technology and technology XX in.

So, the nineteenth century - the "golden age of Russian culture" is unique and multidispective. Russian civilization of the XIH century. Successfully overcomed the gap between domestic and European traditions, while maintaining its identity. Domestic scientists have made a major contribution to world scientific and technical progress and become famous abroad.

It was the time of moral and philosophical search for freedom and justice. Castly-noble culture gradually lost its monopoly positions; A new public layer was released on the extercase in Russia - the intelligentsia and the unique opposition culture of protest and dissent. An important idea that the revolutionary intelligentsia confessed was the idea of \u200b\u200bself-sacrifice in the name of the people - up to the adoption of painful death for him. Revolutionary ideology It turned out to be attractive for the Russian people, and the nineteenth century left her inheritance of the century XX.


1. Allenov M.M., Evangulov O. S., Lifshits L. I. Russian art of the X-early XX century M., 1989.

2. Gurevich P.S. Philosophy of culture. M. Aspect Press. ! 995. -589c.

3. Gurevich P.S. Culturology.- M.: Gardariki, 1999 - 533 p.

4. The history of folk crafts. M., 1937 - 355 p.

5. Kondakov I.V. Introduction to the history of Russian culture. M., 1997 - 215 p.

6. Culture and art ancient Russia. Collection. M., 1969 - 105 s ..

7. Culturalology. The history of world culture: a textbook for universities / ed. BUT. Resurrection - M.: Uniti-Dana, Unity, 2003 - 759 p.

8. The best cultural abstracts / Sost. A. Kovalenko. Series "Bank of Abstracts". - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2001 - 320 p.

9. Samokhvalov V.I. Cultural studies: short course of lectures. - M.: Yurait - Edition, 2002 - 269 p.

10. Fofanov V.P. Social philosophy: to a new research program // Humanitarian sciences in Siberia. - 1996. - № 1 565 p.


1. Cultural and social life of Russia in the XIX century

2. Trends in the development of public education

3. XIX century: Russian science is overlooking the global level.

3.1. Russian musical culture

3.2. Painting in the XIX century: "Academician" and "Mobile"

3.3. Architecture and urban planning

3.4. Golden Age of Russian Literature


Kondakov I.V. Introduction to the history of Russian culture. M., 1997. p. 7.

Gurevich P.S. Culturology.- M.: Gardariki, 1999 p. 268.

Culturalology. The history of world culture: a textbook for universities / ed. BUT. Resurrection - M.: Uniti-Dana, Unity, 2003 s. 508.

Samochanov V.I. Cultural studies: short course of lectures. - M.: Yurait - Edited., 2002. 115.

The best abstracts of culture / comp. A. Kovalenko. Series "Bank of Abstracts". - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2001 p. 93.

Culturalology. The history of world culture: a textbook for universities / ed. BUT. Resurrection - M.: Uniti-Dana, Unity, 2003 s. 509.

Allenov M.M., Evangulova O. S., Lifshits L. I. Russian art of the X-beginning of the twentieth century M., 1989. p.36

Fofanov V.P. Social philosophy: to a new research program // Humanitarian sciences in Siberia. - 1996. - № 1. S. 348.

Gurevich P.S. Philosophy of culture. M. Aspect of PRCC. ! 995. from. 115.

The history of folk crafts. M., 1937 - p.56.

Culture and art of ancient Russia. Collection. M., 1969 - p. 93.

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Golden Age of Russian Literature - This is a Pleiada of the geniuses of the art of the words, prosaikov and poets, which, thanks to their exquisite and unsurpassed creative skills, determined the further development of Russian and foreign culture.

The subtle interlacing of classicism and social realism in the literature fully answered the national ideas of that time. For the first time B. literary works Obsocial problems began to rise: confrontation of the personality of man and society, disagreement with obsolete principles, the need to change priorities.

Heroes of the Golden Age of Russian Literature

Literary heroes appear, for which personal freedom is primarily important. A bright representative stands Tatyana Larinathat did not need a celebrating Mishur of secular rounds, and for which privacy and philosophical reflections were more preferable. Also, the hero Alexander Chatsky - A person who in open form expressed disagreement with the generally accepted ruined life of the conservative nobility. The thirst for reorganization of the Company among the enlightened persons contributed to the appearance secret societieswhere most writers consisted.

Representatives of the Golden Age of Russian Literature

Harsh judges of aristocratic circles were A. S. Griboedov and A. A. Bestuzhev - MarlinskyIn his works, they despised the highest strata of society for their vanity, egoism, hypocrisy and moral licentiousness. Sincere romance and reverent dreaminess contributed to Russian classical literature V. A. Zhukovsky. In his verses, Zhukovsky tried to escape from gray ordinary, to show the sublime world of the feelings that surrounds us.

Without a doubt, one of the brightest representative of the Golden Age of Russian Literature is the famous poet, the Father of the Russian Literary Language A. S. Pushkin. The works of Alexander Sergeevich made a real coup in the literature. Pushkin's poetry, Roman "Evgeny Onegin" and the story "Peak Lady" not only replenished the Foundation of the Russian Classics, but also became a certain stylistic supply, which many domestic and world writers used repeatedly in the future.

Also for the Literature of the Golden Age were characterized by both philosophical concepts. They are most brightly manifested in creativity M. Yu. Lermontov. Throughout his creative pathThe author is enthusiastic by the Decembrist movements, defends the rights and freedoms of man. Lermontov verses were rich in opposition calls and criticism of the imperial power. The golden age of Russian classics was also presented in the dramatic genre. Pieces Anton Pavlovich Chekhov From the moment of their creation, until today, put in many theaters of the world. Using a thin satire, Chekhov ridiculed the vices of the human essence, expressed contempt for the deposits of representatives of the noble estate.

The beginning of the XIX century is a turning point in art, which marked the yield of Russian literature on the world arena. Literature began to approve the high principles of individual freedom. It is during this period that society began to learn from reading between the lines, which was particularly disturbed by the government. And despite the cruel conditions in which Russian literature developed, she was still able to take her high place in the World Art Foundation.

The 19th century is called the "golden age" of Russian poetry and the century of Russian literature on a global scale. Do not forget that the literary leap, carried out in the 19th century, was prepared by the entire course of the literary process of 17-18 centuries. 19th century - this is the time of formation of the Russian literary language, which took shape in many ways thanks to A.S. Pushkin.

A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol marked the main artistic types that will be developed by writers all over the 19th century. This is an artistic type of "excess person", the sample of which is Yevgeny Onegin in Roman A.S. Pushkin, and the so-called type of "little man", which is shown N.V. Gogol in his story "Shinel", as well as A.S. Pushkin in the story "Station Career" Click.

Literature inherited its publicism and satirical character from the 18th century. In Prosecical Poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" Writer in a sharp satirical manner shows a fraudster who buses dead souls, different types The landowners who are the embodiment of various human vices (affects the influence of classicism). In the same terms, the comedy "Auditor" is withstanding. Full satirical images and works A. S. Pushkin. Literature continues to satirically depict Russian reality. The trend of the image of the defects and disadvantages of Russian society - feature all Russian classical literature. It can be traced in the works of almost all Writers of the 19th century. At the same time, many writers implement a satirical tendency in grotesque form. Examples of grotesque satire are works by N. V. Gogol "Nose", M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Lord Golovy", "The Story of one city".

Since the middle of the XIX century, the formation of Russian realistic literature, which is created against the background of a tense socio-political situation, which has established in Russia during the reign of Nicholas I. is brewing the crisis of a serf system, strongly contradictions between the authorities and the simple people. There is a need to create realistic literature, sharply responding to the socio-political situation in the country. Literary critic VG Belinsky denotes a new realistic direction in the literature. His position is developed by N.A. Dobrolyubov, N.G. Chernyshevsky. There is a dispute between Wessengers and Slavophiles about the paths historical Development Russia http://duligo.com/map167.

click The Following Article The writers appeal to the socio-political problems of Russian reality. The genre of realistic novel is developing. Create my own works by I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Goncharov. Public and political, philosophical issues prevails. Literature is distinguished by special psychologism.

The development of poetry somewhat subsides. It is worth noting the poetic works of Nekrasov, who first introduced social issues into poetry. Known his poem "Who lives well in Russia? ", As well as many poems, where the hard and hopeless life of the people are comprehended.

The literary process of the late 19th century opened the names of N. S. Leskova, A.N. Ostrovsky A.P. Chekhov. The latter showed himself a small master literary genre - Story, as well as excellent playwright. Competitors A.P. Chekhov was Maxim Gorky.

Completion of the 19th century passed under the sign of the formation of pre-revolutionary sentiment. Realistic tradition began to fade. A shift was replaced by the so-called decadent literature, the distinguishing features of which were mysticism, religiosity, as well as a premonition of changes in the socio-political life of the country. Subsequently, the decadence turned into a symbolism. This opens a new page in the history of Russian literature.