The meaning of the word prefix. The meaning of the word prefix in the explanatory dictionary of Ephraim


Prefix(fr. prefix from lat. praefixus- "attached in front"):

What is a prefix? Don't let it bother you foreign word- this is just a prefix, with which, for example, in English and some other languages, you can change the meaning of a word. Our article discusses this topic in detail, gives examples of use, as well as a table and translation of the most commonly used prefixes, but not all - there are a great many of them in English. Having studied the topic "Prefix", the function of which, as we have already found out, is nothing more than word formation, you will replenish your knowledge and enrich your vocabulary. Some prefixes are of native English origin, for example a-, mis-, fore-, mid-, and some are Latin, here are some of them anti-, contra-, (by the way, these prefixes can also be found in Russian), dis- . You will find detailed information below.

Prefixes in English

When we have already figured out what prefixes mean in English (word formation), let's look at examples of their use:
take the verb to agree - agree, applying the addition dis- to it at the beginning of the word, we get (to) disagree - disagree, express disagreement;
or, for example, the adjective regular - ordinary, but with the prefix ir- we get irregular - unusual, atypical. You see, knowing what a prefix is ​​and its meaning, you can completely change it and make it a completely opposite word in meaning.

Table of prefixes that are used most often

Prefix name Meaning Examples with translation
pro- against something opposed to something pro-life (pro-life)
anti- false, opposite, comparable to something anti-hero (negative character, for example, in a movie); antichrist (antichrist)
contra - opposite to something contraflow (oncoming flow of traffic), contraception (contraception)
counter- also used in the sense of opposing something to something counter-example( opposite example, different from what the opponent offers), counterattack - counterattack (that is, repelling the enemy's attack)
a- often used to mean "not" amoral (immoral, that is, a person NOT observing accepted moral principles), apolitical (apolitical, that is, out of politics)
dis- unacceptable distrust (distrust), disagree (disagreement); that's why it's important to know what a prefix is ​​- it completely changes the meaning of the original word
in-/im- also means "not" illegal (illegal), impossible (impossible), incapable (incapable)
non-/un- "not" non-event (insignificant event); unfair (unfair)
extra - used to mean "above" extrasensory (psychic), extraordinary (extraordinary)
in- "in anything", "anywhere" indoors (indoors, inside the house), ingathering - harvesting
im-/il-/ir all three prefixes mean "between" immirate (immigrate, that is, move between countries), import (import)
mid- "average" midfield (center of the football field), midway (half way)
out- "from", "out" outlook (forecast), outnumber (outnumbered)
under- used to mean the lack of something underpay (underpayment), underwork (insufficient use, for example, of any resource)
un- prefix expresses the opposite of some action or state unknown (unknown), uncomfortable (uncomfortable), unpack (unpack things)
pre- "to something" prepay (prepayment), preview (preview)

When studying in English you absolutely need to remember what a prefix is, what it means, and how to use it in practice. It is found quite often both in ordinary and everyday speech, in fiction and specialized literature, so at first keep the above table in front of your eyes, practice using it, and your speech, as well as your vocabulary, will be significantly enriched. This is a fairly simple topic, usually it takes students only a couple of hours to successfully master it.


Wiktionary has an article "prefix"

Prefix(fr. prefix from lat. praefixus- "attached in front"):

  • prefix (prefix) - in linguistics: a morpheme that precedes the root and changes its lexical or grammatical meaning;
  • prefix in computer science, the beginning of a line.
  • a (sub)network prefix in TCP/IP network terminology is determined by the subnet mask: the prefix length is the number of binary ones in the subnet mask.

What is PREFIX???

User deleted

- attached in front), prefix, part of the word (affix), standing before the root and changing its lexical or grammatical meaning (for example, species). In Indo-European languages, P.'s connection with adverbs and some prepositions can be traced historically. P. can be part of almost all significant words, except for numerals and pronouns. There can be several P. in a word ("on-on-with-bival"). In some Indo-European languages ​​there are P., which in certain verb forms under stress are separated from the verb and placed after it, for example: German. weggehen - "leave", geheweg - "go away", but be-schreiben - "describe", beschreibe - "describe". In some languages ​​(for example, Swahili), P. is the main type of affix; in Caucasian, Semitic languages, the prefix (entirely or mainly) is the conjugation of the verb.
PREFIX (French prefix, from Latin praefixus - attached in front) (prefix), part of the word (affix), standing before the root and changing its lexical or grammatical (eg, aspect) meaning. short prefix)))


The concept of "prefix" has two close, but not coinciding meanings. One comes from the International Telecommunication Union, which allocates these prefixes to countries. The second, much more common, is the credit prefixes for the "WPX" amateur radio diploma. Initially, they were very close, as long as countries followed the recommendations of the ITU Radio Regulations regarding the procedure for generating amateur radio call signs. Then a mess began, caused by the ambitions of radio amateurs and not only radio amateurs, and the amateur radio concept of "prefix" began to change, reflecting to one degree or another the realities of our existence.
Therefore, according to the rules of the "WPX" award, if the call sign does not contain a digit as the third character, then by default, when taking into account prefixes, it is considered 0 ("zero"). Therefore, 5vdzz is a prefix for 5v0 credit, so raem is only ra0, etc. And the link, which describes the procedure for determining the prefix for the "WPX" diploma, was in one of the previous posts.
That's how it's traditionally been.
As an example: when assigning a sked (a pre-arranged connection at a certain frequency and time), they say let's meet at 14330 at 10:15 ZULU, i.e. at 10:15 GMT - from zero of the universal time reference. From there, ZULU instead of ZERO.
Zulu is from the phonetic decoding of the Latin letter Z. The Latin letter Z is used to denote universal time and most likely comes from the German word Zeit, that is, simply "time". Received its distribution due to convenience - brevity. Instead of long GMT and UTC. Rather, along with them.

Olga Sinitsyna

verb suffix. For example, the verb "walk": pro is a prefix, hum is a root, i is a suffix, t is a suffix according to Razumovskaya, the ending is according to other textbooks, and sya is a prefix. Thus the prefix is ​​the suffix of the verb after the ending.

Prefix in 1s. Jur. face, what prefix?

In 1C, what prefix should be set, where to read the explanations. In the handbook, no. assistant - no. In the assistant, it is affixed in the example opposite Yur. face prefix AKA. What would that mean - interesting.
Maybe someone knows? The fact that the prefix insures against repetitions is understandable. Him, what to invent from the "lantern"?

Pavel Zhukov

Choose any prefix. Its meaning, so that you understand what legal. a person is denoted by this prefix. For example, you work with a legal face of Romashka LLC. You can prefix it with "ROM". And all documents created on behalf of Romashka LLC will be numbered ROM0001, ROM0002, ROM0003, etc. When you see the number of such a document, you will immediately understand that it belongs to Romashka LLC, and not to someone else.

While studying at school, children will learn what a prefix is. About what this concept means and what groups it is divided into, we will learn further in our article.

What is a prefix in Russian

We are accustomed to a more simplified name for this concept - a prefix. The prefix is ​​the Latin name of the morpheme that comes before the root. It is quite productive, helping to form new words. For example, the word "beautiful" takes on a completely different connotation with the prefix "not" - "ugly". And the word "successful" is easily transformed into the antonym "unsuccessful" with the help of the morpheme "without". Thus, we conclude that the prefix not only creates new concepts, but also gives a shade to existing ones.

There are cases when a word cannot be used without a prefix. We all know that it is correct to say "put", but "lay down" is impossible in any case! And by adding a prefix to this word, we get a whole lexical nest: Put, Attach, Lay. This is a historical phenomenon that affects modern system morphemics.

It is not enough to know what a prefix is. It is necessary to understand what it is for. In addition to word formation, it helps to give words the necessary meaning.

Consider the prefix "for". It can mean:

  • completeness of the action: drive, complete;
  • incidental action: run in, go in;
  • beginning: to dance, to scream.

You need to be careful when forming new words with the help of prefixes in order to get the desired meaning.

Prefix groups

To better understand what a prefix is, let's find out what bits it is customary to divide them into.

The most numerous group is unchangeable prefixes. They form new words, while not changing under any circumstances. This category is considered the most problem-free in terms of grammar, you do not need to think about how to write them and remember the rules. For example: Ride, Speak, Run.

The next category is prefixes ending in the consonants "З" or "С". Their spelling depends on the letter that comes after. If the vowel or consonant is voiced, then we write "Z": unconditional, climbs. In the case when the deaf consonant is "C": Initial, tell.

A common mistake that occurs in children who are learning what a prefix is ​​is the incorrect spelling of the invariable prefix "C". They confuse it with the "Z" and "S" digits and may misspel it if it is followed by a voiced vowel (for example, Create instead of Make).

The third group and, perhaps, the most difficult: PRE and PRI. They have a lot of exceptions that need to be remembered. We often write "PRI" when there is a meaning of proximity (seaside), attachment (pin), completeness (jump). "PRE" is used in the case when one or another feature is enhanced: PRE-funny (very).


Now you will not have a question about what a prefix is ​​in Russian. The rule says that this is a morpheme that always comes at the beginning of a word before the root. A variety of prefixes in the Russian language allows you to form a huge number of new words for transmission different shades meaning.

    In Russian, this is a prefix, and in Latin it is attached in frontquot ;. This significant part word that comes before the root and serves to form new words. So the prefix is ​​just a synonym for the prefix.

    The prefix is ​​a synonym for the prefix. It is always in the word in front of the root.

    With the help of prefixes, new words are formed; prefixes complement or change their meaning.

    When parsing a word by composition, the prefix is ​​usually denoted by the sign quot ;.

    There are 3 groups of prefixes:

    1) are always written the same way, for example OVER- or TRANS- .

    2) prefixes with the last letter З / С, for example,

    3) prefixes PRE- / AT-.

    There are native Russian prefixes, for example TO- or B-quot ;. There are prefixes that have been borrowed from other languages, such as Greek( PROTO-) or from Latin( ULTRA-).


    The word Ridequot ;.

    With the help of various prefixes, you can form quite a lot of new words that have a special meaning:

    Under + Go = Under reach,



    By + go = go,

    For + Drive = Drive,

    At + Go = Arrive,

    Y + go = go,

    To + Drive = Arrive,

    Ob + b + Go = Go around,

    B + b + Drive = Drive in,

    You + Go = Leave,

    С+Ъ+Move =Move out,

    To + Drive = Drive,

    Under + b + Drive = Drive up.

    Prefix- it's an attachment. A prefix is ​​a part of a word (morpheme) that is located before the root, to the left of it. Prefix and prefix are the same, but different words. For us, the word prefixquot ; is more familiar.

    If the word has one root, then everything that is in front of it is one or more prefixes.

    Prefix is a morpheme. Any significant word consists of morphemes. When words change in numbers, cases, or gender, the prefix will remain unchanged.

    If the prefix (prefix) disappears or another prefix changes, then one word turns into another. Because along with the prefix, its meaning also changes. A new lexical connotation appears.

    Prefix- this is one of the bricks from which the word is built. And the prefix itself is not a word.

    If the word is left unchanged, but the prefix is ​​​​replaced by another, then a single-root word is formed. On the example: learn - relearnquot ;, delay - supportquot ;.

    There are a lot of prefixes in Russian. Not less than 50-60 elementary common Russians, and the rest came from other languages ​​and are called foreign. On the example, foreign prefix contra- came to the Russian language and is written counter-. Many Russian prefixes are shown in the figure below. They are made up of letters. Each Russian prefix can contain from one to five letters, or even more:

    Each prefix means something. This is called the prefix value. Being in different parts of speech, prefixes can have different meanings. On the example, prefix under- has in each word one of at least 10 their values. In the verb toss up this prefix has the value of adding. And in the noun lieutenant colonel - the value of the rank is lower.

    When a prefix is ​​added to a word, this process is called the compound word prefixationquot ;.

    The prefix that is in front of the root of the verb is called preverb by linguists.

    There are also prefixes that have very independent meanings and are similar to roots. They are called prefixoids.

    a morpheme that precedes a root and changes its lexical or grammatical meaning

    prefix or prefix- the part of the word before the root, which complements or changes the meaning of the word.

    The prefix or prefix in Russian is divided into three groups:

    In the first group prefixes, regardless of pronunciation, are written the same way:

    From-(from); to-(in); for; to; you; from; from (iso); to; pa; per; under (under); on; not; over; under; to; once; s (co); su; y.

    In the second group-all prefixes end in Z and S: vz-(sun); without-(bes); voz-(vos); from-(is); times-(races); down-(nis); roses (ros); through-(through) shy; .

    In the third group- include prefixes: pre; at.

    A prefix (Latin word), or in Russian a prefix, is a word-formation morpheme that is located before the root of the word. With its help, new words are formed.

    amusing - amusing

    school - school.

    Prefixes are Russian and foreign-language origin. Prefixes

    anti-, super-, counter-, ultra-, diz-, archi-, re-, pro-, post- and others came to the Russian language along with borrowed words.

    In Russian, there are prefixes that have arisen from adverbial prepositions. For example:

    outside - freelance, extracurricular;

    inter-- interatomic, interzonal;

    after-- afternoon, post-war;

    super-- supernatural;

    near-- near-earth;

    anti-anti-air, anti-allergic;

    Several Russian prefixes are obsolete. We see them in the words:

    great-parents, great-grandmother, pa-vodka, step-daughter, su-glink, su-gloom.

Every device connected to the internet requires a digital ID. An IP address is a numerical code used to identify various equipment connected to the World Wide Web. There are two versions of IP today: IPv4 and IPv6. Protocol version 4 is still the main one, but the amount of available resources has been exhausted, so version 6 is gradually being used, allowing you to use much more large quantity resources. Each identifier contains information about a particular connection, as well as the connected equipment. The prefix specifies which values ​​are used to designate a network and which are used to designate a device. Let's take a closer look at what a network prefix is ​​and how it will help decipher an IP address.

Any device is guaranteed to receive its own unique identifier

IP address structure

Typically, the IP address is written as follows: Each section represents 8 bits or 1 byte of information. The server sees these numbers as a set of ones and zeros, for our convenience they are written in the usual decimal system. Its maximum length is 3 characters, and the minimum is 1. In total, the entire record occupies 32 bits and theoretically there can be 232 or 4.294.967.296 resources.

The entire digital code is divided into two parts: the address of the provider and the host. The first of them defines the provider through which you work, and the second indicates the identifier of a specific device, such as an Android laptop or tablet, in a local connection. In order to find out how many bits each of the indicators denotes, the network prefix is ​​written through a slash. Then the entry looks like In our case, 24 means that the first 3 sections (3*8=24), namely 192.168.10 is the connection address. The remaining 8 bits, namely 100, are the hardware identifier (maximum 28 = 256 addresses). At the local share will be 192.168 and the host will be 10.100 (216 = 65536).

Often a subnet mask is used to determine the address. Its length does not differ. This is, in fact, the same as the network prefix, only organized a little differently. You probably noticed that the provider specifies this parameter when connecting to the Internet. It also shows which part of the IP is for the ISP and which is for the host. It is also recorded as four 8-bit sections. The only difference is that in binary calculus, only ones should go first. If you convert the binary 11111111 to decimal, you get 255. Therefore, the mask will necessarily start with 255.

Consider an example. Let's take our address and mask Accordingly, the first three sections of the record will be the LAN ID, and the last one will be the computer ID. If the mask is, then the network will be 192.168 and the host will be 10.100.

Also, the mask will help you better determine if two IP resources belong to . Take, for example, and If the mask is, then both addresses are located in the same network, if it is, then in a different one, since 125 and 176 are different.

Dictionary Ushakov



pre fix and ( rare) prefix 1 , prefix, husband. (lat. praefixus - placed in front) ( gram.). Same as 3 value


prefix 2 , prefix, husband. (French prefix) ( bargain. fin.). Payment on the bill before the due date.

| in meaning unchangeable adj. Produced ahead of schedule. Payment prefix.

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(lat. praefixus attached in front of something). Derivative affix located in the word before the root: live, have fun.

Reference Commercial Dictionary (1926)


in bill practice - early payment on a bill.

Dictionary of economic terms


a certain price that cannot be lowered or raised.

Grammar Dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms


Affix (see), standing before the base (see). P. exist in many languages, but are rare in European languages. This applies in German. P. ge-, as a formal sign of participium perfect., geschrieben, gelobt. As for Russian prefixes in addition to verbs, they are not P., are attached not to the stem, but to the whole word, and so on. they themselves do not form the forms of individual words, but only introduce certain partial changes in the meaning of whole words that have a form independently of these prefixes; cf. come, come, etc. with the words walk, go, etc.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(French prefix, from Latin praefixus - attached in front) (prefix), part of the word (affix) that comes before the root and changes its lexical or grammatical (eg, aspect) meaning.

Ozhegov's dictionary

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. m. The minimum significant part of the word, standing before the root and giving the word new meanings; prefix (in linguistics).
  2. m. Early payment on a bill.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


(gram), or prefix- so called secondary parts compound words, expressing a known side concept (the so-called "hue" of the meaning) and attached to the beginning of the root. P. (as well as suffixes) in most cases are based on ancient independent words, namely, adverbs that merged into one whole with other words that expressed the main concept, and lost all independent meaning. This common source of prefixes and prepositions (see) also explains the fact that all prepositions are also in the role of a prefix, although there is also a small number of P. of non-prepositional origin. Such, for example, is the so-called augment, or increment (see), which has the character of an inflectional P.; these are the negative P. Russian. not- , y- (Freak), German. un-, Greek α - , αν - , lat. in- etc., ascending to the negative adverb ne- and his different forms. Such are also some numerals P. like lat. bi- (bi-pes = bipedal), Gr. Δ ι - , Russian move- (dvired) and some other P. Sometimes in the role of P. you can meet an adverb that still lives as an independent word (for example parotid- parotid gland, etc.). P., like suffixes (see), are not always felt by the direct, natural instinct of the formal composition of words. Since this instinct is wholly based on psychic associations (precisely on associations between similar representations of words), it can manifest itself only when certain conditions are present that make these associations possible. So, for P.'s instinct it is necessary: ​​1) that the main part of the compound word be etymologically clear and be associated with other related words or a whole group of words; 2) that P. occurs not in one compound word, but in a number of other such words, and, moreover, always with the same meaning; 3) that the meaning of this P. should always have a certain general, abstract character. We feel good, for example, P. pro- in a word pass, because next to it there are forms move , walk , care , sunset etc. (condition one) and it occurs in a number of other compound words, such as duct , travel , span etc. (second condition). On the contrary, we do not feel P at all. v- in a word widow(old Slav. widow, Skt. vi-dhav â, i.e. "husbandless"), since this is the only Russian word, in which the ancient Indo-European P. vi-, which continues to exist as a viable prefix only in Sanskrit and Iranian. In the latter case, we are dealing with P. already worn out, dead. The prevalence of P. as a word-formation tool in different languages is not the same. There are entire vast families of languages ​​in which P. does not occur at all: such are the Ural-Altaic languages ​​(Dravidian, Australian, Greenlandic, Hottentot, and others); in other languages, P. are used along with suffixes, although not as often as the latter (Indo-European languages); finally, in some languages, P. receive special distribution and significance as a powerful and sometimes almost the only means for the formation of inflection (languages ​​of Malayo-Polynesian, Kolarian, African Bantu languages, etc.). Such languages ​​sometimes receive the epithet "prefiguring languages", and the very way of forming inflection with the help of P. is called "prefiguration" , or "prefix". An example of such a "prefiguring" language with a particularly developed "prefiguration" is the language of the Zulus in Africa, in which there are pronominal P., attached to both the name and the verb, and playing the role of our inflectional endings. A sentence such as "my big boys (sing. um-fana, pl. aba-fana), they love" is here "aba-fana b-ami aba-kulu, ba tanda". Hanpotiv, komo, "cow", in single. number receives P. in, a in the plural. izin, and if instead of "boys" we substitute "cows" in this sentence, then it will change accordingly into "izin-komo z-ami izin-kulu zi tanda". In our languages, a weak analogy to this formation is only augment, almost completely lost in living languages, but in the Indo-European parent language, as well as in Greek and Sanskrit, which had a purely inflectional meaning.