What does a hybrid of strawberries and raspberries look like. Green tea nestle nestea strawberries and raspberries - “and the sweet taste of raspberries on the lips, strawberries on the teeth and tea on the cheeks! all this is new from nestea with strawberry and raspberry flavor

Strawberry raspberries are a challenge for gourmet gardeners. Most growers, even distributors and sellers, mistakenly believe that they are hybrids obtained from crossing strawberries or raspberries. Strawberry raspberry (Rubus illecebrosus) is a type of raspberry.

Attractive when in bloom

Raspberries are not demanding on the soil. Raspberry bush grows up to 30-60 cm in height. They are thick and spherical. Stems, petiole branches are covered with thorns. The flowers are large, beautiful white.
The first fruits appear in August. Then the harvest is the richest. Large shiny, roundish bright red berries ripen on the stems of the first year. Ripe berries can be harvested until autumn, as these raspberries bear fruit until frost. Some varieties of berries are dark cherry, orange, or even amber-yellow. The fruit is complex. It consists of a thin layer of small fruits, each of which contains a seed. Berries "sit" on a large white receptacle.

Stop unrestricted distribution

Strawberry raspberries are very easy to propagate. In early spring or in autumn, dug up bushes should be divided and planted in a new place.
To harvest strawberry raspberries was rich every year, they must be covered for the winter, because in severe frosts, part of it can simply freeze out.
Raspberry hedges look funny. They are not tall, dense, during flowering they are attractive with flowers, later with berries. Unfortunately, strawberry raspberries are not evergreen, so they, like others herbal plants frost kills. Therefore, in late spring, the hedge does not leave a trace. New plants will have to wait until spring.

With large white or yellowish flowers, this raspberry can be grown in the garden as a very attractive and ornamental plant. They are very suitable for reinforcing steep slopes.
Strawberry raspberries are expansive. If they are not stopped, they will spread with their nimble roots and spread throughout the garden. Many gardeners plant bushes in large pots, barrels or beds, and separate them with old linoleum from all sides, burying it to a depth of half a meter. Do not use a film, even a thick one, because the roots will easily break through it and will grow further.
Some gardeners joke that strawberry raspberries bring joy twice: the first - by buying it, planting and picking the first berry, and the second, when it unexpectedly grew at the other end of the garden, managed to be eradicated, because the work was not at all easy.

In China, this raspberry is considered a vegetable.

Nevertheless, our gardeners love strawberry raspberries, because they grow berries at the beginning of summer, when spring ends and there are no autumn raspberries yet. Berries are not transportable, so they are rarely seen on store shelves or in the market.

The nutritional value of Strawberry Raspberries is low because they are not as sweet as our regular garden raspberries. In addition, it has a specific taste. In China, they are highly valued, loved and considered vegetables. There, their berries are added to some vegetable salads.

The salad is very simple. Approximately a bucket of raspberry mayonnaise, two tomatoes, finely chop a small onion and mix everything. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste, a little greenery and pour a little olive oil. Salad ready. Sometimes housewives add strawberry raspberries to lecho.

Strawberry raspberries: planting, growing and care

Author of the photo: peterissupe from 7dach.ru

The main thing you should know about this plant is that everyone can master the cultivation of strawberry raspberries! There are no fundamental differences between this and ordinary raspberries: it is frost-resistant, unpretentious to soils and multiplies very quickly. What else is good - her fruits are very large, up to 4 cm in diameter, although not sugary.

General information

The strawberry raspberry bush reaches a height of 30 to 70 cm and is very dense. The whole plant is covered with thorns, so it should be handled with care. The homeland of the prickly beauty is Japan, but they appreciate and eat it most of all in China and Western Europe. According to some sources, her winter hardiness is not high, but there is absolutely accurate information that this plant with winter shelter feels ideal in Estonia and St. Petersburg, while it reproduces wildly.

Planting, reproduction

Strawberry raspberries reproduce very actively by themselves, so in advance (this is important!) Make sure that its roots do not occupy the space you need. Subsequently, it is very difficult to fight with strawberry raspberry shoots, and on a large scale it is almost impossible. Therefore, slate should be dug in (to a depth of 50 cm!) Or planted where you have enough space for a whole plantation.

It is very simple to propagate strawberry raspberries yourself: in early spring or late autumn, it is worth digging up the bushes and planting them in a new place. The planting pattern for strawberry raspberries is as follows: in a row - 15 cm, and between rows - 30 cm.

This plant can also be cuttings in the summer or sown directly with seeds. But the last way is better through seedlings, it's more reliable.


During the season, the bushes do not need to be cut, but before winter, dry branches should be cut, and fresh green shoots should be expected from spring.

If you do not have particularly aggressive weeds in the area, then weeding can be neglected. In the sod, such raspberries grow well by themselves with only one initial digging for planting.

In severe frosts, the bushes should be covered for the winter, so you will increase the next year's harvest.


Strawberry raspberries bear fruit from mid-summer until frost. Every year the bushes grow stronger, and the harvest only increases in volume. In the first year, the fruits appear in July or August, and the crop ripens on the shoots of the first year. Berries can be dark cherry, bright red or even amber.

It is best to pick berries in Plastic container, shallow so that it does not wrinkle. Strawberry raspberry jam is excellent. And be sure to try this simple recipe: fill the berry with peach or vanilla yogurt and eat with a spoon. Yummy!


Strawberry raspberries are used both in strengthening slopes and in creating hedges - because of the powerful root system and thorns, respectively. As we have already said, strawberry raspberries reproduce rapidly, and soon the planting resembles a real impenetrable wall.

Raspberry Strawberry Duo (Tibetan)

The photo shows berries of perfect ripeness - it is at this moment that it is worth starting the harvest.

Mysterious Zemmaline

Mysterious ZemmalineThree years ago, in August, I ended up in Postavy and went to the market. Walking among the rows where they sell agricultural products and seedlings, I noticed plants resembling raspberries.

Their height was 40-60 cm. On some specimens, attractive, bright red fruits. Noticing my curiosity, the seller treated me to some berries. They tasted like raspberries, but with a pronounced strawberry aroma. While I was making a decision whether to buy seedlings or not, the woman said that the plant was strawberry raspberry. Her son brought her seedlings from St. Petersburg. Agrotechnics for growing zemmaline is simple and accessible to any gardener. It grows on any soils with a neutral reaction, but still prefers light and fertile soils. It responds well to top dressing with rotted manure and wood ash.

On my site, I allocated a sunny place with well-fertilized soil to the zemmaline. I planted it in rows. The distance in the row is 10-20 cm, and between the rows is 30 cm. With this planting pattern, the zemmaline is easy and convenient to weed. In July, the first ovaries appeared on the plants, and at the end of July we already tasted the first ripe berries. Low, about 60 cm, sprawling bushes seemed to be burning red from bright, rather large, juicy and sweet berries, similar to strawberries and raspberries at the same time. They are very firmly attached to young shoots. Harvesting should not be rushed. Brightly colored berries, although beautiful, remain unripe for a long time, with a grassy aftertaste. Having tried these, many are disappointed in them. I noticed this feature and now I try to let the berries ripen on the bush for about 10 days. Then they become ruby, tasty, crumble at the slightest touch.

Zemmalina is remontant. It bears fruit from July to September. If the weather is warm and sunny in September, the berries have time to ripen well and gain sugar content.

You can make jam, juices, compotes from fruits, they are added to jam with hyperacidity. Zemmaline berries do not contain acid, so a little lemon, apples, citric acid, any juice from berries and fruits containing acid. Those who made wine from strawberry raspberries note its delicate pleasant taste and aroma.

There is confusion about the name of this culture. Some authors of articles mistakenly combine information on two plants into one whole: strawberry raspberry and strawberry spinach. It's two various plants. Zemmalina is a type of raspberry (Rubus illecebrosus). Its leaves and shoots are very prickly. When weeding plants and picking berries, I always wear tight trousers so as not to prick myself. Zemmaline leaves are similar in shape to raspberry leaves. Strawberry spinach is vegetable crop. Its leaves, resembling quinoa leaves, and fruits located in the internodes of the leaves are used for food. The fruits of zemmaline and strawberry spinach are similar to each other. Therefore, they are often mistaken for the same plant.

Zemmalina is easy to propagate by root shoots. In early spring and autumn, I separate the bushes and plant them in a new place. In order for the harvest of strawberry raspberries to be rich, it is advisable to cover it with straw and spruce paws for the winter.

Zemmaline hedges look spectacular. They are low, dense, very attractive during flowering, later they delight with berries. Sometimes above-ground part plants freezes slightly, so in the spring it is necessary to remove all dried shoots. It should be noted that the root system of this plant is very aggressive, intertwined in the ground like a cobweb. And if Zemmaline is not stopped, it will spread throughout the garden. Therefore, it can be used to reinforce steep slopes. Many gardeners plant shrubs in large pots or barrels. The beds are fenced with old slate, linoleum on all sides to a depth of 0.5 meters. There is a joke that strawberry raspberries bring joy twice: the first - when it gives a harvest of berries, and the second - when it was finally possible to eradicate the one that suddenly grew at the other end of the garden, since this work is not easy.

Photo: koshkinsad.ru

Vladimir Krylovich

(Ural Gardener No. 28, July 2013)

Do you want to grow an unusual berry in your summer cottage and surprise your friends and relatives? Plant a raspberry-strawberry hybrid. It is simply amazing, but it combines the tastes of these two berries that we have loved so much and have known since childhood.

Gardeners know many hybrids, and it is difficult to surprise them with something. But in this situation, it seems incredible that scientists have obtained a hybrid of a herbaceous plant with a shrub. Many do not believe that this is possible. And they do it right. Breeders have absolutely nothing to do with it.

It turns out that we are talking about a new variety of raspberries little known to Russian gardeners. It is called differently: Tibetan, zemmaline, rose-leaved, strawberry, Chinese, Himalayan, club raspberry, raspberry...

This shrub was brought to our latitudes from East Asia, and in nature it is found on mountain slopes and in mixed forests. Unlike garden raspberries, which are about 1.5 meters high, it can reach 3 meters in height. But in conditions of temperate latitudes on our soils, its height ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 meters.

The shrub has thorny shoots and green leaves with yellow veins and teeth along the edges. One of its names is rose-leaved raspberry, the shrub received because of the similarity of its leaves with rose leaves. It blooms with white five-petalled large flowers(up to 5 cm). The bush pleases with flowering from July to late autumn, its flowers perfectly coexist with unusual large red berries, their aroma resembles strawberries.

The taste of the berries is slightly sour, similar to blackberries with pineapple. The plant is so unusual and decorative that it is perfect for decorating a garden or suburban area. It's beautiful hedge: pleases the eye with beauty and guards with thorny branches.

The first harvest of strawberries and raspberries can be harvested at the end of summer and enjoy this unusual berry until late autumn. At the same time, the harvest is quite decent: one branch is capable of producing up to 5 berries weighing 3 g each. The berries resemble strawberries in shape and appearance.


A shrub is planted in the usual way for garden raspberries. It grows from 50 cm to 1.5 meters. The unusual raspberry has large and very sharp spikes. Therefore, the planting of this prickly plant must be done with thick gloves.

Plant in the temperate zone Tibetan raspberries preferably on the south and sunny side site. In areas with a dry and hot climate, the plant feels good in partial shade. You can plant raspberries both in separate bushes and in rows, observing the basic rules of planting.

Rules for planting raspberries-strawberries:

  • Before planting, it is necessary to dig small trenches (when planting in rows) or holes (when planting in clusters).
  • When planting, strictly observe the distance: between bushes - 0.8 m, between rows - 1.5 m.
  • It is recommended to apply fertilizer in the pits or trenches in the form of a mixture of 1 bucket of peat and 0.5 buckets of rotted manure.
  • After planting, make abundant watering.
  • To make raspberries easier to take root and not get sick, it is better to plant them in the fall, before frost (from September to October).
  • For transplanting or propagating their bushes, they act as follows: carefully dig out the process with an earthen clod and carefully transfer it to the right place.
  • When choosing a place for this plant, find one where there is abundant root growth will not harm other garden pets. And also keep in mind that the shrub does not like constantly wet places.
  • If necessary, it is possible to limit the growth of raspberries in some ways: for example, slate sheets dug around the perimeter.
  • At the first serious frosts, young seedlings need to be spudded, sprinkling them root system 30 cm to the ground.


Strawberry-raspberry is unpretentious. But, despite this, it needs minimal care.

Tips for caring for strawberries and raspberries:

  1. In dry weather, it is advisable to water the shrub regularly. Keep in mind that the plant does not like waterlogging.
  2. To prevent the soil around the shrub from drying out, it is recommended to mulch it using peat, compost or humus (this is especially necessary for bush plantings).
  3. It is advisable to weed the soil around the shrub with your hands so as not to damage the root system close to the surface.
  4. In the spring, it is necessary to feed the shrub with any mineral fertilizer for raspberries (5 tablespoons for each shrub) or liquid manure (1 part manure to 20 parts water).
  5. Chinese raspberries propagate by root processes, many of them form during the season.
  6. Before persistent frosts, the aerial part of the raspberry is cut to the ground, and the roots are sprinkled.
  7. Raspberries tolerate wintering well. Covering the plant is required only in extremely cold and little snow winters.

As you can see, this unusual plant picky in care, and requires no more time than ordinary raspberries.


Antonina, 65 years old, Ufa

Seedlings are expensive taste qualities berries are not particularly encouraging. But I found a way! I planted several bushes (propagated my own) in front of the house. Now the neighbors passing by admire the outlandish shrub and are very surprised to learn what kind of plant it is.

Nikolai, 43 years old, Kostroma

He gave his wife an outlandish raspberry, which I read about on the Internet. The wife is happy, now she has something to surprise her friends and summer residents.

Anna 38 years old, Ulyanovsk

I bought such a miracle raspberry 5 years ago. Raw berries smell like strawberries, the taste is sour, they make good jelly and compote, as well as unusual jam and preserves.

Maria 29 years old, Krasnodar

My five-year-old daughter Lena really likes the taste and bright view these berries. I am glad that they do not cause her allergies. Treating her grandmother, she said: “Eat, this is a strawberry with a raspberry made friends!”.

Victoria, 40 years old, Elektrostal

seedling of this unusual shrub I took it from a friend in the country, I liked it with mine interesting view. He easily took root in my garden, and every summer pleases my guests and loved ones.

As we found out, this amazing shrub with different names has many wonderful qualities. He fell in love with many summer residents and landscape designers. Perhaps he will take root in your area.


If you want to surprise guests or please your children with unusual berries, try growing a hybrid of raspberries and strawberries with seductive bright fruits, or black raspberries with a delicious aroma. Compared to ordinary red raspberries, this delicacy is sure to impress everyone and arouse genuine interest. CONTENTS A hybrid of raspberries and strawberries - the impossible is possible? What is the hybrid of raspberry and blackberry valued for? The best raspberry-blackberry hybrids - Sylvan and others

HYBRID OF RASPBERRY AND STRAWBERRY - THE IMPOSSIBLE IS POSSIBLE? Hearing about such a curiosity, experienced gardeners shrug their shoulders mockingly: it is impossible to cross a herbaceous plant and a woody shrub, cunning merchants simply cash in on naive beginners! However, seedlings and seeds of hybrids garden strawberry with raspberries are still successfully sold on the market at obscene prices. Moreover, unusual plants really grow from them ... How did the breeders manage to bring out the new kind, called club raspberries or raspberries from two dissimilar cultures? After all, it is known that the raspberry fruit is a fused drupe, and the strawberry fruit is an overgrown receptacle with tiny nut fruits. What kind of berries can be obtained by crossing?

It turns out that the seedlings that we offer under the guise of raspberry-strawberries, and abroad called Strawberry-Raspberry, are in fact a dwarf variety of raspberry Rubus illecebrosus Focke. You can meet it under other names: seductive, illecebroid, Tibetan, Chinese, Himalayan, strawberry or strawberry, dwarf. Planting and growing a hybrid occurs according to the usual rules. As a result, a semi-shrub grows from half a meter and above, with reddish prickly shoots and pinnate leaves. From the end of June, the plant is covered with large white flowers, and by August, fruiting begins (on annual shoots), which lasts until autumn frosts.

The berries of this plant really look unusual, resembling large garden strawberries in appearance. The taste is sweet, pleasant, close to raspberry, but still somewhat inferior to the taste. regular raspberry. Up to five berries weighing about 3 g ripen on fruit branches, the harvest is quite good. Another hybrid - raspberry (strawberry-raspberry or strasberry), has nothing to do with raspberries: the berries are only slightly similar in appearance to it, due to their rounded shape and dark red color. Essentially, this unusual variety garden strawberries, which was grown abroad in the early 20th century. Given the cost of planting material for these exclusive plants and the rather mediocre taste of their berries, it is more expedient to allocate more space on the site for the best varieties raspberries with large tasty fruits, and leave raspberry-strawberry hybrids only as exotics and for decorating desserts.

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Some of you must have heard that there is a hybrid of raspberries and strawberries. Someone even managed to try the fruits of this plant, indeed, unusual in appearance. So, have breeders really reached such heights in science that they have learned to cross shrubs with herbaceous plants? But no, it's still impossible.

Raspberry + strawberry = hybrid?

The fact is that someone out of ignorance, and someone in order to earn more money by selling outlandish seedlings, gives out a variety of raspberries that is unfamiliar in our country as a hybrid of two such dissimilar plants. It has many interesting names:

  • rosalin or rose leaf;
  • zemmaline;
  • Tibetan;
  • strawberry;
  • seductive;
  • blackberry;
  • raspberries.

The berries of such an unusual raspberry are large, bright, very decorative. They have a fresh strawberry aroma, and taste sour, reminiscent of blackberries with pleasant and fresh pineapple notes.

plant description

So, rosolin is a semi-shrub native to East Asia. In nature, it is found in mixed forests and on mountain slopes. Under natural conditions, its height reaches 3 meters. However, the raspberries that grow in gardens are somewhat more modest in size - no more than 1.5 m in height.

The plant is unusually decorative, so it is often used rather for decoration. personal plots than as fruit crop. Tibetan raspberries are also good for hedges, not only pleasing the eyes of happy owners, but also protecting the territory from uninvited guests with fluffy prickly branches.


The leaves outwardly have some resemblance to the leaves of a rose, hence the botanical name of the shrub - rose-leaved raspberry. They are bright green with yellowish veins, as if corrugated and collected 5-7 on petioles. In addition, small teeth along the edges give the leaves a special tenderness, charm and beauty.


Flowers large enough up to 5 cm in diameter, solitary, white, consist of five petals. The flowering of the shrub begins in July and continues until autumn, and the flowers constantly open next to the ripening berries.


Strawberry raspberry berries are juicy, bright red, sometimes the size of Walnut. Grow upwards. In shape, they resemble strawberries and, since they do not hide in foliage, they are very noticeable from afar.

In a word, "raspberry-strawberry hybrid" is a low shrub with a rounded crown and beautiful leaves, long time strewn with flowers and berries, which allows him to play an important role in landscape design, decorating lawns, rock gardens and coniferous plantings.


Unusual raspberries have another similarity with rose bushes, though not the most pleasant - these are large sharp thorns. The plant is very prickly, so the work on its planting and processing should be carried out exclusively in tight gloves. Moreover, even dry branches can scratch, which is why it is better to burn them at the stake as soon as possible.

Planting and reproduction

Seductive raspberries are planted on the south side of the garden in the sunniest areas. In areas with hot, dry summers, it tolerates partial shade quite well. It can be placed in separate bushes or rows, placing it in holes or small trenches, respectively, when planting. At the same time, a distance of 0.7–0.9 m must be observed between the bushes, and at least 1.5 m between the rows.

Strawberry raspberries can grow on almost any soil, but prefers fertile and fairly loose. Therefore, in each landing pit it is recommended to make 1 bucket of peat and 0.5 buckets of manure humus. It is also important after planting abundant watering.

Advice. Plant raspberries in autumn period before the onset of persistent frosts (second half of September - October). It is at this time that the plant is likely to take root in a new place and will not get sick. At the first significant cooling, spud the plant, covering the roots 30 cm with earth.

Rosalin is propagated by root offspring, of which many grow during the season. The presence of abundant root shoots makes it necessary to choose a place for the shrub where raspberries will not interfere with other plants, or limit the growth space accessible ways(for example, a dug-in slate barrier).

To plant in a new place, the basal process only needs to be carefully dug out with a sharp bayonet shovel along with a large clod of earth.

How to care for Tibetan raspberries?

Rose-leaved raspberry is unpretentious, however, it needs elementary care. In summer, in dry weather, the shrub should be watered regularly, and in the heat it should be done daily, and preferably at night. In addition, it is recommended to mulch the soil to prevent drying out, especially when single landings raspberries. As a mulch, it is better to choose peat chips, compost or humus.
Despite the fact that the Tibetan raspberry is moisture-loving, it does not tolerate strong waterlogging and prolonged stagnation of water. It should not be planted in the lowlands where spring flowers gather. melt water or long puddles form after rain.

The root system of strawberry raspberries is located close to the soil surface, so loosening should be done with extreme caution. The same goes for weed removal. tear them out better with hands so as not to damage the roots of rosalin, and thereby destroy the plant.

Shrub dressing is usually carried out in the spring, scattering 4-5 tablespoons of the universal mineral fertilizer without chlorine.

The harvest is collected as the berries ripen. They are very juicy, have a unique sweet and sour taste, smell of strawberries. Used in fresh, and are also well suited for jams, jams, jelly and compotes. They rarely cause allergies. They do not tolerate transportation well, so they practically do not go on sale.

By winter, the shoots of Tibetan raspberries die off completely. Therefore, after the end of fruiting, the entire aerial part of the shrub is cut off flush with the ground, and the roots are sprinkled. Raspberries need shelter only in especially severe and little snowy winters. But it tolerates moderate frosts well.

So, we figured out that the existence of a hybrid of raspberries and strawberries is just beautiful myth, invented by enterprising sellers planting materials. Nevertheless, the plant is real. It doesn't really matter what name it has. The main thing is that the unusual shrub has many wonderful qualities, and he has found his loyal fans among numerous gardeners and landscape designers. Perhaps one day you will be among the admirers.

All materials on the site Priroda-Znaet.ru are presented solely for informational purposes. information purposes. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Rose-leaved or Tibetan raspberries are a curiosity in our area, which was first bred by Chilean breeders. Often the sources also indicate Japanese origin. Currently, it is actively gaining popularity around the world. This groundcover belongs to the genus Rubus. Due to similar appearance and the aroma of berries, the plant was popularly called the blackberry.


Rose-leaved raspberry-strawberry is a low shrub, the height of which does not exceed 40-60 cm. The rounded crown has the shape of a sphere. Corrugated jagged leaves along the edges are painted in rich green color. Large bright red berries stick up. Their diameter reaches 4-5 cm! The roots resemble wire - creeping and extremely tenacious!

First fruits in middle lane Russia are formed by the end of July - beginning of August. Ripening of berries continues until the arrival of autumn frosts.


  • Unusualness and size of berries.
  • Pleasant forest aroma, reminiscent rather of strawberry.
  • Simple care.
  • High decorative bushes.


  • The berries, although large and beautiful, have an unexpressed insipid taste. After pulling out the stalk, a large cavity remains inside.
  • There are many shoots, they are thin and prickly, in the process of picking berries and autumn pruning, you can easily get hurt.
  • Low yield.
  • Seedlings are expensive.


Rose-leaved raspberry prefers open sunny areas, reliably protected from the wind, without stagnant moisture. The first year after planting seedlings on permanent place adaptation takes place. Throughout this period, the plant especially needs timely watering.

Like its close relatives, the rooted and accustomed Tibetan raspberry begins to develop intensively, producing a large number of young shoots. So that it does not flood the entire surrounding space in a few years, it will be necessary to dig around the boards of corrugated board, slate or plastic in advance.

Rose-leaved raspberry-strawberry bushes are very prickly, so it is better to plant it along the fence or along the border of the site. Dense dense branches will become an insurmountable wall not only for strangers, but also for dogs and cats.

Some summer residents are already advising to plant Tibetan raspberries in a buried barrel. Its edges will serve as a natural restrictive barrier for the roots of the plant.

If suddenly you fail to keep the bushes in a limited volume, it will be very difficult to deal with them in the future - as with a malicious weed.


There are no special requirements for growing raspberry-strawberries:

Have you already planted pink-leaved raspberry-strawberries in your summer cottage?