The character of a person and his favorite food. Why junk food tastes good to us

Recall Carnegie, who wrote the following: "A man's name is the sweetest and most important sound to him in any language." If you do not hear the name of the interlocutor - do not hesitate to ask again. If this telephone conversation Write down his name so you don't accidentally forget it. The fact is that when you use any name substitutes, even affectionate or respectful, the interlocutor suspects that you simply forgot his name. And you really can forget him, so it's better to play it safe. If it is not possible to write down the name of a new acquaintance, use the simplest mnemonic tricks: you probably already have an acquaintance with the same name (and if not, then that is definitely the name of some celebrity), and all you have to do is remember him during a conversation. The situation is more complicated with rare and foreign names, but even here mnemonics will help you: quickly come up with the simplest rhyme, even if it’s completely crazy, in the spirit of “Li Zhenfan flies to Kazan” - and you are guaranteed to remember this name later.

Make a mistake

Ironically, the easiest way to win over anyone is to make a mistake and let them correct you. Usually we do exactly the opposite: we try in no case to make a mistake, and if we do, we try to pretend that nothing like this happened. And thus we force everyone around to pretend that they did not notice anything. At this moment, people around feel extremely awkward, they do not want to continue acquaintance at all.

But if you make a mistake and let a person correct you, you kill three birds with one stone. First, he feels more confident because his ego is flattered by this situation; secondly, he can communicate with you more freely; and thirdly, he himself is not afraid to make a mistake in front of you.

Praise the interlocutor from the third person

Sometimes it's embarrassing to give a direct compliment simply because there is no suitable occasion. In addition, I want the compliment to not be on duty, because the banal “You look great today” will not win over anyone. What to do? Give compliments, but in a third person.

For example, like this: "Maria Ivanovna, Vasily Petrovich told me that you are the best doctor in our city." It doesn't matter if Vasily Petrovich said it, and it doesn't matter who he is. The main thing is that this character (quite likely, invented at all) openly flattered Maria Ivanovna. Frankly flattering the interlocutor is not good, it seems, but it's not you - it's Vasily Petrovich. But they will remember you as a pleasant person, and not this very Vasily.

Reflect the pose of the interlocutor

But carefully. So that he doesn't feel like you're teasing him. If your interlocutor is sitting with his hands folded on the table, it is also better for you to put your hands on the table, but in a slightly different way. If he props his head up with his hand, you can straighten your hair, tuck a section behind your ear, or touch your chin. It works very simply: the posture reflects our internal state, and we perfectly read body language, we just don’t realize it. And if you mirror the pose, this is a sign: you feel the same as your new acquaintance. And it is always more pleasant for us to communicate with those who experience the same sensations as we do.

Bare your wrists

And show them more often inner part. This is a simple bodily signal: you feel safe, you trust the interlocutor, you do not expect anything bad from him. It's captivating.


It is clear that people are most interested in their own person. If you find it difficult to sympathize with a person about whom you know nothing, you should listen to him more carefully: in fact, we constantly complain. For bad weather, for traffic, for feeling unwell and the behavior of others. On drowsiness and lack of coffee, in the end. It’s just that it’s not customary to focus on this, these are words spoken in emptiness, words that take awkward pauses. You are supposed to just agree with them. And you do not just agree, but sympathize. Of course, one should not rush to a person with consolations - this is not the right reason. But say something along the lines of “How I understand you! You've had a hard day, it'll be over soon, hold on" won't hurt.

Make the interlocutor praise himself

It's elementary, but it always works. Everyone loves to brag about their accomplishments, and all you have to do is exclaim at the right time, “Wow! You have to have an iron will to pull this off!” It doesn’t matter what we are talking about at all: about work, about a hobby or about losing weight. Most likely, the interlocutor will answer you with something in the spirit: “Come on, nothing special,” but he will think to himself: “Wow, I’m done!” Everything, it's done.

Ask for a favor

It seems to us that we can win over a person by rendering him some small service. It works, but not always: if you help a person in an awkward situation, he may avoid further communication simply because it is unpleasant for him to remember his “shame”. But acting as a savior is a completely different matter. President Franklin once said, “He who has once done you good will be more willing to help you again than he whom you have helped yourself.” This phenomenon is known as the Benjamin Franklin effect. A person who shows courtesy to another grows in his own eyes, which means that he is always ready to continue communication, because this reminds him of how wonderful, reliable and generally a hero he is. The main thing is not to abuse this method, because no one likes dependent beggars, of course.

In relations between people, the ability of a person to understand another is very important. Very often these are not only teenage problems: often even adult women and men do not at all realize that someone likes them.

Really understand what you like quite easy: here it is important to observe the behavior of a person who is suspected of having feelings for your person.

So, let's say, you can find out that someone likes you very much by words. Oddly enough, but people who like us very often think that they have seen us somewhere before. So the question is: "Have we met anywhere before?" should not cause feverish thoughts at all, it is quite possible that it is caused by sympathy for you that has arisen.

Often a person experiencing strong sympathy, in the presence of the object of his genuine interest, begins to say some cute ridiculous nonsense, and at this moment he is simultaneously trying to cope with the surging excitement.

A lot about a person can tell his look. The saying that "the eyes are the mirror of the soul" is not unfounded here. A person who cares about someone gives himself away, first of all, with his attentive look. He, as a rule, tries to follow the object of his sympathy imperceptibly, but most often this is rarely possible for anyone. Usually such excessive attention is noticeable to everyone around.

In addition, getting into the field of observation of a person who is interested in your person, you can often observe that he is constantly trying to make himself "notice".

An unnecessarily "loud" voice or laughter, a constant presence in the field of your circle of vision, or a completely "accidental" touch on your shoulder or arm in the place where, it would seem, you can completely freely pass without hitting anyone, is used.

We should not forget that a person is often betrayed by his gestures, movements or postures taken. This is explained by the fact that in a fit of emotions it is subconsciously very difficult to control one's own behavior.

As a rule, the person who likes you tries to position himself so that he can comfortably see your person. Usually, gesticulation occurs in the direction of the object of secret interest, while its body and feet turn in the same direction.

Here, the so-called "mirroring" can say a lot: the moments when a person begins to copy the gestures of a person he likes. Worth watching: is this happening? If yes, then most likely, this is indeed a manifestation of serious interest.

Oddly enough, but even resentment and taunts against the person you like are no exception.

Unfortunately, this is usually used in the case when it is not possible to attract the attention of the object of one's interest using other, more intelligent ways.

To understand whether this particular person likes you, sometimes it’s enough just to try to imagine yourself in his place.

Perhaps a lot in his behavior at this moment will become clear, you just have to take it seriously.

In general, the bitter taste receptors on our tongue are the most sensitive, while the sweet and salty receptors are the least sensitive. Broccoli, spinach, fodder and Brussels sprouts are all considered healthy foods. Packed full of minerals, vitamins and fiber, they are a nutritionist's dream - a nutritionist who hates you and wants to make you miserable by depriving you of all the sweet pleasures in life.

On the other hand, all the foods you enjoy - french fries, burgers, desserts, and even red meat - are at the bottom of the list of healthy foods. Experts call them harmful and argue that they should be consumed no more than once a week, and then in moderation. Why is food that tastes so good considered unhealthy?

The reason is that the most "delicious" food contains a lot of fat, sugar or salt, or both, or the third together. And our taste buds prefer these substances due to the fact that in the process of evolution we have developed an addiction to them. Our ancestors did not know the food abundance available to us today, and the listed substances were in short supply, so the human body learned to appreciate and preserve them.

Why do we love fatty foods?

There is a huge list of foods that are high in fat, and we all love them. The most popular ones are listed below. It also includes anything that is fried and any food that can be described as "oily" or "creamy".

French fries, fish and chips, donuts, pizzas, cheesecakes, confectionery,
bacon, salami, burgers, milkshakes, ice cream.

It allows you to store energy. Fats are very high in calories - they contain twice as many calories as carbohydrates. However, due to the fact that they take longer to digest, the body prefers to store them in order to use them when there is a shortage of food.

The food resources of our ancestors were very unstable. When it was possible to get a mammoth, for example, there was enough food for the whole tribe to feed for several days. However, this happened rarely enough that our ancestors learned to store as much fat as possible, and depended on fat reserves during periods of food shortage. The person who had the largest reserves of fat was considered the most adaptable from an evolutionary point of view - he was able to survive difficult times. For this reason, our brains and taste buds like fatty foods.

Why do we love sweets

Desserts and various cakes and cupcakes, especially those covered with icing and jelly, are certainly among such products. However, flavored milks and yogurts are also high in sugar. In addition, high fructose corn syrup is added to many products, which, from a biological point of view, by and large is also sugar.

Cakes, cookies, ice cream, donuts, biscuits with cream filling, jams, packaged juices,
carbonated drinks, sweets, chocolates, most desserts, flavored milk.

Why do we like salty

Foods such as chips and crackers are known to have a high salt content, but in addition, salt is present in excess in many canned meats and packaged products. If you read the labels, you will find that there are small amounts of salt even in sweet-tasting foods.

Chips, crackers, packaged nuts, crackers, fried potatoes, pretzels,
salty cookies, popcorn, salami and meat pickles, cheese, pickles.

Previously, salt was not as accessible as it is now. At the same time, it is the best source of sodium, a mineral that is extremely important for muscle function and nerve cells. Apart from table salt, sodium is only found in small amounts in animal blood, meat, and eggs. Therefore, salt was highly valued. Some scientists also believe that this substance, like sugar, promotes the release of dopamine in the brain.

Why We Don't Like Greens

Most green vegetables (broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, etc.) have a bitter taste, and their "tastelessness", again, is related to the range of foods that were available to our ancestors. Many have a bitter taste poisonous plants, and in the process of evolution, our brain has learned to simply not love it.

Among other things, there are also processed foods. During processing, they become insipid, and to make them tasty again, manufacturers add various flavors and flavor enhancers to them. However, processing also destroys all vital nutrients, and in the end, all we get is empty calories. For this reason, many of the processed foods are also not considered healthy.

However, some of the "bad" foods may actually be rich in important nutrients. An example is salt. What makes foods really harmful is the amounts in which we consume them. Too much of anything is bad for us, but the advances of modern civilization make all sorts of goodies so accessible that it becomes difficult for us to resist the craving for them.

The Psychology of Junk Food Cravings

Children often receive sweets (sweet and fatty foods) as a reward for being well behaved. Their brain gets used to it, and as a result, they begin to associate such products with something cherished and desired. This pattern of behavior often persists into adulthood - when under stress or emotional distress, many people soothe themselves by eating food, and, as a rule, food that is tasty and unhealthy.

To find out whether another person likes you or not, you do not need to be some kind of professional psychologist, simple care is enough. And so look at a selection of 10 signs by which you can determine that another person likes you.

Clear signs that a person likes you

1. Mirroring

Mirroring is a clear sign that a person likes you. If a person in communication with you takes the same posture or uses the same turns of speech, then obviously he feels for you warm feelings. Such an adjustment occurs on an unconscious level, so you should not doubt the sincerity of feelings towards you.

2. Pupil dilation

A person's pupils dilate when he sees something interesting in front of him or something that he really likes. So Special attention pay attention to the eyes of the interlocutor, if the pupils are dilated, then this is a clear sign that the person likes you. At the same time, keep in mind that in bright light or in darkness, therefore, the pupils obey the law of physiology, that is, in this state of affairs, it is very difficult to judge something.

3. Hair

If, when communicating with you, your interlocutor often straightens his hair, then this means that he wants to look as good as possible in your environment. Because this is another clear sign that a person likes you. As for hair, there is another sign that indicates that a person will have very warm feelings for you - this is a game with your hair.

4. Playful strokes

If in the process of communication your interlocutor lightly, that is, in a playful way, beats you, then this is another sign that he likes you. However, if the blows are sensitive and there is no smile on the face, then this is clearly the opposite sign - the person has aggressive feelings for you.

5. General provisions body

If a person in communication with you tries to be as close as possible to you or somehow open up using, for example, such gestures as hidden palms or turning the body in your direction, then this can also be regarded as a sign that he likes you.

6. Detailed memory

When we talk, we can tell the person some parts of our lives that we don't really care about. However, if the interlocutor remembered these moments and in subsequent conversations recalls them, then it is a fact that the person liked you and he wants to demonstrate this to you by telling everything he knows about you.

7. Laughter

In the company of friends, if someone tells some kind of anecdote or other funny incident, laughter must follow. However, pay attention to the person who told funny case when he's done he will subconsciously turn his gaze to the person he most likes and hope to hear the first laugh.

8. Initiative

If a person first invites you on a date or just for a walk, then this is a clear sign that he likes you. In addition to this, one can judge that they have warm feelings for you if you invited someone for a walk, and the person, despite the fact that he is busy, put aside all his affairs and came to your call.

9. Nervous signs

Oh, these are the most obvious signs that a person likes you, because the person outwardly openly demonstrates that he is worried in front of you. His hands may sweat, his voice may tremble, and other signs of excitement may appear, all because he is breathing irregularly towards you. However, it is necessary to distinguish between love excitement and fear, since visually, it is very easy to determine.

10. Compliment

If you are being complimented, it is clear that the person wants to please you. And regardless of whether it is a sincere compliment or not, it is important for a person to communicate with you and you are not indifferent to him.

How to determine the character of a person by the foods that he likes to eat? What effect does food have on our mood and character? Psychologists will help us answer this question, and in the video - 2 experts in this matter, a well-known nutritionist and a psychotherapist.

People who know each other well are said to have "eaten a pound of salt together." To master such an amount of salt, it takes a lot of time for joint meals. And, nevertheless, culinary preferences help for more a short time get to know a person, determine some of his character traits.

People who have not yet completely parted with childhood like to "do what is impossible." They tend to eat unhealthy fast food, they like to nibble on chips, grab a hot dog on the go, or order a hamburger and pizza.

The next group of people are lovers of sweet food. Perhaps, for them, this is a way to avoid depression. A certain property of people is known to “seize the problem” with something tasty. Chocolate helps the body produce endorphins - the hormone of happiness, and sugar has a positive effect on brain function. People who have a love for sweets, as a rule, are very vulnerable in soul. Such people can analyze themselves for a long time, are able to delve deeply into their own, and even other people's problems.

People who prefer dairy food are very sociable in communication. They get along well with anyone, sweet, friendly and hospitable. But at the right time, they will always be able to insist on their own and even show themselves as maximalists.

Creative personalities respect fruits, fruit food. Such people can gush with ideas, be a little careless, but they are attentive to other people's problems.

Vegetable food is preferred by people of a rational mindset. People of this type are practical, purposeful, and may even seem selfish. Often, vegetable lovers have the makings of a leader.

Meat lovers are prone to rash acts, they are active and impulsive. The life of "meat eaters" consists of a series of ups and downs, sometimes quite dizzying. Meat lovers lack such a character trait as poise.

But it is balance that is characteristic of lovers of food from fish and all kinds of seafood. Seafood lovers are calm and even a little melancholic, excellent diplomats. People of this type find a compromise in any situation, avoid conflicts. They speak directly very rarely, everyone understands their words in their own way.

It is quite difficult to say something definite about people who give their preference to “spicy”. Fans of pickles, marinades, sauces, ketchups and the like can turn out to be both “real horsemen” and exemplary quiet people. By consuming spicy, such people express their protest against the circle of everyday life around them, at least in terms of taste sensations.

Watch a very useful video from which you will learn in detail from experts in this matter (a well-known nutritionist and psychotherapist) about the effect of food on character.