Ohh "seven square meters". "seven square meters" Bed in a small bedroom

According to modern architectural and housing standards, the optimal kitchen area should be 12 square meters. m. In comparison with these indicators 7 square meters kitchen space seem quite modest. However, do not complain about fate - in domestic realities, this is considered an average room. Having become acquainted with basic principles kitchen design 7 sq. m. (photo especially good options attached below), you can turn it into a spacious and aesthetically pleasing area.

According to the definition of the famous American architect, the kitchen is a home workshop. In order for a housewife to save up to 30% of her time and energy, the kitchen space must be properly distributed and ergonomically arranged. The solution to the problem of a reasonable layout of the working area is also complicated by the need to place very large furniture and equipment on the same area, in particular, a dining room and a refrigerator.

Non-standard approach

Everything you need in a small space

How to draw up a kitchen plan

Creating a visual sketch is all the more important than less area reorganized object, and, of course, it is better to entrust this work to a qualified designer. But if you decide to independently develop a kitchen design of 7 square meters. m., you will have to remember drawing and drawing lessons in order to be able to fix your ideas, clarify and demonstrate them in detail not only to household members, but also to the masters who will bring your project to life.

How to measure a kitchen

Professional wall framing

Kitchen design in the online program

First of all, pay attention to the features of your interior conditions. It is good if the room has a square or rectangular configuration, but you may also encounter a more complex option, for example, when the kitchen has a niche or a box. In any case, carefully measure all surfaces and transfer the data to the diagram on a scale - it should represent an accurate plan of the kitchen.

Advice! Accuracy on small area incredibly important - try not to neglect a single centimeter when drawing up a diagram. It is important to adhere uniform scale on every drawing.

Draw in hot pursuit and sweep empty walls so that later, when you need them, there are no errors in terms of measurements. On these sketches you can later draw design options. kitchen facades, determine the height and placement of furniture and appliances, decompose tile on a work apron, calculate the consumption of materials, etc. So do not forget to make several photocopies of the finished scans.

Mirror design of the apron zone

Which sketching tool to choose is up to you. It is quite acceptable to draw diagrams manually, using a pencil and a scale ruler, you can use computer programs (KitchenDraw, GoogleSketchup, ArchiCAD, SweetHome 3D, Adobe Photoshop, Corel - choose the option that suits the level of complexity and create models in 2D and 3D format).

Virtual arrangement of kitchen furniture

The resulting black and white image needs to be colorized, but this will not be done yet. color solution kitchens. With different shades you will designate the so-called centers of activity - a refrigerator, a sink and a stove, as well as a set and a dining table with chairs or a corner. To get a kitchen layout of 7 meters that meets all the needs of the family, divide it into 4 zones:

  • for food stocks;
  • for dishes, utensils and accessories;
  • for washing and cooking;
  • for eating.

Ergonomics of the kitchen - everything is at hand

Both designers and furniture makers use basic standards for the arrangement and production of furniture, which it is a sin not to use for a beginner in design business. Typical options that may well be used for the design of a 7-meter kitchen with a refrigerator are angular, linear and partly U-shaped types of arrangements.

The linear arrangement of all zones, except for the dining area, refers to laconic and simple solutions, which is also considered the most budgetary. On one side of the wall, a refrigerator and a sink are usually placed, on the other - hob. This option provides maximum free space, but limits the amount of storage space.

Corner kitchen with window sink

Scheme corner kitchen area of ​​7 sq. m

corner layout differs in variations of the location of the sink - at the window or in the corner. The advantage of the first solution is that additional space is used near the window opening, under which a wardrobe can also be built in. However, this reduces dinner Zone, this option is more suitable for a family of 2-3 people. The standard placement of the sink allows you to organize the perfect working triangle.

If the family likes to stock up and is willing to sacrifice free space for extra space, furniture can be placed against 3 walls, thus obtaining a U-shaped kitchen. The benefits of such a project for 7 or 7.5 square meters. m. is rather doubtful, since in this case it is recommended to mount the upper tier only on one of the walls, otherwise the furniture will “press” on those present. Examples non-standard layouts:

Other wisdom of the planning process

For the hostess of the house, it is important to think over her working triangle. The distances between the tops - the sink, stove and refrigerator - are best kept to a minimum, and even more unacceptable if movement inside it is difficult. Ideally, the sink, as the main center of activity, occupying up to 40% of the total time, is best placed in the center of the working triangle, approximately 1–1.5 m from the stove and 1.2–2 m from the refrigeration unit.

At this stage, also count the number of necessary kitchen gadgets - from the hood and dishwasher to the toaster and electric kettle. It is likely that all devices may not fit, and you will have to abandon their purchase in favor of more functional ones. A detailed study of storage areas will help to place the existing equipment.

Pull-out shelf for electrical appliances

The place for food processor

You can involve your loved ones in detailing and together with them play out standard everyday situations - breakfast with the whole family, cooking dinner, receiving guests. There is another method of allocating space - using paper templates superimposed on a kitchen sketch. By moving conditional household items, you can determine their most convenient location.

Kitchen design - style and interior solutions

Even in typical panel house the design of a kitchen with an area of ​​​​7 meters, if approached with enthusiasm, is able to turn a nondescript room into cozy place recreation for the whole family. In addition to the limited space problem areas such kitchens low ceilings, non-functional pockets, ledges, specific ceiling seams. Nevertheless, in the portfolio of design developments there are many solutions for decorating a room within a given framework.

Refinement option ventilation duct

From ugly duckling to swans - the right choice of style

The lack of stylistic direction in the interior makes the kitchen faceless, and the desire to fill it with all the details you like creates chaos and disharmony. At the same time pick up the style and keep it in the smallest details- art, over which more than one designer struggles.

Therefore, it is better for beginners in this business to pay attention to classic styles, preferred for kitchen design at 7 sq. m.:

  • Minimalism - elementary forms, modest volumes and the minimum number of necessary items create the illusion of infinity of space; basic colors - white and gray, complemented only by chrome fittings, glossy glass or glossy surfaces.
  • Hi-tech - a style that promotes the use of glass, metal and plastic; the absence of decorations is compensated by multi-colored indicators of electronic gadgets, an abundance of LED backlighting and “smart accessories”.
  • Modern - characterized by smooth asymmetrical lines of facades, unobtrusive decor and a muted palette; appropriate design of surfaces with mosaics and stained glass, for wallpaper, a floral print with a complex interlacing pattern is acceptable - all these details help to make the kitchen functional and at the same time cozy.
  • Japanese - decorative style, which is the ethnic twin of minimalism; in the kitchen, it is helped to form a kitchen set with facades in the form of shoji wooden lattices, bamboo roller blinds, akari lampshade, and in any free niche - netsuke or ikebana.

Noble minimalism

True modern

Japanese style

High tech in the kitchen space

Having decided on the style, you will be able to independently understand the range of furniture, decorative knick-knacks, lighting options and surface design, highlighting exactly what will emphasize the individuality of the kitchen space in your apartment.

Filling the interior - furniture options

With standard furniture offered in construction supermarkets and furniture stores, you can solve the placement problem, but optimal layout And it won't save space. For 7 sq. m. It is better to make a kitchen set to order, because you can not only level all the shortcomings of the room, but also turn them into advantages.

Gas equipment in a special closet

So you can easily beat a niche often found in panel high-rise buildings by placing an additional cabinet of non-standard width, equipping a countertop for a microwave or oven. It is also worth hiding in a specially made pencil case geyser, which often clutters up an already small kitchen in a panel building. True, such a pencil case will serve more as a screen than a place to store something.

Important! When installing furniture, do not allow damage to the integrity ventilation duct passing along the top of the niche.

In addition to arranging problem areas, custom kitchen furniture helps to use the maximum space. The following constructions have such properties:

  • transforming furniture - some smart models can fully fold or replace two or more kitchen elements;
  • mobile kitchens - this option is primarily suitable for residents of rented apartments, since the light weight of removable modules, as well as the ability to adjust in height and width, make it easy to transport them and place them compactly in a new place;
  • modular headsetsbest option due to a wide range of offers (there are ready-made sets of various cabinets, cabinets and pencil cases on sale, which allows you to choose furniture for any budget).

Unusual dining area

Systems with full extension boxes

Modern kitchen smart furniture

If for some reason you have settled on a standard headset and a regular lunch group, choose models with glossy and transparent surfaces, made of light wood or not brightly colored MDF.

Advice! Do not skimp on the expensive “stuffing” of cabinets - drawers with maximum extension and carousel shelves noticeably add ergonomics.

Don't Do It - 5 Taboos for a Small Kitchen

Despite the fact that the layout and design of the kitchen 7–7.5 m 2 is far from worst case, which you may encounter, there are several bad ideas that can nullify all efforts to expand the space:

  • the use of dimensional interior items - no matter how you like a hanging chandelier or wallpaper with a large print does not seem appropriate, discard them in favor of a light composition around the perimeter and wallpaper with a small pattern;
  • attempts to make the kitchen in a dark and / or bright base color - only design professionals win in such games with contrasts, but for beginners it is better to limit yourself to a pastel palette and one or two color accents;
  • hanging a single window with heavy curtains - leave noble jacquard or velvet for the living room, and modern design kitchens for 7 sq. m. involves the use of Roman or Austrian curtains, as an option - light curtains made of linen, satin or organza;
  • organization multi-level ceilingsuspended structure or a perfectly puttied surface in a small area definitely looks more advantageous;
  • bringing in an excessive amount of accessories and decor - little things left in sight significantly steal space, and no matter how seditious it may sound, kitchen rails contribute to this.

Use pastel shades

Don't close the window dense tissues

Avoid massive furniture

And your kitchen will become an object of pride

To be sure of success, before furnishing a kitchen of 7 meters, try to visualize your ideas as much as possible using the same computer programs or more familiar collage. Visual images will allow you to notice various shortcomings, correct them in a timely manner and turn an average room into a source good mood and example good taste.

Video: a piggy bank of ideas for a 7-meter kitchen

"Seven square meters" - FULL NEGATIVE.
I'll start in order:
The measurer worked clearly and accurately, very pleasant in communication and an expert in his field. Production deadlines were fully met.
The delivery was scheduled for the evening, but that day the car broke down (the spring burst), but they called and apologized and offered two options for a new time (either they will bring it at night when the car is repaired, or early in the morning). By agreement, they brought it in the morning (7-00), they were not late, everything was unloaded.
On the same day, according to the contract, installation, so they asked so early.
The first day.
This is where the fun begins. The team (Pavel and Vasily, one of them with hands, but slow, the second apparently just to give the tool) called the day before, they said that in the morning they would go to the office for a puncher, because. we have "knocking down the threshold in the passage to the loggia." We arrived at the installation at about 11:00 without a puncher, they said that the puncher was at another facility 90 km from Moscow, and without it there was little they could do. Started installation. During the installation process, it turned out that we were not delivered with expanders, without which the installation of windows on the loggia is impossible, and also when assembling the windows, we were confused with the opening sequence (for clarity, five windows on the loggia). We decided that the messed up opening wasn't critical and wouldn't spoil the overall look, and we weren't prepared to wait another five days for a rework. According to the expanders, the wife called the company, they said that they would bring it up during the day. At this time, the team was finishing the installation of the kitchen window and made proposals like: can you let us go home? As a result, the wife did not let them go, and very well, because. quickly brought expanders and they could continue. We made part of the loggia and began to gather home at 18-00. One day has passed. My wife and I were already on edge. there have been many distortions. As a result, only one kitchen window and partially frames on the loggia. My wife and I understood that there was still a lot of work to do and asked to arrive early in order to be in time for everything, because. was to spring-cleaning apartments and bringing the child from the dacha to prepare for school.
Now about the perforator, which is visible to the entire company in a single copy. One of the installers said that he would visit the construction market in the morning, because. lives nearby and will try to rent it from the used tool dealer. Maybe they will give you a passport on bail, or maybe they will ask for 10,000 rubles on bail, or maybe they won’t give it at all. He said that if they do not give it, then he does not know all the claims against the company and when the installation will end. On this they left.
Second day.
The brigade showed up at 12:00. By this time, my wife and I were already not even on our nerves, but on the verge of an emotional explosion. The perforator has arrived. The work continued. One of the workers received a phone call. By phone, in a conversation, he confirmed that everything was in order, and after the conversation he told us that today everything would not be in time and they would arrive tomorrow. The time was around 4:00 pm. And they started going home. In a word, they worked only 3.5 - 4 hours. We were simply taken aback by such impudence. Another day to live in dust and ruin, because rearranged furniture, etc., so that it would be convenient to work. The brigade declared that the dirty work was finished and with that they left. Partial cleaning of the apartment has begun, because. the kitchen was finished and we were assured that there would be no more hammering.
Day three.
We arrived at 9:30. By this time we had already removed the boxes laid on the floor and vacuumed the floors. But this did not signal the crew to at least take off their street shoes when they entered the room. We continued to work on finishing, to be more precise, one of the team, who was with his hands - he worked, the second just watched all the time. As a result, they still had to hammer or knock down the threshold, however, here they removed large debris after themselves. Finished around 13:00. They asked me to sign a work acceptance certificate, which contained a table on the quality of work evaluation on a five-point scale. When I came to this point, one of the installers quite calmly commented to me that they could put us two here. I didn’t understand if he didn’t care or he really appreciated his work himself. Judging by the look and calmness with which it was all said, I'm inclined to think that he still doesn't care. We said goodbye to them.
It is a pity that in a good company (judging by the reviews), such people work who not only do not care about the client, but also about their company. Decide for yourself to have a relationship with the company "Seven square meters" or better not to have. Perhaps we are so lucky...

In the kitchen of 7 square meters, you can’t really roam. That is why you will have to use all your design imagination to arrange everything you need in the kitchen and leave room for the possibility of working in it.

What not to do in a small kitchen

  1. Should not be preferred. Even a U-shaped layout would be out of place in a 7 sq. m kitchen.
  2. Try to choose compact furniture to save space.
  3. Avoid large dimensions in interior items. You should also not glue wallpaper with large patterns, as they will visually reduce the space.
  4. Do not cover the window with heavy curtains - natural light in the kitchen small size just needed.
  5. A multi-level ceiling will steal the visual space of your kitchen.
  6. Try to avoid too dark colors kitchen set - bright hues able to create the illusion of a large space.
  7. Don't clutter up the kitchen excess accessories.

Kitchen set

A U-shaped design can also be suitable, but only for a studio apartment or provided that you will have lunch in another room, since such an arrangement of the headset leaves practically no room for a dining table.

Linear placement of the kitchen set is provided along long wall, at the same time, do not neglect the height of the cabinets, in a limited space, try to make them as high as possible, which will add spaciousness.

The opposite side of the kitchen will be free to accommodate or. There is room for a TV on the wall, and if you don’t need it in the kitchen, you can provide additional shelves for useful kitchen items.

The corner arrangement of the headset is considered the most acceptable for small kitchens. In this case, there is room for variations in the location of the sink: on the edge of the headset or in the corner.

The corner option for placing the sink is more suitable, since in the corner it will be possible to embed bigger size without damaging valuable territory.

Also at an angle kitchen set you will be able to form the perfect kitchen triangle, which consists of a refrigerator, sink and hob. It is highly undesirable to break it with a doorway.

Important advice - all Appliances in a small kitchen should be built-in and multifunctional. Having a separate oven and microwave in such a kitchen is a waste.

Table top and apron

Table or bar counter

But the best option there will be a folding table-transformer that can be folded against the wall. However, in this case it is better not to be stingy - in the conditions of constant unfolding cheap option can quickly fall into disrepair.

The choice of a bar counter and chairs is also suitable for a kitchenette - it will save precious centimeters, and can also be used not only for eating, but also as a food preparation area.


It would seem a mere trifle - but with the help of them you can both visually enlarge the space and “steal” a good piece of territory.

Here are the main criteria to be followed when choosing curtains for a small kitchen:

  • unwanted dark tones and large drawings on the curtains. Also, do not hang curtains on the floor. Light short curtains suitable for small kitchen much better.
  • Kitchen curtains must have a high throughput so that the kitchen is lit even when the curtains are drawn.
  • Kitchen curtains must be treated with a special impregnation that repels dirt and grease.
  • In small kitchens, curtains can be next to hob, so it's best to protect yourself from fire by choosing natural fabric, which is not as prone to fire as synthetics.
  • To visually expand the room with narrow window, you should hang a cornice that will be one and a half times longer than the width of the window. Curtains with horizontal stripes or a pattern will also help. Vertical prints can make the ceiling longer.

Chandelier or ceiling lights

As mentioned above, dimensional items are highly undesirable in a small kitchen, so about a big beautiful chandelier should be forgotten. But a medium-sized chandelier is quite suitable, especially since the dimensions of the kitchen will allow you to illuminate the entire space with just one lamp.

But Spotlights nevertheless, they look preferable, since visually even a small chandelier will take up space.

It is worth worrying about the lighting of the working area. This is very important for safety purposes as you will have to deal with sharp objects. Alternatively, you can install fixtures built into the cabinets that do not take up much space.

Following all the tips for planning and arranging a 7 square meter kitchen, you can save a lot of space and turn it into a cozy and functional workshop for cooking culinary masterpieces.

Kitchen design 7 square meters photo

The bedroom is a private space that is used not only for sleeping, but also for relaxing. Choosing the interior of the bedroom, everyone strives to achieve not only the attractiveness of the room, but also maximum comfort and coziness. When creating a bedroom interior, it is important to take into account the size of the room, the illumination and the presence of windows.

Often, small rooms are allocated for bedrooms. In small rooms it is difficult to imagine how to create nice interior. After all, having put only one bed, there is catastrophically little free space.

However, having even a small bedroom, for example, 7 square meters in size, you can create a chic and unique interior. It just takes a little imagination.

Light interior - the main thing for a small bedroom

For a small bedroom, the main rule in creating an interior is light design. You need to choose only light colors - beige, white, soft pink, cream. These shades can visually increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. Dark and overly bright colors should be avoided.

Little tricks

Ceiling walls and floors should be painted only in light colors. Walls can be glued with light "not heavy" wallpaper. large drawings on the wallpaper is best to try to avoid. Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern will visually enlarge the room.

Do not hang walls large quantity posters and photographs. They can be replaced with one small painting, or several light paintings.

Furniture for a small bedroom

Furniture should be compact and functional. Since the size of the bedroom is small, you should not clutter it up with a large number of cabinets and bedside tables. From furniture, you should choose only the most necessary for the bedroom. Any extra piece of furniture can spoil general form small bedroom. Made comfortable drawers in the niche of the bed are very convenient for storing linen and clothes. Such lockers will immediately help to avoid buying another cabinet or cabinet.

Bed in a small bedroom

It is important to properly install the bed in a small bedroom. The bed should not occupy the entire space of the room. An interesting solution will be the placement of the bed on a pedestal, which you can do yourself. Do not use a canopy and a large number of pillows. This will only "weight" the space of the room.

Bedside tables and coffee table should be small. If space allows, then several small shelves can be made above the bed to store small things.

Bedroom wardrobe

When choosing a wardrobe for a small bedroom, you should pay attention to the closet built into the wall.

  • Such a cabinet will practically not take up space in the room.
  • The built-in closet is very convenient for small rooms.
  • If the cabinet door has a built-in large mirror, then this will free you from the need to hang an additional mirror.

If mirroring is still necessary, then it is better to place it opposite the window, these can visually expand the space of the room.

The design of a small bedroom involves placing furniture as close to each other as possible. There should be no free space between the elements of the interior, the furniture should be installed tightly and compactly.

Good lighting is essential for a small bedroom

If a small bedroom has a window, then it can be left open, without curtains and curtains. This will allow natural light to enter the room and will not make the room look gloomy and dull. In order to close from prying eyes, you can use blinds.

In the absence of a window, you can perform a small design trick. You can use a beautiful light niche or curtains that will artificially cover the wall of the room, while creating the effect of a large window closed from daylight.

Additionally, a small bedroom must be lit. Do not resort to the use of powerful bulky chandeliers. This will only reduce the size of the room and darken the space. You can use ceiling lighting or install floor lamp or "night light". Hanging lamps can also be used as the main light source.

Floor and window sill in a small bedroom

Wood is perfect for the floor or parquet board. Diagonal boards will give the impression that the room is much larger than it actually is. The gender must be light shades. You can use a light carpet, it will give comfort to the room. A small rug by the bed also creates coziness.

In the presence of wide window sill, it can be used as a multifunctional shelf. The window sill can be neatly and beautifully decorated and various things or souvenirs can be stored there.

Creation of a working area in the bedroom of 7 square meters

If needed to be done in small bedroom working area, it is quite possible. You can separate the workspace from the place to sleep using light curtains or shelves. AT working area will be located desk and a chair. If necessary, you can install a hanging shelf above the table.

In the design of a small bedroom, the main thing is to apply a little imagination and desire to make the room as comfortable and functional as possible. Knowing just a couple of simple design tricks from a small dark room you can make a large and bright bedroom. Everyone will be able to transform their bedroom and it is not necessary to turn to professional designers. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

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Order 6609 dated 11/13/2013,

On February 6, 2014, they brought me another, 4th double-glazed window to replace the broken ones. Instead of fulfilling another CONFIDENT promise to pick up two faulty double-glazed windows, the loaders took only one, citing the fact that the second one was badly beaten and they were AFRAID of touching it. My call to the control room did not help: talking with the dispatcher, the loader himself said that the double-glazed window was broken and he would not touch it. There was a place in the car for two double-glazed windows. it was empty, but once again the representatives of your company decided to leave me to decide what to do with the disposal and REFUSED to pick it up broken glass. The dispatcher promised me once again that when the installer comes to install a new double-glazed window, the old ones will be taken away on the same day.

Last night, Oleg, the installer, called and said that he would come ... alone. To my indignation, why he would come alone, how he would cope with the disposal, he said that he was not at all aware of what the dispatcher was promising me. I replied that, since for a month now they have been leading me by the nose and no one is going to touch the broken double-glazed window, then let them come along with a car to take out your "jambs". There was no call in the morning.

Today, February 8, I called the dispatcher myself and asked what they had decided about the many times promised removal - would they fulfill the promise this time ??

It turned out that no one is going to fulfill the promise, that I say NOT ESSENTIALLY at all, that my business is to let the installer into the house so that he installs a double-glazed window, and he will take out the broken ones EVER ANOTHER TIME (read: never!). My attempt to figure out how long they were going to continue to “feed me breakfast”, promising to pick up the broken glass, was cut short by the dispatcher’s cry: “Do not be distracted from the topic! Speak to the point! We are now talking about the installation!” To my pathetic objections that I’ve been lying for a month, that they’ll take the broken glass, one or two people come, but they don’t take it, the glass has been standing on the stairwell for a month and the manager of the house is constantly scolding me and therefore I no longer believe that someday they would actually take him away, received an answer, something like that this is not my sadness at all.

Therefore, I have a question: when will they stop lying to me and send a car under a broken double-glazed window ?? I agree to wait with the installation, but with the disposal of the double-glazed window standing on the stairs, I can’t wait any longer !! I don’t need to be rude with the help of your dispatchers that I am “not speaking to the point” - for me today it is more important to dispose of what infuriates the neighbors and the DEZ, to establish - a matter of 10 minutes, as practice has shown. REMOVE YOUR BROKEN GLASS!!! Please HEAR me! And do not be offended that I complain everywhere: you lied in your promises. How much can you promise and not deliver? Take out the glass first, and then install a new double-glazed window, I no longer believe that the glass will be taken out "later". If they were going to fulfill their promise - there was already an opportunity for this on February 6!