How to cook summer soup, green borscht, sorrel cabbage soup with egg: recipes. Sorrel colder: a classic recipe. Sorrel cabbage soup with egg in meat broth

It is best to choose early sorrel for preparing sorrel soup with egg, when the leaves are still soft and young. They have a high concentration of vitamins and useful substances. However, this does not mean at all that later plants cannot be eaten. They are no less healthy and nutritious. You just need to choose leaves without yellow spots, strong and without dried tips.

Recipe for sorrel cabbage soup with egg

In order to prepare sorrel cabbage soup with egg, you will need: - 0.5 kg of beef (preferably on the bone to make the broth rich); - 500 g sorrel; - 5 pieces. potatoes; - 2 carrots; - 100 ml cream; - 1–2 eggs; - onion- 1 PC.; - 1–2 tbsp. vegetable oil; - pepper, salt to taste.

If you want to reduce the cooking time of the soup by half an hour, use ready-made broth rather than meat. So all that remains is to cook vegetables in it

To prepare the broth, you need to wash the meat and put it in a pan, then add water and lightly salt it. Cook for about 40–60 minutes. After it is cooked, the meat must be removed from the water and the broth must be strained. After which you can put vegetables in it for cooking.

You need to strain the broth so that it turns out transparent and beautiful. Then the whole soup will be brighter and more appetizing.

Place chopped potatoes into the boiling broth - cubes or strips. While the potatoes are cooking, sauté the onions and carrots in vegetable oil until pleasant golden color. Place the resulting roast into the broth. Salt and pepper to your desired taste. Cut the sorrel and put it in the broth 10 minutes before the end of cooking - this way it will not lose its vitamins and retain its pleasant sourness.

While the vegetables are boiling, work on the egg component of the soup. Beat the eggs, lightly salt them and add cream. Mix everything thoroughly and after cooking the soup, pour into the broth in a thin stream. Stir again - and that’s it, the soup is ready. Such cabbage soup is usually served with sour cream.

Variants of cabbage soup with sorrel and egg

Very often, to make this green soup even lighter, housewives use chicken, rather than beef, to prepare the broth. You can use both a soup set and breast or fillet, chopped into pieces, for this purpose. To prepare the broth you will need about 0.5 kilograms of chicken. The rest of the process of preparing such cabbage soup follows the same pattern as in the case of meat broth.

In addition, quite often women do not want to prepare the egg mixture, but simply take boiled eggs. They are cut and added to the soup at the very end of cooking. This way the soup also turns out quite tasty and unusual. Only such a measure further simplifies the cooking process and saves time.

Vegetarian cabbage soup with sorrel

Since today the fashion is healthy eating and the rejection of animal products swept the world, the recipe for green cabbage soup made from sorrel, which does not use a single gram of meat, has become quite popular. However, such a restriction has virtually no effect on the taste of the product. It is still tasty, satisfying and original in its own way.

To prepare vegetarian cabbage soup from sorrel you will need: - 300 g of sorrel; - 10 g parsley root; - 1 onion; - 25 g margarine; - 1 egg.

If you plan to add potatoes to the soup, then add to the listed list of products: - 30 g of carrots; - 150 g potatoes; - 40 g sour cream; - dill to taste.

Separate exactly half of the bunch of sorrel and simmer it over high heat, then rub through a sieve. Finely chop the onion, do the same with the parsley root and sauté in margarine. Put the water on the fire, when it boils, add the pureed sorrel and fry into the broth. Cook for 15–20 minutes. Place the remaining sorrel leaves 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Season the soup with salt and pepper and you can serve. If you use potatoes, add them to the boiling broth first, and sauté the carrots along with the onions and roots.

Lezyen is usually added to this soup. To prepare it you will need: - one egg; - 100 g of milk; - wheat bread for croutons.

Heat the milk, but do not boil. Then separate the yolk from the white and pour hot milk into it, while stirring the entire mixture with a spatula or whisk. Boil the mixture over low heat (the temperature should be approximately 80–85°C). Alternatively, you can use a water bath. Ready mixture strain and place in a sealed container. Hard-boil the remaining eggs (you can also put them in a bag). Toast the bread into croutons.

Serve the soup as follows: place a chopped egg in a plate, pour in lezyen, then cabbage soup, add chopped herbs. Place the croutons on a separate plate.

This recipe may be subject to modifications. So, for example, croutons can be replaced with cheesecakes, sour cream can be served instead of lezienne, or you can serve without croutons at all.

Sorrel cabbage soup meat broth They turn out very tasty and rich - men will definitely like this dish if you serve it for lunch with slices of bread of any kind.

Since sorrel tastes very sour, it is best to dilute the green mass with spinach and green onions, other greens, otherwise you will get an inedible first course at the exit. In the spring season, I recommend using young potatoes, carrots and all young vegetables when cooking cabbage soup.

For the broth, you can choose pork or beef, but remember that when boiling beef, the broth turns out to be very cloudy, so the soup is cooked in a second beef broth. But perfect option meat for the dish - pork belly without excess fat! When purchasing such a piece of meat, immediately cut out large pieces of fat, leaving it for creating other dishes, and rinse the meat with greasy streaks for cabbage soup. Thanks to it, the broth will be rich and juicy. Boil the chicken eggs hard in advance - they are laid out in plates with cabbage soup when serving.

So, prepare the necessary ingredients.

Rinse the pork belly in water, cut out the veins and membranes, cut into portions - the smaller they are, the faster the meat will cook. Place the cold cuts into the pan.

Fill in hot water and add a couple of bay leaves. Place the pan on the stove and boil the meat for 25 minutes from the moment the water boils.

Peel the vegetables and rinse in water.

Grate the carrots on a coarse or fine grater, you can cut them into small cubes.

Grind the washed green onions and add along with the grated carrot mixture to the broth.

Cut the peeled and washed potato tubers into medium cubes and also add to the broth. Boil everything for another 15 minutes.

Wash the sorrel and spinach, cut into medium ribbons. Add to the broth only after preparing the potato slices, otherwise the acid contained in the sorrel will cause the vegetables to cook for a long time!

Place the green cuts in the pan and boil the cabbage soup for another 5 minutes. Salt, add sugar and other spices, seasonings to taste. You can add chopped parsley or dill.

Pour hot sorrel cabbage soup in meat broth into deep plates. Boiled egg peel, rinse and cut in half. Place on a plate with the first course.

Have a nice day!

Sorrel cabbage soup with meat is a simple green soup prepared on the basis of beef/pork broth with the addition of variety of meat and sorrel leaves. Due to the latter, the dish has a light refreshing sourness, so relevant in the summer. We will tell you how to prepare this traditional Slavic dish using several different recipes at once.

How to cook cabbage soup from sorrel with meat?


  • onions - 135 g;
  • broth - 2.6 l;
  • carrots - 95 g;
  • - 115 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sorrel - 3 tbsp.;
  • a handful of dill and parsley.


Cooking should begin with sautéing onions and carrots. When the vegetables are lightly browned and half cooked, add boiled chicken to them and pour in the broth. When the liquid boils, start adding sorrel in portions, followed by greens. Remove the cabbage soup from the heat and mix the hot broth with a couple of beaten eggs. Cover the dish with cabbage soup and leave for 5 minutes.

Sorrel cabbage soup with meat can also be made in a slow cooker using a similar scheme: first, the vegetables are fried together in the “Baking” mode, and after adding the broth, you can switch to “Stewing” and add the rest of the ingredients.

Sorrel cabbage soup with meat - recipe

Not infrequently, pork becomes the basis of the soup. If you intend to cook a strong one from pieces of meat, then give preference to cuts on the bone, which give the maximum amount of fat.


  • water - 3.3 l;
  • pork on the bone - 1.2 kg;
  • potatoes - 740 g;
  • sorrel - 210 g;
  • onions - 115 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • dill greens - 15 g.


Before cooking sorrel cabbage soup with meat, put water on the fire and work on the pork. Rinse the pieces and place them in boiling water. Leave for about half an hour, remembering to remove the noise generated on the surface. After the allotted time has passed, add coarsely chopped potatoes to the broth; if desired, you can throw in a couple of laurel leaves for flavor. Leave everything to boil together for another 15 minutes, while chop the onion and saute it until light golden brown. Add the roast to the broth.

Some people add boiled eggs to the soup when serving, but we suggest pouring raw eggs into hot broth. To do this, just pour the beaten eggs into the soup, and then immediately stir. When the eggs are set, add the sorrel to the soup. Add greens in portions, adding a new handful after the old one has wilted. Sorrel cabbage soup with meat and egg will be ready immediately after all the sorrel has been added. Serve the soup with sour cream.

At the end of winter, our body especially lacks vitamins. Of course, you can buy a pack of tablets at the pharmacy, but it’s better to treat yourself to fresh ones. early vegetables and make up for the lack of nutrients by preparing cabbage soup from sorrel. First greens are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They contain all the power of the coming spring, the awakening nature. They will charge you with energy for the whole day. Besides, it's quite a budget option, because you don’t need to buy particularly expensive products for this soup.

Step 1. Prepare the base

can be cooked with any chicken and even vegetarian, mushroom. To make the soup tasty, it is better not to dissolve the bouillon cubes in boiling water, but to prepare the real base according to all the rules of cooking. Let's look at how to cook. For a large pan we will need half a kilogram or 700 grams of meat. Note, not a soup set, but beef pulp. It must be cut into small cubes and left to cook. When it boils, skim off the resulting foam, otherwise the broth will be cloudy.

Step 2. Adding vegetables

Peel six medium-sized potatoes, cut into slices and throw into the broth. Finely chop two onions and fry in oil. Add finely chopped carrots to the frying pan, blanch some more, then place in future green cabbage soup. Variations are possible at this stage. If you can't stand onions, throw them whole into the pan. Some housewives use this simple technique: they put onions, parsley, celery, carrots and other vegetables in a nylon mesh, which are valued for their aroma, not their taste. They are usually placed in broth, boiled, and then removed.

Step 3. Cast a spell on the greens

They turn out tastier the more different greens we put in there. We definitely need a large bunch of sour, but cilantro, parsley, dill, celery, basil or marjoram also wouldn’t hurt in a saucepan. Don't be afraid to go overboard with this. Add the herbs when the potatoes are almost cooked (a piece can be easily pierced with a fork). After waiting a couple of minutes, pour three eggs, previously shaken in a bowl, into the bubbling cabbage soup, season with spices and salt. In Russia it is customary to serve this dish with a spoonful of sour cream.

Sorrel cabbage soup - spring cream soup

With the same products you can prepare spring cream soup. We exclude only potatoes from the list of ingredients. The meat is cooked separately with root vegetables and whole onions. The sorrel is cut finely and stewed until tender in a small amount of broth. After this, the sour juice and boiled root vegetables are rubbed through a sieve. The resulting slurry is carefully added to the broth. Eggs are hard-boiled at the rate of half per person. They are not thrown into the pan, but placed directly on the plate.

Sorrel cabbage soup in the oven

This recipe suggests boiling the whole potatoes, removing the tubers and cooling. Finely chop sorrel (300-400 g). Do the same with 3 onions and pour everything with a small amount of potato broth (or broth) and simmer with vegetable oil. Cut the potatoes into large cubes, mix with stewed sorrel and root vegetables, pour in hot broth or broth, and place in a cast-iron or clay pot in the oven. When serving, sprinkle with chopped boiled egg and dill greens. And if you add sorrel along with it, you will get a delicious spring borscht.

In the spring, when the first sorrel appears, I prepare delicious green cabbage soup from sorrel. They are sometimes called sorrel soup or green borscht with sorrel. I just call him “ Sorrel" And as usual, I cook this delicious first course without meat. Of course they are delicious green cabbage soup from sorrel can be cooked with meat, in meat broth, but my husband doesn’t eat meat, so I cook Sorrel cabbage soup without meat. But call these green cabbage soup Lenten dish It’s also not possible, since I use eggs when preparing them. Call this the first course green borscht with sorrel it would also be wrong, since the main component of any borscht is beets, and I don’t add beets or beet leaves. But call this dish sorrel soup quite appropriate, since cabbage soup is actually vegetable soup. Moreover, cabbage soup is usually prepared from raw vegetables, and when preparing this first dish of sorrel, I lightly fry (sauté) the carrots and onions, it’s tastier. Therefore, if you focus on the sour taste of this first course, then this green cabbage soup from sorrel, and if for sautéing carrots and onions during its preparation, then this sorrel soup. But if you add beets or beet tops, then you can call it green borscht with sorrel.

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Green cabbage soup with sorrel or sorrel soup, recipe

The recipe for making delicious green cabbage soup with sorrel (sorrel soup) is very simple and can be done by any housewife. And you will be convinced that they are really tasty, even without meat, by cooking them at least once.

For cooking you will need the following products:

Fresh sorrel – 200 grams;

Potatoes – 3 pieces;

Carrots – 1 piece;

Onions (medium size) – 2 pieces;

Eggs – 4 pieces;

Green onions - a small bunch;

Parsley - a small bunch;

Sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons;

Butter – 20 – 30 grams;

How to cook green cabbage soup from sorrel (soup with sorrel), step-by-step recipe with photos

To prepare green cabbage soup with sorrel or sorrel soup, you need to peel potatoes, carrots and onions, boil and peel eggs. Chop potatoes, carrots, onions, sorrel, green onions, parsley and eggs. Sliced ​​carrots with onions Fry additionally and boil all the vegetables and eggs.

And now step by step recipe cooking green cabbage soup with sorrel (sorrel soup) with photo.

I pour about 2.5 liters of water into the pan and put it on the stove so that the water boils.

Separately, I put a saucepan on the stove and boil eggs in it, hard-boiled, i.e. After the water boils, cook the eggs for 7 minutes.

While the eggs are boiling, I peel the potatoes, carrots and onions. Wash the peeled vegetables.

When the eggs are cooked, remove the saucepan from the heat and drain hot water and fill the eggs cold water to let them cool down.

I cut the potatoes into small cubes and wash them to remove starch. During this time, I have boiled water in a saucepan, and I put chopped potatoes in it.

I grate the carrots on a coarse grater and finely chop the onion.

While the potatoes are cooking (about 15 minutes), I wash the sorrel and put it in a colander to drain the water. My green onions and parsley. I peel the cooled eggs. I cut the washed sorrel into strips about 1 cm wide, and also cut the parsley and green onions.

Then I put a frying pan on the stove to heat it up, put butter in it and sunflower oil. I put carrots and onions in a frying pan heated with oil.

Fry the carrots and onions for about two minutes, stirring constantly so that the onions do not lose their color.

I transfer the fried onions and carrots into a pan with potatoes and let them cook for 2 - 3 minutes.

During this time, I cut the eggs into cubes.

After the carrots, onions and potatoes have cooked a little, I put sorrel, green onions, parsley, chopped eggs into the pan and add salt.