Step by step data analysis in marketing. Variety is the variety of information. What are the advantages of such a solution

Companies' internal databases, such as ERP and CRM systems, store a lot of useful information that can be used to increase sales. In this article, we will show you how to combine data from your CRM with user activity data on the site and get additional benefits.

What is in CRM and ERP, what is missing in Google Analytics?

Firstly, this is detailed information about your customers: gender, age, hobbies, presence of children, cars, pets, etc. Someone may argue that in Google Analytics you can also see the gender, age and interests of the audience. Yes, but there this information is not tied to specific users and their Client or User ID. In addition, thanks to information from the internal system, it is possible to conduct RFM analysis Customer segmentation in sales analysis by loyalty. The time to the last purchase, the frequency of purchases for the period and the total cost of purchases for the period are taken into account and combine customers into segments depending on the age of the last purchase, the frequency of purchases, and the amount each user spent.

You can transfer user data and RFM analysis results to Google Analytics to build new user reports and segments, as well as create audiences for remarketing. For example, their best clients who buy often and spend a lot, you can offer a loyalty program, prepare special offers. For those who have not bought anything from you for a long time, remind yourself with some interesting letter with a promotion. And for those who often make inexpensive purchases, you can offer related products. Speaking of segments, the story of how boodmo optimized advertising costs and increased LTV using cohort analysis.

Secondly, this is detailed information about your goods: internal classification (it often differs from that presented on the site), the supplier of specific items and other features of the goods. By adding this data to GA, you can track, for example, the sales of products from specific vendors by traffic channel. Obviously, you do not indicate the margin on the goods on the site. But with this information, you could build reports in Google Analytics and understand which traffic sources bring in more revenue than income.

Also, do not forget that sales information in Google Analytics may not match sales in your ERP, since GA does not contain data on order cancellations, returns, offline and call center purchases. In addition, some orders may not be included in GA because the JavaScript code on the site did not work. If you transfer this information from CRM directly to Google Analytics, it may be distorted due to the fact that GA does not support data reprocessing. That is, you cannot change the amount or add a transaction for the past period.

Transferring user and margin data to Google Analytics directly from the site is also not the best option, and that's why:

  • Commercial information from your internal system can be seen in the page code by site visitors.
  • Google Analytics does not allow the transfer of personal information and contacts of visitors.
  • It is long and difficult to negotiate with the IT department and explain to them what exactly and where to transfer.

How to solve the problem and use all the data that is in CRM for analysis? You can upload data from your internal system to Google BigQuery, and from there transfer it to Google Analytics using the .


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How to transfer data from CRM / ERP to Google Analytics

Step 1. Upload data from your internal system to Google BigQuery.

To transfer data from CRM to Google BigQuery, you can use ready-made libraries and applications (for more details, see the help). In this case, the unloading can be made automatically updated, i.e. you will always have up-to-date data in Google BigQuery.

Another plus is that it will be much easier to negotiate with IT. Developers do not have to make changes to the site, as there are ready-made integrations. In addition, you can download all the information, rather than choosing what you need now and redoing it when you need something else.

Step 2: Make the required settings in Google Analytics.

Create custom user-level parameters in Google Analytics (menu "Resource" - "Custom definitions" - "Custom parameters" - "+ Custom parameter"). Then create a new dataset to import data from Google BigQuery (menu "Resource" - "Import data" - "Create"). Read more about Google Analytics settings in this one, and about how to set up import of RFM analysis results - in the help.

Step 3: Prepare the SQL Query

This query will select the data you need in the key-value format. For example, user 2346 is a car. Save the query in your OWOX BI project so that you can easily specify it later when setting up the flow.

Step 4: Create a flow from Google BigQuery to Google Analytics.

This flow will automatically upload the data selected by the query to Google Analytics. You set up the flow once, and all subsequent downloads will occur without your active participation (for more details, see the help). Information about the download status can be viewed in the OWOX BI interface on the flow page.

As a result, the data movement will look like this:

What are the advantages of such a solution

  1. Data can be uploaded to Google BigQuery in an arbitrary structure, which saves time for IT specialists.
  2. You can pre-check the data before sending it to Google Analytics - this way possible errors are detected faster.
  3. We monitor Google Analytics Management API limits. If something goes wrong while uploading data, we will warn you about it and tell you how to fix it.
  4. You can use the data loaded from the internal system not only for importing into GA, but also for any reports based on data in Google BigQuery.
  5. You can manage the flow of data without involving IT. For example, add a new field to the table, if earlier only the color of the product was unloaded, and now also the material. Or add another Google Analytics web resource if you decide to collect data in parallel in several web resources.

As a result, you will receive additional data in Google Analytics with which you can build custom reports and segments. You can also create a remarketing audience using detailed information about your customers and stop spamming. Only send diaper ads to people who have kids, and cat food ads to cat owners. And look, do not confuse :)

How do you create audiences for remarketing? Share your experience and impressions of the article in the comments.

Detailed information about the client is a good help when creating special offers or creating advertising campaigns. But getting information about users is not so easy - most customers are not ready to fill out detailed questionnaires with many fields, and the ability to order goods in one click without mandatory registration on the site in last years has become a good tone for online stores. What and how should you ask the client so as not to alienate him, but at the same time collect the information necessary to improve the quality of services?

Should I use standard registration forms?

Why a standard registration form, not processed by a marketer, is useless for a store owner and can become overwhelming annoying factor for client? Consider the example of the OpenCart engine:

Firstly, the "Company" field may be needed only in exceptional cases, in the rest it will simply confuse the client.

Secondly, why do you need its index? Most likely, the buyer does not know it - which means that he will have to spend several minutes in a search engine or completely close your site.

If you need an address, you can leave only the choice of the city (the rubricator itself can suggest the country if there are matches in the names) and the address line. In addition, the city can be automatically determined by IP, which will save you from unnecessary work. The rest you just don't need.

Most often, from the contact details you need one thing - phone or email - as in the screenshot below:

This example also has a social login feature, which is also very useful and often appeals to users because they don't have to make any extra moves.

Which fields must be required?

Now to the question of mandatory fields. Consider why you are collecting information. If you need a database for mailing, then, of course, you should ask email. However, in this case, it is better if the client leaves it voluntarily, otherwise most of your database will simply be non-working. . What you really need is a phone number, with which, when confirming the order, you can clarify all the data you need.

If for some reason you think that you still need the user to register even when making a purchase e-book, you can automatically register it by making only the email required. After that, you can send him a password or a link for the first login without a password.

Help your customers!

Do not force to fill in such a terrible field as a captcha. It reduces conversion by 15%! And if the code was not entered correctly the first time, 85% of customers do not make a second attempt. That is, only in this field you can lose 15% of your customers!

And one more important point - do not forget about politeness and do not expect that your client is a professional in filling out forms. If there are restrictions on the type of characters or the number of characters when entering a login or password, be sure to write about it in the registration form before the client fills it out.

Nothing irritates the user so much as an inscription like “Login entered incorrectly”, the buyer cannot know by default that your CMS assumes that the login must be at least 6 characters, and the password must contain numbers and letters of different case. Be considerate of your customers.

In the example below, there are explanations for the fields, but some information is clearly missing:

It is also necessary to confirm the user's actions. Highly good example shows "M-video". At correct filling fields, the registration form shows a green icon, which, as it were, says “ok, everything is correct!”.

But what if a large number of fields is needed?

Indeed, there are situations when it is important for you to learn as much as possible about the client or you need to enter a large number of required fields, for example, to synchronize with 1C. There is good news. This can and should be done if you understand well why it is. The buyer, in turn, will be happy to share data with you if he understands that the information works for his needs. A good trick can be seen in the illustration below - want to get information about sales and spend less? Leave an email.

Invite the buyer to leave his email in exchange for information about discounts and sales, ask for a date of birth, promising discount coupons as a gift, ask about his interests by offering relevant content.

The conversion of buyers into subscribers in such cases is very high, and the information collected helps to improve the quality of service and advertising campaigns, thereby increasing the likelihood that, once making a purchase in your store, the buyer will return again and again.

Enter is a great example of an order with only one required field - the buyer's phone number, in which the online store immediately promises information about the status of the order via SMS. The rest of the data the user can leave voluntarily.

KupiVIP talks about the advantages of registering on the site immediately when filling out the form - this is the right step, but here the obligatory nature of such a large number of fields is questionable.

The main communication with the buyer at KupiVIP takes place via email, so this field should be mandatory. Other information about the client can be obtained in the course of further interaction with him.

"Buy in one click" will solve all the questions?

Buy in 1 click, as mentioned above, is an important and mandatory function for all stores, but it is also important to do it right. Asking a person is only a phone number, so the store operator will see the product that was bought in one click, and the contact of the buyer - he does not need anything else.

Often a client, having chosen the one-click purchase function, is still forced to enter a large amount of unnecessary information. The order form below requires a name, email, and phone, although one phone would be sufficient:

It is important to remember that "1 click" is a function of the fastest checkout. Such services go well with the offer to call the client back within 26 seconds and provide a discount in case of being late.

Let's look at the one-click order form of the White Wind store, which requires the mandatory entry of a name and phone number.

The correct thing here is that the time during which the operator will call back and the working hours of the call center are clearly indicated - this is important if your service is not around the clock.

But the phrase “Bonus points when ordering in one click are not awarded” would be much more effective in the form “Sign up and get bonus points". Moreover, such an offer to the buyer can be made after the purchase and accrue points to him after the fact.

At the time of purchase, nothing should distract him. Consider if a customer cancels an instant purchase and starts signing up to earn points, but gets distracted or something goes wrong, you lose both the customer and the subscriber. Offering a discount or additional service should not look like a threat.

And the most important thing in the case of such an order is to call back as quickly as possible, preferably within 15 minutes. Then, even without collecting a detailed database, you will receive a lot of repeat sales, and the store's conversion will always be high.

Customer convenience is the key to high conversion!

Thus, no matter what strategy of communication with the buyer you choose - be it a form with a minimum number of fields, a one-click order, or collecting detailed information about the user - do not forget about the most important points registration process:

1. The client must understand why he leaves his data.

2. Convenience of registration is the key to high conversion (that is, no "blind" captcha or complex passwords).

3. Details can be obtained after initial contact has been made.

4. If you promise quick registration, don't be fooled.

The digital age has thoroughly entered our lives, now the world is a set of data. This is not only about ordinary people, IoT or scientific research. First of all, it concerns business. Anyone, from a startup on the knee to a mega holding. Now almost every company has such a competitive environment that you have to act like on the battlefield: collect data, analyze and make strategic and tactical decisions. Otherwise, the client simply will not show interest in your development, product, service. Questions arise: what data to collect, where to get it, how to store it, and in general - why waste time on this? We know the answers to them.

Customer data is an asset along with your primary and working capital. If you collect, store, process and interpret them correctly, then you have every chance to get a pool of loyal customers and increase your profits.

In fact, a business does not always collect information about customers - more precisely, the information that will be enough to build relationships, and not try to get a couple of additional sales by email or SMS. Even from our previous article and comments to it, you can judge what information is most often collected: full name, contacts, what and when you bought it. This is not enough. Believe the experience of CRM-specialists: no matter what system you take, the client card has many fields, filling in which makes the client base better.

On development stage RegionSoft CRM we also made the card the main entity of the system. It has many tabs that include all commercial information: from banal contacts to aspects financial security. All actions, documents, transactions, call logs, etc. also available from the customer card. Thus, users of the CRM system receive maximum data, access to which is provided in just a couple of clicks.

Data collection helps to approach each client individually, based on his needs and profile. This personalization makes the purchase more valuable for the customer and profitable for you - all because the buyer gets what he wants.

It’s obvious to everyone, but we remind you that by giving their personal and financial information to you, customers expect that it will remain safe (does everyone know about the tightening of 152-FZ from July 1?) and you will not abuse trust, such as selling data to third parties , spam a couple of times a day, carelessly store data, etc. By the way, there is such a common situation as the departure of a manager with a client base. This is one of the problems, the partial solution of which lies with the CRM system. So, if your manager “steals” or sells data, this is a double problem: firstly, the loss of part of the client base, and secondly, the transfer of information to third parties that will potentially benefit from commercial gain. That is, in fact, the company failed to protect the data transferred to it.

What data to collect and why?

Personal data

In general, you need to collect any data - good analytics does not know the details and does not tolerate a dismissive attitude towards facts. First of all, the business needs the customer's contact information, their demographic and geographic information, and information that is relevant to the company's goals (for example, how old is the car for a car dealership or what brand of phone is for a communication store). This data is collected during the first interactions and with the help of personal questionnaires (hello, 152-FZ, questionnaires with certain data must also be stored in a special way).

By the way, if you think that personal parameters such as a car brand are only in the B2C sector, then you are mistaken: the B2B sector also has preferences that can potentially affect your relationship. These are, for example, the presence or absence of corporate transport, corporate culture features, preferred software, brands and models of working PCs, etc.

Transactional data

After personal and personal data is collected, it is important to carefully collect transactional data: all points of interaction with the client must be recorded. From transactional information it also becomes clear how valuable the client is, how often and how much he spends, how quickly he pays bills and whether he forms receivables, what his preferences are. There are no trifles in transactions, managers should record everything: from the minutes of personal meetings to the facts of not answering the call. Transactional information will let you understand how the client is contactable, talkative, what and when he buys, how often he contacts technical support, whether he can be trusted. And such information is not just a source of additional sales, but also a way to resolve conflict situations.
Relatively recently, a story happened to us when our CRM system helped us out ourselves - all because managers write down every little thing in it, and documents, correspondence history and records of negotiations are stored in the card. It was like this: a user on a public resource accused us of the fact that our product was raw and some of the functionality did not work as expected. The lunge from his point of view was beautiful. However, we picked up the information and found in his customer card many rebuttals to his words, as well as a letter of guarantee in which he refused claims to a product that he strongly bought in beta. The attack was repulsed. In general, when all data and transactions are recorded, it is as difficult as possible for a company to be discredited with false information - facts will be on your side.

Communication data

Another important block of information is communication. First of all, you need to measure the client's response time to letters, calls, other messages, count the number of incoming and outgoing communications. Be sure to track and analyze which influences the client responds best to: for example, the introvert will choose email and will be happy to chat, and a busy person will prefer quick telephone conversations or rare letters. This will allow the company to make communication comfortable and business-like, and not turn it into annoying spam.

Where do you get customer data?

There are many sources, and each company has its own secrets of extracting valuable business information. The only important condition is that all methods must be legal, and the data must be “clean”. Otherwise, you can run into a fine and, in the conditions of the ubiquitous Internet, pay with your reputation.
  • Information when registering on the site. Create forms on the site that will help you collect data from customers. Rules: do not require data for insignificant bonuses (such as downloading an advertising booklet), collect data in stages (part - during registration, part - during the order), do not forget to write down the data processing policy (do you still remember about 152-FZ?).
  • Information from the online presentation. Try to collect data when making an application, as well as during communication with the client. Rules: ask leading questions, get ready to work with the client in advance, create a standard questionnaire (for example, in RegionSoft CRM questionnaire is a built-in function).
  • Chat information. Ask for name and email in chat. Many applications have a built-in ability to query customer information. Rules: do not use annoying pop-up "call back" buttons, in case of unwillingness to leave their data, the client should be able to continue the chat on the site.
  • Information from telephone conversations. Specify the necessary data during a telephone conversation with a client. Rules: record calls and save them, this will provide opportunities for training managers and save you hundreds of conflict situations(we provided such a thing - in RegionSoft CRM all conversations are recorded and saved).
  • Information from orders on the website or in the online store. When placing an order, you can collect a lot of different information, from the presence of children to the preferred payment methods. A good result is given by questionnaires based on the results of a purchase or service. Rules: do not overload the fields with unnecessary questions, the client may refuse to purchase. Provide a formal bonus for full registration or offer to connect to the bonus system after filling out a detailed questionnaire.
  • Information in exchange for information. Offer useful information in exchange for customer data. These can be interesting newsletters, articles, video tutorials, etc. Rules: do not slide into the infobusiness and do not drive cheap content, work on content.
  • Personal communication in sales. During a conversation with a client, managers can find out the needs of the client, tasks for the future, and much more. By the way, no one forbids making inquiries about a client on the Internet either. Rules: do not be too intrusive, do not insist on your questions if the client deliberately and harshly bypasses them.
  • Internet of Things (IoT). Works great for retail, B2C. Put NFC tags, customer flow counters, interactive screens - so your customers will tell about themselves. Rules: everything must be within the law.
  • Analytics systems. most generous and safe way data collection. Use familiar Yandex.Metrika and Google Analytics, expand your arsenal of BI systems, use trackers, parsers, etc. Rules: information will literally pour on you, but this does not mean that you will be able to process and interpret it correctly. Select and use valuable data, compare, look for new patterns.
  • Social networks. In our opinion, the method is not for everyone and almost always only for B2C. However, if you can collect data from social networks and use it correctly, then you should do it, since an extra source will not hurt. Rules: be mindful of the private part of your customers' lives.
  • Custom research- both target groups and potential users in general. An excellent method, as a result of which you will receive a visual informative document with conclusions and even recommendations. Expensive. Very expensive. Rules: use this method only if it makes sense. Before commissioning a study, conduct an analysis, set goals that you need to achieve, and hypotheses that need to be tested during the study.

- Where do you dig, where do you get new clothes, How do you expect to overcome the fence?
- Who are you?
- I'm a business analyst.

How to store information?

As we have already found out, there are enough Excel adherents in our country - in fact, this is one of the common ways to store a customer base among those enterprises that have not yet implemented CRM systems. To some extent, it is even convenient and familiar to a wide class of workers, but, of course, one of the most unsafe. Also, office workers have a habit of storing all contacts and interactions in email clients. It is also fraught with security problems (especially when it comes to free mail applications), data loss, database “leaving” along with the manager.
To store and analyze information, it is most efficient, safe and expedient to use CRM systems. By the way, they have already evolved and combine several solutions: project and task management, personal and group planning, telephony, etc.

It is worth remembering two important rules for working with client data. First: do not collect all the information at once - interact in doses and extract valuable data from each interaction. Second, don't extrapolate information about one customer or narrow group to the entire customer base or even a wide segment. Most likely, you will make mistakes with conclusions and assumptions, which will make sales on data ineffective. And yes, don't forget to leave the option to unsubscribe from emails and interactions with you.

Information collection and processing methods

Of course, information, how it is processed, and analytical tools differ greatly from company to company. In any case, the collected data must be processed and used, their mere presence is not a recipe for success, in their "raw" form they are useless.
  • Documents, certificates, statements and other papers-This method is good for obtaining official data. Plus - accurate and comprehensive information, minus - the collection takes time, a lot of legal restrictions (most often there is no consent to the processing of personal data and you need to contrive to get it).
  • Questioning, surveys- a great method when you need to collect specific information in a short time. Plus questionnaires in their voluntariness and sometimes - anonymity, minus - in the need to find a way to get answers from respondents, in errors in filling and false information.
  • Telephone or personal interview- a good way to "get closer" to the client, "remove" a psychological portrait and get the necessary data. Plus - in communication with the client and data coverage, minus - it takes time and labor, interviewers must be trained.
  • Observation- a great way for a business that knows what it wants. Information about users is collected from the outside and looks like a conclusion. Plus - no legal restrictions, minus - difficulties in personalizing, interpreting and classifying data.
  • Research- own and custom. A very good source of information, gives a complete correct picture, allows you to identify complex and non-obvious trends and patterns. Pros - Powerful information gathering tool. Cons - either for professionals and expensive, or independently and for a long time, with the preparation and careful study of each issue of the panel, as well as links between questions. We wrote about the mistakes of amateur research using our own example.
  • Focus groups- have died. A joke with a bit of a joke. Quite an expensive and in-depth study of target groups with the possibility of a survey, discussion, etc. Pros - a quick way to get a lot of information, the simultaneous promotion of the product in the group. Cons - very expensive, requires professional questioning, difficult to assemble a group. And they are dying out because advanced business is looking for cheaper digital methods and tries to avoid rough generalizations.
A business invests in analytics (at a minimum, pays for software and salaries for marketers, analysts, and accompanying programmers), which means it should receive a return on investment. That is, it is not enough to receive information - it is important to be able to analyze it. We have already written about the principles of analytics in business, but we will repeat a few basic ways to use this asset.
  • Operational analytics: intelligence and work with data when promoting a product, operational reporting.
  • Descriptive analytics: consumer segmentation, customer profile creation, loyalty program development.
  • Predictive analytics: forecasts, predictions, behavioral patterns.

What to count and how not to screw up?

There is a whole group of information that is strictly mandatory for any business to collect, since it reflects its “health” and adequacy to the requirements of customers.
  • Calculate the conversion and use the sales funnel. Data on how many incoming hits turned into purchases will immediately tell you how well the commercial service works and how well the implementation logic is built.
  • Constantly review the range use commodity matrices and ABC analysis. This applies not only to stores or online stores, but also to companies with a narrow product range (for example, software development companies). In case of low demand for a product, you can recycle it or stop working on it, shifting your efforts to more promising areas.
  • Measure sales channels. It is difficult to find a company that sells its product through one channel. Check if all channels are profitable to avoid leaking money to those with the highest selling price. But don't fall into the typical trap: a channel may have a high sale price, but it can effectively maintain, promote, and generate leads. Be sure to take this into account.

    An example from life. The company sold its services and products through mono-brand stores, dealers, agents, postal kiosks and branches, and an online store. after research, it turned out that the selling price in a monobrand is 10 times higher than the average price by channel. Two mono-brands were closed - the revenue from subscriptions in the six-month period decreased significantly. It turned out that monobrands brought the most highly profitable and loyal customers who came to the salon with “serious intentions”, and did not take the product “for a week”.

  • Financial and cash flows. Be sure to keep track of exactly where the money comes from and where it goes. Any aggregation and consolidation of indicators in such cases is the worst that can happen.
  • Information on technical support of clients. Analyze the number of calls, the quality of service, the duration of the client's communication with the employee, collect feedback and suggestions - sometimes there are amazing insights among them. And yes, in our ultra competitive time, the one with the best service wins.
  • Personnel information. Be sure to analyze internal processes - and these are definitely not late and not Internet logs. if a person works productively and gives you the planned result, why control him and provoke him to disloyalty. Analyze KPI, the speed of task completion, try to evaluate which tasks are better for someone and build a team based on this.
  • Information noise around your company. Collect maximum external information about your company: reviews, mentions, citations, etc. The more visible you are in the market, the more noise. But even small companies are obliged to monitor absolutely everything in order to avoid reputational losses or in the name of seizing a good moment. Here special requests in search engines, google alerts, etc. will come to your aid.
  • Information about competitors. You need to know everything about them - not only in order to copy the best, but in order to rebuild and carve out your niche. Carefully study your competitors in the market, do not disregard new products, price changes, development of technologies and markets.
Efficiency of information is its important property. You can take a moment to look away from reading the article and think about how quickly you will learn about the change in the dynamics of the indicators that are most important to you. You can bet that the system administrator will find out about a change in the number of working nodes or about a critical drop in the connection speed with the server almost immediately, but the sales manager and his manager will learn about a sharp drop in sales at best a day later - and then if they daily monitor the situation. And so the most common interval is a month, and then a week.

Meanwhile, the earlier the company learns about the problem, the cheaper and more effective its solution will be. So why don't they know about the information?

  1. Incorrect reporting period selected. You can skip a crisis moment or compare with an incorrectly chosen base period. To avoid this problem, use different monitoring segments for different indicators: real-time operational, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
  2. The company does not pay attention to analytics. Yes, unfortunately there are many such companies. They can have billing, CRM, BI, and anything else, but they won’t even put a metric counter on the site, preferring to work on a whim. Such a position does not end with anything good, the company will simply lose itself in competitive environment, because he will not be able to assess and predict his condition.
  3. Companies, when analyzing data, do not take into account the seasonality factor and, as a result, they get errors and draw wrong conclusions. For example, a peak in business activity and a downturn can be compared. The same error occurs when planning - a plan for any period is set without taking into account the season. While each company has its own recession and growth intervals within a year, respectively, they must be taken into account both when analyzing information and when planning and forecasting.
  4. Data is accumulated in several corporate information systems, between which the interaction is configured weakly or not configured at all. This is number three here, and in the hearts of CRM-specialists and other vendors of business automation solutions, this is number one and the grand prix among the causes of analytical business failures. There's a great study out there that shows that companies use 14 work apps on average. Among them, there are often those that intersect in analytics, as well as those that should complement each other (for example, CRM and billing, CRM and 1C). So, the lack of integration makes the data scrappy and reduces their informativeness and usefulness for business.

How good is a CRM system for collecting and storing information?

Speaking about analytics, it would be useful to once again dwell on the role of a leader. Some top managers have a strong belief in the effectiveness of their team and completely trust it to manage key situations. Well, they say that they are sure, in fact, they are just too lazy or not interested in delving into operational work. This situation is fraught - without active control, a business may go in a completely different direction than its founders and managers would like. Now we are not talking about micro-management, which for the most part gives nothing but fuss, we are talking about periodic monitoring of indicators and activities, as well as an analysis of management activities. The manager should have access to all basic indicators with the possibility of detailing them (for example, to the manager or to the region).

So, keep in mind that these numbers are just as accurate as the bogus data, ludicrous assumptions, and wishful thinking they are based on!

By the way, such control is easiest to implement in a CRM system using planning tools, plan-fact analysis, sales funnels, etc. The boss gets access to business-critical indicators in real time, and can have remote access to the workplace. Let's repeat for the hundredth time, CRM is a tool for monitoring operational work and completing tasks, and not a tool for total control and surveillance of employees. The system does not know how to spy (we are talking about our own, of course), and in general, “fu” to be like that.

Saving time on reporting. You can praise Excel all you like, but your employees are guaranteed to spend too much time on it. To make a report in spreadsheets, in 90% of cases you need to make an effort - this applies to numerical data. The situation is worse with tasks - for example, if an employee must report at the end of the day or week how much time it took him to complete which task. You will not only receive material that took about an hour and a half to create - you will receive a stream of inspired lies. While in CRM you will see completed, overdue and pending tasks for each of your subordinates.

Improving labor productivity and company performance. Bob Parson, founder of GoDaddy, said, "Everything that is measured and observed gets better." Accordingly, if both the manager and employees can constantly monitor their results on dashboards, charts, progress bars, with the help of reminders, they will even psychologically strive to improve performance, correct the situation with the backlog. By the way, it reduces the level of nervousness and stress in the company. In domestic business practice, the legacy of “catch up and overtake” and “five-year plan in four years” is alive, so almost no attention is paid to stress management. Meanwhile, a calm team, able to control their work and their time, works much more productively.

No Big Data or why we didn't "attach" machine learning to RegionSoft CRM

Facebook asked us if our CRM system has machine learning. Let's not make intrigues out of this issue - no. Simply because so far our system does not need such functionality. And that's why.

To begin with, we will give a simple explanation of what machine learning and artificial intelligence are in relation to corporate information system(CRM, ERP, etc.). This is a hardware-software complex or just a program that collects, stores and analyzes information automatically. Artificial intelligence lies in the fact that the program, based on big data, “learns” to find patterns and connections in the data, and then, when similar data enters the input, simulate the situation (again, everything is based on probability theory - this is Bayes’s theorem working on big data , according to which it is possible to determine the probability of an event, provided that another event statistically interdependent with it has occurred). There should be a lot of data for training the system, a huge amount. And this is precisely the problem of the slow introduction of such technologies into CRM systems: small and medium-sized businesses are practically unable to generate such an amount of relevant information, and basic CRM tools and a smart human head are enough to process their data for patterns. capable of deduction and induction.

- So how is your big data project, Hoskins?

Machine learning is relevant in banks (this is really huge amounts of data), in telephony and other types of federal-level communications, in the safety of citizens and traffic, in large transport companies, in industry. Basically, the machines inside the information systems of companies in these areas learn to recognize critical situations, fraud, fraud, etc.

The introduction of machine learning in CRM for small and medium-sized businesses is possible (that is, we, developers at RegionSoft, can take and file a self-learning neural network), but this is an expensive and rather lengthy development, which greatly increases the price of a license and makes the software overloaded and inaccessible to some clients. Although we do not argue, marketing is beautiful. We want everyone to get comfortable with basic automation first. And in this process, alas, even the light at the end of the tunnel is not always visible.

If you own the information, you have a competitive advantage. You will be surprised, but while machine learning, big data and data mining are marching around the world, most of the competitors of small and medium-sized businesses do not even bother to look at current performance and analyze the sales profile. In general, everyone knows how to count money, but only a few can competently ensure their growth. This means that you can safely overtake your competitors due to competent analytics and smart business management.

We have a job

We have vacancies in Nizhny Novgorod (development, office) and in the regions (intelligent salespeople, remote work)

In Nizhniy Novgorod:

Delphi programmer- work in the software solutions development department, participation in the development of standard solutions and projects, integration solutions.

web developer- work on creation and support of web-services, SAAS-technologies, web-sites, integration projects.

Consider everyone, including young developers who want to develop in the most combat conditions and practice under the guidance of a very experienced engineer. You will master not just development, but also learn how to compare it with business tasks - in general, enterprise hardcore.

Write a letter, send resume and portfolio to [email protected]

By the way, there is also this:

1C programmer- work in the project implementation department based on 1C: Enterprise 8, integration solutions.

For Russia:

We are looking for reliable and smart remote salespeople in St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and other cities. We educate, explain and support. In fact, you will have an interesting and stable job right from home. If you have technical experience, we will tear it off with our hands.

Write to [email protected]

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What is Big Data?

We live in an amazing time: traffic congestion, the right bus, and even the courier who brings us pizza can be tracked in real time. Information Technology rule the world. Real success comes to those who not only have information, but also know how to properly manage it. Explain what Big Data means modern world and how to use it.

Big Data is a fairly new term, literally translated from English means “a large amount of information”. This is not only the data itself, information, but also the technology for collecting and processing data.

Where does the data come from?

Source BD - corporate databases; information that users themselves post in social networks; information from sensors, measuring devices and sensor networks (for example, a pedometer or motion sensor), and so on.

How is the data processed?

We started talking about traffic information, so let's look at the BD processing process using the example of navigators. Once every few seconds, navigators send their coordinates to the application provider's system. Based on the received data, a route is built with information about the speed of movement - a track. Based on the sum of tracks received from drivers, the degree of traffic congestion is revealed. Cars are part of the network, they form a stable flow of information.

Why is this needed?

Today BD is a mirror of society, it improves the operation of transport, medicine, is actively used in banking, insurance, crime prevention, etc. BD is of great importance for marketing, advertising and retail. We tell you how to use BD so as not to fall under the article of the Law.

Why is BD used in marketing and modern retail?

Companies use BD to solve various problems: increasing competitiveness, improving interaction with customers and among themselves, creating new services. All this ultimately leads to better work with the audience.

BD includes the so-called 3V:

1. Volume is the amount or amount of information.

Quantity is, perhaps, the main indicator of BD. It is information that is beyond the scope of manual processing that is considered BD. This is such a volume of information that even hundreds of thousands, millions of people could not process manually. BD is characterized by automated processing.

2. Velocity is the processing speed.

Data must be processed quickly, because their readings are constantly changing. For example, information about the customers of a store grows both vertically (with the addition of each new customer) and horizontally (new information about each particular customer appears: full name, gender, delivery address, each new purchase and shopping).

3. Variety is the variety of information.

Information can be either structured or unstructured. For example, an online store may have information about the cities in which purchases are made; about pets; about the gadgets that the buyer uses and so on. Sometimes they add another 2V: veracity - reliability, credibility of the data; and value is the value.

BD is one of the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools, which is based on a client-oriented approach, that is, it takes into account the needs of each individual person.

Today, for a seller, it is not mass character that is important, but personalization: it is not so important to attract one or two new customers for a one-time purchase, how to keep one regular customer, and even better to keep a permanent one, attract a new one, and turn a new one into a permanent one. To do this, it becomes necessary to collect, process, store and analyze large amounts of information about customers, including not only information that customers left about themselves on their own (for example, filling out a questionnaire to participate in a loyalty program), but also IP address, duration of stay on the site, number of visits, types mobile devices, requests made on the site, etc.

BD analysis is used to determine target audience, customer segmentation, identifying their preferences, studying consumer activity. In addition, BD in retail can be used, for example, to select a location for opening a new store, to develop marketing campaigns, to work with prices, to predict the sales volume of a particular product.

How do companies collect data?

Companies use different instruments to collect data such as:

  1. feedback form
  2. form for entering email to receive the newsletter
  3. form for registration and creation personal account
  4. questionnaire for participation in the loyalty program
  5. contact form for placing an order
  6. registration via social networks
  7. cookies, Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica.

What is personal data and how does it relate to Big Data?

Personal data is not only data that characterizes a person, but also data that can be used for identification: dynamic IP address, user cookies, plus information from the provider. However, this data will only be considered personal if you have the opportunity to legally obtain additional information from the provider. It is not always possible to say unequivocally whether certain personal data, it depends on the additional information you have.

Big Data is a large amount of various personal data quickly processed using technical means (automated processing).

What laws govern BD processing?

Having understood what BD is and how they are collected, it becomes obvious that BD is very closely correlated with the private life of a person, with his constitutional right to immunity. privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of one's honor and good name, with the right to secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other communications (Article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

To ensure that companies do not violate constitutional human rights when processing personal data, the collection, processing, storage and use of personal data is regulated by the Law. Using BD in your activities, you need to take into account the law, not only Russian Federation, but also other countries whose citizens are current or potential customers or users of the site.

The fundamental act in the field of personal data was the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, adopted by the Council of Europe on January 28, 1981. Russia ratified the Convention and, as a result, was adopted The federal law No. 152 of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Personal Data), which entered into force on January 26, 2007.

In Russia, there is no separate legislation that would regulate the processing of Big Data. When processing a large amount of personal data, companies must be guided by the Law on Personal Data. This law contains the fundamental principles for the protection and processing of personal data.

Companies that operate in the Russian Federation and whose products and services are focused on the Russian consumer and Russian market, should be guided by the Law on Personal Data.

Those companies that:

– carry out their activities not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also have branches or subsidiaries in any of the 28 EU countries

– carry out their activities only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but are focused on the European market

– carry out their activities in the Russian Federation, are not focused on the European market, but based on the company's website, potential buyer can become a citizen of the European Union, that is:

  • the site makes it possible to translate the page into English or any other European language (button ru / eng)
  • the price is indicated not only in rubles, but also in euros
  • there is information about products/services in English or another European language
  • there is information that the company “works all over the world”, “provides its services all over the world”, etc.
  • any information that is interpreted as the fact that anyone, including a citizen of the European Union, can purchase a product or service on this site.

in addition to Russian legislation, they must comply with the recently entered into force in the European Union GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation.

What is GDPR?

The GDPR is a regulation adopted by the European Union and entered into force on May 25, 2018. If we draw an analogy with Russian legislation, the GDPR is a Law that is mandatory in all countries that are members of the European Union, as well as for everyone who is related to the processing of Personal data of EU citizens.

Why do Russian companies need to comply with the GDPR?

The European Union, as a supranational association, is very attentive and respectful of the privacy of a person and guarantees its citizens the protection of personal data. This is precisely why the GDPR was developed, which regulates quite strictly how companies must process, store and transfer any personal data. Since many Russian companies are focused on the European market, they must also guarantee EU citizens the full protection of their personal data. This guarantee only applies if the company complies with the terms of the GDPR.

How to comply with the GDPR and the Personal Data Law?

Compliance with the Personal Data Act does not guarantee compliance with the GDPR. However, GDPR compliance will ensure that the company complies with the Russian Personal Data Law. Below are the main terms of the Regulation and the Law on Personal Data, and a list of actions that a company must take in order to process and store BD without the threat of falling under a fine of one and a half billion or incurring even more severe punishment.

7 principles of personal data processing:

The GDPR and the Law on Personal Data formulate 7 principles - the fundamental principles in accordance with which the rest of the provisions of the Regulation and the Law have been developed, and in accordance with which all companies must act:

1) Legality, fairness and transparency processing and storage of personal data. The subject of personal data must be provided, accessible and understandable any information about the purposes, methods and volumes of processing personal data.

2) Target limitation. The data must be collected and used only for the purposes that were declared when collecting this data.

For example: having made an order in an online store, the buyer left his email address, but did not give consent to receive advertising mailings. In this case, the store has the right to send to the mail only information that relates directly to the order made - no advertising and promotions. Obviously, this is the use of personal information (albeit quite harmless) not in accordance with the agreed purpose. If the matter concerns the home address, passport data and data bank card The matter is taking a serious turn.

3) Data minimization. Personal data may not be collected to a greater extent than is necessary for the purposes of processing.

For example: to place an order, the store does not need the patronymic of the buyer, his date of birth (if there is no appropriate age limit), gender, address (when placing a pickup), and so on. However, if the goal is analysis and statistics, then obtaining information about age or gender is legitimate.

4) Accuracy. The available data must be true. Inaccurate data must be deleted or corrected at the request of the user.

5) Storage limitation. Personal data should be kept no longer than is necessary for the purposes of processing.

For example: the delivery address is stored until the moment when the goods are delivered; email, full name and contact details are stored until the user deletes his personal account.

6) Integrity and confidentiality. When processing data, companies are required to ensure that personal data is protected from unauthorized or unlawful processing, destruction and data corruption. Companies have an obligation to protect against unauthorized access to data.

7) Database merging is not allowed containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes that are incompatible with each other.

For example: you cannot combine a database that contains information about company employees provided to an employer when applying for a job and a database that contains personal data of customers or customers of the company. The purposes of processing such data are fundamentally different and incompatible with each other.

The rights of personal data subjects, which every company must guarantee:

1. The right to information. The right to receive information about the purpose of using personal data, how it is protected, how long it is stored, where it is stored, to whom and for what it is transferred, etc.

2.Right to access data that were collected by the company. It implies the presence of a personal account, where the user can view information about himself, change or delete it if necessary.

3. Right to change and delete information user about himself. At the same time, one should not forget about the principle of storage limitation.

The user has the right to delete any information about himself, except for that which is required to be stored for a certain time by the Law (ex. "package of Yarovaya Laws").

What should I do to comply with the GDPR and the Personal Data Law?9 steps.

1. Determine and analyze the current processes for processing personal data in the company.

Answer the following questions:

  • what categories of data do you collect (name, gender, different preferences, etc.)?
  • why are you collecting them, for what purpose?
  • how do you get user data (users send them to a special email, or fill out a reverse form on the site)?
  • to whom and for what purposes do you share the collected data? (you can transfer them to other companies or only within your company to a certain category of employees)
  • how long do you keep data on your servers?
  • Do you transfer personal data to other countries?

2. Amend the "Personal Data Processing Policy" and/or "Privacy Policy » (doesn't matter what you name the document). According to the Regulation, the Policy must be drawn up in all official languages ​​of the EU countries. If this is not possible and users from the European Union are only potential, it is necessary to ensure that the Policy is available at least in English.

The Policy should contain the following information:

  • full name and contact information (address, email, phone) of the legal entity that determines the purposes of data processing;
  • categories of collected and processed data;
  • purposes of data processing;
  • the names of the third parties to whom you transfer the data, the purposes for which you transfer this data.

(these may include service providers, advertising, courier services, etc.);

  • information about the transfer of personal data to other countries, together with a list of such countries and the purpose of the transfer;
  • the period of time during which user data is processed by the company.

(you can specify abstract periods, for example: until the user deletes the account, notifies about the refusal to receive advertising mailings)

3. Appoint a person responsible for data processing in the company- This can be an individual, department or department. The "Personal Data Processing Policy" should contain contact details, email, to which the user can write to receive any information regarding the processing of his personal data.

4. Update consent to the processing of personal data. If the company has previously processed data without the consent of users, such consent must be developed. The text of the consent should be:

  • explicit, direct and unambiguous;
  • informative: the user must understand what data is being processed, by whom and for what purposes;
  • obtained through active actions: under the Personal Data Law, the wording “If you continue to use the services, you give your consent to the processing of personal data” is allowed, but in accordance with the GDPR this does not constitute the consent of the user and does not give the company the right to process his data. It is necessary that the user agrees with his active actions, for example, check the box;
  • free: the user must be able to use the services without giving consent (for example: to view an online catalog, there is no need to register and leave your data).

5. The policy and consent must be openly and accessible published on the company's website. Wherever there is a form for filling out personal data, the user should be able to familiarize himself with the conditions for processing his data.

6. Encrypt personal data, to ensure their pseudonymization and anonymity during the processing, storage and transmission of these data.

  • According to the GDPR, data encryption must be ensured both during transmission and during storage. In accordance with the Law on Personal Data, you need to encrypt data if necessary to ensure additional protection if there is a risk of their leakage or getting to unscrupulous persons.
  • The company chooses encryption methods independently.

7. Evaluate the effectiveness of BD protection. Systematize the description of data processing operations, their purposes and the relationship between them, as well as a list of measures to minimize risks:

  • organize accounting of personal data processing activities : recording various information about the processes of their processing;
  • conduct a data protection impact assessment;
  • ensure and fix technical measures for processing big data, conduct regular checks, identify, fix and correct violations;
  • keep records of the technical means on which the processing of personal data is carried out;
  • limit the circle of persons and record persons who have access to personal data (companies that use automated information processing must develop an "Information Security Policy");
  • eliminate archives of unnecessary personally identifiable information.

8. Appoint a representative in the EU. The representative may be a legal or natural person who is engaged in the protection of personal data. The responsibilities of the Representative include responding to various requests from individuals and regulators about the compliance of your activities with the requirements of the GDPR. The representative must respond to requests in the language in which they were written.

  • To respond to requests from individuals, there are certain terms: up to 30 days with the possibility of prolonging the term for 2 months.
  • In the event that any data is leaked, the Representative must report this to the specialized body of the European Union no later than 3 days after the discovery of such a leak.

From the wording of the eighth step, it is clear that this is necessary solely for compliance with the GDPR. The Law on Personal Data does not provide for such a clause.

9. Obtain consent to the processing of these cookies, to the processing of personal data in systems such as Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica.

  • Please note that in Russia, a warning that “if you continue to use the site, you consent to the processing of personal data” is sufficient. In the European Union, such a warning is not enough, and you will definitely need the user's "active" consent: a checkmark or clicking a button to consent to the processing of your cookies.

What happens if you violate the GDPR or the Personal Data Law?

For non-compliance with regulations GDPR There are two levels of fines depending on the significance of the offense:

1) 10 million (~800 million rubles) euros or 2% of the company's total turnover for the year.

2) 20 million euros (~ 1.5 billion rubles) or 4% of the company's total turnover for the year, whichever is higher.

Russian legislation for violation of the Law “On Personal Data” does not provide for such large fines (for example, in the event of an administrative offense, the maximum fine is 50 thousand rubles). But in case of violation of the Law, it must be borne in mind that persons responsible for the processing of personal data will bear criminal liability in Russia. Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Inviolability of private life, provides for a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles. or imprisonment for up to 4 years.

Who can impose a fine for violating the GDPR and how?

If everything is clear with Russian legislation: any complaint goes to Roskomnadzor, which conducts inspections, issues fines and orders, then Roskomnadzor or another body that has an effect on the territory of the Russian Federation cannot fine you for non-compliance with European regulations for violating the GDPR. Such a fine will be issued by the supervisory authority of one of the EU countries. No one can force you to pay a fine while you are on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, it is important to understand that the owner of the company or the person who is listed as such according to the constituent documents is responsible. When crossing the border (vacation, business trip), he will be obliged to pay the fine imposed on the company.

A Few More Real Consequences of Violating the Law

  1. Contractors or customers can set requirements for the fulfillment of the basic requirements of the GDPR. It is logical to assume that if your activities do not comply with the regulations, then most likely they will stop working with you and terminate the contract. European legislation is designed in such a way that companies that work with those who do not comply with the GDPR are also fined. The ban on the part of the European Union for European companies to work with your company is not excluded.
  2. The relevant EU institution may publish on its website information about the non-compliance of your company with the regulation and, as a result, you risk losing customers.
  3. In the EU project, the creation of a "black list" of unreliable sites and their blocking.

What conclusions should be drawn?

At the moment, it is difficult to judge how compliance with the GDPR will be monitored, how often companies will be fined and what they will lead to, since a little time has passed since the Regulation came into force and at the moment there is not a single precedent. The European Union itself is still finalizing the system of organs and methods for detecting violations. However, knowing the requirements of the regulation, it is already worthwhile to ensure that BD processing complies with the GDPR Regulation right now.

With regard to Russian legislation, it is necessary to comply with the Personal Data Law, as well as process personal data and BD, in compliance with all technical regulations, preventing data leakage and ensuring the protection of a person’s privacy and his right to receive honest information. It is necessary to process and store user data in accordance with the principles that are the same for both the GDPR Regulation and the Personal Data Law.

I hope that the article was useful for you and your business. If something seemed too complicated for you, or if you want to discuss the competent implementation of the correct regulations for working with data in your business, then you can always send your questions to us by mail: [email protected] website.

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Marketing for top managers Igor Lipsits

Idea #38 What customer information should you have in your database?

What customer information should you have in your database?

When discussing idea 37, we talked about the importance of per-client profitability analysis. This analysis helps to identify those customers who contribute the most to value growth. this business and which we must especially try to keep for the future. But how do you keep these profitable customers? The first step towards solving this problem can be formulated in the style of biblical commandments: “Know your client!”

But what does this mean in practice, what should a top manager require from his employees when creating a customer database? The experience of implementing partnership marketing technologies (CRM) shows that it is desirable to enter four types of customer data into such a database (Fig. 38-1).

Semantic information . This is information about each buyer, including name (for legal entities - all their registration data), address and demographic data (for legal entities - data about the type of business). Semantic information also includes all current and historical customer data. Some of this information may be provided by your sales agents, and some must be collected from open sources by your marketing department.

episodic information include a description of the entire experience of the firm's contacts with this client throughout a series of transactions and negotiations. How many times have you been able to sell this product to this customer in the last 6 months, year, etc.? What preferences or complaints have we found in past contacts? This means that your sales staff must be charged with official duties enter information into the database after each contact with a particular client - approximately the same as the criminal investigation operatives did after each meeting with their informants. It is best if a special form is formed in your database for this - “Business Contact Information Card”. The set of its fields will be set by the employees of the marketing department of your company, taking into account the specifics of your business, and filling in should be a prerequisite for completing a transaction and receiving commission on it.

You can link to the activity in collecting information about customers and the reward system for your employees in excess of commissions. The only thing that cannot be neglected is the accumulation of such information. Among other things, this is simply dangerous, since there is always a threat that a sales employee will quit and you will suddenly find that he either took with him all the information about customers stored in his personal books - as a gift to a new employer, or it is simply nowhere was not fixed - and now you need to learn everything about this group of clients from the very beginning.

hypothetical information. This is information obtained from external sources and includes, for example, data on the entire consumer industry or data from consumer surveys. Such information contains additional or derived facts about consumer preferences. To obtain it, special marketing research or buy materials from previously completed surveys. This also includes materials of macroeconomic statistics that make it possible to predict a possible change in the composition of this group of customers, its income or the situation in the sales markets in the near future, if we are talking about customers in the B2B market. For example, in the fashion market, such information is prepared by special trend bureaus that regularly issue dossiers on where will he go fashion in the coming season.

Valuable information. This is information about the interests or values ​​of the client. It can be obtained through direct communication with customers or through specially structured surveys. The collection of such information (especially in the B2B market) is undoubtedly the most difficult task, and how to solve it, your sales agents must be specially taught. The task is greatly facilitated if your company can create a trusting partnership with the client, when your specialists begin to regularly contact clients, helping them solve problems, as they say, “on the spot”.

Best of all, firms that do business as system integrators have now learned this. These firms were able to shift their business away from selling computers and software product in the plane of solving the final problem of the consumer - the creation of an information system of the company. And in this logic, their specialists began to enter into consumer firms, having received constant contact with the client “from the inside”, and this opens up the opportunity to understand what the client really needs. What does it give? What is most valuable for any firm is the duration of contact and the offer to the market of only those goods or services that will be purchased. No wonder, as A. Karachinsky, head of the largest Russian system integrator company IBS, noted in one of his speeches: “Informatization projects, once started, never end.” It is clear why: while only tasks were being solved for the client, his business went further - now he needs something else, and the partner company will be the first to know about it and is happy to help immediately (not without benefit for itself, of course).

It is, of course, more difficult to achieve such a business organization in the consumer market. There, for this, special marketing research is needed, for example, with the help of a joint (decombination) analysis - conjoint analysis. This method, with the help of specially structured questionnaires, makes it possible to quite clearly explore the system of preferences of buyers regarding the properties of goods, that is, to understand what is usually denoted by the vague term “tastes”.

In conclusion, we note that the formation of such a structured customer database is extremely useful, but difficult and expensive. Therefore, it is not advisable to introduce such a technology of working with clients all over the world at once. client base, but it is necessary to do this gradually - from the most important and promising customers for the company, those that we managed to identify using the methodology described in the discussion of idea 37.

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