Politic system. Essence and functions of distribution policy

Distribution policy is a set of actions of an enterprise that ensure the physical delivery of goods to consumers, their sale and organization of sale. Distribution policy objectives are: Planning sales volumes in the markets; Formation of a sales network; Selection of channels, sales methods and intermediaries; Organization of warehousing and distribution of goods; Service organization.

Distribution policy instruments are: Distribution channels; Methods and forms of sales of goods; Mediators; Branded sales; Service; Sales logistics (storage and transportation). Effective management of the distribution network of goods. The criteria for the effectiveness of the distribution policy are the speed of goods movement, the level of distribution costs, the volume of sales and profit, the quality of customer service. Distribution channels - a set of intermediaries who are involved in bringing goods from the manufacturer to the consumers. The characteristics of the channels are length and width. Length - the number of intermediate links between the enterprise and the consumer; width - the number of intermediaries at each level. Channel width - the number of intermediaries located at the same level of the distribution channel. Distribution - the process of serving target markets, ensuring delivery target consumers at the right time and place.

Organization of movement in a certain sequence of goods in the process of their sale.

Distribution Marketing Solutions:

1) Formation of distribution channels; 2) Selecting resellers and establishing long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships with them; 3) Organization of new forms of product sales (direct marketing, franchising, leasing, e-commerce);

The two main distribution functions are:

Ensuring the availability of goods through the formation of sales channels; - physical movement of goods (marketing logistics).

Distribution channel - a set of intermediate links involved in the process of promoting a product in order to ensure their availability for the end consumer.

Intermediates: - simple intermediaries; - wholesalers; - retailers.

Offer of goods to the end consumer: - in retail trade, it is merchandising; - in licensed trade, this is franchising; - in direct contacts with the consumer, this is direct marketing.

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More on the topic 25. Distribution policy of the enterprise .:

  1. 20. The system of distribution relations. Social policy of the state
  2. Pricing policy of the enterprise: concept, tools, risks, types. The value of the pricing policy for the enterprise.
  3. 28. Essence, tasks and functions of distribution (sales) logistics. Distribution logistics and marketing.
  4. 24. Concept and tasks of distribution logistics. Distribution logistics rules.
  5. The objectives of the pricing policy of the enterprise and their reflection in the pricing policy.
  6. 13. Pricing policy of the enterprise. Stages of development and implementation of pricing policy.
  7. 24. The ratio of the accounting policy of the enterprise for the purposes of accounting and accounting policy for calculating income tax.

Distribution policy is carried out with a view to timely delivery of goods from the place of manufacture to the recipient. It is carried out through activities such as analysis and justification of distribution channels, marketing logistics, trade policy, marketing policy, distribution policy, location policy for consumers and markets, supply policy, warehousing policy, etc.

The modern economy is characterized by the fact that the place of production and the place of consumption of the product do not coincide. In time, these processes also do not follow each other. Eliminating the problems that arise for this reason requires a lot of money. In some cases, these costs account for up to 70% of the retail price of a consumer product.

The manufacturer must solve the problems of distribution of manufactured products in a rational way. This gives him a certain chance to stand out in relation to competitors. Distribution therefore includes both an inevitable organizational component and a component associated with attracting customers.

Directions of the distribution policy of the company:

  • - means of sale (own or dealer network);
  • - types of sales;
  • - channels and their levels;
  • - intermediaries and their types;
  • - delivery vehicles.

The concept of distribution unites the regulation of all production activities aimed at moving a product in space and time from the place of production to the place of consumption. This process is unthinkable without communication support.

The first decision the marketing department must make is the choice between direct and intermediate sales. In the second case, part of the distribution tasks are transferred to other enterprises, which are often stronger business partners. They develop their own marketing concepts that do not always match those of the manufacturer. This is supplemented by reflections on the spatial proximity to consumers and on the choice of the place of activity.

Direct marketing does not always mean that goods are delivered to consumers non-stop and by the shortest route. It is often much more profitable to deliver goods through warehouses located near customers. This raises the question of how many of these warehouses should be, where they should be located, what are the required sizes of warehouses and what functions they should perform. Similar problems arise with indirect marketing.

Decisions on the choice of trade enterprises are closely related to the organization of the sale, including the organization of an external service. This is understood as the totality of all participants involved in receiving and maintaining orders, regardless of their position in relation to the enterprise, in their dependence on the enterprise. Their task is also to collect information about the market. This usually includes company management, sales, salespeople and sales subsidiaries, as well as sales representatives, commission agents, brokers and trade syndicates that are not strictly part of the company.

One of the distribution methods of goods is the distribution channels of goods. An important link in the sales mechanism is intermediary activity. Intermediaries, if stable business relations are established with them and the legal basis of relations is clearly defined, they effectively promote the product to the market and organize production enterprises with a market trading network. Resellers include shopping centers, stock exchanges, brokerage and distribution agencies. With their help, goods of the required quality and in a certain quantity are at the right time in the right place and are sold at reasonable prices.

The range of tasks of intermediaries includes the search for new sales markets, helping buyers in choosing suppliers and goods, determining the optimal delivery conditions, observing the ethics of market activities, transporting and storing products, solving customs subtleties and formalities.

Sales intermediaries are engaged in the sale of goods (on their own behalf and at their own expense) on the basis of an agreement with the manufacturer (including: a list of marketing goods; operating conditions on the market; obligations for annual sales; market research; advertising action; pricing principles, etc.) ... From the right choice a reseller depends not only on the success in the sale of products, but also on the consolidation of the producer company in the market.

In the sphere of circulation of goods, no additional value is created, therefore, all costs of intermediaries can be covered only by receiving remuneration for services, which should also include the profits of intermediaries.

There are several ways of calculating and paying remuneration for intermediary activities. Intermediaries can keep the difference between the selling price of a product on the market and the price set by the producer (seller). Interest on invoice prices may be charged to the intermediary. A mixed form of remuneration is often used: a percentage of invoiced prices and a price difference. The reward can also be a fixed amount agreed in advance.

If the upcoming costs of the intermediary are difficult to determine, then the amount of remuneration is determined according to the cost-place system - the producer, on the basis of documents provided to him by the intermediary, reimburses him the costs, having previously increased the amount by an agreed percentage that generates a profit.

Such conditions of work of intermediaries, such as non-exclusive right of sale, exclusive (monopoly) right and preemptive right, are determined by an agreement between the producer and the intermediary.

With a non-exclusive right, the intermediary, selling the next list of goods in the agreed territory, within the specified period, retains the right to sell other goods in the same territory without paying any compensation to the seller.

With the exclusive right of sale, the intermediary is deprived of the right to sell goods that are not included in the agreement on the agreed territory and cannot represent the interests of other sellers (manufacturers) of products on this territory without paying special compensation.

With the preemptive right to sell ("first-hand"), the producer-seller must first of all offer his goods to sell to this intermediary, and only in case of refusal to involve others in the sale.

Typically, if a reseller is involved in the sale of various types of goods, the agreement may stipulate the terms of sale for each type of goods. Thus, the use of the services of qualified intermediaries - product sales agents - is one of the most important and effective channels for the distribution and sale of products of manufacturing enterprises. And this channel must certainly be involved if your own (proprietary) sales network does not provide fast and effective implementation products.

The decision to choose a distribution channel is one of the most difficult decisions to be accepted by the management. The channels chosen by the firm most directly influence all other marketing decisions. The pricing policy depends on which dealers the company has chosen - large and first-class or medium and ordinary. Decisions about your own sales force depend on the scale of the sales and training work that will need to be done with the dealers. In addition, the firm's decisions about distribution channels involve issuing long-term commitments to other firms. Management must select distribution channels with an eye to the anticipated commercial environment of tomorrow.

One of the key issues in bringing a product to the consumer is the choice of a type of distribution channel, sometimes called a marketing channel, for different types of product.

Distribution channel - a collection of firms or individuals who take over or help transfer to someone else the ownership of a particular product on their way from producer to consumer.

Channel selection is a long-term decision that is not easy to change. In addition, after the product leaves the distribution channel, the influence of the manufacturer on its price may become insignificant.

The distribution channel facilitates communication between the manufacturer and the customer, and also facilitates the realization of the necessary business opportunities between them. Its main function is to promote goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer.

Distribution channel members perform several very important functions:

  • Collection and dissemination of information about available and potential buyers, competitors and other subjects and factors of the marketing environment.
  • · Development and distribution of referrals to customers aimed at stimulating purchases.
  • · Reaching agreement on pricing and other issues to ensure the transfer of ownership and disposal of the goods.
  • · Placing orders for the production of goods.
  • · Search and distribution of funds necessary to cover the costs arising at various levels of the marketing channel.
  • · Acceptance of responsibility for the functioning of the channel.
  • · Sequential storage and physical movement of goods.
  • · Transfer of buyers' money to the manufacturer's accounts through banks and other financial institutions.
  • Transfer of ownership and disposal of goods from one physical or legal entity to another.

The manufacturer and the end consumer are integral parts of any channel. The number of channel levels determines its length. Figure 1.3. several marketing channels for consumer goods with different lengths are presented.

Figure 1.3. Consumer goods distribution channels.

Channel zero level(also called direct marketing channel) consists of a manufacturer who directly sells manufactured goods to end consumers.

A single-tier channel includes one intermediary, such as a retailer, a two-tier distribution channel has two intermediate links, and a three-tier channel consists of three intermediary links.

The following persons are involved in the distribution:

Sales department. Receiving and managing orders has long been the responsibility of the sales department, with customer relationships most often made through salespeople and sales representatives. The aforementioned tasks cover the sale in the narrow sense of the word, while the management of the enterprise makes the fundamental decisions about the markets, customer groups and products. It is rather the historical form of the pure sales department that is now losing its significance in favor of the marketing department.

Enterprise management. Management involvement in sales activities is especially common in sectors of the investment sector where there are only a few large buyers. Often, management supports other sales bodies, such as salespeople, especially in cases where the customer is of great importance or the order size is unusually high.

Traveling salesman. He is looking for clients and working with them. Most often, their task is to establish contacts and receive orders. They usually get a specific area in which to work with all or individual clients.

Sales Representative. These are legally independent persons who conclude contracts and conduct business for several enterprises. They do not receive ownership of the goods and do not bear the associated risk (damage, changes in fashion, prices). The functions of sales representatives correspond in many ways to those of a traveling salesman. The difference between a sales representative and a traveling salesman is that he himself determines the order of his work.

Sales branch. Many large enterprises have their own sales offices. This allows them to work in close proximity to the consumer both in their home country and abroad, to conduct intensive consultations with their clientele and ensure fast delivery of products.

The desire for close ties between the producer and the consumer has another reason. Many manufacturers fear that the trade is not making enough effort to market their products, that it might change its suppliers to more profitable ones. It is possible that the market information that trading can provide is also inadequate.

Thus, in the course of carrying out its activities, a firm can act in various roles:

  • - wholesaler (wholesaler) - a person or company that purchases a significant amount of goods from different manufacturers and organizes their movement in retail trade or direct sales to the consumer;
  • - retailer - a person or firm that directly sells a relatively large amount of goods to the end consumer and purchases the goods either from a wholesaler or from a manufacturer;
  • - broker - a reseller who organizes the sale of goods without acquiring ownership of it (acts on behalf of the seller). He brings the seller and the buyer together, making a transaction on a commission basis;
  • - dealer - a representative of the company, organizing sales activities at his own expense, purchasing goods from the manufacturer in ownership. This kind trade and intermediary activity is typical for the sale of durable goods that require a significant amount of services;
  • - commission agent - a person who has a warehouse with goods that he sells on his own behalf, but at the expense of the manufacturer;
  • - a wholesale agent - works under a contract with a manufacturing company and conducts operations at its expense. At the same time, he may be given the exclusive right to sell the company's goods in certain areas;
  • - a trade (sales) agent - independently sells goods to customers, while it can have a very different status: work with restrictions, serve only a specific customer (group of customers).

The organization of a sales system in a company involves the unification of all employees who perform an interconnected set of works in the process of moving goods from the manufacturer to the final consumer. It also requires the definition of functions and the establishment of service relationships between employees inside and outside the sales network, coordination and control of activities in the sales system.

When forming a sales system for a certain product, a trading and intermediary firm has to take into account many factors, the main of which are:

  • - features of end consumers - their number, concentration, the size of the average one-time purchase. The level of income, the pattern of behavior when buying goods, the required working hours of the seller, the services of the sales staff, etc .;
  • - the capabilities of the company itself - its financial position, competitiveness, the main directions of market strategy, the scale of production.
  • - product characteristics - type, average price, seasonality of production and demand, requirements for storage and transportation.
  • - the level of competition and the marketing policy of competitors - the number and concentration of competitors, their marketing strategy and tactics, relationships in the sales system.
  • - characteristics and features of the sales market - the actual and potential capacity, customs and trade practices, the density of distribution of buyers, the average income of buyers.
  • - the comparative cost of various distribution systems.

Pursuing a targeted product policy presupposes the orientation of all actions of the company to the established target segment, which ensures an efficient formulation of the nomenclature and assortment of goods and the planned sales volumes from a commercial point of view.

Modern marketing defines two leading types of sales: direct and indirect.

Direct marketing is beneficial if the money saved due to the higher trade margin is higher than the costs associated with organizing the property of the sales structure. With direct marketing, there is a direct impact on the consumer, so you can control the quality of the goods and quickly respond to market demands.

Table 1.2 - Characteristics of some costs of organizing direct sales

Distribution authority

The main cost items for the organization of distribution

Purchase of transport for delivery (or rental of transport)

Sales department: sales by calling customers. Delivery of goods is possible

Costs for promotional materials (price lists, newsletters, flyers)

Payment for telephone calls

Purchase or lease of transport

Sales department: sales through sales agents and salespeople. Delivery of goods is possible

Costs for presentation materials

Agent commission costs

Payment for vehicle (partial depreciation) of an agent or a traveling salesman is possible

Sale through our own retail network (store, stall, tray, car)

Costs associated with the purchase or lease of an off-site store

Retail outlet security

Purchase of vehicles

Sales through branches and representative offices

The costs of organizing a branch or representative office (finding a partner, renting premises, security, etc.)

Maintaining its activity during the first 6-12 months

Sales through subsidiaries

Costs for setting up a subsidiary (there is a risk that it may be engaged in other activities in the future)

Wholesale and retail trade from a warehouse

The costs of organizing a warehouse (repairs, equipping) and its operation (staff, security, etc.)

Sale at fairs, auctions, exhibitions, stock exchanges

Costs for renting retail space

Payment for services of brokers and auctioneers

With indirect marketing, it is difficult to maintain the image brand manufacturer, organize the necessary service, control prices. There is no contact with the end consumer, which may ultimately affect the competitiveness of the product.

Marketing policy in the field of sales differs significantly when the seller is the manufacturer and when the intermediary is.

Table 1.3 - The difference between direct and indirect marketing policies

Sales policy

Direct sales

Indirect marketing

Price policy

Single selling price, striving for a single retail price.

Moderate trade margin

Differentiation of prices with a focus on demand, region, consumer

High retail trade margins

Product policy

Keeping your product on the market is usually a conservative trade policy, because product innovation requires investment

The choice of a product that is in demand.

The intermediary requires modifications or a new product from the manufacturer

Distribution policy

Large orders, large permanent resellers or consumers.

Imposing the entire assortment

Small order quantities.

Demand for an assortment in demand

Promotion of your brand.

Formation of the manufacturer's image

Formation of the image of the intermediary due to the brand and the image of the manufacturer

The understanding of international politics cannot be seen around the context of the political process, which does not mean only the international life of people, but the singing camp of the diplomatic, political, military, economical. "M / n politics stand at the same time with such basic concepts like" svitova floor "," zvnishnya floor "and" geopolitics ";

Otzhe, "International policy" means the power of the state in the right-hand sides, as well as the international policy of the state, in the system of foreign affairs and links; prior to that, the witness includes the potency of all subordinates m / n vidnosin, incl. mіzhuriyadovі and uncommon organ-ї, political parties, susp-policy and community ruks, organizing things.

Golovnimi sub "ktami mіzhnarodnih vіdnosin on Suchasnyj etapі Je natsіonalnі powers, SSMSC for viroblennya Pevnyi shapes, patterns vzaєmodії about "єdnuyutsya in WorldWideStudies th regіonalnі mіzhnarodnі organіzatsії; organіzatsії regіonalnogo, mіzhregіonalnogo, mіzhderzhavnogo nature; mіzhnarodnі uryadovі org ¯ that їh bodies; and takozh nederzhavnі suspіlno-polіtichnі , huge organizations.

The axis, for example, is the Organization of the United Nations (UN), as the organization of the organization has been set up for the promotion and promotion of the international peace and security, the promotion of the promotion of social progress by the powers.

Grіnpіs, as an uncommon organization, is an international nature protection organization, which is mainly dedicated to ecologic revival and respect for people and power to the protection of nature.

The main principles of international policy, such as political action and advance:

* Equality;

* Povaga sovereignty;

* Neutrality at the internal rights of the powers;

* The conscientiousness of the victorious powers that have taken on themselves international crops;

* Peace of mind;

* If you do not stick to force or use force;

* Virіshennya superechok with peaceful means.

Obviously, to follow the set goals, to reach the success of the m / n intelligence and non-intrusive positions, the skin power is guilty of prudent attracting different principles, as the fundamental position of the m / n space.

Functions of political systems

In its broadest interpretation, the concept of "political system" includes everything that is related to politics. Note that politics is open system , i.e. it actively interacts with other spheres of society's life - economic, spiritual, social, influencing them and experiencing a reciprocal influence. The concept of a political system is more capacious than the concept of “ public administration”, Since it covers all persons and all institutions involved in the political process, as well as informal and non-governmental factors and phenomena that affect the mechanism for identifying and posing problems, on the development and implementation of solutions in the sphere of state-power relations.

The political system is characterized by: political culture, political norms, traditions and customs. The political system includes the following institutions: the state and its bodies, political parties, social and political movements, pressure groups, or interest groups. The state is the main system-forming element, it unites all other elements of the political system into a single whole. The state is the most powerful subject of politics, because it imposes power and the ability to coerce. At the same time, the state and the object of political struggle, a "prize" for various political forces in the struggle for the possession of the state machine.

Party - an organization that unites citizens of the same political views to fight for power or to implement their program. The party is an ideological organization. The ideology (philosophy) of a party is a set of ideas by which it is guided in its activities. The purpose of the party- to conquer and hold state power... If an organization does not set such a goal, then it is not a political party. Political parties usually represent the interests of certain social groups.

In relation to the political system, parties are divided into systemic and non-systemic. Systemic parties form part of a given political system and act according to its rules, guided by its laws. The systemic party fights for power by legal methods, that is, those adopted in this system, at elections.

The essence of the political system of society is most clearly manifested in its functions. A function is any action aimed at maintaining a system in a stable state. They represent ways of responding to changes in her internal state and external environment... Allocate following functions political system:

1) providing political power for a specific social group

or for the majority of members of a given society (the political system

specific forms and methods of government are established and implemented - democratic and anti-democratic, violent and non-violent);

2) management of various spheres of people's life in the interests

individual social groups or the majority of the population (the action of the political system as a governing system includes setting goals, objectives, ways of developing society, specific programs in the activities of political institutions);

3) mobilization of funds and resources necessary to achieve these goals and objectives (without enormous organizational work, human, material and spiritual resources, many of the goals and objectives set are doomed to deliberate failure);

4) identification and representation of the interests of various subjects of political relations (no policy is possible without selection, clear definition and expression of these interests at the political level);

5) meeting the interests of various subjects of political relations

through the distribution of material and spiritual values ​​in accordance with certain ideals of a particular society (it is in the sphere of distribution that the interests of various communities of people collide);

6) integration of society, creation necessary conditions for interaction

various elements of its structure (uniting different political forces,

the political system tries to smooth out, remove the contradictions that inevitably arise in society, overcome conflicts, eliminate collisions);

7) political socialization (through which the political consciousness of the individual is formed and he is included in the work of specific political mechanisms, due to which the reproduction of the political system takes place by training all new members of society and introducing them to political participation and activity);

8) legitimization of political power (i.e. achieving a certain degree

correspondence to real political life).

The functions of the political system are those social needs that it satisfies. There are different approaches to determining functions of the political system in society.

D. Easton highlighted the main functions , the possibilities of the political system: regulatory (management, regulation of public relations); extraction (extraction of all types of resources from society); distribution (distribution and redistribution of material resources); relational (interaction with the environment, adaptation).

In the concept of T. Parsons, society as a system performs four functions, each of which is implemented by a specific subsystem:

1) the adaptation of the system to the material environment is ensured by the economy;
2) goal-setting is carried out by policy;
3) integration of society in the sphere of civil society;
4) legitimization (maintaining a latent order) - the sphere of political culture.
Other American political scientists G. Almond and B. Powell identified three types of functions of the political system: the functions of the system as a whole, the functions of the process and the functions of the political course.
The functions of the system as a whole, which act both at the "input" and "output", determine the dynamics of the political system (the ratio of continuity and variability in the political processes that it regulates):
a) recruiting policy participants;
b) socialization of citizens;
c) communication, public relations.
The functions of the process, which link the “entry” and “exit” of the political system, ensure the transfer of requirements to the decision-making structures:
a) at the "input" articulation and aggregation of interests;
b) at the “exit”, the definition and implementation of the political course, control over the application of norms.
Functions of the political course:
a) regulatory (integration);
b) extractive (attracting resources to the system);
c) distribution (distribution);
d) reactive (reaction to public opinion);
e) symbolic (upholding the values ​​of society within the system and in the external world).
From the point of view of the institutional approach, the functions of the political system are: integration of society, determination of socially significant goals for the development of society, mobilization of resources to achieve the set goals, management of political processes, maintenance of order in society.

Russian literature is characterized by similar classifications of functions. Usually the following are distinguished: Political leadership of society (management of public affairs). The management function presupposes, first of all, the definition of strategic goals and prospects social development... Therefore, the corresponding activity is sometimes called the function of goal-setting.

Consolidation of the socio-political system, ensuring the existence of society as a whole (integrative function). It is objectively conditioned by the existence of multidirectional political processes, behind which are various political forces, the struggle of which among themselves is always fraught with the most dire consequences for society.

Regulatory function. It is associated with the needs of streamlining and regulating political behavior and political relations in a state-organized society. This function is associated with a system of values, in which the most significant and widespread in society ideas, views and views, uniting and linking together more or less scattered parts of it, find their expression. So, the regulatory function is manifested not only in the creation of a special subsystem of socio-political norms of law and morality, but also in the development of stereotypes of behavior, the adherence to which is recognized as the standard of socially acceptable and reasonable behavior.

A mobilization function that ensures the maximum use of society's resources.

A distribution function aimed at distributing resources and values ​​among its members.

Legitimation. This function is understood as the achievement of the minimum necessary degree of compliance of real political life with generally accepted legal and political norms.

Functions of political science

The structure of political science

Given the dependence on how the subject of political science is defined, its structure is also seen. Since we have defined political science as an integral science, its structure is usually understood as a set of different sciences.

V first group includes sciences directly studying politics, namely:

Political philosophy;

The doctrine of political institutions;

International Politics Theory;

Political history.

In second group includes sciences that study the interaction of politics with other spheres. These frontier sciences include:

Political sociology;

Political psychology;

Political anthropology;

Political geography, etc.

In political science, two levels are also distinguished - the level of theoretical and the level of empirical research.

Division into these levels should be distinguished from division into fundamental and applied political science... If the first is busy with the satisfaction of purely cognitive needs and is aimed at the development of science, then the second decides practical issues- management of specific political conflicts, ensuring the electoral process, consulting political authorities, etc. At the same time, fundamental political science can include empirical research, for example, the study of the political orientations of the population, and any applied political science research should be expressed in theoretical study, for example, in a generalized analysis of the prospects for the democratization process in Russia.

Political science plays an important role in society. Its main functions are:

a) descriptive... Political science provides a "set" of concepts with the help of which it is possible to describe the phenomena of political life;

b) explanatory... Political science shows, with what certain political phenomena are connected, reveals their reasons;

v) theoretical and cognitive... Political science reveals the general and essential in political reality, reveals its regularities, creates theoretical models of politics in general and its components;

G) informational... Within the framework of political science, material is accumulating about certain events of a political nature, for example, about the activities of certain political parties, statesmen. These data can be used when solving certain theoretical and practical problems;

e) educational... Political science as an academic discipline provides knowledge about one of the important aspects public life- about politics;

e) ideological and educational... Political science participates in the process of forming people's worldview, contributes to the formation of their value orientations, motives as internal incentive forces of their activities;

g) critical... Political science helps to identify shortcomings in the organization of political life, helps to eliminate the old, obsolete, hindering the functioning and development of society;

h) protective... Political science, showing the regularity, the objective is extremely important for the existence of political institutions, the importance of observing the norms governing political life, the boundaries between the possible and the impossible, protects society from ill-considered extremist actions that undermine the foundations of social order;

and) ideological... This function consists in substantiating and promoting political ideals, values ​​and goals, the implementation of which is in the interests of certain social communities;

To) prognostic... One of the tasks of political science is to foresee the future. This also applies to global processes in world politics, and such particular issues as the likelihood of victory in the elections to the government of one or another candidate;

l) projective... Political science is engaged in drawing up projects, plans for the creation, modernization of political institutions, the organization of political life in general. All modern political systems first existed in the minds of political thinkers and only then were gradually embodied in reality. A number of political scientists specialize in being a "political architect";

m) instrumental-practical... Political science helps in solving practical problems: political scientists develop recommendations for holding elections to government bodies, suggest possible options solutions to problems, advise politicians;

n) humanistic... Political science in general contributes to the solution social problems by peaceful means, contributes to the orientation of politics towards serving the good of the person.

Functions of political science - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Functions of Political Science" 2017, 2018.

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    The purpose and role of political science is manifested primarily in the functions it performs. One of the most important functions of political science, like any other science, is cognitive. Political science at all levels of research provides primarily an increase ....

  • - Functions of political science

    The social role and significance of political science is determined by the functions that it performs in relation to the needs of society. The most important functions of political science include, as a rule, methodological, cognitive, instrumental, predictive and ....

  • - Subject and functions of political science

    The term "political science" is formed from two Greek words: "Politics" (state and public affairs) and "logos" (knowledge), on the basis of which the following definition can be given: political science is the science of politics, the political life of society. The object of research ....

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    During scientific knowledge a variety of methods are used. Method translated from Greek means "the way of research, knowledge", ie. a form of practical and theoretical assimilation of reality, a specific way of acquiring knowledge about politics. Methods ....

    The functions of political science (from the Latin. Function - I perform) of any science, including political science, is the solution of tasks and problems that are natural for it. One of the most important functions of political science is cognitive (epistemological). In all its structural divisions, the political scientist gives ....

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    Repeated reference to the definition of political science allows us to say that political science is the science of political interest; political actors; political activities; political organizations; political culture and consciousness; political relations (i.e. science, about ....

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    • Introduction
    • 1. Policy structure
    • 2. Policy functions
    • Conclusion


    Politics is an integral part of human existence, it is rooted in the very nature of a person who lives in constant interaction with other people, state institutions, and the state.

    The term "politics" comes from 2 Greek words "polis" - a city, a state, and "politikos" - everything that is connected with a city, a state. This term became widespread under the influence of the treatise ancient greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) on the state, government and government, which he called "Politics".

    Aristotle defined politics as “this is the art of government, which was understood as a polis. By his definition, politics is a civilized form of community that served to achieve the "common good" and "happy life."

    At the current level, there are different approaches to understanding politics. First of all, it is a well-established idea of ​​politics as the management of society. It is quite common to view politics as regulating relations between different social strata, groups, state entities... There is also an understanding of politics as a sphere of struggle of various social groups and individuals for power.

    Traditionally, politics is understood as state and public affairs, the sphere of activity associated with power relations between people, social groups, peoples, nations, states. It includes the functioning of political institutions and organizations, political norms and traditions, power-management and organizational activities of people, their socio-political interests and needs, political ideas and views.

    Politics is the area of ​​relationships and various types of activities between social communities of people for the implementation of common interests through a variety of means, the main of which is political power. The specificity of politics is as follows: it fixes the relationship between large masses of people, whose interests are integrated into a single, universal whole.

    Politics is the sphere of public relations between social groups regarding the use of political power in order to realize their socially significant interests and needs.

    The main question of politics is the question of political power, who it belongs to, who claims it, from whom to whom it passes and in what way.

    Thus, the variety of approaches to explaining the meaning of policy makes it difficult to express its clear formulation. The abundance of characteristics of politics is explained by the complexity of politics, the richness of its content, the variety of properties and social functions. Therefore, in defining policy, such key elements as activity, state and power should be interrelated. The above interpretations of politics do not exhaust the whole variety of its definitions, although they reflect the most important of them.

    Summarizing various definitions, politics can be defined as an activity associated with relations between social groups and various social forces, the goals of which are the conquest, retention and use of state power; the development of binding decisions for the whole society, carried out with the help of state power. Here, the essential features of politics are highlighted, namely, that politics is a sphere of power relations, serves to satisfy generally significant interests, the implementation of which is impossible outside public administration.

    The purpose of this work: to reveal the structure and functions of politics as a special state-power sphere of public life

    The work consists of an introduction, two chapters of the main part, a conclusion and a list of used literature.

    1. Policy structure

    In modern scientific literature, various aspects and components of politics are highlighted. The most common distinction in politics is its content, form, process, elements and levels.

    The main "actors" of politics are its subjects and objects, which act as a source of political activity.

    Objects politicians- social problems arising in the development of society. Solving these problems requires an adequate response from the entire system of political institutions, as well as the adoption of effective management decisions.

    Subjects politicians are direct participants in political relations. Among them are individuals social groups, layers, organizations, social movements, directly or indirectly participating in the implementation of state power, exercising influence on it. As a rule, the subject of politics is structurally organized and represents a social institution (political party, social movement, trade unions, state, mass media, international organizations, for example, the UN,

    European Parliament, initiative group of citizens, etc.), as well as social communities (strata, classes, nations, elites, masses, professional groups) and individuals (political leaders, just ordinary citizens).

    Politicians enter into political relationship- relations of distribution and use of state power on the basis of political interests, goals, attitudes, value orientations, beliefs, ideals, which they are guided by in their activities. At the same time, political relations between various social forces, institutions can act as independent subjects of political relations. Political relations are governed by certain norms, rules, values, etc., which take shape in the practice of political life. By correlating them with the real conditions of their own being, the subjects of politics are aware of the content of their political interests... This is how a system of assessments, meanings and statements is formed that make up the content political consciousness.

    The complex of interrelated phenomena and processes covered by the policy as an activity includes:

    organized actions of social groups and their representative authorities in public administration;

    social relations between social groups and communities of people about state power, its conquest, retention and use;

    a scientifically grounded theory guiding policy, defining its goals, strategy and tactics;

    political ideology, a set of ideological values ​​and norms;

    professional political leadership.

    The structure of the policy is shown schematically in Fig. 1.

    Figure 1 - Policy framework

    Political processes- a system of interaction of various political forces, subjects of politics to solve political problems and influence the objects of politics. Forms of interaction of political forces: consent; cooperation; political struggle; confrontation (opposition).

    The realization of conscious interests presupposes interaction with other groups that have different needs and institutions of power. The nature of the interaction of participants in political life (confrontation between them or agreement and tolerance, political struggle or cooperation) depends on the maturity of the political culture of the subjects, the state of society (its prosperity, stability or crisis). The emerging and constantly changing social needs of groups and individuals require timely representation and satisfaction. For this there is a system of institutions of power.

    Political power- the ability of certain political forces to influence society, develop and implement policies based on the balance of interests of social groups.

    The concept of "political power" reflects the ability and ability of individuals or groups to have a decisive impact on society, to exercise their will in managing it, to mobilize large masses of people to achieve their goals, and also to regulate relations between certain social groups. It must adequately respond to politically significant needs, implement them in the form of managerial decisions, i.e. manage social processes and regulate them.

    However, the effectiveness of managerial decisions largely depends on the existence of a mature system of representation of interests, including the party system, socio-political organizations and movements, pressure groups, etc., which are able to clearly formulate actual needs groups and bring them to the authorities in the form of requirements, programs, etc. The state and its organs, the party system, pressure groups, social movements constitute political organization society, designed to express generally significant, group and private interests. Political organization is a set of state and non-state institutions that express the interests of an individual, group, society. But political participation can be rationally meaningful and be built on the basis of following a system of ideas - political ideology. All aspects of the political, including the functioning of political institutions, explain political ideas and concepts.

    Thus, the factors influencing the formation of politics are very numerous: these are the needs, interests and expectations of social groups and individuals, the moral and legal norms of society, history, traditions, the mentality of society and leaders, their psychology, and finally, the geographical environment, geographical position states, as well as some others.

    The following can be singled out as independent elements of politics: the institutions of power and the struggle for it; normative ideas: political and legal norms, programs and electoral platforms of political parties, etc .; c) political consciousness, mentality (way of thinking, mentality of the people), value orientations and attitudes of individuals, Political Views and theories, traditions of society.

    2. Policy functions

    The functions of politics are diverse and are aimed at maintaining the existence and development of both the political system itself (a subsystem of society) and the entire social system as a whole. Since the most significant interests (general, private, universal, national, etc.) are expressed through politics. People can seek the realization of their interests and needs, changes in social status. Politics is called upon to resolve contradictions arising on the basis of the struggle of interests, to direct this struggle into a civilized channel. In such cases, the policy itself must be rational (to carry out reasonable reasonable actions, calculate the possibilities of implementing their decisions and the expected consequences). The policy is designed to ensure the continuity and innovativeness of the development of society and individuals. Progressive politics acts as a creative and consolidating force, focusing the energy of people on the main directions of social transformations, concentrating the spiritual forces of a person and society as a whole. Thus, in modern societies ah the policy fulfills the following most significant functions, without which they cannot develop normally:

    managerial function - making key decisions on the development of public spheres (politics, economics, culture, social sphere);

    the regulatory function is to display the imperiously significant interests of all groups of the population. Politics acts as a means of providing people with additional opportunities to meet all their needs and change their social status. Politics not only expresses the significant interests and needs of various groups in society, but also ensures their interaction, influences them by making political decisions;

    rationalization function - the study and rational solution of contradictions arising from the implementation of the versatile interests of citizens;

    the function of social integration is the maintenance and strengthening of the integrity and stability of society as a complex differentiated social system (coordination of the interests of social groups, regulation of interaction between different spheres of society). Politics performs this function due to the ability to capture the trends of social progress and, in line with these trends, to formulate common goals, develop projects for the future, determine social guidelines, seeking the necessary resources for their implementation;

    the function of political socialization - forms the political consciousness of the individual, includes the individual in social relations. Politics opens up wide opportunities for the realization of group and individual interests, includes the individual in social relations, passing on to her the experience and skills of transformative activities, the effective implementation of social roles and functions;

    the function of mobilizing and ensuring the effectiveness of general activities. Politics systematizes social interaction, ensuring their implementation by creating a motivational mechanism, providing an individual with effective opportunities to meet his social needs, change social status with the help of power;

    anti-conflict function, aimed at preventing and settling social conflicts and contradictions, preventing them or resolving them in a civilized manner;

    function innovative - providing updates social development society and person. (change of elites, regimes, adjustment of legislation, economic policy). I agree the interests of social groups and individual citizens, politics is capable of creating new forms of social organization;

    the humanitarian function is expressed in the creation of guarantees of the rights and freedoms of the individual, ensuring public order, civil peace and organization.

    In addition, there are:

    teleological (goal-forming) function - the development of goals (target programs) for the development of society and its individual spheres;

    distribution function - mandatory for all the distribution of scarce values ​​and goods; redistribution of national wealth through tax system and the state budget;

    policy structure function

    a stabilization function focused on ensuring the stable progressive development of society;

    the communicative function - the creation and maintenance of communication mechanisms between the institutions of power and various groups of the population;

    the function of manifestation (expression) of significant interests of various social groups, through political mechanisms: elections, referendums, lobbies, parliamentary factions, protest actions, etc.

    The main functions of the policy are shown in Figure 2.

    Figure 2 - The main functions of the policy

    Thus, there are many functions of a policy; they are supplemented and refined depending on its type. The variety of functions of politics testifies to its deep penetration into society, spreading to very different social phenomena. Moreover, the more numerous the functions of politics in a given society, the less developed this society is. Society is a system of interaction between different spheres of human life. Ideally, it is internally consistent, balanced. Effective policies ensure the integrity of the social system, stability and public order, even when regimes change.


    Thus, politics is a sphere of activity related to relations between classes, nations and other social groups, the core of which is the problem of conquering, retaining and using state power.

    The structure of politics is a polysyllabic phenomenon that includes its main elements and depends on the complexity of the structure of the society in which it is implemented. The basic elements of politics are subjects - individuals, social groups and strata, as well as organizations that take part in political processes (they exercise state power or themselves try to influence it); objects - political relations, which are understood as forms of interaction and interconnection of political subjects (for example, domination and subordination: some strata of the population are subordinate to a group of persons who have been given political power); other elements of politics (power, organization, culture, consciousness) - their quality determines such broad concepts as political, economic and political system... This also includes political consciousness, which generally encompasses the presence of ideologies, political motives and the psychology of power.

    The significance and role of politics as a social institution are determined by the functions that it performs in society. The number of functions can be different, the main ones are:

    ensuring the integrity and stability of society;

    mobilizing and ensuring the effectiveness of common activities;

    managerial and regulatory function;

    rationalization function;

    political socialization and humanitarian function.

    The more numerous the functions of politics in a particular society, the less developed society and the political sphere itself, which crushes other spheres.


    1. Butyrina M.V. Political science: Study guide/ M.V. Butyrina. - Ivanovo: GOU VPO ISEU 2007 .-- 252 p.

    2. Klimova S.V. Political Science (Educational and Practical Guide) / S.V. Klimova - M .: MGUTU, 2012 .-- 112 p.

    3. Kuryanov M.A. Political Science in Questions and Answers: Tutorial/ M.A. Kuryanov, M.D. Naumova. - Tambov: TSU, 2005 .-- 80 p.

    4. Muntyan M.A. Political science: Definition, subject and object, functions, methods, main stages of formation and development (lecture) / M.A. Muntian. - M .: Publishing house MABiU, 2010 .-- 171 p.

    5. Mukhaev R.T. Political science: textbook. / R.T. Mukhaev. - M .: UNITI-DANA, 2007 .-- 495 p.

    6. Pronin E.A. Political science. Lecture notes / E.A. Pronin. - M .: MIEMP, 2012 .-- 70 p.

    7. Political science (in diagrams): textbook. manual / edited by R.A. Abdullaev. - Volgograd: VolgGTU, 2015 .-- 68 p.

    8. Dictionary of Political Science / Otv. ed. by V.N. Konovalov. - Rostov-on-Don: RSU, 2011 .-- 285 p.

    Posted on Allbest.ru

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