Personal self-realization - what is it? How are self-determination and self-realization of a person related? The specifics of self-realization of the individual in the social spheres of life

What is self-realization? If expressed plain language, then this is the process of realizing one's own talent, abilities and inclinations with their subsequent embodiment in some kind of activity. Or the realization of individual potential in life. In general, this is a need that each of us has.

The Importance of Self-Realization

She is undeniable. But why? Most of us are firmly convinced that it is very important to find ourselves in this life, to realize our talents and opportunities, to reveal our potential. However, when the question “why?” arises, not everyone can justify it. So, there are many reasons, but the main ones can be formulated as follows:

  • The gradual development of self-realization is an opportunity to know oneself, to reveal both positive and negative qualities.
  • Self-realization is the path to finding your own meaning in life.
  • It is also a way by which you can find the area of ​​activity in which you will be able to show yourself and your capabilities most fully. And most importantly, it will be fun.
  • Having realized himself in any area and started to use his abilities and talents, a person feels better. He feels that he is doing something useful, and he is good at it. This is a sense of self-worth, and it serves as a reminder that he lives life not in vain, but with meaning.

So what is self-realization? This is a vital necessity. A way to realize one's place in life and society, to effectively use one's own inclinations, to prove oneself in this world in order to experience satisfaction from reality. It is a method of individual growth and self-improvement. And there is no need to even talk about how valuable the feeling that arises when a person realizes that today he is again better than yesterday.

The right choice of professional field

Each of us has to do something in life. At least because everyone needs money to exist.

And most people spend on average half of their lives at work. Therefore, the importance of professional self-realization is obvious. People give almost all their time, energy and potential to work. So you need to choose an area that meets the following criteria:

  • Activities should be enjoyable, interesting and enjoyable. The words may be hackneyed, but everyone should think when he is faced with a choice: is he ready for 40 years every day to spend 8-10 hours on a boring, unpleasant and routine thing?
  • Activities must be forward looking. At least on an individual level, directly for a person. They say that you can become rich or successful by doing any business, if you “burn” with it.
  • The activity should be such that a person, doing it, does not degrade and does not stand still, but develops his thinking and abilities within its framework, improves his abilities and skills.
  • Work should be on the shoulder. Ideally, do not take all the strength, leave time and resources. And if a person will give herself completely to her, then it should be a pleasure and bring satisfaction.

Career growth

If you think about it, this concept is directly related to professional self-realization. What is career growth? This is the promotion of a person through the ranks, which implies:

  • Achievement of a higher position.
  • Salary increase.
  • Obtaining more interesting, meaningful and adequate tasks in relation to professional skills.
  • Development of abilities.
  • Personal growth and satisfaction from self-realization.

Everything is simple here. When a person is promoted, he understands that he is worth something. Realizes that the activities carried out by him are valued and beneficial. And this not only brings satisfaction, but also motivates for further self-improvement and more active work.

Personal growth

Talking about what self-realization is, this concept should also be noted. It implies the process of personal formation and improvement of a person. Growth is considered to occur when:

  • A person's range of interests expands. The more hobbies, the richer the fulfillment of life. These are some kind of incentives.
  • A person feels his inner freedom, feels independent and is such.
  • The individual is constantly in a stable state of inner harmony.
  • A person improves his ability to analyze (distinguish one from the other) and synthesize (to see the connections between phenomena and events).
  • He begins to understand and accept people as they are, mastering the ability to forgive. Including manifests all of the above in relation to itself. What does this have to do with self-realization? Direct. Often people, staring at other successful personalities, enviously think: "Oh, I would have such abilities and opportunities as they have." And you don't need to focus on it. Each of us is who he is. And you need to focus only on yourself and on your own capabilities and talents.

In view of all of the above, a person confidently follows the path of self-realization of the individual. He has no internal throwing, doubts and unreasonable fears. He does not blame other people for anything, he prefers action to words. And he does everything in the name of his own progress.

The main question is: who do I want to become?

The answer to it is the first step towards self-realization of the personality. Everything depends on our desires. Therefore, first of all, a person must decide who he wants to see himself in the future. And abstract answers like “successful and rich”, “happy and carefree” do not fit. This is a characteristic of the final image.

This is the very case when you need to start from the end. That is, to determine the final result and, focusing on it, select the appropriate ways to achieve it. In other words, a person begins to develop and plan his life strategy, his general aspiration.

About strategy

To make it easier, we can break it down into three parts:

  1. Well-Being Strategy. Aimed at achieving favorable conditions for life.
  2. Success strategy. It consists in the desire to conquer peaks or professional growth.
  3. Life realization strategy. It is expressed in the desire to develop one's own individual abilities in certain types of activities.

As a rule, following these three strategies leads to the establishment of inner harmony and other pleasant consequences listed earlier.


It is impossible not to touch upon this area as well within the framework of the topic of what self-realization is. The creative process is an integral life component of each of us. After all, this is an evolutionarily formed mechanism for the manifestation of human subjective capabilities.

So from a certain point of view, creative realization is present in the life of each of us. Everything determines the approach to a particular problem, task, the ability to bring something new and unique, even if we are talking about everyday routine. A person realizes his thoughts, ideas, fantasy. They may even seem small and insignificant, but in any case, the individual will receive a certain amount of satisfaction and a “plus” to the development of thinking.

In addition, through creativity, a person acquires new methods of activity and valuable knowledge. And this ultimately affects the formation of an emotionally valuable attitude towards oneself and the surrounding reality.

Social self-realization

It aims to achieve success in the field interpersonal relationships and society. Based on personal goals. Having decided to realize himself in society, he begins to move towards achieving a status that seems ideal for him.

Often this path is closely related to the development social role which is also a profession. And their list is very wide. This includes the sphere of pedagogy, psychology, medicine, media, and jurisprudence.

A person, mastering a certain profession that corresponds to his ideals, in the future tries through his profile activity to realize some social aspirations and views, to convey them to others.

Although it may not be related to the profession. Some, for example, find themselves in building a strong happy family and give themselves completely to this. Others realize the need for self-realization, becoming hermits and leaving to seek their happiness in some taiga forest. Everyone chooses what he likes.


I would like to talk about them in the end. They say that the two main conditions for self-realization are the presence of upbringing and education. They are a kind of guides on the path of self-improvement and self-discovery.

It is, but not quite. Much more important is the ability of a person to think independently. Because sometimes within the framework of upbringing and educational processes, the imposition of views, values, priorities, worldviews can occur. After all, in social community so it is customary - to put into the consciousness of the individual certain patterns, norms, standards, moral and value orientations, which, unfortunately, are often stereotyped.

Of course, familiarization with them is also an experience and a source of knowledge and comparisons. But a person must think for himself. Be able to reason, delve into certain life topics, situations, problems. Seeing is not superficial, looking from different angles, noticing all sides. Because self-realization is the process of embodying one's potential in one's own life for the sake of personal benefit and satisfaction. And you can achieve it only by focusing on yourself and your values, and not on those that were imposed.

In a general sense, self-realization of a personality is an activity inherent in psychologically mature people who are unique in their own way and have their own individuality. Of course, life expectancy is determined higher powers, but the depth and breadth of the life path depend only on the individual. The problem of self-realization is quite common. How to find oneself in society, what factors are necessary for the successful realization of oneself as a successful and harmonious personality.

What is self-realization of personality

Personal self-realization is the ability to go through the path of self-knowledge and accept yourself, find your own niche and fully reveal your abilities, unleash your full potential and enjoy every act and.

Many psychologists note that the problem of self-realization requires a comprehensive study and professional solution. V modern life two categories of people are often found:

  • first category long years is engaged, but plunges into the raging ocean of life without realizing unique opportunities and talents;
  • the second category does not attempt to reveal itself without thinking about what self-realization is and lives the allotted years in vain.

Another example is the cessation of funding for a successful scientific project. In this regard, the professional self-realization of a scientist is impossible.

Every woman experiences the need for self-realization as a mother. The impossibility of realizing one's direct purpose against the background of constant loneliness is transformed into alcohol addiction.

Basic conditions for personal self-realization

School professor social ecology Salvatore Madde in his writings identified factors that contribute to the self-realization of the individual.

  • Freedom as a condition for the self-realization of the individual.
  • Feeling of absolute control over your own life.
  • Ability to adapt to living conditions.
  • Spontaneity in decision making.
  • The presence of creative potential.

It is important! One thing is obvious - a full-fledged, successful social and creative self-realization of an individual is possible only if there is confidence in own forces and purposefulness. Only under the condition of a certain passion for life, diligence and understanding the goal you can become

Driving forces of self-realization

Creative self-realization

Creative self-realization of the individual involves the successful use of talents. This is not only about art, but also about scientific activity. For creative people it is vital to create a masterpiece in art, to make scientific discovery. These lofty aspirations become a motivation for the creative self-realization of one's talent.

It is important! Psychologists single out self-realization for a woman, which, as a rule, is interpreted by the destiny laid down by nature - to find love, create a family, give birth to a child and raise him.

  1. First of all, you need to competently and realistically assess your own talents and abilities. To do this, psychologists recommend taking a sheet of paper, creating a calm, relaxing environment and writing down the qualities and hobbies that need to be worked on.
  2. Honestly and impartially write down all the traits of your character, regardless of how much they are valued by society.
  3. List all the activities in which you would like to realize yourself. Think about your dreams, what you wanted to do as a child. As psychologists say, children's dreams reflect the true personality of a person. Opposite each activity, write down the necessary ones that will help you succeed. After all, only in the self-realization of the individual.
  4. Compare the lists and in this way, you will see which type of activity suits you best. At first glance, this method is only suitable for teenagers who have not decided on a profession. However, according to statistics, the majority of adults are not satisfied with their work and would like to change the type of activity. Such dissatisfaction is dictated, first of all, by the inability to correctly identify one's talents and set life priorities.
  5. Many mistakenly believe that it is possible to realize oneself only in professional activities. However, this is a common misconception. It is necessary to abstract from traditional views and evaluate yourself comprehensively. It is possible that a person will be able to prove himself during the holidays or while doing his favorite hobby. The main thing is that the process gives pleasure - this is the main sign that the strategy of self-realization is chosen correctly and is successful.

Watch the video - an expert's opinion on the self-realization of the individual and the search for a worthy goal in life.

Zueva S.P. Self-realization of a person in professional activity // Concept. -2013.- No. 02 (February). - ART 13027. - 0.4 p. l. -URL: . - State. reg. El No. FS 77-49965. - ISSN 2304-120X.

Zueva Svetlana Petrovna,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Psychology and Developmental Psychology, Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo zueva [email protected]

Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of the success of self-realization of the personality, which is determined by the person's awareness of his own capabilities and potentials in various types his activity. An adequate professional activity combines the instrumental and social aspects of self-realization, which allows it to be considered as the most favorable space for a person's conscious self-realization.

Keywords: self-realization, consciousness, activity, personality, professional activity, goal setting, goal achievement.

At present, Russian society is focused on modernization and development, both in socio-economic terms and in relation to the individual. In this regard, studies of mental phenomena and mechanisms of self-realization of the individual are in demand. The reduction of production in the country, the change in the professional structure of society led to the need to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of professional activity and the process of human self-realization.

Self-realization of a person is manifested in the fulfillment of desires, hopes, achievement of the goals of the individual. S. I. Kudinov points out that the term "self-realization" (self-realization) was first given in the Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology. V modern research the concept of "self-realization" is mainly interpreted as "the realization of one's own potential." S. I. Kudinov notes that back in 1940, the Ukrainian psychologist G. S. Kostyuk, considering the idea of ​​self-development, noted “conscious purposefulness” as an essential characteristic of the process. "With such purposefulness, the person to some extent begins to direct her own mental development."

The problem of self-realization of the individual is investigated using the foundations of various psychological trends. However, it is not possible to single out a single concept of self-realization. It should be noted that the existence of a large number of theoretical studies has not led to the development of a theory of self-realization that is balanced in terms of points of view. It is also difficult to develop a single definition this concept. Attempts are being made to consider self-realization through concepts that are close in meaning - such as the strategy of life in the domestic psychological theory, identity in the theory of E. Erickson , self - actualization in the theory of A. Maslow . V humanistic psychology self-realization is considered as the meaning of human life, the relationship of self-realization with the social contribution of a person is noted, both in relation to close people and to all of humanity, depending on the scale of a person’s personality.

The methodological problem is the uncertainty of the conceptual status of self-realization. The correlation of the phenomenon of self-realization with the three modes of the mental needs to be clarified - whether it should be considered as a process, state (need) or personality trait.

A number of researchers define self-realization as a phenomenon due to the desire for self-actualization inherent in human nature. In research

Self-realization of a person in professional activity

scientific and methodical electronic journal

a point of view considering the possibility of procedural determination of the phenomenon of self-realization is also presented.

The impossibility of direct observation of the phenomenon of self-realization and, due to this circumstance, the need to be content with fixing the elements of its manifestation in the behavior of subjects complicate both the theoretical description of the phenomenon of self-realization and its empirical study. The difficulty of measuring self-realization is due to a high degree her subjectivity. It is required to develop specific techniques and methods for tracking and controlling the effects of self-realization during the experiment, since it is necessary to take into account the influence of a significant number of factors.

Various approaches are found both when considering the nature of self-realization and the mechanisms for its implementation, and in the analysis and description of the conditions and factors that affect its course and success.

It is proposed to consider (R. A. Zobov, V. N. Kelasev, L. A. Korostyleva) subjective and objective factors influencing the content and dynamics of the process of self-realization.

1. Dependent on the person (subjective) - value orientations, the desire and ability of a person to work with himself, reflexivity, moral qualities, will, etc.

2. Objective independent of a person) - the socio-economic situation in the country, the standard of living, material security, the impact on a person of funds mass media, ecological status of human life).

A number of researchers (I. P. Smirnov, E. V. Selezneva) note the importance for the process of self-realization of influences external environment on the human psyche in the form of the results of education, socialization, work training, interpersonal interaction, communication with other people.

It should also be assumed that the actual psychological aspect of self-realization consists in the deployment of all personal potentials of a person in any kind of activity or sphere of life. Translated from Sanskrit, the word "self-realization" literally translates as "manifestation of one's spirit." It can be assumed that human consciousness is the same spirit, the manifestation of the activity of which is the process of self-realization. It will probably be insufficient to consider the process of self-realization as a simple manifestation of human capabilities, abilities, knowledge, and skills.

The question arises - is the most complete disclosure of a person's abilities possible only in socially significant activities? Is self-realization always a process with a plus sign, a positive phenomenon, socially acceptable? In the context of the problem of freedom of choice of a person, it can be concluded that the ethical, moral, social parameters of self-realization of a person are not essential or essential. However, when considering the problem of self-realization, we find an appeal to moral categories in the statement of T. V. Skorodumova, who claims that self-realization of a person is a process of realization by a person in himself and in society of the idea of ​​goodness and truth in their ontological unity. This approach means the fact that the self-realization of the individual should be considered as a positive phenomenon that corresponds to the nature of a person and contributes to his ascent to the heights of the spirit and development.

Personal self-realization is possible provided that a person realizes the need for his life self-realization, believes in his individual destiny, sees in it the highest meaning of his life. Without a person's awareness of his ways

scientific and methodical electronic journal

Zueva S.P. Self-realization of a person in professional activity // Concept. -2013.- No. 02 (February). - ART 13027. - 0.4 p. l. -URL: - State. reg. El No. FS 77-49965. - ISSN 2304-120X.

ness, interests, life preferences, self-realization cannot be realized. Probably no less important condition self-realization of the personality is the person's awareness of his integration into the world around him, his ability to harmonious and constructive interaction with other people and nature.

D. A. Leontiev proposes to consider the process of self-realization from the position personal growth, noting its social focus on other people, society in the form of creating spiritual, cultural content or a material object for them.

The instrumental aspect of self-realization of the individual is associated with the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person has, allowing him to perform specific work activities and build systems of relations with people and society.

Among the factors that impede the self-realization of the individual, one should note the atomicity, the solitude of a person’s being, his lack of involvement in an active life, spiritual and cultural limitations, underdevelopment of consciousness, and inadequate professional choice. Non-constructive influence on the process of self-realization of the individual is exerted by such phenomena as the priority of material and narrowly pragmatic values, going to criminal structures, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.

If there are not enough conditions for self-realization in the community, socio-cultural and socio-economic space of a person’s existence, stagnation may occur, socio-psychological foundations for social and economic crisis. E. E. Vakhromov notes: “The conduct by the power elites of a policy aimed at obstructing the processes of self-actualization is fraught with anti-social manifestations of extremism and terrorism. The growth of involutionary tendencies, the involvement of large groups of people in the processes of involution, the marginalization of individual regions and countries are fraught with a serious threat to the development of civilization and culture as a whole. The external form of self-realization of the individual is represented by the activity of the individual in the profession, creativity, sports, art, education, political and social activities, etc. The internal form is the self-improvement of a person in various aspects: moral, spiritual, physical, intellectual, aesthetic.

Thus, the professional activity of a person is one of the essential necessary conditions deployment of the process of self-realization of the individual. Taking into account the requirements of the activity approach, one should assume the presence in the analysis of this kind of psychological reality of the category of consciousness. It is consciousness that determines the nature of the relationship between professional activity and the process of self-realization of the individual.

V. V. Davydov defined consciousness as “the reproduction by a person of the ideal plan of his goal-setting activity and the ideal representation of the positions of other people in it.”

Conscious human behavior involves the reflection and consideration of the needs, interests and positions of other individuals. Probably, we should assume the relationship of the process of self-realization of the individual with the reflection, representation, activity of society and other people.

“Whoever and whenever acts,” noted G. P. Shchedrovitsky, “he must always fix his consciousness, firstly, on the objects of his activity - he sees and knows these objects, and secondly, on the activity itself - he sees and knows himself acting, he sees his actions, his operations, his means, and even his goals and objectives.

scientific and methodical electronic journal

Zueva S.P. Self-realization of a person in professional activity // Concept. -2013.- No. 02 (February). - ART 13027. - 0.4 p. l. -URL: - State. reg. El No. FS 77-49965. - ISSN 2304-120X.

Considering the system of consciousness functions in the context of professional activity as an activity space for human self-realization, one can single out professional goals, professional knowledge, professional attitude, professional plans and programs, professional self-awareness, etc. in the structure of professional consciousness.

Among the main conditions for the self-realization of the personality, A. I. Kataev notes the presence in a person of such derivatives of consciousness as a developed self-consciousness and reflection with an actualized ability to know and realize oneself and the world around, real and potential abilities and opportunities, interests and values, prospects for personal and professional growth.

To analyze the phenomenon of self-realization, it is necessary to provide for the parameter of goal setting and goal achievement. Self-realization is not only a manifestation of oneself, but also the realization by a person, the achievement by him of any results in the activity he realizes. The degree of a person's awareness of himself, his goals, capabilities, potentials and resources can act as a regulatory principle, a mechanism for the process of self-realization.

Professional activity, reflected in the human mind as a space for self-realization, can provide three aspects of self-realization: psychological, sociocultural and instrumental. The psychological aspect of self-realization, as noted above, acts as an awareness and expression of personal potentials in professional activities. The instrumental aspect of self-realization involves the demand for and use of potentials, resources, experience in the form of knowledge, skills, abilities, abilities of a person. The sociocultural aspect is manifested in the realization and fulfillment of an individual mission by a person through his professional activity in relation to other people, society, humanity. Probably, it is this construct regarding professional activity, which is formed in the mind of a person, that contributes to the successful self-realization of the individual.

The effectiveness of such a construct is determined by the value positive attitude of a person to his professional activity, the adequacy of professional choice, the optimality of professional self-determination. The purpose of professional self-determination is the gradual formation of a person's internal readiness for conscious and independent construction, adjustment and implementation of the prospects for his development (professional, life and personal). Taking into account dynamism, variability in modern conditions structure of professional employment in society, it should be noted the openness, incompleteness, and, consequently, the relevance for the individual of the process of professional self-determination in conjunction with its self-realization.

The readiness of a person to consider himself developing in time and independently find personal meaningful meanings in a specific professional activity largely determines the effectiveness of the process of self-realization. N. R. Khakimova notes that in modern psychological research professional self-determination is considered as a “choice of oneself” in a profession, a choice of a way of self-realization. The data of empirical studies confirm the importance for optants of such a motive for choosing a profession as the motive "the possibility of self-realization".

At the same time, the question arises about the relationship between the content (the purpose and meaning of professional activity as the mission of the individual in society) and pragmatic material aspects (profession as a source of income) of professional activity.

scientific and methodical electronic journal

Zueva S.P. Self-realization of a person in professional activity // Concept. -2013.- No. 02 (February). - ART 13027. - 0.4 p. l. -URL: - State. reg. El No. FS 77-49965. - ISSN 2304-120X.

values ​​that are perceived by a person. The predominance in the mind of a person of constructs associated with the pragmatism of professional activity for him makes it difficult for him to realize himself in the profession.

The content aspect of the profession is reflected in the mind of a person by a set of ideas about the objects, goals, results and meanings of professional activity. The demand for and significance for society of the results of professional activity, as well as a person’s own ideas about it, act as conscious prerequisites for the formation of a person’s attitude to his profession as a mission in society and his own being.

A person's ability to fully realize himself through a profession is determined by the adequacy of professional choice. At the same time, theoretically, one should admit the possibility of the existence of a fragmentary, partial self-realization of the individual in the profession.

Thus, it is possible to single out a number of parameters that determine the conditions for a person's self-realization in professional activity: the degree of a person's awareness of his personal potential and instrumental resources; degree of adequacy of professional choice; the level of development of society and social production, capable of ensuring the availability of professional choice for a person; the formation of a person's ideas about self-realization as a mission in relation to other people and society.

1. Kudinov S. I. Experimental and theoretical aspects of the study of the basic properties of personality // personal development specialist in the conditions of university education: Proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference. - Tolyatti: TSU, 2005. - S. 95-98.

3. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K. A. Strategy of life. - M.: Thought, 1991. - 299 p.

4. Erickson E. Identity: youth and crisis. - M.: Progress, 1997. - 340 p.

5. Maslow A. Self-actualization // Psychology of personality. Texts / Ed. Yu. B. Gippenreiter, A. A. Puzyreya. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1982. - S.108-117.

6. Galazhinsky E. V. Systemic determination of personality self-realization. - Tomsk: Tomsky Publishing House state university, 2002. - 212 p.

7. Korostyleva L. A. Problems of personality self-realization in the system of human sciences // Psychological problems of personality self-realization. - St. Petersburg, 1997. - S. 3-19.

9. Vakhromov E. E. Psychological concepts of human development: the theory of self-actualization. - M.: International Pedagogical Academy, 2001. - 180 p.

10. Ibid.

11. Davydov VV Problems of developmental education. - M., 1996. - 240 p.

12. Shchedrovitsky G. P. Selected Works. - M., 1995. - 800 p.

13. Kudinov S. I. Decree. op.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor at the chair of general psychology and psychology of development of Federal State Budget educational institution “Kemerovo State University" zueva [email protected]

Self-realization of man in professional activities

abstract. The successfulness of person's self-realization is defined by man's realizing of his own possibilities and potentials in different kinds of his activities. In an adequate professional activity instrumental and social aspects of self-realization are combined and it allows to examine it as the most favorite are of man’s conscious self-realization.

Keywords: self-realization, consciousens, professional activity, aim relief, aim achievement.

Gorev P. M., candidate of pedagogical sciences, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Concept"


Each individual is unique in their own way. life path a single person can never be repeated. But if the length of our life is destined from above, then its width depends only on us. And here a problem arises for many, and it lies in the self-realization of a person as a person. Some manage to find their niche, others spend their whole lives in search, and still others live best years wasted. How to find yourself and reach your full potential? We will talk about this now.

Psychology of self-realization of personality. Self-realization is not only a process of personal development and self-knowledge. It is also the result of constant growth and work with internal potential. About people who were able to realize their internal resources, they usually say that they took place in life. However, for this to happen, a person must constantly develop. The psychological problems of self-realization of a person lie in the discrepancy between the energy and intellectual potential of a person and the degree of its actualization. In other words, due to various life circumstances the true potential of a person may not coincide with the final result of his activity. This often leads to a feeling of dissatisfaction with one's own life. Despite this, the need for self-realization remains in every person, and this phenomenon is already for a long time studied by the world's leading psychologists.

In his research, S.L. Rubinstein came to the conclusion that motives are the main mechanism of personality formation. They manifest themselves in the thoughts and actions of a person. If, for example, a person takes responsibility, courage in making decisions and works with his fears, then later these actions will take root in his mind in the form of certain character traits. As a result, all new properties will be linked in single system, with the help of which a person will be able, or vice versa, will not be able to reveal himself.

K. Rogers distinguished two types of personality:

  • - fully functioning;
  • - unadapted.

However, his other colleague S. Maddy compared several personality theories and took the following characteristics of a full-fledged person as a basis in his research:

  • - creativity - without it, the life realization of the individual is impossible;
  • - the principle of "here and now" - includes the mobility of the individual, its high adaptability and spontaneity in decision-making;
  • - freedom of action in all life situations- Feeling in control of your life.

Strategies for self-realization of the individual.

Self-realization is a process that lasts throughout a person's life. It becomes possible only when the person himself is aware of his abilities, interests and needs.

In other words, the whole life of a person is built on a chain of actions aimed at self-realization and the achievement of life goals. To take place in life, it is important to make efforts that consist of certain strategies.

The implementation of these strategies is the main condition for the self-realization of the individual.

With a change in the age of a person, his needs change, which means goals and life strategies also change.

For example, in adolescence, a person begins to be determined in the choice of professional activity, and many at first begin to solve personal life issues.

When the first stage of self-realization is reached and a person has got a family and a profession, the correction and modification of strategies begins. When the need to find a position goes away, adaptation to this position, environment, etc. begins.

As for the family, something similar happens there. Strategies are chosen by the individual, taking into account age, character and needs.

Although it is not uncommon for the “here and now” principle to work, when a person does not have time to think or the benefit of the action that has turned up is obvious.

Ways of self-realization of personality. A reasonable question arises - what are the ways of self-realization of the individual? What tools does a person use to achieve social recognition and take his place in life?

In fact, everything is quite simple. Every day we reveal ourselves in work, in hobbies and hobbies, and recently new way self-realization - the global network and the global information space. However, the main and main means through which the entire potential of a person passes is creativity. Psychologists believe that only creative activity can lead a person to above-normal activity without pursuing any specific goal. In other words, creativity is a voluntary activity, for which a person is ready to spend all his strength in order to show himself and his abilities. But what motivates a person for a long and painstaking work on himself? These are, as a rule, well-known and universal values, needs and mechanisms:

  • - the need for respect and recognition in the group;
  • - the need for the development of intelligence;
  • - the desire to have a family and offspring;
  • - the desire to achieve success in sports or just become strong and healthy;
  • - need in prestigious profession and work with good earnings; personality psychology self-development
  • - the desire to constantly improve themselves and their abilities;
  • - the desire to take a worthy place in life and in society;
  • - desire to get rid of bad habits and raise the level of demands on oneself.

As seen, driving forces self-realization of personality is quite simple. But only when a person has already been able to achieve and satisfy more than half of these motives, we can say that he is a full-fledged personality. And this means that the process of self-realization can go to infinity.

Human ideals are priceless, but striving for them is a thousand times more valuable.

Personal self-realization is the path that will lead you to understanding yourself.

“Life is a process of constant choice. At every moment a person has a choice: either retreat or advance towards the goal. Either a movement towards even greater fear, fears, protection, or the choice of a goal and the growth of spiritual forces. To choose development instead of fear ten times a day means to advance ten times towards self-realization.

Abraham Maslow

What is the first difference between humans and animals? The ability to think and build relationships with your own kind? To get food by peaceful means, but also to subjugate other people, the ability to analyze and build logical conclusions?

Yes, but still The main difference between a human and an animal is the desire to know oneself and his purpose in this world, and not just survival in it. And the search for the meaning of life often leads us to the need to know our "I", which requires being realized in our own place in this world. But what is your "I"? The answer to this question will help you become a harmonious person, satisfied with your life. The process that leads to this result is called self-realization.

Human self-realization is a natural need, which psychologists A. Maslow, E. Fromm and Z. Freud point to. Some recognized the right of a person to consciously seek ways of self-realization, while others called this need unconscious - biological or instinctive. Most people see this process only as obtaining obvious benefits, such as wealth and fame, which we have talked about more than once. What are personalities?

Hierarchy human values expressed in a pyramid built by psychologist A. Maslow. And at the top of this is precisely self-realization, called by the specified scientist self-actualization.

Maslow's pyramid of human needs

Of course, the procedure for satisfying needs can be purely individual and depends on a number of factors, but it is obvious that wealth is only a means to satisfy other needs and cannot be the goal of a person’s self-realization. However, fame is also most often just recognition. And not always fame comes as a result of such. Can a person be realized if he became famous, for example, because of a scandal in a public place? Is it his life goal? Most really famous people remain dissatisfied and continue to search for themselves, having received all the dividends from their fame.

It turns out that self-realization of a person is a search for oneself? Summarizing all existing scientific definitions, the answer will be in the affirmative. But people have different ways, which is due individual characteristics each person. That is why psychology cannot offer a single model of personality self-realization for all. The ideal is considered to be a versatile development, which leads to harmony in relations with one's "I" and with the outside world.

According to psychologists, creativity opens up the greatest opportunities. Exactly creative self-realization contributes to the development of personality, and the achievement of many other goals, and most importantly - this path becomes individual. It is noted that often a person sets himself the goal of becoming like his ideal. Creative self-realization excludes this path, since in the process of such a person finds himself, reveals and develops his talent, and does not imitate someone else. It is impossible to find yourself in imitation, because this is just another role that a person tries on.

Do not deny the possibility of creative self-realization if it seems to you that you have no talent for art. Creativity is a special approach to solving certain tasks, a mode of activity, and not the activity itself as such.

Personal self-realization is the path that will lead you to understanding yourself., satisfaction of their needs, necessary to achieve spiritual comfort. And the ways to achieve such harmony are different for everyone ...