Competitions and olympiads for elementary school children. Olympiads for elementary school

Olympiad tasks with answers in mathematics for grades 1-4

Olympiad in mathematics in elementary school

Description: The material is a task for the Olympiad in mathematics from grades 1 to 4. After tasks on parallels answers and points for them are given. These tasks can also be used in mathematics lessons to develop logical thinking.

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 1

1. Three brothers have two sisters. How many children are in the family? Circle the correct answer:

5 9 6

2. Which is heavier: 1 kilogram of cotton wool or 1 kilogram of iron? Circle the correct answer:

cotton wool equally

3. You can put 2 kilograms of food in the bag. How many bags should mom have if she wants to buy 4 kilograms of potatoes and a 1 kilogram melon?

Write an answer._________________________

4. From under the gate you can see 8 cat paws. How many cats are in the yard?

Write an answer. __________________

5. Put the signs + or -to get the correct equality:

7 * 4 * 2 * 5 = 10

10 * 4 * 3 * 8 = 1

6. The staircase consists of 7 steps. Which step is in the middle?

7. The log was cut into 3 parts. How many cuts did you make? Circle the correct answer:

3 2 4

8. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs behind, 2 legs in front. How many legs does an animal have?

Write an answer:_________________________________

9. Three girls were cooking Christmas decorations to the New Year. The three of them worked for 3 hours. How many hours did each of them work?

Write an answer:_________________________

10. The sum of three even numbers is 12. Write these numbers if you know that the terms are not equal to each other.


Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 2

F.I., class _____________________________________________

1. A turkey weighs 12 kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on one leg? (1 point) Answer:________________

2. The cage of the rabbits was closed, but 24 legs were visible through the bottom hole, and 12 rabbit ears through the top hole. So how many rabbits were in the cage? (3 points) Answer: ___________________

3. Anya, Zhenya and Nina test received different marks, but they did not have deuces. Guess what grade each of the girls received, if Anya does not have “3”, Nina does not have “3” and not “5” (3 points).

Answer: Anya ___, Nina ____, Zhenya _____.

4. From the numbers 21, 19, 30, 25, 12, 7, 15, 6, 27, select three such numbers, the sum of which will be equal to 50 (2 points). Answer:___________________________.

5. Pinocchio has less than 20 gold coins. He can arrange these coins into piles of two, three and four coins. How many coins does Pinocchio have? (3 points) Answer: __________.

6. Write down all two-digit numbers in which the number of units by four more number tens? (1 case - 1 point) _________________________.

7. Katya, Galya and Olya hid each toy while playing. They played with a bear cub, a bunny and an elephant. It is known that Katya did not hide the bunny, and Olya did not hide either the bunny or the bear cub. Who has what toy? (3 points)

Answer: Katya ____________________, Galya ____________________, Olya _____________________.

8. Three girls, when asked how old they were, answered as follows: Masha: “Together with Natasha, I am 21 years old”, Natasha: “I am 4 years younger than Tamara”, Tamara: “The three of us together are 34 years old”. How old is each of the girls? (5 points)

Answer: Masha _________, Natasha ____________, Tamara ___________.

9. Insert the missing signs of mathematical operations. (1 example - 2 points)

1 2 3 4 5 = 5 1 2 3 4 5 = 7

10. Continue the series of numbers (2 points)

20, 18, 19, 17, 18, 16, 17, ...., ...., ....

1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16, 22, 29, ...., ....

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 3

F.I., class _____________________________________________

1. One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How long does it take to cook 5 eggs?

(1 point)________________.

2. There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on 10 hands? (1 point) _________.

3. The doctor gave the sick girl 3 tablets and told her to take them every half an hour. She strictly followed the doctor's instructions. How long did the pills prescribed by the doctor last? (1 point)_____________.

4. A square with a side of 6 cm was bent from a piece of wire. Then the wire was unbent, and a triangle with equal sides was bent from it. What is the length of the side of the triangle? (1 point)____________________.

5. Kolya, Vasya and Borya played checkers. Each of them played only 2 games. How many games were played in total? (2 points)________________.

6. How many two-digit numbers can be made from the numbers 1,2,3, provided that the numbers in the number entry will not be repeated? List all these numbers. (2 points) ___________________________________________.

7. There were 9 sheets of paper. Some of them were cut into three parts. There were 15 sheets in total. How many sheets of paper were cut? (3 points)__________.

8. In a five-story house, Vera lives above Petya, but below Glory, and Kolya lives below Petya. What floor does Vera live on if Kolya lives on the second floor? (3 points) __________________________________________.

9. 1 rubber band, 2 pencils and 3 notebooks cost 38 rubles. 3 rubber bands, 2 pencils and 1 notebook cost 22 rubles. How much does a set of eraser, pencil and notepad cost? (4 points)__________________________________

10. Niels flew in a flock on the back of a goose Martin. He noticed that the formation of the flock resembles a triangle: the leader is in front, then 2 geese, in the third row 3 geese, etc. The flock stopped for the night on an ice floe. Niels saw that the arrangement of the geese this time resembled a square consisting of rows, in each row the same number of geese, and the number of geese in each row was equal to the number of rows. There are less than 50 geese in a flock. How many geese are in a flock? (6 points)_______________________________

Olympiad tasks in mathematics Grade 4

F.I., class _____________________________________________

1. Sitting at the window of the train car, the boy began to count telegraph poles. He counted 10 pillars. How far did the train travel during this time if the distance between the posts is 50 m? (1 point)__________________________.

2. One clock is 25 minutes behind, showing 1 hour 50 minutes. What time does the other clock show if it advances by 15 minutes? (2 points) _________________________.

3. What are the sides of a rectangle whose area is 12 cm and the perimeter is 26 cm? (1 point)__________________________________.

4. How much will you get if you add the largest odd two-digit number and the smallest even three-digit number? (1 point)_______________________.

5. Find a pattern in each chain of numbers and fill in the missing numbers

(1 chain - 1 point):

1) 3, 6, __, 12, 15, 18.

2) 1, 8, 11, 18, ___, 28, 31.

3) 2, 2, 4, 4, ___, 6, 8, 8.

4) 24, 21, ___, 15, 12.

5) 65, 60, 55, ____, 45, 40, 35.

6. Write the smallest four-digit number in which all digits are different. (1 point)____________________________.

7. Three girlfriends - Vera, Olya and Tanya went to the forest for berries. For picking berries they had a basket, a basket and a bucket. It is known that Olya was not with a basket and not with a basket, Vera was not with a basket. What did each girl take with her to pick berries? (3 points) Vera - ______________, Tanya - ______________, Olya - _______________.

8. A motorcyclist traveled 980 km in three days. In the first two days he traveled 725 km, while on the second day he traveled 123 km more than on the third day. How many kilometers did he drive on each of those three days? (4 points)

I day _______, II day _______, III day _______.

9. Write in numbers a number consisting of 22 million 22 thousand 22 hundreds and 22 units. (2 points)________________________________.

10. 240 students from Moscow and Orel arrived at the tourist camp. There were 125 boys among the arrivals, of which 65 were Muscovites. Among the students who arrived from Orel, there were 53 girls. How many students arrived from Moscow in total? (4 points)_____________.


1 class

1) 5 (1 point)

2) Equally (1 point)

3) 3 packs (2 points)

4) 2 cats (1 point)

5) 1 example - 1 point

6) fourth (1 point)

7) 2 (1 point)

8) 4 legs (2 points)

9) 3 hours (2 points)

10) 2+4+6=12 (2 points)

Grade 2

1) 12 kg (1 point)

2) 6 rabbits (3 points)

3) Anya has 5, Nina has 4, Zhenya has 3 (3 points)

4) 19+6+25=50 (2 points)

5) 12 coins (3 points)

6) 15, 26, 37, 48, 59 (1 case - 1 point)

7) Olya has an elephant, Katya has a teddy bear, Gali has a bunny (3 points)

8) Masha is 12 years old, Natasha is 9 years old, Tamara is 13 years old (5 points)

9) 9.1+2+3+4-5= 5 1+2+3+-4+5=7 (1 example - 2 points)

10) …10. 15, 16, 14 (2 points)


3rd grade

1) 4 minutes (1 point)

2) 50 (1 point)

3) for 1 hour (1 point)

4) 8cm (1 point)

5) 3 parties. (K-V, K-B, V-B) 2 points

6) 12.13, 21.23, 31.32 (2 points)

7) 3 sheets (3 points)

8) 4th floor - Vera (3 points)

9) 15 rubles, because 4 rubber bands, 4 pencils and 4 notepads 38+22=60(RUB) One set costs 60: 4=15(RUB) (4 points)

10) 36 geese (6 points)

4th grade:

1. 50 x 9=450 (m) (1 point)

2. 1 hour 50 minutes + 25 minutes = 2 hours 15 minutes (2 points)

2 hours 15 min+15 min=2 hours 30 min

3. The sides of the rectangle are 12 cm and 1 cm. (1 point)

4.199 (1 point)

5.1) 9; 2)21; 3)6; 4)18; 5) 50; (1 chain - 1 point)

6. 1023 (1 point)

7. Vera was with a basket, Olya - with a bucket, Tanya - with a basket. (3 points)

8. (4 points)

1) 980 - 725 = 255 (km) - traveled on the third day;

2) 255 + 123 = 378 (km) - traveled on the second day;

3) 725 - 378 = 347 (km) - drove on the first day.

Answer: on the first day, the motorcyclist traveled 347 km, on the second - 378, on the third - 255 km.

9. 22 024 222 (2 points)

10. (4 points)

1) 240-125=115 girls from Moscow and Orel

2) 115-53=62 girls from Moscow

3) 65+62=127 children from Moscow

"Letidor" has compiled a review of the Olympiads for elementary school, thanks to which you can check the level of knowledge of the child in mathematics, as well as Russian, English and German.

Starting from the fifth grade, Olympiads in all major subjects are regularly held in all schools. This system has existed since Soviet times - the winners school stage participate in the regional Olympiad, then the city and so on up to international competitions. There are also Olympiads for high school students, which are held by eminent universities. But little is known about the Olympiads for elementary school. But also junior schoolchildren there is a chance to test yourself. Moreover, for many children it is with interesting Olympiad problems that interest in the school subject begins.


Thing: mathematics.

How organized:"Kangaroo" is the most massive mathematical competition for younger students (but it is also held for older children). Children from all over Russia and not only participate in it, the Olympiad is held under the motto "Mathematics for All". Each student can take part in a mathematical competition without leaving his class. Schools that have submitted applications receive assignments for children and organize the Olympiad. All students write "Kangaroo" on the same day once a year. The school sends the completed forms to the organizing committee, after about one and a half to two months the results appear on the competition website, they also come to the school. As a result, the student will find out his place in the school, in the city and among all the participants in the competition. All participants receive memorable souvenirs and certificates of participation from the organizers, and winners of all levels receive diplomas and more significant prizes.

How to participate: The organizer from the school must submit an application for participation. In most schools in our country, the competition has already been established, and there is such an organizer. If not, then any teacher or even a parent can become the organizer. The organizer collects applications from schoolchildren, everyone who wishes must also pay a small organizational fee (about 60 rubles).

Any child from 2nd grade can participate.
All information on the competition, including examples of tasks from previous years, is available on the website
The competition is held in the third week of March, the next one will be held on March 19, 2015.

Olympics primary school v different time have always existed. In different schools, different cities. As long as there are enthusiastic teachers, there will be various Olympiads.

In 1995, a circle of primary classes was opened for the first time at the Small Mekhmat. In the spring of 1996, for the first time, the idea arose to hold something like an Olympiad for the members of the circle. All sorts of mathematical holidays have already been held, but there the guys participated in teams of different ages, but I wanted to give them the opportunity to work individually.

And for the first time in March 1996, the Primary School Olympiad of the Small Mekhmat was held. The Olympiad was held in an oral-written format. That is, the task was written on the blackboard and the children were asked to write it down on paper. But, since very young children also participated in the Olympiad, after the child declared that he had solved and wrote down the problem, the teacher approached him (then it was the head of the circle - Elena Yuryevna Ivanova) and asked to explain what was written in the solution.

Then, in 1996, only 15 people participated in the Olympiad, and no one was awarded prizes, the winners were given certificates and shook hands. But the guys were still happy.

Unfortunately, the conditions of the first Olympiads have not been preserved. We will be grateful if suddenly someone in the archives finds the conditions and he will share with us.

Inspired by the success, in the spring of 1997 it was decided to hold the Olympiad again. This year, the texts of the problems were typed, and each participant received his own condition. If in the first Olympiad the conditions were the same for everyone, then this year there were two options: for grades 1-2 and for grades 3-5. (During these years, a gradual transition to a four-year system of education in elementary school began and grade 4 in many schools began to disappear, turning into grade 5.) Already 22 schoolchildren took part in the second Olympiad, and not only circle members, but also several schoolchildren who did not participate in the work of the circle. So to speak for the company with friends.

The circle gradually grew, gradually turning into not one, but several. In 1999, for the first time in the Primary School Olympiad, a variant appeared separately for the 5th grade. Then the 5th grade olympiads were not held and the 5th graders - the participants of the olympiad were exclusively members of the circle.
Later, the 5th grade Olympiad spun off into an independent one and changed a lot. You can read about it in the 5th grade Olympiad section. Here we will continue the conversation about elementary school.

Until 2005, the Olympiad was held at the Small Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, being in fact a competition for circle members. In March 2005, for the first time, the Olympiad moved from the walls of Moscow State University to DNTTM and occupied an entire floor on one of the Sundays. Then for the first time there were already 85 participants and the work did not have time to check in one day. At the same time, for the first time, together with the diplomas, the first prizes from the DNTTM and the Small Mekhmat appeared.

The story about the Primary School Olympiads will definitely be continued...

Today, children in elementary school can take part in various competitions. This type of pastime will only benefit. Tests for grade 1 help kids gain new experience, provide an opportunity to realize own forces on practice. Participation in such events allows you to gain public recognition. Do not assume that this is important only for adults. Babies also want to feel their very best. It is important for them to be the pride of their parents!

The Right Motivation

Competitions for first graders are voluntary. It is good if your child himself shows interest in such activities. But what about the parents of gifted children who are too lazy to take part in various competitions? Motivation is the main driver for all people regardless of their age. Getting a diploma is one way to motivate. You can order it directly on our website. Children appreciate the opportunity to receive a certificate confirming their knowledge. Tests for grade 1 in all subjects are a great opportunity to comprehensively develop the baby. Pedagogical portal " sunlight» includes a rich variety of interesting tasks for first graders. Show them to your child and you will see that he will definitely show interest in them.

Online Olympiads for first-graders as another opportunity to prove themselves

Any person, regardless of age, needs constant development. We offer you various tests for students in the first grade. All tasks are created by experienced teachers, taking into account the educational program of 2017. Participation in our free competitions brings only benefits, namely:

  • Teaches to compete with peers;
  • Develops the spirit of competition;
  • Increases craving for new knowledge;
  • Gives you a chance to put your skills to the test.

On the portal " sunlight» tasks with answers are presented, so you can instantly check the level of knowledge. Getting a diploma is another nice opportunity. We suggest that parents fill it out themselves to eliminate the slightest errors.

Order a diploma for your first grader

Getting a diploma is always a pleasant event for all children. We offer to take part in free olympiads for grade 1. After passing, you can order a diploma directly on our website. Participation in Olympiads in subjects will help test the child's knowledge of the 2017 school curriculum. Today, all-Russian tests for elementary school students are collected in one place. You can check the level of knowledge of your first grader right now. Gifted children need to develop their own potential. It is important that parents pay timely attention to this aspect of the baby's life. Together with the portal "Sunshine" you can instill in kids the desire to gain knowledge. Have you noticed a desire to win in your son or daughter? Organize participation in the Olympiad for children on our website. Believe me, getting a diploma will become joyful event for the whole family!