Olympiad tasks by law

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Tolokina Svetlana Sergeevna

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MOU Barminskaya average comprehensive school, teacher of history and social studies of the highest category

Nizhny Novgorod Region

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Tasks school stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in law. The tasks are compiled in the form of a test, 1 hour-1 hour 30 minutes are given to complete the tasks. Attached are the answers, a sheet of the answer sheet.

Olympiad tasks of the school stage in law, grade 9.

Pick one correct answer (for each correct answer 1 point )

1. The ability to acquire rights and obligations by their actions:

1) legal capacity;

2) legitimacy;

3) voluntariness;

4) legal capacity.

2. What is the content of labor relations:

1) on the limited rights and obligations of the parties in the labor process.

2) prevention of crimes that may be committed on the territory of the enterprise.

3) p distribution of property rights between participants in the labor process.

3. What documents must a citizen come to work to submit to the personnel department:

a) passport;

b) declaration of income;

c) characteristic with previous place work;

d) work book;

e) a certificate from a narcologist;

f) insurance certificate of state pension insurance;

g) documents on awards;

h) educational document;

i) a document on military registration.

V a r and n t yo t veto in:

1) a, c, d, h;

2) a, d, f, g;

3) a, c, d, h;

4) a, d, f, h, i.

4. Probation when applying for a job is not set for:

1) persons who have reached 18 years of age;

2) veterans of the Afghan war;

3) disabled workers;

4) young specialists after graduation from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.

5. What social norms govern the actions and deeds of a person:

1) only moral;

2) only religious;

3) only legal;

4) various (moral, religious, legal, etc.).

6. Government Russian Federation publishes:

1) regulations; 2) laws;

3) codes; 4) decrees.

7. Parents who violate the interests and rights of children may be deprived of parental rights for:

1) abandonment of the child in the hospital;

2) refusal of assistance in obtaining higher education;

3) the requirement to transfer all the child's income (scholarships, earnings, etc.);

4) child abuse.

8. Law is a code of conduct that establishes and protects:

1) society; 2) the state;

3) church; 4) science.

9. Property relations are regulated by:

1) financial law; 2) civil law;

3) family law; 4) business law.

10. Define the legal relationship that is governed by civil law:

1) obtaining an inheritance; 2) obtaining citizenship;

3) dissolution of marriage; 4) confiscation of property.

11. Choose the correct answer.

Special social phenomenon, characterizing the legal state of both an individual and a society, is called

1) legal awareness 2) legality

3) legal order 4) legal culture

12. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "subject of the Russian Federation".

Edge; region; federal district; autonomous region; city \u200b\u200bof federal significance.

Find and indicate a term that is not related to the concept of "subject of the Russian Federation".

Answer: _____________________________

13. Correlate the type of illegal act with its characteristics:

A. Administrative offense.

B. Crime.

B. Civil offense.

D. Disciplinary, official misconduct.

1) Most dangerous species offenses, this is an act (act or inaction) prohibited by criminal law, causing harm to the individual, society and the state, entailing punishment.

2) When the norms of law that protect public and state order, personal property and the rights of citizens (hooliganism: swearing in public places, molesting passers-by, drinking alcohol, violation of the rules of the hostel; violation of the rules road traffic and etc.).

3) Occurs in the event of a violation of labor discipline (absenteeism, non-fulfillment of labor duties).

4) Failure to fulfill obligations under the contract or causing harm to another person.






14. Correlate the types of complicity in a crime with their characteristics:

A. Contractor.

B. Organizer.

B. Instigator.

G. Accomplice.

1) a person who persuaded another person to commit a crime by means of agreement, bribery, threat.

2) l an individual who assisted in the commission of a crime with advice, instructions, provision of information, means or instruments of crime.

3) l the person who directly committed the crime.

4) l the person who organized the commission of the crime or directed its execution.






15. Which of the listed actions are an administrative offense (A), and which are a crime (P)?

a) obscene language

b) rape

c) painting on the walls

d) violation of fire safety rules

e) theft of personal property of citizens

f) tax evasion

Answer: A -______________

P - ________________

16. Insert missing words and restore definition employment contract.

17 ... Allow the situation. Which branch of law does this situation correspond to?

Vanya, a seventh grader, decided to earn money for a bicycle in the summer. He turned to the employment center with a request to find him a job. However, he was refused. Have his rights been violated?

18. Allow the situation. Which branch of law does this situation correspond to?

15-year-old Masha got a job as a nurse in a polyclinic. The older sister demanded to go to work on Sunday due to work needs. Are your older sister's actions legal?

Answer: __________________________________________________.

Justification ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Branch of law ____________________________________________________.

19. Review the legal case and answer the questions.

(The correct answer is worth 5 points .)

Sasha and Yasha (16 years old) walked in the evening in their neighborhood. An old woman was walking towards them. The boys approached her and asked: "What time is it?" They took advantage of the fact that the woman began to look for the watch in her purse, tore off her fur hat and disappeared. The victim had a heart attack, passers-by called ambulance... The woman spent four weeks in the hospital. A week later, Sasha and Yasha themselves appeared at the police station and brought their caps.


1) List the mitigating and aggravating circumstances.

2) Can adolescents be exempted from criminal liability? If so, under what conditions? If not, why not?

20. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, minor children have a set of personal rights. List them.

(The correct answer is worth 5 points.)

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Olympiad work on the right of a student (s) of grade 9

MOU _______________________________ Secondary school

An employment contract is a _________________________ between the employer and ____________________, in accordance with which the employee undertakes: to personally perform the function defined by this agreement _______________________; comply with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization; _________________________ undertakes: to provide the employee with work according to the specified labor function (specialty, qualifications, position); provide working conditions stipulated by legislation and ________________________ and pay the employee wages in full.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________.

Branch of law ____________________________________________________.

Answer: ______________________________________________________________________.

Justification ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Branch of law _________________________________________________________________.

Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 / * Style Definitions * / table.MsoNormalTable (mso-style-name: "Plain table"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size: 0; mso-tstyle-colband-size: 0; mso-style -noshow: yes; mso-style-parent: ""; mso-padding-alt: 0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin: 0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom: .0001pt; mso-pagination: widow-orphan; font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language: # 0400; mso-fareast-language: # 0400; mso-bidi-language: # 0400;)

Answers to olympiad tasks by right.

Grade 9

Job No.




1 point


1 point


1 point


1 point


1 point


1 point


1 point


1 point


1 point


1 point


1 point


Federal district 3

1 point




AT 4


1 mistake - 1 point

2 or more errors - 0 points




IN 1


2 points for completing the task

1 mistake - 1 point

2 or more errors - 0 points


A - a, c, d

P - b, d, f

1 mistake - 2 points

2 mistakes - 1 point

3 errors or more - 0 points


An employment contract is agreement between the employer and an employee in accordance with which the employee undertakes: to personally fulfill the specified in this agreement labor function; comply with the internal labor regulations in force in the organization; employer undertakes: to provide the employee with work according to the specified labor function (specialty, qualifications, position); to ensure the working conditions stipulated by law and timely and pay wages to the employee in full.

Each word correctly inserted is worth 1 point

(completely correct answer 5 points)


Answer - Vanya's rights are not violated

Rationale - Vanya is not yet 14 years old, it is from this age that you can work.

Labor law

3 points for completing the task

1 point - answer

1 point - justification


The answer is that the older sister's actions are not legitimate.

Rationale - Masha is 15 years old, she is a minor, she cannot be forced to work on weekends.

Labor law.

3 points for completing the task

1 point - answer

1 point - justification

1 point - the branch of law is named


Aggravating - the crime was committed in a group, open way (not theft, but robbery).

Mitigating: the crime was committed by minors, confession, assistance in solving the crime (they gave up the cap), the commission of the crime for the first time.

Teenagers are already criminally liable, they are 16 years old, they will not be released from punishment, but they can take into account mitigating circumstances and issue a suspended sentence.


the right to live; in the name and surname of the parents; citizenship; live and be raised with parents; the right to express your opinion; the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

5 points for completing the task


40 points

3rd place - 20 -27 points

2nd place - 28-33 points

1st place - 34 - 40 points

TO THE ATTENTION OF ALL TEACHERS: according to Federal Law No. 313-FZ, all teachers must be trained in first aid skills.

School stage of the Olympiad in law, grades 9-11

Select a document from the archive to view:

10-11 class.docx


2014-2015 academic year

10-11 grade

1.Choose the correct answer (s):

1.1. A federal law is considered approved by the Federation Council if:

1.2. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the execution of a will is:

A) Obligation;

B) a gift agreement;

C) By Deal;

D) Administrative act;

1.3. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the minimum number of members political party by general rule must be at least:

A) 40 thousand people;

B) 50 thousand people;

C) 1 thousand people;

D) 500 people;

1.4. A citizen can be recognized by the court as missing if there is no information about his place of residence at his place of residence during:

A) 1 year;

B) 2 years;

C) 3 years;

D) 5 years.

1.5. What other name does the system of Anglo-Saxon law have:

A) Common law system;

B) The system of civil law;

C) The system of legal custom

1.6. The duration of the state of emergency introduced throughout the territory of the Russian Federation may not exceed:

A) 30 days

B) 60 days

C) 45 days

D) 25 days

1.7. Which of the following applies to forms of direct democracy:

A) the State Duma;

B) Referendum;

C) Rural gathering;

D) the Senate;

E) Cossack circle;

E) Veche;

F) Zemsky Sobor;

H) Diet.

1.8. Russia is a member of the following international organizations:


B) Interpol;



1.9. The participants in the criminal process on the part of the defense in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation are:

A) The accused;

B) Expert;

C) Translator;

D) Witness;

D) Suspect;

E) Civil plaintiff;

G) Defender.

1.10. In accordance with the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, courts of general jurisdiction accept court decisions in the form of:

A) Conclusions;

B) Solutions;

C) Definitions;

D) Resolutions;

E) a court order;

E) Judicial precedent.

1.11. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, they cannot be returned and exchanged for similar goods of proper quality:

A) Perfumery and cosmetic products;

B) Shoes;

C) Articles made of precious metals;

D) Cars;

E) Outerwear.

2. What do these concepts have in common?

Land plots, subsoil plots, buildings, structures, unfinished construction objects, aircraft and sea vessels subject to state registration, inland navigation vessels, space objects.

3. Eliminate two unnecessary terms. Explain your answer.

A. Citizen. D. Option.

B. Bipatrid. E. Competence.

B. Restitution. E. Apatrid.

4. Decipher the abbreviations.

4.1. Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

4.2. CIS.

4.3. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

5. Position in correct order stages of the trial, indicating their sequence in numbers:

1. Adoption and announcement by the Constitutional Court of the decision.

2. Appeal to the Constitutional Court.

3. Litigation.

5. Preliminary consideration of the appeal.

6. Preparing for the trial.

6. Match between latin phrases and their translation:

and) pacta sunt servanda;

b) res judicata;

in) non bis in idem

1. A resolved case.

2. You cannot collect twice for the same thing.

3. I came, I saw, I won.

4. Contracts must be respected.

5. The third is not given.

6. Exact copy.




7. Establish a correspondence between scientists and their theories:

1.F. Engels

2. E. Dühring

3. K. Wittfogel

4.G. Spencer

A. Irrigation theory of the origin of the state

B. The organic theory of the origin of the state

C. Marxist theory of the origin of the state

D. Theory of violence





8. Establish correspondence between the terms of the employment contract.

1. Mandatory conditions labor contract;

2. Optional terms of the employment contract.

A) About the test;

B)Conditions that determine, where necessary, the nature of the work;

IN) Compensation for hard work;

D) On the types and conditions of additional insurance for the employee;

D)About specifying the place of work;

E)On the employee's obligation to work after training for at least the period established by the contract, if the training was carried out at the expense of the employer.



9.Fill in the pass:

9.1 In honor of the ancient legislator, cruel laws are called

9.2 A transaction made only for appearance, without the intention to create the corresponding legal consequences, is called

9.3 "Eye for an eye" is also called the principle

10. In the magazine "Men" s health "the following fact was cited: one portion of lasagna with cheese, ham and tomatoes contains 990 kcal, for which you need to run about 21 kilometers to burn. given fact, coincided with the title of the classic Russian novel of 1866. Name this novel.

11. It is at this “most sacred thing that we have”, according to witness Semytsvetov, that Yuri Detochkin swung (film “Beware of the car”).

12. What are the consequences in the event of a threefold rejection of the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation by the State Duma of the Russian Federation at the suggestion of the President of the Russian Federation?




13. What theory of the origin of law (school of law) reflects the following statement? Name the author.

“The center of gravity of the development of law in our time, as at all times, is not in legislation, not in jurisprudence, not in judicial practice, but in society itself ... To understand the origins, development and essence of law, one should first of all study the existing order in public unions. The reason for the failure of all previous attempts to explain law was that they proceeded from legal prescriptions, and not from this order. "

14. Solve legal problems.

14.1. In 2008, Filatov got into a car accident, after which he began to suffer from headaches, could not concentrate and do any work. As a result, Filatov was recognized as a disabled person of the second group and was forced to resign. In 2012, Filatov decided to move to live in the south. He began to sell his property, and donated some of the things to his friends. Having learned that Filatov was selling and giving away his property, his son filed a lawsuit on behalf of his father in court demanding that the transactions he concluded invalid. According to his son, Filatov is mentally ill, and therefore incapacitated. A normal person, in his opinion, could not sell property at such a low price, and even more so - give it to strangers. Are the demands of Filatov's son substantiated? Justify the answer.

14.2. Korsarov decided to place in his apartment industrial equipment and open a sewing production. In response to the neighbors' claims about the inadmissibility of such use of the apartment, he said that he had specially purchased low-noise equipment, and at night there would be no work at all. Are Korsarov's actions legal? Justify the answer.

14.3. In 2007, Pavlov decided to sell the village house in which he had lived since 1987. However, it turned out that the ownership of the house was not registered: Pavlov's father, who died 4 years ago, arbitrarily occupied the empty house in 1985.Can Pavlov acquire ownership of the house and dispose of it? Justify the answer.

Answers and evaluation criteria

























2 ... Immovable things ( real estate, the property).

3. B, D

All terms refer to the Citizenship Institute. Restitution refers to the institution of restoration in civil law, and competence belongs to the institutions of the state.

Correct positions - 2 points, for an explanation - 2 points.

The maximum number of points is 4.

4. For each correct answer 2 points.

4.1. Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

4.2. Commonwealth of Independent States.

4.3. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

The maximum number of points is 6.

5 . 2, 5, 6, 3, 1, 4.








The maximum number of points is 3.










The maximum number of points is 2.

8. For each correct answer 0.5 points.





The maximum number of points is 3.

9. For each correct answer 1 point.

9.1. Imaginary (clause 1 of article 170 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

9.2. Talion

9.3. draconian

The maximum number of points is 3.

10. Crime and Punishment

The maximum number of points is 2.

11. To the Constitution

The maximum number of points is 2.

12. For each correct answer 1 point.

In this case, the President:

1.appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

2. dissolves the State Duma of the Russian Federation;

3.appoints new elections (Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

The maximum number of points is 3.

13. For the correct name of the theory 2 points. For the correct title of the author 1 point.

13.1 ... Sociological School of Law

13.2. Austrian jurist E. Ehrlich, "Foundations of the Sociology of Law" (1913)

The maximum number of points is 3.

14. For a correct answer - 1 point, for an explanation - 2 points.

14.1. No, Filatov was not recognized by the court as incapable at the time of the transactions, and therefore, he has the right to dispose of his property at his own discretion (Article 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

14.2. Not. Accommodation in residential premises of industrial production is not allowed (clause 3, article 288 of the Civil Code).

14.3 ... Yes, maybe on the basis of acquisitive prescription. In this case, it is allowed to refer to the period of ownership of the person whose legal successor is the owner (Article 234 of the Civil Code).

The maximum number of points is 9.

56 points .

Selected document for viewing 9 class.docx


School stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren by law

2014-2015 academic year

Grade 9

1.Choose the correct answer:

1.1. Which of the following is the source of the law ?

A) an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation;

B) order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;

IN) memoirs of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;

D) newspaper article on the introduction of a new type of taxation.

1.2. According to the Regulations on Zemstvo Chiefs (1889), Zemstvo Chiefs were supervisory bodies for:

A) zemstvo and city self-government bodies;

B) all zemstvo self-government bodies;

C) provincial zemstvo bodies;

D) bodies of peasant self-government.

1.3. By-laws include

A) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

B) decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

IN) federal laws;

D) laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

1.4. As a capital punishment in the "Russian Truth" named

AND) " the death penalty»;

B) "fines";

C) "stream" and "plunder";

D) "corporal punishment".

1.5. Which of the following signs characterizes the objective side of the offense:

A) wine;

B) purpose;

C) motive;

D) socially harmful consequences.

1.6. The mandatory information that a document must have in order to recognize it as valid is called:

A) details;

B) nomenclature;

D) numbering.

1.7. In which of the following situations, renunciation of citizenship is not allowed:

A) if the citizen was accepted into the citizenship of the Russian Federation by way of registration;

B) if only one of the child's parents has citizenship of another country;

C) if a citizen receives a summons for conscription for urgent military or alternative service;

D) if an incapacitated person is in the custody of a citizen.

1.8. Minors between the ages of 6 and 14 may NOT:

A) in accordance with the law, make contributions to credit institutions and dispose of them;

B) make small household transactions;

C) make transactions aimed at obtaining benefits free of charge, which do not require notarization or state registration;

D) dispose of funds provided by a third party with the consent of a legal representative for a specific purpose or for free disposal.

1.9. Unless otherwise specified in the laws, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the chambers of the Federal Assembly come into force:

A) after 10 days after the day of official publication;

B) after 20 days after the day of official publication;

D) after a month after the day of official publication.

1.10. The definition of "acquisition of citizenship by birth" is a concept:

A) option;

B) filiation;

C) naturalization;

D) stateless.

1.11. Which of the listed persons committed actions that are considered invalid in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

A) 16-year-old Vera, at the request of her parents, bought a tape recorder;

B) 19-year-old Oleg presented his jacket to a friend without the permission of his parents;

C) 15-year-old Alesya bought a shelf for books with the money he earned during the summer holidays;

D) 15-year-old Sergei, without informing his parents, exchanged his camera for books.

1.12. What responsibilities are assigned to taxpayers (choose ALL correct answers)

A) pay legally established taxes;

B) keep records of their income in the prescribed manner;

C) comply with the legal requirements of the tax authority to eliminate identified violations of tax laws;

D) use tax incentives in accordance with the law.

2. Arrange in ascending order legal force the following regulatory legal acts:

1. Federal law.

2. Order of the federal ministry.

3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

4. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

6. Federal constitutional law

3. What unites these concepts?

Birth, marriage, divorce, adoption, establishment of paternity, change of name, death of a citizen.

4. Exclude two unnecessary terms. Explain your answer.

1. Legal custom.

2. Public opinion.

3. Normative legal act.

4. Judicial precedent.

5. Legal doctrine.

6. Announcement of thanks.

5. Match

1. Crime

2. Attempted crime

3. Participation in a crime

4. Voluntary refusal to participate in a crime

A. Intentional actions (inaction of a person) directly aimed at committing a crime, if the crime was not brought to an end due to circumstances beyond the control of that person

B. Intentional joint participation of two or more persons in the commission of an intentional crime

B. Guilty committed socially dangerous act prohibited under threat of punishment

D. Termination of a person’s preparation for a crime or termination of actions (inaction) directly aimed at committing a crime, if the person was aware of the possibility of bringing the crime to the end





6. Match

1. Obligation to attend.

2. The drive.

3. Temporary removal from office.

4. Seizure of property.

A) a preventive and preventive measure of procedural coercion, the content of which consists in temporarily preventing the accused or suspect from fulfilling his labor duties in order to prevent his attempts to impede the proceedings or the execution of the sentence;

B) consists in the prohibition addressed to the owner or owner of the property to dispose of and, if necessary, use it, as well as in the seizure of the property and its transfer to storage;

C) consists in a written obligation of the suspect, the accused, as well as the victim or witness, to appear promptly at the calls of the interrogating officer, investigator or the court, and in case of a change of residence - to immediately inform about it;

D) consists in the compulsory delivery of the suspect, the accused, as well as the victim and witness to the inquiry officer, investigator or the court.





7 . Decipher common abbreviations (no comments required).

7.1. Minimum wage.

7.2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

7.3. ECtHR

8. Fill in the blanks:

8.1 . By decision of the local authorities, if there are good reasons, the age of marriage can be reduced at the request of persons entering into marriage, but not more than __________.

8.2 . The number of participants in the meeting necessary to recognize it as competent to make decisions is called ____________.

8.3. If a treasure is found containing items belonging to historical or cultural monuments, they are subject to transfer to state ownership. In this case, the owner the land or other property where the treasure was hidden, and the person who discovered the treasure is entitled to receive a fee together in the amount of ______ percent of the value of the treasure.

8.4. In accordance with applicable law, elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation are carried out according to the __________ system.

9. Match Latin Phrases to their Translation

and) ad impossibilia lex non cogit;

b) ad rem;

in) altera pars.

1. By merits to case.

2. The law does not require the impossible.

3. Other side.

4. There is no rule without exception.

5. Universal agreement.

6. Pros and cons.




10. At what age do citizens of the Russian Federation acquire their constitutional rights?

11. Namely so in Ancient rome originally called a personal secretary with knowledge of the Tyrron badges, i.e. shorthand, and from the third century A.D. so called all the trusted "scribes" and office workers. Now this is one of legal professions. What kind of profession is this?

12. In 1914, a scandalous story occurred in Monaco. The bride of Prince Albert III escaped, taking with him family jewels. To find them, the prince called a council of criminal investigation services from different countries. Thus, the beginning was made ...Why?

13. Solve legal problems:

13.1. 13-year-old Olya temporarily resides with her grandmother, while her parents live in a neighboring city. Olya considers her grandmother’s apartment to be her residence. Is Olya right in terms of law? Justify your answer.

13.2. 17-year-old Sergei was invited to work in a nightclub as a bartender. The director of the night club spoke about the working conditions: work at night, mainly on weekends. In addition, when hiring, a trial period of one month is established.Is it possible in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation to conclude an employment contract with Sergey on the specified conditions? Justify the answer.

Answers and evaluation criteria

1. For each correct answer, 1 point, if not all letters - 0.5 points.
























a B C

The maximum number of points is 12.

2. For each correct answer 0.5 points

2, 4, 3, 1, 6, 5

The maximum number of points is 3.

3. These are acts of civil status (Article 47 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The maximum number of points is 2.

4. For the correct determination of the excess - 2 points, for the justification - 2 byl.

2, 6. Everything listed in clauses 1, 3, 4, 5 relates to sources of law.

The maximum number of points is 4.

5. For each correct answer 1 point.









The maximum number of points is 4.

6. For each correct answer 1 point.









The maximum number of points is 4.

7. For each correct answer 1 point.

7.1. The minimum wage.

7.2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

7.3. European Court of Human Rights.

The maximum number of points is 3.

8. For each correct answer 1 point.

8.1. 2 years

8.2. Quorum

8.3 . Fifty percent (Article 233 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

8.4 . Proportional

The maximum number of points is 4.

9. For each correct answer 1 point.







The maximum number of points is 3.

10. Constitutional rights in the Russian Federation are acquired from birth

The maximum number of points is 2.

11. Notary (scribe in Latin - notary).

The maximum number of points is 2.

12. Interpol.

The maximum number of points is 2.


    1. . Olya is not right (1 point). The place of residence of minors is recognized as the place of residence of their legal representatives, in this case parents (article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) (2 points).

13.2 The conclusion of an employment contract under such conditions is unacceptable (2 points ) for the following reasons:

1) A minor cannot work in a nightclub (1 point ), because such work may harm the health and moral development of a minor (1 point ) - Article 265 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

2) A minor cannot work at night or on weekends (2 points ) - Article 268 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For the answer: “A minor cannot work on weekends” (without indicating a ban on night work) -0 points .

3) The probationary period for minors is not established (part 4 of article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) -2 points.

For the answer: "The conclusion of an employment contract is permissible" -0 points.

Total points for work - 56 points .

Brief description of the document:

  • Materials include assignments for the school stage of the Olympiad in law; contain tests, tasks and sources for grades 9-11.
  • All tasks comply with the requirements of the standard, federal law programs and the recommendations of the organizers of the All-Russian Olympiad for students in the subject.
  • For the convenience of the teacher, detailed keys to questions and points for evaluating the work are provided.
  • For each class, the optimal runtime is indicated.
  • A feature of the proposed materials is the inclusion of illustrations and tables.
  • Job data serves preparatory phase to the municipal and regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.

general information


The main goal of the Olympiad for students of St. Petersburg State University is rightfully to identify and develop creative abilities and interest in research activities, creating necessary conditions for the support and development of gifted children, dissemination and popularization scientific knowledge, attracting talented youth to study at leading universities in Russia, including St. Petersburg University. Winners and prize-winners of the Olympics enjoy privileges for admission to St. Petersburg University and other universities. The vast majority of them, having become students of St. Petersburg University, show significantly higher academic results compared to their fellow students who did not participate in the Olympics.

! Correspondence of the training areas and specialties for which St. Petersburg State University holds admission in 2017, the profile of the Olympiad and the procedure for providing benefits to winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s olympiads, conducted in accordance with the Procedure for conducting schoolchildren’s olympiads

Ask a question to the coordinator of the subject of the Olympics: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have javascript enabled to view it.

The idea of \u200b\u200btraining lawyers at St. Petersburg State University belongs to Peter the Great. On January 22, 1724, the emperor established the Academy of Sciences and the University of St. Petersburg in St. Petersburg. One of the features of the first century of the existence of St. Petersburg University was that legal science in Russia was still in its infancy, so foreigners became the first teachers and students. Since its founding, the University of Law has taken a leadership position due to the fact that the best jurists of the time were involved in teaching (H. Gross, I.S. Bekenshtein, F.G. Shtrube de Pirmon). On February 14, 1760, three faculties were opened at St. Petersburg University: legal, medical and philosophical. On the recommendation of the rector M.V. Lomonosov Academician G.F. Becomes a Professor of Law at St. Petersburg University Feodorovich, whose name was widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. The wonderful traditions of the St. Petersburg Law School were also laid down throughout the 19th century. The Faculty of Law took up the ideas of liberal reforms of the 1860s and became a bastion of freedom of science, creativity, and thought. Jurisprudence at St. Petersburg University at that time was taught by A.D. Gradovsky, I.Ya. Foynitsky, F.F. Martens, M.I. Gorchakov and other famous domestic scientists, statesmen. The gradual development of legal education at St. Petersburg University was disrupted by the First World War and two revolutions. Rejection of the new social system and politics soviet power forced many teachers to leave Russia. In 1930-1944, the Leningrad University did not have a law faculty; it was restored immediately after the lifting of the fascist blockade. IN post-war period The leading positions in Soviet legal science were taken by the scientific schools of civil and criminal law. Within the walls of Leningrad University, Soviet scientists of the first rank worked: the creator of the doctrine of state socialist property, academician A.V. Venediktov, author of the first work in the USSR on crimes against the person, Professor M.D. Shargorodsky, creator of the branch of labor law, professor V.M. Dogadov. Employees were regularly involved in normative work on behalf of various authorities. Thanks to the efforts of lecturers at the University of Leningrad, in the 1960s and 70s there was a real rise in Russian civil law. Proceedings of B. B. Cherepakhin and O.S. Ioffe made the Department of Civil Law the largest civil center in the country. The Department of Criminal Law and the Criminal Procedure succeeded. In the 1980s, the Department of Commercial Law arose, headed by Professor A.A. Sobchak.

Today, St. Petersburg University is one of the largest educational centers for training lawyers in Russia. Teachers and graduates of St. Petersburg University continue to be in demand specialists and occupy the highest positions in the largest companies in Russia and Europe, as well as in bodies state power. Legal education at St. Petersburg University today - good example combination of tradition and innovation.

The high quality of legal education at St. Petersburg University could not have been achieved without a constant search for talent among young people. St. Petersburg University has many years of experience in conducting contests and competitions for students by law.

From 2003 to 2007, St. Petersburg University acted as the lead university in organizing and conducting the Regional Olympiad of St. Petersburg universities for professionally oriented youth in social studies. The methodological and organizational support of the final round, including the development of the structure, the preparation of assignments and the assessment of the olympiad work, was carried out by teachers and employees of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. Up to 500 schoolchildren annually took part in the final round of this Olympiad.

In 2007 and 2008, a social science Olympiad was held at St. Petersburg University, the specialized section of which was the section on the basics of law. Faculty of law also took an active part in organizing this Olympics.

In 2009, at the Olympics of schoolchildren of St. Petersburg state university 378 schoolchildren from 27 subjects of the Russian Federation rightfully took part, in 2010 - 1169 schoolchildren from 41 subjects of the Russian Federation. In 2010, the Olympiad was included in the List of School Olympiads, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, it was assigned the third level.

In 2011, the Olympiad for schoolchildren of St. Petersburg State University was also rightfully included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. As a result of serious efforts to attract schoolchildren from various regions of Russia, the number of participants in the qualifying stage of the Olympics reached 2631 people from 67 subjects of the Russian Federation, which together with high level organizational and methodological support allowed the Olympics to get I, the highest, level.

The main goals of the Olympiad of students at St. Petersburg State University are rightfully to identify and develop creative abilities and interest in research activities, create the necessary conditions for supporting and developing gifted children, disseminate and popularize scientific knowledge, attract talented young people to study at leading universities in Russia, including at St. Petersburg University.

Winners and prize-winners of the Olympics enjoy privileges for admission to St. Petersburg University and other universities. The vast majority of them, having become students of the Law Faculty of St. Petersburg University, show significantly higher academic results compared to their fellow students who did not participate in the Olympics.

1. Alekseev S.S. Secrets of law: His understanding, purpose, social value. M., 2002

2. Kravchenko A. I. Social Studies: a textbook. M., 2010

3. Moiseev E. G. Social Studies: a training manual / ed. K. A. Bekyasheva. M., 2013

4. Social Studies: textbook / M. N. Glazunov, I. A. Gobozov, E. M. Deryabin and others; Ed. M.N. Marchenko. M., 2011

5. Social Studies: Lecture Course / Ed. D.I. Lukovskaya and E.B. Khokhlova. SPb, 2009

6. Social studies in questions and answers: a training manual / A. B. Bezborodov, M. B. Bulanova, V. D. Gubin, and others; under the editorship of A. B. Bezborodov, V.V. Minaev. M., 2011

7. Social Studies: textbook / V.V. Aleshin, A.A. Anisimov, L.N. Bashkatov, etc .; Ed. A.V. Opaleva. M., 2010

8. Social Studies: a textbook for universities / S. S. Gusev, B. I. Lipsky, E. M. Sergeychik and others; under the editorship of B.I. Fedorova. M., 2014

9. Fundamentals of state and law: study guide: recommended by UMO as study guide for applicants to universities / A. V. Malko, G.N. Komkova, Z. I. Tsybulenko and others; Ed. A.V. Malko. M., 2010

10. Smolensky M. B. Constitution of the Russian Federation with comments for schoolchildren. M., 2010

The list of winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad of students of St. Petersburg State University by law

in the 2015-2016 academic year, continuing the development of educational programs

secondary (complete) general education

The following students are allowed to participate in the final stage of the SPbSU Olympiad in the 2016-17 academic year without participating in the qualifying stage


middle name


School name




St. Petersburg

GBOU gymnasium №74



MAOU Grammar school № 19



Komsomolsky district, Aleksandrovka village

MBOU Aleksandrovskaya OOSH





MBOU secondary school №10




MBOU secondary school No. 2, the Builder of the Belgorod region




HSE Lyceum



MBOU Lyceum № 44 (№44)





Provincial Lyceum boarding school for gifted children




MAOU Grammar school №1





MOU secondary school №1


Nizhny Tagil

MAOU Polytechnic Gymnasium




GAOU RME Lyceum Bauman №18



GBOU-boarding Intellectual




Velikiy Novgorod

The first university gymnasium named after academician V.V. Magpies



GBOU №1535



St. Petersburg




MAOU gymnasium №23



"Secondary school No. 78"




MAOU secondary school №16



Revival number 2


Stary Oskol

Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Secondary Polytechnic School No. 33



HSE Lyceum




School of Gifted Children


MBOU Bryansk City Lyceum №1 named after A.S. Pushkin



MBOU secondary school No. 63





MOU gymnasium №3




MBOU Shokshinskaya secondary school



MBOU secondary school No. 266

2009 - 2010 academic year

Circuit tour

Grade 11

1. Federal constitutional law is considered adopted if it is approved by most:

and)at least 2/3 of the total number of members of the Federation Council and at least 2/3
votes of the total number of deputies of the State Duma;

b) at least 2/3 of the total number of members of the Federation Council;

in)3/4 votes of the total number of deputies of the State Duma;

d)no less than 3/4 of the total number of members of the Federation Council and no less
2/3 of the total number of deputies of the State Duma.

The Olympics of schoolchildren by law

2009-2010 academic year

district stage

Grade 9

1. Civil legal capacity is equally recognized for:

and)all citizens;

b) only for competent citizens;

in) foreign citizens and stateless persons;

d) capable and emancipated citizens.

2. Marriage has legal consequences:

and)from the day of registration with the registry office;

b)after a long actual marriage relationship;

in)from the date of conclusion by the captain of a vessel in a long voyage;

d) from the day of the wedding in the church.

3. For which categories of citizens Labor Code The Russian Federation establishes additional guarantees, compensations and benefits:

and) women and persons with family responsibilities;

b) workers under the age of 18;

in)persons working on a rotational basis;

d) homeworkers;

e)persons workingin areas of the Far North and equivalent areas.

4. Forms of direct (immediate) democracy correspond to:

and) Federal Assembly RF;

b) rally

in)rural gathering;


e) President of the Russian Federation.

5. The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation consists of:

and) Council of the Federation;

b)State Duma;

in)Council of State;

d) Council of the Union;

e) Council of Nationalities;

e) Security Council.

6. Local government this is:

and) the way people exercise their state power;

b)independent activity of the population in resolving local issuesniya;

in) the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to exercise local self-government;

d) activities of public initiative bodies for the implementation of initiatives

7. Decree of the Government of the N-sky region of the Russian Federation established that
enterprises, institutions, organizations can only hire people who haveurban or regional registration.

Determine which principle of morality is violated by this normative act, and reveal the content of this principle.

8. An interview with the head doctor of the hospital was published in the regional newspaper.
Answering questions from a newspaper correspondent, the head physician spoke about the success in the treatment ofwhich diseases, while naming several surnames of his former patientssufferingshih these diseases.

Are any rights of citizens violated in this case? If yes, then what?

9. Enter the concepts that match the definitions.

and)“The totality of legal norms and institutions united by a commonality is one
the native social relationships that they regulate are«.

b)The supremacy of state power within the country and the independence of the stateforeign affairs ________________«.

10. Which of the concepts refers to civil law?

and) extortion;

b) own;


d)the crime.

11. Criminal liability as a general rule, comes with:

and)14 years old;

b)16 years;

in)18 years:

d) 21 years old.

12. Set the correct matches. Who is the author of each of
the statements below?

13. Which concept corresponds to each of the following definitions?

Grade 9


Task 1-6 (1 point for each correct answer)


  1. - a), b), e)
  2. - b, c, d
  3. a b

The task 7 (For the correct indication of the principle - 1 point, for the justification - 2 points)

7-1) The principle of legality is violated, in whichlaws and other legal actsmust not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

  1. According to the Constitutionwork is free and eachit has right to protection from
    unemployment (Article 37).
  2. In Art. 27 pinnedfreedom of movement and choice of residence on
    the territory of the Russian Federation.

The task 8 (For the answer “Yes” - 1 point, for the justification - 2 points)

  1. - Yes.Immunity privacy, personal and family secret.
    The task9-11 (1 point for each correct answer)
  2. - and)branch of law

B) sovereignty.



Task 12-13 (1 point for each correct answer)

  1. - 16, 2v, Per (max. 3 points)
  2. - 1d, 2a, Sv, 4g, 56 (maximum 5 points)

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