Hand Healing with Reiki (Reiki). Reiki treatment: methods and patient reviews. How to be healthy

Today, folk healers offer quite a lot of different methods related to alternative medicine and designed to save people from ailments. Among them is the practice of Reiki. It is used in many countries of the world to improve the quality of human life.

Reiki is a manual healing and self-improvement technique. It attracts millions of people for the opportunity to become not only for themselves, but also for their loved ones a real family doctor. For reiki treatment Special attention the person who draws is the one for whom, at some period of his life, the topic of health has become especially relevant, and therapy with the use of tablets has not brought tangible results.

Getting rid of diseases by hand, which is used in this technique, is not something supernatural. The fact is that such an ability is inherent in each of us by nature itself. A person can only reveal it in himself through the constant practice of Reiki. Such a skill will allow not only to restore health, but also to remain healthy in the future. A person who has avoided illnesses smoothly transfers this condition to his loved ones. This is one of the basic laws of life.

Method propagation

Reiki has been practiced all over the world for almost a century. In Canada and Germany, it was even recognized at the state level. In these countries, it is used on a par with other methods of treatment.

In Russia, healing by hands using this method has been practiced since about the 90s of the 20th century. In 2005, the Commission for Folk Medicine, established under the Government of Moscow, recognized this method as one of the varieties of bioenergy correction, which does not have side effects and does not negatively affect the physical and mental health of citizens.

What it is?

Reiki is traditionally a spiritual and healing practice. The term itself has been used for a long time in Japan and means any method of treatment that uses life forces, or

Translated from the language of the people of the Land of the Rising Sun, the word "rei" means "universal", "absolute" or "higher mind". "Ki" is pure energy that comes to us from above.

It is believed that only a master teacher can open access to it. Subsequently, this channel will never close, even if a person stops using it.

A bit of history

The Reiki treatment method, as mentioned above, came to us from Japan. The first to discover the presence of this energy was Mikao Usui. It was to this Buddhist, after a long solitude and numerous meditations, that the secret power and knowledge came. People who have mastered this technique can control their own health. In addition, they have the ability to attract into their lives whatever they want. They also gain the ability to heal other people.

To date, the teachings of Reiki are classified as alternative medicine. And, as you know, everything that falls into this category modern science cannot explain.

Source of diseases

Where do people get sick? Health, vigor and vitality - all these elements together determine the state that is considered a standard for nature and leads a person to longevity. And it can become a reality if people listen to their body and satisfy its needs. Of course, it is more logical to constantly maintain your good physical shape than to solve the problems of restoring health. But what else can adversely affect the human body besides the aging process? Negative emotions and thoughts, as well as subconscious attitudes and blocks, with which each of us is literally stuffed from childhood.

Think of yourself as a child. There is hardly a person who can boast that his childhood passed without the cries of his parents, punishments, senseless reproaches and prohibitions. How to attract attention and feel the care and love of parents, which is so necessary at a young age? Yes, just get sick. Most often, only in this case, the child achieved the long-awaited peace, tender relationship of parents, favorite toys, cartoons and books. Childhood smoothly passed into youth, followed by maturity. For many people, the habit of manipulating disease has become so deeply embedded in the subconscious that it has become impossible to eliminate it. In addition, life dictated many other skills that contribute to the emergence of diseases. These are resentment and aggression, fears and dissatisfaction with oneself, claims and anger.

Chance to get rid of diseases

Reiki hands treatment allows each person to get rid of fears and remove the subconscious blockage. And this becomes possible thanks to the healing energy that the Universe gives us.

When using the Reiki treatment method, the human body is restored consistently and gently. According to patients, the tension that is present at the level of feelings, emotions and thoughts gradually disappears. As a result, the body is filled with strength and health.

But it should be borne in mind that none of the non-traditional practices can help a person who does not want to change their attitude towards others and towards themselves, their own worldview, and also pay close attention to their suffering body.

Reiki principles

What is the basis of the Japanese method of treatment? Reiki is a practice, the main condition for which is the daily implementation of the five principles. They consist in the fact that a person must:

  • don't get angry;
  • not to worry;
  • show gratitude;
  • work hard;
  • be kind to people.

The principles listed above allow a person to know harmony, finding it within himself. Unfortunately, modern world so far removed from spirituality that not everyone can follow these rules. After all, even a manifestation of politeness is sometimes seen as hypocrisy or a desire to get something for yourself, using someone else's kindness. That is why the knowledge that Reiki carries is transmitted only by Masters. But before that, they must conduct some preparation with the person. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the energy of Reiki will never work if someone wishes to use it for selfish purposes.

Levels of Healing Practice

The Reiki Method includes three steps. Each of them is important. All of them are given when teaching healing in stages. Before moving on to each of the subsequent levels, the student's initiation takes place, which is called initiation. It is a special ritual that aims to open certain chakras in a person. It is through them that the Reiki energy will flow in the future. Let's take a closer look at these steps:

  1. At the first stage, the practice of Reiki sets itself the goal of physical healing of a person. Energy cleansing is also achieved literally at all levels. How to be healthy? This is not such a difficult question. With the help of the practice of Reiki, which will eliminate the slagging of the biofield, it will be possible to achieve a result. This will restore health. Reviews of patients about the treatment of Reiki claim that this process occurs gradually and, as a rule, depends on the perseverance of the person himself. The fact is that it will be impossible to get a visible result if you do not practice healing daily.
  2. At the second stage of the method are significantly expanded. The one who has passed the initiation can already be engaged in the treatment of other people. At the same time, it is not necessary to have physical contact with your customers. Diligent training allows you to transmit universal life energy at a distance. At the second stage, a person is also given the opportunity to fulfill desires. It is believed that those who have already passed the initial stage have cleansed themselves and noticeably enriched their spiritual knowledge. The practitioner can fulfill his desires by studying the symbols of Reiki. Their use makes it possible to charge food and water. In addition, Reiki symbols are used to attract wealth and love into your life. The practitioner's spiritual growth allows him to understand true values and pinpoint your true desires. The one who tries to attract a lot of money into his life, but at the same time has selfish thoughts, smart energy will not help.
  3. The third step is also called the level of the Master. It can be mastered only by those who firmly decided to help those who wish to be trained in healing. Only Masters have the right to initiate other people. A person who has risen to the highest level is capable of much. Nevertheless, he is quite calm about all material goods, not afraid of losing anything. These people can easily be constantly in the flow of abundance, getting everything they want. However, wealth and money are of little value to them. But this does not mean at all that the Masters live in poverty. They are simply given the ability to find a middle ground between attracting love and money into their lives. At the same time, they always remember about spirituality and always apply the 5 principles of Reiki, which are familiar to every beginner.

What makes the practice work?

The reason for the healing effect of the Reiki method can be explained from various points of view. If we try to give an explanation of the effectiveness of Japanese practice from an esoteric position, then it is worth remembering that vital energy, without which not a single person can exist. The health of each of us directly depends on its proper circulation in the energy system of the body. The Reiki system activates, balances and enhances these currents. During the practice, those emotional and physical blocks are often found that must be eliminated.

The Reiki healer is the conductor of this energy. In the first step, he does this by placing his hands on one or another part of the patient's body. At the second stage, the healer connects signs to work.

Patients' feedback suggests that they (even being skeptics) felt the Reiki energy well not only during the initiation period, but also during sessions, even those that were performed on themselves.

According to the teachings of Reiki, most of the problems that arise in a person are due to the fact that in him there is a “separation” of his inner natural essence from the outside world. Japanese practice allows you to eliminate this condition.

The healing effect of Reiki methods can also be explained from a psychological point of view. At the same time, it is worth remembering the basic principles of this practice. Adhering to them daily, a person acquires a healthy and pure spirit. And this is definitely reflected in his daily life.

The sequence of actions during Reiki sessions smoothly introduces a person into a state of meditation. At the same time, patients begin to consciously learn about the world around them and work on themselves. All this allows a person to quickly move forward along the path he has chosen.

The practice of Reiki allows you to establish contact between the inner and outer worlds of each of us, which allows us to gain wisdom and knowledge. With the help of meditation, a person begins to realize the causes of problem situations and finds the right way to eliminate them. In other words, the Reiki method is a kind of psychotherapy, when using which a person becomes capable of helping himself.

Practice Levels

Reiki healing goes through two stages. At the first of them, work with the human body is carried out. But the patient, as a rule, does not change his behavior and soon returns to his usual life. At the same time, it often happens that the disease occurs again or it leaves the human body, but it is replaced by another ailment. Sometimes the patient's condition is aggravated by the problem of psychological orientation.

While working on the second level, more importance is attached to the healing of the human soul. When solving problems of a subtle level, gaps of a coarser material orientation will automatically be eliminated.

When applying these two methods, it is very important to establish the golden mean that will become reasonable for a particular patient.

The possibilities of treatment using the practice of Reiki are enormous. In many cases, they are very effective, which is confirmed by patient reviews. Thus, the use of the Japanese method allows:

  • accelerate the healing process of wounds;
  • cure infectious diseases;
  • save a person from ailments of internal organs;
  • relieve pain.

In this case, the practice can be applied at a distance. It is worth noting that such non-traditional treatment is devoid of harmful side effects and develops the latent abilities of a person.

Thus, the practice of Reiki helps both the body and the soul. She harmonizes emotional condition patient, thereby allowing to solve many life problems in the best way for the soul.

The Reiki method is also useful for young children. It allows kids to get sick less, and if this happens, then restore their health faster. Children who go through sessions of this practice open up better at school. Their memory improves significantly, and various abilities develop. All this makes it easier for such children to master the educational material.

The practice of Reiki is also beneficial for the elderly. Its use improves their well-being and prolongs life.

Many patients note that after undergoing Reiki sessions, they felt an increase in the energy of the body. They had a desire to create, as well as a trust in people and in the whole world.

reiki music

How to be healthy? One of the ways to achieve a good physical and mental shape is music therapy. Various sounds and melodies have been used to eliminate diseases since ancient times. This method is also used in modern medicine.

The Reiki system of self-improvement and healing uses various meditative and energy practices, which can and even should be done to music. In this case, the New Age style is applied. In addition, music for sessions and meditations using the Reiki method is also created by contemporary composers inspired by unique opportunities Japanese way of getting rid of diseases. These melodies are designed to help people quickly eliminate mental and physical stress, raise vitality and mood.

Reiki music provides invaluable assistance in the treatment of joints, eye diseases and migraines, getting rid of the pathology of the spine, kidneys, intestines and many other ailments. The performance of energy and breathing exercises is often accompanied by the sounds of nature: the singing of birds, the calls of killer whales, dolphins, whales, the sound of rain, a mountain stream, etc.

Reiki energy sessions, which are called energy massage, are carried out using special musical compositions. When they sound, at short intervals, the sound of a melodic bell is heard. This is a kind of signal that indicates the need to move the palms to the next position. The use of bell reiki in music helps beginners who have just started practicing this technique. Over time, when the skill will be improved, sessions can be held to any melody. The main thing is that it should be relaxing.

The method of transferring vital energy to oneself or another person through the hands using reiki healing music, judging by the feedback from patients, gives great result not only when getting rid of various ailments. Such sessions are held for rehabilitation and preventive purposes. Relaxation and endowing the body with vital energy is the best way elimination of physical diseases. It allows a person to get rid of fatigue and stress, while preventing the most serious disease of our time - depression.

The ability to self-heal and bring our body to a healthy state is inherent in us by nature. It is as if a program for self-healing and restoration is written into our body. We recover if we get sick, the wound on the arm or leg heals over time. Purely reflexively, we put our hand to the sore spot, start rubbing it, or just hold our hand.

The main thing is to trust your nature and not allow failure in these programs. Failures occur due to the fact that we ourselves block our ability to self-heal. We don't believe in them. Reiki initiation enhances your abilities and makes the process of self-healing conscious.

Take five minutes to read and put it into practice right away.

1. Get into a comfortable position (sitting or lying down) and focus on your breathing.

You don't need to change it. Just watch the air moving: inhale, exhale, exhale, exhale. Don't evaluate or change anything - just observe. This is done so that you can immerse yourself in the present moment and calm the thoughts swarming in your head for at least a few minutes.

2. Stretch your arms out in front of you and rub your palms vigorouslyfor 30-60 seconds.

As a result, the palms should become hot. Feel this warmth. Smile while rubbing your palms. A smile in itself has a healing power and can change your mood in a matter of seconds.

3. Keep your palms at a distance of 15-20 cm from one anotherand feel the energy between them.

This energy is always there. And now you feel it, because you consciously set yourself such a task. When you feel this energy, realize that it is part of your being. Keep smiling. Nice feeling, isn't it?

4. Close your eyes.

Try moving this energy from your hands to another area of ​​your body. It can't be done "wrong". You awaken your energy body with the power of intention—the intention to feel and heal.

Try moving this energy to any overstressed or unhealthy part of your body. Hold the energy there knowing that you are sending love and Reiki healing energy there.

If you stop feeling energy, rub your palms again. You can't do it well, badly or wrongly. You can represent the energy however you feel is right. You may want to just feel it, perhaps you will visualize it as white light. Do what is easier for you. As you do this step, be in a state of play and smile.

5. Keep working with the energy flow.

Point it to different parts of the body. Pay attention to the sensations that arise in the places that the flow reaches. Know that this energy can help you heal from pain and feel grateful that you have finally discovered this natural ability in yourself. Feel how this energy relaxes every part of your body it comes in contact with.

Now that you have received a Reiki attunement, the first step is to learn how to use this sacred energy to heal yourself. The Reiki self-healing technique is very simple and can be used anytime you need it. I highly recommend that you use it at least once a day for the first three weeks after tuning. The change in energy vibration causes a radical realignment of the body, which usually lasts twenty-one days. Your body will be clearing out toxins, old emotional memories, or adjusting to new conditions caused by the rise in vibration. During this period, your body needs help, and therefore you need to conduct self-healing sessions. In addition, I advise you to drink plenty of water at this time, as this will help the kidneys remove toxins, which your body will begin to actively get rid of.

The process of self-healing

In order to conduct a Reiki self-healing session, you need to lie on a bed or on the floor. You can take a comfortable position in a chair or on a chair, but most people prefer to do this while lying down. Wash your hands. Handwashing symbolizes entering the Reiki healing space with pure intentions. In addition, it ensures that you do not bring infection into the eyes, since the eyes are the organ that becomes the first object of exposure.


Gently, without pressing, close your eyes with your palms to give them a rest. Fingers should be closed, not splayed. You don't have to do anything to set the Reiki energy in motion. Just think of it as a divine river whose flow you cannot speed up or slow down. It will flow on its own and all you have to do is not interfere. Remember, you may not feel anything at first. Most people feel tingling in their hands or warmth emanating from them, but not everyone has such sensations. So if you don't feel anything, don't worry. Just let Reiki do its thing and remember that it is guided by the Supreme, that it is intelligent by nature. Hold your hands in this position for three to five minutes.

You may notice that your breathing will change during this time. For example, in the first few minutes of a Reiki session, I often have the urge to take a deep breath. You may feel calm, peaceful, or even sleepy. Remember that this process only passes through you, and does not come out of you, and that it is not yours, but the Divine energy that becomes the means of healing. So let everything go by itself, and you just be present, even if you don't feel anything. All that is required of you is to keep your hands in the desired position.


After several minutes of exposure to the eyes, smoothly move the hands so that the palms cover the temples. In this position, the hands should also remain for three to five minutes. Over time, you will learn to feel the right moment when you should move your hands from one position to another. You will gain the ability to hear information coming to you through the palms of your hands. In the meantime, use a three to five minute period for each position.

When you are done working on the temples, smoothly move your palms so that they cover your ears. Just let your hands stay in this position so that the Reiki can flow freely. The execution time of the position is also from three to five minutes.

Next, move your hands and place them along the jaws. This is a great area to work on if you have temporomandibular joint problems or difficulty expressing anger. Often the feeling of anger remains in our jaws, and Reiki can be very helpful in relieving tension in this area. Do the position for three to five minutes.

Front side of the body

Then begin to perform positions, the sequence of which forms two stripes on both sides of the front of the torso. First, place your hands on both sides of your upper chest so that your fingertips rest on your collarbones in the area between your shoulder and neck. Try to be comfortable in this position. If you feel tension somewhere in your body or if you are uncomfortable, move your hands so that you do not have to make an effort. This is not yoga, and our task is to let our physical body "speak" and then listen carefully to what it tells us. What works well for me may not work for you. Therefore, consider these positions as approximate, and not as precisely defined goals. Reiki is intelligent; She will go where she needs to go.

After treating the upper chest, move the hands down to the nipples so that the Reiki flows into the lungs and adjacent muscle tissues. The fingers should still be closed, not splayed. As in other positions, keep your hands in this place for three to five minutes.

Lung work is very important. When I feel the first signs of a cold, a five-minute exposure to the lungs helps me get rid of it.

The next position is the lower chest. As always, try to move your hands smoothly. The arms can be placed closer to the sides, as you will later bring them back here to walk from top to bottom along the front and middle parts of the torso.

After holding your hands in this place for the right time, move them down and place them on the sides of the abdomen. act on given area three to five minutes.

The final position for this sequence, but not for the whole session, is the position of the hands on the lower back, above the acetabulum. You perform the position for three to five minutes. On this, the impact on the two stripes on the sides of your body can be considered complete.

Center of the body

Return to the neck and do a sequence of positions covering the center of the torso. First, place your hands over your throat three to five centimeters from the Adam's apple. This area is usually very sensitive and should not be touched. Reiki will flow from your palms. Direct contact is not needed here. (As a matter of fact, there is no need for direct contact at all. I know several Reiki healers who never touch the body of a person during their sessions. Personally, like most Reiki healers, I prefer direct contact wherever possible. Most people like to feel the warmth of the hands from which Reiki comes in. But if you enjoy holding your hands over your body in each position rather than using direct contact, that will work too.) Hold this position for three to five minutes. This zone is extremely important for those who have problems with emotional self-expression. In this position, the hands cover the throat chakra, the energy center that governs human communication. I have found that a good dose of Reiki energy in this position is very effective in clearing the throat for angina follicularis and helping to repair broken relationships when one of the participants is unwilling to speak his mind. After treating the throat, move your hands down and place them side by side so that the touching palms cover the heart chakra area, but not the heart. The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, ten centimeters above the diaphragm. This is the place, working on which helps to get rid of heart experiences, and besides, from here Reiki will independently get to the heart. Do this position for three to five minutes. Then move the touching hands down and cover the area between the navel and the diaphragm. This position affects the chakra of strength and helps to restore will and self-confidence. In addition, it helps with digestive disorders. Do this position for three to five minutes.

For the next position, move your hands down and cover the area between your navel and upper pelvis. From here, Reiki will flow into the chakra that governs sexuality and creativity. Do this position for three to five minutes.

The final position for this sequence, but not for the entire session, is a "T" arm position, with the left hand held horizontally over the crotch, fingers toward the right thigh, and the right hand held in such a position that the wrist touches the left hand and the fingers were pointing down towards the anus. In this position, the genitals and the root chakra are affected. Do this position for three to five minutes. Now it's time to send Reiki to the back of the head. Place both hands on the back of your head. Do this position for three to five minutes.

After hitting the back of your head, place your hands on your back, just below your ribcage. From here, Reiki will reach the kidneys and help flush out the toxins released from the attunement and self-healing session. Do this position for three to five minutes.

Then move your hands so that they cover the tailbone. Do this position for three to five minutes, or longer if you have lower back problems.

Knees and feet

The next position is knees. Place your hands on both knees and let the Reiki energy flow into them for three to five minutes.

For the final position, wrap your hands around the plantar arches of your feet. Allow Reiki to flow into this area to help you ground your energy, come to your senses and end the session. Do this position for three to five minutes.

After self-healing

After the Reiki session is over, thank the energy and all the entities that have brought you healing. In the term "essence of Reiki" I include all the Reiki masters of the past who helped the sacred gift of Reiki reach me. This category may also include angels, devas, or other spiritual beings who helped me gain the ability to give Reiki. It goes without saying that I also include the Supreme Being in Reiki. I'm just saying, "I thank all Reiki beings for this gift of healing." The last thing I do after every session is wash my hands. This action symbolizes successful purification and liberation. Plus, it helps keep your hands clean.

In conclusion, it remains to make one important remark. In order to use Reiki, you do not need to full session self-healing. You can simply place your hand on any area of ​​the body that you think needs Reiki healing energy at any time and allow it to work there. This is especially true when you are sick or injured. Self-healing should be done regularly once a day. But don't limit yourself to just Reiki for self-healing purposes.

Ways to Use Reiki Everyday

Reiki is more than just a tool for self-healing. This energy is able to deepen our connection with the Supreme and with all beings with whom we interact. It can even enhance the value of the nutrients that come into our bodies with food. One of the Reiki masters who was my teacher used to like to compare Reiki to a sacred dye: every time we dip the fabric of our essence, our own sacred, into it, when you hold your palms a few centimeters away from it during treatment. In addition, the Reiki energy can penetrate through a cup or glass into any drinks that you are about to consume. I can’t say that this changes the taste, but the quality of the food improves noticeably. And since the food you eat literally becomes a part of you, this improvement in quality directly affects you. According to some Reiki masters, prolonged exposure to certain foods before eating helps cleanse the body of toxins and disease.

Reiki for Plants, Animals and Inanimate Objects

Reiki energy can also be transferred to plants, animals and inanimate objects. I often use Reiki on trees while walking, especially in the city where they are cut off from the forests and their natural surroundings. Note the fact that trees growing in a tiny patch of land next to a sidewalk often have much weaker vitality than trees in forests. Reiki can benefit any tree, as well as indoor and garden flowers. Also, when you give Reiki to plants, it flows through you and therefore you receive it yourself.

Animals tend to take Reiki well as well. Sometimes I happen to give Reiki sessions for dogs, who usually fall asleep during the treatment. In these cases, I simply place my hands where the sick animal allows and allow the Reiki to flow into its body. If the animal is frightened, the session should be stopped immediately. Any benefit you can bring to an animal will be negated by its condition.

Inanimate objects can be given Reiki energy to improve their functional abilities. I have heard stories of people using Reiki to recharge car batteries. And although I myself can not boast of such achievements, I must admit that on a couple of occasions I happened to use a short Reiki effect on a lawn mower to help a neighbor start a machine that did not want to work. How I did it, I can't explain. Hopefully, when PhDs in nuclear physics and electrical engineers become Reiki masters, we will have more clarity on this issue. In the meantime, I can only assume that the changes at the molecular level that occur under the influence of Reiki are enough to solve some problems with electrical equipment in some cases. Of course, Reiki will not help to glaze broken window or inflate a flat tire. But applying Reiki to consumer electronic devices will definitely improve their functioning and, in addition, allow you to use this wonderful gift once again.


In order to heal, it is enough just to open Reiki. The power itself will do everything the best way. In the first stage, the main treatment is performed through the touch of the hands. The contact touch will be most effective in terms of the amount of Reiki energy you pass through. Semi-contact touch (when the hand does not touch physically, is located 2-5 centimeters from the patient's body - more subtle and requires a certain skill, sufficient purity of our internal Reiki conduction. Remote touch - through an imaginary phantom of the hand (as if your hand was lying on the body) just as effective, can be used to treat hard-to-reach (back self) or intimate places. However, remote work with a phantom hand requires a certain skill. In any case, at the first stage, the treatment is performed in the personal presence of the patient. Long-distance or time-shift remote treatment (conducting a session now with the intention that the Reiki treatment will come to the patient in a few hours, at a time when it is more convenient for him) requires an initiation into the second level of Reiki and the ability to handle the Third Symbol.

Before treatment, ask permission from the external and internal patient. We ask the external patient for verbal (auditory) consent to the treatment. After that, we plunge to the level of our soul, deep inside ourselves into the area of ​​the spiritual heart (Anahata chakra) and from this level, we feel the spirit of the patient. Next, we ask her a question - does she want to receive Reiki healing today. If the answer is positive, we feel the resonance of joy, warmth, smile. If the soul has other plans, we feel a sense of inner contraction, rejection, closing. Such a practice is very important, since in our time of dissociation between the soul, mind and body, the mind (verbal consent) can often be in illusions, moral, ethical, social programs of behavior and not hear your soul. Such disunity is the cause of most diseases. Healing at all levels of human existence, as well as at the level of karmas, awareness, choice and wisdom of the soul, Reiki allows you to unite the soul-body-mind and come to healing. Questions of fate are being resolved, a new world outlook is being formed. For Reiki, nothing is impossible - destroyed organs are restored, lost functions return. But in spite of all this, in rare cases, the soul is not ready to start healing right now, it has slightly different plans, it is still learning some aspects of the experience of existence and is not going to change its life - in these situations, you will be asked not to interfere. Perhaps, having enjoyed various facets of experience (and for the soul, the duality - bad-good is conditional, for it the important-unimportant, interesting-uninteresting, necessary-unnecessary pair is more important), the soul after some time will make a different choice and ask you for treatment. Maybe even the next day. It is important to correctly explain the situation to the patient's mind, to guide him along the path of internal rethinking and observation.

Sometimes, the soul of the patient finds it difficult to accept the choice. She's not sure, she just doesn't know what's in store for her. In these cases, you do a Reiki treatment session and ask the soul again after the therapy.

Alternatively, there is no need for treatment - opening Reiki, you will not feel that a Stream of Healing Power passes through you. On the contrary, you understand that Reiki will not go to this patient now. Stop. No need to consider yourself wiser than the universe. Do not overestimate your personal healing abilities. In the Reiki method of Mikao Usui, we are only conductors of the energy of the universe. Remember this. Be an "empty bamboo". If you are in harmony with the World, your healing will always be successful.

Perform kenyeku before and after treatment. You can also wash your hands with water.

You don't give anything and you don't take anything - only Reiki always works. You are ready to help but neutral in relation to the patient, the result is for yourself.

The dose of treatment is determined solely by the inner feeling. You can simply feel - “that's it, the work is over here, you need to move to another place”, you can also feel that an organ or area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body itself begins to give you Reiki energy. In children and animals, the criterion may be that the child begins to show increased activity and "run away from treatment." You can also focus on reducing the flow of Reiki passing through you.

In any case, at the 1st degree of Reiki, healing should not exceed 20-30 minutes and decrease from stage to stage. Some masters spend a second healing. So could Mikao Usui and if we trust the Power of Reiki, so can we.

Hand positions for healing

Standard hand positions:

  • Two palms on the parietal bones, not covering the median line and Sahasrara.
  • Two palms on the temporal bones (covering the ears).
  • Two palms on the occipital bone (support the back of the head).
  • The left hand is on the back of the head opposite Ajna (6th chakra) (or the center of the forehead), the right is on the front of the head.
  • Left behind the neck. Right in front of the neck. (Vishudha (5th chakra), middle of the neck).
  • Hands on the shoulder girdle (this is a very good position for filling the whole body with Reiki energy)
  • Hands in the projection of Anahata (4th chakra).
  • Hands in the projection of Manipura (3rd chakra).
  • Hands in the projection of Svadhisthana (2nd chakra).
  • Hands in the projection of Muladhara (1st chakra) (possible treatment by touching the "phantom" hand or alternating influence of the right hand through the right and left knee to the left hand on the sacrum).
  • You can walk all over the body - where the hand pulls. Zones with energy imbalances will either absorb a lot of power, feel cold, or resist. The healed area is filled with light and warmth and will return Reiki to you.

Additional hand positions

  • Hands in the projection of the lungs on 2 sides of the spine from the back
  • Hands in the projection of the kidneys on 2 sides of the spine from the back
  • Hands in the projection of the pelvic bones on 2 sides of the sacrum from the back
  • Hands in the area of ​​the tops of the lungs, under the collarbone on 2 sides of the sternum
  • Hands in the projection of the liver and pancreas in the area of ​​the diaphragm from 2 sides along the front surface
  • Hands in the abdomen on 2 sides of the navel
  • Be sure to ground the patient by holding the hands on the dorsum of the ankle joints.

Standard hand positions are used not only for treating patients, but also for self-healing. At the same time, in the position on the shoulder girdle, you can not cross the arms, each palm lies on its own side. A phantom hand is used to treat hard-to-reach areas on the back. The phantom is released from the physical hand, or we simply “know” that our hand is on the right part of the body. The Reiki flow will be felt both at the position of the phantom hand and from the palm of the physical hand, the phantom of which is used for treatment. Don't forget to "pick up" the hand phantom - simply by drawing it into the physical hand with your intention.

Be sure to ground yourself at the end of self-healing. For those who still find it difficult to bend down to the feet, you can use the front area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shin below the knee for grounding, just understanding what needs to be done.

Chakra Balancing Technique.

Best performed with the patient lying down.

Our chakras are in relation to each other.

The 1st chakra is opposed to the 6th. The survival instinct is opposed to spirituality and dreams.

The 2nd chakra is the opposite of the 5th. The desire for carnal pleasures is opposed to refined self-expression.

The 3rd chakra is opposite to the 4th. Power and the desire to take as opposed to love, a smile and a willingness to give.

For our being, the normal functioning of all chakras is necessary. If we give preference to the qualities of only one (albeit the brightest, kindest) - we will perish.

In order to harmonize the work of the chakras, the technique of chakra balancing is performed.

1 option

We simply keep our hands on the pairs of chakras, asking Reiki to come and balance them. We are waiting for the flow of Reiki from the right and left palms to equalize, become similar - this will mean that the chakras are harmonized and we can move on to the next position. After finishing the chakra balancing, it is good to do a standard full healing session. Be sure to ground the patient at the end of work.

Left hand on Ajna (6th chakra) - right hand on Muladhara (1st chakra). We continue to balance the axis.

Moving hands

Left hand on Vishuddha (5th chakra) - right hand on Swadhisthana (2nd chakra).

Moving hands

Left hand on Anahata (4th chakra) - right hand on Manipura (3rd chakra).

We ground the patient.

We try not to touch the Sahasrara zones, the plantar surface of the feet and the navel.

Option 2

Realizing the leading role of the central nervous system and awareness in the work of our body, we alternately adjust the work of all other chakras to the work of the 6th chakra. At the same time, the left hand (on the 6th chakra) is minimally involved, it only “listens”, the main work is done by the right hand on the chakras. We are trying to achieve a feeling of warmth, fullness of Reiki energy and the "correct" functioning of the chakras. It is better to perform this technique starting from the 2nd degree of Reiki, since the insufficient purity of the conductor and the possible admixture of the healer's own bioenergetics of the 1st degree may not have a very favorable effect on the refined vibrational work of the 6th chakra. In any case, if we trust Reiki, listen to Her and follow Her instructions, regardless of our level, we will not make mistakes.

The left hand is always on Ajna, as on the ruler of the internal chakras, the right hand moves from Muladhara to Svadhisthana to Manipura to Anahata to Vishuddha, all the while maintaining the axis with Ajna.

We ground the patient.

Session time

Depends on the reactivity of the patient's body and on the throughput of your Reiki Channel. If you are very strong - heal 10-15 minutes no more.

Normal session time at the 1st stage is 20-30 minutes.

At the 1st stage, it is necessary to perform self-healing for 21 days. It is recommended to perform 20-30 (at least 15!) minutes of any meditative Reiki technique and 15-20 minutes of self-treatment.

Areas that are difficult to touch with the palm of your hand can be reached with your inner mental hand - imagining that your real hand is touching some area. Reiki will come to the right place.

Try to ask Reiki for healing, without imposing specific ways, for example, "Reiki, come for healing ...".

You can heal space, objects and situations. Trust Reiki and be happy.

Realizing that Reiki treatment takes place at the level of soul enlightenment, at the end of the treatment procedure, by “grounding” the patient, we ask Reiki to come to eliminate our mistakes and do everything necessary for successful healing. At this moment, even more than usual, we become like “empty bamboo”, completely “dissolve” in Reiki. This is the most important part of the treatment.

At the end of the treatment, we always perform the ken'yoku technique, meaning that we are completely disconnected from the treatment performed and do not care about its result - trusting Reiki and leaving Her to make the treatment Perfect. Healing is one of the three pillars of Reiki.

Therapeutic Techniques of Dr. Usui

Dr. Usui used a series of healing techniques that he combined into an amazing whole (system) of Usui Reiki Ryoho.

Mikao Usui himself, who reached enlightenment, certainly worked intuitively. He touched the diseased areas of the body, massaged them, tapped them, stroked them, blew on them, fixed his eyes on them for 2-3 minutes, filled them with energy in a special way.

Dr. Usui's hand positions

In the Japanese tradition, there is no fundamental rule regarding the duration of treatment. The most important thing is to follow your own intuition and your own hands.

But for his students (in study guide according to Reiki Ryoho "REIKI RIOHO HIKKEY") Mikao Usui recommended certain hand positions in case of specific diseases.

Basic rules for using hands

Open the palm of your hand and hold it naturally, fingers touching each other. Thumb may be slightly set aside. In the case when you want to send a weak stream of energy, spread your fingers apart. If the area is very painful, such as an open wound, or if the area is too sensitive - for some this may be the heart area - keep your hands at a distance.

When you want to send Reiki to a large area, place your hands close together. If you want to send a strong flow of Reiki, put your hands one on one.

When you put your hands on the person being healed, you do not need to press, on the contrary, the hands should be light, like a feather.

Technique for two hands

The universal type of energy distribution implies that the left hand receives and the right hand gives. For some people (especially women) this rule can be reversed. In Reiki, this does not matter and therefore there is no need to make such a distinction between hands. Make full use of both hands. The whole body is filled with Reiki energy through the place where the hands are placed.

Technique for one hand

Only one hand can be used for healing. Depending on the area that needs healing, you can naturally put your whole hand in or use only your fingertips. In the area of ​​paired organs, such as the lungs, kidneys and ears, eyes, try to use both hands, because it is known that in the event of a disease of one organ, the second one takes on its load.

Kokyu-ho - breath healing

As mentioned earlier, we breathe in a mixture of gases and energy. Energy is obviously released when we exhale. Dr. Usui is said to have believed that if you feel warm while giving a Reiki treatment, then you are able to send Reiki energy through both your breath and your eyes. It helps in learning Reiki Second Degree to work with the breath. Mr. Ogawa taught us how to play Kokyu-ho like this:

Inhale and lower your breath into the tanden. Hold it there for a few seconds and use your tongue to draw a symbol of power on the top of your mouth (on the palate).

Now exhale and direct the symbol with your breath to the part of the body that needs treatment. So you can work with the physical body, with the aura, with photography (remote treatment). It also helps to visualize the power symbol as you exhale. (If you are a smoker and need to work with a client, clear your breath first with the symbol.)

You can also experiment with squeezing the anal sphincter or the Hui Yin point while working with the breath. Be aware that breath healing can be a powerful energy experience.

Goshi-Ho - Healing with the eyes

The Japanese word goshi means "look". In his book, Dr. Usui wrote that energy radiates from all parts of the body, especially the hands, eyes, and breath. We are used to the energy radiating from the eyes, but this technique teaches us to really use this energy. In order to heal, we must first of all relax our eyes and defocus them. The gaze is aggressive, and the aggressive gaze cannot heal - that is intrusion.

If during the diagnosis, you saw some place that needs treatment, then ask Reiki to go for healing through your eyes. And you will feel what an intense flow of energy will be directed through you. Just continue to look at the treatment site in a relaxed, non-invasive way. After a while, it will change, it will become light, pleasant, luminous Reiki. This way you will know that the treatment in this area has been completed. You can ask Reiki to come for healing, through the eyes in the treatment of organs, chakras, layers of the aura. This treatment, as well as breathing treatment, is very effective, but it requires sufficient spiritual and energy from the student.

It may be helpful to first practice this technique with an object such as a flower.

Take the flower in your hand or place it two steps away from you on the table at eye level. Relax your eyes, defocus your eyes and look at the flower as if you are looking through (through) it or beyond it. After a while, you will notice that your field of vision becomes peripheral. You can now see almost 180 degrees!

Then look at the flower and let the image come closer to you instead of sending arrows of your visual attention in its direction. After a while, you may begin to realize very fine shape breath coming from your eyes, connected with inhalation and exhalation. Do the exercise for ten minutes every day until you feel comfortable using it in treating people.

Eye Treatment Instructions:

For a few minutes, look with a soft focus on the part of the body that you want to treat. While you are looking at the other person, allow the image of the person to enter your eyes instead of "actively looking" at him or her. Notice how a circle of energy is created between you and the other person as you allow that person's energy to enter your eyes. You can apply Reiki symbols to the part of the body that you want to treat.

Seiheki Tiryō - Habit Healing Technique

The Japanese word seiheki means "habit" and dash word means "treatment". The technique is used to heal habits. Especially the ones we call "bad" habits. If you are working with yourself, write affirmations (clearly articulated intentions). If you are working with a patient, help him write an affirmation. Remember that the affirmation should be short, precise and positive. It must be written in the present tense and in the words of the person who uses it and in his native language. Also remember that it should not limit anything.

It takes time to figure out what a person really wants in life. Our desires often have a deeper meaning, which is not always obvious at first glance.

Instructions for execution:

1) Activate the three energy centers.

2) Put your non-dominant hand (for example, your left, if your working hand right) on the patient's forehead (or on your forehead) and the dominant hand - on the back of the head. Hold your hands for about three minutes while you intensively repeat the affirmation in your mind. Then stop thinking about the affirmation, remove your non-dominant hand from your forehead and simply give Reiki to the patient with your dominant hand at the back of your head.

Dr. Usui supposedly used the five principles of Reiki and the verses of Emperor Meiji in this technique. Instead of affirmations, he repeated the principles, touching the forehead and back of the patient's head.

Hizo Chiryo - Navel Healing Technique

The Japanese word hizō means "navel" and the word tiryō means "treatment".

Technique execution:

1. Activate the three energy centers.

2. Place a slightly bent middle finger on the navel and press gently until you feel a pulse. Do not try to feel the pulse of the abdominal artery deep in the abdomen. Try to just feel the energy pulse, which you can detect when you touch your navel with gentle pressure. Once you have found your pulse, you are ready to start the exercise.

3. Allow the energy of the Universe (Reiki) to flow through your middle finger and into your navel until you feel that your pulse and energy are in harmony. Do this for five to ten minutes. The technique can also be applied to the patient, but please do it very, very gently. First make sure that the patient does not mind that you touch his navel.

4. Slowly and gently remove your finger from the navel.

5. Gassho. Allow your eyes to open.

Gedoku-Ho - Detoxification Technique

The Japanese word doku means "poison" or "toxins" and the word ge means "output". The technique is used to remove toxins from both your body and the patient's body.

Technique execution:

1. Activate the three Dan Tiens.

2. Place one hand on the tanden and the other on the back. Hold your hands for thirteen minutes until you imagine that all the toxins have left the patient's body. It will be better if you ask the patient to imagine the same.

You can imagine that the toxins leave the patient's body through the soles of the feet, into the ground. Don't worry about poisoning the Earth. The earth easily transforms energies into life-giving nourishment.

This technique helps to get rid of side effects medicines.

Hanshin Koketsu-Ho - Blood Purification Technique

The Japanese word hanshin means "half of the body" and the word koketsu can be translated as "blood purification". The technique is used to bring the patient back to planet Earth after healing. It is also helpful for clients with mental disabilities.

Technique execution:

2. Ask the client to stand with their back to you and slightly bend their knees. Balance the client by putting your left hand on his/her shoulder.

Clear the client from the back.

Directions of cleaning movements:

Place your left hand on the patient's left shoulder. With the right hand, make movements from the left shoulder to the right buttock, from the right shoulder to the left buttock - 15 times.

two fingers right hand lead from the 7th cervical vertebra down to the 3rd lumbar vertebra, press on it and slightly delay the movement - 10 times.

With two hands from the spine to the sides, we go from top to bottom - 10-15 times.

Xu Chu Reiki - Reiki Group Concentration Exercise

The Japanese word shu chu literally means "concentrated". This technique can be done in a group or at a Reiki meeting.

Technique execution:

1. Activate the three energy centers.

2. All members of the group send energy to one person, wishing him health and happiness.

Practitioners of the first degree of Reiki place their hands directly on the patient, while practitioners of the second and third use the symbols.

The exercise can have a strong effect on the patient, so it is not recommended for a large number of practitioners to treat an emotionally disturbed patient. If the group is very large, do the exercise for one to two minutes each.

In a large group, it is not possible for everyone to directly put their hands on the patient. Therefore, form several rows. The first healers put their hands on the patient behind them, put their hands on their shoulders. This is a great experience for all involved.

Conducting a treatment session

The room should be clean, bright, quiet and well ventilated so that you can relax well in it. If this is not possible, then before starting treatment, you need to clear the energy in the room with the help of Reiki. Even if the room does not meet ideal requirements, do not worry. Have a woolen blanket or bath towel ready in advance in case you get chilly while relaxing. If necessary, prepare some healing music.

Try to wash your hands first.
This must be done as you are touching what is being healed and in order to clear the low energy vibrations on your hands. After washing, rub your hands to warm them up.

Take off your watch. This applies to both the transmitting energy and the receiving one.
This must be done, as the energy can change the time shown by the clock. The transmitting energy must remove from the hands everything that can injure the healed during the touch. Glasses can not be removed. The healed person must remove what constrains his body: a belt, a tie, a bra and unnecessary jewelry. Rings and earrings can not be removed, as they are charged with good energy.

1) The energy recipient should lie or sit comfortably. You must be relaxed. Do not cross your arms or legs and try to let go of the tension.

2) If you are unable to touch the person being healed, keep your hands above him. Keep your hands three to five centimeters away from areas of the body that should not be touched due to a burn or skin disease. Putting your hands on top of your clothes or woolen blanket means the same thing as keeping them at a distance. Both methods are effective. If it is inconvenient to touch some areas, then the transmitting energy can put his hands on this area over the hands of the recipient. If necessary, you can put a piece of cloth or a napkin on the recipient's face and then place your hands.

3) Explain the changes that may occur after treatment. Sometimes, after treatment, the patient's condition or symptoms worsen. Some develop fever, nervous excitement, more profuse discharge, eczema, or pain. You don't have to worry about this, as it's a process of restoring health called the improvement reaction. (It is recommended to explain this to the patient in advance).

Reiki healing for yourself

In order to perform the treatment for yourself, you need to lay hands on (or hold over) in the indicated order, passing through all the main positions (or all positions that you consider necessary). For positions that are difficult to reach, such as on your back, you should put your hands nearby and mentally imagine that "the hands are in the correct position." The Reiki energy will go to the place you think of. Reiki can instantly pass through either laid hands, or through the realization that Reiki healing is directed to a specific position.

The time for transferring Reiki energy through the main positions for those who have passed the first stage is basically five minutes (60 minutes in total). Empirically, it was found that this period of time is most effective. However, you can determine the right time for you, as it depends on individual abilities.

After you have directed Reiki to all the basic positions, put your hands on the sore spots. If you do not have enough time, put your hands on the affected area immediately after directing the energy to the head area. There is no set time period for this. Hands are usually removed after you have a feeling of healing or relief (feeling of some effect).

Imagine that the treatment is very easy and feel that you can easily perform it anytime and anywhere. You can get some impact even after healing for as little as five minutes in one position if you are in a hurry. And although in order to establish complete harmony it is necessary to perform all the main positions of the Reiki treatment at a time, it is possible to perform them separately in different time. Doing the treatment daily helps to heal the mind and body, release unnecessary tension and increase your spirituality.

Reiki Healing for Others

Initially, the basic positions were established for self-healing, however, they were then used to heal others in the same way as they are today. Place your hands in each of the positions for five minutes in the same way as when treating yourself.

If you selectively heal any position, do so after directing Reiki to the head area, as the center of the self-healing ability is in the brain.

Using Reiki for Plants and Animals

Reiki for animals

For animals - dogs, cats, cows, horses, and so on, the treatment should start from the forehead and continue with other positions on the head and on the body. If some places cannot be touched or firmly held by hands, keep them above the surface at a short distance. Birds should be held carefully in both hands. When you gently place your hands on the animal's head or neck during the transfer of energy, it calms down and feels comfortable. You can treat with your hands above the cage. For carp, carp, goldfish, aquarium fish and so on, perform the treatment with your hands on the aquarium or above the water of the pond. You can send Reiki energy to food and water.

Reiki for plants

To treat plants, place your hands on the leaves, trunk, or roots. Perform flower treatments as a cleansing of the aura, holding the stems or roots with both hands. You can send Reiki life energy to the seeds of plants or vegetables. Reiki energy can be channeled into soil and water.

Reiki for cleansing and healing the air or atmosphere in a room

Send Reiki with both hands to the corners of the room, walls, floor, ceiling.

It is also possible to use symbols (after the initiation of the 2nd stage). Various representations are possible, including the imposition of the Cho Ku Rei symbol on the corners and walls of the room and the center.

Reiki for food and drink

You can direct Reiki energy into ingredients before cooking, or direct Reiki energy into food and drink before eating. In both cases, you should either keep your hands above the object, or touch the dish in which it lies and send energy there.

Zakikiri-zoka-ho - technique for cleaning objects

This is Mikao Usui's original technique for cleansing and energetic support of an object (inanimate). It allows you to remove the strong negative energy and restore vibrational order with the help of Reiki energy. This technique can be used when working with crystals, amulets and other items. It is known that Mikao Usui used charged crystals in healing sessions.

Technique execution:

Activate three energy centers. Say "I begin Zakikiri Zoka-ho" and place the chosen object on the palm of your left hand (for those who have a right working hand). Don't forget to focus your attention on the Lower Dan Tian.

At a distance of five centimeters from the object, swipe horizontally right palm stop the movement abruptly and hold your breath. Repeat this operation three times and then allow Reiki to infuse this item through your hands. If you wish, you can repeat this operation again.

When finished, set aside the item you were working on. Join the palms in Gassho, say "I have completed the Zakikiri Zoka-ho" and then shake the hands well.

You can do this cleaning as needed. If the object is too large, the technique is applied at certain points, or you can imagine this object in a miniature form in your palm.

Other uses of Reiki

You can do Reiki healing in bed, in the car. Try to imagine that the purification and harmonization of the object takes place with the help of Reiki energy emanating from your palms). For example, try to do this when you put money or a credit card in your wallet, when you get into your car, when you take medicine, when you drink coffee or juice, when you eat, when you wear perfume, and so on. The time it takes to perform a Reiki treatment is an instant. Make it a casual everyday activity.

"Reiki Ryoho Hikkei" Basic treatment of the main parts of the body

GENETSU-HO: technique for lowering body temperature - forehead along the hairline, temples and top of the head, occiput, back of the neck, throat, crown, stomach and intestines. In this case, the main work is carried out on the head.

BYOGEN TIRYO: treatment of the cause of the disease - forehead along the hairline, temples and top of the head, occiput, back of the neck, throat, crown, stomach and intestines. In this case, the main work is carried out on the head.

HEAD REGION: Forehead at hairline, temples and top of head, occiput, back of neck, throat, crown, stomach and intestines.

EYES: eyes, points between the nose and the eye, between the eyes and temples, the region of the cervical vertebrae 1 - 3.

NOSE: nasal bone, wings of the nose, between the eyebrows, back of the neck, throat, region of the cervical vertebrae 1 - 3.

EARS: auditory canal, in front behind the ear, first cervical vertebra.

MOUTH: when treating the mouth, the lips are not touched, while the index and middle fingers of the hand are used.

THROAT: Adam's apple, back of neck, throat.

LUNGS: region of the lungs, region between the shoulder blades, vertebrae of the thoracic region from the second to the sixth.

HEART: region of the heart, cervical vertebrae 5-7, thoracic vertebrae 1-5.

LIVER: area of ​​the liver, thoracic vertebrae 8 - 10 especially on the right.

STOMACH: region of the stomach, thoracic vertebrae 4, 6 - 10.

INTESTINE: upper and lateral colon, small intestine area (around the navel), thoracic vertebrae 6-10, lumbar vertebrae 2-5, buttocks.

URINARY BLADDER: region of the bladder, lumbar vertebrae 4 - 5.

UTERUS: area of ​​the uterus, appendages on both sides, thoracic vertebrae 9-12, lumbar vertebrae 1-5, sacrum and coccyx.

KIDNEYS: kidney area, thoracic vertebrae 11-12.

HANSHIN TIRYO: Technique for treating half of the body - muscles, tendons of the back of the neck, shoulders, spine, both sides of the spine, thighs, buttocks.

TANDEN TIRYO: detoxification technique - one hand on the Tanden, the other on the back opposite it.

GEDOKU-HO: Hold your hands in the TANDEN TIRYO position for 13 minutes, imagining that all toxins are being eliminated from the body.

Functional disorders of the nervous system

Neurasthenia: head area, eyes, heart, stomach and intestines, genitals, Byogen Tiryo, Hanshin Tiryo.

HYSTERIA: areas of the head, eyes, heart, stomach and intestines, genitals, Byogen Tiryo, Hanshin Tiryo.

CEREBRAL ANEMIA: head area, stomach and intestines, heart.

BRAIN HEMORRHAGE: head area, mainly affected side, stomach and intestines, heart, kidneys, paralyzed side.

MENINGITIS: head area, stomach and intestines, heart.

ENCEPHALITIS: head area, stomach and intestines, heart.

HEADACHES: head region, especially temples. Usui recommended holding his hands until the pain went away.

INSOMNIA: region of the head, especially the back of the head.

VERTIGO: region of the head, especially the forehead.

EPILEPSY: head region, stomach and intestines.

CHOREA: head area, heart, affected areas on the body, palms, soles, Hanshin Tiryo.

Graves' disease: head area, eyes, thyroid, heart, genitals, Hanshin Chiryo.

NEURALGIA: head region, stomach and affected parts of the body.

PARALYSIS: region of the head, stomach and intestines (in order to regulate the movement of the intestines), affected parts of the body.

HICCUP: diaphragm, forehead, cervical vertebrae 3 - 5.

LARYNGITIS: forehead, temples, especially on the left, throat area

STuttering: forehead, temples, especially on the left, throat area.

RINGING IN THE EARS: ears, head area.

SHOULDER-CARBON SYNDROME: head area, elbows and thumbs hands

Functional disorders of the respiratory system

BRONCHITIS: bronchi, trachea, windpipe.

TRACHEITIS: bronchi, trachea, windpipe.

COUGH: throat, chest area, affected areas of the body.

ASTHMA: head area, chest area, under breastbone, throat, nose, heart.

Recipe for asthma: Grind 50 grams of fresh horseradish and mix it with lemon juice, squeezed out of three lemons, as well as with 500 grams of organic honey. Take one tablespoon before and after each meal for at least six weeks. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.)

TUBERCULOSIS: head area, affected parts of the lungs, stomach and intestines, heart, Tanden.

PLEURITIS: head area, affected areas of the body, stomach and intestines, Tanden.

PNEUMONIA: head region, throat, affected areas, Tanden.

Bronchial bleeding (hemoptysis): Lungs, affected areas of the body.

NOSE BLEEDING: Nasal bone, wings of nose.

EMPHYSEMA (purulent pleurisy): Nasal bone, wings of the nose, middle of the forehead, middle of the upper lip.

Functional disorders of the digestive system

DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS: esophagus, under the sternum, stomach, intestines.

PAIN IN THE STOMACH: region of the head, under the sternum, stomach and intestines.

GASTRITIS: head area, under the sternum, stomach and intestines.

GASTRIC CANCER: head area, under breastbone, stomach and intestines.

GASTRIC ULCER: head area, under breastbone and intestines.

ENTERITIS: stomach and intestines.

INTESTINE ULCERS: stomach and intestines.

DIARRHEA: stomach and intestines.

CONSTIPATION: stomach and intestines.

APPENDICITIS: affected area, especially to the right of the navel, head area, stomach and intestines.

HEMOROIDS: the area of ​​the anus.

PERITONITIS: head area, body area affected, Tanden.

DESCRIPTION: head area, abdomen area

HEPATITIS: head area, stomach and intestines, liver, heart.

STONES IN THE GALL BLADDER: liver, especially the affected area, stomach and intestines.

INGUINAL HERNIA: the affected area of ​​the body, the abdominal region (genitals).

Functional disorders of the cardiovascular system

MYOCARDIAL INFLAMMATION: head area, heart, liver, kidneys, bladder.


Edema, dropsy: heart, liver, kidneys, bladder.

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS: head area, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Tanden.


ANGINA: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, affected area of ​​the body.

Functional disorders of metabolism and blood

ANEMIA: Byogen Tiryo, head, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Hanshin Tiryo.

PURPLE: head area, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, rash, tanden

Scurvy: head area, lung area, heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Hanshin Chiryo, Tanden

DIABETES: head area, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines, kidneys, bladder (Hanshin Tiryo, rub the spine from the bottom up).

OBESITY: heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines, Hanshin Chiryo.

GOUT: heart, kidneys, bladder, stomach and intestines, Tanden, affected area of ​​the body.

HEAT STROKE: Head area, heart, chest, stomach and intestines, kidneys, Tanden.

Functional disorders of the genitourinary system

NEPHRITE: kidneys, heart, bladder, stomach and intestines.

pyelitis: kidneys, bladder, tanden.

KIDNEY STONES: Kidneys, stomach, intestines, bladder, painful areas of the body.

UREMIA: head area, eyes, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, bladder, Tanden.

CYSTITIS: kidneys, bladder.

BLADDER STONES: kidneys, bladder, area of ​​pain.

ANURESIS: head region (especially upper part), bladder, kidneys.

DIFFICULT URINATION: kidneys, bladder, ureter.

Wounds from operations and functional disorders of the skin

WOUNDS: affected areas of the body.

CURVES, BRUISES, BRUISES: Affected areas of the body

LYMPH NODE INFLAMMATION: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

BONE FRACTURES: affected areas of the body.

Splinters: affected areas of the body.

DISTRUCTIONS: affected areas of the body.

MYOSITIS: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

OSTITIS: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

ARTHRITIS: affected areas of the body, Tanden.

RHEUMATISM: head region, pain region, stomach, intestines.

SCOLIOZIS: affected areas of the body.

Dizziness, fainting: heart, head region.

Urticaria: stomach, intestines, Tanden, affected areas of the body.

SKIN RASH: Tanden, affected area of ​​the body.

BALDING: head area, stomach, intestines, affected areas, Tanden.

LEPROSE: head area, stomach, intestines, Tanden, affected areas of the body, Hanshin Tiryo.

Children's diseases

CRYING AT NIGHT: head region, stomach, intestines.

MEASLES: head area, stomach, intestines, heart, affected areas of the body.

RUBELLA: head area, stomach, intestines, heart, affected areas of the body.

Whooping cough: head region, stomach, intestines, heart, lungs, throat, under breastbone.

POLIO: head area, stomach, intestines, spine, affected areas of the body.

TONSILITIS: affected areas of the body.

Genetic diseases

DISEASES OF THE UTERINE: area of ​​the uterus.

PREGNANCY: area of ​​the uterus.

BIRTH: sacrum, abdomen

MORNING NAUSE IN PREGNANCY: head area, uterus, stomach, intestines, under breastbone.


infectious diseases

Typhoid fever: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, pancreas, Tanden.

PARATIF: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, pancreas, Tanden.

dysentery: head region, heart, stomach, intestines, tanden.

DIARRHEA: head area, heart, stomach, intestines, Tanden.

DIPHTHERITIS: head region, throat, heart, chest, stomach, intestines, kidneys, Tanden.

CHOLERA: head region, stomach, intestines, heart, Tanden.

SCARLET FINA: head area, mouth, throat, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, Tanden, affected areas of the body.

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    There are 12 basic hand positions and 4 additional ones in the Reiki system. Each of them has its own purpose in terms of healing from various diseases.

    The main positions of the hands are located in the head, back and front of the body.

    Basic positions for the head

    Position one. Hands close eyes. Relaxes and relieves fear and tension. Helps with problems associated with the sinuses, diseases of the eyes, nose, teeth and jaws. Balances the pineal gland and pituitary gland corresponding to the 6th and 7th chakras.

    Position two. Hands cover head. Synchronizes the left and right hemispheres of the brain, improves memory. Used for headaches and otitis media.

    Position three. Hands cover the back of the head. Relaxes, relieves tension and relieves mental fatigue. It is used for problems associated with the cerebellum and spinal cord, as well as for headaches.

    Position four. Hands cover the neck. Gives a feeling of joy, inspires self-confidence, enhances Creative skills. It is used for tonsillitis, tonsillitis and thyroid diseases. Corresponds to the 5th chakra.

    Basic positions for the front of the body

    Position five. Hands slightly above the chest, at the level of the heart. Creates a feeling of love, trust and spiritual harmony. It affects the thymus gland, which corresponds to the heart chakra. Good for lungs and cardiovascular system.

    Position six. Hands at the level of the solar plexus. Relieves fears and worries caused by stress. Affects the solar plexus corresponding to the 3rd chakra. Used for diseases of the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen and digestive tract.

    Position seven. Hands on stomach. Helps to get rid of the state of stress and unreasonable fears. Affects the 2nd and 3rd chakras. It is used for diseases of the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen and digestive tract.

    Position eight. Hands in the lower abdomen. Eliminates sexual impotence, relieves stress associated with insecurity in sexual abilities. It affects the 1st and 2nd chakras. It is useful for women for the ovaries and uterus, for men - for prostate. Helps with diseases of the digestive tract.

    Basic positions for the back

    Position nine. Hands at the base of the neck. Relieves stress and promotes relaxation. Helps with problems in the spine and neck.

    Position ten. Hands at the level of the shoulder blades. It has the same effect as the ninth position for the front surface of the body.

    Position eleven. Hands on the back. It has the same effect as the seventh position. Affects the 2nd and 3rd chakras. Good for the kidneys.

    Position twelve. Hands at the base of the spine. It has the same effect as the eighth position. It affects the 1st and 2nd chakras. Useful for coccyx injuries.

    Additional items

    Position one. One hand is on the forehead, the other is on the back of the head. This position is also called the "cosmic plug" because it helps to "recharge" your energy or the energy of the person you are healing.

    Position two. One hand is on the heart chakra, the other is on the face. This position helps with insomnia: it allows you to calm down and fall asleep.

    Position three. Both hands are on the heart chakra. This position also helps you fall asleep quickly.

    Position four. One hand is on the heart chakra, the other is on the solar plexus. Works the same as in the first position.