For everyone and everything. DIY. Budget organizer for stationery with your own hands. Organization of the desktop

Don't rush to throw away the unnecessary cardboard box. With a little effort, we will transform it with our own hands into a very beautiful and functional organizer for cosmetics or any other little things.

Women know what to find convenient organizer with compartments and several levels, it is possible in almost any cosmetic department. The only problem is that they cannot be called budgetary, and the quality of plastic sometimes leaves much to be desired. Organizers quickly scratch and become, to put it mildly, unsightly.

A homemade organizer for small things is a completely different matter. If the item is covered with a durable fabric, it will last a very long time. In addition, you can decorate it in the decoupage style (it looks especially great) and varnish it - then no moisture and time will ruin your creation.

By the way, such a cardboard organizer can be adapted for school supplies: just play with the size and shape of the product and install the partitions in the right places. We will show you an example, and you will already customize the craft for yourself.

What do we need?

  • cardboard box
  • material for finishing (we will disassemble it using the example of finishing with a cloth sealed with padding polyester)

How to make a do-it-yourself makeup organizer?

From cardboard box cut out two rectangular pieces measuring 30 * 18 cm. The first is the future bottom of the organizer, the second is the back wall.

Now we cut out the future side walls of the organizer - two square parts measuring 18 * 18 - and make recesses on each of them as shown in the photo below.

The front of the product has dimensions of 30 * 6 cm (we make two rounded corners on top).

Now we take on the manufacture of internal crossbars. To do this, we cut out two rectangular parts: the first is 30 * 8 cm, the second is 30 * 10 cm.

Then we start to tackle the decor of the future organizer. To do this, each detail must be carefully covered with a cloth with padding polyester (well, or decoupage).

First, we make a pattern, then we sew everything from the wrong side, leaving room for inversion, and then insert the cardboard and carefully hem the open parts (or glue them). However, you can first assemble the organizer, and then simply glue it over with a cloth or special adhesive paper.

We fasten the parts to each other with tape or glue (while the blind seams have not yet been made).

We install partitions and determine the number of small dividers. We work them out separately to our taste.

A stationery organizer is a device for organizing and storing pens, pencils, scissors, brushes, stickers, notes, paper clips, buttons and other little things that we use at our desk at home and in the office.

They are:

  • desktop (stationery stand);
  • wall-mounted (for example, cork board);
  • those that are placed in drawers (dividers and drawers).

There are many commercially available organizers made of plastic, acrylic, wood. Their main disadvantage is that not all models are suitable for the workplace. For example, your mailbox might have custom sizes and all existing boxes will be either large or small. Self-made dividers will correspond exactly to the sizes that you need. And they can be made from any materials at hand.

DIY cardboard organizer

Such a box for various office supplies looks like it was bought in a store. In fact, this is a craft made of thick cardboard. It is best to use the one that remains from the packaging from under household appliances... It is not difficult to do such a cardboard organizer with your own hands, but the work requires special care.

The order of its creation is as follows:

  1. Take thick cardboard from under the packing box.
  2. Draw all the details on it and cut them out (see the picture above).
  3. Take a few sheets of white cardboard and glue the organizer parts onto it.
  4. Cut out the details along the contour. As a result, you should have blanks with white walls.
  5. Do the same again, only now paste in White color the other side.
  6. If you want, paint the blanks in the desired color.
  7. Collect all the parts together. You should have an organizer frame.
  8. Cut strips out of white cardboard. They must be equal in width to the thickness of the packaging used for the frame.
  9. Coat the ends of the organizer with PVA glue and glue the strips of cardboard.
  10. Cover the two drawers that you assembled earlier with plain white paper for the printer.

All is ready! It remains to place the necessary items here.

The second variant of the desktop organizer

This type of device is suitable for those who are engaged in various creative activities: draws, creates postcards and different crafts etc. After all, it is intended for storing and organizing a large number of pens, felt-tip pens, brushes, pencils and the like.

An organizer is made from a box and cardboard cylinders. You can use those that remained after use. toilet paper, T-shirt bags, foil, cling film or parchment.

We make a desktop in the following way:

  1. Cover the box with colored paper, wallpaper, adhesive paper, or cloth. The lid of the box can be used as a pallet. In this case, it also needs to be decorated.
  2. Cut the cardboard cylinders so that they are all the same length. They should not be too high, because then it will be inconvenient to get office supplies. Also, don't make the cylinders below the box walls. Then the separators will not be visible.
  3. Color prepared cylinders acrylic paints or in gouache. They can also be pasted over with paper or decorative tape.
  4. Connect the cylinders together with glue (PVA, from a glue gun, etc.). Remember that the tubes must fit in the box. Therefore, their number and assembly depends on the size of the latter.
  5. When the cylinders are glued together, place them inside the box.

The organizer is ready. It remains only to fill it with pens, pencils and other office supplies.

Order in drawers

An organizer will also help to put things in order in the drawers of the table, out of the box, which will not be difficult to make. Only now you will need to take a lot of different boxes that you have been collecting for so long and finally they came in handy for you. If you do not have boxes, then make them yourself from thick cardboard.

And now we will find out how to make a do-it-yourself stationery organizer for a desk drawer:

  1. Take all your boxes. Packages for cereals, cereals, tea and so on are suitable.
  2. Place the boxes inside the drawer where you need an organizer. Try to place them tighter and in such a way that the entire space is filled.
  3. When you have decided what the organizer will look like, measure the height of the sides of the desk drawer on each box.
  4. Cut off the unnecessary part from them.
  5. Take colored paper, self-adhesive, wallpaper and paste over each box. You can use one color or many different shades... The box needs to be pasted over from the inside, since exactly interior will be visible.
  6. Re-arrange the finished boxes inside the box. If they do not fit snugly together, you can connect them together with glue or double-sided tape.

A bright organizer for a desk drawer is ready. It can store writing objects, small office supplies (buttons, paper clips, erasers), scissors, a stapler and more, and it is easy to find items in a specific place.

Using the walls

Wall organizers help to remove certain items from the table, thereby increasing the workspace. And if you approach the creation of a panel creatively, then it can also become an object of art.

We give instructions on how to make an organizer for the office with your own hands so that you can hang it on the wall:

  1. Take a piece of pretty fabric. You can use an old curtain.
  2. Punch a few holes on one side and finish off the edges. Instead of holes, you can attach loops.
  3. Take a few shreds and cut them into pockets. They don't have to be rectangular. For example, you can make the pockets triangular.
  4. Lay out the pockets on the canvas so that it is convenient for you to use them. To do this, think about what you are going to store in them.
  5. Pin the shreds to the fabric with a sewing pin.
  6. Take a thick thread (for example, wool) and sew the pockets with large stitches.
  7. You can also make eyelets. To do this, sew rectangles on two opposite sides.

The organizer is ready. It remains to drive a couple of nails into the wall and hang it in place.

Other ideas on how to make a do-it-yourself stationery organizer

There are many more ways to make organizers from scrap materials.

For example, decorated glass and iron jars and boxes can be used for table storage. For wall - plywood, cork board, canvas, old frames and so on. Do not be afraid to show your imagination, and then you yourself will see what beautiful things you can do.

February 17th, 2016

To organize all your belongings and keep your home tidy, you need special boxes, bags and organizers. Some of these things can be found in stores and markets, while others can be made by hand. Here are a few interesting ideas how and where you can store various things so that they do not take up a lot of space and can be easily found:

1. How to store small things: mat-bag.

With the help of such a mat-bag, which you can buy or make with your own hands from tarpaulin, rope and thread with a needle, you can easily remove small toys (constructor, for example) after the children have finished playing.

2. How to make an organizer for jewelry

If you pull a fishing line or a strong thread on a regular frame, then you can hang jewelry on it - this is not only convenient, but also looks beautiful.

3. Storage containers.

Also, different things can be stored in one or more magazine racks.

These coasters can be purchased at the store or made with your own hands from boxes, such as cereal boxes.

Here's how to do it:

4. Storage of personal small items.

The fruit bowl can also be used to store small items like earrings, lipstick, keys, key chains, and more.

5. Storage systems.

If you find such a simple and functional shelf, then you can save a lot of space in the bathroom.

6. Convenient storage box.

For a bathroom or toilet, you can also order this narrow chest of drawers, which takes up very little space, but at the same time you can store a lot of necessary things in it. With a strong desire, you can make such a chest of drawers yourself.

7. Organizers for storing small things.

If you have such a basket or box of similar sizes, then you can use it as an organizer for various little things... You can add small notes to indicate what is in each compartment of the organizer.

8. Organizers for stationery with your own hands.

9. Convenient organizer for storing toilet paper.

10. Organizer for the kitchen do it yourself

Putting several empty ones in one basket cans(preferably one size), you can store a variety of kitchen utensils in it.

11. Organizer from empty cans for storing things with your own hands.

Use cardboard and tape to connect all the cans. Glue strips of cardboard to the bottom of each can. If you wish, you can glue all the cans with tape around the perimeter.

12. Organizer for storing papers from boxes with your own hands.

* Cut a small section of the box diagonally.

* Cut a piece from the next box bigger size to make the ladder when you connect it to the large box. It is advisable to compare the size of the next box with the size of the previous one.

* Cut an even larger piece from the third box.

* Connect all the boxes together with tape - wrapping it around all the boxes - or double-sided tape - gluing the boxes together.

* If you wish, you can wrap the entire structure in wrapping paper or colored paper to make it look more aesthetically pleasing. You can also decorate it to your liking.

Another similar organizer:

13. Organizer for the office.

From the box and cardboard sleeves of toilet paper rolls, you can make a convenient organizer for stationery, in particular for pencils, markers and pens.

14. Free portable organizer from the juice box.

You will need:

Empty juice box

Stationery knife


Hole puncher

Various stationery.

1. Rinse well and dry the juice box.

2. Using a utility knife, cut a piece of the box from the side (see image).

3. Use a hole punch to punch some holes along the center of the box. The number of holes depends on the number of pencils and pens you are going to use.

4. Make a hole in the cut section and thread a piece of string through it. Tie it into a knot to form a handle - it can be used to easily open and close the organizer.

5. Cut a hole for the glue stick at the top of the box. You can also insert pencils or pens there (instead of glue).

You can fill the organizer with different stationery. Now you can take it with you.

15. Dreamcatcher with your own hands - an organizer for jewelry.

You will need:

Knitting thread.

1. Separate the hoop.

2. Tie one end of the string to the top of the ring.

3. From the first knot, pull one end of the thread 6-7 cm and tie a knot next to it. Pull the other end to the other side and also tie it to the ring. Repeat until you succeed geometric figure inside the circle.

5. Repeat step 4 until you have a spider web that completely covers the circle.

Now you can simply hang your earrings, beads and other jewelry on the craft. If you wish, you can make a small loop in the hoop so that the craft can be hung.

To make the dreamcatcher look even more like an Indian symbol, you can attach feathers to it.

16. Organizer for storing brushes with your own hands

You will need:

Bamboo mat (sushi mat)

Wide elastic band

Thread and needle.

1. Wrap elastic around the first piece of mat and secure with several seams.

2. Start running the elastic through the mat, leaving the large, medium and small areas for the brushes.

3. At the end of the rug, also wrap the elastic and secure with several seams.

Now, by inserting the brushes into the elastic, you can twist the rug and take it with you or put it somewhere where it will take up little space.

17. DIY lingerie organizer

You will need:

Box (from under the shoes, for example)


Wrapping paper (optional)

If you do not like ordinary plastic or metal organizers for office supplies, and want to decorate your desk with something bright and unusual, make an organizer for storing pens and pencils from colored paper. In this article we will show you how to make an organizer for your stationery using the origami technique.

Organizer manufacturing instructions

Prepare a sheet of A4 colored or brown paper (sizes and aspect ratios can be arbitrary).

Fold the sheet in half and then open it back.

Fold the sheet so that the side edges meet near the intended center line.

Unfold the sheet again and fold it along the center line.

Position the sheet so that the fold is on the right. Fold the bottom-right corner to the marked centerline. Do the same with the upper right corner.

On the left, fold the corners of only the top layer of paper to the center line.

Fold the lower part of the workpiece up, unfold it, and do the same with the upper part.

Turn the workpiece over with the bent corners downward so that it resembles a house in shape.

Fold the top soy of the bottom of the workpiece up. Smooth out the fold line.

Pull upper layer the resulting pocket from yourself. As a result, you will have the back and two side walls of the organizer. Smooth the fold lines again, if necessary.

Fold the two protruding corners diagonally. As a result of these manipulations, the points marked in the photo should meet.

You will have two free triangular valves.

Tuck the valves into the pockets on the sidewalls of the box.

Stylish paper organizer for office supplies is ready. Such boxes can be used not only for storing office supplies, but also for buttons, beads, threads, jewelry and more.

The original article is in English.

The organizer for cosmetics is a modern device that saves space on the work surface and your time looking for the necessary cosmetic product. You can make an organizer with your own hands using simple tips listed in this article.

A modern woman necessarily has a lot more than several bottles of cosmetics. If you think about it, in order to be fashionable and beautiful, a huge number of items required: eyeshadows, bases for the face, eyelids, foundation, lipsticks, glosses, concealers, primers, mascaras, eyeliners, makeup brushes and much more.

Sometimes it happens that a lot of cosmetics oh and her just impossible to fit into a cosmetic bag... Arrange a place on dressing table and place all your cosmetics as conveniently as possible for use organizer will help... It is a simple modern device capable of arrange each bottle, large and small.

The organizer can be bought on the website of the Aliexpress store. The resource has a large different materials, various designs and placement method: on the wall, on the table or on the road.

If you want to have personal organizer original design and suitable for you, you need to make it yourself. First of all, you should know what are the organizers for cosmetics:

  • Made of cardboard... You can use absolutely any cardboard, but it is best to choose dense and thick(the kind that is often used for packaging equipment, for example, a refrigerator). Such cardboard will be keep not only your shape, but also a large amount of cosmetics. An organizer is a number of cups put together.
  • Made of wood. Making a wooden organizer with your own hands is much more difficult than making a cardboard one. This job requires skill and suitable material... However, if you have the opportunity, you can get the original product with big amount cups and shelves to accommodate all your cosmetics.
  • From fabric... The textile organizer can be wall-mounted, or can be compact, so to speak, road. Such a device is attached to the wall in order to save space on the surface of the dressing table. The product has a large number of pockets in which all cosmetics are placed. Travel textile organizer can be made in the form of a cosmetic bag with a large number of departments or in the form of a case that can be rolled into a roll.
  • Made of metal. Rather, even from a metal sheet. In order to make such an organizer, first of all, you need to have the material itself. You can any piece of metal will come in handy. It should be flat and even. Such an organizer is mounted on the wall, decoratively finished. Its secret is that each cosmetic product can be mounted on a metal base with a magnet.

How to make a do-it-yourself makeup organizer?

How to make a do-it-yourself organizer for cardboard cosmetics?

Anyone can make an organizer out of cardboard. To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • Thick cardboard
  • Craft bum or decorative paper for creativity (it is necessary in order to decorate your product).
  • Scissors
  • Ruler, simple pencil
  • Decorative ornaments

The organizer can be based on old shoe box. She will contain a large number of cups different sizes to accommodate all cosmetics. Use only the bottom of the shoe box. It should be wrapped in pretty paper. This can be done using glue or stapler.

Base for paper organizer

Now you should measure out square box in centimeters, to understand what size cups you need to fill the space inside it. You can also make these cups from shoe cardboard, or you can take a thinner material, for example, stationery cardboard.

Each container should also be trim with beautiful paper... Then let the items dry and insert small cups into a large box. It is best to make each container of different heights and widths, so you can place a variety of cosmetics: long brushes and small boxes, for example.

The containers should be placed in increasing order from yourself, that is: the tallest cups should be farther from you, and the lowest ones should be closer to you.

If you don't have kraft paper to decorate, you can decorate cardboard plain wallpaper... This material is always available in surplus from any hostess, it is not expensive, it is beautiful and quite tightly capable of wrapping cardboard.

Decorating a cardboard organizer with wallpaper

Another one good idea to create an organizer - use cardboard base pipes(tubes) from kitchen cling film or foil. Will work just as well roll of soft toilet paper. The bottom of any box is used as the basis for the organizer.

It follows decorate in any way: paste over with paper, wallpaper, rhinestones, ribbons, paint with paints and so on. In the decorated box, insert cups made of cardboard tubes, the size of which you adjust yourself, and glue them to the bottom with glue.

This product is able to perfectly accommodate a large number of cosmetic brushes, pencils, tubes, brushes, but it does not fit boxes and bottles.

DIY organizer for cosmetics made of paper and cardboard tubes

Ideas for creating paper organizers:

Stylish organizer made of cardboard in the form of a box Desktop compact organizer made of cardboard for cosmetics and trifles

Organizer made of cardboard with compartments and cups

Organizer made of cardboard in the form of drawers

Multilevel organizer for cosmetics made of thick cardboard

How to make a wooden makeup organizer?

To make a wood cosmetic organizer, you need have suitable material ... A board, a pressed chipboard sheet, a wooden pallet, a sheet of plywood will be useful. In order to hold all the pieces together, you will need screwdriver, or superglue if the material is thin and light.

What a wooden organizer looks like:

Simple wooden makeup organizer

Organizer for cosmetics made of wood with compartments and drawers

Simple Wood Organizer With Holes For Makeup Storage Multi-storey Wooden Makeup Storage Organizer

Roomy wooden organizer for cosmetics

How to make a wooden organizer: diagram

How to sew a travel makeup organizer from fabric?

Textile organizer can be made from absolutely any fabric. But, it's best to choose dense material, which could hold its shape even under the weight of heavy bottles and tubes.

There are two main types of organizer:

  • Wall mounted home
  • Travel case

Home textile organizer, above all, saves space... It allows you to place a large amount of cosmetics not on the surface of the dressing table, but in the pockets that are suspended.

A nice feature of the organizer is that it can always be "matched" to the style of the room: choose desired color fabrics, decorate according to your taste, make them large or small.

Wall organizer pockets must be of different sizes: wide, narrow, deep, small, dense, translucent. Depending on preference, the product can be mounted on the wall using push pins or pre-sew the eyelets for fastening to the studs.

Such an organizer is always a pleasure to use, it fits everything: brushes, palettes, tubes, powder boxes, mirrors, combs and much more. You can also combine fabric, for example, make some pockets out of thick fabric, others from organza or mesh.

Fabric wall organizer

Another type of textile organizer is a case. Such a device also saves space on the work surface, since it allows you to use the organizer only when necessary.

Simply put, a case is a piece of fabric with many pockets and departments for placing cosmetics. Such a case can be rolled and unrolled... The product is tied with a ribbon when stored in a curled state. The organizer is easy to use, you can take it with you on trips and on the road, if you wish, it can be attached with clerical buttons on the wall.

Textile compact organizer

Organizer-case for cosmetics made of fabric

You can also to sew an organizer-box... This is the easiest way to "clean up" the dressing table and fold cosmetics into one container. The product looks like a rectangular box with a cardboard base and textile sheathing.

If desired, the product can be supplemented with additional pockets on the inside and outside. This organizer can accommodate bottles and jars of any size. The product can be stored in a cabinet and on the surface.

Simple textile organizer

DIY makeup organizer on the wall: ideas for needlework

When having a sheet metal small size You can also try make a magnetic organizer on the wall. This product looks like in the form of a wall board. The basis can be any metal used.

INTERESTING: Some needlewomen skillfully used a baking sheet in the oven, which was no longer suitable.

The metal base follows fit any beautiful fabric so that it has an aesthetic appearance. You can use cotton or synthetic fabric. The main thing - it doesn't have to be transparent. The edges of the sheet metal should also be decorated. To do this, you can use wooden frame for paintings, lace, plywood and more.

The convenience of using this organizer is that any cosmetic product will always be in sight. A small magnet should be glued to each bottle or tube (you can buy it in a creative store). It is on the magnet that your cosmetics will hold.

DIY magnetic wall organizer

Video: “How to make an organizer for cosmetics with your own hands? Master Class"