“Vandalism in Zaryadye is a question for all of us. In the new Zaryadye Park, the glass dome and window of the media center were broken. What vandals did in Zaryadye Park

September 11, 20:07 The Moscow City Hall reported that on the first day of operation of Zaryadye Park (it was only opened today to everyone), vandals damaged the glass dome and window of the media center. Who exactly did this and under what conditions is not specified. As Galina Gordyushina, a representative of the Mosinzhproekt company controlled by the mayor's office, stated, the repairs are planned to be carried out in as soon as possible.

Every day in the park losses are calculated:

– Someone threw a stone into the roof – the “glass crust” above the Philharmonic. One of the transparent triangles from which the “bark” is assembled is completely covered with cracks.

– In front of the entrance to the “Reserve Embassy” pavilion, floor lamps were broken.

“And on the roof of the Media Center pavilion, a skylight also cracked due to a thrown stone.

But the plants suffered the most.

“Over three days of work, the load on the park several times exceeded design calculations,” Igor Safiullin, head of the department for landscape gardening and environmental work at Zaryadye Park, told KP. “Unfortunately, visitors trampled plants and lawns, especially in the northern zone landscape. Almost 30 percent of the green cover there has been destroyed. But you can’t relax on the grass everywhere, but only in special places."<...>

“Imagine, they dig up plants, hide them in their bags and leave,” Igor Safiullin almost cries. “All the greenery has not yet taken root, it was only recently planted, so they quickly pull it out of the ground with their hands. This is sedge and marigold, listed in the Red Book of Moscow swamp. Both our specialists and security are making every effort to stop the vandals. But the flow of visitors is so large that it is impossible to keep track of everyone, even with the help of video cameras. We have a crazy rush, a lot of people. And the plants are destroyed in seconds. In the near future It’s time to start restoring lawns and the northern landscape"<...>

According to Zaryadye Park, about 10 thousand new plants will have to be purchased to replace them. In order to somehow save the park, signs saying “Do not walk on the lawns” have already been placed on the green lawns. In addition, visitors are constantly asked via loudspeaker not to destroy the park.

Zaryadye Park, a gift to Muscovites for City Day, has been open to everyone for three days now. During this time, tens of thousands of visitors managed to see all the attractions of the new attraction: the floating bridge, unique to the Moscow region natural areas, the Philharmonic building with a “glass crust”. In the very first days of its operation, the park administration encountered a number of difficulties that must be resolved in the very near future - otherwise Zaryadye will very soon have to be closed for forced reconstruction.

Following the results of the first day of the park's operation, representatives of Zaryadye responded to the actions of vandals for everyone. One of the visitors managed to damage the glass dome by throwing a stone at it. The skylight of the Media Center was broken using the same method.

The Mosinzhproekt company, which was responsible for the construction of the park, has already begun to restore the damaged elements of Zaryadye. "Specialists of the Central Research Institute building structures named after Kucherenko, the strength of the glass from which the coating is made was tested in a wind tunnel. They came to the conclusion that the material is strong enough, such a design will withstand pressure, precipitation and strong winds,” Sergei Kuznetsov, chief architect of Moscow, even before the opening of Zaryadye.

However, the biggest problem facing the park administration was the destruction of green spaces throughout Zaryadye.

Imagine digging up plants, hiding them in their bags and leaving. All the greenery has not yet taken root; it was only recently planted, so it is quickly pulled out of the ground by hand. These are sedge and marsh marigold, listed in the Red Book of Moscow. Both our specialists and security are making every effort to stop the vandals. But the flow of visitors is so large that it is impossible to keep track of everyone even with the help of video cameras. We have a crazy rush, a lot of people. And plants are destroyed in seconds

- Igor Safiullin, head of the department for gardening and environmental work at Zaryadye Park

What measures are being taken

According to Safiullin, in three days, visitors destroyed about 30% of all plants: some of them were trampled, some were stolen. Every day more and more signs appear on the territory of Zaryadye with the inscription: “Do not walk on the lawns,” and guests are regularly asked via loudspeaker not to destroy the park. To restore the plantings, they will have to be ordered from special receivers, the soil changed and replanted.

In this regard, the administration of Zaryadye has introduced a number of restrictions since September 14, which are aimed at regulating the flow of visitors and restoring the damage caused to the park. Thus, entrance to the floating bridge and pavilions will be at 15-minute intervals. Park opening hours on Mondays will be reduced by four hours. Instead of 10.00, Zaryadye will open for entry at 14.00. On the remaining days of the week, opening hours remain the same: from 10.00 to 22.00.

“Imposing restrictions is a necessary measure. The landscape of the park is its basis, without which Zaryadye cannot exist. And if we don’t take care of green plants now, many of which were damaged as a result of careless actions of visitors, they will die. We already understand that some of the plantings will have to be restored, but a lot of work has been done to select, order, grow and deliver them to the park,” said park director Pavel Trekhleb. At the same time, he clarified that the fences placed along the perimeter of the park are not planned to be removed in the near future. They also help control the flow of visitors.

One of the most effective ways The fight against vandalism could be the introduction of a paid entrance to Zaryadye. However, representatives of the park immediately disowned such decisions. “We did not think about introducing a paid entrance to the park itself. And we don’t plan to,” the press service said.

This was stated by Galina Gordyushina, director of civil project design at Mosinzhproekt JSC, as reported on the website of the capital’s mayor’s office.

“The nature of the damage to one of the triangles of the glass crust indicates that there was some kind of physical impact. The skylight on the roof of the Media Center pavilion also cracked. And not because they walked or jumped on it - the material can withstand up to 300 kilograms. This clearly happened from being hit by some object,” Gordyushina said.

They plan to restore the damaged elements as soon as possible, but this will not be easy, since the glass is different and designed using special technology, Gordyushina noted.

Park director Pavel Trekhleb called on citizens to respect the work of “a huge team of people.”

“People worked day and night to make such a gift. And of course, all of us - developers, builders, employees of Zaryadye - are very upset to see such a negligent attitude towards both the park’s objects and its botanical collection. I would like to appeal to all visitors with a request to be more attentive and take care of the park created especially for you,” Trekhleb said.

Let us remind you that Zaryadye Park opened on September 9 for the 870th anniversary of Moscow on the site of the Rossiya Hotel, which was demolished in 2006. The area of ​​the park is 130 thousand square meters. meters. It became the first large park created in the capital over the past 50 years, Echo of Moscow clarifies. Construction of the facility cost 14 billion rubles. Read more about the new park in

Kashin O.

The most disgusting scandal of the week is not Matilda, but Zaryadye.

What happened. There was an odious large-scale construction project, which they were in a hurry to complete by City Day, they worked around the clock, got it done, then celebrated, and then announced that the object was damaged, because, you see, the citizens turned out to be not very conscientious and in the very first days of the park’s existence they broke everything in it , trampled and stolen. The park administration talks about 10 thousand destroyed plants, commentators loyal to the administration tell the press in detail about the vandalism of visitors (“They approached people and asked why they were digging up newly planted flowers, and the reaction was very strange: visitors answered: we are taxpayers, we paid for everything , therefore we have the right"), entry to the park is limited, everyone is upset because the townspeople were not ready to coexist with the newfound masterpiece of park art.

In a good way, this is not an episode from the practice of city park management or urban planning, this is a completely model situation of relations between the government and society, when the government, even the smallest one, is just park managers (but hired by the city government and representing its interests) speaks from enlightened and progressive positions, opposing themselves to the dark and barbaric population.

This perception of relations with society is widespread in power, but talking about it out loud is considered indecent, because this is objectively a very dangerous and slippery logic - despite all Russian authoritarianism, treating the population as wild natives is still considered indecent. Formally Russian authorities serves the people, is elected by them and represents them, and the “enlightened government and savage people” scheme is appropriate either in the conditions absolute monarchy, or under conditions of colonization. It is logical that it was the lower-ranking officials who came forward with accusations of savagery against society - bosses of a higher rank still have basic instincts that do not allow them to be rude to society in the face and in open text, although even among the higher nomenklatura these instincts sometimes fail (Medvedev with “no money” ”, Shuvalov with “it’s funny, but people buy small apartments”, etc.).

Statements by Zaryadye leaders about allegedly trampled and stolen 10 thousand plants are an act of social rudeness. Park officials, whose real function is to serve citizens and create conditions for citizens for cultural leisure, acted in the spirit that citizens were disturbing them: in the same way, in Soviet establishments, cleaners grumbled at employees and visitors - “And they walk, and they walk!” - and a mop under your feet. For some reason, everyone ignores the most obvious thing: if in a park built for people, people become superfluous, then this is a bad park, incorrect, and those who built and organized it bear responsibility for its incorrectness. It was they who did not foresee something and did not take something into account; they should be fired, reprimanded and deprived of bonuses.

It is also worth considering that the long-established reputation of the Russian bureaucracy, and, perhaps, first of all, the Moscow bureaucracy, as well as directly social group“Moscow landscapers” is such that if these people suddenly declare that something expensive is spoiled, damaged or lost, then the first reaction healthy person there can only be doubt about their words. These people are constantly mastering something, spending it, writing it off, and mastering it again. If they want society to believe them, they must themselves prove that this trampled moss existed, that those plants that are said to have been dug up and stolen were actually planted, and that broken glass The unique dome was indeed not broken during the hasty installation and actually cost exactly as much as was indicated in the estimate. The Moscow landscaper has landscaped so many scandalous and controversial things that he has no moral right to criticize ordinary people - he himself must constantly blush and justify himself and in every action, every gesture, every word he must be guided by the fact that he will be very lucky if society believes him .

And here questions begin for society, which - at least in the form of the press and other public commentators - has shown zero criticism of the unsubstantiated words of Moscow landscapers. The press calmly broadcasts the words of park officials, experts talk about the complexities of the social contract (“When a city turns into a shop window, stones will soon fly at it”), social networks laugh good-naturedly or not so good-naturedly at the ingenuity of park guests, who will now, apparently, decorate their dachas with stolen goods botanical rarities. As often happens in the space of Russian social thought, the people here are different, and there are too many people in society who are so not ready to consider themselves a people that they would rather take the side of the landscapers, who in any case do not deserve it. And this is also a model situation - unfortunately, too often in our country it is the enlightened part of society that at a critical moment takes the side of the authorities, for some reason believing that the abstract “people” in comparison with this government are more wild and aggressive; The experience of the “Matilda” scandal is just useful here, when it was the liberal creative intelligentsia that suddenly broke into the most furious aggressive rhetoric at the level of “open fire without warning” and “I don’t understand why Poklonskaya can’t be brought to trial for her statements.”

Over the course of several days of the scandal, the Zaryadye press service had already managed to get confused in testimony - from “we did not expect that certain parts of the visitors would behave incorrectly in relation to the most important part of the park - its landscape” to “park employees did not see that visitors pulled out plants or flowers from the park and carried them with them.” It is indeed very difficult to blame visitors for the damage to the park - after all, Moscow is a leading city in this sense, its park and leisure culture is historically developed, and last years simply blossomed, and neither Gorky Park, nor the Aptekarsky Garden, nor VDNKh, nor Sokolniki, nor Muzeon, which have been experiencing massive influxes of a wide variety of visitors for several seasons now, for some reason do not complain that someone... he tramples or steals. A well-organized public space is valuable because it does not give the opportunity to reveal the inner vandal of the average person, and if we assume that someone really spoiled something in Zaryadye, this is in any case the failure of its administrators, and not the fault of its visitors. The new ultra-fashionable park was conceived as a symbol of progress and humanity of the renewed Moscow, but when there is neither progress nor humanity, it is logical that the park, immediately after opening, turns into a monument to officials who treat people as savages and barbarians.

Zaryadye Park survived an attack by vandals - they damaged the glass bark and the window of the media center, and also trampled the lawn almost a day after the park opened to everyone. Ivan Yakunin figured out how this could happen.

There is a saying among car enthusiasts: as soon as a new car leaves the showroom, it immediately loses 30% of its value. The same thing happened with Zaryadye Park. As soon as it opened to everyone, it suffered losses: the glass dome and window of the media center were “wounded,” and green spaces were also damaged - according to some estimates, the same 30%.

Such incidents are the result of an increase in aggression in society, Vladimir Rimsky, a leading researcher at the Indem Foundation, is convinced. He emphasized that, most likely, the offender is a modern Herostratus.

“One of the factors is the difficulty of realizing in life some of one’s own interests, priorities, and generally demonstrating independence and initiative for the vast majority of people. And if people don’t have the opportunity, then, unfortunately, they will do it the way they can,” says Rimsky.

The situation is complicated by the fact that video cameras did not record the vandals. Chairman of the Council for public safety The organization “Officers of Russia” Anton Tsvetkov believes that the park needs to reconsider the work scheme of the security service: “We are installing a huge number of cameras that no one really watches. Video recordings are used only after something has happened. All over the world, the practice is different - when cameras are installed, professional dispatchers sit and, in the presence of certain offenses, coordinate the work of the security service. Now it is necessary to conduct an additional security audit of the facility, install additional CCTV cameras if there are not enough, and evaluate how security posts and police units are placed and make adjustments.”

And this is not the only incident at Zaryadye. Yesterday, footage appeared on the Internet of two BMW X5s standing on the observation deck - black and white. Nevertheless, additional measures protection will not be accepted, official representative of the Russian Guard Valery Gribakin told Kommersant FM: “In our opinion, according to all calculations related to security elements, the forces and means involved are quite sufficient. To date, there are 45 posts in the park. Of these, 44 are on duty around the clock, and one is on duty for 12 hours. There is no reason to worry. In fact, the security is reliable. Now the question is being carefully studied to determine what happened. And I think that based on the results of the inspection, appropriate conclusions will be drawn.”

Social media users reacted violently to the incident in Zaryadye. One user suggested that the vandals had a message: “Your park is too good for us.”

Zaryadye Park took two and a half years to build on the site of the demolished Rossiya Hotel. In total, 14 billion rubles were spent - three times more than planned.