All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the history of the school stage. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history, municipal stage

Grade 10

Maximum score - 100 points, duration - 3 hours.

Task number 1. Here is an excerpt from the message about the international conference (maximum score - 5).

On July 17, 1945, the President of the United States of America, the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the British Prime Minister met at the tripartite Berlin Conference.

In the period from 17 to 25 July, 9 meetings were held. After this, the Conference was adjourned for 2 days, while the results of the general elections in England were announced. Then 4 more meetings took place.

1.1. Write another name for this conference (1 point).

1.2. Write the names of the leaders of the three countries that opened the conference. (2 points)

1.3. What has changed since the mentioned elections in England? (2 points).

Task number 2. Match the elements of the right and left columns of the table. (There is an extra characteristic in the list on the right, the maximum score is 12).

End of the War of the Spanish Succession

Dissolution of the Legislative Commission

boston tea party

Cancellation of the oprichnina

The beginning of D. Cook's voyage, during which Autstalia and New Zealand were discovered

Opening of the strait between Asia and America

The beginning of the war of the North American colonies of England for their independence

Adoption of the decree on single inheritance

Bartholomew night in France

Provincial reform

Swimming along the coast South America Amerigo Vespucci, who concluded that open lands are not India, but a new continent

The beginning of the Peasant War under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva

Reign of Ivan III the Great

2.2. Match obsolete terms and their meanings.


pavilion with music, designed for dancing, entertainment

flea trap

a device for catching insects on the body: a hollow tube with holes, inside of which the bait was poured - sweet syrup

ladies riding suit


long men's pants

short, knee-length pants

women's dress with a wide bell-shaped skirt


Task number 3. In the presented text, elements of the text are highlighted, among whichseven mistakes . Write down the numbers of the misspelled words in the table. Please indicate the correct words below.(1 point for each pair of gaps filled in correctly, maximum score is 7).

In September 1962(1) the Pravda newspaper published an article by a Kharkov scientist E.G. Lieberman(2) "Plan, profit, premium", in which he proposed to evaluate the activities of enterprises not by indicators individual(3) production (which party documents were aimed at), and in terms of the volume of that profit(4) , which remained after its implementation. It was proposed not only to revive the material coercion(5) manufacturer, but also free him from petty tutelage in matters of planning and marketing. The proposals were supported by leading Soviet economists, but also by the head of state of that time L.I. Brezhnev(6) , allowing an "economic experiment" to be carried out at two textile factories. endorsed these ideas and L.V. Kantorovich(7) , which became in October 1964(8) head Soviet government(9) instead of N.S. Khrushchev(10) . He extended the experiment to enterprises in other industries and announced the beginning of the development of a full-scale economic reform.

The reform began with Agriculture. In March 1967(11) plenum Central Committee of the RCP (b) (12) adopted a program for the restructuring of the agricultural sector of the economy. It was decided to significantly increase investment in the development social sphere villages, raise retail(13) prices for agricultural products, set a firm plan for six years public procurement(14) , to introduce a 50% surcharge to the basic price for the above-planned sale of products to the state, to remove the debts and arrears of previous years. The ban on driving has been somewhat relaxed. subsidiary farm(15) .

Task number 4. Match the elements of the right and left columns of the table. There is an extra characteristic in the list on the right, the maximum score is 3).

Task number 5. Below are representatives of Russian culture and the lyrics of their songs. Write their names and match them with song excerpts. What song genre do these illustrations represent? (The maximum score for the entire task is 7).


Task number 6. For each building shown below, indicate

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  6. How long has it been since the last time your computer was checked for viruses?

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  6. How long ago have you checked your computer for viruses?

Grade 11

Maximum score - 100 points, duration - 3 hours.

Task number 1. Here is an excerpt from the messageJohn Skylitzes. Answer the questions(maximum score - 5).

“And the wife of a Russian archon who once set sail against the Romans, named Elga, when her husband died, arrived in Constantinople. Baptized and having openly made a choice in favor of the true faith, she, having received the great honor of this choice, returned home.

1.1. What name did the specified princess receive after baptism? (1 point).

1.2. With what weapon did the Byzantines defeat the husband of the princess, in what year? (2 points)

1.3. What fiscal transformations did the princess carry out in Russia? (2 points).

Task number 2. Match the elements of the right and left columns of the table. (There is an extra characteristic in the list on the right, the maximum score is 12).

Formation of independent Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador

Dissolution of the Legislative Commission

boston tea party

Cancellation of the oprichnina

The beginning of D. Cook's voyage, during which Autstalia and New Zealand were discovered

Opening of the strait between Asia and America

The beginning of the war of the North American colonies of England for their independence

Polish uprising of 1830

Bartholomew night in France

Provincial reform

Creation of the League of Nations

The beginning of the Peasant War under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva

The offensive of Denikin's army on Moscow

2.2. Match obsolete terms and their meanings.


pavilion with music, designed for dancing, entertainment

flea trap

a device for catching insects on the body: a hollow tube with holes, inside of which the bait was poured - sweet syrup

ladies riding suit


long men's pants

short, knee-length pants

women's dress with a wide bell-shaped skirt


Task number 3. In the presented text, elements of the text are highlighted, among whichseven mistakes . Write down the numbers of the misspelled words in the table. Please indicate the correct words below.(1 point for each pair of gaps filled in correctly, maximum score is 7).

In September 1962(1) the Pravda newspaper published an article by a Kharkov scientist E.G. Lieberman(2) "Plan, profit, premium", in which he proposed to evaluate the activities of enterprises not by indicators individual(3) production (which party documents were aimed at), and in terms of the volume of that profit(4) , which remained after its implementation. It was proposed not only to revive the material coercion(5) manufacturer, but also free him from petty tutelage in matters of planning and marketing. The proposals were supported by leading Soviet economists, but also by the head of state of that time L.I. Brezhnev(6) , allowing an "economic experiment" to be carried out at two textile factories. endorsed these ideas and L.V. Kantorovich(7) , which became in October 1964(8) head Soviet government(9) instead of N.S. Khrushchev(10) . He extended the experiment to enterprises in other industries and announced the beginning of the development of a full-scale economic reform.

The reform began with agriculture. In March 1967(11) plenum Central Committee of the RCP (b) (12) adopted a program for the restructuring of the agricultural sector of the economy. It was decided to significantly increase investment in the development of the social sphere of the village, to increase retail(13) prices for agricultural products, set a firm plan for six years public procurement(14) , to introduce a 50% surcharge to the basic price for the above-planned sale of products to the state, to remove the debts and arrears of previous years. The ban on driving has been somewhat relaxed. subsidiary farm(15) .

Task number 4. Match the elements of the right and left columns of the table. There is an extra characteristic in the list on the right, the maximum score is - 3).


Task number 5. Below are representatives of Russian culture and the lyrics of their songs. Write their names and match them with song excerpts. What song genre do these illustrations represent? (The maximum score for the entire task is 7).


Task number 6. For each building shown below, indicate

(60 points)

Exercise 1. Choose 1 correct answer for each question

(2 points for each correct answer, the maximum score is 8).

1.1. Read the passage and indicate the work of which it is a fragment: “In Bidar, they sell horses, damask, silk and any other goods, as well as black slaves, but there is no other goods here. The goods are all Hindustani, and from the edible only vegetables, and there is no goods for the Russian land. And here people are all black ... "

1) "Journey beyond three seas"

2) "Hourist"

3) "Zadonshchina"

4) "Domostroy".

1.2. Read the passage from the source and indicate the event with which it is associated.

“From thence, swim down the Tobol on June 29 and swim to the tract of Karaulny Yar; there is a place on the Tobol, but the Kuchumians fenced it with iron chains, as if they would hold all the plows and kill the Cossacks.

1) the accession of the Ryazan principality to Moscow

2) annexation of Novgorod to Moscow

3) Yermak's campaign

4) the siege of Pskov by the troops of Stefan Batory

1.3. Indicate the name of the Moscow metropolitan who crowned Ivan IV to the kingdom

1) Philip 2) Hilarion 3) Peter 4) Macarius

1.4. One of the consequences domestic policy Boris Godunov is

1) establishment of the patriarchate

3) the growing role of Zemsky Sobors

2) the beginning of the formation of an absolute monarchy

4) the creation of a regular army on the basis of recruitment

Task 2. Choose several correct answers in each task

(2 points for each task, the maximum score is 8):

2.1. What events and phenomena are associated with the reign of Princess Olga?

1) visit to Tsargrad

2) liquidation of the veche system in Novgorod

3) holding princely congresses

4) the introduction of an all-Russian system of collecting tribute from subject tribes

5) the creation of an all-Russian army

6) the introduction of a single norm for the transfer of peasants from one owner to another

2.2. Rulers of foreign states with whom Yaroslav the Wise intermarried through dynastic marriages

1. Norwegian king Harald the Bold

2. Polish prince Vladislav

3. Emperor

4. Polovtsian Khan Konchak

5. Queen Elizabeth I of England

2.3. Remove from the proposed list the words that do NOT relate to the concept of "nomadism"?

1) pasture;

3) movement;

5) burial mounds;

2.4. Choose from the proposed list of events related to the fourteenth century.

1) the creation of the "Pravda" of the Yaroslavichs

2) congress of princes in Lyubech

3) the foundation of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

4) the conclusion of the first written agreement with Byzantium

5) the creation by Nestor of "The Tale of Bygone Years"

6) construction of the white-stone Kremlin in Moscow

Task 3. What unites the concepts, events, names, dates that form each of the presented series? Give a short answer (2 points for each task, the maximum score is 8):

3.1. “The Tale of the Devastation of Ryazan by Batu”, “The Tale of the Destruction of the Russian Land”, “The Tale of Clicker”


3.2. Treasury, Palace, Boyar Duma



3.3. Barma, Postnik, Fedor Kon



3.4. Tomatoes, potatoes, corn, tobacco


Task 4. Restore the chronological sequence of events

(the maximum score for a correctly completed task is 6):

1. "Copper Riot" in Russia.

2. Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

3. Augsburg religious world in Germany.

4. Italian and Swiss campaigns.

5. The creation of a steam engine by James Watt.

6. Campaigns of Novgorod ushkuinists "for the Stone".

Answer: _____________________________

Task 5. Set matches. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters. (1 point for each correct digit, maximum score is 15).

5.1. Match the event with the age.

5.2. Match the historical event with its contemporary:

1) Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of French army

2) The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command

3) Day of the liberation of Moscow by the forces of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from the Polish invaders

4) Day one in Russian history naval victory of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut

5) The day of the victory of Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi

6) Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra

5.3. Match the statements with the circumstances under which they were uttered:

A) “And he didn’t reach his mind, and he will be familiar with us”

1M. Luther during his trial at Worms

B) "Broken and scattered over all points"

2) Boyars regarding the election of Mikhail Romanov to the royal throne

C) “This is where I stand. And I can't help it."

3) Metropolitan Kirill after the death of Alexander Nevsky

D) “I don’t understand how my ancestors allowed such an institution”

4) After the murder of Svyatoslav Igorevich by the Pechenegs

E) “Know, my child, that the sun of the land of Suzdal has already set. There will be no more such a prince in the Russian land"

5) F. Drake after the death of the "Invincible" allowed such an institution "Armada"

6) James I Stuart after the dissolution of Parliament

Task 6. Read the extract from the document and answer the questions (maximum score is 5).

“In the summer of 1564, December on the 3rd day, on Sunday, the king and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilievich with his queen ... and his sons ... went from Moscow to the village of Kolomenskoye ... and from the Trinity from the Sergius Monastery went to the settlement ... on January 3rd, the tsar sent from Sloboda to his father and pilgrim Athanasius - Metropolitan of All Russia, a letter, and in Boyar and voivodeships and all the clerks of treason were written on it ... And the tsar and the Grand Duke put their disgrace on them ... And the tsar and the Grand Duke, I do not want to endure their many treacherous deeds, left their state ... And he will arrange in the state ... a court for himself and the whole a separate person will arrange his daily routine.

1. The nickname that this king had: _____________________________________________

2. What historical event is mentioned in the document:


3. Social groups who are not accused of treason:


4. What can be seen as a contradiction in the use of the concept of "state".

