Olympiad tasks in mathematics in elementary school. Elementary Olympiads

What can you teach your child when teaching math? Reflect, explain the results obtained, compare, observe, generalize and draw conclusions. The development of such skills and abilities are aimed different kind olympiad tasks.

The Olympiad in the initial period of education takes an important place in the development of children. It was at this time that the first independent discoveries of the child took place. Even if they are small and seemingly insignificant, they contain sprouts of future interest in science. The realized opportunities act on the child developing, stimulate interest not only in mathematics, but also in other sciences.

Mathematics Olympiads by Parallels

1st class

1. Carlson invited the Kid, Boss, Bethan and Freken Bock to visit. But he only had 4 goodies. He proposed to divide them as follows: "You all take a whole bun for yourself, and give me each half." How many buns did Carlson get as a result? (3 points)

2. There are 9 gingerbread cookies in three plates. In II it is 2 less than in the first, in III it is 1 less than in the first. How many gingerbread cookies are in each plate? (5 points)

3. Olya has coins of 2 rubles each. and for 5 rubles. How will she pay for the purchase of 13 rubles? (2 points)

4. Father and two sons rode bicycles. Mom decided to count the steering wheels and wheels. There were 2 steering wheels and 5. How can this be? (2 points)

5. The sum of the deductible, the deducted and the difference is 12. What is the deductible? (3 points)

6. Find the pattern and continue the series of numbers:

9, 10, 12, 15, .., .., .., (1 point)

7. Put the signs + or - to get the correct equality:

7 * 4 * 2 * 5 = 10
10 * 4 * 3 * 8 = 1

(1 example - 1 point)

8. A year ago Ira was 5 years old. How old will she be in 3 years? (2 points)

9. Two fathers and two sons ate three oranges. How long did each of them eat? (2 points)

10. How many triangles are there in this figure? (3 points)

11. The first cage contains 4 chickens and 2 rabbits. In the second 5 chickens. Where are the more eyes and how much? Where are the more paws and how much?

12. Katya bought a popsicle at the kiosk, and Olya bought a glass of popsicles. Together they paid 10 rubles. Katya paid 2 rubles more. How much does each purchase cost?

13. How much does a watermelon weigh if there is a watermelon on one side and there is a 4 kg weight, and on the other there are 2 5 kg weights?

14. Mom offered Kolya a choice of apple, plum and pear. In how many ways can he choose 2 treats?

15. Three girlfriends - Vera, Olya and Tanya went for berries. To pick berries, they took a basket, a bucket and a basket. Olya was not with a basket or a basket, Vera was not with a basket. What did each girl take with her?

16. Establish a pattern and fill in the last square.

17. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs behind, 2 legs in front. How many legs does an animal have?

18. The staircase consists of 7 steps. Which step is in the middle?

19. The summer resident had two water tanks - one 9 liters and the other 4 liters. To dilute the fertilizer, she needed to pour 6 liters of water. Advise on how to pour 6 liters of water. (5 points)

20. Divide 5 gingerbreads equally between the six girls, without cutting a single gingerbread into 6 equal pieces. (5 points)

2nd grade

1. The turkey weighs 12 kg. How much will he weigh if he stands on one leg? Write an answer.

2. The cage in rabbits was closed, but 24 legs were visible in the lower hole, and 12 rabbit ears in the upper hole. So how many rabbits were in the cage?

3. By lunchtime, mom put two plates for the children. the same number peaches. By evening, there were left on the plates: on one 3 peaches, and on the second - 8. From which plate did you take more peaches and how many? Explain your answer.

4. The room has 4 corners. There is a cat in every corner. Opposite each cat are 3 cats. How many cats are there in the room? Write an answer.

5. How many triangles can you make with six matches? Draw your answer.

6. "Crack" the code!

Each letter of the alphabet is represented by some number:

A ... E ... Y ... O ... U ... W ... Uh ...
B ... E ... K ... P ... F ... SH ... Y ...
B ... W ... L ... R ... X ... b ... I ...
G ... Z ... M ... S ... C ... Y ...
D ... I ... N ... T ... W ... b ...

a) Try to determine these numbers (find the code) if the GUID is written as 6 12 7 and DRE as 21 18 17.


1.12 kg (1 point)

2. Nature has endowed every rabbit with 4 legs and 2 ears!

Therefore 24: 4 \u003d 6 (cr.)

12: 2 \u003d 6 (cr.)

Answer: 6 rabbits. (3 points)

3. If peaches were taken from the plates in equal parts, then there would be equal parts on the plates. But on the first plate there are fewer peaches than on the second, which means that 5 (8 - 3 \u003d 5) more peaches were taken from it than from the second. (2 points)

4. 4 cats. (1 point)

5.4 triangles. (3 points)

A-3 E-8 Y-13 O-18 U-23 Sh-28 E-33
B-4 E-9 K-14 P-19 F-24 Sh-29 Yu-34
V-5 Zh-10 L-15 R-20 X-25 b-30 Ya-45
G-6 Z-11 M-16 S-21 C-26 Y-31
D-7 I-12 N-17 T-22 Ch-27 L-32

b) “Well done” (5 points)

7. Anya, Zhenya and Nina received different marks for the test, but they did not have two marks. Guess what mark each of the girls got, if Anya does not have “3”, Nina’s not “3” and not “5” (3 points).

8. From the numbers 21, 19, 30, 25, 12, 7, 15, 6, 27, choose three numbers that add up to 50. (2 points).

9. Solve the puzzle: AA + Y \u003d URR (2 points).

10. A jug has three times more water than a teapot, and a teapot has 12 glasses less water than a jug. How much water is in a jug? (3 points).

11. Find the sum of the numbers in a convenient way:

7 + 10 + 13 + 16 + 19 + 22 + 25 + 28 \u003d… Prove. (2 points)

12. The family has three brothers. Each next one is younger than the previous one by 3 years. And the sum of their ages is 15 years. How old is everyone? (2 points).

13. Six cakes were divided among brothers and sisters so that the sisters had twice as many as the brothers. How much does anyone have? (2 points).

14. Pinocchio has less than 20 gold coins. He can arrange these coins in piles of two, three and four coins. How many coins does Pinocchio have? (3 points)

15. Write down all two-digit numbers in which the number of ones is four more numbers dozens? (1 case - 1 point)

16. Divide the numbers 2,3,4,5,6,7 into three pairs so that the sums of the numbers of each pair are the same. (2 points)

17. Draw a rhombus and 8 ovals so that the top of the rhombus is 6 smaller ovals than the bottom. (1 point)

18. Three girls, when asked how old they were, answered as follows: Masha: “Together with Natasha, I am 21 years old”, Natasha: “I am 4 years younger than Tamara”, Tamara: “We three are together 34 years old”. How old are each of the girls? (6 points)

19. Arrange the numbers from 2 to 10 so that this square becomes magic:

6 8

20. A watermelon weighing 6 kg was placed on the left pan of the scales, and a melon on the right. To balance the scales, I had to put 2 more two-kilogram fats on the melon cup. How many kg is a watermelon heavier than a melon? How many times is a watermelon heavier than a melon? (3 points )

3rd grade

1. Three-headed dragons and centipedes live in the magic forest. They have a total of 26 heads and 298 legs. Each centipede has 1 head. How many legs do 3-headed dragons have?

2. Mom bought candy and put them in the closet. Vova came home from school, found sweets in the closet and ate half of them. Kostya came second from school and, finding sweets, ate half of the rest. Sasha came third and ate half of the sweets that remained after Kostya. When my mother took a bag of sweets in the evening, she was very surprised: there was only one candy in it. How many sweets did mom buy? (3 points)

3. 6 barrels of kerosene of different sizes were brought to the store. The capacity of these barrels was as follows: 15, 16, 18. 19, 20 buckets and 31 buckets. Two buyers are interested in the product. The first bought 2 barrels, the second - 3 barrels, and at the same time received twice as much kerosene as the first. How much kerosene was in the barrel that remained in the store? (4 points)

4. Decipher the combination of the combination lock, if:

a) the third digit is 3 more than the first,

b) the second digit is 2 more than the fourth,

c) in the sum all the numbers give the number 17,

d) second digit 3. (3 points)

5. 4 points were marked on the straight line. How many segments in total, the ends of which are these points, did you get? (2 points)

6. In the workshop, 40 cars were repaired within a month - cars and motorcycles. All wheels were produced after repairs exactly 100. How many were in the repair of cars and motorcycles? (4 points)

6. Kolya caught 512 flies in 5 days. Every day he caught as many flies as on all the previous days together. How many flies did he catch in each of these days? (5 points)

7. What four weights can be used to measure any weight from 1 to 40 g, if we put weights on both scales? (6 points)

8. There are 750 cars in the garage. Trucks have 6 wheels, and cars have 4 wheels. How many cars are in the garage if there are only 3024 wheels? (6 points)

9. Orange and tangerine weigh together 500 g, orange and apple weigh together 800 g, apple and tangerine weigh together 600 g. How much do they weigh separately? (5 points)

10. Get 28 out of five twos. (1 word - 2 points)

11. Move one stick to make the equality true:

VI - IV \u003d IX (2 points)

12. Decipher the rebus :

(7 points)

13. In the classroom, children learn English and French. Of these, 17 people study English, 15 people - French, and 8 people study both languages \u200b\u200bat the same time. How many students are there in the class? (4 points)

14. On one of the sides of each of the three cards are drawn a square, a triangle, a circle. On the other side it says “circle or triangle”, “square”, “triangle”. None of the inscriptions are true. Which of the cards is depicted on: a square, a triangle, a circle?

15. Notebook, pen, pencil, book cost 37 rubles. A notebook, pen and pencil cost 19 rubles. A book, pen, pencil cost 35 rubles. A notebook and a pencil cost 5 rubles together. How much does each weigh separately?

16. What time is it now if the rest of the day is twice as long as the last?

17. 50 g of sugar was dissolved in 1 liter of water. One glass with a capacity of 200 g was poured from this water. How much sugar is in this glass?

18. Sum of three different numbers is equal to their product. What are these numbers?

19. There are several books to pack in a bookstore, less than a hundred. If you link them in 3, 4 or 5, then each time there will be 1 book. How many books should I pack?

20. The mass of three brown bears is 240 kg more than the mass of three tigers and 80 kg less than the mass of four tigers. Determine the mass of the tiger .

4th grade

1. Draw a rectangle, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 12 cm 2, and the sum of the lengths of the sides is 26 cm. 3b.

2. How much wire does it take to make a 7cm cube frame? 4b.

3. In this figure, the sum of two adjacent circles is equal to the circle lying above them. Enter numbers and numbers in the free circles, observing the symmetry in each line. 5 B.

4. Captain Vrungel chased a kangaroo, in whose bag a ball fell. The kangaroo makes 70 jumps per minute. Each jump is 10m. Captain Vrungel is running at a speed of 10m / s. Will he catch up with the kangaroo? 3 b.

5. A part is turned from a metal blank. The chips from turning 8 parts can be remelted to make another workpiece. How many parts can you make from 64 pieces? 5 B.

6. Misha argued that he would determine the score in the game between the football teams “Spartak” and “Dynamo” before the start of the match, and won the argument. What was the score? 1b.

7. From city A to city B 2 cars drove towards each other at the same time. The speed of the first is 80 km / h, and the second is 10 km / h less. Three hours later, the distance between them was 130 km. The first car spent 3 liters of gasoline for every 10 km of travel. How many liters of gasoline did this car spend all the way from A to B? 6b.

8. In the workshop, 40 cars - cars and motorcycles - were repaired within a month. Exactly 100 of all wheels were repaired. The question is, how many were in the repair of cars and motorcycles. 4b.

9. Arrange the brackets so that you get the correct equalities. 3b:

12 * 16 + 128: 8 + 24 = 240
12 * 16 + 128: 8 + 24 = 196
12 * 16 + 128: 8 + 24 = 323

10. Arrange the numbers 1, 2, 3, ..., 9 along the sides of the triangle so that the sum of the numbers along each side equals 20. The digit at the apex of the triangle belongs to each of the sides outgoing from this vertex. 3 points

11. Pinocchio wants to buy a primer, but he lacks 18 soldo. For the same primer Malvina lacks 7 soldo, and Pierrot - 10 soldo. Can Pierrot and Malvina buy one ABC book for two together?

Possible different ways solutions. (5 points)

12. In the school hall there were 47 boys and the same number of girls. After a while, the children began to leave the hall in pairs. But if a girl and a boy came out of the hall, then one girl entered the hall, and if two boys or two girls came out, then one boy entered. Finally, only one person remained in the hall. Is he a girl or a boy? 5 points

13. Three monkeys - Chi-chi, To-to and Lu-lu - climbed a palm tree. So-so climbed 8 meters higher than Chi-chi, and Lu-lu is 5 meters lower than To-so. Who climbed higher, Lu-lu or Chi-chi, and how much?

Show the solution using the diagram. 3 points.

14. Three cars used up 269 liters of fuel in 660 minutes. It is known that during this time the first car used up 60 liters, and the second - every two hours spent 26 liters. Find how many liters the third car spent in an hour.

15. An experienced trainer can wash an elephant in 40 minutes, and his son will need 2 hours to do this. How long will it take to wash three elephants, working together?

16. From two airfields, the distance between which is 1495 km, two helicopters took off towards each other. The first helicopter took off 3 hours earlier and flew at a speed of 215 km / h. The helicopters met 2 hours after the departure of the second helicopter. How fast was the second helicopter flying?

17. Determine the pattern by which these numbers are written:

18. Remove 6 line segments to leave 3 squares.

19. On the spare cars of the station, there were two sets of identical cars. One train consisted of 12 more cars than the other; when 6 cars were uncoupled from each train, the length of one train turned out to be 4 times longer than the length of the other. How many cars were there in each train?

20. A six-digit number ends with the digit 4. If this digit is rearranged from the end of the number to the beginning, i.e. attributing it before the first, without changing the order of the other five, you get a number that is 4 times larger than the original. Find this number.

Currently, there are a large number of different Olympiads designed for students primary grades... The significance of these Olympiads is very great for them: it broadens their horizons, instills a desire for knowledge, etc.

Excitement and fear await pupils while participating in city and regional Olympiads. All this can adversely affect their performance. Under conditions of stress, the participants of the Olympiads may not cope with elementary tasks for them. In order to avoid this, students need to early years accustom to such conditions. It is best for students to start participating in various Olympiads back in primary school... Olympiads for elementary school students not only accustom children to stressful conditions and effective work at such moments, but also allow them to broaden the horizons of children, to form an interest in academic subjects, deepen knowledge.

The Olympics are also good because they are in lung shape competitions, form in children the desire to show themselves, become better, begin to understand better in any area and achieve their first successes in life. Currently, there are many ways to conduct Olympiads for primary school students. Primary school teachers themselves prepare tasks for olympiads in various subjects (mathematics, reading, cognition of the world, etc.) and conduct them between the entire parallel.

The development of computer technology has contributed to the emergence of a new type of Olympiads: various intellectual Internet contests. Schoolchildren from different cities can take part in such competitions at the same time, the results of such Olympiads will be obtained in as soon as possible (right after the answers are processed by the computer - it may take only a few minutes), which will save teachers' time, which they usually spend on preparing assignments and checking the work performed by the contestants.

There are also various distance Olympiads, the participation of which consists in completing the proposed tasks and sending them for verification (by mail, by e-mail and etc) . One of the striking examples of such Olympiads is All-Russian Olympiad for pupils of grades 1-4, which was named "House of Semignomics" Those wishing to take part in this Olympiad apply to certain terms, then they take assignments on the site on which the Olympiad assignments are published, perform them and send them for review. After summing up the results of the Olympiad, all participants receive various diplomas: Diplomas of winners, prize-winners and participants.

Another example of distance intellectual marathons is the Unik-Um Olympiad. This Olympiad is All-Russian, its preparation is carried out on the basis of Omsk state university them. FM Dostoevsky Center for Distance Technologies in Education "Distance +". Participants in this Olympiad are divided into 2 age categories: students in grades 1-2 and 3-4. Participants can choose one of the proposed directions for participation: multidisciplinary (interdisciplinary) Olympiad, Olympiad in literary reading, computer science, Russian language, the world around them, etc. According to the results of the Olympiad, participants will receive diplomas and certificates.

Very interesting intellectual contests held among pupils of both senior classes and elementary schools are "Russian Bear", "Golden Fleece", "Kangaroo", "EMU", "Clever", etc. The Russian bear cub is an international intellectual game in linguistics, which annually admits students from schools in Russia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, India, United United Arab Emirates, Finland, Latvia, Bulgaria and other countries. Distinctive feature of this intellectual competition is that the tasks in it are presented in a fun game form, which makes children interested in the subject, they have a desire to find answers to one or another question that they could not solve on their own. In this regard, schoolchildren begin to read more, take an interest in issues related to linguistics, and thus broaden their horizons. It is very important that the tasks of this intellectual competition are divided into different groups according to the level of difficulty, which makes them accessible not only for gifted children, but also for ordinary students. general education schools... All pupils from 2nd to 11th grade can take part in the competition "Russian Bear Cub".

An analogue of the Russian Bear Cub competition is the Kangaroo intellectual competition in mathematics. Usually, schoolchildren rarely like math, most often children perceive exact sciences as something boring and even boring. To solve this problem and allows participation in the competition in mathematics "Kangaroo". The tasks of this competition, presented in a playful way, stimulate children's interest in mathematics. Intellectual competition "Golden Fleece" is an analogue of "Russian Bear" and "Kangaroo". This competition is held with the aim of instilling an interest in history and culture in children.

The intellectual competition EMU is designed for primary school students. There are 3 directions in which primary school students can take part in this competition. The first direction is EMU-Erudite. Participation in this competition will help students show their knowledge in all subjects studied in primary grades... During their participation in the competition, students will also be given the opportunity to demonstrate speed, courage and dexterity. The second direction is the EMU specialist. By participating in this competition, having completed the tasks of 6 rounds, students can demonstrate their knowledge of Russian and english languages, mathematics, literary reading, computer science and knowledge of the surrounding world. The third area is Creative teams. In this competition, children take part in teams of 5 people. Students in grades 1 and 2 participate separately from students in grades 3 and 4. By participating in such a competition, students are given the opportunity to demonstrate their creative skillsby preparing a project and submitting it. In addition, teachers under the "EMU-Marathon" project are given the opportunity to order a newspaper for students (for students of grades 1-3), "intellectual vitamins" (for grade 1 students) is a set of various tasks that contribute to the development of children logical thinking and other intellectual abilities, children's educational magazine "Adventures of Emu", a set of various tasks for students in grades 1-2 and 3-4.

It is very important to start teaching kids about research as early as possible. This ability will be simply necessary for them in the course of their studies in the future. In Russia, there is only one competition that allows primary school students to conduct research. This competition is called “I am a researcher”. This competition is held annually to develop skills in elementary school students. research work, the ability to observe various objects and processes, analyze them, build any hypotheses, learn to confirm or refute them in the process of research and, finally, draw conclusions from the research. In addition to all of the above, the intellectual competition allows junior schoolchildren to realize their creative abilities, and also contributes to the formation of students' interest in various sciences, allows them to understand them in more depth, etc.

In our age of intensive development information technologies it is extremely important to be fluent in computer technology. Interest in the in-depth study of a personal computer and work with it allows the development of the Infoznayka competition, which is held in a playful way. This competition is analogous to "Russian Bear" and "Kangaroo". In the Infoznayka competition, children are given the opportunity to compete in the knowledge of a personal computer, in the ability to work with it. Within the framework of the children's Internet festival "Umnik", many different online contests are held: games - a marathon (to complete tasks in a certain amount of time), a cinema park (looking for actors according to the description in in social networks), BEETLE (passing the labyrinth), night watch (solving the greatest number of problems), etc. In addition to various intellectual marathons for primary school students, an all-Russian competition "Man and Nature" is held. By participating in this competition, students can demonstrate their knowledge in the field of knowledge of the world, the connection of a person with environment, natural science, ecology and other related sciences.

In the primary grades of Russian schools, a heuristic Olympiad called "Owlet" is held annually. The main goals of this Olympiad are to identify gifted children in elementary grades, which will allow them to further develop their intellectual abilities, to form students' interest in learning in general or in more in-depth study of individual subjects. This Olympiad is held in two stages, according to the results of which the winner is determined. Each of these Olympiads will help develop the intellectual potential of the younger generation.

Primary school Olympiads, of which there are a lot now, allow with early childhood to identify children with good intellectual inclinations. This will further contribute to the development of abilities in these children.

District Olympiad for 1st grade

Surname, name: __________________________


1. Write down the words in plural:

table -____________ ear -_______________

chair -____________ person -____________

2. What cannot be done hard?

(A) hold; (B) kiss; (B) hug; (D) cry; (D) sleep.

3. Connect the words of the right and left columns so that you get new words.

Hay stamp

4. The ancient word lop meant a wide flat leaf, from it the name of the burdock plant was formed, and the word lop-eared - a man with big ears. What's the name garden tools, whose name comes from this word?

5. Guess the well-known fairy tale villains.

1. Someone named Gorynych. _________________

2. Toothy, fanged forest animal. ____________________

3. Immortal, but afraid of an ordinary egg .__________________

4. "There is a robber in Africa, a villain in Africa, a terrible one in Africa ...!" ____________

6. Who do these things belong to?

Golden Key?________________________________________

Glass slipper?____________________________

Shell walnut_______________________________

Broken trough? _________________

7. Answer the questions:

What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "Turnip"? ______________

How many sisters did Cinderella have? ___________________

Name of the girl with blue hair ________________

8. Decipher the name of the tale.

KVOL and ZAOK - ________________________ ___

FEEDER - _____________________________

9. Three puppies, two goslings and one chicken were walking in the yard. How many paws and wings do they have?

10. There are berries on a plate on the table. They can be divided equally between 2 or 3 guys. How many berries are on a plate if it is known that there are less than 10 of them?

11. Masha conceived a number. If you add 2 to it and subtract 5, you get 4. What number is Masha in mind?

12. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs behind, 2 legs in front. How many legs does an animal have?

13. Read the words. Give a name to each column of words.

pine frog

rose elephant

dandelion ant

lizard oak

lilac bullfinch

14. Cross out relatives

Son, student, grandfather, girl, dad, mom, boy, aunt, uncle, old man,

niece, child, daughter, boy, brother, sister, grandmother, grandson, adult,

teenager, doctor, nanny, granddaughter, teacher.

15. Underline an unnecessary concept on each line:

a) December, March, January, February.

b) morning, night, evening, week, day.

16. Choose the correct answer:

Most short month: March, February, May, September

Largest animal: elephant, giraffe, hippo, blue whale

Answers. 1 class

Table - tables

Chair - chairs

Person people 4 points

(D) cry 1 point

The hayloft, fair, deposits, light.

4 points

Shovel 1 point

4. Barmaley

4 points



To the old woman 4 points


3 points

Wolf and goat

Morozko 2 points

18 paws, 6 wings 2 points

6 berries 1 point

Number 7 (1 point)

Solution: 4 + 5-2 \u003d 7 (1 point) 2 points

4 legs 1 point

Plants Animals 2 points

Son, grandfather, dad, mom, aunt, uncle, niece, daughter, brother, sister, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter.

13 points

a) March (1 point)

b) week (1 point)

Blue whale

2 points

Maximum points:48 points

"Grade 2 Olympiad Round 2"

Olympiad in literary reading (grade 2)

Surname ________________________ First name __________________ School ___________________________________

Literary reading

Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

From whom did all the dishes run away? .................................................. ...........................................

What is the name of the fabulous girl who jumped over the fire and turned into a cloud? .................................................. .................................................. ..........................

Who saved a fly from a spider that found a pretty penny on the way to the bazaar? ...........................................

Who in the Russian folk tale had a bast hut, and who had an ice hut? ............................

What is the name of the Pushkin prince who revived the dead princess? ................................

Whose daughter was Cinderella from the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault? ................................................

What a beast in Russians folk tales called Toptygin? …………………….

What is the name of the Kid's friend from Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale? .........................................

Task 2. Compare 2 tables. Correlate the letters from the right table with the following numbers in the left, write down the resulting proverb.


Assignment 3 Connect concept and text with a line.

Warms in summer, proverb

It gets cold in winter. story

There is no friend - look.

Found - take care of the tongue twister

Klim beat a wedge. riddle

"Wild Swans"

"Persistent tin soldier»

Walnut shell

"Ole Lukkoye"

"The Snow Queen"

Paper boat


Russian language.

    One of the two.

(from each pair of words it is necessary to compose the third word, all letters must be used)

Keith, wound .________________________

Park, willow .________________________

Leather, crow. ____________________

    Guess four words.

FROM Bi am a dentist, _________________

FROM Mi eat fur, ___________________

FROM Rthe actor needs me, __________________

FROM FROM important for the cook. _____________________

    There is in the apple and plum, but not in the garden, there is in the onion and salad, but not in the garden. What is it?_________

The end at the bottom of the pond

And the whole in the museum

You can find it easily. _________________________

2. Beginning - note,

Then a deer decoration,

And together - the place

Lively movement. __________________________

the world

1. Answer the questions:

    The name of this tree comes from the word "leaf", but there are no leaves on it .____________________________

    Can a spider be called an insect? Why?

    What is the name of the star closest to the earth? ________________________

    Where is the grasshopper's ear? ________________________________________

    For which bird is bacon a treat? ______________________

2. Read the names of the animals. Underline in each row the name of the animal that is "superfluous". Explain your decision.

1.Butterfly, ant, tit, dragonfly- …………………………………………………….

2. Nightingale, sparrow, bat, magpie- ……………………………………………

3. Toad, already, frog, newt - …………………………………………………………

    What's in a soap bubble?

4. What is the meaning of the saying: “Mow the scythe while the dew is; the dew is gone, and we go home ":

A) when there is dew, then it is cool and easier to mow;

B) the grass becomes elastic from dew and it is easier to mow;

C) in the morning a person has more strength;

D) fewer mosquitoes and other gnats in the morning;

D) in the morning the braid is sharper, and as you mow it becomes dull.

Math assignments grade 2

    How many grams does a cookie weigh if there is a 200 g weight next to it on the right side of the scale, and 500 g on the left side? ___________________________________

    Lyuba has 3 smart skirts and 5 multi-colored blouses. How many smart clothes can make a girl? ________________________________

    Nikita has two watermelons of the same weight. Together with them, Nikita weighs 36 kg. And his own weight is 30 kg. How much does one watermelon weigh? __________________________

    For one horse, 5 rams are given in exchange, and two rams are exchanged for 3 goats. How many goats can you trade for 2 horses?


Answers. 2nd grade

Answers In Russian

    Painting, nettle, lark. (3b.) (For each guessed word 1b)

    Pain, mole, role, salt. (4b) (for each guessed word 1b)

    Letter L. (1b)

    Picture. Road. (2b) (for each guessed word 1b)

Exercise 1: tests the ability to analyze, find associations

For every correct answer 1 point. Total - 5 points

    Larch, instead of leaves, needles. 2. Arachnid, eight legs. 3. The sun. 4. On the paws. 5. In winter for the titmouse.

Assignment 2:tests the ability to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions.

For each correctly selected "extra" object in the line - 1 point

    Tit. 2. Bat. 3. Already.

For the correct explanation of the reason for the allocation of the "extra" object-

1 point for each object

Total 6 points

Assignment 3:tests the ability to analyze.

For answer - air - 2 points

Assignment 4:tests the ability to analyze, reason, navigate in their own knowledge.

For the answer - A - 2 points.

Total - 15 points

Math Answers

No. of tasks


Literary reading

Answers. Evaluation criteria.

Task 1. Answer the questions.

· From whom did all the dishes run away? (from Fedora)

What is the name of the fabulous girl who jumped over the fire and turned into a cloud ? (Snow Maiden)

· Who saved a fly from a spider that found a pretty penny on the way to the bazaar? (Mosquito)

· Who in the Russian folk tale had a bast hut, and who had an ice hut? ( bast in a hare, and in a fox - ice)

· What is the name of the Pushkin prince, who revived the dead princess? (Elisha)

· Whose daughter was Cinderella from the famous fairy tale by Charles Perrault? (lumberjack)

· What animal is called Toptygin in Russian folk tales? (bear)

· What is the name of the Kid's friend from Astrid Lindgren's fairy tale? (Carlson)

Number of points: 0.5 points for each correct answer; total: 4 b.

Task 2. Compare 2 tables. Match the letters from the right table with the numbers on the left, write down the resulting proverb.

Performance: Without patience, there is no learning.

Number of points: 2 points. (spelling is not taken into account)

3. Connect the concept and the text with a line.

L warms the summer, proverb

It gets cold in winter.

There is no friend - look.

Found - take care. patter

Klim beat a wedge. riddle

Number of points: 1 point each for a correctly combined concept and text. Total: 3 pts.

4. Remember, the heroes, what literary tale needed this subject. Connect the name of the tale and the subject with a line:

"Wild Swans"

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

Walnut shell

"Ole Lukkoye"

"The Snow Queen"

Paper boat


For each correct connection -1 point (5b); for the correct identification of the author of fairy tales - 3 points. (total: 8b)

Total: 17b

Maximum points: 60b

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"Grade 3 Olympiad Round 2"

Olympiad for grade 3

F.I. participant, school ____________________________________________________________

Russian language assignments

    Define and underline the letters, how many times the sound (t) occurs in a sentence:

The director of the enterprise signed the document and gave it to the representative of the sponsored factory.

    Underline words that have more sounds than letters.

Berry, earth, glade, spruce, forest, April, bunny, pours, green, parrot.

    Replace the phraseological unit with one word:

A teaspoon per hour __________________________________________________

Call the eyes ______________________________________________________

Lead by the nose ________________________________________________

With a gulkin's nose _______________________________________________

Poke your nose ______________________________________________

Peck your nose ______________________________________________

    Write down the plural nouns (words for things):

chicken - _________________, sea vessel - _________________________, miracle - ___________________, sky - _______________, child - ________________, person - __________________.

Math assignments

1.How will the area of \u200b\u200ba rectangle change if its length is increased by 2 times, and its width by 3 times? __________________________________________________________

2. The dragonfly flies at a speed of 10 m / sec. How many kilometers will it fly in 1 hour?

3. Write down all two-digit numbers so that the sum of tens and ones of each number is 8.


4. A square with a side of 6 cm was bent from a piece of wire. Then they unbent the wire, and bent a triangle with equal sides out of it. What is the length of a side of a triangle?


Z literary reading adania


A. Tale of Ch. Perrault "Red ..................................."

B. Fairy tale by M. Maeterlinck "Blue .............................."

B. The Tale of D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray ……………………… .."

G. The tale of Ch. Perrault "Blue ................................."

D. A. Kuprin's story "White .............................."

E. The magic story of A. Pogorelsky "Black ......................."

2. Make 5 proverbs from the given words.

Ruble, awl, courage, light, ignorance, business, take, fun, learning, hour, time, bag, one hundred, hide, city, have, darkness, friend.


3. This writer has created a huge variety of stories and stories about the life of animals. And even his tales are very informative: "Who sings what?", "Whose nose is better?", "Tails" ... and many others. He is also the author of a forest newspaper. Write the first and last name of this writer. _____________

Bewitched by invisibility

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of a dream,

Like a white kerchief

A pine tree is tied up.

a) F. Tyutchev b) I. Nikitin c) S. Yesenin d) E. Trutneva

Quests around the world

    Underline the extra name in each line:

a) frog, hedgehog, viper, chameleon, already

b) leaf, soil, stem, fruit, root

c) nest, burrow, chicken coop, den, anthill

d) bullfinch, nightingale, swan, thrush, swallow

e) granite, coal, paper, natural gas

f) Russia, France, Minsk, China, Japan.

    Distribute the data geographic concepts into groups. Give each group a name.

Mars, Paris, south, Venus, west, Mercury, Moscow, north, Kiev, Earth, Novgorod, east.





3.Which of the animals are most adapted to life in nature: herbivorous, carnivorous or omnivorous? Why?



4. What plant in the 18th century in Russia was called the "damn apple"? __________________

Answers to the Olympiad tasks CLASS 3

Russian language



1. Determine and underline how many times the sound (t) occurs in a sentence:

Director t op pre d priya t iya by d wrote document t and gave it to d from t avi t i eat by d chef factory.

9 sounds (t)

3 points

2. Write down words in which there are more sounds than letters.

Berry, green.

For each correct answer 1 point (for incorrect answers 0.5 points are deducted)

3. Replace the phraseological unit with one word:

A teaspoon per hour - slowly, barely;

Nourish your eyes - get bored;

Lead by the nose - deceive.

With a gulkin's nose - little.

Poke your nose- curious.

Peck your nose - fall asleep.

1 point for correct answer

(6 points)

4. Write down the plural nouns (words for things):

chicken - chickens, sea vessel - sea vessels, miracle - miracles, sky - heaven, child - children, man - people.

(6 points)


17 points



    Will increase 6 times

2 points

    Solution: 1 hour \u003d 3600s 360010 \u003d 36000 (m) or 36 km

Answer: a dragonfly will fly 36 km in an hour.


3. Write down all two-digit numbers so that the sum of tens and ones of each number is 8.

Answer: 17,26,35,44,53,62,71,80


4.Solution: 6 4: 3 \u003d 8 (cm)

Answer: 8cm.

3 points


16 points

Literary reading



1. What word should be used instead of ellipsis?

A. Tale of Ch. Perrault “Red Beanie

B. M. Maeterlinck's fairy tale “Blue Bird»

V. Tale of D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck

G. The tale of C. Perrault “Blue Beard»

D. A. Kuprin's story “White Poodle»

E. The magic story of A. Pogorelsky "Black chicken"

For each correct answer 1 point (6 points)

2. Make up proverbs from the given words.

You can't hide an awl in a sack. Business before pleasure. Cheek brings success. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

For every proverb

2 points (10 points)

3. This writer has created a huge variety of stories and stories about the life of animals. And even his tales are very informative: "Who sings what?", "Whose nose is better?", "Tails" ... and many others. He is also the author of a forest newspaper. What is the name and surname of this writer?

Answer: Vitaly Bianchi

2 points

Bewitched by invisibility

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of a dream,

Like a white kerchief

A pine tree is tied up.

C) S. Yesenin

1 point


19 points

The world



c) chicken coop

d) bullfinch

e) paper

1 point for the correct answer.

(6 points)

2. Mars, Venus, Mercury, Earth - planets.

Paris, Moscow, Kiev, Novgorod are cities.

South, west, north, east are the sides of the horizon.

1 point for a correctly assembled group and 1 point for a correctly named group.

(6 points)

    Omnivores, because it is easier for them to find suitable food at any time of the year.

1 point for the correct answer and 1 point for the correct explanation why. (2 points)


1 point

15 points

TOTAL: 57 points

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"Grade 4 Olympiad Round 2"

4th grade.

Multidisciplinary Olympiad.


Full name _____________________________________________________________

Russian language

1. The boy replaced every letter of his name serial number of this letter in the Russian alphabet. It turned out the number 510141 ... What was the boy's name? _______________

2 ... Observing the rule of Russian grammar, put soft sign after the hissing.

3 .Write out all the phrases from the sentence:

A sharp wind tore leaves from the trees and carried them through the forest.



4 ... Which of the four words is obsolete?

A) carpenter B) guard C) guard D) birthday boy


1 .Expand an example for adding three two-digit numbers: 1 and + 2and +3and= 7and... All four letters and mean the same number .________________

2 ... One weekend, three piglets caught 32 minnows and began to cook fish soup. Nif-Nif gave 4 fish for the fish soup, Naf-Naf - 7 fish, and Nuf-Nuf - 12. After that, they had an equal share of fish. How many minnows did each pig catch?






3. How fast can schoolboy Vova go home from school?

A) 20 m / s B) 1 km / min C) 4000 m / h C) 900 m / min E) 45 km / h

4. 300kg of vegetables were brought to the school to feed the pupils. Potatoes and carrots 230 kg, and potatoes and onions 200 kg. How many kg of potatoes, carrots and onions were brought to school separately? ___________________________________________



The world

1. Solve the environmental challenge

The hedgehog and the mole belong to the same order of insectivores. But the hedgehog hibernates, but the mole does not. What explains the differences in the vital activity of animals?



2 ... Write the concepts that meet these definitions:

1) Reduced image of the earth's surface on a plane using conventional symbols - ___________________.

2) The time during which the Earth makes a complete revolution around the sun -_____________

3) A special area where plants and animals are protected - __________

3. "Weed" the text, that is, cross out the name of the weed from each line. Then you can read the Tajik proverb about labor:

MEOTSAOLTL _____________

VVAOSIGLENEK ________________

LUCHELTOIKVEK ________________

PYVRTRUEEIDE ________________________

GET FUCKED ______________________


4. What plants can be cooked from

a) barley porridge - _____________________

b) millet porridge -________________________

c) semolina porridge - _______________________

d) buckwheat porridge - ______________________________

Literary reading

1 ... In what mountains did you grow up " Stone Flower”P.P. Bazhova? __________________________

2 ... Write down who turned into a lion, what is the name of the tale, and who wrote it.

... in an instant he turned into a huge lion. The cat was so frightened when he saw a lion in front of him that he immediately rushed to the roof. _____________________________________

3 ... At the beginning of the work, determine its genre:

1) Sad time! Charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me ..._________________

2) When I was little, they took me to live with my grandmother ...___________________

3) The monkey has become weak with eyes in old age;

And she heard from people

That this evil is not yet true big hands..._________________________

4) In the summer of 1037, Yaroslav founded the great city, near the same city the Golden Gate; he also laid the foundation for the Church of St.


5) In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there lived a rich merchant,

famous person ...__________________________

6) And Sadko went to Ilmen to the lake,

And he sat on blue on a combustible stone,

And how he began to play gusli yarovchaty,

And I played from morning like day to night. ___________________________

4. Guess the names. What unites them?




4th grade



Fifth kush, brown papalosh, meowing duch, dormy delage, spitting vagach, zhelomnaya whip.

"A harsh wind", "tore off the leaves", "tore them from the trees", "carried them around", "carried them through the forest."



    4 + 7 + 12 \u003d 23 minnows were given to the ear

    (32-23): 3 \u003d 3 minnows left for each

    3 + 4 \u003d 7 minnows at Nif-Nif

    3 + 7 \u003d 10 minnows at Naf-Naf

    3 + 12 \u003d 15 minnows at Nuf-Nuf

1) 300-230 \u003d 70 (kg) - brought onions

2) 200-70 \u003d 130 (kg) - brought potatoes

3) 300-200 \u003d 100 (kg) - brought carrots


A hedgehog cannot find food in winter, and there is enough food for a mole underground.

Map, year, reserve.

Sow thistle (metal) Cornflower (on fire) Buttercup (human)

Wheatgrass (in labor)

Quinoa (known)

Proverb: Metal is on fire, a person is cognized in labor.

For a proverb - 3 points

Barley, millet, wheat, buckwheat.

Literary reading

Ural mountains

Cannibal, Puss in Boots, Charles Perrault.

Poem, story, fable, chronicle, fairy tale, epic.

Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets.


Total: 53 points.



for students in grades 2-4

primary school

Used Books:

1. Olympiad tasks in mathematics, Russian language and the course "The World Around".

Moscow, "Waco", 2010

2. School Olympiads for primary grades.

Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix, 2004

3. The best olympiad assignments in mathematics and Russian in primary school. Author N.F. Dick.

Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2009

4. Cognitive problem book in mathematics, grades 1-4.

Moscow, AST "Astrel" 2005

Olympiad for 2nd grade students


Given five counting sticks. Add five more sticks to them to make “three”.

2. Vasya and Sasha played checkers for 4 hours in a row. How many hours did each of them play?

3. The paint can weighs 8kg. Half of the paint was poured out of it, after which the can began to weigh 4.5 kg. Determine the weight of the cans.

4. The Luna 12 spacecraft photographed the lunar surface and delivered the images to Earth. Each shot covered an area with a width off meters and k meters long. Write down how to find the perimeter of a section of the Moon in one frame.

5. Three girls were asked how old they are? They have replyed:

Masha: "Together with Natasha, I am 21 years old",

Natasha: "I am 4 years younger than Tamara",

Tamara: "We have been together for 34 years."

How old is each girl?

6. 3 brothers are running along the same path. 1 in front, and 2 behind: these 2 are running, but they cannot catch up with the front one. What is it?

7. Using arithmetic operations, compose the number 100 from five units.

8. The two-headed and seven-headed dragons gathered for a rally. At the very beginning of the rally, the Dragon King, the seven-headed Dragon, counted all those gathered over their heads. He looked around his crowned middle head and saw 25 heads. The king was pleased with the results of the calculations and thanked everyone present for their attendance at the rally. How many dragons came to the rally?

9. Kitten Woof received gifts from friends: cakes and muffins together 7 pieces, pies and muffins - 9, and cakes and pies - 6. How many gifts are there?

10. Indicate the correct equalities:

A) 5 dm 2 cm 5 dm 3 cm

B) 1kg \u003d 1000g

C) 1h 30min \u003d 130min

Answers :

1. There will be 10 sticks in total, you get the word

(1 point)

2. Each played 4 hours (1 point)

3. The jar weighs 1 kg (1 point)

4. P \u003d (f + k) * 2 (1 point)

5. Tamara -15, Natasha -9, Masha - 12. (3 points)

6. Children's bike (1 point)

7. 111-11 \u003d 100 (1 point)

8. 8 dragons (3 points)

9. Cakes - 2, muffins 5, pies -4. Total gifts: 11 pieces (3 points)

10. B (1 point)

Maximum points: 16 points

Olympiad for 3rd grade students

1. In a three-digit odd number, the sum of the digits is 3. It is known that all three digits are different. Find this number.

2. Fly-Tsokotukha found money and bought a samovar, pretzels and sweets with it. The samovar and pretzels cost 48 blamziks. For pretzels and sweets, Mucha gave 3 blamziks. Moreover, sweets are more expensive than pretzels. How many blamziks is the money that Fly-Tsokotukha found?

3. The girl drew two straight lines. On one she marked 2 points, and on the other - 3. There were 4 points in total. How did it happen?

4. How to write correctly: 7 + 5 \u003d eleven or adinteen?

5. Nils flew in a flock on the back of Martin's goose. He noticed that the formation of the flock resembles a triangle: in front of the leader, then 2 geese, in the third row 3 geese, etc. The flock stopped for the night on an ice floe. Niels saw that the arrangement of the geese this time resembled a square, consisting of rows, in each row the same number of geese, and the number of geese in each row is equal to the number of rows. There are less than 50 geese in a flock. How many geese are in a flock?

6. The journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow by plane lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes. However, the return flight takes 80 minutes. How can this be explained?

7. A kid from a fairy tale can eat 600 grams of jam in 6 minutes, and Carlson is 2 times faster. How long will it take for them to eat this jam together?

8. There are 2 roads leading from one village to another, and 3 roads leading from the second to the third. How many roads lead from the first village to the third?

9. What number should 87912 be divided by to get a five-digit number written in the same digits, but in reverse order?

10. The approximate distance from the Earth to the Sun is one hundred and fifty million kilometers. Write down this number. Increase this number by six hundred thousand and eighty and write down that number.


1. Number 201 (1 point)

2. 50 blams (1 point)


1 point

4. Twelve (1 point)

5. There are 36 geese in a flock (3 points)

6. 1 hour 20 minutes \u003d 80 minutes (1 point)

7. In 2 minutes (2 points)

8. 6 roads (1 point)

9. 87912: 4 \u003d 21978 (1 point)

10. 150,000,000 km, 150,600,080 (2 points)

The maximum number of points is 14 points

Olympiad for 4th grade students

1. The sum of two numbers is 462. One of them ends in zero. If you cross out this zero, you get the second number. Find these numbers.

2.On one weekend, three piglets caught 32 minnows and began to cook fish soup. Nif-Nif gave 4 fish for fish soup, Naf-Naf - 7 fish, and Nuf-Nuf - 12. After that, they had an equal share of fish. How many minnows did each pig catch?

3. The tortoise Tortilla hosted a running competition and invited three friends - the turtles Andy, Bundy and Kandy. The running distance is 30 meters. So, the start is given! When Andi finished, Bundy was 10 meters away from the finish line, and Kandy was 4 meters ahead of Bundy. How far to the finish line will Bundy be when Kandy finishes the distance, if each turtle is moving at a constant speed?

a) 2m; b) 3m: c) 4m; d) 5m; e) 6m

4. 300kg of vegetables were brought to the school to feed the pupils. Potatoes and carrots 230 kg, and potatoes and onions 200 kg. How many kg of potatoes, carrots and onions were brought to school separately?

5. Write down the number: seven trillion four million fifteen.

6. The elephant ran 40 km at a speed of 40 km / h. How much time did it take?

7. Cat Murka eats a can of "Whiskas" in 6 minutes, and cat Vaska - 2 times faster. How long will it take for them to eat a can of Whiskas together?

8. 18 asters grow on two flower beds. The number of asters in one flower bed is half of the asters growing in another flower bed. How many asters are there in each flower bed?

9. Alyona's mom is 3 times older than her. And together they are 48 years old. How old is the mother and how old is the daughter?

10. The circle was divided into two parts and decided to color them with pencils different colors... How many ways can you do this if you have red, green and blue pencils?


1. 462 \u003d 420 + 42 (1 point)

2. 3 minnows left for each (3 points)

Nif-Nif - 7 minnows, Naf-Naf - 10 minnows, Nuf-Nuf - 15 minnows

3. 5 meters (3 points)

4. 70 kg of onions, 130 kg of potatoes, 100 kg of carrots (3 points)

5. 7,000,004,000,015 (2 points)

6. 1 hour (1 point)

7. 2 minutes (2 points)

8. 6 asters on one flowerbed, 12 asters on another. (2 points)

9. Alena - 12 years old, mother -36 (2 points)

10. 3 ways: red and green, red and blue, green and blue

(1 point)

The maximum number of points is 20 points