Do-it-yourself chair padding. New upholstery for do-it-yourself chairs: stylish rework

If you find that the old chair is completely worn out, do not rush to throw it away. Often old pieces of furniture are carried with them nice memories about people and events in your family's life. And what a sin to conceal? Previously, furniture was made for centuries ...

Don't rush to throw it away old chair... If you update its upholstery, you can get a stylish, beautiful and durable piece of furniture. The refurbished chair may well serve not only you, but also your children. And we will tell you how you can do it!

How to upgrade an old chair? Pre-cleaning

To begin with, the surface of the chair must be cleaned of the old coating, whatever it may be. If there soft upholstery seat, it must first be removed. To do this does not necessarily require "masculine strength." Try turning the chair upside down and you will see that the seat is held in place with screws that you need to get rid of. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a hammer (to knock out the seat) and a screwdriver (straight or cross-shaped).

Now you can start removing the old coating. To do this, you can use ordinary "sandpaper" of different grain sizes or a sanding sponge. It is important to sand the surface of the wood well. This will help to easily apply the coating of your choice. It should be said right away that this work is not easy. But there is an opportunity to simplify the process a little by periodically moistening the treated surface. So, you can get rid of the dust.

Just do not be alarmed by the fact that the old varnish becomes viscous from moisture. This is normal. After the chair is completely dry, you need to sand the entire surface well with fine "sandpaper" again.

How to upgrade an old chair? Process step by step

Now it all depends on your imagination. If you decide to varnish the surface of the chair, then you need to use a colorless primer so that the texture of the wood is clearly visible through the protective layer. You will have to use a layer of primer anyway, even if you decide to paint the chair later.

The fact is that the paint lays down better and lasts longer if the surface is first primed. It is necessary to cover the surface with varnish in two layers. It is important that the first coat is dry before applying the second. The varnish can be applied with a brush or by spraying it over the surface.

The chair can be painted in any color. Furniture is now considered very fashionable. white... And the seat upholstery can be chosen in contrast. Today, there are many ways to show originality, for example, using a stencil. Let it be flowers or any other ornament.

Another way to cover the surface of the chair is with a balm from beeswax... The surface is also pre-sanded and primed with linseed oil, then covered with a thin layer of balm with a cloth. Twelve hours later, the surface is polished with a brush.

Now you can start restoring the upholstery. The old one must be removed. Previously, it was attached to the seat using ordinary nails. You also have to get rid of the foam rubber. It is necessary to carve out a new one according to the old standards. The fabric should be cut with a hem allowance. Upholstery material can be very different: as a special fabric for upholstered furniture, as well as regular linen or thick cotton. It is better to fasten the fabric with a furniture stapler. But if you don't have one, don't be discouraged. You can use regular nails by hammering them in. It is important to remember that the material must be well tensioned on all sides.

The seat can now be replaced and screwed in place.

How to update an old chair with a slipcover

Another way to update an old chair is to use a cover. It can be made from any fabric, hiding defects and imperfections without major intervention. The cover can be with a variety of frills, ruffles, bows, tassels ... You can make several options: a festive version and an everyday one. Show your imagination! Don't rush to throw it away old furniture, try to become a designer, we are sure that you will succeed!

How to upgrade an old chair. Decoupage with paper

Do you have a dream to decorate a chair or mask flaws such as scratches and cracks? This is easy to do using decoupage. Any paper with a print is suitable for this (magazine and newspaper pages, napkins, posters, maps, etc.). You need to fix the drawing with PVA glue, and cover it with transparent varnish.

Decoupage with cloth

Another way to update an old chair is decoupage material. The "new" chair will serve for a very long time. If suddenly threads begin to knock out at the edges, they can be processed with PVA or cut off.

More ideas

The salvation of the old chair can be multi-colored straps. They just need to be intertwined, like on a basket. To make a vintage chair, pastel paint and a pattern in silver or golden color... Cover everything with craquelure varnish on top.

Give your child freedom of imagination. Let him paint the chair, and you just cover his work with varnish.

How do I upgrade an old chair? A photo

The situation when you need to drag the serving for a long time office chair is a new material, appears quite often, because inexpensive products, as a rule, wear out rather quickly. Accordingly, their appearance leaves much to be desired. Of course there are 2 simple solutions... These are, in particular:

  • buy a new chair;
  • seek help from specialists.

However, there is also an easier solution. After all, the chair can be easily pulled with your own hands. The main thing is to know what and how to do here.

How to pull a chair with your own hands - a short master class

So let's take a closer look at this option. We will pull the old chair with leatherette (leatherette). Of course you can buy and natural leather... However, this is, firstly, a rather expensive material. Secondly, more serious skills are needed here. Therefore, you need to train, as they said in famous film, "On cats" or, as in our particular case, on some inexpensive materials.

The simplest option is to haul an ordinary wooden chair. Here we do not touch the back, but only work with the seat. It is better to try it on such furniture. If everything works out, then you can try to do more difficult work. We'll warn you right away that if you plan to pull a chair with my own hands, you can't do without a stapler here. For a one-time job, you can not buy it, but borrow it from someone you know.

Next, we select a new upholstery material. There can be many options here. It is best to choose a fabric that is thick and durable and holds its shape well. Also check how this material tolerates cleaning from dirt, for example, whether there are streaks on its surface, and so on. For upholstery of chairs, jacquard, flock, tapestry or chenille are most often used today. However, there are indeed many options here. The main thing is that the fabric meets the above criteria.

The color of the material also has essential... It is advisable that the updated chair does not fall out of the general style of the room in which it will be located. Agree, the combination of flashy upholstery tones with calm wallpaper will not look quite, to put it mildly, harmonious. Generally speaking, the most the best option in this situation will be dark saturated shades fabrics. Firstly, they will fit well into almost any interior. Secondly, such upholstery is not so afraid of dirt as light-colored. Accordingly, no special care is required.

At the initial stage of work, we need to disassemble the old chair. To do this, arm yourself with pliers and a screwdriver. Remember that you need to dismantle the elements very carefully - you are planning to reassemble the chair from them. So rush in this case is not the best assistant. Next, we check the integrity of the frame. If any problems are identified, they must be eliminated. Otherwise, such a chair will soon fall apart anyway, and your efforts will be in vain. If necessary, the frame can be covered with a new layer of varnish, after carefully sanding the wood. In this case, the repaired chair will look like new.

The next step is making templates. For cutting out patterns, thick cardboard is best suited. Just hold the sheet against the seat and then trace along its outline with a simple pencil. Next, you need to step back from this contour by 7-10 centimeters and draw exactly the same line at this distance. The specified increase is needed in order to make an allowance. You now have a stencil that you can use to cut the fabric and filler.

A little clarification should be made about the latter. It is best to use foam rubber or polyurethane foam as a filler. The density of the sheet should be at least 30 kilograms per cubic meter, the thickness should be at least 40 millimeters. Sintepon and batting are currently practically not used as a filler. After all, these materials quickly lose their original shape, sagging almost to the very plywood base.

After the blanks are cut, you can proceed to a very crucial stage. First of all, we need to glue the filler to the outside of the removed seat, and wait until the glue is completely dry. After that, you can start fixing the new fabric covering. This is done as follows. The material should be spread out on a firm, level surface with the wrong side up. Next, we put the seat on it in such a way that its soft part is in contact with the fabric. Now all that remains is to firmly fix the textiles. Here we need the stapler mentioned just above. You need to take your time to fix the fabric.

Remember to tighten the material tightly in front of each brace. This will help prevent unwanted large folds. The recommended distance between the staples is from 1.5 to 2 centimeters. After the fabric is completely secured, its remnants are removed with scissors. In fact, the work is complete. Now all that remains is to assemble the chair in the reverse order of the dismantling process. As you can see, there is really nothing complicated here.

By the way, if you can carefully remove the old upholstery, then the pattern can be made on it. There is already enough stock there, so just drag the desired contour to new fabric... However, here it is still better to play it safe by making simple measurements and specifying the availability of the allowance we need. If you need to overtighten the backrest, then the sequence of actions will be exactly the same as when covering the seat with new material. On these parts of the chair it is quite possible to use different fabric... As a result, you will get the original color scheme... Just make sure that the fabrics really match with each other - both in color and texture.

Going through many articles with loud titles “we will help you replace the upholstery on the chairs”, “how easy and simple it is to replace the fabric on the chair seat” - you will see mountains of text with incomprehensible names of tools, intricate phrases and photos “Before” and “After” ... But many are interested in exactly what to do “Between”.

We try to add a lot of photos, set laconic descriptions and describe only simple projects that everyone can do. So let's start a new project "Chair upholstery replacement".

You will need : Fabric for chair upholstery, black fabric, batting, flat screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, scissors, pliers, furniture (construction) stapler.

Step 1: Remove the seat cushion. Use a screwdriver (Phillips or flat head) and remove all screws that hold the cushion to the chair frame.

Step 2: We proceed to remove the staples. Use a flat screwdriver to pry the brackets until they loosen.

Step 3: remove the staples. This may require masculine strength, so get the family involved! Use pliers to remove the staples from the chair seat.

Step 4: add new batting. If the batting in your chair is in good condition, you can skip this step, breathing a sigh of relief :) But if it still needs to be replaced, then we advise you to buy batting (it is sold in rolls in fabric stores), cut it out in the shape of the chair seat and glue it to it with thermo glue.

Step 5: choosing fabric for upholstery... the difficulty of this step depends on the fabric you choose. If the fabric is monochromatic, then covering a chair with it will be tantamount to a walk in the park! But if you have chosen a fabric with a pattern (especially for lines), then you will have to approach this step responsibly. You will need 1-2 meters of plain fabric, or 2-3 meters of patterned fabric (as you will need to adjust to the pattern).

Using an example, we will show you how to work with striped fabric First, decide in which direction you want to see the stripes on the chair. Place the cloth on the seat for better visualization. Make sure the horizontal lines are horizontal and the vertical lines are vertical :)

Step 6: Cut the fabric to size. Turn the batting seat upside down onto the fabric and cut a piece of fabric to fit the shape of the seat. Leave 5 cm of space to wrap the fabric or adjust the pattern.

Step 7: check the pattern. After you have cut a piece of fabric, double-check that the pattern is in place. If you are afraid to make a mistake, pin the fabric with pins around the perimeter to the batting.

Step 8: Secure the fabric with a stapler. Make final adjustments to the pattern and stretch the fabric so it doesn't sag anywhere. Now fix the fabric with a furniture (construction) stapler. The distance between the clips should be 1-2 cm.

Step 9: Cut out the fabric “lining”. It is the presence of this step that transfers this project from the “self-riveted” category to the “pro” category. To hide staples and bumps upholstery fabric under the chair, we will use the black “lining” fabric. Place the seat on the fabric and cut to shape. In this case, the stock is not needed, rather the opposite - the lining should not protrude beyond the edges of the chair.

Step 10: Fix the black fabric. Fix the fabric with a stapler, try to make sure that the staples go tightly to each other in one row.

What good quality no matter the furniture, it will still fall into disrepair. But how sad it is to part with your favorite soft chairs! After all, they are comfortable and stable, but the upholstery fails. You should not throw furniture in the trash, it is better to give it a second life. Restraining a chair is a very fun and uncomplicated process. A little effort, patience - and your interior will be transformed, and your budget will not suffer from the purchase of new furniture. Show your imagination and design skills - and your family and friends will be surprised and kindly envy such chairs!

Down with the old!

The chair padding will go like clockwork if you prepare everything you need and stock up good mood... First, carefully inspect the frame for damage and scratches. If there are any, they can be removed with the help of varnish. You can paint the frame with paint to match the color of the upholstery, it will turn out original and stylish. Such bright colors can decorate both the nursery and the living room. Pick up the fabric and accessories, and you can safely get to work.


All old soft parts of the chair must be carefully removed. Arm yourself with a nail puller, scissors, hammer, knife. All of these tools will help you remove fabric and filler without any problems. Remove the seat first, taking care not to damage wooden structure... Pry off the nails with a nailer and pull upward. Now separate the fabric from the seal to make a pattern. Thus, you will definitely not be mistaken with the size, and the constriction will go like clockwork.

Be sure to remove all springs by cutting off the twine holding them, but only if they are badly worn and damaged. Springs usually last for several decades. If they are satisfactory, simply cover the springs with a piece of burlap and secure with an industrial stapler.

If the springs had to be removed, it was the turn of the old nails. All that should be left of the chair is the base and the plywood or grill on the seat. Repair and hauling of chairs is done in order to save money, so ordinary foam rubber can serve as a seal.

Do the same with the back of the chair. Remove all soft materials without damaging the fabric.

Noble tree

If properly cared for wooden furniture, it will serve for a long time with faith and truth. Tighten all bolts timber frame, and you can start painting. The varnish is perfect for any kind of wood. Cover all elements with two coats of varnish or acrylic paint... If desired, the legs can be decorated with decoupage technique or applied through a stencil. There are special waterproof stickers for furniture on sale. They can also decorate chairs, but then it is better to choose a single color fabric. It will turn out original and unusual.

Soft seat

Before going to the store for fabric, measure the chair and calculate the number of meters of material. Padding kitchen chairs requires special attention... Their seats deteriorate faster, as they are used constantly, they are prone to soot, grease, and dirt. Jacquard, tapestry, chenille will work well. Fabrics are not so cheap, so you shouldn't buy too much.

To make a pattern, take a sheet thick cardboard and circle the old fabric from the seat. Now transfer the pattern to new material and cut. We do the same with foam rubber. When all the blanks are ready, you can start assembling the structure. The chair padding is in full swing! Using universal glue, we attach the foam rubber to the base (usually plywood). After the glue has dried, apply the fabric and begin to bend the edges inward, seal the seat.

We stretch the fabric tightly and fasten it to the plywood with a stapler. Now we screw our piece of furniture art to the frame and enjoy the work! The backs need to be covered with fabric at the back so that the chair looks neat. Fold the edges evenly, make sure that there are no folds or folds.

Instead of fabric, you can use a leather substitute. The chairs will look presentable and austere. The edges can be trimmed with furniture studs with shiny caps. Create stylish things with your own hands!

Skillful fingers

It is a great pleasure to create comfort and beauty in your home. If you have patience and feel a creative impulse, your home will be transformed beyond recognition. Do not spare your strength, show your imagination, and everything will work out! Pulling a chair can be a fun activity for the whole family. You will get great pleasure, and even save your family budget!

Even with the most careful treatment, furniture sooner or later begins to wear out. What if the upholstery of wooden chairs has completely lost its presentable appearance? Do not rush to part with things familiar and dear to your heart! Thanks to such a simple measure as hauling, you can easily and quickly bring them into proper condition.

Before proceeding with the hauling of the chair, you need to decide on the choice of new upholstery materials - the inner filling of the seat and the outer fabric. Traditionally used as a filler polyurethane foam sheet or foam rubber. When buying material, keep in mind that the sheet thickness should be at least 40 mm, and the density should be about 30-50 kg / m3. Less often, batting and synthetic winterizer are used for stuffing - during operation they quickly deform, lose their original shape and sag down to the plywood itself. It is no less responsible to approach the choice of upholstery fabric - the appearance of the restored furniture directly depends on it. Give preference to durable and dense materials - the fabric for the upholstery of the chair should hold its shape well. In addition, the vending textiles should be easily washed and cleaned of dirt with a sponge or brush. The most popular materials for upholstery are chenille, tapestry, flock and jacquard.

When choosing the color of the upholstery material, take into account the general color of the interior. Traditionally, textured fabrics of rich and dark shades, light upholstery are considered the most practical pastel colors requires a more careful attitude and appropriate care. It is worth noting that several chairs can be used to restore chairs. different materials - they may differ in color and texture. When proceeding with the hauling of furniture, the first step is to dismantle the old upholstery. Turn the chair upside down and remove old brackets, screws, bolts and other fasteners one by one using a screwdriver and pliers. Perform all actions as carefully as possible so as not to accidentally damage the wooden planks with the tool. Set aside the necessary parts that will be required for the final assembly. Then check the general condition and integrity of the frame - tighten all loose joints, glue the cracks in the wood and tighten them for 2-3 hours with clamps. Thoroughly clean the plywood seat base from old glue and residues of adhered filler. If necessary, sand the wooden parts with sandpaper, then open them with acrylic paint or stain. Be sure to fix the new coating with varnish.

Next, start making templates and cutting the upholstery materials. The pattern can be cut out of thick cardboard - attach it to the plywood seat and trace around the contour with a pencil. Step back 7-10 cm from the outline and draw a second line - such an increase is necessary for allowances. Using the finished stencil, cut off the new filler and fabric upholstery (use scissors or a utility knife). When cutting diaper fabrics, try to keep the pattern in place and stay centered. Alternatively, a worn fabric cover can be used as a template for new upholstery.

When the blanks are ready, proceed to the direct constriction of the chair. First, glue the filler to the outside of the plywood seat. After the glue is completely dry, you can attach the textile casing - spread the fabric on a flat, flat surface with the wrong side up, on top of it, lay the seat with the soft part down.

Use a furniture stapler to fix textiles. Pull the material tightly and consistently target the back side plywood edge upholstery. Optimal distance between the brackets - 1.5-2 cm. It is important that there are no free and large folds between the fasteners. To secure the staples, gently tap with a hammer. Once the material is fully secured, trim off any excess with scissors. The final touch is the installation of the overtightened seat on a wooden frame.

As you can see, self-hauling of chairs does not require special skills and abilities. Rather, it is an interesting creative process that can significantly save the family budget.