Big globe with your own hands. How to make a layout of the earth with your own hands

The word globe comes from the Latin globus, which means "ball". For modern peopleit is, of course, no secret that the earth is spherical. But it was not always so. The history of the origin of the model of our planet and how to make a globe from plasticine with your own hands will be described in this article.

Globe history

Back in the 3rd century BC, ancient Greek scientists established that the earth has a spherical shape. The first globe is mentioned in history around 150 BC. Its creator was Cratet Mullsky. His model was depicted as a single continent, lined with rivers. The oldest surviving globe is considered to be the globe of the German cartographer Martin Beheim. He made his model by stretching calfskin over metal ribs.

Of course, in 1492 it was not yet discovered New Worldso it wasn't on Benheim's world map. They were based on the maps of Ptolemy. Taking this model as a basis, in the future, cartographers made changes associated with new geographical discoveries... After that, the globes spread throughout Europe. They were given to dignitaries and even monarchs. Actually, in our country, the globe appeared as a gift to Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov from the Dutch ambassadors. Later this globe passed to Peter the Great. Today the globe is considered a symbol of enlightenment.

Citrus variant

Try to make a model of the globe out of plasticine with your child. Why plasticine? This material is ideal for making children's crafts. It is very flexible, it is convenient and safe for them to work. Sculpting helps to train fine motor skills of the hands, which contributes to the formation of speech, because the speech center and the center responsible for coordinating the fingers are located in the brain next door. Thanks to sculpting, attention and memory are trained, and making crafts close to real models helps to better understand the essence of things. And of course, imagination develops and the child's creative potential is realized.

In creating a globe with your own hands, the master class provided below with a photo will help you.

So, to make a three-dimensional model of the globe, you will need:

  • Grapefruit or large orange;
  • Ball pen;
  • Plasticine of various colors;
  • Stack;
  • A real globe.

Prepare the base by thoroughly washing and drying the fruit. With help ballpoint pen add the contours of the continents to the orange. This can be done by attaching tracing paper to a real globe and redrawing the outline of the land on it. Then cut out the pattern and circle it with a pen on the orange. Or you can draw continents from the globe by eye.

Most of the globe is occupied by oceans. It is with them that you need to start making the model. Further, in green mark the continents.

Do not forget that Antarctica and Greenland are covered with snow, they will be white.

You can now apply hills. Looking at the actual card, apply yellow plasticine where necessary.

The next color to be applied is orange. Remember to check the map.

Mark the highest places on the globe in brown.

Add deep ocean spots with dark blue plasticine.

See how bright and beautiful the globe is.

On a stand

The next master class is perfect for children.

To make a globe on a stand, you only need plasticine and a real globe. It is necessary to correctly position the continents and mountains in the vast expanses of the oceans of our planet.

Make a large ball out of blue plasticine.

Draw the poles using white plasticine.

Then, after carefully looking at the map of the world, make cakes from green plasticine and, using a stack, give them the shape of the continents of the Eastern Hemisphere - Eurasia, Africa and Australia. Don't forget to add Madagascar Island.

Place them in the right places of the layout, focusing on a real globe.

Moving on to the Western Hemisphere. There are North and South America... Form them out of plasticine and place them on the model.

Now we need to add deserts and mountains to the globe. Make them with orange and brown plasticine.

To make a footboard, make a ball and flatten it. The second part can be made by forming a plasticine roller. Flatten it slightly and bend it into a crescent shape. Place the globe on a stand. The craft is ready.

On a stick

For another option for making a globe, see the next master class.

To make such a model of the Earth, you will need:

  • Plastic or foam ball;
  • Thick wooden skewer;
  • A glass of sour cream;
  • Plasticine;
  • Colored paper;
  • Buckwheat and semolina;
  • A real globe.

At the base of the ball, you need to make a hole and connect it with a wooden skewer using plasticine. The lower part of the skewer must also be reinforced in a glass with the help of plasticine. The side walls of the cup can be pasted over with colored paper or painted acrylic paint... Apply the blue plasticine to the ball in an even layer. Cover the wooden stick and the bottom of the glass with white plasticine. Using a real model of the Earth, make continents out of rolled green plasticine. To do this, you can use their patterns. Use yellow and brown plasticine to mark the hills and mountains. Sprinkle the locations of the glaciers with semolina, and the places where the most high mountains, inlay with grains of buckwheat. The globe on a stick is ready!

By creating such models of the Earth, the child will understand the location of the continents and learn their names, and by drawing his attention to the smallest details, you can study a lot of useful information.

Related videos

From the video below, you will learn how to do different models Plasticine earth.

You need to perform a scrupulous, but interesting work... It is important to find the most suitable card and print it out. In the vastness of the network there are many ready-made maps of the globe. An old political map will work as well.

When making a globe out of paper with your own hands, make sure that the scale of the map and the base on which the map is glued match. There are several ways to create a base.

Globe layout from cardboard blanks

For such a globe, you need to patiently and correctly make several five-sided cardboard blanks. This is the most difficult and responsible part of the job. Their number will depend on the size of each one. You need to complete the elements according to the scheme.

What to do next, how to make a globe with your own hands from these strange elements? Cut the map into the same elements and stick with PVA glue on the cardboard parts of the future globe. You should have a designer, which will be assembled for spare parts, and which can later be disassembled if you notice that some part is pasted incorrectly. Do this slowly. All elements must then be assembled in strict sequence so that the copy of the earth is correct.

The task is not as difficult as it seems. But, naturally, the child will need the help of an adult to create this interesting model.

How to make a globe with your own hands based on a finished ball

Another blank can be made from a regular old soccer ball. Just cover the ball with newspaper, apply several layers of paper with glue. Then you can choose one of the options:

1) Glue the marked and painted globe blank.

2) The child can paint independently earthhic.

Suitable for making a globe and any other ball-shaped object that you find at home. It can be a toy rubber ball, or a small ball that was christmas tree toy... Anything, let the child show imagination and make a globe with his own hands. Surely he will be proud of it.

Copy of earth from paper

Also, making a globe with your own hands will turn out well from photographic paper. Such a model would be the most plausible. It will consist of 2 parts: from the hemispheres of the North and the South. They are then glued together using a strip of hard cardboard paper, which will be the equator.

On good photographic paper, print a full layout of the globe. Desirable already with all continents, with the names of countries. Cut straight down the center. Then you need to carefully cut out the elements. Their number is 24, in accordance with the number of meridians. Cut each meridian very carefully so that the globe does not turn out to be crooked. We begin to glue the sheets at the top, that is, from the poles. Sheets are glued with inside... When in the center, connect all 24 sheets, bend them and fasten them to the "equator". Be sure to number all the sheets on the inside of the paper with a pencil.

When you completely make the globe with your own hands, come up with a stand for it, and you will have a wonderful copy of the original globe. It is best to cut the stand out of wood. Make the semicircle supporting the axis of the ball thin and not heavy, the stand for it needs a thicker one to support the weight. Make sure that the semicircle is the right size.

Origami globe

Any experienced origami lover will be able to make a globe with his own hands. A master class on making a paper copy of a globe using this technique can be given to a child by a parent.

There are several origami globe layouts. But most often they make a craft of a globe in the form of a square "ball". After all, this craft serves only as a funny decoration, a trinket. No scale is observed here. From origami, the globe is folded for fun.

A real round globe will turn out if you make a craft from paper modules. More than 1,000 modules need to be prepared for the globe. It's much more complicated, but modular origami looks very nice and your Earth will really be spherical.

Globe for the little ones

Try to do for your little child globe with your own hands from plastic plates. It's very simple, it doesn't take long. Just glue over 2 plates with lines and glue them.

But if you do not find such a layout, then download the usual one, on which only the meridians are indicated. And then glue the cut out continents on top. On the continents, your child will draw whatever he wants. This is a "trial version" to show the kid what the planet looks like. You can even not glue the meridian layout, but just stick the blue paper depicting the oceans. You can also recommend your child to make continents out of plasticine and use superglue to attach them to the plates at the places you specified.

All these copies of the Earth are made in order to interest the child, to spend time with him. But teaching material such a globe, made with your own hands, will not be. These crafts are mock-ups with low accuracy. But at the same time, to make a whole globe of the earth with your own hands - who is not interested?

The globe in the interior sets the atmosphere of adventure, intrigue and new discoveries. And a vintage globe is also a stylish touch that will make the room interesting.
Especially if you paint it white and mark the places of future travels on it. light interior, it can be easily changed appearance to vintage. How can I do that? We watch in our master class.

What you need:
white paint;
simple pencil;
charcoal pencil;
spray sealant;
ink sponges;
1.First, you need to separate the globe from the base. If you can't take it apart, then you will need duct tape to keep the base and frame from getting paint.

2.So, take a brush, white paint and paint along the equator line.

3. After the globe is dry, take a simple pencil and trace the outlines of the continents of the world. Think of geography lessons and contour maps.

4.To make the globe look spectacular, additionally circle all the lines with a charcoal pencil.

5. Now you need an eraser. Lightly blend all the drawn lines along the outline (not across) with it. This will give the globe a sleeker vintage look.

6. To protect the lines from smudging, spray the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe globe. Let it dry.

7.Place the globe on the base with the frame (or remove the adhesive tape if used). It looks like everything, but you can do a couple of touches that will make it special ...
8. The final chord in the design of the globe will be your color mark. For example, wherever you dream to go. Dip your fingers in ink sponges (choose the color you want) and leave your fingerprints on the globe wherever you want.

The result is a stylish globe that fits easily into the light interior. If you supplement the space with a vintage suitcase, wooden spools and any animal figures, the atmosphere in the apartment will take on an adventurous character.

Do you know whether you how to do globedo it yourself at home ?! Having searched the Internet for a solution to this issue, I decided to post my own instructions for making a miniature model of our planet. For manufacturing, I will use the most minimal set of available tools.

So let's start ... To make a small globe we need:

1. Ball - the ball should be the size you want to make the globe. Do not take too large, as you still need to print a map on it.
2. Silicate glue - ordinary silicate glue that children still use in schools.
3. Newspaper - a simple newspaper, 1-2 pages are enough.
4.Piece polyethylene - Polyethylene preferably not hard is needed, for such a role, polyethylene from a loaf of bread is quite suitable.
5. Printer with computer for map creation and printing.
6. Scissors.
Below you can see the guide in photos.

We take the ball, moistened with water, glue pieces of polyethylene on it around the circumference. If the diameter of the ball is about 20 cm, the pieces of polyethylene should be no more than 2x2 cm. After the ball has been covered with one layer of polyethylene, you can start gluing the newspaper.

Pieces of newspapers about 2x2 cm in size must be carefully glued with silicate (paper) glue so that folds do not form. Having completely covered the surface of the ball with one layer of newspaper, you can proceed to the next layer. How many layers from the newspaper to glue should be decided by themselves, depending on what strength you need the globe. But at the same time, the minimum number of layers from the newspaper should be at least 5 layers. When the work is finished, it takes about a day for our ball to harden and acquire some strength.
Second day. We take our future globe to make a perfect ball, do not forget to grind the surface with sandpaper (zero). Then we cut it into two even parts in half and remove the ball. You can return the ball to the owner, it will no longer be useful to us. :)

Let's give our hemispheres some additional strength by gluing stiffeners to them. Ordinary CDs or DVDs are suitable as hemispheric amplification. We glue them as shown in the figure.
After the glue has dried a little, you need to glue the hemispheres, having previously noted for yourself where the bottom will be and where the top will be. There will be an equator at the seam of the ball, the axis will pass through the holes on the CDs.
Having printed the card on a printer, before cutting into slices, you need to cover it with a layer of tape. After that, carefully cutting the sweep of the globe into orange slices, glue it onto the ball. First, we glue one half of the sweep, then we take on the other.

If everything is calculated correctly, you should get a globe like this.