Technologies of social prevention and adaptation, their application in social work. Social adaptation in social work and methods of its regulation

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The technology of social adaptation occupies a significant place in the content of social work and is widely used. It characterizes, on the one hand, the process of interaction of the object of social work with the social environment, and on the other hand, it is a reflection of a certain result of social work, which can serve as a criterion for its effectiveness. Therefore, understanding the essence of adaptive processes, their mechanism - necessary condition professionalism of the social worker. Under the social hell. The process of active adaptation of a person to new social conditions of life is understood. Social adaptation acquires exceptional relevance in critical periods of both human life, and in periods of radical economic and social reforms. Specific moments of the technology of social adaptation: only a person tends to create special “devices”, certain social institutions, norms, traditions that facilitate the process of his adaptation in a given social environment; only a person has the ability to consciously prepare the younger generation for the process of adaptation, using all means of education for this. Group of cells to the cat. application of technology soc. hell., these are people who are experiencing changes as a result of a sharp change in the situation (change of place of work, study, socio-economic living conditions, etc.). Complex problems occur in people who have served a prison sentence. Family and everyday problems, problems of relationships in labor collectives are especially acute. In the practice of social work, the technology of regulating adaptive processes is of particular importance in stationary social institutions for children and adults, including nursing homes. One of the most important functions of modern boarding schools, which gave new meaning to these institutions, was social adaptation and readaptation. The weakening of the ability to adapt, characteristic of old age, affects when you change your place of residence, your usual environment, if you need to communicate in an unusual environment, etc. In order to help the client adapt to the new environment, the social worker needs information about the character traits of this elderly person, inclinations and interests, attitudes and habits. The social worker can and should also teach the individual how to communicate, empathize, understand the situation of living together, etc. In general, in order to work with older people, the social worker must communicate with the doctor and medical staff using data from the medical history, about past life to get acquainted with the state of health of the client, his possibilities for movement, abilities for self-service. This tech-I is promising, since it is applied and will be applied. So, for example, centers for post-intern th adaptation are being created (in the city of PZ, Monchegorsk and Kandalaksha) in order to improve the system. SO us-I and the organization of the post-internship ad-tion of graduates of the internships who got into TZhS, p-shchi in the implementation of their legitimate rights and interests, improving their social. status. When applying this technology, it is necessary to use the adaptive potential and r-sy of the cl-that, which can purposefully control and regulate the process of its social.

In the process of studying the topic, it is necessary, firstly, to find out the essence of the concept of “social adaptation”, and secondly, to study in detail the issue of patterns, conditions, types, and structure of social adaptation. Then proceed to the study of the forms and methods of work on the regulation of adaptation processes.

In the process of rehabilitation socio-pedagogical activity, the specialist performs the following functions:

Restorative, involving the restoration of those positive qualities, which prevailed in a teenager before the onset of disadaptation;

Compensatory, which consists in the formation of a teenager's desire to correct certain personality traits by including him in socially useful activities that are significant for a teenager; activating the needs of a teenager in self-improvement, self-education based on self-analysis of their actions, developing a self-critical attitude towards themselves, choosing an ideal to follow, adopting a system of certain moral values ​​and criteria for evaluating their behavior;

Stimulating, aimed at activating the positive motivation of a teenager's activity, involving various educational techniques - suggestion, persuasion, example, etc.

The third area is associated with adolescents experimenting with psychoactive substances. Most often, these are adolescents with low self-esteem, low satisfaction with their actions, an increased need for social approval, and high anxiety.

The main method of work is patronage, the main form of work is the organization of socio-psychological training aimed at the formation of a positive "I-concept".

Effective implementation of these rehabilitation programs is possible if three conditions are met:

1) high motivation of all program participants: child, parents, social pedagogue, specialists;

2) psychological and pedagogical competence of specialists and managers of the rehabilitation institution;

3) coordination of activities of various public services: education, healthcare, law enforcement.

Existing technologies for working with maladjusted children are aimed at putting deviant behavior under social control, which includes: firstly, substitution, displacement of the most dangerous forms deviant behavior public benefit or neutral; secondly, the direction of the child's social activity in a socially approved or neutral direction; thirdly, the rejection of criminal or administrative prosecution of adolescents engaged in vagrancy, drug addiction, homosexuality, prostitution, etc.; fourthly, the creation of special social assistance services: suicidological, narcological, etc.

Current page: 8 (total book has 24 pages)

Depending on the goals of the group, the position of a social worker may be different. If the group is focused on achieving some generally significant goals (for example, opening a sports ground in a microdistrict), then the social worker acts as an organizer and coordinator of the group's external relations. If the goal of the group is to expand the scope of self-awareness and individual experience through communication (for example, training in communication skills), then in this case the social worker is a mediator of intra-group interaction.

The group work method does not have a “frozen” look; new ones are currently emerging. original forms, such as the method of family therapy in the United States.

Thus, social rehabilitation is a single rehabilitation complex in which social, psychological, pedagogical, professional components are inextricably linked with each other. The purpose of such a complex is the formation, restoration, correction or compensation of the socio-vital resource of a person who is in a difficult situation. life situation, providing its active social functioning and a worthy existence.

Topics for seminars

1. Essence and content of social rehabilitation.

2. Social rehabilitation as a technology of social work.

3. Social rehabilitation of citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

4. The technology of social rehabilitation is implemented mainly at three levels.

Topics for writing reports and abstracts

1. Actual problems of technology of social rehabilitation.

2. The main types of social rehabilitation and their characteristics.

3. Principles of social rehabilitation and their characteristics.

4. Individual program rehabilitation as a complex of special rehabilitation measures

5. Medical rehabilitation.

6. Social and environmental rehabilitation.

7. Vocational and labor rehabilitation.

8. The need to create a barrier-free environment.

9. Sociocultural context of gerontological issues.

10. Three levels of implementation of social rehabilitation technologies.


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3. Fundamentals of social work / Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. – M.: Infra-M, 2009.

4. Technologies of social work in various spheres of life: Textbook, manual / Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. – M.: Dashkov i K°, 2004.

5. Technologies of social work: Proc. /Under the total. ed. E.I. Single. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002.

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Topic 2.9
Technology of social adaptation

Annotation. The topic is devoted to the study of technology of social adaptation. The most important task of the adaptation process is the problem of human survival through the adaptation of the individual's potentials with the processes of the natural and social environment. There are four types of human adaptation: biological, physiological, psychological, social. Among them is social adaptation as a process of adaptation of an individual or a social group to the environment of life. The result of social adaptation is an indicator of the socialization of the individual, a certain type of relationship between a person and environment during which the requirements and expectations of both parties are gradually harmonized.

Target: to acquaint students with the essence and content of the technology of social adaptation, to show the main options for human communication with the outside world, the use of social adaptation technologies in social work.

The concept of "adaptation" in the scientific literature is multifaceted and multifunctional. That is why it is used in many scientific fields of knowledge - biology, philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, ethics, etc.

AT general view the concept of "adaptation" (from Latin adapto) means adaptation. The most important task of the adaptation process is the problem of human survival through the adaptation of the individual's potentials with the processes of the natural and social environment. Allocate four types of human adaptation: social, biological, physiological, psychological. These species are closely related, but sometimes they can have relative independence or become temporary. Of all the types of adaptation, we are interested in the first.

Social adaptation- bringing individual and group behavior in line with the prevailing system of norms and values ​​in a given society, is carried out in the process of socialization, as well as with the help of social control mechanisms, including measures of public and state coercion. In social work, the popularity of adaptation technology is due to the presence of problems of maladaptation in various social strata (strata) of society. Disadaptation is the destruction of adaptive, adaptive mechanisms. Social maladjustment - the destruction of life plans, unwillingness to function in a social situation.

There are two options for human communication with the outside world: adaptation to external conditions and adaptation, environmental change. That is, initially a person adapts himself, and then attempts to change the environment to achieve greater comfort. Social adaptation can be simultaneously considered as a process, result and as a social technology.

Social adaptation as a process- this is the adaptation of an individual or a social group to the environment of life. The result of social adaptation is a certain type of relationship between a person and the environment, during which the requirements and expectations of both parties are gradually coordinated. As a result, the individual gets the opportunity to survive, and the macro environment is transformed and enters a new stage of dynamics.

Social adaptation as a social technology- this is a technological process through which certain goals of social work are achieved in various public spheres and areas of human activity. It is possible to single out professional, role-playing, organizational, psychological, everyday, leisure, political and economic levels social adaptation, as well as adaptation to forms public consciousness(ideology, philosophy, science, religion, art, morality, norms) and adaptation to the natural environment. The latter is the subject of social ecology, which considers various historical and socio-cultural forms of human interaction with ecosystems, and also predicts the consequences of an irrational type of society's attitude to nature.

It is expedient to consider the process of social adaptation on four levels.

1. macro level- physical and social space as a whole - considers the adaptation of the individual, social strata, society as a whole to the characteristics of the natural ecosystem, to the elements of the artificial environment, the technosphere, to the characteristics of the socio-economic, political, socio-cultural spheres of society.

2. Mesolevel - social group, collective, human environment, family - there is an adaptation of a person or, on the contrary, a discrepancy between the interests of a person and the norms of a social group, production team, neighboring community, study group etc.

3. Micro level- family, immediate environment - adaptation or mutual adaptation of family members to each other and to the peculiarities of the family microclimate is carried out.

4. Mini level - this is the individual himself, his intrapersonal adaptation - the desire to achieve harmony, balance of the internal position, his own self-concept and its assessment from the position of other people.

The process of social adaptation begins with the establishment by a person or a social group of the fact that the behavioral patterns learned in previous activities do not contribute to success and it is necessary to restructure their behavior in accordance with the requirements of the new social environment. There are four degrees of adaptation of the individual in the new social environment:

1) initial stage- when an individual knows how he should behave in a new environment, but does not recognize values ​​in his mind new environment and can reject them, adhering to the old system of values;

2) the stage of tolerance - the individual and the new environment show mutual tolerance for each other's value systems and patterns of behavior;

3) accommodation - recognition and acceptance by the individual of the basic value systems of the new environment while simultaneously recognizing some of the individual's values ​​in his new environment;

4) assimilation - a complete coincidence of the value systems of the individual and the environment.

Result social adaptation is determined by objective indicators of achievements and subjective (group) satisfaction, personal (group), professional, socio-economic position occupied by a person (social group). According to the result of social adaptation, the following types personality (social group): highly adapted, medium adapted, low adapted, maladjusted.

Technology social adaptation - a system of methods, techniques, means aimed at providing social support to people in the process of their socialization or adaptation to new social conditions due to changes in social status, life losses and failures, as well as helping unadapted individuals. The technology is used by many specialists: teachers, psychologists, social educators, politicians, etc.

Social adaptation occupies an important place in the content of social work and characterizes, on the one hand, the process of interaction of the object of social work with the social environment, on the other hand, it is a reflection of a certain result of social work, which can serve as a criterion for its effectiveness. Therefore, understanding the essence of adaptive processes, their mechanism is a necessary condition for the professionalism of a social worker. Adaptive processes are supported by appropriate technology. The technology of social adaptation is basic in practical activities social workers designed to alleviate the difficult life situation of people, to help those who are not able to cope with their problems on their own. This technology is one of common technologies social work, as it is applied to different categories of the population: to the elderly and disabled, to unemployed citizens and migrants, to orphans and people without a fixed place of residence, to persons of deviant behavior, to young people, etc.

In modern society, innovation processes are in continuous flow, which leads to accelerated renewal and changes not only in living conditions, but also in changing moral values ​​and life orientations of people. In turn, this leads to the fact that the whole society, and social groups, and each individual person are forced to constantly and continuously experience the process of social adaptation.

Participating in the process of social adaptation of the client, the social worker must remember that the process in question is a unity of the following stages.

1. Adaptation shockgeneral disorder functions of a social subject or system due to some kind of shock of a sociogenic nature caused by a sharp violation of the usual interaction with the external environment. This is one of the most painful stages of social adaptation, when there is a period of paralyzing fear and inaction, a lack of understanding of the essence of what is happening. It is at this stage of social adaptation that the subject first encounters the need to master new elements of the social environment and recognizes their positive and negative sides. This stage is a rather serious danger for subjects whose social, psychological and physical potential is insufficient to overcome the difficulties that arise. In some cases, adaptive shock can become the basis for the destruction of the human personality or even its physical death.

2. Mobilization of adaptation resources. Here, for subjects who have managed to survive the stage of adaptive shock, the stage of deep understanding of the situation and concentration of efforts on a conscious search for a way out of it begins. This stage is associated with active, conscious development at the behavioral level of new models of life. In this case, the subject, relying on the results of the initial development of a new social environment, at the previous stage gets the opportunity to choose and put into practice the most suitable way of behavior and activity for him, activating his own abilities and capabilities.

This stage of social adaptation involves the activation adaptive capacity- a set of properties and resources that a person or group has in a hidden form, and is activated, updated in the process of social adaptation. The elements of the adaptive potential can be such characteristics of the subject as the level of education and qualifications, demographic and social status, socio-psychological characteristics, etc. It is the subject's adaptive potential and its characteristics determine the ability of the subject to master the situation and get comfortable in it.

3. Response to the "environment challenge" is the final stage of the process of social adaptation. Its content is the implementation of a specific model of behavior and activity that is chosen by the subject, taking into account their own adaptive resources and capabilities, ideas about what is happening, as well as the main characteristics of the social environment in which the process of social adaptation takes place. At the same time, it must be remembered that the choice made by the subject does not have to correspond to the requirements of the environment. The subject may make a mistake in his choice, choosing a model of behavior and activity that corresponds to his goals, aspirations and capabilities, but contradicts the objective laws and trends in the development of the situation in which the process of social adaptation takes place. This circumstance can subsequently lead a person to serious problems and difficulties. In such cases, the professional assistance of a specialist, including a social worker, is important and necessary.

The successive change of the main stages of social adaptation involves the use of various mechanisms at each of them, which are distinguished by their originality and adaptive capabilities that appear in a person or group.

The strategy and tactics of using the technology of social adaptation in the practice of a social worker is based on the new nature of the relationship between the client and the professional. Their essence lies in the transition to subject-subject relations in the form of complicity. According to this, the professional resources of the social worker's activity as a leader gradually become the resources of the client's self-adaptation, his self-organization and self-help. The higher the professionalism of the manager, the more actively the client is involved in the adaptation process, the faster the process of getting out of a difficult life situation for the client is carried out. In modern Russia, the process of social adaptation is largely determined by the transformations taking place in society, which radically change the characteristics of the social environment in which the subjects live. The whole system of society is being transformed. The features of the transformation process in Russia are its high activity, different speed and depth of changes in certain spheres of society. So, first of all, the values ​​and norms underlying the most important social institutions. There was a replacement of system-forming values: "Soviet" for "market-democratic": collectivism - for individualism; public to private; relative passivity - on conscious activity.

Social adaptation in the conditions of social transformations is two simultaneously occurring processes: adaptation to the elements new social structure and adaptation to transitional system. On the one hand, social adaptation can be imitative. On the other hand, the adoption of new values ​​can lead to pseudo-adaptation, which leads to negative tendencies that destroy the personal qualities of the subject.

Only a small fraction of the population has the opportunity to carry out transformational activities. Transformational activity is manifested through targeted reform and mass innovative entrepreneurial activity.

The task of adaptation is related to the mobilization of all available resources. However, for successful adaptation, it is necessary not only to have adaptation resources, but also their “liquidity”, demand in this particular situation. State and municipal services, including social ones, are called upon to help correct and orient social actions. Thus, the social adaptation of social transformations in modern Russia is one of the most important factors in the processes of stabilization and optimization of social relations.

When organizing work on social support for a person, group or organization faced with the need for social adaptation to new conditions, it must be taken into account that this process involves overcoming by the subject of quite serious barriers:

Socio-psychological (beliefs, principles, habits, stereotypes of behavior and activities inherent in the subject);

Social (representing the negative characteristics of the social environment in which the adaptation process takes place);

Sociocultural (value-normative characteristics of the subject).

The socio-psychological barrier is especially evident in relation to the socio-psychological adaptation of Russians to new socio-economic conditions. At the same time, one of the important conditions for the adaptation of Russians is adequate changes in consciousness - the choice of new strategies for economic behavior, the readiness to bear personal responsibility for their livelihood. The transition to new models of economic behavior, adequate to market relations, is strongly hampered by the inertia of the socio-psychological attitudes of the population towards the old system of social guarantees, which are not sufficiently connected with the objective results of the labor activity of workers. As before, the majority of the able-bodied population shows an orientation towards receiving outside assistance, which does not stimulate activity in economic activity and hinders full-fledged social adaptation. To overcome the existing barriers to social adaptation, sometimes they require significant efforts, which are sometimes beyond the power of one person. Therefore, the activities of social workers and other specialists working with people should help in the implementation of the processes of social adaptation of various groups of the population and each individual. In this case, various mechanisms are used, the complexity of which depends on the following reasons: firstly, the process of social adaptation is of a specific historical nature, which affects the choice of mechanisms of action in a given context of time; Secondly, in the process of social adaptation, two structurally complex systems interact - personality and social environment.

The mechanism of social adaptation of the individual acts as a single process of activity, communication, self-awareness in the social activity of a person, when his transformation takes place. inner world, the realization of hidden opportunities that help to fully engage in the processes of social adaptation.

In the activities of social workers, various mechanisms and means of assistance in the social adaptation of people are used: socio-economic, socio-legal, socio-psychological, organizational and managerial, socio-pedagogical, socio-medical, socio-cultural, informational, etc. To ensure effective results, it is necessary a set of the most acceptable mechanisms of influence, taking into account a specific personal, group situation in a given historical aspect. So, in modern Russian society, to solve the problems of social adaptation of the elderly and disabled importance have an improvement in the quality of medical, domestic and psychological services, the organization of their leisure and feasible employment, the creation of employment opportunities, the creation of an environment of positive communication. In order to achieve social adaptation of former prisoners, many factors are needed: ensuring the possibility of labor and domestic arrangements (housing, registration), industrial adaptation in the work team, family and household adaptation, restoration of positive social connections, interruption of ties with the criminal world, the eradication or neutralization of deviant forms of behavior and antisocial personality traits.

The problems of social adaptation and professional reorientation are faced by many unemployed people, migrants and other segments of the population who have lost their usual social status.

Of great importance is the social adaptation of children deprived of parental care, pupils of orphanages. Social adaptation programs for such children are aimed at developing a sense of duty, readiness for independent planning and control of their behavior, etc.

Medical and psychological correction can play a significant role in solving the problems of social adaptation of people who have experienced extreme military or social upheavals, situations of violence, or who work in extreme and socially negative conditions (law enforcement officers, rescue services, etc.).

Thus, specific social problems at all levels require social services to provide the necessary assistance to those in need of social adaptation.

Social technologies in relation to social work are interpreted as a set of techniques, methods and influences used by social services, individual social institutions of social services and individual social workers to achieve goals in the process of social work, to solve various social problems, to ensure effective implementation tasks of social protection of the population. The main difference between social work technologies and other social technologies is their focus on a person (i.e., on a client of social work - an individual or a group).

One of the most demanded technologies of social work is social adaptation. Special attention when characterizing social adaptation, it is necessary to pay attention to the concept of "socialization".

Both concepts characterize the assimilation of something new and adaptation to any changes.

But socialization is a long, gradual process carried out throughout a person's life.

And adaptation is a short-term and intensive process, the speed of which allows you to normalize social functioning faster or slower.

The process of social adaptation is a unity of the following stages:

  • 1) Adaptation shock, which is understood as a general breakdown in the functions of a social subject due to some kind of shock of a sociogenic nature, caused by a sharp violation of the usual interaction with the external environment. This stage is the most severe, accompanied by frustration, paralyzing fear, or excessive physical activity. In some cases, adaptive shock can become the basis for the destruction of the human personality or even its physical death;
  • 2) Mobilization of adaptation resources. On the this stage there comes a deep understanding of the situation and concentration of efforts on the conscious search for the optimal way out of it. This stage involves the activation of the adaptive potential of the subject. It is understood as a set of properties and resources that a person or group has in a hidden form, and is activated and updated in the process of social adaptation;
  • 3) The response to the "environmental challenge" is the final stage of social adaptation. Its content is the implementation of a specific model of behavior and activity that is chosen by the subject, taking into account their own adaptive resources and capabilities, ideas about what is happening, as well as the main characteristics of the social environment in which the process of social adaptation takes place.

The successive change of the main stages of social adaptation involves the use of various mechanisms at each of them, each of which is distinguished by its originality and adaptive capabilities that appear in a person or group and solve the problem of adaptation to new conditions of their life with their help.

The technology of social adaptation is carried out using different mechanisms. The following mechanisms can be distinguished:

  • 1) Mental mechanisms aimed at the formation and development of the subject's psyche, the impact on it of various factors of the social environment. This group includes, for example, psychological protection. psychological trauma, psychological suggestion, persuasion;
  • 2) Socio-psychological mechanisms. They are designed to adapt the individual to the environment through its development. different ways. This includes, firstly, cognitive mechanisms - that is, adaptation to the environment through its study, study and cognition (the mechanism of imagination, thinking, cognitive activity). Secondly, emotional mechanisms - the adaptation of the subject to the environment through the emotional states that it causes. Thirdly, behavioral mechanisms - the choice and implementation by the subject in a new situation for him of a certain model of behavior and activity;
  • 3) Social mechanisms are the most significant elements of such a group of phenomena. These include, first of all, the mechanism of social activity. It can be considered as a universal mechanism of social adaptation. It is in the process of social activity that the actual inclusion of the subject in new system social relations, norms and values. Within the framework of social activity, the subject acquires new social statuses and roles that allow him to enter a new social environment.

Also, the mechanism of this group is the mechanism of social communication. It allows the subject to improve the subject's existing communication skills and acquire new ones, expand the social environment of his own life and learn new social norms and values. The external form of adaptive processes, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about how successfully they proceed in each specific case, is adaptive behavior. It is a process of interaction between the subject and the social environment, during which mutual requirements and expectations are coordinated and certain mechanisms of social adaptation are implemented.

Also, social adaptation is classified depending on the willingness to accept the subject:

  • 1) Voluntary adaptation is a situation in which the new conditions of life offered to the subject by the environment do not contradict his system of value orientations, beliefs and ideals and opens up new opportunities and prospects for the subject, therefore it is accepted without resistance;
  • 2) Forced adaptation is a situation opposite to the previous one. In this case, the characteristics and properties of the new environment for the subject of life do not correspond and contradict his value-normative attitudes. But at the same time, the subject cannot but accept these new characteristics.

Thus, social adaptation is a rather broad concept. As a technology of social work, social adaptation is a system of measures aimed at adapting a citizen who is in a difficult life situation to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, his environment of life. Consideration of social adaptation as a technology points to a certain sequence of actions that lines up the goal, means and result.

Therefore, social adaptation can be represented as a specific algorithm.

An algorithm is a problem solving program that precisely prescribes how and in what sequence of actions to obtain a result with certain initial data. In relation to social work, this is a sequence of influences aimed at transforming the client of social work and transferring him to the desired state. Thus, the algorithm of social adaptation as a technology of social work includes the following successively implemented stages:

  • 1) Diagnostic - it determines the causes and duration of the necessary impact on the client;
  • 2) Formative - the social worker determines the degree of readiness of the client for possible changes in his life;
  • 3) Teaching - a specialist explains and teaches clients such forms of education that will contribute to the normalization of his social functioning;
  • 4) Realizing - the client begins to implement new forms of behavior or corrects old ones. This process can take place either under the control of a specialist (when a specific direction of change is indicated to the client), or with support (i.e., creating the most optimal conditions for the client to independently implement new forms of behavior or correct old ones);
  • 5) Final - the social worker evaluates the results taking into account the goals and objectives of the adaptive impact.

Obviously, when using this technology, the specialist follows certain principles. And first of all - the principle of reliance on own forces. This is especially true at the implementing stage of the social adaptation algorithm.

Therefore, the social worker tries not to control, but to accompany the client in the implementation of new forms of behavior or the correction of old ones. It is important to develop independence among social work clients and activate their adaptive potential.

Adaptation occupies a significant place in the content of social work. It characterizes, on the one hand, the process of interaction of the object of social work with the social environment, and on the other hand, it is a reflection of a certain result of social work, which can serve as a criterion for its effectiveness. Therefore, understanding the essence of adaptive processes, their mechanism is a necessary condition for the professionalism of a social worker. Adaptive processes are supported by appropriate technology.

Social adaptation

The concept of "adaptation" comes from the Latin word adaptatio - adaptation. The most important task of the adaptation process is the problem of human survival, through the adaptation of the potentials of the individual's body with the processes of the natural and social environment. There are various processes of the relationship of a person with the outside world, and therefore it is vital to find the optimal mechanisms and ways of adapting the human body (its physiological organization) with individual-personal aspects (mental organization) and the needs, needs, requirements and norms of social arrangement (the system of social relations) . There are four types of human adaptation: biological, physiological, psychological, social. These species are closely related, but sometimes they can have relative independence or acquire temporary priority.
The specificity of human adaptation is that this process is associated with the socialization of a person, with the process of assimilation of social norms of behavior, with "growing into social world". In essence, social adaptation is essential mechanism socialization. But if "socialization" is a gradual process of personality formation in certain social conditions, then the concept of "social adaptation" emphasizes that in a relatively short period of time, a person or group actively masters a new social environment, which arises either as a result of social or territorial displacement, or when social conditions change.
The process of social adaptation is of a concrete historical nature, which affects the individual in different ways or pushes him to a certain choice of mechanisms of action in a given context of time.
The process of social adaptation must be considered at three levels:
society (macroenvironment) - adaptation of the individual and social strata to the characteristics of the socio-economic, political, spiritual and cultural development of society;
social group (microenvironment) - adaptation of a person or, conversely, a discrepancy between the interests of a person and a social group (production team, family, educational team, etc.);
the individual himself (intrapersonal adaptation) - the desire to achieve harmony, balance of the internal position and its self-esteem from the position of other individuals.
A person is included in a wide system of professional, business, interpersonal, social relations that allow him to adapt in this society. The system of social adaptation includes different types of adaptive processes: industrial and professional adaptation; household; leisure; political and economic; adaptation to the forms of social consciousness (science, religion, art, morality, etc.); to nature, etc.
Any kind of social adaptation requires certain abilities from a person. The nature and degree of adaptation or maladjustment of a person depends largely on the biological, physiological, mental properties of a person and his social development. But, on the other hand, well-organized professional work on the part of social services of various profiles is aimed at providing assistance to individuals, groups, social strata of society on various stages their development and the level of their social adaptation.
It is necessary to study adaptation as a complex mechanism of personality socialization, including, in particular, the development of new social roles by people, the formation of a motivational sphere, the perception by individuals of themselves, their environment, and many other psychological phenomena, states and formations.
Adaptation as a type of interaction of an individual (or a group) with the social environment, during which the requirements and expectations of its participants are coordinated, largely depends on the initial, self-identified position in the system of social hierarchy determined by the individual. Self-identification of the individual, the choice that the individual will make, is carried out in accordance with the self-determination of the individual, with a comparison of himself and the changed social environment.
Adaptation is understood as the process and result of the interaction of an individual (group) with a radically changing environment, during which the requirements and expectations of both parties are gradually harmonized, so that the individual gets the opportunity to survive (and not only, but also flourish), and the macro environment - reproduction and entry to another ascending stage. By analyzing and correcting social policy based on this understanding, the subjects of management can reverse the unfavorable trends that are growing in Russian society, and stop destructive social processes.
Adaptation appears to be a diverse, complex phenomenon in the life of social subjects. There are four fundamental aspects of considering adaptation: as a kind of social relationship, social process, social activity and institutional form. Adaptation as a social phenomenon is a complex structural and functional spiritual and practical formation that manifests itself at all levels social life of people. Thanks to this, adaptation becomes one of the most important universal ways to overcome crisis negative social phenomena and prepare people for inclusion in innovative social systems. Thus, adaptation ensures the consistency and regularity of the evolutionary transformation of society, reducing the risk of destructive tendencies and harmonizing emerging social relations.
Adaptation to social changes in society is connected, first of all, with the existence of a societal system that is normatively regulated in a historically certain period of time. Its most important components are various economic, social, political and ideological structures. Sociocultural systems constitute the "core" of the content of the forms of adaptation of the population to social changes. This is due to the fact that they directly affect the nature of the perception of such changes, since they can be based on certain kind culture. Adaptation to economic changes reflects elements of economic culture and should be based on them. When a person adapts to political change, he inevitably refers to the norms of political culture.
Adaptation to spiritual and moral changes is connected with moral culture. The adaptation of young people to changes in the educational sphere is associated with the culture of education, in the professional sphere - with professional culture, in the leisure sphere - with the culture of leisure, etc. It is more difficult to adapt to social changes. It is not related to any one culture, but to several, since social changes are complex and can be differentiated depending on one or another social sphere human life activity.
Social adaptation is a purposeful interaction of the elements of consciousness and behavior of a social subject and the value system of the external environment for him in order to establish correspondence between them and overcome differences in relationships. Adaptation acts as a kind of social relations, processes, activities and social institutions that optimize and guide its development. The main goals of adaptation as a social phenomenon are to overcome dysfunctions social system, harmonization of the relationship of the social subject with the elements of the environment.
One of the main conditions for the adaptation of Russians to the current socio-economic situation is adequate changes in people's minds - the choice of new strategies for economic behavior, readiness to take personal responsibility for their livelihood. Are such changes taking place? There are reasons to assert that they do not occur in a certain part of the population. Moreover, changes in the economy and the structure of mass consciousness are often multidirectional. The transition to new models of economic behavior, adequate to market relations, is strongly hampered by the inertia of the socio-psychological attitudes of the population towards the paternalism of the state, towards the old system of social guarantees, which have little to do with the objective results of the labor activity of workers. As before, the majority of the able-bodied population shows an orientation towards socio-economic dependence.
At the level of an individual, such attitudes lead to social maladaptation of the able-bodied population. Orientation towards external assistance does not stimulate active economic activity. Such people do not fit into the system of market relations: a dependent, socially infantile person has little chance of finding a niche for himself in the current economic conditions. Society is interested in turning as many citizens as possible from “socially wards” into independent “people of opportunity”. A free and independent person is the central figure of civil society.
The attitudes of able-bodied people towards socio-economic dependence are a dysfunction both for the individual and for society as a whole, preventing, in the first case, full-fledged social adaptation, and in the latter, modernization and the formation of civil society.
Social adaptation of Russians is hindered by an anemic state modern society. According to the classical definition, anomie is the result of a conflict or disagreement between "cultural" and "social" structures, expressed, first of all, in the impossibility of achieving "culturally determined goals" by normal, legal, socially established means, and the motivation to search for other - deviant - Ways to meet needs.
Departure from legitimate public ways of satisfying needs and pseudo-adaptation to deviant forms of behavior (which, oddly enough, in modern conditions sometimes provide people with a better life than legal and morally approved norms of behavior), is detrimental to Russian society and will require decisive countermeasures, specialized social technologies. to address this pressing issue.
In the changing conditions of the life support of Russian society, it becomes necessary to modify the content of some social norms and develop others. The task of improving the life support system of Russians requires an in-depth study of the mechanisms for maintaining and modifying social organization with the help of the mechanism for creating new social norms and regulating human activity with their help.
The social adaptation of the individual is aimed at restoring norms, socially useful relations with social subjects (groups and its individual members), a positive change in communication, behavior, and activity. Psychological adaptation - the assimilation of socially useful standards of behavior and value orientations, the convergence of attitudes and orientation of the individual with the expectations of the social environment. The social and psychological aspects of adaptation are inextricably linked, although sometimes they may not coincide.
Social adaptation at the level of individuals includes: 1) the implementation of the mechanism of interaction of the individual with the microenvironment through a certain adaptation to it through communication, behavior, activity; 2) the assimilation of norms, moral values ​​of the immediate positive social environment through their rational awareness or through internalization; 3) achieving a state of adaptation of the subject by establishing a dynamic balance between his personal attitudes and the expectations of the social environment in the presence of control on its part.
The complexity of the mechanism of social adaptation stems from the fact that two structurally complex systems interact - the individual and the social environment. Adaptation is the adaptation of an already formed personality to new conditions of life. And the social environment at the macro level is society as a whole, at the micro level - the microenvironment, which is the immediate environment of a person and his relationships in the family, work team, in various small social groups Oh. A microenvironment is a direct environment that interacts with a person in the course of daily practical activities. The macro- and microenvironment are in constant interaction with the personality and inextricably linked with each other, that is, they form both typical and individual personality traits.
Social adaptation is formed on two grounds: personal-subjective and external-objective. It is possible to single out varieties of the social environment: (С+) - a microenvironment with a positive orientation, (С-) - a microenvironment with a negative orientation. Personality characteristics can be represented as: (P+) - a personality characterized by a positive orientation, established views, value orientations and (P-) - a personality characterized by a stable antisocial individualistic orientation, negative views, attitudes.
Successful social adaptation (A +) is possible if a positive environment and a positive personality interact [(C +) x (L-h)] - this is the first type of interaction between the personality and the environment.
The second type of the mechanism of interaction between the individual and the environment is characterized by a mismatch between the expectations and requirements of the microgroup (family, work collective) and the level of claims of the individual being adapted. In this situation, two options are possible: the first is entry into a new social environment with a positive moral and legal orientation of individuals with an antisocial individualistic orientation (an option of social adaptation with an unstable positive orientation): (A+) = (C+) x x (L-) . In this case, a person with an antisocial orientation has the opportunity to assimilate legal regulations, transform them into his personal qualities, goals, actions; the second option arises in the case of entering a new social environment with a negative moral and legal orientation of persons with positive personal qualities(adaptation variant with unstable negative directionality): (A+) = (C-) x(L+). Here, the microenvironment can form personality traits that do not meet the interests of society, and through prolonged communication, interaction, and even coercion, negative samples and patterns of behavior can be transmitted. At the same time, the emergence and development of an antisocial orientation of the personality is possible, which is subsequently realized in illegal behavior.
The third type of interaction mechanism is carried out when the absence or lack of positive social ties is compensated by negative ones, which reinforce the negative antisocial orientation of the individual, i.e. the person remains steadily in an asocial or criminal environment.
Based on the analysis of possible types of the mechanism of interaction between the individual and the social environment, it would be appropriate to understand by social adaptation only such a social process, which consists in interaction through communication between the individual and a positive social environment. Adaptation of the individual to negative or even criminal conditions of the social environment should be called "pseudo-adaptation". In modern social conditions in Russia, the positive social adaptation of people is combined with the pronounced “pseudo-adaptation” of many social groups. Contradictions may increasingly occur when a person has learned and uses patterns and patterns of behavior and activities characteristic of his nearest microenvironment and at the same time does not achieve organic unity with the macroenvironment, society as a whole, does not integrate with the macroenvironment, i.e. is not socialized person.
Adaptation is a two-pronged process, during which the subject not only experiences the impact of the social environment and social institutions (family, education system, media, etc.), but can also actively influence the external environment, transforming it in accordance with his needs. Having a complex and multi-level structure and functions, adaptation is capable of both profound changes in the consciousness and behavior of the subject, and significant adjustments to the innovation environment. At the same time, its content is not limited to social rehabilitation. It is much broader, due to which adaptation is related to heuristic, emotional-sensory, verbal-communicative, value-oriented, institutional-organizational and other components of the interaction between the subject and the environment.
The mechanism of social adaptation of a person acts as a single process of activity, communication, self-awareness in the social activity of a person, when his inner world is transformed, the realization of hidden potentials that help to fully engage in the processes of social adaptation as an active person. The social self-awareness of the individual acts as a mechanism of social adaptation, in which the formation and comprehension of one's social belonging and role takes place. There are also such mechanisms of socio-psychological adaptation of the individual as: 1) cognitive, including all mental processes associated with cognition: sensations, perception, representation, memory, thinking, imagination, etc.; 2) emotional, including various moral feelings and emotional states:
anxiety, concern, sympathy, condemnation, anxiety, etc.; 3) practical, behavioral, offering a certain directed activity of a person in social practice. In general, all these socio-psychological mechanisms of social adaptation of the individual constitute a complete unity. The social adaptation of a person is based on active or passive adaptation, interaction with the existing social environment, as well as the ability to change and qualitatively transform the very personality of a person.
Efficiency, the final result of adaptation is determined by objective indicators of achievements and subjective satisfaction with one's achievements in the professional and socio-economic position occupied by a person involved in the emotional well-being of a person.
To solve the problems of social adaptation of the elderly and disabled, it is important to improve the quality of medical, domestic and psychological services, organize their leisure and feasible employment. An important form of social adaptation of disabled people is occupational therapy, the creation of employment opportunities, and the creation of an environment of positive communication.
To achieve social adaptation of former prisoners, it is necessary to implement many aspects: providing employment opportunities, domestic arrangements (housing, registration), industrial adaptation in the workforce, family and household adaptation, restoration of positive social ties, interruption of ties with the criminal world, eradication or neutralization of deviant forms behavior and antisocial personality traits.
The problems of social adaptation and professional reorientation are faced by many unemployed people, migrants and other segments of the population who have lost their usual social status.
Of vital importance is the social adaptation of children deprived of parental care, inmates of orphanages. Social adaptation programs for such children are aimed at developing a sense of duty, readiness for independent planning and control of their behavior, for solving everyday problems of self-service and housekeeping, the ability to handle money, to achieve social and labor adaptation through labor and vocational training, psychological readiness for adult life in modern social conditions.
Medical and psychological correction can play a significant role in solving the problems of social adaptation of people who have experienced extreme military or social upheavals, situations of violence, or who work in extreme and socially negative conditions (law enforcement officers, rescue services, etc.)
Thus, specific diverse social problems at all levels require social services to provide the necessary assistance to achieve social adaptation of individuals, groups, social strata of the population. Hence, the role of social workers and various services to help the population increases, designed to regulate the mechanisms of a person's relationship with the social environment due to their professional competence.

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