Indicators of the topic and rheme, emphasis and logical stress, methods of their transmission in translation. Current division of the offer

Actual division is a division into topic and rheme. Subject - the subject of the message. Rheme - what is reported about the topic, contains the main content of the message. The rheme is the communicative center of the utterance.

Andrey went to Moscow (rheme) Went to Moscow Andrew (rhema).

Ways of expression:

§ word order (neutral - the theme of the rheme - Mathesius calls the object word order, the opposite - subjective = expressive)

§ intonation (phrasal stress on the rheme, rise in tone)

§ particles (topic - a, same; rheme - only, only)

The mutual arrangement of the subject group and the predicate group is the actual division.

Subject group = topic (actual articulation = syntactic articulation)

Predicate group = rheme (actual articulation = syntactic articulation)

If there is no contextual conditionality in the order of words (mean + skaz) - contextually independent. If the word order diverges from the syntactic articulation (skaz + mean) - contextually determined.

The distinction between syntactically independent and syntactically dependent can be made using system of questions by Sh. Bally(dictal refers to content, modal refers to authenticity):

§ full dictal (to all content) What happened? What's the matter? The car crushed a passerby.

§ partial dictal (to part of information) Who got out? Petya left.

§ full modal (the whole fact is checked for validity) Is Paul here? Yes. No. Maybe.

§ partial modal (doubt about the reality of part of the information) Did Paul go to school? To school.

Syntactically independent ones respond to a full dictal. Syntactically dependent on partial dictal and partial modal, and full modals can respond to both depending on the situation.

Classification of statements according to the type of actual information P. Adamts:

5. general-informative (actual information = real, mb isolated) The door slammed.

6. private-informative (the aspect of real information is reported, the rest is known, ~ taken out of context) The trouble broke out at the end of the day.

7. general verification (the core is a modality, not a new message, but a reaction, the reality / unreality of a fact is established) The pilot did not die. She got me food.

8. private-verification (the reality of one aspect is established) Not alone evil people walk at night.

An offer without a rheme is not possible. Omitting a topic can be in an incomplete sentence. The ship sailed late at night. He cleared his throat and hummed for a long time, trembling in his body.

Hierarchy of syntactic articulation. A syntactically common sentence consists of a subject group and a predicate group - a predicative group. It can be propagated by a determinant. Determinant:

4. case or prepositional word form or adverb with adverbial meaning

5. refers to the predicative group as a whole

6. stands before the predicative group

Theory of determining terms (Shvedova)

§ 1st type - a determining member with a subject or object value

Students exams were going on.

§ 2nd type - circumstantial determinants

At the entrance to the grove there was a horse.

The predicative group is a syntactic unity. The tightness of the connection depends on the semantics of the verb. Semantic coherence and interdependence makes it possible to merge into one component of the actual articulation - a complex core (Adamets).

Undivided statements.

8. no message origin

9. everything forms a bump

11. preposition of the verb in relation to the subject

12. contextual conditioning is minimal

13. answers a full dictal question

14. serve to introduce a new person, object, to report the occurrence of some event, period of time, state

ex: There was a slight breeze of warm dampness.

The long autumn evening has come.

We're leaving the field. High wagon with sheaves.

In a common sentence, if there are several topics, the actual division can be stepped. The first theme refers to the rest of the sentence as a rheme, and so on. It's his own business, I must say, / he // loved.

41. Compound sentences. Types of compound sentences. (+40)

Means of communication of parts.

SSP-1 of the types of SP, which is combined with a link.

1) intoton. as a result, further, later), input. words and constructs (therefore, naturally, means). 4) anaphor. 6) General VCHP or appendage. 7) SFGS 8) relative mod. of clans of parts: PN=IN Bvr. 9) Spare 10) completeness of the predictive part. 11) the order of the following parts. 12) a single mod.-time plan.


Compar.-vs. And share. SSP.

Comparison-against SSP is a closed structure with comparability-against unions, in which semantic rel. inconsistencies, comparability, opposition. 2 events. M.b. flexible and non-flexible

Subtypes: 1) match - compare but do not exclude events. A, SAME (s-h), IF-THAT, BETWEEN THE-HOW. 2) opposite-contradictory other facts, events. HOWEVER, BUT, YES (= BUT), ZATO, BUT ZATO, ONLY (s-h): a) against-restrictive-events 2 parts interfere with the implementation of the first (I would go for mushrooms, but there is no one to leave the children with); b) against-ledge. - one event should cause another, but did not cause ((although) I had my own room in the house, but I lived in the yard in a hut .; c) against. - compensate. - incident. 2 parts neutralization of part 1. Unions ZATO, BUT ZATO, YES, BUT ONLY. (A peasant will have a lot of work, but he will rest in winter).

Divide SSP - open. bend p. 1) mutually exclusive: EITHER-OR 2) turns. - a list of successive other events: either the sun is shining, or a cloud. 3) Alternate motivation. Unions AND THAT, AND NOT THAT, ELSE (Ask for mercy, otherwise it will be worse)

Theme-rhematic relations

A sentence in speech can acquire one or another actual meaning, i.e. its individual parts can be emphasized by the speaker, depending on his communicative setting. Emphasizing the most important part of a sentence is usually done with the help of intonation or word orders. The Czech scientist V. Mathesius proposed to talk about the actual division of the sentence, based on the fact that, from the point of view of the information contained in it, the sentence consists of two parts - the basis, i.e. the starting point of information, and the core, i.e. the body of the message conveyed by the offer. Later, the terms "theme" and "rheme" became more common.

Theme and rheme, as the main anti-members of the actual division of the sentence, are clearly opposed to each other. However, in the sentence, several members of the sentence correspond with each of these concepts. Therefore, they often talk about the core of the theme and the core of the rheme, which stand out in the complex theme and rheme. For example: By that time, after the destruction of all the other centers of education, the center of learning had shifted to the South.

In the example above, the core of the topic is the center of learning, and the core of the rheme is to the South.

Taking into account the different informative significance of the members of the sentence made it possible to put forward the theory of communicative dynamism, according to which, in addition to the theme and rheme, transitional elements are also distinguished.

The theory of actual division of a sentence has also been applied in text theory, where aspects such as the transition of the rheme of the previous sentence into the topic of the next one, as well as the definition of the boundaries of text segments (microtexts) united by a common theme are studied.

At present, in connection with the interest in the functioning of linguistic structures, the communicative significance of the elements of the structure and elements of the meaning of the sentence has received particularly wide recognition. At the same time, there were numerous attempts to clarify the basic concepts of the actual division of the sentence - the theme and the rheme.

The topic was defined by W. Mathesius, on the one hand, as something given, initial, starting point of information, on the other hand, as a conceptual element of the information class, and therefore he allowed the existence of purely rhematic sentences (for example, sentences with a formal subject). Subsequently, developing the theory of actual articulation in its intra-sentence version, the researchers came to the conclusion that each sentence consists of two parts opposed to each other - the topic and the rheme, and thus began to single out the thematic subject in sentences with a formal subject. Comparing the rhematic sentence of W. Mathesius "Once upon a time there was a king" with the corresponding English sentence There was a king, linguists showed that in English sentence there was represents the topic of the utterance, and king is the rheme.

Currently, the topic of the message in a sentence is defined as what the speaker comes from, what he knows before the start of communication. Thus, it is recognized that the topic does not correspond to either taxonomic classes of words (parts of speech) or functional-syntactic classes of words (sentence members). That is why, so far no attempts have been made to study its paradigmatic, i.e., as a closed class of phenomena with certain features. As a rule, the topic was singled out only as an antipode of the rheme, i.e. it included everything that was not included in the concepts of the rheme of the sentence.

Separate attempts to correlate the topic with certain classes of words or members of the sentence did not lead to the desired result, because they were made on a preliminarily limited material. So, nominative themes, thematic infinitive constructions and some thematic prepositional phrases were identified. Considering the question of the relationship between the various members of the sentence with the concepts of theme and rheme, the researchers provide convincing quantitative data showing that only the subject has a predominantly thematic status, while the remaining members of the sentence can act in almost equal proportions as both theme and rheme.

The study of the rheme of a sentence in a paradigmatic sense led scientists to the conclusion that, despite the universal nature of the thematic-rhematic division of an utterance, the means of expressing this division are neither universal, nor of the same order, nor of the same level.

So, when comparing the means of expressing the actual articulation in Russian and English, it was found that if for the Russian language (a language with a synthetic way of expressing grammatical connections) the position of a rheme at the end of a sentence is most characteristic, then for English (a language in which the word order has received syntactic load) the expression of the rheme is carried out with the help of certain constructions.

Comparing the ways of expressing themes and rhemes in Russian and English, researchers often point out that the English language, unlike Russian, is characterized not by a direct opposition of themes and rhemes, but by an alternating arrangement of thematic elements among rhematic ones. For example, in the Russian sentence "She told me about it" the theme is "she told me", and the rheme "she told me about it". In the corresponding English sentence "She said that to me", the theme elements she and to me are separated by the rheme said that.

Since in English the opposition of the topic and rheme is not conveyed by word order, certain ways of expressing thematic and rhematic elements have been developed in it.

The presence of demonstrative, possessive or personal pronouns, a definite article, a previous mention, a low contextual-sematic load are considered to be signs of a topic. The signs of a rheme include the indefinite article, the presence of negation, and a high contextual-semantic load.

Although the topic is the initial element of the semantic structure of the sentence, however, it is not always a given, known from the context or situation. In the case when the topic corresponds to a new, not previously mentioned semantic element, it has the following features: the presence of an indefinite article, an indefinite pronoun, or a combination with other indicators of uncertainty.

When describing the ways of expressing a rheme, researchers proceed mainly from taking into account semantic features. Thus, the division of verbs into thematic and rhematic was based on the sign of the number of semantic characteristics (sems): thematic verbs are broad semantic verbs that have a minimum number of semantics (for example: do, make) and therefore need to be specified. Verbs that are semantically more specialized (for example: come, pick) have a greater semantic load in the sentence and therefore should be classified as rhematic.

For example, in the example below, the rhematic verb in the second sentence is in thematic position:

Life has changed. Changed and its reflection in the protocols pedagogical council(Kovtunova, 1979.38).

Topic and rheme can be contrasted by intonational division or logical stress on the rheme. However, informative dissection may not be accompanied by intonation. In the first case, one can speak of a direme, in the second - of a monorheme. A monorhem is an undivided statement. The question remains whether we are dealing here only with a rheme or with an intonationally non-segmented opposition of a theme and a rheme.

The selection of themes and rhemes causes great difficulties in the practical analysis of the material. This is because this procedure has not yet received a formalized representation. The only formal criterion used in dividing an utterance into communicative components is the posing of a question.

Thus, the analysis of the types of utterance in the Russian language made it possible to establish that the criterion that determines the composition of the topic and rheme and the paradigmatic property of the utterance is the type of question.

Researchers of the syntax of modern English believe that the question-answer method of highlighting the topic and rheme of an utterance is the most formalized procedure. With this approach, the topic of the statement can be identified with the content of the question to which it serves as an answer, and the rheme with that part of the information of the statement, which constitutes the direct answer to the question.

This technique of highlighting the topic and rheme operates at the level of speech, i.e. at the level of using language structures. At the same time, there is no correspondence between syntactic articulation and communicative articulation. So, O.N. Siliverstova writes that in the sentence I have a book one should not say that the subject is the owner, but the possessed rheme, since the value of the X has 4 model will be a message that X has 4 and that 4 is identical to a member of a certain class (Seliverstova, 1977 ).

In general, this model includes the rhematic communicative meaning of presence, which is distinguished in relation to the potential question that is the topic for this statement. Thus, it is proposed to introduce the meaning of the rheme as a semantic component of the meaning of the syntactic model. In other words, each syntactic model includes not only symbolic information about the referent (denotost), but also a way of presenting this information as basic, new, previously unknown to the listener.

Such an approach to determining the meaning of a sentence model arises on the basis that the model is considered not as an abstract semantic standard, but as a communicatively marked semantic structure.

The opposite point of view on the problem of distinguishing between theme and rheme is not connected with the introduction of a communicative meaning into general meaning sentences, but with linking it to individual members of the sentence or even to individual words.

So, in Russian studies, an opinion is expressed that the topic corresponds to the “subject + predicate” group, and the rheme corresponds to the secondary members of the sentence, and the multi-stage rheme is opposed to the complex topic, i.e. each minor member creates a rheme independently.

In English, it is supposed to distinguish sentences with a thematic subject (for example: Jane opened the door) and sentences with a rhematic subject (for example: There is a book on the table), sentences in which the subject + predicate complex or a wider complex of members correspond to the topic suggestions.

According to linguist Mark Yakovlevich Bloch (his work " Theoretical basis Grammar", 2000): "The sentence is organized in the form of a sequence of significant members", occupying their system-defined positions in it. Such "positional" members are: subject, predicate, object, circumstance, definition, introductory member, member-address All these members are hierarchically correlated in such a way that each of them performs some modification or defining role. division is superimposed by the actual division of the sentence, within which the subject of the message (the composition of its "starting point") and the rheme of the message (the composition of its "informative core") are distinguished. The rheme is revealed by rhematic (logical) stress.

He considers a paradigmatic analysis of the sentence, including consideration of the nature of its actual division: "At the first and main stage of the study, we consider the communicative types of sentences within the framework of a system of two dinar oppositions (declarative sentence - imperative sentence, narrative sentence - interrogative sentence) and establish that distinctive the signs of communicative types are determined by the differences in the actual division of the sentence, in particular, by the different nature of their rhematic components expressing the logical predicate of the statement. , expresses the content of the action required or desired by the speaker, that is, it programs the action of the addressee of the impulse. interrogative sentence expresses a request for information, that is, it is open, gaping in terms of content: it programs a reciprocal rheme.

It is easy to see that of the three indicated types of rheme - narrative, motivating and interrogative - the interrogative rheme, connected on the basis of synsemancy with the rheme of the response sentence, is distinguished by a special originality. Its openness can be either categorical, non-alternative (for example: Where is he?), or alternative (for example: Is he here (or not)? Is he here or there?), and depending on this, all questions should be divided into questions of substitution, pronominal (whole) and questions of choice, alternative (separative). Alternative questions, in turn, are recognized as latent-alternative, as in the penultimate example, and open-alternative, as in the last example. They also say that historically the theory of the actual division of the sentence is connected with the logical analysis of the proposition. The constituent elements of a proposition are the logical subject and the logical predicate. They, like the theme and rheme, may not be the main members of the sentence, that is, the subject and the predicate. The logical categories of subject and predicate are prototypes of the linguistic categories of theme and rheme. However, if, from the point of view of logic, the categories of subject and predicate are significant components of certain forms of thinking, then from a linguistic point of view, the categories of theme and rheme are expressive ways to convey information that the speaker uses.

The actual division of a sentence can be fully manifested only in a specific contact ( speech situation), so sometimes such division of a sentence is called "contextual" This is a vivid example:

Mary is fond of poetry.

If we approach this sentence as a stylistically neutral construction, the subject is expressed by the subject, and the rheme by the predicate. This type of actual articulation is called "direct".

On the other hand, if we put this proposal in certain situation(a certain context), then, as a result, the order of the actual division of the sentence can be reversed: the subject will be the rheme, and the predicate, respectively, the theme. For instance:

"Isn" t it surprising that Tim is so fond of poetry?" - "But you are wrong. Mary is fond of poetry, not Tim".

The actual division of the sentence, in which the rheme is expressed by the subject, is called "reverse".


Current division of the offer- used in linguistics, the principle of dividing a sentence into:

  • the original, initially given component (what is considered known or can be easily understood), called topic, starting point or basis;
  • a new component approved by the speaker (what is reported about the starting point of the utterance), called rhema or core;
  • transition elements.

For example: "he (theme) turned out to be (transition) an excellent teacher (rhema)."


  • CURRENT MEMBER OF THE OFFER (from the encyclopedia "Krugosvet")


  • The syntax of the modern Russian language, Valgina N. S.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Rema" is in other dictionaries:

    - [gr. rhema word, saying] lingv. one of the two components of the statement: new, which is reported in the sentence (according to the theory of the Prague School by V. Mathesius). Opposite TOPIC. Dictionary foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. rheme (re), s, f. (… Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    rheme- reactive mortar artillery military. Borislav plant "REMA" PEMA Borislav plant of radio-electronic medical equipment​ medical, organization, Ukraine, electric ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    Floodplain shrub and forest in the river valley, orenb. (Dal). Inseparable from urem (see). Not related to cslav. rheme current (XVII century), contrary to Thorbjornsson (1, 10), because the last word loans. from cf. Greek ῥέμα, Greek. ῥεῦμα current; cm.… … Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

    Y, female. New derivatives: Remka; Remusya.Origin: (Female to (see Rem) 2) Dictionary of personal names. Rema y, f. New Derivatives: Remka; Remus. [Women. to Rem2 (see).] ... Dictionary of personal names

    Kernel, saying, said Dictionary of Russian synonyms. noun rheme, number of synonyms: 3 saying (26) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from the Greek rhema the word utterance, lit. said) (core), in the theory of the actual division of a sentence, one of the two main components of the utterance (cf. Theme) is something new that is reported in the sentence ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Female, orenb. rather urema, Tatars. floodplain shrubs and forest along the river, the entire width of the channel or floodplain, river banks, lowlands, up to the ridge, to the ridge; the entire river valley. Dictionary Dahl. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    REMA- (from the Greek. rhēma - saying, said). With the actual division of the sentence, the core of the statement, the content of the message; something new that the speaker reports, starting from the topic (see topic in the 2nd meaning) ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    Rema- (from Greek ῥῆμα word, saying, lit. said) a component of the actual articulation of a sentence, that which is stated or asked about the starting point of the message to the topic and creates predicativity, a complete expression of thought. Rema could be... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    s; well. [Greek rhema word, saying]. Lingu. One of the two components of an utterance that communicates something new about what the sentence is talking about. ◁ Rhematic, oh, oh. R. component of the sentence. * * * rhema (from the Greek rhēma word, saying, literally ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • German language for students of technical specialties. Textbook, Koplyakova E.S. This publication is a textbook intended for students, bachelors, undergraduates and graduate students of non-linguistic technical universities studying German as a foreign language with ...

As a rule, the actual articulation is considered only at the level of the sentence.

Current division of the offer- dividing the sentence in context into the original part of the message - topic(given) and what is asserted about it - bump(new). Any member (or members) of the sentence and, according to the context or situation, can act as a theme or rheme:

“The book (topic) on the table (rheme)” - (answer to the question: “Where is the book?”);

“On the table (topic) is a book (rheme)” (answer to the question: “What is on the table?”).

The components of the actual segmentation of the sentence are recognized:

By intonation (character of stress, pause);

By position (usually the topic is placed at the beginning of the phrase, the rheme at the end);

According to the excretory - restrictive adverbs ("precisely", "only");

By removal structures;

By context.

Direct order topic - rheme dominated and named progressive, objective, unemphatic.

Reverse rheme order - theme called regressive, subjective, emphatic, although the latter is not always determined by the aims of the emphasis (cf. the initial position of the subject-rheme in languages ​​with a fixed word order (eg, English. Suddenly the telephone rang at the end of the corridor).

The position of the rheme at the beginning (or middle) of a sentence can also be due to: the need for its positional contact with the corresponding member of the previous sentence; dismemberment of a common rheme; rhythm; the desire of the speaker to express the main thing as soon as possible. In this case, the rheme is recognized by context - by subtracting from the composition of the sentence an excessive self-evident topic, usually omitted or pushed to the end (for example, “I want to ask you a question. How did it seem to you? - He is already an old man”).

Emphasis there is a selection of any element of the statement. Emphatic models - constructions, turns, combinations of lexical and grammatical elements - are naturally perceived as such in contrast to neutral ones. They can not only emphasize individual members of a sentence, but also give an expressive and emotional coloring to the entire sentence as a whole. They are possible due to the fact that the grammatical form has both denotative and connotative meaning. By definition, E.I. Shendels, denotative meaning- this is the entire scope of the meanings of the form, with the exception of its emotionally expressive coloring. connotative meaning- this is a series of various kinds of subjective meanings of the form - expressiveness, intensification (figurativeness, metaphorical), emotional effect.

Emphasis means:

    Inversion(it highlights one or more elements of the statement, serves to create the effect of speed and dynamism, a means of a closer logical connection between sentences, in poetry it is the goal of achieving rhythm and rhyme);

    Negative or double negative;

    The use of the as…as model in combination with indefinite pronouns: any, anybody, anything.

When translating from English into Russian, it is necessary to take into account the theorematic dependencies. What is said? (subject) and what is said? (rheme). (A few students of our university (rhema) were reported to take part in the competition). Given the typological differences, the most appropriate translation solution would be to change the sequence of the components of the original sentence (As reported, several students of our university (rema) took part in the competition.)

When translating emphase, logical stress, theme and rheme features, all lexical and grammatical techniques are used, namely antonymic translation, colon (graphic tool), ellipsis (omission, for example, of a verb), lexical way (reinforcement: amplifying adverb), syntactic way ( proposal restructuring).

Izvestia DSPU, No. 3, 2015



M. A. Magomedova, L. G. Gadzhieva, and R. A. Muhudadaeva

© 2015 Magomedova M.A., Gadzhieva L.G., Mukhudadaeva R.A.

Summary. The article is devoted to the problems of the actual division of the sentence in Russian and English. The article deals with such concepts as theme and rheme and their relationship in the context of the sentence.

abstract. The article deals with issues of the actual division of a sentence in Russian and in English. The authors discuss concepts such as a theme and a rheme, and their relationship within the context of a sentence.

Rezjume. Ctat "japosvjashhenaproblemam aktual" nogo chlenenijapredlozhenija vrusskom i an-glijskom jazykah. V state rassmatrivajutsja takie ponjatija kak tema i rema i ih vzaimosvjazi v kontekste predlozhenija.

Keywords: theme, rheme, predicative, means of expression, sentence. Keywords: theme, rheme, predicative, means of expression, sentence.

Kljuchevye slova: tema, rema, predikativnyj, sredstva vyrazhenija, predlozhenie.

The question of the actual division of a sentence appeared in linguistics relatively recently. The Czech scientist V. Mathesius entered as one of the first researchers of actual articulation in the history of linguistics. However, even earlier, certain aspects of this phenomenon were touched upon in the works of French grammarians of the logical direction of the 18th centuries. :

C. Dumarce, N. Bose, S. Bato and others. The Czech scientist defines the actual division of a sentence in his article. The basis of the utterance is what is known in a given situation or can be easily understood and from what the speaker proceeds. The core of an utterance is what the speaker reports about the starting point of the utterance. In his work, the author connects the actual division of the sentence with the main means of its expression - word order. The term rheme is used to designate a semantic predicate, and the term theme is used to designate a semantic subject (rheme). In the Middle English period, in the field of ways of expressing a semantic predicate, changes occur associated with the development of the structure of the language - the development of articles, the passive voice, the development of part

stitch. The indefinite article can be one of the ways to highlight the new in a sentence. syntactic means expression of a semantic predicate in English is also the use of a passive voice, if the carrier is a combination (preposition + name denoting the agent). If the center of the message is an indication of who performed the action, then it is possible to use a normalized word order (subject - predicate - direct object- indirect prepositional object) with the setting of the semantic predicate in the last place.

The problem of the actual division of a sentence in Russian studies began to be discussed in the works of K. G. Krushelnitskaya, I. I. Ko-vtunova, V. V. Babaitseva and others. K. G. Krushelnitskaya writes that the subject of the message, its starting point is usually something known to the listener - “given”; something unknown is communicated about this known - "new". The basis of communication lies in the combination of the unknown and the new. He performs in such functional and stylistic types of speech as conversation, business prose. I. P. Raspopov

says that the actual division of the sentence follows from the very nature of the sentence as the most important linguistic unit. Sentence - includes both grammatical and actual articulation. He does not consider the terms quite successful: given and new, theme and rheme; lexical subject and lexical predicate. The questions of the actual division of sentences of various communicative types are relevant. The sentence structure is implemented by grammatical, lexical and prosodic means. The relativity of the concept of novelty is demonstrated by the possibility of using nouns - carriers of the new with demonstrative and possessive pronouns: It seemed to them that a mere bolt from the blew.... had stricken one .. Mathesius considers the actual division of a sentence as a division of a sentence into two parts: 1) a subject representing the starting point of the message, and

2) a rheme that expresses the main content of the message and is its communicative center. So, in the sentence Andrei went to Moscow, it is reported what he did or where he went (rheme) Andrei (topic), and in the sentence Andrei went to Moscow, it is reported that it was Andrei (rheme) who went to Moscow (topic).

The definition of actual division is given by I. I. Kovtunova in the work “Modern Russian language. Word order and actual division of the sentence. The division into topic and rheme is called actual division, since this division is relevant, essential in a given context or in a given specific situation for the speaker or writer. The works different years V. V. Babaitseva. In the article “Reflection of the multidimensionality of a sentence in the practice of teaching the Russian language at school”, she writes that in the presence of an actual articulation in the sentence, “given”, known to the interlocutors from the previous sentence or from the context, and “new” - the communicative center of the statement are distinguished. "New" - the most important in the message - is highlighted by logical stress, word order, pronominal words, particles, etc. "New" can be expressed both as main and minor members suggestions. Usually "given" is contained in the subject, "new" - in the predicate. It can also be said that in addition to interrogative and imperative sentences, there are other components of speech acts. In the imperative sentence Eat yourself your break-

fast (Eat breakfast yourself) is not asked or reported. It is said to eat breakfast. When the rheme is expressed in several words, there is an accent carrier inside it, that is, the most stressed word, on the stressed syllable of which the tone falls. In English, Russian and other languages, the rheme can be expressed by intonation of a certain type. When considering the ways of expressing the actual articulation in English, one should dwell on the issues of terminology: topic - rheme, given - new, subject - predicate. The topic is the micromessage of the sentence (the subject of the utterance). The rhema is that which is affirmed (thought predicate). Word order is determined by a number of factors, the structure of the language, its typology, grammatical rules, etc., can express: grammatical relations

between members of the sentence - Jack loves Jill - Jill loves Jack, highlight the semantic center of the message - Rheme - Peter went to Leningrad - It was Peter who went to Leningrad, express the communicative center of the message - He is ready - Is he ready ?; to make a connection between the members of the sentence - He opened the case. The position of the rheme in the sentence can be final - He likes reading. The word order will be direct, as in Russian, when the rheme is final Compare: The book is on the table (the book is the theme, is on the table is the rheme). Difficulty in translation appears when in the English sentence the carrier of the rheme is the subject, the order will be reversed - A book was lying on the table (a book - rheme, was lying on the table - topic). English has a fixed sentence order, which helps to establish the topic and rheme in the sentence. Various changes are possible, for example: In 1492 America was discovered and America was discovered in 1492. Analysis of the actual division of a sentence is unacceptable without taking into account prosodic intonational means, especially logical stress. Intonation gives a group of words in a sentence a semantic completeness - predicativity. Logical stress is one of the most reliable indicators of rheme. One and the same sentence can be interpreted differently in the theme-rhematic terms. The stated (rheme) is usually compared with the information that is not known about, has not yet been discussed in the current statement. What is communicated for the first time is unknown to the hearer. The topic usually contains what is known, what has just been said. The difficulty of studying the thematic structure of the sentence

Izvestia DSPU, No. 3, 2015

zana with its context dependence, with the possibility placing factors,

determining theme-rhematic articulation. I. I. Kovtunova says that “The word order in a Russian sentence is not free, since with a different word order, the meaning of the sentence, its communicative purpose turns out to be diverse.”

In English, just like in Russian, the presence of lexical and syntactic indicators of rheme is characteristic: the indefinite or zero article, various rheme constructions, etc. “In order to express a thought in English, you need to connect these words in a certain way, t i.e. build a speech work - John lives in London ". The sentence emphasizes its main members - subject, predicate and secondary: The old men saw a black dog there - the main members of the sentence: the men, saw - predicate. There is a syntactic relationship between any two words. So in the example given, there is a syntactic connection not only between old and men, but also men and saw, old and black, etc. In one or another syntactic function, a group of words is used: Jane came (Jane is used in the syntactic function of the subject). In addition to the subject + predicate group, some groups of phrases are characterized by a predicative connection: He stood there, his hands in his pockets.

The question of the actual division of the sentence arises when the syntactic division of the sentence is in

inconsistency with the subjective predicate articulation of a logical judgment. "The members themselves of such an actual articulation are called differently: theme, predicate, core, rheme, lexical predicate." Exists various means, which make it possible to signal the actual division of the sentence in each language. In English, such means are: word order, special various constructions, articles, particles, intonation. The English language uses a variety of means in combination with each other to highlight the actual articulation, for example: In the center of the room stood a table - word order, article and intonation emphasis are used. It can be concluded that a significant part of the considered phenomena is characteristic of both oral and written forms of the Russian and English languages. The same proposal can be realized in various options. Linear-accent variants may differ in the arrangement of two or more pairs of syntactic elements. One and the same statement can be ambiguous and allow different communicative readings and different intonation. The members of the sentence in the sentence act as a means of expressing the theme-rhematic division of the sentence, and also help determine the structure of the sentence. Thus, the speaker may set different communicative tasks depending on the specific situation of communication.


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Social and Human Sciences

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The article was received by the editors on April 3, 2015.

UDC 821.351.12





© 2015 Magomedova P. M.

Dagestan State Pedagogical University

© 2015 Magomedova P.M.

Dagestan State Pedagogical University

Summary. This article discusses the elements and main phases of the plot of the story

M. Magomedov "June Rain". The attention of the author of the article is also attracted by inserted elements (legend, stories of heroes, memoirs, fairy tale, myth, landscape sketches, poems, etc.), which in volume exceed the actual sequential development of the plot of the story.

abstract. The author of the article discusses the plot basic elements and phases of “The June Rain”story by M. Magomedov. Her attention also draws the extraneous elements (legend, heroes’ stories, memories, fairy-tale, myth, landscape sketches, poems, etc.) that surpass in volume the coherent development of the plot of the story itself.

Rezjume. V dannoj state rassmatrivajutsja jelementy i osnovnye fazy sjuzheta povesti M. Magomedova "Ijun "skij dozhd"". Vnimanie avtora stat "i privlekajut takzhe vstavnye jelementy (legenda, rasskazy heroev, vospominanija, skazka, mif, pejzazhnye zarisovki, stihi i dr.), kotoryepo ob # jomu prevoshodjat sobstvenno posledovatel" noe razvitie sjuzheta povesti.

Key words: plot, story, Musa Magomedov, hero, feats of persecution, inserted elements.

Keywords: plot, story, Musa Magomedov, hero, feats-stalkings, extraneous elements.

Klyuchevye slova: syuzhet, povest", Musa Magomedov, geroi, podvigi-presledovaniya, vstavnye

The purpose of this article is to consider the features of the plot and the role of inserted short stories in M. Magomedov's story "June Rain", while working on which we relied on literary definitions formulated in the works of A. N. Veselovsky. The scientist believes that the plot is a topic, "... in which different positions-motives scurry about". According to another formulation by A. Veselovsky, “plots are complex schemes, figuratively

which generalized well-known acts human life and psyche in alternating forms of everyday reality.