How to understand homogeneous sentences. Homogeneous and homogeneous secondary members of the sentence, examples

What is a series of homogeneous members? You will find the answer to the question posed in this article. In addition, we will tell you about what types such members of the proposal are divided into, as well as how they should be separated.

general information

Rows of homogeneous members are those members of a sentence that are associated with the same word form, and also perform the same syntactic function. As a rule, such words are pronounced with enumeration intonation. Moreover, in the sentence they are located in contact (that is, one after the other), and also quite often allow any permutation. Although it is not always possible. After all, the first in such a series is usually called that which is primary from a chronological or logical point of view, or the most important for the speaker.

Main features

The rows of homogeneous members of the proposal are characterized by the following features:

Homogeneous members: examples in a sentence

To make it more clear to you what these terms are, we present good example: "Below, the surf roared widely and measuredly." In this passage, there are 2 circumstances (broadly and measuredly). They have (with the help of the union “and”), and also depend on the main member of the sentence (predicate) - it was noisy (that is, it was noisy “how?” Widely and measuredly).

What do they act as?

Homogeneous members act in the sentence both as main and as secondary members. Here are some examples:

  • “Gardens, meadows, groves and fields stretched along both banks.” Such a series of homogeneous members acts as a subject.
  • “Then dim, then bright, the lights are on.” This
  • “Everyone began vying to praise the mind, courage, generosity of Anton.” These are the same additions.
  • “The dog whined, lay down, stretched out its front paws and put its muzzle on them.” These are homogeneous predicates.
  • “The wind was hitting the sides of the boat more and more sharply, more insistently and stronger.” These are the same circumstances.

Types of homogeneous members

The series of homogeneous members, examples of which are presented in this article, can be both common and non-common in a sentence. That is, such expressions can carry any explanatory words. Here's an example:

What part of speech can be used?

A number of homogeneous members in a sentence can be expressed in one part of speech. Although not always this rule is mandatory for him. After all, the same member often appears in the form of different parts of speech. This is due to the fact that they can have completely different morphological expression. Let's give an example: "The horse moved slowly (in the form of an adverb), with dignity (in the form of a noun with a preposition), stamping its hooves (in the form of a participial phrase)".


All used in the offer homogeneous members should denote one-dimensional phenomena in some respect. If you violate this rule, then the text will be perceived as an anomaly. Although often this method is deliberately used by some authors for stylistic purposes. Let's take a few suggestions as an example:

  • “Only Misha, winter and heating did not sleep.”
  • “When mother and frost allowed her to stick her nose out of the house, Masha went to wander around the yard alone.”

Construction method

Homogeneous members are often lined up in a sentence in such a row, which is a unity in its meaning and structure. Let's give an example: "Cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, potatoes, etc." grew in the garden.

It should also be noted that in one sentence there may be more than one series of homogeneous members. Consider a good example: "The frost on the street grew stronger and pinched the face, ears, nose, hands." In this sentence, “strong and pinched” is one row, and “face, ears, nose, hands” is the second row.

"Exceptions" to the rules

Not all enumerations in a particular text are homogeneous. Indeed, in some cases, such combinations act as a single member of the sentence. To deal with such exceptions, we present a few illustrative examples:

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

If the members of the sentence act as a definition, then they can be both heterogeneous and homogeneous.

Homogeneous members of a sentence are such expressions that refer to any defined word. That is, they are interconnected by a creative connection. In addition, they are pronounced with an enumeration intonation.

Homogeneous definitions in a particular sentence can characterize a phenomenon or an object from the same side (for example, by properties, material, color, etc.). In this case, commas should be placed between them. Let us give a clear example: "A violent, mighty, deafening rain poured down on the city."

As for heterogeneous definitions, they characterize any object with a completely different parties. In such situations, there is no coordinating connection between the words. That is why they are pronounced without enumeration intonation. It should also be noted that no commas are placed between heterogeneous definitions. Let's give an example: "There were tall dense pines in a large clearing."

Generalizing words

Homogeneous members may carry generalizing words that occupy the following positions:

  • Before or after homogeneous members. Let us give an example: “Everything should be beautiful in a person: clothes, face, thoughts, and soul”, “In the bushes, in the grass of wild rose hips and dogwood, on trees and in vineyards, aphids have developed everywhere.”
  • After, or rather, before homogeneous members, there may be such words as “namely”, “somehow”, “for example”. They usually point to further enumeration. Let's give an example: "The game of hunters includes not only some birds, but also other animals, namely: wild boars, bears, wild goats, deer, hares."
  • After homogeneous members, or rather before generalizing words, there may be expressions that have the meaning of the total (for example, “in one word”, “word”, etc.).
July 17, 2015

Incorrect punctuation is one of the common mistakes allowed in writing. The most complex punctuation rules usually include the placement of commas in sentences where there are heterogeneous or homogeneous definitions. Only a clear idea of ​​their features and differences helps to make the record correct and well readable.

What is a definition?

This is a minor member of the sentence, denoting a sign, property or quality of the object denoted by the noun. Most often expressed as an adjective ( white scarf), participle ( running boy), pronoun ( our house), ordinal number ( second number) and answers the questions "what?" "whose?". However, there are cases of using a noun as a definition ( plaid dress), an infinitive verb ( dream of being able to fly), adjective in simple comparative degree (an older girl appeared), adverbs ( Hard boiled egg).

What are homogeneous members

Definition this concept is given in syntax and concerns the structure of a simple (or predicative part of a compound) sentence. Homogeneous members are expressed by words of the same part of speech and the same form, depend on the same word. Therefore, they will respond to general question and perform the same syntactic function in the sentence. Homogeneous members are interconnected by a coordinating or non-union connection. It should also be noted that it is usually possible to rearrange them as part of a syntactic construction.

Based on the above rule, we can say that homogeneous definitions characterize an object on the basis of common (similar) features and qualities. Consider the sentence: In the garden, white, scarlet, burgundy buds of roses that had not yet blossomed proudly towered above their fellow flowers.". Homogeneous definitions used in it denote color, and therefore characterize an object on the same basis. Or another example: Soon, low, heavy clouds hung over the city, languishing from the heat.". In this sentence, one feature is logically related to another.

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Heterogeneous and homogeneous definitions: distinguishing features

This question is often difficult. To understand the material, let us consider in more detail what features each group of definitions has.



Each definition refers to one word being defined: Cheerful, uncontrollable laughter of children was heard from all sides.»

The nearest definition refers to the noun, and the second to the resulting combination: " On this frosty January morning, I did not want to go outside for a long time.»

All adjectives are usually qualitative: " A beautiful, new bag hung on Katyusha's shoulder.»

The combination of a qualitative adjective with a relative or with a pronoun, participle, numeral: big stone castle, my good friend, the third intercity bus

You can insert a connecting union AND: " For crafts needed white, red,(AND) blue sheets paper»

It is impossible to use with And: " In one hand Tatyana had an old straw hat, in the other she held a string bag with vegetables.»

Expressed in one part of speech. Exception: adjective + participial phrase or inconsistent adjectives after a noun

Refer to different parts of speech: Finally got to the first light frost.(numeral + adjective) and hit the road»

These are the main features, the knowledge of which will allow you to easily distinguish between sentences with homogeneous definitions and heterogeneous ones. This means correct punctuation.

In addition, when performing syntactic and punctuation analysis of a sentence, you need to remember the following important points.

Definitions that are always homogeneous

  1. The adjectives standing next to each other characterize the object according to one attribute: size, color, geographic location, evaluation, sensations, etc. " In the bookstore, Zakhar purchased reference books on German, Italian, French culture in advance».
  2. A group of synonyms used in a sentence: they call the same feature in different ways. " From early morning everyone in the house was in a cheerful, festive mood caused by yesterday's news.».
  3. Definitions after a noun, with the exception of terms such as overhead clamshell crane. For example, in A. Pushkin's poem we find: “ On the winter road, a boring trio of greyhounds runs". In this case, each of the adjectives refers directly to the noun, with each definition logically distinguished.
  4. Homogeneous members of the sentence represent a semantic gradation, i.e. designation of the sign in ascending order. " The sisters, seized with a joyful, festive, radiant mood, could no longer hide their emotions.».
  5. Inconsistent definitions. For instance: " Entered the room cheerfully tall man in a warm sweater, with shining eyes, a bewitching smile».

The combination of a single adjective and participial turnover

We must also dwell on the next group of definitions. These are adjectives and participial phrases used side by side and related to the same noun. Here punctuation depends on the position of the latter.

Homogeneous almost always are definitions corresponding to the scheme "single adjective + participle turnover". For instance, " In the distance, dark mountains towering above the forest could be seen.". However, if the participial turnover is used before the adjective and refers not to the noun, but to the whole combination, the rule “punctuation marks with homogeneous definitions” does not work. For instance, " Yellow leaves swirling in the autumn air smoothly descended on the damp earth.».

One more point must be taken into account. Consider this example: In the midst of the thick, spreading fir-trees darkened at dusk, one could hardly see a narrow path leading to the lake.". This is a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions expressed participle turnovers. Moreover, the first of them is located between two single adjectives and clarifies the meaning of the word "thick". Therefore, according to the rules for the design of homogeneous members, it is distinguished in writing by punctuation marks.

Cases where a comma is optional but preferred

  1. Homogeneous definitions (examples can often be found in fiction) denote different, but usually accompanying, causal features. For instance, " at night,(can be inserted BECAUSE) the deserted streets were clearly visible long shadows from trees and lanterns". Another example: " Suddenly, the old man heard deafening,(BECAUSE) terrible thunderclaps».
  2. Sentences with epithets that give a diverse description of the subject. For instance, " And now, looking at Luzhin's large, pale face, she... was filled with... pity."(V. Nabokov). Or A. Chekhov: “ Rainy, dirty, dark autumn has come».
  3. When using adjectives in figurative meaning(close to epithets): " Timothy's large, fish-eyed eyes were sad and attentively looked straight ahead.».

Such homogeneous definitions - examples show this - are an excellent means of expression in a work of art. With their help, writers and poets emphasize certain significant details in the description of an object (person).

Exceptional Cases

Sometimes in speech one can meet sentences with homogeneous definitions, expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives. For instance, " Until recently, old, low houses stood on this site, but now new, high ones flaunted.". As shows given example, in such a case there are two groups of definitions related to the same noun, but having the opposite meaning.

Another case concerns definitions linked by explanatory relations. " Quite different, alien to the boy sounds were heard from the open window". In this sentence, after the first definition, the words “namely”, “that is”, will be appropriate.

Punctuation rules

It all depends on how homogeneous definitions are related to each other. Commas are placed in case of unionless connection. Example: " A short, wrinkled, hunchbacked old woman was sitting on a chair on the porch, silently pointing to the open door.". In the presence of coordinating conjunctions("usually", "and") punctuation marks are not needed. " Women in white and blue homespun shirts peered into the distance, hoping to recognize the horseman approaching them.". Thus, these sentences are subject to punctuation rules applicable to all syntactic constructions with homogeneous members.

If the definitions are heterogeneous (their examples are discussed in the table), a comma is not placed between them. The exception is sentences with combinations that allow a double interpretation. For instance, " After much debate and reflection, it was decided to resort to other proven methods.". In this case, it all depends on the meaning of the sacrament. A comma is placed if "namely" can be inserted before the word "verified".


An analysis of all of the above leads to the conclusion that punctuation literacy largely depends on the knowledge of specific theoretical material on syntax: what is a definition, homogeneous members of a sentence.

What are the good rules of the Russian language? The fact that even without knowing all the subtleties of their application, absolutely everyone uses them. Do you want an example? You are welcome! Arriving from school, the child begins to talk about everything he did: he wrote an essay, solved a problem, played football, pushed Masha. At the same time, neither you nor your child will think that his story turned out to be so complete, thanks to the very important homogeneous members of the sentence. So what are homogeneous members of a sentence?

How to find homogeneous members

First, let's remember what a proposal is. These are words that express a complete thought. The words that make up a sentence are called members of the sentence. This is the subject, predicate, definition, object, circumstance.

Offers consisting of different members (main and secondary) are considered common. They may have members that are similar in function. They answer one question and refer to one common word, that is, they are homogeneous.

And what are homogeneous members for? In the above example from school life The child listed everything he did in the lessons. Thus, the main purpose of homogeneous members is enumeration. Homogeneous members make the narrative more interesting, allow you to talk about several actions, objects or their signs at once.

What members of the sentence are they

What are homogeneous members, and which members of a sentence can be them? The answer is simple: any. Accordingly, they can be any parts of speech.

For instance, main member sentences - subject, expressed by a noun: Roses, hydrangeas and poppies grew in the garden.

Homogeneous predicates look like this: In physical education, the guys ran, jumped, did push-ups, played volleyball. All verbs here are predicates (they answer the question: what did you do?) and homogeneous members of the sentence (because they refer to the same subject).

Example of homogeneous circumstances: Crows sat on the fence, roof and trees.

Homogeneous definitions give several characteristics to one object at once: The water in the sea was warm, clean and transparent.

In a sentence: He painted in watercolor, gouache, pencil - homogeneous additions.

Punctuation marks and conjunctions

In writing, homogeneous members are distinguished by commas and connected by unions, and when pronunciation - by the intonation of enumeration: “And the wind, and the rain, and the haze Above the cold desert of water” (I. Bunin). In this example, the words are linked by a repeating conjunction.

Commas are also placed if homogeneous members are connected by opposing unions: The spool is small, but expensive. The conjunction "yes" is used in the sense of the adversative conjunction "but".

In the case of using separating unions, commas are also necessary: ​​I will buy either apples, or pears, or plums.

So, you have learned what homogeneous members of a sentence are, examples of their use, and you probably realized that it is simply not possible to do without them in everyday communication.

Incorrect punctuation is one of the typical mistakes made in writing. The most difficult usually include the setting of commas in sentences where there are heterogeneous or homogeneous definitions. Only a clear idea of ​​their features and differences helps to make the record correct and well readable.

What is a definition?

This is a denoting attribute, property or quality of the object denoted by the noun. Most often expressed as an adjective ( white scarf), participle ( running boy), pronoun ( our house), ordinal number ( second number) and answers the questions "what?" "whose?". However, there are cases of using a noun as a definition ( plaid dress), an infinitive verb ( dream of being able to fly), an adjective in the simple comparative degree ( an older girl appeared), adverbs ( Hard boiled egg).

What are homogeneous members

The definition of this concept is given in syntax and concerns the structure of a simple (or predicative part). Homogeneous members are expressed by words of the same part of speech and the same form, depend on the same word. Therefore, they will answer a general question and perform the same syntactic function in a sentence. Homogeneous members are linked together by a coordinative or non-union connection.It should also be noted that it is usually possible to rearrange them as part of a syntactic construction.

Based on the above rule, we can say that homogeneous definitions characterize an object on the basis of common (similar) features and qualities. Consider the sentence: In the garden, white, scarlet, burgundy buds of roses that had not yet blossomed proudly towered above their fellow flowers.". Homogeneous definitions used in it denote color, and therefore characterize an object on the same basis. Or another example: Soon, low, heavy clouds hung over the city, languishing from the heat.". In this sentence, one feature is logically related to another.

Heterogeneous and homogeneous definitions: distinguishing features

This question is often difficult. To understand the material, let us consider in more detail what features each group of definitions has.



Each definition refers to one word being defined: Cheerful, uncontrollable laughter of children was heard from all sides.»

The nearest definition refers to the noun, and the second to the resulting combination: " On this frosty January morning, I did not want to go outside for a long time.»

All adjectives are usually qualitative: " A beautiful, new bag hung on Katyusha's shoulder.»

Combination with a relative or with a pronoun, participle, numeral: big stone castle, my good friend, the third intercity bus

You can insert a connecting union AND: " For crafts needed white, red,(AND) blue sheets of paper»

It is impossible to use with And: " In one hand Tatiana was an old one in the other she held a string bag with vegetables»

Expressed in one part of speech. Exception: adjective + participial phrase or inconsistent adjectives after a noun

Refer to different parts of speech: Finally got to the first light frost.(numeral + adjective) and hit the road»

These are the main features, the knowledge of which will allow you to easily distinguish between sentences with homogeneous definitions and heterogeneous ones. This means correct punctuation.

In addition, when performing syntactic and punctuation analysis of a sentence, you need to remember the following important points.

Definitions that are always homogeneous

  1. The adjectives standing next to each other characterize the object according to one attribute: size, color, geographical location, assessment, sensations, etc. " In the bookstore, Zakhar purchased reference books on German, Italian, French culture in advance».
  2. A group of synonyms used in a sentence: they call the same feature in different ways. " From early morning everyone in the house was in a cheerful, festive mood caused by yesterday's news.».
  3. Definitions after a noun, with the exception of terms such as overhead clamshell crane. For example, in A. Pushkin's poem we find: “ On the winter road, a boring trio of greyhounds runs". In this case, each of the adjectives refers directly to the noun, with each definition logically distinguished.
  4. Homogeneous members of the sentence represent a semantic gradation, i.e. designation of the sign in ascending order. " The sisters, seized with a joyful, festive, radiant mood, could no longer hide their emotions.».
  5. Inconsistent definitions. For instance: " A tall man in a warm sweater, with shining eyes, a bewitching smile, entered the room cheerfully.».

The combination of a single adjective and participial turnover

We must also dwell on the next group of definitions. These are adjectives and participial phrases used side by side and related to the same noun. Here punctuation depends on the position of the latter.

Homogeneous almost always are definitions corresponding to the scheme "single adjective + participle turnover". For instance, " In the distance, dark mountains towering above the forest could be seen.". However, if the participial turnover is used before the adjective and refers not to the noun, but to the whole combination, the rule “punctuation marks with homogeneous definitions” does not work. For instance, " Yellow leaves swirling in the autumn air smoothly descended on the damp earth.».

One more point must be taken into account. Consider this example: In the midst of the thick, spreading fir-trees darkened at dusk, one could hardly see a narrow path leading to the lake.". This is a sentence with isolated homogeneous definitions, expressed by participial phrases. Moreover, the first of them is located between two single adjectives and clarifies the meaning of the word "thick". Therefore, according to the rules for the design of homogeneous members, it is distinguished in writing by punctuation marks.

Cases where a comma is optional but preferred

  1. Homogeneous definitions (examples of which can often be found in fiction) denote different, but usually accompanying causal features. For instance, " at night,(can be inserted BECAUSE) the deserted streets were clearly visible long shadows from trees and lanterns". Another example: " Suddenly, the old man heard deafening,(BECAUSE) terrible thunderclaps».
  2. Sentences with epithets that give a diverse description of the subject. For instance, " And now, looking at the big, Luzhin, she ... was filled with ... pity"(V. Nabokov). Or A. Chekhov: “ Rainy, dirty, dark autumn has come».
  3. When using adjectives in a figurative sense (close to epithets): " Timothy's large, fish-eyed eyes were sad and attentively looked straight ahead.».

Such homogeneous definitions - examples show this - are an excellent means of expression in a work of art. With their help, writers and poets emphasize certain significant details in the description of an object (person).

Exceptional Cases

Sometimes in speech one can meet sentences with homogeneous definitions, expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives. For instance, " Until recently, old, low houses stood on this site, but now new, high ones flaunted.". As this example shows, in such a case there are two groups of definitions related to the same noun, but having the opposite meaning.

Another case concerns definitions linked by explanatory relations. " Quite different, alien to the boy sounds were heard from the open window". In this sentence, after the first definition, the words “namely”, “that is”, will be appropriate.

Punctuation rules

It all depends on how homogeneous definitions are related to each other. Commas are placed in case of unionless connection. Example: " A short, wrinkled, hunchbacked old woman was sitting on a chair on the porch, silently pointing to the open door.". In the presence of coordinating unions ("as a rule", "and") punctuation marks are not needed. " Women in white and blue homespun shirts peered into the distance, hoping to recognize the horseman approaching them.". Thus, these sentences are subject to punctuation rules applicable to all syntactic constructions with homogeneous members.

If the definitions are heterogeneous (their examples are discussed in the table), a comma is not placed between them. An exception with combinations that allow double interpretation. For instance, " After much debate and reflection, it was decided to resort to other proven methods.". In this case, it all depends on the meaning of the sacrament. A comma is placed if "namely" can be inserted before the word "verified".


An analysis of all of the above leads to the conclusion that punctuation literacy largely depends on the knowledge of specific theoretical material on syntax: what is a definition, homogeneous members of a sentence.

In Russian, there are often sentences with words that give an answer to the same question and refer to the same part of speech.

The concept of a homogeneous member of a sentence

Such words in a sentence perform the same function, have an equivalent meaning and are interconnected by intonation and coordinative communication. Such members of a sentence in Russian are called homogeneous. Examples of homogeneous sentence members:

The old green poplars rustled, groaned, stirred anxiously. In this sentence, homogeneous members are predicates.

The green forest rustled incessantly, evenly. In this sentence, homogeneous members are circumstances.

Let's analyze what are the main features of homogeneous members. First, they all have the same involvement in the main word with which they are directly related. There are exceptions in which the homogeneous members of the sentence do not belong to this part of speech.

For instance:
I like to walk slowly, with stops.

Punctuation: homogeneous members and connecting unions

Connecting conjunctions in sentences with homogeneous members are most often represented by the unions “and this, and that”, “and neither, nor”, ​​“also, too”, “not only ..., but also”.

Before unions that connect homogeneous members of a sentence, a comma should be placed in three cases:
1. With a divisive and singly connecting union of homogeneous members of the proposal. For instance:

1.1. Crucians and carp splashed in the pond.

1.2. V pine forest you may see a woodpecker or a squirrel.

2. If unions combine several pairs of homogeneous members of the proposal. For example: In the collection of Uncle Vanya there were many daggers and knives, guns and pistols, decorated with stones.
3. If homogeneous members are connected to each other by repeated unions, and thus form sustainable combination. For example: Aunt gave us a lot of colorful flags: red, green, and yellow.

Notes. It should be remembered that in some cases, combinations with double unions and homogeneous members of a sentence can be confused. This is the most common mistake among students. Examples of sentences with combinations with double unions:

I like to walk in the forest quietly, with stops.

Vivid examples of combinations with double unions, which are often falsely attributed to homogeneous members of the sentence - and laughter and sin, neither fish nor meat, etc.

Relationships of heterogeneity are also often found in adjectives - a large leather bag, a small glass glass.
In sentences with homogeneous members, homogeneous words most often describe the dynamics of this action, the qualitative characteristics of one object. If homogeneous members have increased expressiveness, they form a series of epithets.

In some sentences, we meet words that are repeated. It is important to know that they are not homogeneous members of the proposal. Example: Spring was waiting, nature was waiting. The word "waited" is repeated in this sentence two times solely to emphasize the importance of the coming event. Such and similar words are considered in Russian as one member of the sentence.