Direct speech with complement examples. Ways of transmitting someone else's speech

> Ways of transmitting someone else's speech

Alien speech - the speech of another person in relation to the speaker, as well as the speech of the speaker himself, uttered earlier.

Ways of transmitting someone else's speech

direct speech

indirect speech

indirect speech dialog citation

Direct speech designed to accurately reproduce the content and form of someone else's speech. Such structures consist of 2 parts:

Constructions with direct speech can have a different structure.

A - P: When he returned to Moscow, his father released the abbot and said to the young man: “Now you go to Petersburg, look around and choose. I agree to everything. Here is a letter for you to Prince Vasily, and here is money for you. Write about everything, I will help you in everything.(L.N. Tolstoy). Suddenly his face changed and, turning to Arkady, he, as if embarrassed, said: "Odintsova has arrived."(Turgenev).

P - A: - One “yes” was enough. Three is too much,” Federico reproached.(Tokareva). "Well, don't ask," said Manilov.(Gogol). What have I done to deserve such an honor? Zina asked laughing.(Iskander). - Eight rubles, - the fat man said with an arrangement(Turgenev).

P - A - P: - Whose restaurant do you think this is? Fellini asked me slyly. - Her or him?(Tokareva). - No, you cannot refuse, - said Nozdryov, getting excited, - the game has begun!(Gogol). “Culture,” he said, “is not the number of books read, but the number of understood(Iskander). - And what, Vanya, - Fedya spoke affectionately, - is your sister Anyutka healthy?(Turgenev).

Indirect speech designed to convey only the content of someone else's speech.

Constructions with indirect speech are NGN with an explanatory clause: But he told me that real possibility time travel I can easily verify(Voinovich). Someone told Cherubimov that it was as if Rousseau was Radishchev in his own way.(Dostoevsky). The Russian general shouted, demanding that the cavalry be stopped...(L.N. Tolstoy). After shaking his hand, I asked him how he ended up in Munich.(Voinovich). I asked Rudy if he himself flew in a time machine.(Voinovich).

The choice of the means of communication (union, allied word) of the main and subordinate clauses is determined by the type of the original PP for the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative or incentive).

PP type

Means of communication

Direct speech

Indirect speech


what, as if (as if)

The student said: I will speak at the conference with a report on ensuring the environmental safety of the region».

The student said that he would make a presentation at the conference on ensuring the ecological safety of the region.



The chairman of the commission ordered: "Draw up and sign a resolution."

The captain ordered the sailors: "Fold sails, a storm is coming."

The chairman of the commission ordered that a resolution be drafted and signed.

The captain ordered the sailors to lay down the sails, as a storm was coming.


relative pronoun (instead of interrogative), whether, whether ... whether

“When will the exam in higher mathematics be?” - the students asked the teacher.

Employees asked: “What should be included in the annual report?”

“Will you be able to solve a similar problem at the Olympiad?” the physics teacher asked us.

The students asked the teacher when the exam in higher mathematics would be.

Employees asked what should be included in the annual report.

A physics teacher asked us if we could solve a similar problem at the Olympiad.

Pronouns and verbs are used in constructions with indirect speech from the position of the speaker. When translating direct speech into indirect speech, it is possible to change the order of words, the “loss” of individual elements (particles, interjections, introductory words): “Probably it will rain all day tomorrow,” the friend said. - A friend suggested that tomorrow it will rain all day. "Check for passes," the dispatcher said. - The dispatcher ordered to check for passes.

Improper direct speech- a way of transmitting someone else's speech, which combines elements of direct and indirect speech. In such a statement, lexical and syntactic features, the manner of speech of the speaker are fully or partially preserved, however, the narration is conducted on behalf of the author, and not the character: He walked a lot, almost to the point of fatigue, but the anxiety in him, some kind of searching, indefinite, sad anxiety, still did not subside. Oh, how Bazarov would have laughed at him if he had known what was going on in him then! Arkady himself would condemn him (Turgenev).

Dialogue (dialogical unity)- direct speech, which is a conversation between 2 or more people. The dialogue consists of replicas - the words of each person participating in the conversation. The replicas are interconnected in meaning and structure. They may be accompanied by the words of the author:

“That you should say a word to the sovereign, and he will be directly transferred to the guard,” she asked.

“Believe me that I will do everything I can, princess,” answered Prince Vasily, “but it’s hard for me to ask the sovereign; I would advise you to turn to Rumyantsev, through Prince Golitsyn: that would be smarter(L.N. Tolstoy).

Basic types of dialogue

1. Dialogue consisting of questions and answers:

- What a deep antiquity! .. How long can this book be? she asked.

- I'm afraid to be precise. Approximately the end of the seventeenth century, the middle of the eighteenth ...(Kuprin).

2. A dialogue consisting of an unfinished first line and a second line continuing it:

Your Excellency, I thought...

- You thought! - shouted the prince, pronouncing the words more hastily and more incoherently. - You thought... Robbers! scoundrels! I will teach you to...(L.N. Tolstoy).

3. Dialogue, the replicas of which are connected by one subject of thought and are a statement about this subject thoughts:

- "If I were a queen, -

One girl says

That is for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast."

- "If I were a queen, -

her sister says,

That would be one for the whole world

I wove canvases.

- "If I were a queen, -

In a letter to one of his friends, Gustave Flaubert writes: “I am again returning to my poor life, so flat and calm, in which phrases are adventures, in which I do not tear colors other than metaphors” (Veresaev). Dostoevsky felt and noted this disease of Slavophilism - the lack of clarity and consciousness - "a dreamy element of Slavophilism" as he expresses it. “Slavophilism still stands on its vague and indefinite ideal. So, in any case, Westernism was still more real than Slavophilism, and, despite all its mistakes, it nevertheless went further, nevertheless, the movement remained on its side, while Slavophilism did not move from its place and even imputed to itself it's a great honor"(Merezhkovsky). As Vyacheslav Nikonov, Chairman of the Board of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, stressed at a press conference dedicated to the forum, “This decision was made for a simple reason: we wanted to show the new Sochi to our delegates” (Klokova, Loshchikhina (

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Syntactic: constructions with direct speech, free pr., indirect r. (design with..)

Text: thematic speech and speech improperly direct

Bakhtin: active expression of one utterance to another.

Improper direct speech is associated with the problems of points of view in the text. Narrative through the prism of the consciousness of another. Npr is a stylistic textual phenomenon when, analyzing the style of the author, the relationship between the author and the characters, we understand that the speech does not belong to the author. Interspersing speech characters in the author's speech.

This flattered her, and she began to tell him, with feeling and persuasiveness, Chekhov

The ladies of the city N were what is called presentable N.V. Gogol

Thematic speech- the phenomenon of the text, when we are informed about the themes, micro-themes of the text, they are listed, named, but the speech itself does not unfold, "the sound is turned off."

Varvara Pavlovna spoke modestly about Paris, about her travels, about Baden (Turgenev)

Fiction, gossip, pleasantries flowed like honey from his mouth (I.S. Turgenev)

Structure with indirect speech- used structural model complex sentence with an explanatory clause. Ksr is not unique, but the nature of its use imposes limitations on it. These are not any NGNs with explanatory sentences.

And more and more often I asked him what this or that meant. book word, alien to her. If we want to express modal shades (desirability, command).

Helen, who had spoken very little all evening, again turned to Boris with a request and an affectionate, significant order that he should be with her on Tuesday.

If this construction has an interrogative meaning, then the union-particle is called to help.

The general asked if I was Andrei Petrovich Grinev's son. (A.S. Pushkin)

If uncertainty is expressed, then as if.

They say that Solyony is in love with Irina and that he hated the Baron. (A.P. Chekhov)

Nozdryov answered all the points without even hinting ... When asked if he was a spy and if he was trying to find out something, Nozdrev answered that he was a spy ... (N.V. Gogol) - indirect speech

Procurator. It's scary even to tell him... but a rumor spread around the city that Chichikov was... Napoleon.

Nozdrev. Undoubtedly, a dialogic unity.

direct speech construction- a unique syntactic construction, a binomial, consists of the words of the author (introductory words) and the actual direct speech. Both parts and their interaction are unique. It can be expressed in the words of another language (Tolstoy), it can have any volume. Words can be in interposition, postposition, preposition. Speech can be broken, be monolithic. No braces, but it's not unionless proposal, because the sentence is a linear structure, and the words of the author and direct speech can interpenetrate each other. N.S. Pospelov proposed the term "articulation", meaning positional relations, intonation between the words of the author and direct speech. A.G. Rudnev characterized the words of the author as a kind of plug-in or introductory components. (He said… according to him…). Despite the isomorphism, transparency, consistency, the author's words do not have a modal dominant, they do not express subjective and objective modality. Unique phenomenon!

How do direct speech and the words of the author interact?

1. Informative, no matter what is said, but to whom the speech belongs. Asya said: flattery and cowardice are the worst vices

3. Optionally, the transmission of external speech, external and direct speech can be combined. - I'm not naughty, I'm not touching anyone, I'm fixing the primus, - the cat said, frowning unfriendly. - And I also consider it a duty to warn that the cat is an ancient and inviolable animal. (M.A. Bulgakov)

“That young lady is squeamish about me,” thought Varvara Pavlovna, tightly squeezing Lisa’s cold fingers, and turning to Marya Dmitrievna, she said in an undertone: “She’s lovely!” (I.S. Turgenev)- in one construction, Turgenev pushes the internal and external speech. Demonstrates the significance, not purely auxiliary function of the author's introductory words.

Horrible! - the ladies said loudly (Goncharov "Cliff") - construction with direct speech only in the school sense is absolutely literal. This is evidenced by

aesthetic convention of the image of someone else's speech. Depends on the genus, genre, work - genre-specific modes of speech.

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All topics in this section:

Plan for parsing a simple sentence
1. By intonation · exclamatory / non-exclamatory 2. By the purpose of the statement · Narrative / interrogative / incentive (parts of a complex sentence, e

Difficult cases of parsing a simple sentence
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Pre-communicative units of syntax. Phrase.
(Zolotova - phrases and combinations of words) Ilyenko S.G., Babaitseva, Maksimov (coordination, control, adjunction) Collocation - (Beloshapkova) word and word

Phrases and sentences
(on screen - syntax page 2) Sentence Phrase Function

Semantic characteristics of the phrase
OBJECT plant a tree, raise a child, write a book, sew a dress, feel beauty, enjoy meeting, engage in literature, be fond of music &nb

Characteristics of connections in a phrase
A strong syntactic connection is obligatory and predictable, obligatory. I admire (requires an object), give (to whom, what). Give - valence 2. Evening - zero valence

Agreement can be conditional, semantic, complete and incomplete.
Viennese coffee (conditional agreement) Big crybaby, big crybaby (semantic agreement with words of a common gender, zh.r. instead of m.r. - in a situation of a language game, irony). Complete - in all forms

Number of components
Word combinations are simple, complex, combined. 2 components (main, dependent: read in the library, read lying down) - simple, more than 2 - complex (I read magazines

incomplete sentence
question: The role of ellipsis in the communicative aspect of the utterance. Paradox incomplete sentence(Iljenko): communicative advantage with grammatical "inferiority". (card: Types of incomplete pr

The supply paradigm
Syntactic indicative temp. He works. Obedient child Prosh. temp. He worked. The child was obedient / obedient.

Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement
(questioning, prompting, narrative sentences) semantics, structure, functions (primary, secondary), types. A declarative sentence is a statement. I want to torment

Types of interrogative sentences
· general interrogative · private interrogative General interrogative - about the situation as a whole, even if the beginning is different. why is there turmoil in the heart, fun and fear and bloody boys in the body

Secondary Functions
in the meaning of incentives: Where is your dagger? (Boris Godunov. Pushkin) meaning: well, if you want, well, kill. You don't know what time it is? (indirect speech act)

Incentive Offers
The semantics of motivation can be differentiated. (Dovlatov) Remember the faces of the members of the Politburo! (I. Ilf) Stop dragging out a miserable existence, tired of it! Don't kill yourself, you bastard! Not

Structure of incentive offers
-imperative mood Let's sing something divine! (Chekhov) - infinitive And give Lyapkin-Tyapkin here! Incentive Boundaries

Declarative sentences
Statement of fact, events, phenomena. If a sentence expresses our attitude to reality and what is being reported, then there are 2 main types in them: communicative orientation

Digits of input components by value
The traditional school view of the types of introductory components: evaluation, confidence, organize communication, can make contact. Even supposedly - not introductory. property

Definition, addition, circumstance Secondary members of the proposal. on the card.
full of meaning - adjective-substantive, strong control, in a sense, a complete DZ number of sentences. cards. SUP, Babaitseva, difficult cases definitions second

Ways of expressing the subject
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Parsing the WBS
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Types of subordinate clauses
The USE focuses on the traditional approach (Barkhudarov, Kryuchkova), but one of the most common textbooks by Babaitseva focuses on the logical and grammatical classification (subject to definitions, etc.).

Punctuation marks with conjunction like
Comparative turn: a comma is put if it is a live comparative turn - put if these are stamps - no commas are put (black as coal, fast as a fox).

Consistent homogeneous and heterogeneous submission
The group practiced in the classroom to prepare - non-uniform submission. I looked back to see if she looked back, to see if I looked back - sequential

Gak V.G.
Answer plan: The teaching of A.A. Shakhmatov about a one-part and two-part sentence. The introduction of a new opposition "one-component-two-component.", the contradiction of its self-representation in Russian grammar.

It is dark in the windows (A.P. Chekhov).
Chess, and then Peshkovsky drew the attention of readers to the competition of one-part and two-part sentences. On the motivated choice 1-s. and 2-s suggestions. Blagoda

You can’t catch up with a crazy troika (N. A. Nekrasov).
Unhappy love, debts, marriage, creativity, conflict with the state. (Dovlatov) - one-component nominative Motherland is ourselves. Our first

Existential one-part
-object-existential - suggest a specific meaning of the object -proper-existential - time, space are added 2. Evaluative-existential

The problem of the vocative sentence
C o n I (in a tone of reproach). Uncle! (A.P. Chekhov) This term refers to an isolated appeal, which is used as an independent statement with a fixed commun

One-part verb sentences
Signs of comparison Definitely personal Indefinitely personal impersonal 1. Semantics 2. Syntagmatics

The question of generalized personal sentences
-one-part, verbal, coinciding in form with def.lich. and indefinite personal but with generalized semantics. The generalization of semantics can be inherent in the most different types sentences (two-part. and

impersonal proposals
- one-part (verbal) sentence, main member which is called by a process or a state independent of its subject and this main member is expressed (see table). impersonal pre

Infinitive sentences
In morphology, the essence of the infinitive is contradictory: - as a verbal name - as a separate, independent part of speech - a simple naked expression of the idea of ​​action

Modal characteristics of infinitive sentences
Now send for Shuisky. And submit Lyapkin-Tyapkin here! order to appease old witch! (Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter") To Tatyana Yuryevna at least once

Secondary members of the sentence
A New Look into a hierarchy of main and minor members sentences in syntax. Traditionally, both in two-part and in one-part sentences differentiate between major and minor members

Prior to Peshkovsky, linguists generally considered OCHP as abbreviated sentences, fused sentences, analogous to subordinate clauses. Pawn. also see an analogy in intonation, tuning, semantics with an appendage

Non-union complex sentence in Russian
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BSP (synonymous with SPP)
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PP is associated with gesture. I already have this cottage! The dependence of the phrase on the gesture affects the use of prepositions, adverbs, and the infinitive. When do you get tickets? How about you have lunch? O

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Violations of the laws of word compatibility: I went limp for one sound. The book is in an imported language. I take the dog by the bridle and into the street. Absolute use of verbs: The kid did not express. To

Ways of expressing someone else's speech.
Correlation of STS and paragraph (Ilyenko). Various units. STS - syntactic unit, abase - punctuated, logical, intonation. compositional-stylistic unit =: coincidence and mismatch in different styles


Lesson 88

Punctuation marks with them

The purpose of the lesson: deepening the concept of "direct speech", developing punctuation skills in sentences with direct speech, skills of correct intonation in such sentences.

Methodological techniques: repetition, teacher's explanation, work with diagrams and tables, expressive reading.

During the classes

I. Linguistic warm-up

Vocabulary dictation:

Colour, architecture, apotheosis, information, monument, imagination, talented, secretary, scholarship, rally, deputy, diploma, pedestal, pedestal, holidays, season, fantasy, inform.

II. teacher's word

There are many ways to transmit speech. These are, firstly, sentences with direct speech. Direct speech is exactly reproduced someone else's speech, transmitted on behalf of the one who spoke or wrote it.

Let's clarify. First, you can reproduce not only words, but also thoughts: Just don't ask me!" - Andrey thought.

Secondly, the expression "foreign speech" is conditional. And the speaker himself can reproduce his speech. For example: I asked the teacher, "Repeat the question, please."

Can be used indirect speech. For example: I asked the teacher to repeat the question.

The same information can be conveyed by a sentence with an addition: I asked the teacher to repeat the question.

Let us first turn to direct speech already familiar to you.

III. Repetition

Do you remember what direct speech is? Give examples of sentences with direct speech.

What are the words of the speaker (writer) called?

How are punctuation marks used in direct speech?

IV. Working with the textbook

Read § 35, find new information for you about direct speech and punctuation marks with it.

V. Compilation of the table "Schemes of sentences with direct speech"

We complete the table on the board and in notebooks.

Scheme Examples
A: "P". The photographer joked: "Now the bird will fly out."
A: "P!" The command sounded: "To the start!"
A: "P?" She said softly, "Can you forgive me?"
"P", - a. “Flattery and cowardice are the biggest vices,” Asya said loudly.
"P!" - a. "Attention!" - suddenly there was a voice from the speakers.
"P?" - a. "What time is it now?" - asked a passerby.
"P, - a, - p." “We decided,” the assessor continued, “with your permission, to stay here overnight.”
"P! - a. - P". “This is an adventure! exclaimed Tom. “This is what I dreamed about.”
"P? - a. - P". “But what the protagonist? - the reader will think. “I would like to know what happens to him next.”
"P-a. - P". "My work is done, Paolo," he told me one day. "Take care of yourself and go home."

Table comment. Students can be asked to verbally present their examples in different cases sentences with direct speech. We add that these schemes do not exhaust the options for such proposals. For example, exclamatory and question marks can stand in both parts of direct speech, torn by the words of the author.

Let's observe which verbs with the meaning of speech and thought met in the examples. Let's add more examples.

VI. Training exercises

Ex. 392 - orally; expressive reading; drafting of schemes of proposals - in writing.

Ex. 393 (I) - in writing. Pre-read the sentences, observing the correct intonation, answer the question of the exercise.


§ 35, ex. 393(II); come up with examples for table schemas.

Lesson 89

The purpose of the lesson: strengthening the skills of punctuation in sentences with direct speech, the skills of correct intonation in such sentences, to introduce students to the concept of dialogue and the rules for punctuation when making a dialogue.

Methodical methods: teacher's explanation, training exercises, work with diagrams, expressive reading, explanatory dictation, vocabulary work.

During the classes

I. Linguistic warm-up

Spelling. What words spell the letter and :

1) knitting needles ..., 2) queens ... laces, 3) c ... Ghanaian camp, 4) c ... geykovy fur coat, 5) take ... taxes, 6) angrily c .. .knut, 7) remedy for ts...ngi, 8) tortoise shell... ry, 9) ancient ts... vilizats... i, 10) beat... an opponent. (Answer: 4, 5, 7, 8, 9.)

II. Examination homework

1. Work with schemes.

Schemes should be written on the board and numbered. The students take turns reading the examples corresponding to the diagrams. You can complicate the task: one student reads the example, the other calls the number of the scheme to which the example corresponds; then the second student reads his example and next person names the schema, etc.

2. Exerc. 393(II).

Oral answers to the questions of the exercise, expressive reading, correlation of sentences with diagrams.