Sound analysis of the proposal. Sound analysis of a word: what it is and how to do it correctly

spelling with orthoepy

1st part. Sound analysis.

In the literacy notebook, I will post examples, tasks of sound and sound-letter analysis, which we and children perform in lessons on literary reading, at the lessons of the Russian language.

Why do sound, sound-letter analysis? From the first lessons of literacy, it is necessary to train the child to read words, first - spelling (i.e., as written), and then read the same orthoepically (i.e., how we pronounce the given word in oral speech). The sooner we "collide" spelling with orthoepy, the better the results will be, as in correct reading and in spelling.

Missing letters, their replacement, distortion of words, mistakes when writing words with spelling - all these are the results of poor work on the sound-letter analysis of a word. In the Primer, from the first lessons of literacy, we simultaneously analyze both the sound and the letter model (scheme) of the word. Mastering the sound analysis of a word, students consistently master a number of skills: to select sounds by intonation, divide a word into syllables, distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, find a stressed syllable in a word, determine voiced / deafness and hard / soft consonant sounds.

Analyze! Compare! Make a conclusion! Constantly draw the children’s attention to words whose spelling differs from the pronunciation (she, it, they).

Make sure that when pronouncing sounds, the children do not "pull" them ("me", "ve"), but pronounce them clearly and briefly [m], [v] - a sound, like a click.

Remember: all types of sound analysis are performed BY HEARING !!! Below you will find instructions on how to properly arrange different types sound analysis. First of all, let's define how sounds are designated. Let me remind you that sounds are what we hear and pronounce... We see and write letters. Letters are used to denote sound.

For sound analysis, special symbols of sounds are used - colored circles or squares (you can draw them or lay out special chips from any material, the main thing is to observe the color).

Positional Analysis

We determine where the sound is heard: at the beginning of a word, in the middle or at the end. The beginning of a word is the first sound, from which the word begins. The end of a word is the very last sound. The middle of a word is neither the first nor the last. In order to hear where the sound is, say the word, highlighting the sound we need in an exaggerated way. For example, we determine where the sound [a] is in the word "stork". We pronounce it like this: a-a-a-a-stork (sound at the beginning of a word). Or the sound [a] in the word "ball". We pronounce: sha-a-a-a-arik (sound in the middle of a word.)

Sound analysis of a word (quantitative and ordinal)

This type of analysis is also performed by ear. The bottom line is to determine the sequence of sounds in a word: which sound is the first, which one comes after it, etc. We draw up a diagram (or draw), where each sound is indicated a certain color: vowel sounds - in red, hard consonants - in blue, soft consonants - in green. As a result, the child must draw up a diagram, name all the sounds in sequence, give each a characteristic, determine how many sounds there are. Based on the diagram, name the sounds selectively, for example, name the third sound, name the fifth sound.

Example: we perform a sound analysis of the word "fox" (we select each sound in sequence in order to hear it more clearly).

Select the first sound: L-L-L-FOX. The first sound [Л "] is a soft consonant, denoted by a green circle.

What sound do we hear after [I]? LIS-S-S-S-SA. Sound [S] - consonant, solid. We mark it with a blue circle.

What do we hear after [S]? FOX-A-A-A-A - sound [A] - vowel, denoted in red.

Name all the sounds in the word FOX [L "], [I], [S], [A]. There are four sounds in total.

When teaching a child to read and develop phonemic hearing, it should be remembered that:

Our speech consists of sentences.
A sentence is a complete thought.
Sentences are made up of words.
Words are made up of syllables. There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowel letters (sounds), for example: ma / li / na - this word has 3 syllables, since it has 3 vowel letters (sounds).
Words are made of sounds.
Sound is what we hear and say.
The letter is what we write and read.
The sound in writing is indicated by a letter.
Sounds are vowels and consonants.

Vowel sounds are sounds that can be sung with a voice (higher-lower), while the air leaving the mouth does not meet an obstacle.

There are six vowels in Russian sounds: A, U, O, I, E, Y. On the diagrams, vowel sounds are indicated in red. Vowels letters- ten: six - A, U, O, I, E, Y - correspond to sounds and four - iotated, which denote two sounds: I, Yu, E, E, (I - YA, Yu - YU, E - YE, YO - YO)
- at the beginning of a word (pit, whirligig);
- after a vowel sound (beacon, za-yushka);
- after soft and hard signs (family, rise).
In other cases (after consonants), iotated vowels indicate the softness of the consonant sound in front of the letter and a vowel sound: I - A. Yu - U, E - E, E - O (birch, ball). The vowels A, O, U, Y, E in writing denote the hardness of consonants.

Consonants are sounds that cannot be sung, since the air leaving the mouth when they are pronounced meets an obstacle.

Deafness and voiced consonant sounds are determined by the work of the vocal cords and checked with a hand placed on the throat:
- deaf consonants - the vocal cords do not work (the neck does not tremble): K, P, S, T, F, X, Ts, Ch, Sh, Sh;
- voiced consonants - the vocal cords are working (the throat is trembling): B, C, D, D, F, 3, Y, L, M, N, R
Always voiced (unpaired) consonants: Y, L, M, N, R. Always voiceless (unpaired) consonants Х, Ц, Ч, Щ. Other consonants form pairs:

The hardness and softness of consonants are determined by ear:
- consonants that can be hard and soft: B, C, D, D, 3, K, L, M, N, P, P, S, T, F, X, Bb, Bb, Gb, Db, Zb , Kb, Lb, Mb, Hb, Pb, Pb, Cb, Th, Fb, Xb;
- always solid consonants: Ж, Ш, Ц;
- always soft consonants: Y, Ch, Shch.

Hard consonants on the diagrams are indicated in blue, soft ones in green.

One of the important tasks of preparing for literacy training is to familiarize children with the sound composition, the sound structure of the word. The original principle of the system preschool education literacy consists in the fact that the child's acquaintance and work with letters should be preceded by a pre-literary, purely sound period of learning. The letter is the sign of sound.

Acquaintance with an alphabetic sign will be ineffective if the child does not know what exactly is indicated by this sign. The pre-literary stage of learning to read and write takes a lot of time and effort. But one should not strive to reduce it, because the success of the further formation of the reading skill depends on the pre-literary stage of learning. If, even in the pre-literary period, the child learns to freely switch from a hard consonant sound to its soft pair and back, then the most difficult step will not cause difficulties for him later primary education reading - merging two letters into a syllable.

Knowing letters without a sense of sounds is the same as knowing the names of colors with color blindness. And it is no coincidence that children with excellent memory and slightly ambitious parents sometimes recognize and name all the letters by the age of two, but even by the age of seven they do not begin to add them, unless they first get acquainted with the sounds.

The purity of speech depends on many factors: on the development of speech hearing, speech attention, speech breathing, vocal and speech apparatus. Teaching children to analyze words by sound begins with determining the sequence of each sound in it.

So, when analyzing the word beetle, the child must pronounce it three times: zhzhzhuk, zhuuuk, beetle. Then you can build a word model from the squares. Cells correspond to sounds.

Vowel sounds

Sounds, during the formation of which the air passes freely, nothing "interferes" with these sounds - neither teeth, nor lips, nor tongue are called vowels. Such sounds are in the words: mac- [a], bow- [y], dom- [o], forest- [e], whale- [and], smoke- [s]. To make sure that your conclusions are correct, you need to "check" all sounds by pronouncing them, and observing if anything in the mouth interferes with their pronunciation.

The vowel sound in the word model is colored red.

Consonant sounds

Sounds, during the formation of which the air does not pass freely, encounters obstacles, something "interferes" - lips, teeth, tongue, are called consonants. We will denote a hard consonant in blue, and a soft consonant in green.

[l] [y] [n] [a] [l] [u] [c] [a] [d] [y] [l] [a] [z] [y] [cb] [u]

Stress vowel sounds

After children learn to distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants, it is necessary to introduce them to stress, to teach them how to highlight stressed syllables and stressed vowels in a word. It is better to start learning how to isolate the stressed syllable with two-syllable words with stress on the first syllable (bear, porridge), then move on to words with stress on the second syllable. Learning the ability to isolate word stress is included in the work of conducting sound analysis. Following the stressed syllable, children become familiar with the stressed vowel sound. A slash is placed above the percussive sound.

An example of sound analysis of the word GUSI

[g] [y] [s] [and]

What are the vowel sounds? ([y], [and])
How many syllables are in a word? (Two)
Name them. (GU-SI)
What is the stressed syllable. (GU)
Pronounce the word with emphasis. (GUUUSI)
In the stressed syllable, a vowel is pronounced lingeringly. (UUU)
We read the word with stress, moving the pointer under the diagram.
An adult pronounces HUSII.
What sound is highlighted? (AND)
How to say it correctly? GUUUSI.
A vowel sound in a stressed syllable is called stressed, which is pronounced more drawn out.
Which consonant is soft? [sm]

It is important that the child learns what the sound of speech is, can differentiate sounds, divide words into sounds and syllables. Only then can he easily master the skill of reading.

Letters are a graphic symbol of sounds. Often we are faced with the fact that children are taught to read letter by letter, i.e. children, seeing a letter, pronounce its name, not a sound. The result is "keote" instead of "cat". Children hardly delve into the right to sound letters and letter combinations. This creates additional difficulties in teaching children to read.

In the teaching method of reading in kindergarten provides for the naming of letters by their sound designations: п, б, к…. This makes it much easier for children to master the reading skill.

Phonetic parsing words are increasingly difficult, although such tasks are performed already in primary school... The essence of parsing is hear and put on paper the sound of the word. For most children, the assignment is difficult and incomprehensible. Let's try to help the children analyze the word, answer the main question, how many sounds are in the word.

In contact with

Features of phonetics

The science of language has its own classification. One of its sections is phonetics. She studies sound composition of language... An interesting sound ratio in human speech:

  • you can pronounce several hundred sounds;
  • used to transmit thoughts over 50;
  • v written speech there are only 33 image sounds.

To understand phonetics, you should highlight sounds and letters, clearly distinguish them.

  • letters are a symbolic image of the audible, they are written and seen;
  • sounds are a spoken unit of speech, they are pronounced and heard.

The spelling and pronunciation of one word most often does not match. Signs (letters) can be less or more than sounds... A variant is possible when one sound is pronounced, and the letter image of another is fixed on the letter. Such inconsistencies are explained by spelling and orthoepic rules. Phonetics reserves only pronunciation norms. What concepts are found in the "Phonetics" section:

  • sound;
  • syllable;

Each concept has its own characteristics, the number of terms. This is how a whole science is created. What is phonetic parsing of a word? it characterization of its sound composition of the word.

Phonetics - scheme

Principles and rules

The main difficulties that arise during phonetic analysis are the frequent discrepancy between a letter and its pronunciation. It is difficult to perceive a word not as written, but as audible. The principle of phonetic analysis - focusing on correct pronunciation... Here are some tips for performing sound analysis on words:

  1. Determine the features of the sound.
  2. Write down the transcription of each letter.
  3. Do not match sounds to letters, for example, zhi or shi sound [zhy], [shy].
  4. Make adjustments by clearly articulating every minimum unit of speech.

Phonetic analysis of a word is performed in a specific sequence. Some of the data will have to be memorized, other information can be prepared in the form of a memo. The special sections of phonetics need to be understood. Phonetic processes that are considered basic in school education:

  1. Stunning and voicing. Positions in which consonants become voiceless are the end of a word. Oak [dup].
  2. Softening consonants in position before soft. More often they become soft: s, s, d, t, n. Here - [z'd'es'].
  3. Stunning voiced consonants in front of the deaf. Teeth - [zupk'i].
  4. Sounding of the deaf in front of the voiced ones. Make - [zd'elat '], mowing - [kaz'ba].

In the higher educational institutions there are more phonetic processes studied by students of philology:

  • accommodation,
  • dissimilation,
  • reduction.

Such processes provide a deeper understanding of phonetics and transformations speech norms ... They help future teachers to see where children can go wrong, how to explain difficult topics.

Phonetic parsing of a word is an example.

Characteristics of vowels and consonants

When dividing words into sounds, the science of language recognizes the distribution into two large groups:

  • consonants;
  • vowels.

The main difference is in the anatomical education. Vowels - pronounced in an unobstructed voice with participation larynx and oral organs. Air comes out of the lungs without hindrance. Consonants encounter obstacles in education. These can be different organs or a combination of them: tongue, lips, teeth.


There are only 6 of them in the language: a, o, y, s, e, and, and for transmission in writing, 10 alphabetic characters are required. Is in semi-vowel... In the school course, she is considered a consonant - this is "th"... He helps to hear letters i, e, e, u... In this case, two sounds will be heard:

  • ya - I;
  • ye - e;
  • yu - yu;
  • yo - yo.

Bifurcation appears in certain conditions:

  1. At the beginning of the word: Yura, Yasha, Elena.
  2. After vowels: quiet, blue, light blue.
  3. After hard and soft signs: blizzard, exit.

In other positions, after the consonants, they soften, but do not create double sound.

Vowels can be divided into two groups.

  1. They point to the previous solid consonant: a, o, y, s, e.
  2. They warn that there is a soft consonant in front: I, e, e, and, e.

The main characteristic that is required to perform parsing of a word by sound in school concerns stress. Vowels can be of 2 types: drums and unstressed.

Phonetic construction, how many sounds in a word becomes clear only after analysis and presentation of it in the form of a diagram.

Speech sounds


In russian language consonants in total twenty... They can be classified according to the characteristics that are required for the analysis:

Paired by voiced and deaf have the same articulation, which is why they can replace each other when pronouncing. Voiced in certain positions becomes deaf.

Attention! To memorize pairs, schoolchildren can be asked to memorize the first consonants of the alphabet.

Word model

For figurative perception and understanding of the structure of a speech unit, a sound model of the word... What is this parsing of words? In simple words, it is drawing up a diagram in the form of colored cards different forms: square and rectangle. Color differentiation:

  • solid consonants - blue square;
  • soft consonants - green square;
  • vowels - red square;
  • a syllable, where a solid consonant with a vowel is a rectangle divided diagonally, blue with red (two triangles);
  • a syllable, where a soft consonant with a vowel is a rectangle divided into two parts diagonally, green with red.

The sound model of the word consists of colored cards laid out in a certain sequence. The model is used in preschool institutions and primary grades... She helps children learn to read... With the correct explanation, the teacher creates the conditions for the fusion of speech units into a single whole. Training takes place in pictures simple and easy... In addition, the model of parsing words into sounds and letters is a way to hear the difference in pronunciation of consonants and vowels.

Sound-alphabetic parsing table.

Analysis algorithm

Let's consider how the sound analysis of a word is carried out. The word is analyzed in writing. The process can be compared to the transcription we are used to when learning foreign languages... Analysis order:

  1. Writing the spelling of the concept being parsed.
  2. Division into syllable parts, into possible division into syllables (hyphens).
  3. Stress setting, correct finding of its place.
  4. Distribution in the order of their sound.
  5. Characteristic.
  6. Counting the number of letters and sounds.

To simplify the task, the word written in a column by individual letters, then next to each letter is decomposed into sounds with a description of their characteristics.

Example. Phonetic parsing of the word "all"

Everything - 1 syllable

в- [ф] - acc. hard, deaf and paired;

s - [s ’] - acc., soft, voiceless and paired;

ё - [o] - vowel and stressed.

Phonetic analysis of the word whirligig.

Phonetic analysis of the word "laser", example

La-zer - 2 syllables

l - [l] - acc., hard, voiced and unpaired;

a - [a] - vowel and stressed;

z - [z ’] - acc., soft, sonorous and paired;

e - [e] - vowel and unstressed;

p - [p] - acc., hard, voiced and unpaired.

All stages of analysis develop phonemic hearing. It is needed not only for future musicians.

Hearing helps with learning oratory, mastering Russian spelling, it is actively used by polyglots.


The sound scheme of a word begins by dividing it into syllables. The smallest unit of oral speech structure is a syllable. A clue for a child is the number of vowels: how many, how many syllables. In Russian, the syllabic division into significant parts is subject to certain requirements. Phonetic rules do not always match with division of words into parts for transfer.

Types of syllables:

  • open - end in a vowel;
  • closed - to a consonant;
  • veiled - overt, which begin with a consonant.

Parsing words by syllables are built according to the rules:

  1. The syllable necessarily contains a vowel, one consonant (even significant part, for example, the prefix) cannot be a syllable: s-de-la-t - wrong, to do - right.
  2. The syllable begins more often with a consonant, if it is followed by a vowel, it cannot remain a separate part: ko-ro-va is correct, kor-ova is wrong.
  3. The signs, hard and soft, are included in the previous one: skates, driveways.
  4. The letters that form a single sound are not divided into parts: by - zzhe [zhe], learn - tsa [tsa].

V understanding! The order of parsing changes over time.

Parents often find that they have been taught differently. New rules have also appeared in syllabic division.

  1. Previously, doubled consonants in the middle of a word were distributed in different parts. Now they are being introduced into the syllable they begin: kla - ssny, ka - ssa, massa.
  2. Voiceless consonants go to the next syllable, voiced consonants to the previous one: bul-ka, then - chka.

Phonetic parsing of words

Russian lessons. Sounds and letters


Now you know how sound analysis of a word is done and a circuit is created that conveys its sound in live speech. Parsing words helps develop phonetic hearing, strengthens memory, explains some spelling rules. Knowledge of the parsing algorithm will allow you to do everything quickly and competently.

As soon as parents begin to think about how to teach their child reading skills, in addition to letters and syllables, the concept of "sound analysis of a word" appears. However, not everyone understands why it is necessary to teach a child who cannot read how to do it, because this can only cause confusion. But, as it turns out, the ability to write correctly in the future depends on the ability to correctly understand words into sounds.

Sound analysis of the word: what is it

First of all, it is worth giving a definition. So, the sound analysis of a word is the definition in the order of their placement of sounds in specific word and characteristics of their features.

Why should children learn to perform sound analysis of a word? To develop phonemic hearing, that is, the ability to clearly distinguish sounding sounds and not to confuse words, for example: Tim - Dima. After all, if a child is not taught to clearly distinguish words by ear, he will not be able to write them down correctly. And this skill can be useful not only when studying the grammar of the native language, but also when studying the languages ​​of other countries.

The order of parsing a word by sound

When performing sound analysis of any word, you must first put stress, then divide it into syllables. Then find out how many letters are in the word and how many sounds. The next step is to gradually analyze each sound. After that, it is calculated how many vowels are in the analyzed word and how many consonants. At first, it is better for children to give simple monosyllabic or two-syllable words for analysis, for example, their names: Vanya, Katya, Anya and others.

When the child gradually figured out how to properly analyze for simple examples, it is worth complicating the parsed examples of words.

Sound analysis of the word: schema

When working with the youngest children, special colored cards are used for better assimilation of information.

With their help, children learn to create a sound analysis circuit.

Card scarlet used to indicate vowel sounds. Blue - hard consonants, green - soft. To indicate syllables, two-color cards are used in the same colors... With their help, you can teach a child to characterize sounds and whole syllables. You also need a card to indicate stress and a card showing the division of the word into syllables. All these designations, which help teach a child to do sound analysis of a word (the scheme plays an important role in this), are approved by the official school curriculum of Russia.

Vowel sounds are their brief characteristics. Diphthongs

Before you start analyzing a word, it is important to know what features all phonetic sounds (vowels / consonants) have. When teaching children in the early stages, it is necessary to give information only about the simplest properties, everything else the child will study in high school.

Vowel sounds (there are six of them: [o], [a], [e], [s], [y], [and]) are percussive / unstressed.
Also in Russian there are letters that, in a certain position, can give a couple of sounds - yo [yo], yu [yu], i [ya], e [ye].

If they follow the consonants, they sound like one sound and give softness to the preceding sound. In other positions (the beginning of the word, after the vowels and "ъ" and "ь") sound like 2 sounds.

Brief characteristics of consonants

There are thirty-six consonants in our language, but only twenty-one characters represent them graphically. Consonants are hard and soft, as well as voiced and voiceless. They also may / may not pair.

The table below lists voiced and dull sounds that can form pairs, and those that do not.

It is worth remembering: the consonants [y`], [h`], [ny`] in any position are soft, and the consonants [w], [c], [w] are always hard. Sounds [q], [x], [h`], [uch`] - are absolutely always deaf, [m], [n], [l], [p], [y`] - (sonorous) or voiced ...

Soft and firm mark and do not give sounds. Soft sign makes the previous consonant soft, and the hard sign plays the role of a separator of sounds (for example, in Ukrainian, the apostrophe plays a similar role).

Examples of sound analysis of words: "language" and "group"

With the theory out, it's worth trying to practice.

For example, you can perform a sound analysis of the word "language". This word is quite simple, and even a beginner will be able to make out it.

1) B this example two syllables "I-zyk". 2 syllable is stressed
2) The first syllable is formed with the help of the diphthong "I", which is at the beginning of the word, and therefore, consists of 2 sounds [y'a]. The sound [y`] is a consonant (acc.), Soft (soft) (green card), the second sound [a] is a vowel, unstressed (scarlet card). To designate this syllable in the diagram, you can also take a two-color green-red card.

4) Syllable 2 "tongue". It consists of three sounds [z], [s], [k]. Consonant [z] - firm., Voiced (card of blue color). Sound [s] - vowel, shock (red card). Sound [k] - acc., Firm., Deaf. (blue card).
5) Stress is put and checked by changing the analyzed word.
6) So the word "language" has two syllables, four letters and five sounds.

It is worth considering one point: in this example, the word "language" was understood as for first grade students who do not yet know that some vowels in an unstressed position can produce other sounds. In high school, when students deepen their knowledge of phonetics, they will learn that in the word "language" unstressed [a] is pronounced as [and] - [yizyk].

Sound Analysis the words "group".

1) In the analyzed example, there are 2 syllables: "gru-ppa". 1 syllable is stressed.
2) The syllable "gru" is composed of three sounds [gru]. The first [g] - acc., Firm., Bell. (blue card). Sound [p] - acc., Firm., Bell. (blue card). Sound [y] - vowel, shock. (scarlet card).
3) A card is placed in the scheme, indicating the separation of syllables.
4) The second syllable "ppa" has three letters, but they produce only 2 sounds [p: a]. Sound [p:] - acc., Firm., Deaf. (blue card). It is also paired and pronounced long (blue card). Sound [a] - vowel, unstressed (scarlet card).
5) The accent is put in the scheme.
6) So, the word "group" consists of 2 syllables, six letters and five sounds.

The ability to do the simplest sound analysis of a word is not something difficult, in fact it is a rather simple process, but a lot depends on it, especially if the child has problems with diction. If you figure out how to do it correctly, it will help you pronounce words in your native language without mistakes and will contribute to the development of the ability to write them down correctly.

However, many children find it difficult to separate the form from the content, they get confused with conventional signs, they forget the definitions of concepts. The fact is that in order to draw up diagrams, a student must be able to think abstractly, master the techniques of analysis. If these skills are not developed, the help of teachers and parents is required.

Is it a word or a sentence?

A diagram is a graphical model that, using conventional symbols, displays the components of a whole, their relationship. From the first days of school, children learn that sentences are made of words, words are made of sounds. Schemes of words and sentences help to see this clearly.

However, these concepts are often mixed in the child's head. First graders get confused about the legend, drawing lines instead of colored squares. Explain to your child that a word is the name of a separate object, action, sign. The sentence, however, consists of several words connected with each other, and conveys a complete thought.

Have the first grader determine if he hears a single word or sentence. So, the phrase "The crow sits on the fence" would be a sentence. Draw a diagram for it. If you say "crow, sit, fence" - then we are just a set of unrelated words. You do not need to draw a proposal scheme.

Syllable and stress

Having figured out the difference between a word and a sentence, you can proceed to drawing up syllabic schemes. Please note that textbooks contain different legend... Most often, a word is depicted by a line or rectangle that divides vertical lines the required number of syllables. Stress is indicated by a short oblique stick on top. Work on the sound composition begins with similar word schemes in grade 1.

Students of philological universities cannot always explain the division of words into syllables in Russian. The easiest way is to imagine that you are communicating with a person on the other side of the river. Shout the word out loud and long. Sounds pronounced on one exhalation make up a syllable. Stress can be determined by placing the cams one on top of the other and resting the chin on top, but not tightly. When pronouncing the stressed syllable, the pressure of the jaw on the hands will be the strongest.

Most of the problems for children arise at this stage. Meanwhile, it is sound circuits words help children realize that spelling and pronunciation often do not match with each other. It is better to start your workout with simple words gradually complicating the task. The first step is dividing a word into syllables.

The second stage is to determine the quantity and quality of sounds. At first, use the hint sign. Vowels are marked in red on it, as in the diagram. Sounds from the upper row are placed after hard consonants, from the lower row - after soft ones. Letters i, e, u, e denote two sounds (d + a, d + o, d + y, d + e), if they stand at the very beginning of words, after another vowel, and also behind the "dumb" letters b, b.

The consonants can be hard (marked in blue on the diagram) or soft (colored with a green pencil). When drawing a diagram, we analyze each syllable in turn. We represent a single sound in the form of a square of the corresponding color. Fusion of a consonant with a vowel - a rectangle bisected by a diagonal line. The lower part denotes a consonant sound, the upper part a vowel. After drawing a diagram, put emphasis and separate the syllables

Word composition

Morphemic word analysis is usually taught in grade 2, although some programs introduce it to first graders. The ability to find the root, prefix and other significant parts is very important for the formation of the skill of competent writing. Children draw new schemes of words, memorize generally accepted conventions.

Not all students find it easy. Teach a simple algorithm with your child:

  1. Write the word.
  2. Decline it by cases or conjugate by faces, numbers. The ending letters, which change in this case, will be the ending. The rest of the word is the stem. Occasionally occurs zero ending.
  3. Pick up as many related words as possible. Their common part is called the root.
  4. The letters in front of it are a prefix.
  5. There can be a suffix between the root and the ending. Or several suffixes, as in the word "teacher".
  6. Select graphically all the parts in the word, redraw their legend below or next to it. The result is a diagram.

Learning to think

Most often, schoolchildren's mistakes are associated with a formal approach. Lexical meaning words are not taken into account. Children try to find in the word already familiar suffixes (-chik- in lexemes “ball”, “ray”), prefixes (-y- in adjectives “morning”, “narrow”). To avoid this, children are taught to select words for the indicated schemes. You can compose such tasks yourself.

Draw the outline of the word: root + suffix + ending. Which of the lexemes listed are suitable for it: racer, raincoat, storekeeper, cartilage? What words have a zero ending, a prefix and a root: bloom, hum, burbot?

Word schema is enough difficult task for junior student... To avoid discouraging your interest in learning with boring workouts, turn them into a game. Conduct lessons for dolls, arrange competitions with prizes, give for the correct answers a part of the picture that will need to be collected in the end. Put in a little effort and it will definitely be rewarded.