What are sound schemes. Sound analysis of a word: what it is and how to do it correctly

Also in early childhood when a child is just learning to read, he is faced with a problem when words are not pronounced the way they are spelled. For this reason, it is necessary to spend with him sound analysis... Why it is studied throughout the school curriculum, we will consider in our article.


Our speech is divided into two large views: oral and written. The first, naturally, appeared long before the second. After all, initially people learned to exchange information using gestures and the simplest sounds. Then it gradually developed into words that formed a particular language. But soon there was a need to record everything that was said. So there was

In this article, we will talk about the features verbal communication... This part of the language is studied by a complex science - phonetics. She deals with the sounds that make up our speech. Each of them has its own characteristics and individual characteristics... Their study is included in sound analysis.


One of the most important parts of our oral speech is the presence of vowels. They are so named, based on their main function - to transmit a long sound by voice. There are six of them in Russian: A, O, U, Y, I, E.

It must be remembered that the number of letters does not always coincide with the number of sounds. For example, in the word "south" there are 2 letters, but at the same time there are 3 sounds: "yuk". An alphanumeric analysis of a word should show what is different from how we write.

Vowels make up syllables in words. It is by their number that they determine how many parts a word is divided into:

  • stick- there are 2 syllables, since it has two vowels;
  • catfish - 1 syllable, since there is only one vowel.

In addition, you need to know the features of letters such as e, e, yu, i. They, unlike all the others, can form two sounds - a vowel in combination with Y:

  • E (th + o);
  • E (d + e);
  • Yu (y + y);
  • I (d + a).

This phenomenon is observed in cases where the listed sounds are used:

  • after soft or hard signs ( pouring, fervent);
  • after the vowel ( big, belt);
  • at the beginning of a word ( Yula, Spruce).

Very often, performing sound analysis is given below), children make mistakes precisely in parsing these vowels.

All other characteristics that vowels have are quite simple. Especially those that are studied in the school curriculum. Only two signs are considered: shock or unstressed.


Before performing a sound analysis, you need to know the features and consonants. There are much more of them than vowels. The Russian language has thirty-seven of them.

Consonants have different characteristics:

  • Softness or hardness. Some sounds can be pronounced without softening: sea (m- solid). Others, on the contrary: measure (m- soft).
  • Voicedness or deafness. When a sound is pronounced with vibration and voice, it is called voiced. You can put your hand to the larynx and feel it. If vibration is not felt, then he is deaf.
  • Pairing. Some consonants have their opposite. Usually voiced-deafness. For example: v(sound) - f(deaf.), s(sound) - with(deaf.).
  • Some consonants are pronounced as if "in the nose". They received a corresponding characteristic - nasal.

How to do

Now it is possible to compose an algorithm by which the sound analysis of a word is performed. The scheme is simple:

  1. First, divide the word into syllables.
  2. Next, we paint the letters of which it consists, in a column.
  3. Now we select the appropriate sound for each.
  4. We characterize each of them according to the characteristics described above.
  5. We count the number of sounds and letters.
  6. If their number does not match, we explain why this phenomenon occurred.

Let's give an example. Let's take the word "ceiling":

  1. There are three syllables in this word: ceiling(3 vowels, therefore the corresponding number of syllables).
  2. The letter P has a sound<П>... It is a consonant, pronounced without vibration in the larynx, and therefore deaf. It is also solid and has a pair of<Б>.
  3. The letter O has a sound<А>... It is a vowel and has no stress.
  4. The letter T has a sound<Т>... It is a consonant, pronounced voiceless. It does not soften, and therefore is hard. In addition, it has a pair of voiced<Д>.
  5. The letter O has a sound<А>... It is vowel and unstressed.
  6. The letter L stands for sound<Л>... It is consonant, has no softening - hard. Pronounced with vibration at the larynx - voiced. This sound is unpaired.
  7. The letter O has a sound<О>... It is a vowel and, in this case, stressed.
  8. The letter K stands for sound<К>... A consonant, pronounced voiceless, has a pair of voiced<Г>, solid.
  9. To summarize: this word has 7 letters and 7 sounds. The number is the same, no linguistic phenomena not visible.

Sound analysis of words for preschoolers is much simplified.

Children need to learn that the pronunciation of a word and its spelling are very often different. When teaching reading and writing skills, children get the first idea of ​​the difference between speaking and writing. Thus, it is enough for the teacher to explain that some letters, like soft and hard signs, have no sounds at all. And there are no words starting with the letter Y in Russian.

Alphanumeric analysis of the word "blizzard"

We already know how diverse the Russian language is. The sound analysis in the previous example is fairly straightforward. It is only necessary to correctly characterize each sound. But there are those in which a problem situation arises. For example, the word "blizzard". Let's execute it:

  1. Snowstorm- two vowels, which means 2 syllables ( snowstorm).
  2. The letter B has a sound<В’>... He is a consonant, softened by "b", paired - voiceless<Ф’>, sonorous.
  3. The letter b has no sound. Its purpose is to demonstrate the softness of the previous sound.
  4. The letter Yu has two sounds<Й>and<У>since it stands after b. It is necessary to characterize both. So,<Й>- this is a consonant that is always soft and voiced, it has no pair.<У>- vowel, stressed.
  5. The letter G is a consonant, denotes a solid sound. Has a deaf pair<К>and is voiced.
  6. Letter<А>has the same sound<А>... It is vowel and unstressed.
  7. Let's summarize the analysis: 5 letters and 5 sounds. We observe a phenomenon called "iotated vowel". In this case, the letter U, under the influence of b, split into two sounds.


Sound analysis with knowledge of all the characteristics is not difficult to perform. You must say the word out loud. This will help you record all sounds correctly. Then characterize them and summarize phonetic analysis... And then you are guaranteed success in this matter!

Consultation for parents on preparing children to learn to read and write

"Sound analysis of the word."

Hello dear parents! I propose to talk about preparing children for literacy training, namely about holding sound analysis of words.
Written speech formed on the basis of the oral. And the first steps to literacy training there should be no acquaintance with letters, but assimilation sound system language.

Each of us will smile when we remember "Folk" Russian language rule: “As you hear, that's how it is written "... Indeed, if the child does not pronounce sound right, it is hardly worth counting on the fact that he will write it correctly in a notebook in the near future.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to correct articulation sound but and on the child's ability to highlight, that is, to hear sounds in a word.

This skill is developed in the course of systematic work as teachers in kindergarten and parents at home in such games, how: "Name the first sound in a word» , "Pick up word» , "Catch sound» , "Define a position sound in a word» , "Find a place for the picture" and etc.

Dear parents, remember:

1. Sound - we hear and pronounce.

2. We write and read letters.

3. Sounds are vowels and consonants.

There are six vowels: A, U, O, I, E, Y

There are ten vowel letters: A, U, O, I, E, Y - correspond to the sounds and four iotated, which denote two sounds: Ya-ya, Yu-yu, E-ye, Yo-yo.

Vowel sounds are indicated in the diagram in red.

Consonant sounds are soft and hard.

Always hard consonants: Ж, Ш, Ц.

Always soft consonants: Y, Ch, Sh.

Hard sounds are indicated on the diagrams in blue, soft sounds - in green.

Teaching children to analyze words soundly starts by defining the sequence sounds in a word: you need to highlight this sequence with the help of repeated pronunciations the words with the intonation of each sound... So, for word analysis"BUG" the child must say it three times: "ZhZhuk", "Beetle", "bug".

So that the child can analyze some phenomenon, it must be understandable, materially presented.

Let's draw a diagram the sound composition of the word: v word"House" three sound- let's draw three cells. And we will give the child this card: a house is drawn on it, so that it is clear which we will analyze the word, and under the house is a diagram of this the words: the child already knows that words are made of sounds.

We show him that the cells under the picture suggest how much sounds in a word... "How many cells?" - "Three". - "How much sounds in a word? "-" Also three. "-" Let's get these sounds search... Say word house so so that I hear it first sound". Our child already knows how - he learned at the first stage learning... "d-house", - the kid says diligently. - "What is the first sound? "-" D. "-" Very good! Let's close the first cell with a chip, it will be what sound? "-" D ".

Any material can be used as chips: cut squares from white cardboard or take old mosaic and choose white or yellow elements from it. Do not take red, blue, green - they will still be needed.

So, in front of the child is a diagram the sound composition of the word"House", in which the first cell is already closed. You can move on.

"Let's say now word"House" so as to hear the second in it sound, the first d - we already know. "Help the child for the first time, say with him "Do-oh-oh".

Here the diagram will help us a lot. the sound composition of the word: you need to pronounce word and at the same time run your finger along the pattern and stop it for a long time on the second cell. We keep our finger on the second cell of the diagram, and you and your child pull for a long time "Do-oh-oh"... "What is the second the sound in this word?" - "Oh great! Let's designate this sound chip! "The child takes exactly the same chip as the first one and puts it on the second square.

“See,” you continue, “we already know two sound in a word"House"... Let's find the last one the sound in this word... Say word"House" so that the last one is heard sound".

And again, you slide your finger along an already almost completed diagram. words and say: "house-mm". "What is the last the sound in the word house-mm? "-" Mm ", - the child answers and puts the last, third chip on the diagram.

Here and held for the first time sound analysis of a word.

It would be nice to repeat it one more time. But how? Remove the chips and start over? This is not interesting for the kid! No, it’s better to play the game "Who is attentive." "And now," you say, "I will call sound, and you will remove its designation from the diagram. Let's see how attentive you are. Please remove the designation sound "d"(Blue token)

For a given species analysis the child is offered words of three sounds: poppy, house, cheese, cat, whale, ball, beetle, onion, forest, cancer.

When studying with a child, you need to remember all the time: we teach him sound analysis of words, we teach him to listen to word, hear the sounds, its components. So the child must call sounds so how they are heard in word.

This type of work with sounds is for children with speech impairments. If you see that with sound analysis of the word the child does not cope, then return to games on the development of phonemic hearing.

During analysis s sound words remind your child about the presence of vowels and consonants in the language sounds... First, invite him to find in word vowel sound and replace the neutral counter with a red one.

Then remember that the consonants the sounds are soft and hard: hard the sounds we denote it with blue chips, and soft ones with green ones. Thus, now when drawing up diagrams words the child will use chips of three colors.

All characteristics sounds are given Orally(no need to write down)... If the child wants, the model the words arrange it in the form of an applique, so that later you can show it to someone else (ask your grandmother or grandfather "Guess" what is this "Mysterious squares").

However, many children find it difficult to separate the form from the content, they get confused with conventional signs, they forget the definitions of concepts. The fact is that in order to draw up diagrams, a student must be able to think abstractly, master the techniques of analysis. If these skills are not developed, the help of teachers and parents is required.

Is it a word or a sentence?

A diagram is a graphical model that, using conventional symbols, displays the components of a whole, their relationship. From the first days of school, children learn that sentences are made of words, words are made of sounds. Schemes of words and sentences help to see this clearly.

However, these concepts are often mixed in the child's head. First graders get confused about the legend, drawing lines instead of colored squares. Explain to your child that a word is the name of a separate object, action, sign. The sentence, however, consists of several words connected with each other, and conveys a complete thought.

Have the first grader determine if he hears a single word or sentence. So, the phrase "The crow sits on the fence" would be a sentence. Draw a diagram for it. If you say "crow, sit, fence" - then we are just a set of unrelated words. You do not need to draw a proposal scheme.

Syllable and stress

Having figured out the difference between a word and a sentence, you can proceed to drawing up syllabic schemes. Please note that textbooks contain different legend... Most often, a word is depicted by a line or rectangle that divides vertical lines the required number of syllables. Stress is indicated by a short oblique stick on top. Work on the sound composition begins with similar word schemes in grade 1.

Students of philological universities cannot always explain the division of words into syllables in Russian. The easiest way is to imagine that you are communicating with a person on the other side of the river. Shout the word out loud and long. Sounds pronounced on one exhalation make up a syllable. Stress can be determined by placing the cams one on top of the other and resting the chin on top, but not tightly. When pronouncing the stressed syllable, the pressure of the jaw on the hands will be the strongest.

Most of the problems for children arise at this stage. Meanwhile, it is the sound schemes of words that help children realize that spelling and pronunciation often do not coincide with each other. It is better to start your workout with simple words gradually complicating the task. The first step is dividing a word into syllables.

The second stage is to determine the quantity and quality of sounds. At first, use the hint sign. Vowels are marked in red on it, as in the diagram. Sounds from the upper row are placed after hard consonants, from the lower row - after soft ones. Letters i, e, u, e denote two sounds (d + a, d + o, d + y, d + e), if they stand at the very beginning of words, after another vowel, and also behind the "dumb" letters b, b.

The consonants can be hard (marked in blue on the diagram) or soft (colored with a green pencil). When drawing a diagram, we analyze each syllable in turn. We represent a single sound in the form of a square of the corresponding color. Fusion of a consonant with a vowel - a rectangle bisected by a diagonal line. The lower part denotes a consonant sound, the upper part a vowel. After drawing a diagram, put emphasis and separate the syllables

Word composition

Morphemic word analysis is usually taught in grade 2, although some programs introduce it to first graders. The ability to find the root, prefix and other significant parts is very important for the formation of the skill of competent writing. Children draw new schemes of words, memorize generally accepted conventions.

Not all students find it easy. Teach a simple algorithm with your child:

  1. Write the word.
  2. Decline it by cases or conjugate by faces, numbers. The ending letters, which change in this case, will be the ending. The rest of the word is the stem. Occasionally occurs zero ending.
  3. Pick up as many related words as possible. Their common part is called the root.
  4. The letters in front of it are a prefix.
  5. There can be a suffix between the root and the ending. Or several suffixes, as in the word "teacher".
  6. Select graphically all the parts in the word, redraw their legend below or next to it. The result is a diagram.

Learning to think

Most often, schoolchildren's mistakes are associated with a formal approach. Lexical meaning words are not taken into account. Children try to find in the word already familiar suffixes (-chik- in lexemes “ball”, “ray”), prefixes (-y- in adjectives “morning”, “narrow”). To avoid this, children are taught to select words for the indicated schemes. You can compose such tasks yourself.

Draw the outline of the word: root + suffix + ending. Which of the lexemes listed are suitable for it: racer, raincoat, storekeeper, cartilage? What words have a zero ending, a prefix and a root: bloom, hum, burbot?

Drawing up a word diagram is a rather difficult task for junior student... To avoid discouraging your interest in learning with boring workouts, turn them into a game. Conduct lessons for dolls, arrange competitions with prizes, give for the correct answers a part of the picture that will need to be collected in the end. Put in a little effort and it will definitely be rewarded.

With the beginning of autumn, adults often have to sit down for lessons with the children. It is difficult for the parents of first graders, since the elementary school curriculum is quickly forgotten, and educational standards often change. Even before reading and writing, when yesterday's preschoolers in grade 1 go through the alphabet, they are given the task of making a sound scheme of both a word and a whole sentence. In such cases, the Internet comes to the aid of parents with examples and samples.

Sound-alphabetic parsing of words

The study of letters and sounds, their analysis is dealt with by a section of the Russian language called phonetics. To decompose a word into sounds, transcription is used. This analysis is called phonetic. Parents will need to remember what vowels and consonants are, what sounds correspond to them, what iotated vowels are, and how the letters of the first and second rows differ.

Table of vowels and consonants of the Russian language

You can find a series of letters in books for primary grades or on the internet. Typically, the letters are arranged in two lines. Vowels are divided into those denoting the softness and hardness of consonants, the latter - into voiceless and voiced, paired and unpaired.

Vowels that determine hardness: a, e, o, y, s. Sounds correspond to them: [a], [e], [o], [y], [s].

Vowels denoting softness: i, e, yo, yu, i. They are also called iotated, because these letters consist of two sounds if they stand at the beginning, after a vowel, or after a soft and hard sign. These letters soften the consonants in front of them.

Consonants are voiceless and voiced, they form six pairs:

  • B (voiced) - P (voiceless);
  • B - F;
  • З - С;
  • D - T;
  • G - K;
  • F - Sh.

The rest of the consonants are not paired:

  • voiced: N, R, L, M, Y;
  • deaf: C, Sch, X, Ch.

In addition, there are consonants that are always soft or always hard, regardless of the vowel that follows them:

  • Ch, Sch, Y are always soft.
  • F, W, C are always solid.

The letters b and b do not have their own sounds. A soft sign softens the consonant in front, a hard one does not.

The scheme of letters and sounds of the Russian language in the table for the first grade is shown in the picture:

In the educational program "School of Russia" it is customary to designate sounds with colors:

  • The vowel is red;
  • Solid consonant - blue;
  • The consonant is soft - green.

The fusion of a consonant and a vowel is indicated by a rectangle divided in half. One part is painted over in blue or green, the second - in red. Sometimes in this model, voiceless and voiced consonants, stress and division into syllables are additionally indicated.

Examples of

For graphic image the sound composition of the word, you can pick up colored cards. To make it easier to draw up a diagram, it is advisable to use captions on pictures at the beginning. In the future, you can independently draw the schematic composition of a word in a notebook by cells using colored pens or pencils.

To show the diagramming algorithm, it is better to start with sound recording of monosyllabic words using a tablet.

For example, three-letter words: oak, cat, poppy, onion, beetle, cancer. First you need to write a transcription.

For the word "oak" it looks like this: [dup]. Next, describe a scheme where the first two sounds represent a fusion of a solid consonant and a vowel, and the third is a solid consonant. Now we need to graphically depict the result:

  • Draw a rectangle first.
  • Divide it in half diagonally.
  • Paint the first part in blue, the second in red.
  • Next, draw a square and paint it blue.

The remaining words also fit the resulting pattern.

Variants where one or both of the consonants are soft:

Words of 4 sounds, consisting of a single syllable:

Words of 2 syllables:

A few more examples of 2 syllables or more:

  • Pine cone:

  • Squirrel, cup: there is a soft consonant

  • Skirt: letter Y at the beginning

  • Banana, giraffe:

  • Lemon, rooster:

  • Hedgehog: always solid F and iotated E at the beginning

  • Coat:

  • Bee, plum:

  • Crow, dog:

  • Rocket:

How to outline a proposal

A common assignment for first graders is to outline a sentence. it simple task... Here it is not required to remember the designations for subjects and predicates. All words in a sentence are indicated by horizontal lines. If the word is spelled with capital letter, then a vertical bar is drawn at the beginning of the line. At the end is a period, exclamation mark or question mark.

Examples of

Examples of how to decompose several sentences:

Samples of a syllabic scheme

When teaching to read, first graders are taught how to decompose a word into syllables. To do this, it is enough to remember that the syllable is formed by a vowel. For example, the word "leaf" has one syllable, and the word "leaves" - two.

Thus, a syllable can consist of:

  • From one vowel: Stork, Anchor.
  • Begin with a consonant and contain a vowel: Wood.
  • The consonants without a vowel, Y, b and b depart from the previous syllable: Boy, Heron, Seagull, Teapot.
  • The consonants go to the syllable from the vowel: Watermelon, Ekran, Astra.
  • At the beginning of a word, all consonants join the first vowel: Swift, Dragonfly.

The pictures show examples of words decomposed into syllables:

Now you can try to decompose the word "Dolphin" into syllables yourself. And solve the next problem.

Sound analysis of the word. Excursion for parents.
Basic rules for composing the sound scheme of a word:

Vowel letters are indicated by circles (large dots),
Solid consonants - in one strip (dash),
Soft consonants - two stripes (two dashes).
The consonant becomes soft if after the consonant there is a softening vowel - I, I, Yu, E, E or soft sign B.

For example, MOUSE -. - -. BEAR =. - -.

There are also exceptions to the rule. So the consonants Y, Щ, Ч are always soft, and Ж, Ш, Ц are always hard.
Some letters make up two sounds after a vowel, soft or a solid sign, as well as at the beginning of the word are indicated:

I - consists of sounds (YA), schematically it looks like this =.

Yu - (Y U), schematically =. E - (Y E), schematically =. E - (YO), schematically =.

For example, APPLE =. - -. -. YULA =. -. Hedgehog =. -. -

Stage 1. When you start learning letters and sounds with your child, you gradually need to acquaint your child with the concept of vowels and consonants. Most often in the kindergarten they say that vowels can be sung, but consonants are impossible. Although my daughter long and hard proved to me that consonants can be sung. Not even noticing that at the end of each consonant she added a vowel and thus extended the sound. Therefore, we had to memorize the most common vowel sounds. Over time, she caught the difference and now understands what it means to sing sounds.

When a child can easily distinguish consonants from vowels, feel free to introduce him to the concept of soft and hard consonants.

Stage 2. Word schema is believed to help develop reading skills. From myself, I can say with what better baby reads, the easier and more accurate it is to add word schemes. The poem will not say with certainty which contributes to what more.

The most difficult thing for a baby, both when reading and when drawing up diagrams, is when two consonants are found side by side in a word. Therefore, to begin with, draw up schemes of simple words consisting of a minimum of letters - HOUSE, CAT, SAD. Then - COW, DOG, MAN. And only then TABLE, SPOON, PROTEIN.

We play with children and compose a sound analysis of the word.

For lessons with a child, cards must be made (see the picture above). On a sheet of cardboard we draw the designations of sounds, 10 of each type are enough. The size of the cards doesn't matter.

Game 1. Shuffle the cards and turn them over with the back side. Take the card one by one. We name a word starting with a sound corresponding to the picture. For example, you came across a card with a circle, you call the word ANANAS, with one strip - CHAIR, with two - BALL. If the child has named the word correctly, he takes the card for himself, if not, he puts it in a common pile. Whoever has more cards at the end of the game won.

Game 2. For this game, you need small toys (you can from a kinder surprise). Place a toy on both sides of the table. Put the word out of the cards between the toys. Parse this word with the baby. Ask the child what is the first letter in the word, what is the last, how this or that is indicated. Where is the vowel in the word, how it is indicated. We made sure that the child understood the scheme - you disassemble the bridge and offer the baby to repair it.

A story for a child: Toys are great friends, but they live on different banks of the river. The river banks are connected by a magic bridge made of cards. An evil wizard flew in and broke the bridge (or a strong wind blew). Help your friends build a bridge. To do this, you need to put together a magic word from cards that will help connect the two banks of the river.

When the baby learns to add word schemes on his own, immediately invite the child to make a bridge.

Game 3. At least two players (mother and child) participate. Mom says the word, and the baby adds up the scheme of this word. Then mom and baby change roles. If the scheme is correctly formed, then the player who made the scheme earns a point. No - a point is earned by the player who made the word, but only if he finds an error in the scheme. Whoever has more points won. Dear Parents do not forget to make mistakes and give the child a chance to feel the most intelligent.
Sound scheme of the word in examples:

Forest =. - Mac -. - Hedgehog =. -. -

Autumn. =. = Iodine -. - Apple =. - -. -.

Yula =. -. Oak -. - Cat - . -

Door - =. = Lizards =. =. =. -. Screen. - -. -

Raccoon =. -. - Bumblebee = =. = Print =. =. =

Hedgehog =. - A pen - . = -. Hare - . =. -

Bone -. - -. = -. Eternal =. = -. =