What is and how to calculate a running meter using a simple example. What is a running meter and how to calculate it

Counting Materials to Do repair work many are accustomed to produce in square meters, which at first glance is quite logical - in this way the actual area of ​​\u200b\u200bfinishing is determined. However, during a store visit, the calculation created on paper may be useless, since the price is usually indicated not per square meter, but per running meter. "How much is this?" - an inexperienced buyer will ask, and it’s good if he hears a clear and intelligible answer from the seller. In order not to be in a stupor and not to start "on the knee" to count the number required material, it is better to prepare in advance, clearly understanding the terminology and its practical application.

Not only sellers operate with a similar term. construction stores, but also foremen of repair teams when billing for materials and work done. Therefore, it is desirable to be able to independently perform calculations in order to be able to verify the correctness of the estimates provided.

Ability to correctly measure and calculate Consumablesimportant aspect repair activities

Reference terminology

A running meter is a conventional unit of measurement for long objects, which corresponds to a piece or segment 1 meter long. The most common molded products include the following materials:

Via running meters only the length of the product is determined, while other parameters (width, diameter, section) are already included in the price. For example, the same linoleum model can have different widths (from 1.5 m to 5 m), respectively, each product will have its own price for 1 linear meter. m.

The cost of molded material is formed taking into account its overall dimensions.

Calculation examples

Suppose that the room has a size of 4x5 m, that is, its area is 20 m². It is from this figure that it is necessary to build on when making the calculation. To find out the length, you need to divide the known area by the width. That is, if the choice fell on a roll of linoleum 2.5 m wide, then you will need to purchase 8 running meters. m of such material: 20 ÷ 2.5 = 8.

Example #2. How much corrugated board is needed to fence the site.

Initially, you need to decide on the width of the corrugated sheet, which, together with above-ground part foundation will be the height of the fence. Then everything is extremely simple - the perimeter of the site is measured and the corresponding molding is purchased.

Example #3. Determine the size of the countertop for the kitchen.

standard depth kitchen worktop is 0.6 m, and its length depends solely on the size of the kitchen and the number of items furniture set. If you need to close two lockers (0.6 m wide), a built-in stove (0.5 m) and a double sink (0.8 m), you will need 2.5 linear meters. m countertops.

If the depth of the countertop is usually standard, then its thickness, depending on the material used, varies from 18 to 60 mm

Is it possible to calculate the cost of a kitchen by the number of linear meters

Sellers of furniture, in particular kitchen sets, often use the term "linear meter" when calculating the price of an order. However, in this case, this value is very conditional, since for an approximate calculation of the cost of the product, standard equipment, which includes:

  • countertop made of chipboard;
  • minimal "stuffing" of cabinets;
  • ordinary hinged doors;
  • medium quality hardware.

If the customer wishes to use a more expensive countertop, for example, made of stone, add big wardrobe with a roll-out grid, install a door closer on each door, then the price can increase several times. Therefore, such a concept as a running meter of a kitchen can only be used for initial, very approximate calculations.

The price calculated taking into account the molding and the actual cost of the kitchen may differ significantly

Calculation of apartment renovation: how builders determine their salary

Often, a dispute between customers and builders arises against the backdrop of a misunderstanding related to the final price for repairs. The vast majority of repair teams make an estimate for the implementation various kinds finishes based not on square meters, but on running meters. As a result, the amount of treated surface indicated in the estimate is an order of magnitude greater. real area premises.

Why is it so? The fact is that builders can assign 1 linear meter. m object, the length of which is significantly less than 1 m. For example, when finishing a multi-level ceiling, each end is considered as 1 linear. m, even if its actual area is insignificant.

Some customers are sure that it is absolutely wrong to count linear meters in this way, recommending builders to calculate according to the square of the finish. However, it should be understood here that it is much easier to process a flat, without any transitions, surface than the same multilevel ceiling, where each transition, albeit a 10-centimeter one, requires separate finishing, and hence a separate payment.

If the plane to be finished is less than 1 m, it is still considered as 1 lin. m

As already noted, a running meter is a conditional value, which becomes even more conditional if it is not about materials, but about the work performed. Therefore, do not be surprised by the provided repair estimate and consider the builders as scammers. In the case of contacting professionals, you can be sure that the cost of each work has a real justification.

We are all accustomed to consider the unit of measurement of distance or length - a meter. Then what is a running meter? How is it different from the usual? Yes, basically nothing. In running meters, it is customary to measure the length of any material. At the same time, its width or height is not taken into account. They are either standard, or, when measured, they do not have a significant value.

What is measured in linear meters

In running meters, you usually measure the fabric in the store. With a width of 1.5 m, a piece of fabric 1 m by 1.5 m will be considered a linear meter. If you buy pipes, then, regardless of their thickness, the length of the pipe will be measured in linear meters. So is the electrical cable. It doesn’t matter at all what section it has, whether it is thick or thin, the price for it is indicated per linear meter. The same situation with skirting boards, linoleum, various heaters and seals, etc. And when the cost of a kitchen is calculated in running meters, what do you mean?

What is a running meter of a kitchen

In this context, the linear meter is used, rather, as a conditional value. For the convenience of calculations, it is considered that a running meter of a kitchen is the furniture that is installed along a wall 1 m long from floor to ceiling, according to the design project. It can be tables, shelves, cabinets and other modules. Usually, the cost of the kitchen is indicated as such - per linear meter. It is so convenient to immediately calculate its approximate price by multiplying the length of the wall along which it will be located by the cost of one linear meter of the kitchen.

People who are not related to sewing or furniture production often do not understand how much a running meter is. In fact, it turns out that this is the same parameter that everyone encounters almost daily. And you can measure the linear meter with an ordinary tape measure. These parameters are used when measuring the length of workpieces various materials, it can be some kind of wall covering or all kinds of floor coverings such as linoleum.

Differences in measurement systems

The running meter is the number of meters in length of the material excluding width. If you need to measure rolled products, for example, fabric, then only the length is taken into account, while the width is not considered. Pipes and electrical cables are measured in the same way. In this case, only the direct length of the products is taken into account, not paying attention to the diameter or its cross section.

Consider the length of 1 linear meter

Sometimes on the price tags in stores indicate the price for the square of the material. This applies to the seal and insulation. It is necessary to pay attention to how the calculations are made in this case. It is necessary to understand what differences exist in different systems measurements. In square meters, for example, the areas of land segments, buildings, design and other buildings are measured. The linear meter is measured by the ordinary length in meters, while take into account the width of different finishing materials:

  • carpet;
  • polyethylene;
  • vinyl film.

This method is chosen when cutting linoleum and baseboards. In the same way, you can measure the running meter of any floor covering. Measurements with the same parameters are carried out in cases where other parameters are not needed, for example, rolls of rolled metal.

If you need to lay a new floor covering in the room, you need to choose a solid one in quality and with beautiful pattern material. To calculate how much coverage is required, the required length should be multiplied by the width of the coverage. To make a greenhouse from polyethylene, at the beginning of work, a paper drawing of all its parts is made. After that, their length and width are measured, as a result of which it is easy to determine the amount, for example, of a film for the manufacture of a greenhouse.

In this video, we will analyze what a running meter is:

To purchase ready-made kitchen furniture, the dimensions of which are measured in the same units of measurement as the room in which the furniture will be installed, you must first determine the dimensions of this room and choose according to your taste kitchen set. It must be remembered that along with the width of the furniture, its price includes the prices for facades, internal shelves, drawers and fittings. The full price does not include the price for the hob, oven and dishwasher. How to calculate the linear meter for various connecting building materials such as pipes, metal fences or any other barriers.

Permissible mistakes

When determining the area of ​​​​a room, for example, a kitchen, mistakes are sometimes made. To find out how a running meter is calculated, it will be enough to recall the school curriculum. To avoid mistakes, you must first make a drawing of the room in which the furniture will be installed or the flooring will be laid. The drawing indicates the length and width of the room in which it will be installed kitchen set. For the kitchen, we also need data about its height and the location of window and door openings.

To determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, you need to multiply its width by its length. In this case, the width is of great importance. The area is measured in the same way:

  • premises;
  • floor surfaces;
  • facing materials;
  • busy with furniture.

One square meter is equal to the area of ​​the square in which each side is 100cm. It is used to measure the area, for example, football fields or premises for various purposes.

To calculate the size of the area, you need to multiply the length of the object by its width. Areas that are complex in shape are also measured in square meters. For such actions, it is necessary to measure each segment and add all the values ​​\u200b\u200bintogether.

Converting numbers to meters

The resulting measurement figures must be converted to centimeters, and then the length and width must be multiplied. A square meter is a unit of area, as well as the area of ​​a two-dimensional object. The area of ​​a room or any other room can be calculated in the same way, but, first of all, need to draw their diagrams.

The corners of the square are also straight. So, having measured the length and width of the corners, it is necessary to multiply their data by each other, and then divide the result by 2. As a result of the division, the value of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe triangle in square centimeters is obtained.

This method can be used for the reason that a right triangle is a rectangle divided in half diagonally.

A triangular section can be calculated in the same way. The triangle has a right angle equal to 90 0 . To turn any triangle into a right triangle, and then calculate its area, you need to draw a straight line from any corner of the triangle to the one on the opposite side in such a way that you get a right angle. Now you need to measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach triangle, and the answer will be obtained in the process of addition.

The concept of "linear meter" often confuses people. Although there is nothing mysterious, and even more terrible, in this phrase. Consider several options where this concept can be applied, and learn how to calculate required amount running meters.

A running meter is the usual length in meters, but taking into account the width of any finishing or household material (carpet, linoleum, plastic or vinyl film). Let's say you have a room 4.5 meters wide and 6.0 meters long, and you are going to lay new linoleum in this room. In the store, you need to choose a material that is suitable in quality and pattern and be sure to pay attention to the width of the rolls. Linoleum width can be 1.5 meters, 2.0 meters or 2.5 meters. Since the width of the room is 4.5 meters, in order to cover it with linoleum, you will need to put a few pieces. It can be three pieces of 1.5 each (1.5m * 3 = 4.5m) or two - one with a width of 2.0 and the second - 2.5 (2.0m + 2.5m = 4.5m). At least three pieces of a smaller width, at least two of a larger one, should correspond in length to the length of the room (6 meters). This means that in order to cover a room with linoleum 1.5 meters wide, you need to buy 18 linear meters (6 * 3 = 18). If you decide to lay linoleum with a width of 2.0 and 2.5 meters, then you just need to buy 12 linear meters - 6 meters with a width of 2.0 and 6 meters with a width of 2.5 (6 + 6 = 12). In running meters, any other rolled floor coverings are also sold. But to cover the floor with carpet, it is enough to buy as many linear meters as the length of the room. Carpet is usually not joined, as is done with linoleum flooring, so you need to choose the width that completely covers the floor. By linear meters you can buy both a film for finishing greenhouses and a film for pasting any surfaces. You can calculate how much material is needed for pasting, for example, a door, in the same way as for laying linoleum. But in order to buy polyethylene for a greenhouse, you first need to draw on paper all its parts separately on a scale. Next, calculate the lengths and widths of all individual parts, and then calculate the running meters. If you are going to buy ready-made kitchen furniture, it is also sold in running meters. You will only need to add up the lengths of all the walls along which the kitchen will be installed, and then only choose suitable option furniture. In the case of kitchen furniture, in addition to the standard width, the cost per linear meter will include kitchen facades, internal shelves and drawers, as well as fittings. Please note that the cost of a running meter does not include the cost of hob, ovens and dishwashers. Running meters are considered to be a variety of cornices and pipes - all those materials that require docking with each other. And in running meters, any fences, for example, metal fences, are considered.

In order not to make a mistake with the calculation of linear meters, it is better to come to the store with a drawn room plan. It should indicate the length and width of the room, and if it is a kitchen, then the height and location of windows and doors. Good luck with the calculation and repair!

The square meter (sqm) is a unit of area in the International System of Units (SI). It is equal to the area of ​​a square with a meter side. The area of ​​a rectangular () room is calculated as the length multiplied by the width (height).

Square meters are widely used in practice. For example, when it comes to selling an apartment of 46 sq.m, it means its floor area. When it is necessary to calculate the required amount of ceramic tiles for laying on the wall, it is necessary to find out the laying area, namely the length of the wall multiplied by the height of the room.

The concept and distinctive features of a running meter

The running meter is completely different from the square meter. It measures length, and a square meter measures area. These two units are not interconnected and it is impossible to convert meters into square meters without knowing the width of the product. For example, a piece of fabric with a length of 2 linear meters and a width of 3 meters will have an area of ​​2 * 3 = 6 square meters.

Many people are wondering how many centimeters are in linear. The answer is quite simple - a running meter is no different from a regular meter in length, i.e. it is 100 cm. But it is a kind of length without width. To determine linear meters, it is necessary to have information only about the length.

Linear meters measure the length of the product in the case when its width (or height,) does not matter, for example, a roll of fabric, carpet or. In other cases, square meters are used, for example, when measuring the amount of ceramic tiles, laminate, etc.

Linear meters often measure rolled building materials. For example, in relation to linoleum, the price is often set in linear meters. This means that regardless of its width (it can be 3 m, 4 m), the buyer will pay only for the length he needs. The fact is that the width of the product is already initially included in the cost. But it happens that the cost of linoleum is indicated in square meters. Then it turns out that in order to buy 10 linear meters of linoleum 4 m wide, you need to pay for 40 sq.m.

For ease of calculation, the cost of furniture, such as a kitchen, is indicated in running meters. It means that regardless of the number of shelves and doors, the buyer will pay only for the length. In this case, we are talking about the standard version and standard fittings.

Often, linear meters are also used by builders when determining the cost of work. For example, for laying tiles on steps, installing skirting boards or grouting joints in ceramic tiles the price of services depends only on the length, and not on the area of ​​​​work. But most construction works calculated on the basis of the area of ​​​​the room (square meters).

When renovating an apartment, the owner often needs to calculate the area of ​​​​rooms for the subsequent purchase of finishing materials. If you make a mistake in the calculations, you can spend extra money on building material or not buy it at all.

You will need

  • Calculator, tape measure, notepad and pen.


Measurement of rooms with windows. As in the previous case, you need to measure the length of each wall and add up all the indicators. After that, multiply the resulting amount by the height of the room. Separately measuring the area of ​​​​the door and windows, add the indicators to the total amount, which must be subtracted from the resulting entire room.

One-time closure of the room. The easiest way to measure a room is to use a long tape measure. Start measuring from one corner and continue to measure along the peri y until you return to the same corner again. The results obtained are multiplied by the height of the room, after which, from the total amount, the area of ​​window and door openings is also subtracted.
At the time of buying finishing materials try to buy two or three meters in reserve.

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To avoid miscalculations when purchasing building materials and for a competent and accurate budgeting, which includes all future expenses for the planned repair, you need to know how to correctly calculate the size of the room.

You will need

  • - notebook or notebook;
  • - pen;
  • - electronic rangefinder or tape measure.


Take a long tape measure or an electronic rangefinder. Using the tool of your choice, measure the width and length of the room. To avoid mistakes and miscalculations, take two measurements along the entire length of the walls, from beginning to end. If the results are different, then calculate the arithmetic mean by adding both numbers and dividing them by two. Write down the result in a notebook or notepad.