We compose a story based on a series of plot pictures. The development of coherent speech through learning to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures

One of the important and difficult tasks speech development - the acquisition by children of the ability to independently compose stories. The ability to tell is formed in a child gradually, during the entire stay in a preschool institution, subject to systematic training. And since in didactics learning to compose stories is based mainly on visual material - first of all, on pictures, illustrations, thanks to which knowledge is enriched, figurative thinking and speech develop - it is this material that is most valuable in working with preschoolers.

Oriented to tell by illustrations of familiar works, children learn to correctly perceive the artist's intention, understand what is depicted, notice the first and second plans, logically and consistently express their thoughts.

However, only the picture itself cannot interest the kids, make them want to speak, if mental tasks are not set during the examination, there is no language motivation. Encouraging the child to tell, looking at the drawing of a literary text, the teacher stimulates his speech development: enrichment and activation of vocabulary, the formation of sound pronunciation and the use of correct grammatical forms, the development of coherent speech.

The teacher should teach preschoolers to understand the plot of the drawings that accompany a fairy tale, story or poem, to notice the connections between objects and characters, that is, to teach them to perceive and understand what is depicted.

Children different ages Artistic illustration is perceived differently, therefore, training in each age group is built adequately. So, the teacher offers younger preschoolers to say who the artist painted; answer some simple questions about the content of the work, enriching their vocabulary, activating speech.

At middle preschool age, children, looking at the illustration, can already talk about what is depicted on it - first with the help of questions from an adult, and then on their own. Therefore, the teacher teaches them to recognize the characters of a fairy tale or story, perceive the plot and compose a short coherent story. That is, the work is directed to the formation of knowledge about the composition of the work.

Older preschoolers learn to correctly perceive the artist's intention, understand what is reproduced in the illustration, and notice the main storyline and minor details.

As already noted, the questions of the teacher help to build holistic, detailed statements based on illustrations. They guide children to the most accurate identification of the signs and properties of objects, typical features of characters, features of phenomena and actions. First of all, questions are proposed that prompt to describe the general situation. At the same time, they must necessarily be associated with what is shown in a particular illustration. It is necessary to teach preschoolers to look at the background, at the details, as if together with the hero of the events, through his eyes.

After the first story of one of the children in the drawing, it is worth turning to all the pupils with questions: “Maybe it was somehow different? Could it be otherwise? What do you think happened (will take place) before (after) this? What could happen? etc.

What new things do such questions add when a child constructs a coherent story? Firstly, his motivation changes: there is a desire not only to convey the impression of visual perception, but also to substantiate his opinion about the depicted, to name specific signs that helped to come to this or that conclusion. Secondly, the mechanism of arbitrary regulation of cognition is activated. Questions from an adult give the cognitive process a problematic character, encourage them to look for ways to solve problems, to find the most likely connections.

So, by asking children about what is depicted, the educator teaches them to consistently and meaningfully perceive the picture, highlighting the main thing in it, coherently telling. But if the teacher often resorts to prompt questions like: “Who (what) is drawn (drawn) here?”, Then the answers received will contain the usual list, the children will not build coherent stories, and, consequently, their speech development will be inhibited .

When working with older preschoolers, it is inappropriate to cover all the material of the illustrations with questions. It is worth turning to the children, for example, like this: “What have we not told you about yet, looking at the illustrations?” This will unobtrusively encourage further independent examination of the drawings, the children will more vividly join the conversation. It is also good to rely on the child's imagination, to encourage him to unfold the depicted events, to continue them in time. Five-year-old preschoolers in the second half of the year are able to make up stories from pictures already without the participation of the educator, independently thinking and conveying in words the meaning of the picture. We remind you: during the story, you should not stop the little storyteller with your remarks. They can be expressed only when the child completes the story.

For older pupils, by strength, creative tasks using artistic illustrations and their own drawings: draw a story on a topic of your choice; submit a sample of a creative story with an illustration for a particular work, highlighting the fictional in it; build a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher. Children can try to talk about what happened before the moment that the artist depicted; imagine what would happen to the characters depicted in the illustrations if the situation changed; come up with your own ending to the story.

At the older preschool age, when activity increases and speech improves, the child is able to independently compose stories from familiar illustrations. On the speech development class a number of tasks are solved:

An interest in compiling a story with an illustration is being brought up;

Children learn to understand its content correctly;

The ability to connect and consistently describe the depicted is formed;

Activated and expanded vocabulary;

Children learn to build sentences and the story as a whole grammatically correctly.

In the process of familiarizing preschoolers with artistic illustration, an important role is played by speech creativity. At the first stage of its development, the teacher talks about various ways of constructing the plot of a fairy tale, story, and leads children to realize the authorship of the work. At the second stage, the text is compared with illustrations, that is, they serve to create verbal images. The third stage in the development of children's speech creativity is the collective inventing of a story based on the presented drawings.

The book is a practical guide to the development of speech junior schoolchildren. On a color insert, thematic pictures are selected, according to which classes with children are developed.
The manual contains the necessary guidelines for teachers and parents, as well as a summary of the main theoretical issues related to the development of oral and written speech of primary school students. The practical part contains preparatory exercises for a story-composition, essay plans, key words and phrases (the so-called speech blanks), as well as sample essays based on the proposed pictures.
The book offers essays-descriptions (of a separate subject, natural phenomena, descriptions compiled according to a plot picture) and narrative essays (based on a plot picture and a series of plot pictures).
The book will help teachers and parents in their work on the development of the speech of elementary school students.

The proposed manual will help you in the classes on the development of the speech of your children.

From how developed the speech of the child, directly depends on his success not only in acquiring literacy, but also in learning in general. Speech is an indicator of both the level of intelligence and the level of culture. Unfortunately, the oral speech of younger students is often poor and monotonous, limited by a very meager vocabulary, so the creation of even a small written text causes serious difficulties for children.

As a rule, the text created by the student consists of short and similar sentences. The logical sequence is often violated in it, the boundaries of sentences are incorrectly defined, the same words are unreasonably repeated. The task of parents and teachers is to constantly develop the oral and written speech of children. To teach a child to compose a coherent story, to write essays means to teach them to correctly, consistently and beautifully express their thoughts.

Speech development work is very time-consuming, requiring a lot of time. It is easiest and most effective to start learning using visual material. In our manual you will find a colored tab with pictures, according to which classes with younger students were developed.

Those caring parents who are concerned about the problem of developing literate speech in their children will find all the necessary recommendations in this book.

The manual briefly outlines the main theoretical issues: types of texts, types of essays on the picture, work on them.

The practical part contains preparatory exercises and essay plans, key words and phrases (the so-called speech blanks), as well as sample essays based on the proposed pictures.

The manual considers only descriptive texts and narrative texts. Do not forget that in general primary school the work is aimed at creating mixed texts (narrative texts with elements of description or elements of reasoning). Here are the following types of essays in the picture:

1) essay-description of a separate subject;

2) an essay-description of a natural phenomenon;

3) an essay-description based on a series of plot pictures;

4) essay-narration based on a plot picture;

5) essay-narrative based on a series of plot pictures.

At first, you can limit yourself to an oral story from a picture,

and then move on to writing the text. Classes should not be held on a case-by-case basis. Only systematic training will give a positive result.

We wish you success!


Text are two or more sentences related in meaning. The text is devoted to a certain topic and has a main idea.

Subject text - what the text says.

The basic idea text - what the author wants to convince the reader.

Each text has a title - title. To title the text, it is necessary to briefly name its topic or main idea.

Usually the text consists of three parts.

1. Introduction.

2. The main part.

3. Conclusion.

Each part of the text is written from the red line.

There are three types of texts: description, narrative, reasoning.

Description- a text that describes objects, people, animals, plants or natural phenomena. The purpose of the description is to give the most complete, accurate information about the subject.

To the text-description it is possible to put questions what? which? which?

The descriptive text is full of adjectives, comparisons, figurative expressions.

Descriptive text outline.

1. Introduction (subject of description).

2. The main part (characteristic features of the subject).

3. Conclusion (assessment).

Narration- a text that tells about an event or event.

To the text-narrative, you can put the question what does it do?

Narrative text uses verbs.

Narrative text plan.

1. Introduction (starting action).

Why do you think the hedgehog needs so many apples?

2. Choose the most successful title.

"Thrifty hedgehog"

"How the hedgehog took away the harvest of apples"

3. Make a plan for an essay-narrative.

6. Read the sentences in order to make a story.

The animal climbed a tree.

The hedgehog ran home.

I'm all on pins and needles.

The hedgehog harvested apples.

He jumped down from the branch, needles down.

7. Compose a narrative text using a plan, key words and phrases.

II. Plan.

1. Introduction.

Big harvest of apples.

2. The main part.

Unusual way of harvesting.

3. Conclusion.

Delicious treat.

Ripe, fruits, harvest, big harvest apples, a great idea to climb a branch, jump from a tree, prick, feast on.

IV. Essay sample.

How the hedgehog carried away the harvest of apples.

Autumn has come. Juicy fruits ripened on apple trees. The hedgehog worked all day and gathered a large crop of delicious apples. The animal thought about how to carry away so many apples alone. And then a wonderful idea came to him!

The hedgehog climbed onto a branch that was just above the collected apples. He jumped down from the tree and fell like needles on me. All the fruits were pricked on the hedgehog's needles. Not a single apple left. Happy hedgehog ran home.

Now, until winter, the thrifty animal will feast on delicious fruits.


I. Preparatory work.

2. Answer the questions.

Who is in the picture?

What was the weather like?

What happened to the umbrella?

How did the crow adapt the umbrella?

"How an umbrella turned into a nest"

"Umbrella Nest"

"An Unusual Nest for Crows"

5. Replace words girl, build, turn words that are close in meaning.

6. Pick up as many adjectives as possible for words weather, wind, nest, chicks.

7. Make up sentences from the words of each line.

I ran into, grabbed, from, an umbrella, hands, girls, the wind, suddenly, and

Paws, for, clung to, him, a bird

Made, from, cozy, crow, umbrella, nest

8. Say it differently.

It was rainy weather.

The umbrella has become a new home for the crows.

II. Plan.

1. Introduction.

Walk under the rain.

2. The main part.

The robber-wind carried away the umbrella.

Lucky find crow.

The appearance of chicks.

3. Conclusion.

A new house for a happy family.

III. Key words and phrases.

Rainy weather, wind, cling to paws, a cozy nest, loud crows, a new house.

IV. Essay sample.

How an umbrella turned into a nest.

It was cloudy and rainy. Ksyusha did not sit at home. She took a large umbrella and went out for a walk.

The weather got worse. The rain poured even harder. Suddenly the wind came up, snatched the umbrella from the girl's hands and rushed it up. Ksyusha was never able to catch up with the umbrella.

A crow flew by. She saw an umbrella whirling in the air. The bird grabbed onto him with its paws and dragged him up a tree.

The crow dragged straw, twigs, moss into the umbrella, and she got a cozy nest. In the spring, wonderful vociferous crows hatched in it. They wanted to eat all the time. The crow did not have time to bring worms to the chicks.

This is how the umbrella became a new home for a happy family.

FRIENDS helped

I. Preparatory work.

1. Restore the sequence of events.

2. Answer the questions.

What season is shown in the picture?

What were the guys playing?

Where did the youngest of the guys run?

What happened to him?

What is the child's behavior?

How did the guys save their little friend?

3. Is the proverb suitable "A friend in need is a friend indeed" to this story?

4. Choose the most successful title. "Baby in Trouble"

"Friends Helped" "Winter Fun"

6. Replace words guys, play, run, icy words that are close in meaning.

7. Say it differently. The thin ice cracked.

The guys helped the baby get out of the water.

8. Make up sentences from the words of each line.

On, slide, baby, smooth, steel, ice

Fortress, built, snowy, kids

Long, handed out, boy, friend, stick

Water, shouted, icy, baby, in, fell, and Read the sentences in such order that

got a story.

9. Compose a narrative text using a plan, key words and phrases.

II. Plan.

1. Introduction.

Kids are playing.

2. The main part.

The kid ran to the pond.

The boy fell through the ice.

The boys saved their little friend.

3. Conclusion.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

III. Key words and phrases.

Winter day, snow fortress, slip, fall, fall into the water, rush, grab, pull, friends.

IV. Essay sample.

Friends helped.

It was a clear winter day. The children played snowballs and built a snow fort.

Ilyusha, the smallest, ran alone to the pond. He ran out onto the ice and began to slide on it. Suddenly the thin ice crackled. In an instant, the boy fell through and ended up in the water. He screamed out of fear and cold. The guys heard a scream and rushed to the pond. Vanya was not taken aback and handed a long stick to his friend. Ilyusha grabbed her. The boys pulled the baby out of the water.

No wonder they say: "Friends are known in trouble."


I. Preparatory work.

1. What do you imagine when you hear a word space?

2. Think of rhyming lines with these words.

Flight - starship

Martian - alien

3. Answer the questions.

Do you think the pictures depict real events or fictitious ones? Why?

How was the boy going to fly? Dream up. What could a young cosmonaut see through a rocket window?

What are the Earthlings and Martians talking about?

4. Choose the most successful title. "An Extraordinary Journey" "A Conversation with a Martian"

"Flight to Mars"

5. Make a plan for an essay-narrative.

6. Replace words rocket, martian, tell words that are close in meaning.

7. Make sentences using these words.

astronaut, travel

Land, planet

Encounter, Martian

Friends, Mars

8. Say it differently.

The young cosmonaut skillfully controlled the rocket.

9. Compose a narrative text using a plan, key words and phrases.

II. Plan.

1. Introduction.

Flight preparation.

2. The main part.

Successful flight.

Meeting with a Martian.

3. Conclusion.

Unforgettable journey.

III. Key words and phrases.

Journey to Mars, young astronaut, alien, tell the inhabitants of the planet, new friends.

IV. Essay sample.

Flight to Mars.

Petya is a student of the space school. He studied all the subjects so diligently that he was rewarded with a trip to Mars. The boy carefully prepared for the flight. The long-awaited day has finally arrived!

The rocket started, and in a few seconds Petya was already far from the Earth. During the flight, the young cosmonaut looked out the window and admired the bright

stars, satellites, large and small planets. He skillfully controlled a modern machine, so he was able to quickly and accurately land on Mars.

On the planet, Petya was met by a Martian. The alien turned out to be very funny: with horns on his head, a big nose and a fat belly. The boy learned that the Martians are hardworking, kind and sociable. Petya told the inhabitants of the planet about the Earth, about people and invited the Martians to visit.

The young astronaut liked the trip to Mars. Now he has friends on another planet.


I. Preparatory work.

1. Guess the riddle.

Either she is full, or she is slender, She does not sleep at night.

2. What do you imagine when you hear the word Moon?

3. Answer the questions.

What request did Luna make to the tailor?

How has the appearance of the moon changed?

How did the tailor's mood change? Why?

Why doesn't Luna have a dress?

4. Explain how you understand the expression multifaceted moon?

5. Choose the most successful title.

"Many-faced Moon"

"Why doesn't Luna have a dress"

"How a tailor sewed a dress for the moon"

6. Ask main question to each picture. You have an essay plan.

7. How did the appearance of the moon change? Read the words in the correct order.

Moon, Full Moon, Sickle, Crescent

8. How did the tailor's mood change? Read the words and phrases in the correct order.

Upset, angry in earnest, met with joy, almost cried from annoyance

9. Continue the sentences.

The moon is called many-faced because...

The tailor refused to make Luna's dress because...

10. Make sentences from the words of each line.

Twice, for, Crescent, days, became, several, more

Month, time, full, became, some, the Moon,

11. Compose a narrative text using a plan, key words and phrases.

II. Plan.

1. Introduction.

What did Crescent Moon ask the tailor?

2. The main part.

What happened to the customer after a few days?

How did events develop?

How did the tailor react when he saw the thin

3. Conclusion.

Why doesn't Luna have a dress?

III. Key words and phrases.

Ask to sew a dress, take measurements, invite

to try on, become twice as big, get upset, almost cry from annoyance, refuse to sew a dress, many-sided.

IV. Essay sample.

Why doesn't Luna have a dress.

One day, the Crescent looked to the tailor and asked him to sew an elegant dress. The tailor took measurements from the Crescent and invited her to a fitting.

Within a few days the Crescent had doubled in size. Both in the shoulders and in the chest, the dress turned out to be tight. The porter was very upset. I had to take new measurements.

After a while, the Moon became a full moon. The tailor was astonished and almost wept with annoyance. He again took measurements from the customer.

And now, in front of the tailor, it is no longer the Moon, but a thin sickle. The tailor was seriously angry and refused to sew a dress for the moon.

The moon still does not have a dress, because it has many faces: it changes its appearance all the time.


I. Preparatory work.

1. Restore the sequence of events.

2. Answer the questions.

What unusual things do you see in the pictures?

How is it different from a story?

What is fabulous in the pictures, and what is real?

Why did Baba Yaga turn into a kind old woman?

3. Choose the most successful title.

"Vanya's Journey to a Fairy Tale"

"The Magical Transformation of Baba Yaga"

"Fabulous Adventure"

"For a good hello, a good answer"

4. Come up with a title for each picture. You have an essay plan.

5. Name as many "fabulous" words and expressions as possible.

Once upon a time, there were...

6. Continue the sentences.

Wind started to blow...

Vanya gathered his things...

The mouse told Vanya that...

7. Pick up as many adjectives as possible for words Vanya, Baba Yaga, old woman.

8. Define the boundaries of the proposals.

Once upon a time there was a boy Vanya and his mother, they lived together, the mother was engaged in housework, and her son helped her.

9. Compose a fabulous narrative text using a plan, key words and phrases.

II. Plan.

1. Introduction (beginning).

Vanya and mom.

2. The main part.

The wind takes my mother.

The boy is looking for his mother.

The hero meets a mouse.

In the hut at Baba Yaga.

3. Conclusion (ending).

III. Key words and phrases.

Live together, do housework, strong wind, open a window, far away, long, short, magic ball, cry, complain, bored, lonely, warm, feed, turn, live, live, make good.

IV. Essay sample.

To a good hello, a good answer.

Once upon a time there was a boy Vanya and his mother. They lived together. Mom did the housework, and her son helped her.

Once a strong wind blew, opened the window, picked up my mother and carried her away.

Vanya, without hesitation for a long time, gathered his things and went to look for his mother in distant lands.

How long, how short was the boy walking? He met a mouse. She said that Vanya's mother was at Baba Yaga's, and gave the boy a magic ball that would help him find the old witch's hut.

Having found Baba Yaga, Vanya demanded that his mother be returned. And Baba Yaga suddenly burst into tears and complained that she was bored and lonely in the deep forest.

Mom and son took pity on the poor old woman. They took Baba Yaga to their place, warmed and fed. From kindness and affection, Baba Yaga turned into a sweet and caring grandmother. The three of them began to live, live and make good.

GLOSSARY of synonyms


Children, children, children. Friend, friend, comrade. Tomato, tomato. Holiday, celebration. Is, fun, fun. Cold, frost, cold. Naughty, mischievous, mischievous, mischievous. Schoolboy, student.


Noble, generous, chivalrous. Faithful, devoted, constant, reliable. Delicious, appetizing.

Beautiful, beautiful, charming, delightful. Dressy, festive. Courageous, courageous, fearless, courageous. Good, not bad, excellent, excellent, glorious.

Wonderful, wondrous, magical, fabulous, fantastic.

Bright, dazzling, colorful, rich.


Run, run, run. See, observe, notice. To speak, to communicate, to pronounce, to express. To make, to make, to manufacture, to make, to construct, to create.

Play, have fun, frolic. Walk, walk, step, walk. Find, search, discover. Appear, appear. Celebrate, celebrate. To be, to be, to be. Sparkle, sparkle, shine, burn.

Publisher: Litera, 2010

Teaching children storytelling from a picture and a series of plot pictures

With formed coherent speech is the most important condition for the success of a child's education in school. Currently, active work is underway to prepare state standards for preschool education, the introduction of which will ensure the comprehensive harmonious development of preschoolers. One of the most important areas of work of a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is speech development.

One of the most difficult types of speech activity is compiling stories based on the picture and a series of plot pictures.

Diagnostics of the ability to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures showed that some children have a low level of skills in this type of speech activity (children find it difficult to establish connections, therefore they make meaningful and semantic errors in stories; when telling, they always require the help of an adult; they repeat the stories of their peers ; vocabulary is poor). Other children in the stories make logical errors, but they themselves correct them with the help of adults and peers; (Vocabulary is quite wide). And only a few children possess those skills that correspond to high level(the child is independent in inventing stories, does not repeat the stories of other children; has a sufficient vocabulary).

M. M. Konina highlights the following occupations on teaching children storytelling in a picture:

1) Drawing up a descriptive story based on a subject picture;

The description of subject pictures is a coherent, consistent description of the objects or animals depicted in the picture, their qualities, properties, and lifestyle actions.

2) Drawing up a descriptive story based on a plot picture;

The description of the plot picture is a description of the situation depicted in the picture, which does not go beyond the content of the picture. Most often, this is a statement of the type of contamination (both a description and a plot are given).

3) Inventing a narrative story based on a plot picture;

A narrative story based on a plot picture (conditional name), according to the definition of K. D. Ushinsky, "a story that is consistent in time." The child comes up with a beginning and an end to the episode depicted in the picture. He is required not only to comprehend the content of the picture and convey it in words, but also to create previous and subsequent events with the help of imagination.

4) Drawing up a story based on a consistent plot series of pictures;

A story based on a sequential plot series of paintings. In essence, the child talks about the content of each plot picture from the series, linking them into one story. Children learn to tell in a certain sequence, logically linking one event to another, master the structure of the narrative, which has a beginning, middle, end.

5) Drawing up a descriptive story based on a landscape painting and a still life.

Mood-inspired descriptions of landscape paintings and still lifes often include narrative elements. .

The meaning of the picture is didactic tool

preschool education

The principle of writing a story in any picture should be based on a fairly rich vocabulary, knowledge of the surrounding reality.

Children should:

Know what the story has beginning, middle and end; these parts are "friends" with each other;

Be able to distinguish a story from a simple set of sentences.

Paintings and series of paintings can be divided into three types: 1) the action takes place outdoors; 2) the action takes place indoors; 3) landscape, without actors.

First kind of pictures: The action takes place outside. Start off the story can be from the words: once ..., once ..., was ... Next, you should answer the question: when? (season and name of the part of the day); if the event occurs: in autumn, day (morning, evening) - autumn, gloomy, cloudy, sunny, warm, cold, rainy, windy, clear; winter day (morning, evening) - winter, frosty, cold, clear, snowy; spring day (morning, evening) - spring, clear, sunny, warm; summer day (morning, evening) - hot, warm, summer, clear. The options for starting can be different: “One summer, hot day ... Once upon a winter morning ... It was a warm autumn evening ...” The next group of questions: who conceived (decided) what? where (where)? Come up with a name for the hero, indicate the place of action, the goal. For example: "Petya went out into the yard with a typewriter ... The children went into the forest for mushrooms ...". middle story - a description of the immediate events that happened to the hero (heroes). Question: "What happened?" (Cause-and-effect relationships are established). End - the result of an action, an assessment of the actions of the heroes, a statement of attitude towards the hero. An adult may offer to continue the story - what could happen next. Second type of painting: The action takes place indoors. Start. We answer the questions: when? where? who thought (decided)? The time of the year falls, the name of the part of the day remains. When? - use expressions: one morning, afternoon, evening, after breakfast, lunch, walk, sleep ... Where? - at home, in the garden, in a group ... Who (given a name) decided, proposed, conceived what. Middle and end. They remain the same as in the work with the first type of paintings.

The third kind of pictures: there are no actors and events. These are paintings like "Early Autumn", "Late Autumn", "Winter". Start. The title of the picture, the name of the author, the definition of the time of year. She came ... came ... (according to the painting by I. Levitan). middle. Consistently, from top to bottom (from the state of the sky and the sun, we end with what is on the ground), taking into account the foreground and background, it is necessary to give a description of the signs of a given season. It is very useful during the examination to use: - works of poets and writers that talk about the seasons, draw the attention of children, as the author talks about the sky, snow, the sun, other objects of nature, and try to use these words in the story; - the experience of observing nature on walks. All this contributes to the accumulation and enrichment of the child's active vocabulary, facilitates the process of compiling a story. End. Transmission of the mood of the author and the child. Questions: “What mood do you have when you look at this picture? Why?" We must not forget about the use of words with a diminutive meaning (grass, birch, sun, stream), words with the opposite meaning (far-close, high-low, thick-thin, wide-narrow).

sample dictionary


In autumn: gloomy, overcast, cloudy, clear, dark…

In winter: gray, low, clear, overcast...

The sun

In autumn: it shines, hides behind the clouds, sometimes peeks out from behind the clouds ...

In winter: not warm at all ...

day, air

In autumn: autumn, cloudy, bright, clear, rainy, sunny, warm ...

In winter: frosty, wintry, fresh, cold…


In autumn: drizzling, drizzling, downpour, small, mushroom ...



In autumn: with leaves, without leaves, leaf fall, yellow, red, green, crimson, multi-colored, leaves fall, swirl ...



In autumn: wilted, withered, turned yellow ...


In autumn: dirty after rain, puddles, covered with multi-colored or gold carpet

Snow, ice

In winter: fluffy, light, sticky, silver, sparkles in the sun, sparkles, glitters, thin, thick, transparent, cold, smooth ...

Sample Structure for a Storytelling Lesson

Lesson stage

Lesson time for groups, min

second junior






for school

Organizing time





Articulation gymnastics breathing and/or vocal exercises. Formation of sound culture of speech





Presentation of the topic of the lesson: looking at a picture or a toy. Conversation (children's answers to teacher's questions). If this is a series of pictures, analyze the actions for each picture separately





Physical education minute





Compilation of sentences with appropriate vocabulary work




Writing your own story










Types of classes for the development of speech:


    a story based on a plot picture or a painting by a famous artist;

    a story based on a series of plot pictures;

    descriptive story on the subject;


    creative story. There are three types of texts: narrative, descriptive, descriptive-narrative.

The retelling could be: consistent, complete (detailed); selective, concise, creative.

In addition to retelling, the teacher teaches children the ability to compose stories.

Types of stories:

    by a series of subject pictures in action;

    series of plot pictures;

    plot picture based on a plan (scheme).

In the first junior group training in the classroom is aimed at improving children's ability to understand the teacher's speech, answer the simplest and more complex questions, keeping up the conversation.

The questions of the teacher are the leading method of activating the speech and thinking of the child. When examining objects, observing phenomena, children correctly name individual actions, but cannot establish their relationship and sequence, i.e. find it difficult to imagine the situation as a whole.


Who drinks milk?

What color is the cat?

What does the red cat drink?

Where is the milk in the bowl from?

Who sang in the yard in the morning?

When did the cockerel crow?

Where did the cockerel crow?

Why did the cockerel crow?

In the second junior group the preparatory stage of teaching storytelling in the picture is carried out. Children of this age cannot yet give an independent coherent presentation. Their speech is in the nature of a dialogue with the teacher. Children limit themselves to listing objects, their individual properties and actions, which is explained by little experience in perception, a small vocabulary, and insufficient ability to build a sentence.

The main tasks of the educator in the work on the picture are as follows: 1) teaching children to look at a picture, developing the ability to notice the most important thing in it;

2) a gradual transition from classes of a nomenclature nature, when children list the depicted objects, objects, to classes that exercise in coherent speech (answering questions and compiling short stories).

Classes to familiarize children with paintings can be carried out in a variety of ways. The lesson usually includes two parts: examining the picture on questions, the final story-example of the teacher. It may begin with a short introductory conversation.

Its purpose is to find out the ideas and knowledge of children about the depicted, to evoke an emotional mood before the perception of the picture. Questions of the educator are the main methodological technique, which necessitates their thoughtful and appropriate selection.

Questions addressed to children should be easy to understand, and the answers to them should not cause difficulties. Their sequence should ensure the integrity of perception, so the questions are far from always appropriate: what is it? What is there? What else is drawn? Here sample questions based on the painting "Cat with kittens": who is depicted in the picture? What does a red kitten do? What is the mother cat? What she does? Sometimes the question is not enough for the child to accurately characterize the quality, the action. Then clarification, advice, hint of the teacher are needed. He ensures that children correctly correlate words with objects, their qualities and properties, speak in extended sentences.

Children learn to describe pictures in sentences of two or three words. Looking at a picture is used to develop accuracy and clarity of speech. The teacher makes sure that the children name the objects and actions correctly in accordance with those depicted in the picture. With an example of his speech, questions and instructions, he helps to find words that most accurately define the properties and qualities of objects.

Examination of pictures is always accompanied by the word of the educator (questions, explanations, story). Therefore, special requirements are imposed on his speech: it must be clear, concise, clear, expressive. The generalizing statements of the teacher are a model for answering a question, a model for constructing a sentence.

After the conversation, the teacher himself talks about what is drawn in the picture. Sometimes you can use a work of art (for example, stories of writers about pets). A small poem or nursery rhyme can be read (for example, “Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb” or “Kisonka-murysenka”, etc.). You can make a riddle about a pet (for example: “Soft paws, and in the paws of a scratch-scratch” - after the picture “Cat with kittens”; “It barks loudly, but does not let it into the house” - after the picture “Dog with puppies”; “Golden scallop, butter head, gets up early in the morning, sings loudly" - after the picture "Chickens", etc.). You can sing with the children a song they know about a cat, a dog, a chicken. In the younger group, it is especially important to use a variety of game techniques.

M. M. Konina offers, for example, such: “Let's tell the doll”, “What will we tell the dog”. With the help of a teacher, children are happy to talk about a picture of a doll that came to visit them, a cat, etc. You can also offer to choose an object of description (“Choose a puppy for yourself and tell about it” - based on the picture “Dog with puppies”).

If the picture correctly reflects the signs of a pet, the teacher can connect its examination with the display of a toy (“The same kitten, cockerel; similar puppy, chicken”). This can be done in the form of a dramatization (a doll, a cat, a dog come to visit the children and talk to them). The teacher asks the children questions that consolidate their knowledge about this animal. This technique emotionally switches their attention, encourages new statements.

Sometimes you can, as it were, put the child in the place of the one who is drawn (“As if we are walking. As if this is our kitten”). We can distinguish the following characteristic features of classes in the picture with children younger than school age:

a) alternation of choral and individual responses;

b) the obligatory presence of emotional and game techniques;

c) the use of literary and artistic inserts.

The first pictures for children of the younger group - these are paintings depicting individual objects (a toy or familiar household items), pets, simple scenes from children's life (the series "Our Tanya"). After class, the painting remains in the group for several days. Children will look at it again, notice what they did not notice before, and begin to speak out. The educator directs this examination, clarifies the statements of the children, encouraging and supporting them.

Examination of the painting "Chicken and chickens"

educational goals. Ensuring a holistic perception of the picture.

development goals. Increasing the speech activity of children, developing the ability to answer questions about the picture, improving the grammatical structure of speech, clarifying and expanding the vocabulary on the topic “Poultry”, developing creative imagination.

educational goals. Education of love and respect for all living things.

Preliminary work. Observation of the habits of birds during a walk, looking at an album with pictures from the cycle "Domestic and Wild Birds", guessing riddles, learning the outdoor game "Hatch and Chicks".

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Didactic game"Who came to us." The teacher shows a toy (or picture) depicting a duck, turkey, duck, rooster, goose and suggests remembering how they cast their votes.

2. Examining the picture and talking about it. “Now look at the picture. Who do you see on it? What is another name for this chicken? ( mother hen, slut) Why is it called that? Do you know how chickens are born? Tell. Is a chicken a bird or not? Can a chicken fly? Is the chicken domestic or wild? Why? - How many chickens does the mother hen have? ( lot) What does a chicken eat? - What other birds do you know? - Continue: the chicken has chickens, the duck has ..., the turkey has ..., the goose has .... What is the difference between chickens and hens? - What do they have in common? - Chicken-mother, kids-chickens. Can we say that this is a bird family? - Who is missing here? - Who is dad? What time of year does this happen? Why do you think so? - Where do chickens and chickens walk? Are they walking calmly or are they alarmed? - What are they afraid of? - What is the name of this weather? - What sky? ( thunderstorm)- What color are the clouds? - Is the wind blowing? What else is visible in the sky? (lightning). What does a hen call her chicks? (ko-ko-ko) How do chickens squeal? (wee-wee-wee)- And how does the rooster crow? (ku-ka-re-ku!)- What grows in the meadow? - How many daisies are there? (lot). 3. D / and "One - many" One chicken - many chickens, one chicken - ..., one feather - ..., one stone - ..., one berry - ..., one flower - .... 4. D / and “Call it affectionately” Chicken - ..., chicken - ..., rooster - ..., flower - .... cloud - ..., sun - ..., grass - ... .

5. Riddles

Above me, above you

A bag of water floated by.

Ran into a distant forest

Lost weight and disappeared. (Cloud)

The mother has many children.

All children are the same age.

(Hen with chickens)

Appeared in a yellow coat:

Farewell, two shells! (Chick)

Kvokhchet, kohchet,

Calls the children

He gathers everyone under the wing. ( Hen)

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere.

The lower the wool, the closer the rain. ( Cloud)

6. Clean tongues

Chicken and hen drink tea on the street.

Crested laughers laughed with laughter: - Ha - ha - ha - ha - ha!

7. sayings

Without a uterus, children will also disappear.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

A chicken pecks grain by grain - it lives to its fullest.

8. The story of the teacher in the picture.

The hot summer has come. A hen and chickens were walking on a green meadow.

They nibbled grass-ant. Looking for little worms.

But suddenly a strong wind blew. A black cloud appeared. Lightning flashed. The hen called her chickens and they ran home as soon as possible.

9. D / and "Fold the picture"

10. Evaluation of the work of children. Summing up the lesson.

AT middle group it is already becoming possible to lead children to compose a small coherent narrative, since at this age speech improves, speech and mental activity increases. First, the children talk about the questions of the teacher. This may be a collective story of children or a joint story of a teacher and one child. At the end of the lesson, as if summing up all the statements, the teacher gives his story. Then you can move on to storytelling. Consequently, when teaching storytelling from a picture in the middle group, the leading technique is the sample.

In the middle group, a sample is given for copying. “Tell me how I am”, “Well done, I remember how I told you,” the teacher says, that is, at this age there is no need to deviate from the model. The sample story must meet certain requirements (reflect specific content, be interesting, short, complete, be stated clearly, vividly, emotionally, expressively). Here is an example of a teacher’s story based on the painting “Cat with Kittens”: “This picture is about a cat with kittens. The cat lies on the rug and looks after her kittens. Three kittens in a cat. A ginger kitten plays with a ball of thread, a gray kitten licks from a saucer, and the third, mottled kitten curled up and sleeps next to his mother.

At the end of the year, if the children have learned to tell according to the model, you can gradually complicate the task, leading them to independent storytelling. So, the teacher can give a sample story in one picture, and the children tell in another (for example, pictures from the series “Our Tanya” are used), “We are playing” (by E.G. Baturina), as well as some pictures from the series “ Pets ”(author S. Veretennikova): “Tanya is not afraid of frost”, “Whose boat?”, “Playing train”, “Dog with puppies” (“A black dog has two puppies. One lies near the dog, and the other stands near a dog.), etc. Children master the ability to compose according to a picture quite easily. By the end of the year, their stories may consist of 8-10 sentences and differ in the sequence of presentation.

Middle preschool age children can be led to compose stories, mainly descriptive ones, according to subject or plot pictures. The teacher strives to ensure that children use their vocabulary more widely, use participles, definitions, circumstances and different types of sentences.

Drawing up a story based on the picture "The work of the driver is difficult and complex"

educational goals. Improving the ability to answer questions about the picture, compose a story based on its fragment. Improving the skill of using wax crayons, the ability to paint over an image in one direction.

development goals. Development of coherent speech, visual attention and perception, coordination of speech with movement, general speech skills.

educational goals. Fostering collaborative skills in the classroom.

Equipment. The picture "The work of the driver is difficult and complex", the game "Modes of transport", a rubber ball, wax crayons, album sheets with an underdrawn image of a bus, a card with superimposed images of a bus and a truck. Preliminary work. Holding role-playing game"In the bus". Learning the game "Driver".

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Game "Modes of transport"- What do you see in this picture? ( We see different cars)- What do the machines do? ( Cars are driving on the highway. - Who drives the cars? ( drivers).

Funny tires rustle along the roads, Cars, cars rush along the roads ... And in the back - important, urgent goods: Cement and iron, raisins and watermelons. The work of drivers is difficult and complicated, But how people everywhere need it.

2. Today we will consider the picture “The work of the driver is difficult and complex” and make up a story based on it.- Who do you see in the picture? (We see children) - What are they doing? (They are playing the game "On the bus") - Tell what each of the children is doing.

Ahead, a boy is sitting on a chair - the “chauffeur”. He has a steering wheel in his hands and a big blue cap on his head. He turns the steering wheel and announces stops. ■ There are two rows of chairs behind the “chauffeur” boy. Children are sitting on them - “passengers”. On the left is a girl in a yellow dress. She is holding a big bear in denim overalls and a cap. This is probably her son. Behind the girl sits a boy with a large briefcase. He's on his way to work.

On the right is a girl in a pink dress. She is holding a large doll in her hands. This is her daughter.

Along the aisle between the chairs a girl is walking- "conductor". The girl has a blue dress. She has a red bag on her shoulder. She hands the ticket to the girl in the orange dress.

Who else do you see in the picture?

We see the teacher and several boys and girls - bus passengers. The teacher sits on a chair by the window and watches the children play. Sometimes the teacher gives them advice on how to continue the game correctly.

Do you think kids like this game?

Yes, I like it very much. They have happy faces. They are interested in playing.

You spoke very well about the children depicted in the picture. Now tell us about the room in which they are located. What is it?

The children have a large, bright, sunny group. The group has large windows. There are flowers on the windows.

Very well. You are observant and attentive. Now let's play.

3. mobile game "Driver". Coordination of speech with movement.

I'm flying, I'm flying

At full speed

I am the driver

I myself am the motor.

(Run in a circle and turn an imaginary steering wheel).

I press the pedal

And the car rushes off into the distance.

(stop, press right foot on an imaginary pedal and run in the opposite direction.)

4. Exercise with the ball "What is he doing?"

Now I will throw the ball to you and name the profession, and you will catch the balls and say what the representative of this profession does. Chauffeur…

■ … drives a car, turns the steering wheel, honks.


■ … drives a tram, announces stops, presses the bell.

The game continues until all the children answer once. Then the teacher removes the ball and invites the children to the tables.

5. Drawing up a story based on the picture in parts.

Let's try to compose a story based on the picture "The work of the driver is difficult and complex." I will start and you will continue the story. Katya will tell about the "chauffeur" boy. Misha is about the passengers, Arisha is about the “conductor” girl, and Masha will finish the story (composing the story in parts by the children).

6. The game "What has changed?"

You have already seen this game today. Consider again the cars that drive on the highway. Then you close your eyes, and I will change something to playing field. You will open your eyes and tell what has changed. (An airplane appeared in the sky. A ship appeared in the sea. A truck and a car changed places. A motorcycle disappeared from the highway.)

The game is played until all the children answer once. Then the teacher removes the game.

7. Exercise "What is missing?"

The teacher invites the children to the tables, on which album sheets with an unfinished bus and wax crayons have already been prepared. on the typesetting canvas there is a subject picture with the image of a bus.

What did you draw?

Two wheels, steering wheel, door, headlights.

Now color the bus. Try to paint every detail in one direction.

The children are doing the task. The teacher collects the works, lays them out on one table and organizes their discussion.

8. Exercise "Who is attentive?"

The children are back at the tables. The teacher gives them cards with superimposed images of a bus and a truck.

And now the task of attentiveness. What do you see on the card?

It's a bus and a truck.

Circle the image of the bus with your finger.

The children are doing the task.

Now circle the image of the truck.

The children are doing the task. The teacher evaluates their work and removes the cards.

The story of the painting "The work of the driver is difficult and complex"

We see in the picture the children who organized the game "On the Bus". Children play in a large and bright group room. They put chairs in rows, put on costumes, took toys.

Ahead, a boy is sitting on a chair - the “chauffeur”. He has a steering wheel in his hands, a large cap on his head. The boy turns the steering wheel and announces stops.

There are two rows of chairs behind the “chauffeur” boy. Children are sitting on them - “passengers”. On the left we see a girl in a yellow dress. She is holding a bear. This is probably her son. Behind the girl sits a boy with a large briefcase. He's on his way to work. The girl in the pink dress, pictured on the right, is holding a large doll in her arms. Probably, the girl is taking her to kindergarten.

A “conductor” girl is walking along the aisle between the chairs. The girl is wearing a blue dress. She has a red bag on her shoulder. The girl holds out a ticket to a passenger in an orange dress. There are other "passengers" on the bus.

The teacher sits at the window and looks at the children with a smile. Sometimes the teacher helps the children with advice.

Children themselves came up with a game and assigned roles. They really like to play together.

10. End of class. Evaluation of work.

The teacher invites the children to remember what they did in the lesson, what they were interested in doing. Then the teacher evaluates the activity of each child.

At senior preschool age due to the fact that the activity of children is increasing, their speech is improving, there are opportunities for independent compilation of stories based on different pictures. In the classroom using the picture, various tasks are set, depending on the content of the picture:

1) to teach children to correctly understand the content of the picture;

2) educate feelings (specifically planned depending on the plot of the picture): love for nature, respect for this profession, etc .;

3) learn to compose a coherent story based on a picture;

4) activate and expand vocabulary (specifically, new words are planned that children need to remember, or words that need to be clarified and consolidated).

AT senior group The role of the educator in the learning process is already changing. From a direct participant, he becomes, as it were, an observer, intervening only when necessary. Great demands are placed on the stories of children of older preschool age: accurate transmission of the plot, independence, imagery, the expediency of using language means (the exact designation of actions, qualities, states, etc.).

Awareness by the child of the task is a necessary condition for its correct implementation. At the same time, the leading role of the educator is very large - he helps to understand and correctly complete the task: “You were told“ tell ”, and you said one word”; “We need to figure out what happened next. Come up with it yourself, because it is not drawn in the picture.

The story-model of the teacher offered to children in the senior and especially in preparatory group, serves as a means to transfer them to a higher level of development of the ability to tell. The educator requires not a simple reproduction of the sample, but a generalized imitation of it. Literary samples are used. The sample most often concerns a part of the picture, the most difficult, less bright, and therefore not noticeable to children. This gives them the opportunity to speak out about the rest.

Compilation of the story "Puppy" based on a series of story paintings


educational: to teach children how to plan a story, by highlighting the main idea in each picture; to teach how to compose a story in accordance with the plan; developing: develop a vocabulary of adjectives; develop mental activity and memory in children; educational: develop a sense of compassion. Equipment: a series of plot paintings "Puppy", toys - a puppy and an adult dog. Preliminary work: games on the topic "Pets", drawing a puppy and an adult dog.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing time. Game "Everyone Lives Somewhere"

Everyone lives somewhere

Fish in the river right hand draw waves in the air

In a mink - a mole, (squat)

Hare - in the field, (jump, making ears with their hands)

Mouse - in the straw, (squat)

I am in big brick house, (close their hands above their heads, depicting a roof)

Dog Volchok - in my yard, in a wooden kennel, (get on all fours)

Cat Murka - on the couch, ("washed" behind the ear)

Zebras - in Africa, in the savannah, (run in a circle with a wide step)

In the dark jungle - a hippopotamus, (they go to the wreck)

Well, where does the sun live? (shrugs)

Day and morning - it's clear:

in the sky the sun is beautiful to live. (stretch arms up, standing on toes)

2. Announcement of the topic. Today we will make up a picture story, but before that, I want you to compare these two toy dogs. Together with the teacher, the children compare the puppy and the adult dog, highlighting the same and features: pets, a large dog - a small puppy, a strong dog - a weak puppy, etc.

Picture Series Conversation

Where was the boy going? - Give the boy a name. - Who met on his way? What decision did the boy make? Why did the boy decide to adopt a puppy? - What did Vasya call his puppy? - How did the boy take care of the puppy? - How did the puppy become? - What can you say about the season in the first, second and third pictures? - What happened one summer?

3. Making a story plan.

The teacher asks the children to make one sentence for each picture. Thus, the children gradually plan the story.

Sample Plan

1. The boy finds a puppy. 2. Taking care of the puppy. 3. Rex comes to the rescue.

4. Fizminutka. Two puppies cheek to cheek (fold hands with palms to each other; to the right, and then Pinch the brush in the corner left cheek) And the brush of the sexual stick is above the head (raise your hands up and connect over your head) Stick - click puppies from the shoulder, (clap on shoulders) The two puppies left the food. (walk around your chair and sit on it).

5. Children's stories.


Once Vasya went out for a walk. Suddenly he heard someone whimpering. It turned out that it was a small defenseless puppy. Vasya liked the puppy very much, and he decided to take him home. At home, he looked after him and built a booth for the puppy. Soon the puppy grew up and became big and strong. Vasya decided to take Rex for a boat ride. He asked his brother for a boat. And the brother forgot that there was a small gap in the boat. When Vasya and Rex swam to the middle of the river, the boat began to fill with water. Vasya did not know how to swim. He began to sink. Rex swam up to the owner and helped him get ashore.

6. Color the drawing so that the dog is in front of (or behind) the kennel.

7. The result of the lesson. The teacher sums up and evaluates the children's stories.

In the classroom in the preparatory group for school a sample teacher should be offered only if the children do not have the ability to coherently present the content of the picture. In such classes, it is better to give a plan, suggest a possible plot and sequence of the story. In groups of senior preschool age, all types of stories based on a picture are used: a descriptive story based on subject and plot pictures, a narrative story, a descriptive story based on a landscape painting and a still life.

You can widely use a story based on a series of pictures (for example, on the topic “Our site in winter and summer”), where you no longer need a simple enumeration of ongoing events, but a sequential story with a beginning, climax and denouement. The conversation on questions preceding the story concerns the main points, the key points of the depicted plot.

The following techniques help to improve the ability to tell through a series of pictures: compiling a collective story - the teacher makes the beginning, the children finish; one child starts, another continues.

In the preparatory group children for the first time are led to the compilation of narrative stories. So, they come up with a beginning or an end to the plot depicted in the pictures: “That’s how I rode!”, “Where did you go?”, “Gifts for mom by March 8”, “The ball flew away”, “Cat with kittens”, etc. A well-defined task encourages creative fulfillment of it.

It is very important to teach children not only to see what is shown in the picture, but also to imagine previous and subsequent events. For example, according to these pictures, the teacher can ask the following questions: What did the guys say to the boy? ("That's how I rode!"); How did the children prepare gifts for their mother? ("March 8"); who put the basket here and what happened? ("Cat with kittens"). Several questions can be asked, as if to outline the storyline of the narrative story: where did these children come from? What happened to them next? How did these children continue to be friends? ("Waiting for guests").

The same picture can be used several times during the year, but different tasks should be set, gradually complicating them. When the children have mastered the skills of free storytelling, you can offer them two or more pictures (already seen and even new ones) and set the task - to come up with a story based on any picture. This will give them the opportunity to choose the content that is most interesting to them, and for those who find it difficult, an already familiar plot, according to which it is easy to compose a story. Such activities develop independence and activity, bring up a sense of self-confidence.

In the senior and preparatory groups, work continues on developing the ability to characterize the most essential in the picture. The highlighting of the essential most clearly appears in the selection of the name of the picture, so the children are given tasks such as “What did the artist call this picture?”, “Let's come up with a name”, “What can we call this picture?”.

Along with highlighting and characterizing the most essential, one must learn to notice details, convey the background, landscape, weather conditions, etc.

The teacher teaches children to introduce small descriptions of nature into their stories. Of great importance in this case is such a methodological technique - the analysis of the teacher's story. Children are asked questions: “How did I start my story?”, “How does my story differ from Alyosha’s story?”, “How did I tell about the season depicted in the picture?”

Gradually, older preschoolers learn to supplement their stories in the picture with a description of the depicted landscape, weather conditions, etc. Here, for example, is the beginning of Marina’s story (6 years old) based on the painting “That’s how I rode!”: “Winter is painted in this picture. The day is sunny and cold. And the sky is colorful. It is from the sun that it shines so ... "

The introduction of such short descriptions to the story based on the picture gradually prepares the children for compiling stories based on landscape paintings and still life. This type of storytelling is used in the preparatory school group.

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Winter Forest"

educational goals. Generalization of ideas about winter. Updating the dictionary on the topic "Winter". Improving the skill of looking at a picture, the formation of a holistic view of what is depicted on it. Improving the skill of retelling.

development goals. The development of coherent speech, speech hearing, thinking, all types of perception, creative imagination, fine motor skills.

educational goals. Education of an emotional response to what is depicted in the picture, initiative, independence, creative imagination.

Equipment. A tape recorder, a cassette recording P. Tchaikovsky's play "Winter Morning", a painting by I. Grabar "Luxurious Hoarfrost", a story by D. Zuev "Winter Forest", a mnemonic table for the story.

Preliminary work. Observation of winter changes in nature on a walk: how the color of snow changes depending on the light. A conversation about the sensations that arise during a winter walk. Learning poems by A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, S. Yesenin. Learning the game "Bear". Listening and discussion at the musical lesson of P. Tchaikovsky's play "Winter Morning". Preparation of the collective work "Branches in hoarfrost" in joint activities.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing time. Game "Sensitive hands"

What a miracle - miracles:

One hand and two hand!

Here is the left hand

Here is the right hand.

And I'll tell you, not melting:

Everyone needs hands, friends.

Strong arms won't rush into a fight

Kind hands stroke the dog

smart hands are able to heal

Sensitive hands know how to make friends.

Now firmly hold hands, feel the warmth of the hands of your neighbors.

Listening to an excerpt from P. Tchaikovsky's play "Winter Morning". Creating an emotional background for the lesson.

2. Topic message.

Today we will talk about winter. You tell me everything you know about this time of year. We will look at the painting by I. Grabar "Luxurious frost", we will retell the story "Winter Forest".

And now tell us about your mood when you heard P. Tchaikovsky's play "Winter Morning", saw I. Grabar's painting and a bouquet of "snowy" branches. ( Children talk about their mood.

3. Narration of poems by Russian poets.

Here is the north catching up clouds,

He breathed, howled - and here she is

The magical winter is coming.

Came, crumbled, in tufts

Hung on the branches of oaks;

She lay down with wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills;

A shore with a motionless river

Leveled with a plump veil;

Frost flashed. And we are glad

I'll tell mother winter's leprosy.

(A. Pushkin)

Enchantress Winter

Bewitched, the forest stands -

And under the snowy fringe,

Motionless, dumb

He shines with a wonderful life. (F. Tyutchev)

4. Examination of the painting by I. Grabar “Luxurious frost”.

What did the artist depict in the painting, which he called "Luxury Hoarfrost"? Try to describe the trees, the earth, the sky. (The artist painted a winter birch forest; trees covered with fluffy hoarfrost. There is snow on the ground in the forest. The sky is clear and high. It can be seen that this is a frosty day.

What tones prevail in the picture and why? (The picture is painted in light colors. Here and white, and blue, and pink, and lilac.

We observed that snow is never pure white. Its color depends on the lighting. On the walk, we have repeatedly seen how the color of the snow changes. Tell us about the snow we saw. (In the morning, on a walk, we saw silvery snow on which blue shadows lay. In the afternoon, from the window, we watched golden snow lit by the bright sun. In the evening, under the rays of the setting sun, the snow seemed pink. And when we go home in the dark, it seems blue).

Right. That is why the snow and frost in the painting by Igor Grabar are not white. Shades of all colors play on them: blue, pink, lilac. What other words can describe the snow and frost in the picture? What snow? (Loose, deep, soft, cold).

And what is frost? (fluffy, hairy, needle, cold).

What can you say about the birch trees shown in the picture? (smart, festive, hoarfrost, shaggy, lacy).

What is your mood when looking at this picture? (joyful, nice to look at the picture).

5. Reading the story of D. Zuev "Winter Forest".

Winter forest

A blizzard raged - and the forest was magically transformed. Everything is quiet. There is a silent knight in coniferous chain mail, enchanted by the spell of winter. The titmouse will sit down, but the branch will not flinch.

In the clearing, tiny Christmas trees flaunt apart. They got completely carried away. How good they are now, how pretty!

The blizzard silvered the magnificent hairstyle of slender pines. Below - not a knot, and on top - a lush snow cap.

A clear birch has spread its light braids of branches covered with hoarfrost, delicate pink birch bark glistens in the sun.

Trees covered with snow lace are numb in winter sleep. Deep winter sleep of nature. Snow sparkles, sparks flash and sparkles go out. Good forest in winter dress!

6. Physical culture pause "Bear"

Like on a hill - snow, snow. ( Children stand facing in a circle, in the center lies a "bear". Children slowly raise their hands up)

And under the hill - snow, snow. (slowly squat down, lower their hands)

And on the Christmas tree - snow, snow. ( They stand up again and raise their hands.)

And under the tree - snow, snow. (squat and lower their hands).

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush... Don't make noise!

7. Conversation on the text of the story using a mnemonic table.

A mnemonic table is placed on the board next to the picture.

Let's talk about what you just heard. The diagrams will help you answer my questions.

Where does the story begin? How did it become in the forest after the blizzard? (children's answers)

What does "transformed" mean? How do you understand this word?

How are tiny Christmas trees described in the story?

What does it mean that Christmas trees stand alone? How do you understand this word?

What trees are you talking about? What hairstyles do pines have? What do they have on their heads?

How is the birch tree described in the story, the light braids of its branches, its thin bark?

As described in the story deep dream winter nature?

How does the story end?

Well done! You answered my questions perfectly. Now listen to the story again, because you will be retelling it. Look carefully at the diagram.

8. Rereading the story.

9. Retelling the story by children using a mnemonic table as a visual support. (Two children retell, then invite other children to retell).

10. End of class. evaluation of children's work.

The main thing to strive for when developing a series of classes and organizing work on them is to teach children new speech forms, to contribute to the formation of standards, samples, rules for this activity. It will be easier for the child to express his thoughts and in Everyday life, and when studying at school, if he is specially trained in this in an entertaining, interesting form under the guidance of an adult. Therefore, classes should be designed to create interest in the lesson from its very first minutes and maintain interest throughout it. This is the key to the successful outcome of the activities of all its participants.

For example, in a storytelling lesson based on a painting "Cat with Kittens" the teacher tells the children that today they will learn to compose a story from a picture. But what animal they will talk about, they will only know when each of them guesses his riddle about this animal and quickly draws a riddle. Riddles are guessed in each child's ear.

    Sharp claws, soft pillows;

    Fluffy fur, long mustache;

    Purrs, laps milk;

    Washes his tongue, hides his nose when it's cold;

    Sees well in the dark;

    She has good hearing, walks inaudibly;

    Knows how to arch his back, scratches.

As a result, all children in the drawings get an image of a cat. Children are very interested in such a beginning, so they are easily, with interest, included in the work of examining the picture and compiling stories on it.

"Teddy bear on a walk" the teacher also reports that the children will learn to make up a story from the pictures. But who will become the heroes of the story, the children will find out when they guess the mini-crossword puzzle. It consists in the fact that children need to guess the words on the cards by selecting letters. The result is the words: teddy bear, hedgehog, bee, forest. Children perform the task with interest, because they were intrigued, it was interesting for them to cope with such a task. Next, the children are presented with pictures with guessed characters, and the work continues.

In class to compose a story from a picture "Rabbits"In order to find out what animal they will talk about, children are first invited to guess a riddle, but not a simple one, but in which "everything is the other way around." That is, children must analyze the given phrase, pick up antonyms for its hotel words, and in finally come to a common opinion and say the correct answer.

You can give examples for each lesson, but as you can see from the above, the result is the same everywhere: the beginning of the lesson creates interest, pace, working mood, intrigues children, and thus encourages further activity.

In a lesson on compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures "How Misha lost his mitten" children are invited to the game "Listen and remember." Reading a story about winter. The motivation is as follows; at the end of listening to it, it is necessary to remember all the words on the topic "Winter" that met in this story, and put a Christmas tree chip in the basket for each word. At the end of the task, the children count the chips. Creating a situation of the need to jointly complete the task "provokes" children to achieve results, to subsequently accept the goal of speech activity.

In a lesson on inventing stories based on a series of plot pictures "How the girlfriends saved the kitten" children can be offered to divide into two teams and complete the task as best as possible, because the teacher should write down the resulting stories, then discuss them with the children, then hang them in the parent's corner. It uses both a competitive motive and a semantic one. Children of this age tend to designate, fix and save the results of their speech activity.

In a storytelling lesson based on a series of plot pictures "Girl and hedgehog" children compete in the selection of words on the theme "Forest".

The group has two baskets for each team. For each word, the participants drop tokens into them. In this case, the competitive motive stimulates children to cope with the task "excellently". It was important for them to remember as many words as possible and bring their team forward. At the end of the competition, tokens are counted, and it turns out which team remembered more words on a given topic.

Thus, by creating activity motivation in the course of classes, it is possible to achieve, firstly, the creation of interest in speech activity, and secondly, the quality of completing tasks according to the set learning objectives.

In the course of the main part of the lesson, I consider it necessary to focus the attention of children on vocabulary work, vocabulary enrichment, and the formation of grammatically correct speech.

Everyone knows that children have a hard time mastering the skills of these types of storytelling. As a rule, the selection of exact epithets, words that convey emotional condition, the behavior of the characters, reflecting the appearance, habits, as well as the construction of sentences of different types. Observations of children in the course of classes showed that if children are asked to compose a story without preliminary work in this lesson to enrich and develop the vocabulary, as well as exercise in the use different types sentences, then in children when completing tasks for compiling stories, errors are more common: sentences are short and of the same type; children use the same words, repeating them one after another. As a result, the stories are dry and uninteresting.

There is no doubt that work on enrichment and development of the dictionary, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech must be carried out in everyday life, but in the classroom these tasks are solved more efficiently, because the very construction of the lesson, its structure, organization discipline children, create a working atmosphere, and they it is easier to learn standards, samples, norms of speech.

Therefore, at each lesson it is necessary to conduct games, tasks for mastering these sections of speech development.

Games and tasks, selected in accordance with the subject of the lesson, increase the effectiveness. Such games can be called "training" exercises.

For example, when compiling a story based on a picture "Camels" when looking at a picture, you can use the exercise "I start - you continue." In this exercise, children practice in the selection of antonyms, as well as in compiling compound sentences, and then use similar patterns in compiling their own stories.

At the same lesson, children play the game "Magic Chain". Its meaning is that the teacher should say a few short sentences. For example, "The picture shows a camel."

One of the children (optional) should complete this sentence with one more word. The next child adds one more word to this lengthened sentence, and thus lengthens the sentence by one more word. It turns out the following chain: "The picture shows a large humpbacked long-legged powerful camel."

When examining all the pictures, children are offered tasks: to match words denoting an object, its action or sign, words that are close in meaning. For example, to the word "big," when looking at a she-bear, in the picture "Bathing the cubs" children can pick up words: huge, hefty, powerful, huge. When they look at the river depicted by the artist, the children choose words for the word "rapid": restless, rushing, fast, etc.

When compiling a story based on a picture "Cat with Kittens" children practice matching action words to the word "cat". They reminisce following words denoting the actions of a cat: meows, licks, plays, laps, arches (back), hisses, climbs (trees), scratches, catches (mice), hunts, jumps, runs, sleeps, lies, dozes, hides (nose), (quietly) walks, wags (tail), moves (ears and whiskers), sniffs.

In order to avoid templates at each lesson in inventing stories, I offer different options for completing the task recommended by the methodology. This is the compilation of stories according to the proposed plan, and the compilation of collective stories along the "chain", and individual storytelling, and in creative subgroups, and the continuation of the story according to the proposed beginning, etc. Thus, children learn to compose stories in different options, receive considerable positive experience, which helps them in the formation of speech skills and abilities.

In the process of completing the task of inventing stories, children are required to build their work in accordance with the rules of storytelling: delineation of characters, time and place of action; the cause of the event, the development of events, the climax; end of events.

In the process of training, you can use another technique that stimulates speech activity children. Before the children have to compose stories, make them install - to use in the stories the words and expressions that they used during the "training" exercises. This technique allows children to approach the task more consciously, stimulates memory, and improves the quality of stories.

In the final part of the lesson, include educational games for the development of attention, memory, perception, speed of reaction, auditory attention. These are such games as "Quiet Echo", "Smart Echo", "Which team will draw more cats", "Whose team will collect the same picture faster", "Memory training", etc.

The above games and exercises are very popular with children, they cause them a sense of healthy rivalry, competition, and also contribute to an increase in interest in classes for the development of coherent speech.

1. Agranovich Z.E. Collection of homework to help speech therapists and parents to overcome lexical and grammatical underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers with ONR / Z.E. Agranovich. - St. Petersburg. : CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2003.

2. Gomzyak O.S. We speak correctly. Summaries of classes on the development of coherent speech in the group preparatory to school / O.S. Gomzyak. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2007.

3. Glukhov V.P. Formation of coherent speech of preschool children with general speech underdevelopment / V.P. Glukhov. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: ARKTI, 2004. - (Library of a practicing speech therapist.)

4. Klimchuk N.I. visual modeling in the system of vocabulary work with children with general underdevelopment of speech. // Speech therapist. 2008.

5 Nechaeva N.E. Formation of inflection in preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech. // Speech therapist. 2008.

6. Ushakova O.S. Look and tell. Stories based on scenes. M., 2002.

7. Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works. M., 1968.

8. Z.E. Tkachenko T.A. We learn to speak correctly. Correction system general underdevelopment speech in children 6 years old. Handbook for educators, speech therapists and parents. - M .: "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2002.

9. Reader on the theory and methodology of the development of speech of preschool children: textbook. allowance for students. higher and avg. textbook establishments / comp. MM. Alekseeva, V.I. Yanshin. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999.

Inna Voronina
The development of coherent speech through learning to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures


Development of coherent speech

through training


on picture and

series of story paintings

caregiver: Voronina Inna Vladimirovna

2. “If you are working with children who are difficult to get the word out ... - start showing Pictures,

and they will speak freely, naturally ... "

K. D. Ushinsky

3. One of necessary conditions development of competent coherent speech of the child, which develops from the moment of birth throughout the entire preschool period, and then school age, is visibility.

The great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky substantiated the value pictures of topics that the image excites the thought of the child and causes the expression of this thought in "independent word".

The main goal pursued plot pictures for compilation short story , - desire for development of speech and thinking of children. Looking at picture, the guys try to describe what is depicted on it, striving for drawing up a unified, logically coherent story.

In work on speech development a very important step is teaching a child to write stories. Best to start with composing stories from a series of pictures. Can play the game "What comes first, what comes next", building a logical chain of pictures and then proceed to describe them. I offer several options with the task « Make up a story with pictures» You can start with simple sentences that describe what is happening picture. Maybe baby will only tell"Who?" and "What is he doing?". Our task is to pay attention to the signs of objects, thus making story more detailed and interesting.

4. The task of teachers and parents is to

to help children

learn to express your own thoughts coherent and complete,

understand the speech of the interlocutor,

i.e. have a meaningful dialogue

5. In teaching children storytelling

on the picture is usually distinguished

several stages:

AT younger age a preparatory stage is being carried out, which aims to enrich the vocabulary, activate the speech of children, teach them look at the picture and answer questions.

In middle preschool age, children are taught write stories first on questions and then on its own. Questions should be formulated in such a way that, by answering them, the child learns to build extended connected statements. Excessively fractional questions accustom children to one-word answers. Poorly posed questions also slow down development children's speech skills.

Senior preschool age is characterized by increased speech and mental activity of children, so the child can independently or with a little help from an adult make up not only descriptive stories but also narrative stories think of a beginning and an end the plot of the picture.

6. At the core storytelling by picture lies the children's perception of the surrounding life.

Painting not only expands and deepens children's ideas about social and natural phenomena, but also affects the emotions of children, arouses interest in storytelling encourages even the silent and shy to speak



1. Description of subject pictures is connected sequential description of the picture objects or animals, their qualities, properties, actions

2. Description plot picture is a description of the picture of the situation not out of scope paintings.

3. Story by serial plot series of paintings: child tells on the content of each plot picture from the series, tying them into one story.

8. SELECTION REQUIREMENTS PAINTINGS(You can read on the slide)

9. Structure compiling a story(on slide).

10. Picture"Red cat drinks milk"

Who drinks milk? Who is drawn? What is the cat doing?

What color is the cat? What cat?

What does the red cat drink?

Where is the milk in the bowl from?

11. Chat on series of pictures- There should be no more than three. Under consideration and describe each picture from the series, then the statements of the children are combined into one plot.

Where was the boy going? - Give the boy a name. - Who met on his way? What decision did the boy make? Why did the boy decide to adopt a puppy? - What did Vasya call his puppy? - How did the boy take care of the puppy? - How did the puppy become? - What can you say about the time of the year on the first, second and third pictures?

12. It must be remembered that speech is not inherited. The child learns speech communication from others, i.e., mastery of speech is directly dependent on the surrounding speech environment. Therefore, it is so important that adults create this speech environment for constant communication with the child.


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We teach children 5-6 years old to retell, compose stories from pictures.

Retelling of the story "Rich Harvest" using plot pictures.

1. Reading the story.
A bountiful harvest.
Once upon a time there were hard-working goslings Vanya and Kostya. Vanya was very fond of working in the garden, and Kostya - in the garden. Vanya decided to grow a crop of pears and grapes, and Kostya - a crop of peas and cucumbers. Vegetables and fruits have grown well. But then insatiable caterpillars began to eat Kostin's harvest, and noisy jackdaws got into the habit of Vanya in the garden and began to peck at pears and grapes. The goslings were not at a loss and began to fight pests. Kostya called the birds for help, and Vanya decided to make a scarecrow. At the end of summer, Kostya and Vanya gathered a rich harvest of fruits and vegetables. Now no winter was terrible for them.
2. Conversation.
- Who is this story about?
- Where did Vanya like to work? How can it be called?
- Where did Kostya like to work? How can it be called?
- What did Vanya grow in the garden?
- And what about Kostya's garden?
- Who interfered with Vanya? Who is Costa?
- What can you call caterpillars and jackdaws?
- Who helped Vanya get rid of the caterpillars?
- And what did Kostya do to scare away the jackdaws?
- What did the industrious goslings rejoice at at the end of summer?
3. Retelling the story.

Retelling of the story "Swans" using plot pictures.

1. Reading the story.
Grandfather stopped digging, tilted his head to the side and listened to something. Tanya asked in a whisper:
- What's there?
And grandfather replied:
Do you hear the swans trumpeting?
Tanya looked at her grandfather, then at the sky, then again at her grandfather, smiled and asked:
- And what, do swans have a pipe?
Grandpa laughed and replied:
- What's the pipe? They just scream so long, so they say they trumpet. Well, do you hear?
Tanya listened. And indeed, somewhere high up, drawn-out distant voices were heard, and then she saw the swans and shouted:
- See see! They fly with a rope. Maybe they'll sit somewhere?
“No, they won’t sit down,” grandfather said thoughtfully. They fly to warmer climes.
And the swans flew farther and farther.

2. Conversation.
- Who is this story about?
- What did grandfather listen to?
- Why did Tanya smile at the words of her grandfather?
- What does "swans trumpet" mean?
- Who did Tanya see in the sky?
- What did Tanya really want?
What did her grandfather say to her?
3. Retelling the story.

Compilation of the story "How the sun found the shoes" based on a series of story paintings.

1. Conversation on a series of paintings.
- Where did the boy Kolya walk?
- What was there a lot around the house?
Why is Kolya wearing only one shoe?
- What did Kolya do when he noticed that he did not have a shoe?
- Do you think he found it?
- Who did Kolya tell about his loss?
- Who began to look for shoes after Kolya?
- And after the grandmother?
- Where could Kolya have lost his shoe?
- Why did the sun find the shoe, and everyone else did not?
- Is it necessary to do what Kolya did?
2. Drawing up a story based on a series of paintings.
How the sun found shoes.
Once Kolya went out into the yard for a walk. There were many puddles in the yard. Kolya really liked to wander through the puddles in his new boots. And then the boy noticed that he did not have a shoe on one leg.
Kolya began to look for shoes. Searched and searched, but never found. He came home and told everything to his grandmother and mother. Grandma went into the yard. She looked, she looked for shoes, but she did not find. My mother followed my grandmother into the yard. But she couldn't find the shoes either.
After lunch, a bright sun peeked out from behind the clouds, drained the puddles and found a boot.

3. Retelling the story.

General slide. Retelling of the picture.

1. Conversation on the picture.
What time of year is shown in the picture?
- By what signs did you guess that it was winter?
- Where are the children gathered?
- Think about who built the slide?
- And which of the children just came to the hill?
- Pay attention to the boys. Why do you think they argued?
- Look at Natasha. What does she say to the boys?
- How did this story end?
- Give the picture a name.
2. Sample story.
General slide.
Winter came. White, fluffy, silvery snow fell. Natasha, Ira and Yura decided to build a hill out of snow. But Vova did not help them. He was sick. A good slide came out! High! Not a hill, but a whole mountain! The guys took the sled and had fun riding down the hill. Vova came three days later. He also wanted to go down the hill on a sled. But Yura shouted:
- Do not dare! This is not your hill! You didn't build it!
And Natasha smiled and said:
- Ride, Vova! This is a common hill.

3. Retelling the story.

Drawing up the story "Family Dinner" based on a series of plot pictures.

1. Conversation on a series of paintings.
- What time of day do you think is depicted in the pictures?
- Why do you think so?
- Where did Sasha and Masha come home from?
Where did mom and dad come from?
- What is the name of the evening meal in the family?
- What did mom do? What for?
- What kind of work does Sasha do?
- What can be cooked from potatoes?
- What is Anya doing?
- What will she do?
- Whom did you not see in the kitchen at work?
What job did dad do?
- When everything was ready, what did the family do?
How can we finish our story?
- What do you think parents and children will do after dinner?
- How can we name our story?
2. Compilation of a story.
Family dinner.
In the evening the whole family gathered at home. Mom and dad are back from work. Sasha and Natasha came from school. They decided to cook a family dinner together.
Sasha peeled potatoes for mashed potatoes. Natasha washed the cucumbers and tomatoes for the salad. Mom went into the kitchen, put the kettle on the stove and began to make tea. Dad took the vacuum cleaner and cleaned the carpet.
When dinner was ready, the family sat down at the table. Everyone was happy to see each other at a family dinner.

3. Retelling the story.

Compilation of the story "New Year's on the threshold" based on a series of story paintings.

1. Conversation on a series of paintings.
What holiday is coming up?
- How can you prove it?
- What are the guys doing?
- What kind of Christmas tree decorations will they get?
- What do children use to make Christmas toys?
- Do they work with pleasure or not?
What kind of jewelry did they get?
Where did they hang their toys?
- How did the children spend the holiday?
- What were they wearing?
- What surprise awaited them at the end of the holiday?
2. Compilation of a story.
New Year's Eve is on the doorstep.
Beloved was approaching children's holiday- New Year. And the Christmas tree stood in the corner and was sad. Olya looked at the Christmas tree and suggested:
- Let's decorate it not only with balloons, but also make toys ourselves!
The guys agreed. Each of them armed with scissors, paints and colored paper. They worked with pleasure. Soon bright, colorful decorations were ready. The children proudly hung their work on the Christmas tree. The tree sparkled and shone.
The holiday has come. The guys put on masquerade costumes and went to the Christmas tree. They sang, danced and danced. Well, of course, Grandfather Frost came to the guys with long-awaited gifts.

3. Retelling the story.

A retelling of the story "How We Communicate", compiled from separate plot pictures.

1. Conversation.
- How do we communicate with each other if we are nearby?
- And if a person is not around, then what do we do?
- What can be attributed to the means of communication?
- What can be mailed?
How was the mail delivered before?
How did the telegraph work?
- How long does it take now to send a message?
What do people use for this?
- And how does the postal service deliver letters and greeting cards to us?
Why do people write letters and greeting cards to each other?
2. Compilation of a story.
How do we communicate?
When we talk, we communicate with each other. But sometimes a loved one is far away. Then the phone and mail come to the rescue. By dialing the desired phone number, we will hear a familiar voice. And if you need to send a letter or a greeting card, you can go to the post office.
In the past, mail was delivered by horse. Then the Morse telegraph appeared, and messages began to be transmitted over wires using electric current. Bell engineer improved the Morse apparatus and invented the telephone.
Nowadays, messages with text and pictures can be transmitted very quickly. To do this, people use a cell phone and a computer. But even now people continue to write letters to each other, send greeting cards and telegrams by mail. Mail is delivered by car railway or by air.

3. Retelling the story.

Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "In a Living Corner".

1. Conversation.
- Who do you see in the picture?
- Name the plants that are in a living corner.
- Do children like to work in a living corner? Why?
- Who is working in a living corner today?
- What are Katya and Olya doing?
What are ficus leaves?
- Why does Dasha like to take care of the fish? What are they?
- What should be done if a hamster lives in a living corner? What is he?
- What birds live in a living corner?
- Where is the cage with parrots? What parrots?
- How do the guys do their job?
Why do they like taking care of animals and plants?
2. Compilation of a story based on a picture.
In a living area.
There are many plants and animals in the living area. Children love to watch and care for them. Every morning, when the children come to the kindergarten, they go to the living corner.
Today, Katya, Olya, Dasha, Vanya and Natalya Valeryevna are working in a living corner. Katya and Olya take care of the ficus: Katya wipes its large shiny leaves with a damp cloth, and Olya waters the plant. Dasha likes fish: they are very bright and enjoy eating the food that she pours into the aquarium. Vanya decided to take care of the hamster: he cleans his cage, and then he will change the water. Natalya Valerievna feeds the colorful parrots. Their cage hangs high and the guys can't reach it. Everyone is very focused and trying to do their job well.

3. Retelling the story.

Drawing up the story "The Hare and the Carrot" based on a series of story paintings.

1. Conversation on a series of paintings.
What season is shown in the picture?
- What can you say about the weather?
- What is the cost of a snowman?
- Who ran past the snowman?
- What did he notice?
- What did the bunny decide to do?
- Why didn't he manage to get a carrot?
What did he think then?
Did the ladder help him get to the carrot? Why?
- How has the weather changed compared to the first picture?
- What can you say about the mood of the bunny in the second picture?
- What's going on with the snowman?
How is the sun shining in the third picture?
- What does a snowman look like?
- What is the mood of the bunny? Why?
2. Compilation of a story.
Hare and carrot.
Spring has come. But the sun rarely peeked out from behind the clouds. The snowman that the children made in the winter stood and did not even think of melting.
Once a bunny ran past a snowman. He noticed that instead of a nose, the snowman had a delicious carrot. He began to bounce, but the snowman was tall, and the bunny was small, and he could not get the carrot in any way.
The hare remembered that he had a ladder. He ran into the house and brought a ladder. But even she did not help get him a carrot. The bunny became sad and sat down near the snowman.
A warm spring sun peeked out from behind the clouds. The snowman slowly began to melt. Soon the carrot was in the snow. The joyful bunny ate it with pleasure.

3. Retelling the story.

Retelling of the fairy tale "Spikelet" using a series of plot pictures.

1. Reading a fairy tale.
2. Conversation.
- Who is this story about?
- What did the mice do all day?
- How can you call mice, what are they? And the cockerel?
- What did the cockerel find?
- What did the mice suggest doing?
- Who threshed the spikelet?
- What did the mice offer to do with the grain? Who did this?
- What other work did the cockerel do?
- And what did Krut and Vert do at that time?
- Who was the first to sit at the table when the pies were ready?
- Why did the voice of the mice become quieter after each question of the cockerel?
Why didn't the cockerel take pity on the mice when they left the table?
3. Retelling a fairy tale.

Drawing up the story "Where did the bread come from" based on a series of story paintings.

1. Conversation.
What season is shown in the first picture?
- Where does the tractor work? What is the name of the profession of a person who works on a tractor?
What kind of work does a tractor do?
- What is the name of the technique that you see in the third picture? What job does the seeder do?
What job does an airplane do? Why fertilize the field?
- When does wheat ripen?
What is used to harvest wheat? What is the name of the profession of a person who works on a combine?
- What is the bread made of?
- And what needs to be done with wheat grains to make flour?
- Where do they bake rolls, loaves? Who bakes them?
- Where is the bread then taken?
How should you treat bread? Why?
2. Compilation of a story.
Where did the bread come from.
Spring has come. The snow melted. Tractor drivers went to the field to plow and loosen the earth for future grain. Grain growers poured grain into seeders and began to scatter across the field. And then a plane took off into the sky to fertilize the wheat field. Fertilizer will fall into the ground, and the wheat will grow and ripen. By the end of summer, the wheat field will be eared. Combiners will go into the field. Will float on wheat field harvesters, as on the blue sea. The threshed grain is ground into flour. In the bakery, warm, fragrant, delicious bread will be baked from it and taken to the store.

3. Retelling the story.

Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Home Alone" with inventing the beginning of the story.

1. Conversation.
- Who do you see on the kart?
What toys do you see in the picture?
- Which of the children likes to play with the bear? Who's with the cars?
What is your mother's mood like? Why is she unhappy?
- When could this happen?
Where do you think mom went?
- Who stayed at home alone? What did the children promise their mother?
- What did Katya do? And Vova?
- And whose beads are scattered on the floor?
- Do you think your mother allowed you to take beads?
- Who took them?
- Why were the beads broken?
- What did the children feel when their mother returned?
2. Compilation of a story.
Home alone.
Mom went shopping. And Katya and Vova were left at home alone. They promised their mother that everything would be fine. Katya took her favorite bear and began to tell him a story, and Vova played with cars.
But suddenly Katya saw her mother's beads. She really wanted to wear them. She took the beads and began to try them on. But Vova said that mother did not allow Katya to touch them. Katya did not listen to Vova. Then Vova began to remove the beads from Katya's neck. But Katya did not allow them to be removed.
Suddenly the thread broke, and the beads scattered on the floor. At this time, my mother returned from the store. Vova, frightened, hid under the covers, and Katya stood and looked guiltily at her mother. The children were very ashamed that they did not fulfill their promise.

3. Retelling the story.

Compilation of the story "The border of the Motherland - at the castle" based on a series of story paintings.

1. Conversation.
- Who do you see in the first picture?
- Where are they going?
- What did the border guard notice?
- To whom did he show the footprints?
- To whom did the traces lead?
- What is in the hands of the offender?
- Look at the second picture. What can you say about Trezor? Why is he so evil?
- What did the intruder do when Trezor attacked him?
- How can you call the border guard and Trezor, what are they?
- If all the defenders are like that, what will our Motherland be like?
2. Compilation of a story.
The border of the Motherland is locked.
The border of our Motherland is guarded by border guards. Once, a soldier Vasily and his faithful friend, the dog Trezor, went out on patrol. Suddenly, the border guard noticed fresh footprints. He showed them to Trezor. Trezor immediately followed in the footsteps.
Soon the border guard and Trezor saw the intruder. He was armed, and when he saw the border guard and Trezor, he pointed a gun at them. Trezor all tensed up and attacked the criminal. He grabbed the intruder by the hand, and he dropped the gun in fright. Faithful friends arrested the violator.
Let everyone know that the border of our Motherland is locked.

3. Retelling the story.