Handgum (Hendgam), Chewing gum for hands, Smart plasticine. Gum for hands: what happens and how to make at home

Many people ask themselves why this miracle gum is needed, how to use it and what benefits it can have. All in all, it's almost useless stuff, but first impressions are far from deceiving. She possesses unique properties and a number of advantages.

This gum for hands can develop both in children and their parents, Creative skills. From this plasticine mass, you can mold a huge variety of different figures: objects, figures of people and animals. It can be pasted over any object and not leave any traces. You can use chewing gum in different ways: someone can make a ping-pong ball out of it, and someone can make a hammer for driving nails. When you crumple the gum in your hands, it massages the nerve endings located on the palms, helping to relieve stress. Your psychological tension gradually disappears, you begin to relax. This fun chewing gum helps kids develop motor skills. And for adults, chewing gum will help get rid of bad habits: smoking, nail biting. It will also provide you with a pleasant pastime on trains, in the classroom, and you will not even notice how time flies. You won't regret buying this gum! It will bring joy to you and your children, and this is the most important thing!

Smart plasticine, or HandGum, that is, “gum for hands”, today is reputed to be one of the most popular toys for both children and adults. And yet, this is not plasticine, not a fat “lizun” and not that bag of flour that, after several transformations, crumbled over carpets ... Handgum is unique: it is both liquid and solid, stretches and tears, bounces like a ball or breaks into pieces. Certain types of smart plasticine glow in the dark, magnetize or change color depending on temperature. Everyone dreams of such a curiosity - from schoolchildren to office workers!

Safe fun

Hand gum was created by accident in 1943 when Scottish scientist James Wright was experimenting with synthetic substitutes for natural rubber. side effect of these experiments became an organosilicon (silicone) polymer, later called handgum

This composition is non-toxic, does not have a chemical smell (until fruit, berry, coffee, chocolate, cream or nut flavors are added to it to the taste of the buyer). The composition of handgam is also no secret: 65% dimethylsiloxane, 17% silica (crystalline quartz), 9% Thixatrol ST (castor oil derivatives), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerol and 1% titanium dioxide. Smart plasticine complies with the requirements of the European Union and Russian Standards, it has received certificates from Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services UK Ltd, as well as Russian hygiene and compliance certificates.

Magic toffee properties

In short periods of time, smart plasticine behaves like solid:

  • if you pull it sharply different sides, it will tear or break like cold metal, with a clear cut;
  • if you roll a ball out of it and hit it on the floor or wall, it will bounce;
  • if you hit it with a hammer, it will break into small pieces.

But if we consider a long period of time, hendgam behaves like jelly: plasticine flows through the fingers or falls in large drops from the edge of the table, the figures molded from it spread. Hendgam does not stick to hands and other things, does not leave sticky spots - so after it you do not need to wash your hands or clean up.

What is useful handgam?

The advantages of a silicone toy can be appreciated by both children and adults:

  • smart plasticine promotes the development of fine motor skills of hands, massages active points fingers, palms and strengthens the wrist muscles; = stimulates the brain areas responsible for speech, writing and handwriting (since in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and finger movement are located next to each other and “turn on” together);
  • relieves fatigue, aggression and irritation, remarkably relieves stress;
  • improves mood, harmonizes the body and mind;
  • serves as an element of color therapy: depending on the color, hendgam can soothe ( pastel shades) or cheer up (bright juicy colors);
  • kneading, stretching and twisting the toy helps to turn on creative thinking and generate new ideas.

How to handle smart plasticine?

Unpacked hand chewing gum can be stored for about five years without losing its properties. If you actively use the toy, it will last less - of course, it will not have time to dry out or crumble (it takes centuries for silicone to do this), but it collects a lot of dust and lint - so many owners prefer a new one to a “shabby” handgam.

The main thing is not to put smart plasticine in the refrigerator and not leave it in water for a long time, otherwise it will lose its interesting properties. The toy is also afraid of soap, chlorine and any other chemicals. You should not leave the handgam on the fabric or on the carpet for a long time: it will spread so much that you will have to rub it with alcohol (or even resort to dry cleaning services). And of course, do not risk sticking plasticine to the hair or fur of pets. Any other surfaces where Velcro can seep through should also be avoided: laptop and computer keyboard, Appliances, plinth, etc. You need to store handgams in the iron or plastic packaging that comes with the toy.

Gum for hands cannot be “tasted by mouth” (therefore, small children always need an eye and an eye). If the baby still accidentally swallows a small piece of handgam, it's okay: silicone is not involved in the digestion process and will soon leave the body naturally.

How to make smart plasticine at home?

Let's say right away: homemade chewing gum for hands will have almost the same qualities as the purchased one - stretch, wrinkle and be any color you wish. It will also be environmentally friendly, and also much cheaper than branded handgam. But the resulting mass will not be so elastic, and will last only one to two weeks. Although it is quite possible that the toy will have time to get bored during this time.

So, to make smart plasticine with our own hands, we need:

  • borax (sodium tetraborate) from a pharmacy or gardening store
  • PVA glue
  • food coloring or gouache
  • mass mixing container
  • wooden stick, pencil or spoon

We take a pinch of borax and dissolve it in a small amount of water, and then send our dyes there. Now we shake the tube of glue well and add it to the container with borax - the more PVA, the more hand chewing gum will turn out. Stir everything with a stick: if the mass is too liquid and does not form a lump, add more borax (without water). When the mixture is completely mixed into such a “kolobok”, put it on paper napkins - they will absorb all the excess liquid, and you can start cheerfully squeezing the craft.

There is another recipe for making a handgam: we mix in equal proportions stationery silicate glue (it is considered safe for health, like PVA) and pure alcohol. Stir the mass until it becomes viscous - and rinse under running water. cold water. A tool for creativity, self-development and relaxation is ready!

Gum for hands (HandGum (Hendgam), "Smart Clay") has a bunch of interesting colors and properties: flows and jumps; soft, hard and liquid at the same time; beats like porcelain and bounces like a ball; does not stick to hands and is a desirable gift for schoolchildren, students and office workers.

Smart plasticine or handgum(literally Handgum - manual chewing gum, English) is a silicone-based substance that feels like chewing gum, but has interesting properties thixotropic liquids. Due to this, for short periods of time, the composition can show the properties of a solid body, but at the same time it flows very slowly.

Gum for hands- a plastic toy based on an organosilicon polymer, created in 1943 by the Scottish scientist James Wright. A polymer with peculiar properties was obtained by him as a side result of experiments conducted to obtain synthetic substitutes for natural rubber.

Hand chewing gum looks like plasticine or chewing gum big size. The substance is non-toxic, odorless, tasteless, does not stick to hands and does not get dirty.

There are types that:

  • in the dark glow blue, green, purple or orange
  • are magnetized
  • heat sensitive: change color depending on temperature

Handgum (Handgum:

  • lit!
  • It sinks in water, does not dissolve in it. Handgum may lose some of its properties in water.
  • Properties can be lost if put in the refrigerator. (but in the microwave it doesn't even get hot )

In a long period of time, chewing gum for hands manifests itself as a liquid: if you mold an object of a certain shape from it and leave it on a flat surface, after a while the substance will spread. The substance slowly flows through the holes in large drops. In short periods of time, the substance behaves like a solid body, for example, if you make a ball out of it and hit the floor, such a ball will bounce.

Depending on various additives, toys can be obtained different colors, including those that glow in the dark, change color, and also have magnetic properties.

The original gum for hands has a coral color and consists of 65% dimethylsiloxane, 17% silica (crystalline quartz), 9% Thixatrol ST (castor oil derivatives), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerin and 1% titanium dioxide.

In the US, this fun is known as "silly putty" (Eng. Silly Putty)

approximate price - from 150 UAH per piece (Weight 80 grams)

What is the difference between "Hendgam" and "Smart Clay"?

It's different trade marks! More than nothing!

"Smart Plasticine" is sold in an iron package of 80 grams, and Hendgam in plastic transparent packages of 35, 70 and 100 grams.

How long can Handgum be stored?

In a closed package, it can be stored without loss of its properties for 5 years or longer.

How does "Smart Plasticine" differ from simple one?

"Smart plasticine" does not get dirty, does not leave marks. If you roll a ball out of it and throw it on the floor, it will bounce. They can hammer a nail. If you leave it on the table for a long time, it will spread in an even, shiny layer over its surface.

- this is an absolutely unique little thing that has nothing to do with either slimes or flour balls. He doesn't leave greasy spots the way slimes do it. It can be thrown at the wall without fear for the safety of the wallpaper. Handgum has absorbed all the best from these funny, but incredibly outdated toys and at the same time got rid of the most common flaws: stains, dirt, bad smell and the possibility of sudden death.

Handgum (Hendgam) has a silicone base and therefore does not leave an unpleasant feeling on the hands, does not make them greasy. Also, you will not experience discomfort from the smell, since the handgum does not have an aromatic base. All the disadvantages that you can feel from a handgam is that they will constantly pay attention to you and all your friends will ask you to tear off a piece for them.

What should not be done with Handgum (Hendgam)?

Store the Gum for Hands in the iron can / plastic bag that comes with the kit. You can not keep it for a long time on a fabric or on a fleecy surface - it will stick and you will have to rub it with alcohol. You can not wash with water and soap, the water contains chlorine, from which it becomes softer, with soap - it also reacts. Afraid of any chemistry.

Do not give to children under 3 years old, do not eat, do not leave on fabrics and carpets, appliances, keyboards, computers, do not give to pets.

Hendgam security measures:
- Do not use Hendgam for other purposes
- Do not set fire to Hendgam and do not close their respiratory organs
- Do not eat
- Do not use as an adhesive base
- Do not stick on hair and other parts of the body vulnerable to bonding
- Do not use for car repair
- Do not wash and throw in the dirt

It's not only funny toy, but also very useful item .
- promotes the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, the development of speech and handwriting, relieves aggression and irritation, develops creative thinking, strengthens the wrist muscles, creates a positive emotional background and is a wonderful anti-stress.
- exercises involving hands and fingers harmonize the body and mind, have a positive effect on brain activity and relieve fatigue. By massaging certain points, you can influence the internal organs that are associated with these points.
- Gum for hands pastel colors harmonize, give bliss and peace, and bright colors charge positive emotions. With the help of this product, we choose a positive mood for ourselves.

Scientists, studying the activity of the brain and the psyche, noted the great stimulating value of the functions of the hand, since in the human brain the centers responsible for speech and movement of the fingers are located very close. And if we are engaged in the development of fine motor skills, then by doing so we activate the neighboring areas of the brain responsible for speech.

This is a good friend!
1. Supports finger motility, strengthens finger muscles. Use the handgum as a hand expander. And your fingers will always be strong and tenacious.
2. Develops creative thinking. When you have a handgam in your hand, you involuntarily begin to sculpt something from it, remember different figures and try to make them.
3. Relieves stress and aggression, both in children and adults. Give a quick chewing gum to a "erupting" child in hysterics, you will be surprised how quickly he will calm down.
4. Unusual gift or souvenir
5. Universal massager for palms and fingers. By massaging certain points, handgam gently affects them, if you crumple it, you stimulate the normal functioning of your internal organs.


Handgum is hard. If you hit the handgam with a hammer hard enough, it will either practically not change its shape, or it will break into many small particles.

Handgum is always trying to spread out. Therefore, if you give it any shape, you will be surprised with how consistently it smoothly runs away from eclecticism - again it is free and independent! Take pictures of your creativity!

Pull the handgum sharply in different directions and it will tear. Or it will break like cold metal, with a clear cut.

Attach the handgum to any horizontal surface and you will see its shape begin to change and then the handgum will drip down.

Gently pull the handgum in different directions, and it will stretch without tearing, like hot cheese.

Give your handgum the shape of a ball and throw it against a wall or on the floor - no one expects such jumping!

Handgum glows in the dark with an incredible cosmic color. Attracts attention from afar.

Handgum can smell delicious! This aroma of handgam lasts for a long time, does not bother, and is very pleasant. Moreover, you can order any handgam with your favorite smell: chocolate, cherry, cream, watermelon, cola, coconut, apple, strawberry, grapes and many others. Not all TMs.

changes color
Hendgam from the warmth of your hands changes color! Amazing and bright!


Photo 1- Liquid option

Photo 2- The toy is so plastic that it can be pulled over the hand like a glove

Photo 3- Left alone, the polymer exhibits the properties of a liquid.

Photo 4- General form

Some varieties of "Smart Clay"

"Smart plasticine", glowing in the dark AURA

Aura! The purple glow looks like the night sky before the dawn. This unique color captivates the eye. Rest assured, the dark purple color will become more saturated, and will please you for an hour or two. Refers to luminous.

"Smart plasticine", heat sensitive AMETHYST

Chewing gum for hands in an iron can.
Enough to touch and purple gradually dissolves, giving way to a striking pink blush. Captivating and bright, this color-changing plasticine is sure to cheer you up!

The composition of smart plasticine

Smart plasticine is safe for children! Gum for hands, although it has a number of strange physical properties- It is harmless and non-toxic.

Substances from which Smart Clay is made:

Dimethyl (poly) Siloxane- it's silicone. Silicone polymer. It is used in many industries, including medicine. Lenses are made from it, which have direct contact with the body.

Quartz- it is not toxic as it is a mineral of a natural origin. Used for example in water filters. Has healing properties.

Thixotrol- hydrogenated castor oil modified with polyamide oligomer. A non-toxic substance that is used in the cosmetic industry, has skin softening properties.

Glycerol- is also non-toxic and is also used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Titanium dioxide- mineral of natural origin.

None of the substances that make up Smart Plasticine are toxic. And this means that you can be calm for our loved ones, relatives, and most importantly for the dearest - our children, buying such a toy for them.
And yet, do not forget about simple rules: do not take by mouth and wash your hands!

How to distinguish a real Handgum (Hendgam) from a fake

Main differences:

1. Stays on hand
2. He looks watered down
3. Not so elastic, but softer
4. The surface is sticky, collects dirt faster
5. Jumps from a height of a meter, lower by 10 cm

6. When stretched, it loses color, thin parts of the Chinese fake form flakes that fall off and fall
7. Has dull colors
8. Bad smell
9. More rubbery feel
10. Chinese knockoff is impossible to break.


What if Handgum (Hendgam)left on fabric or carpet?

If you have medical alcohol at home, then this is good, just do not drink it - you will still need it for other purposes! Determine the type of fabric, whether it has a natural base or is made from synthetic materials (this is important, since synthetics can be irreversibly damaged by alcohol). To confirm safety (you never know what they write on the labels), drop alcohol on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, on the edge of the inner seam, for example. If everything is fine, then feel free to pour a little alcohol on the area with which the failure occurred and the handgum will turn into a liquid. Now it remains only to remove the mass with a cloth or paper.

If the fabric is synthetic, then do not worry, there is a WD-40 solvent that will not harm your fabrics.

Well, if you are too lazy to mess around or you regular customer dry cleaners, then just clarify that the stain is silicone in nature and no problem.

Gum for hands is a relatively new invention, it has absorbed the properties of plasticine, jumper, slime - all the favorite children's toys in one. Such an interesting mass attracts even adults, because it can be made in different colors and smells, which will instantly reduce stress and cheer you up. Learn more about how to make handgum at home.

What is chewing gum made from?

In order for the handgam to retain all its properties and be no worse than the store-bought one, which costs quite a lot, you need to responsibly approach the choice of ingredients. See all the recommendations for them.

  • PVA glue. The same glue that is familiar to everyone. He white color and with a specific smell, which gradually disappears. Take a full stationery jar and check the expiration date.
  • Dye. You can use anything: food coloring, acrylic, some put green. You can add glitter to this item.
  • sodium tetraborate. You need two jars, in the future, you yourself will adjust the number of components.
  • Glass jar to mix.

Just add a few drops of aromatic oils or perfumes so that your smart plasticine replaces aromatherapy for you.
With all the ingredients assembled, you will be ready to create your handgam. Most importantly, don't rush.

The process of making chewing gum for hands at home

Open all the ingredients, stock up on wooden sticks to mix them inside the jar.

  • First, pour all the PVA glue into a jar, scrape out the remnants with a stick.
  • Now add your dye, measure the amount by eye until you get the desired color. Stir constantly. At this stage, perfumes, sequins, and other decorative elements are added.
  • Add tetraborate carefully, a little bit at a time. Stir the mixture for a long time until it thickens and becomes homogeneous.

Your handgam has been received. Take it out of the jar and enjoy the game.

How to handle chewing gum

Do not forget that the mass with such a composition is afraid of the sun. If you leave it in the sun, or play outside on a sunny day, it will just float and spread. It will be impossible to thicken it back.

Handgum gets dirty easily, it has such a consistency. Do not sculpt figures from it on a dirty or dusty table. It is forbidden to place it on fabric - the chewing gum will deteriorate.

Store smart plasticine in plastic container away from sunlight. Make sure the container is closed tightly and there is no moisture in it.

Of course, if your hand gum has gone bad, you can always make another one.

Use of chewing gum for hands

Such a multifunctional composition has a lot of uses, for example, you can use it as a relaxing remedy. Some people calm down when they burst balloons on a cellophane package, handgum has a similar effect: make it your favorite color, add mother-of-pearl and sparkles, and your favorite perfume. As you rub the gum in your hands, think of something pleasant.

Children can sculpt with gum different crafts like plasticine. The more you crumple the handgam, the denser it becomes. If you leave the gum alone, then after a couple of minutes it will begin to flow.

Such plasticine is ideal for developing finger motor skills. It will appeal not only to children, but also to adults who have experienced any ailment.

The forefather of chewing gum for hands is considered to be Scottish scientist James Wright. In 1943, in his laboratory, he worked on the invention of synthetic substitutes for natural rubber. And during one of the experiments, he received a bright coral polymer with interesting properties. The substance did not stick to hands and other surfaces, did not leave stains, did not hold its shape. True, in which industry to use such material, at that time they did not come up with. The scope for this polymer was found modern manufacturers. They turned it into an educational toy. Since then, the invention of James Wright has become known throughout the world. In 2001, it was inducted into the US National Toy Hall of Fame.

What to do with chewing gum for hands?

Handgum has many properties. For example, if you roll a ball out of it and immediately throw it on the floor, it will jump like a real rubber ball. And if this ball is put on a flat surface and wait a few minutes, it will spread and turn into a cake. Place the gum on the grate and it will drip through the holes. The polymer can be pulled over the hand like a glove. In the same way, you can wrap it with any other object.

Modern manufacturers have slightly modified the invention of James Wright. And now, in addition to the classic coral chewing gum for hands, they offer customers handgams that can change color depending on temperature, glow in the dark, and also have magnetic properties. In addition, Handgum began to be made in different colors and with various smells.

It is recommended to use hand chewing gum as an antidepressant when you need to calm your nerves. Also, with the help of "" you can train the muscles of the hands, develop the hands after fractures or bruises. Can also be used as a cover mobile phone. It will be shockproof and waterproof.

This toy is useful for children with diseases nervous system. For example, with light forms cerebral palsy, delayed speech development. It is believed that Handgum helps develop fine motor skills of fingers, develops creative thinking, good diction. Helps correct bad handwriting. Physical exercise for fingers, which are very easy to do with Handgum, have a positive effect on brain function and relieve fatigue.

Among other things, resourceful users of Handgum began to use the toy in everyday life. As it turned out, "