How to make slime from pva glue recipe. Gum for hands or a hand ghost - how to make a slime yourself

In the form of a strange bright mass. It is more like a well-frozen jelly. You can make it yourself at home

We don't have much choice in stores. Is it possible to search a good option in the Internet. But there is another cheap option. You can make a slime yourself or yourself quickly at home, even in 5 minutes!

How to make a cool slime at home?

The mass hype for slimes began after millions of children began to watch the cartoon "Ghostbusters". Probably everyone remembers a shapeless green creature that constantly soiled everything. It was so funny that millions of kids wanted something similar. And their parents began to actively learn how to independently and easier ( the easy way) - make it a miracle.

Please read the following precautions before cooking:

  • the baby should not take the slime in his mouth and even more so eat it;
  • during the game, you can not touch your eyes with your hands or climb into your ears;
  • with toys made of plasticine or starch, you can play only a few days, until they deteriorate;
  • after playing, the slime must be hidden so that it does not touch fabrics and furniture;
  • the home version of the toy cannot be washed from dirt or dust, so you need to play carefully.

popular slime recipe

Usually, everyone chooses a recipe based on what they can find at home rather than buy. But for a quality toy, you will have to purchase everything you need. Below is an option that holds up well and doesn't fall off after 3 or 4 days. By doing everything according to the rules, you will get a toy that will be even cooler than in the store.

What not to do without:

  1. . If home glue has been in the box for a long time, then it is better to buy 100 grams of new one. The final result depends on the freshness of the glue.
  2. Water. Not cold and not hot. It is better to collect 1 glass and put on the table. Room temperature is ideal.
  3. . This is not a terrible substance and can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. The main purpose is to clean difficult stains and jewelry.
  4. . You choose the color. In order not to buy it, you can use brilliant green. She will give saturated color. It will do for the first time.
  5. Mixing container.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix 1/3 of the water. The proportions are the same. You can use a measuring cup. The substance must be homogeneous.
  2. Pour in and mix.
  3. Slowly pour 1/2 cup into the bowl and stir constantly.
  4. We do not stop stirring until the liquid becomes like jelly.

Everything is ready! To keep the slime longer, store it in a sealed jar away from the heat. But don't put it in the fridge either. While using the slime, you do not need to put it on the sofa or toys. Any small dust particles, pile, hair stick. It's almost impossible to remove them.

How to make a quality slime without sodium tetraborate?

Skin irritation has been observed in some children due to the presence of sodium tetraborate. This substance is not harmful, but if there were backfire- look, and it's better to change the toy.

This recipe helps to make a surprisingly high-quality slime.

And its composition is simple:

  • (1/4 of the jar);
  • starch (liquid for washing things);
  • (brilliant green, gouache or food coloring);
  • plastic bag(as container).

First, we fill the bag with starch. Then we drip a little dye. Its amount depends on the saturation of the color. Pour in the glue and stir with a spoon. As soon as the mass has become homogeneous, you can put our bag in the refrigerator. You will have to wait several hours. Check the substance occasionally, as it can deteriorate with prolonged hypothermia.

That's not all! Watch the next video tutorial.

How to make a slime out of toothpaste?

Many want to repeat this recipe, but not everyone gets it. The reason may be missing glue. When starting work, make sure that all components are fresh.

We will need a large mixing bowl. We squeeze a large tube of toothpaste into it. Next, pour in the glue. The amount is about the same, but it is better to focus on what happens. Mix with a stick. The larger the volume of the substance, the longer it will take to interfere. But it's worth it!

Secret! It is better to take a single-color bright paste. Plain white will not work. She has more liquid composition. And the color isn't perfect either.

How to make a slime without sodium tetraborate and without starch and without glue?

Don't have the right slime ingredients? It's not a problem. There are other recipes that will help you create a cool toy.

Here are the most interesting ones:

Lizun from plasticine

You will need:

  • one piece of plasticine;
  • 1/3 cup of water;
  • 1 sachet of gelatin.
  • dissolve gelatin in water;
  • heat it almost to a boil and set to rest;
  • mix plasticine with water, try to mix it;
  • already warm gelatin is poured into plasticine;
  • stir until ready.

You will need:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • water;
  • dye (gouache, brilliant green, purchased dye).

Let's talk about the favorite toy of all children - the slime! A toy with such an unattractive name is a sticky-wet, jelly-like mass bright color and odorless. Lizun does not mold like plasticine, although it has a certain plasticity, but it adheres well to surfaces, slowly sliding off them. This ability and pleasant to the touch texture have made this seemingly unremarkable mass one of the most famous inventions in the gaming industry.

The history of handgam

The ancestor of the substance known in the countries former USSR called "lizun", became an acid-green slime toy, which was produced by the Slime company.

The name "lizun" stuck to the slime after the release of the film "Ghostbusters" on television. The ghost, after whom this jelly-like toy was named, had a shape similar to it.

The beneficial effect of handgam on the development of the child

Another of the names of this sensational sticky plasticine is hendgam, which means "hand" and "chewing gum" in translation.

Scientists who have studied handgam claim that playing with it has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills of the hands and can serve as a relaxing massage.

So, how to please a child with such a wonderful toy that develops imagination and motor skills? Of course, you can go and buy it in almost any store, but it's safer and more interesting to make it yourself.

About how to make a slime at home without or with it with your own hands, and will be discussed in our article.

Safety rules for the manufacture of handgam

Before you learn from sodium tetraborate, let's get acquainted with the basic safety rules, as their failure to comply can be fraught with serious health problems:

Wear an apron (or clothing that you don't mind) and gloves, as you will be using dyes when working.

If you are making "smart" plasticine together with your child, make sure that glue and borax do not get into his stomach. If these ingredients are ingested, rinse and consult a physician.

For the mixture of ingredients, use dishes from which, after the completion of the process, you will not eat.

The shelf life of a homemade slime can be from a week to two weeks, depending on the ingredients that make up its composition.

Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after playing.

How to make such a toy with your own hands at home? Slime without sodium tetraborate or with it is made in approximately the same way, as will be described later in the article. The safety precautions are the same for all methods.

We make "smart" plasticine from sodium tetraborate

There are many ways to make handgam yourself, today we will analyze the most common of them.

Lizun from sodium tetraborate is considered the most durable. To increase its shelf life, strictly follow the manufacturing technology and choose the highest quality materials.

By the way, tetraborate itself is an antiseptic, so if a child drops a slime, which includes this substance, you don’t have to worry.

You can buy a solution of borax in a pharmacy, in hardware stores, in stores for creativity, and even in the construction market.

There are two ways to create a handgam from sodium tetraborate - with water and without water. In the first case, your slime will turn out a little transparent, in the second - more matte.

Method without using water

Materials and ingredients you will need:

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Pour the glue into the container (all or only part, depending on how many and what size slimes you want to get).

While constantly stirring the glue with a wooden stick, add 1 drop of borax solution to it until the mixture reaches the desired consistency.

Add a couple of drops of gouache or and mix thoroughly with rubber-gloved hands.

Slime from sodium tetraborate, made according to this recipe, if necessary, can be washed with water.

Water method

The materials you will need to make a toy like a slime from sodium tetraborate:

A glass of cold water.

PVA glue - 1 bottle.

Sodium tetraborate (aka borax solution), it is better that it be its solution in glycerin, - a few drops.

Food coloring or gouache.

A container in which you will mix everything.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Mix glue and water in a container at the rate of 1:1.

Pour in a lot of dye.

Mix everything thoroughly.

Add two drops of borax solution and stir until smooth.

If the mass is too liquid, then add a little more sodium tetraborate.

Slime from sodium tetraborate is stored in the refrigerator, in an air-tight package. When your homemade "smart" plasticine hardens, add some water to it.

If you want a clear slime, replace the PVA glue in this recipe with stationery clear glue.

Slime, which includes glue and starch

If you think a toy that includes sodium tetraborate is unsafe and unsuitable for playing with a child, or if you couldn’t buy a solution of borax, then your option is a slime at home without sodium tetraborate.

Materials required to make handgam:

Liquid starch for washing clothes (if you do not find starch in liquid form, dilute it yourself in a ratio of 1: 3).

Food coloring or gouache.

Tight file.

Cooking method:

Pour 85 ml of liquid starch into a clean, dry file.

Send a little gouache or a couple of drops of food coloring to the starch.

Pour 30 ml of PVA glue into the resulting mixture.

Knead the mixture in the file with your hands, stirring it carefully.

After most of the composition turns into a thick slippery clot and a little liquid remains at the bottom of the bag, remove the slime from the bag and remove excess moisture from it with paper or a rag.

Slime is ready.

If you see that the slime is too sticky or completely non-plastic, then you have calculated the proportions incorrectly (in the first case there is an excess of glue in it, in the second - starch).

Remember that in addition to harmless starch, such a toy contains glue, so make sure that the child does not put it in his mouth.

It is important to know not only how to make slime without sodium tetraborate, but also how and how much to store it in the future: store it in a closed container with room temperature no more than a week.

Lizun from soda and detergent

There are a huge number of ways to create "smart" plasticine, similar in its properties to the world famous slime toy.

If your goal is a slime without sodium tetraborate and glue, then we have a couple more options, here is one of them.

Materials and tools you need:

Dishwashing liquid (like Fairy).

Baking soda.

Food coloring or gouache.

Wooden stick (a sushi stick works great).

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of detergent into the container.

Add 1 tbsp. l. soda.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

In the resulting mixture, add as much water as needed so that the resulting consistency suits you.

Add a few drops of dye (this item is optional, because often the dishwashing detergent already has a fairly bright color, which is transferred to the slime).

Lizun without PVA glue and sodium tetraborate is ready. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Slime with the longest shelf life

As you probably already noticed, all the homemade slimes described above have a rather short shelf life (no more than 2 weeks), this is due to the fact that they contain almost no preservatives and substances that will protect them from drying out.

If you want to make a handgam with a longer shelf life, then we have such a recipe. The duration of the existence of "smart" plasticine, the manufacturing method of which we will now describe, is from 1 to 2 months.

By the way, for this recipe you will need very few ingredients, and you almost certainly have them at home:

Transparent bright color without granules.

Transparent shampoo of bright color.

Mixing container.

Wooden stick.

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of shampoo into a container.

Add 150 ml of shower gel to the shampoo.

Stir the ingredients thoroughly and gently, making sure that foam does not form.

Put the container with the future slime in the refrigerator for a day.

Such a slime must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it will simply melt. As in all other cases, make sure that your child does not taste hendgam and thoroughly wash his hands after playing with him.

The safest slime

If all the above methods do not seem safe to you and do not inspire confidence in you, but you want to please the child, then we suggest you make a beautiful and interesting toy(Slime) without sodium tetraborate and starch, without shampoo and dishwashing detergent, without glue and washing powder.

The shelf life of such a toy is not very long, and it differs markedly from the original in terms of appearance, but it is safe, and you can be sure that nothing will happen to your child, even if he takes handgams in his mouth.

So, here are the ingredients that you need to make safe "smart" clay:

Wheat flour.

Hot water.

Boiling water.

Container for mixing ingredients.

Fork or whisk.

Food coloring (you can even use beet juice or, for example, spinach).

Cooking method:

Pour 4 cups of flour into the container prepared in advance, sifting it through a sieve.

Add half a glass of ice water to the flour.

Pour half a glass of boiling water there.

Mix everything as thoroughly as possible, the mixture should be smooth and without lumps.

Now it's the turn of the dye: add a few drops to the mixture and mix everything again.

Put your future safe slime in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Lizun is ready, now you can be calm for your child.

other methods

There are many more ways to make slimes. Here are some of them: from washing powder, from a solution of borax and dry (but such a handgam needs to be boiled), from plasticine and gelatin, magnetic, etc.

In this article, we tried to describe in as much detail and clearly as possible several completely different, but at the same time very simple ways slime making. We hope we were able to answer all your questions.

Probably, almost everyone has heard about this toy "lizuna". Children are happy to run Velcro on the wall or on the floor, and adults like to crush this plastic mass in their hands, while relieving stress accumulated during the day. Let's take a closer look at how to make a slime different ways. We would like to note that for the manufacture of toys, in most cases, you can easily find all the necessary components at home.

How to make slime without sodium tetraborate

Perhaps the easiest way to make a toy without using boric acid. The absence of sodium tetraborate in the slime is due to the presence of starch in the recipe.


  • PVA (approximately 150 grams);
  • Starch (in the presence of liquid starch, water is not needed for cooking);
  • Dye (you can take gouache);
  • Plastic bag (for forming toys).

Cooking steps :

  1. Pour starch into an enameled container and add water in small portions. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass. The consistency should be viscous, the presence of lumps is unacceptable.
  2. Add 2-3 drops of dye, mix thoroughly and put the dishes in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  3. Place the cooled mixture in a small plastic bag and add 150 grams of glue.
  4. Mix everything vigorously and drain off excess liquid. Slime is ready.

How to make slime out of water

The most common of the recipes present. The resulting product will not differ in any way from the toy bought in the store.

What do we need :

  • 100 grams of PVA glue.
  • 4% solution of storm acid (sodium tetraborate).
  • Food coloring.

Manufacturing process :

  1. In pre-prepared enameled dishes, pour one fourth of a glass of heated water and add glue.
  2. Place sodium tetraborate in a container and mix thoroughly.
  3. The resulting composition is poured into plastic bag. Ready!

After use, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with hot water.

How to make slime from shampoo

Despite its simplicity, this method does not guarantee 100% results. But few ingredients and fast manufacturing products, make you pay attention to the shampoo slime recipe.

Ingredients :

  • Shampoo (in the absence of dye, the color of the shampoo will determine the color of the finished product)
  • Glue "Titan" (this brand of glue, after drying, demonstrates elasticity and does not contain toxic solvents in its composition).
  • Plastic bag.

Pour Titan glue and shampoo into a plastic bag in a ratio of 3: 2 (support for these proportions is required!) And gently mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We are waiting five minutes. The toy is ready!

How to make a slime without PVA glue

A large number of the right ingredients and a record long time production, will justify themselves at the end of cooking with an excellent result.

Required following components :

  • sodium tetraborate.
  • PVA (polyvinyl alcohol).
  • Bandage.
  • Water.
  • Food coloring.
  • Dishes (bowl, plastic glass, plastic spatula).

Manufacturing steps :

  • Dilute polyvinyl alcohol in water in the proportions indicated in the instructions for PVA.
  • The resulting solution is placed in a bowl and boiled over low heat for 35 minutes.
  • 2 tablespoons of sodium tetraborate powder, diluted in a plastic cup with warm water. We pass the thoroughly mixed mass through gauze, while getting rid of excess liquid.
  • The polyvinyl solution is mixed with sodium tetraborate in a ratio of 3:1, and the contents are brought to a thick and homogeneous state.
  • Dye is added to the resulting slime.

If your "favorite" begins to dry out, you should put it in a bowl of warm water for a short time.

How to make slime from plasticine

Quite an interesting method of making toys from edible gelatin and plasticine. Ready product holds its shape well and is non-toxic.

For the manufacture of crafts we need:

  • Children's plasticine.
  • Gelatin.
  • Utensils for cooking.

Manufacturing process :

  • In a metal bowl cold water, add gelatin in the ratios indicated in the instructions, and defend the resulting mass for an hour.
  • After 60 minutes, put a metal vessel on a small fire and bring the contents to a boil.
  • In parallel, we warm up the plasticine with our hands and place it in a plastic bowl with warm water (about 50 gr.). Using a plastic spatula, mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Pour gelatin into a vessel with plastic, stir and put the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 45 minutes. Slime is ready.

How to make a slime out of water and paint

If we compare this method with other recipes, we can say that it is one of the simplest. The main thing is to choose the exact proportions of the right ingredients, and good result will not keep you waiting.

So, the necessary components :

  • Glue (any one that you have available is suitable: stationery or PVA).
  • Bura.
  • Paint (you can take the usual brilliant green or any food coloring).

Manufacturing process :

  • In a plastic cup half filled with warm water, add 3 teaspoons of borax.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous substance, add glue and paint to the glass.
  • Mix thoroughly and use the resulting toy.

As for colors, you can experiment with them indefinitely, and create a huge army of wonderful toys.

How to make slime at home: recipe

The toy appeared on sale in the mid-90s, after the release of the famous TV series Ghostbusters. Lizun fell in love with children, which became the reason for the popularity of the toy of the same name. A reasonable question arose - is it possible to make a toy at home? And it's not even about saving money. Joint production of a favorite character is a great way for a child to spend time together with their parents.

What do you need to keep your child engaged in an interesting and exciting activity?

  • 100 grams of "fresh" PVA glue.
  • One and a half glasses of water.
  • Borax.
  • Zelenka (here it acts as a dye).
  • Disposable tableware.

Everything is ready? Forward!

  1. In a glass filled with water, dilute 3 teaspoons of sodium borate.
  2. In another glass half filled with water, pour the same amount of glue. That's where the green comes in.
  3. We combine the solutions into one whole and mix. That's all. Process completed. Keep the slime in a closed container.

Via essential oils you can give your favorite entertainment interesting smells.

How to make a soda slime

There are two recipes for making your favorite baking soda toy. In one case, in addition to water and soda, they use washing powder or dishwashing liquid, in another - PVA glue. Consider the last option, which is safer for children.

Components :

  • Baking soda.
  • PVA glue.
  • Water.

Manufacturing steps :

  1. 100 grams of PVA glue should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Add dye.
  2. In a separate glass, prepare a solution of soda. For every 50 grams water is coming 1 tablespoon of soda.
  3. Slowly stirring the adhesive consistency, add a solution of soda to it.

It is worth noting that the entertainment obtained with this recipe will be quite hard and weighty. When playing with a slime made of soda, you can break glass objects located in the room. Therefore, you should be careful.

How to make a soap slime

Surprised large quantity instructions for making toys? Here's another soap slime. The simplest method, which requires only two ingredients:

  • Shampoo.
  • Soap (of course we are talking about liquid soap, the color of which should be as close as possible to the color of the shampoo).

Cooking :

  1. Mix the two components in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  2. Close the container with the resulting mixture with a lid and place in the refrigerator for a day.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that a toy made in this way requires special care. Protecting it from debris and dust, and storing it in the refrigerator, the product can last about a month.

In this video, we'll look at how to make a slime toy out of soap:

How to make paper slime

Of course, having looked at the previous recipes, and having tried some in practice, you want to try others. expendable materials for making slime. As can be seen, glue, starch or sodium tetraborate were used to prepare a homogeneous and viscous substance. The properties of paper, alas, are not slippery, malleable or sticky and are not intended for making toys. The only thing you can achieve is to make an origami slime.

How to make slime from flour

This method is suitable for the little ones. And if only natural substances are used as a pigment, the new entertainment will be absolutely safe for the health of your child.

What do we need to make?

  • Warm water (temperature should fluctuate between +30 ... +40 ° C).
  • Flour.
  • Cold water.
  • Natural food coloring.

Cooking steps :

  1. Pour 400 - 450 grams of ordinary flour into a bowl.
  2. Add one fourth of a glass of cold water.
  3. Add a quarter cup of warm water there and make a batch.
  4. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, add 2-3 drops of dye to the dough and put the bowl in a cool place for 3 hours.
  5. The resulting sticky mass can be given to play even the smallest children.

Despite the fact that the resulting mass is not toxic and does not have toxic properties, you should not take the resulting toy into your mouth.

Now you know how to make a slime in all sorts of ways. We can tell strict parents that this is not a simple toy for pampering. Pleasant to the touch soft substance will contribute to the development of motor skills of your child's fingers, help to remove irritation and create a positive emotional background.

Slime video

In this video tutorial, Sergey from the Galileo channel will tell you how to special efforts you can make a toy "Lizun" for your own use:





You can make a slime without glue and sodium tetraborate using water, soda and dishwashing detergent, the main thing is to cook it all correctly according to the recipe below. Many people know the most memorable character of the cartoon "Ghostbusters" - Slimer. This harmless ghost is familiar to everyone.

Several types of slimes with their own hands

When choosing a recipe, pay attention to the time it will take, not just the ingredients.

Types you can cook:

  • From PVA and borax (sodium tetraborate),
  • From detergent and soda,
  • From shampoo (no glue),
  • From flour and water (no chemicals).

Making any of them does not require much effort and time. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so let's get to know them better.

The easiest way to make

One of the easiest to prepare and good options includes a few ingredients:

  • Sodium tetraborate (borax),
  • PVA glue,
  • Dye,
  • Disposable container or any that is not a pity.

The fresher the glue, the better the result. Sodium tetraborate is sold at any pharmacy without a prescription. You can use not a solution, but a powder, borax, it does not matter.

Now consider the recipe:

  • First, prepare a container in which the ingredients will be mixed. It can be anything, but you should not take the dishes from which you eat, rather toxic substances are still used.
  • Add dye to the glue, the more, the brighter the color will be. When adding tetraborate, watch how thick the mixture is, do not pour too much. If you are not using a solution, but a powder, first dissolve a small amount in slightly warmed water.
  • So that it is guaranteed not to stick to your hands, put it in a plastic bag and knead it well. When it becomes elastic - take it out, it is ready.

Without sodium tetraborate and PVA

If you didn’t like the previous version or you don’t have the necessary ingredients for it, you definitely suitable option from baking soda and detergent.

Almost everyone has these ingredients, and the result will be just as good.

For him we need:

  • Dishwashing liquid,
  • Water,
  • Soda,
  • Dye (gouache).

Suitable detergent any brand, it doesn't make much of a difference. Water is only needed to dilute a mixture that is too thick if necessary.


  1. Here you can take any dishes, the main thing is that it is convenient to get the finished toy. The role of glue in this recipe will be played by the washing liquid, so the size of the future toy will depend on its quantity.
  2. Soda is taken the amount necessary for the desired density. Pour, stirring constantly, if necessary, add more water or detergent. Slime from soda is ready.

From shampoo without glue

If you don’t have glue on hand or you simply don’t want to add it there, this slime will optimal solution. This version of its manufacture could be the simplest, if not for the time it takes to prepare. In order for it to acquire the qualities we need, it must stand overnight in the refrigerator.

Everyone will need the ingredients:

  • Shampoo,
  • Shower gel, cleanser.


Needless to say, the popularity of handgam, better known among the Russian-speaking population as a "lizun"! Having become famous back in the distant 90s, along with the film "Ghostbusters", the toy does not lose its top positions today.

Experimental lovers have put forward enough ideas on how to make slime without sodium tetraborate and special financial costs, at home. Parents should take them into service, because the independent creation of a toy is a great opportunity to strictly control its composition, protecting your child from the influence of harmful chemical components.

It would seem, how else can this type of glue be used, except for office manipulations and creating children's applications? Based on it, you can make a cool slime. By consistency, it will be very similar to "smart clay".

Ideally, you still need to include the sodium salt of boric acid in the composition, it is she who will allow the toy to thicken and get the desired viscosity. However, many experts argue that sodium tetraborate can be successfully replaced with a gel-like laundry detergent.


  • 4 things. glue stick ( good quality, with a fresh date of manufacture);
  • 1-2 capsules of washing gel;
  • any dye or solution of brilliant green.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. To get a slime from a glue stick, we remove the rods from the latter, place them in a glass dish and send them to the microwave (or to a water bath) until a viscous mass is obtained.
  2. Pour the melted glue into a glass for a blender, add the gel from the washing capsules there. Whip for a few minutes.
  3. We color the resulting substance in the desired color, leave it for 15-30 minutes to thicken.

In a similar way, the slime is prepared on the basis of PVA glue.

How to make from water and shampoo

Slime from these components is prepared in an elementary way, however, it takes a lot of time for it to solidify - from 12 hours to a day. A toy made in this way is stored for up to 1 month(provided it is placed in the refrigerator in a closed container).


  • 100 ml of any shampoo and plain water;
  • 200 g starch.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. We combine all the ingredients in a bowl with a lid and mix thoroughly.
  2. We cover the container, send the toy to a cold place to solidify.

If you want to get a more viscous hendgam, instead of starch, we use Titanium glue.

Children's plasticine toy

Slime of increased plasticity, which will not lose its shape, is prepared using plasticine, gelatin and water. The option is extremely simple, and the product is as safe as possible for the kids. In addition, the recipe does not contain a dye that adds "dirt" to the cooking process, which many parents will undoubtedly appreciate.


  • 30 g of plasticine of any color;
  • 25 g gelatin;
  • 50 ml of water for the slime itself + for diluting gelatin.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. We prepare gelatin, focusing on the manufacturer's recommendations.
  2. Grind plasticine, fill it with water, put on low heat, heat until it melts, forming a homogeneous mass.
  3. Gradually add the gelatin solution to the "semi-finished product", mix thoroughly, only then remove from heat.
  4. Leave until completely cool.

The toy is ready!

Using starch

The most suitable way to cook handgam with your child. Everything is simple, affordable, safe.

To make a slime without glue and boric acid salt, you need the following components:

  • 50 ml of warm water;
  • food coloring ( exact amount depends on how rich the color you want to get- an average of 2.5 g);
  • 150 g potato starch.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. Gradually pour water into them, while constantly stirring the mixture to a state of elastic slurry.

Please note that at the beginning the consistency of the slime will be similar to jelly. Don't let this scare you: after prolonged stirring, the liquid will become more viscous. The term of "life" of starch hendgam is short - only two days. After this time, you will have to prepare the toy again.

Making from soda

It's hard to believe, but colored slime, so beloved by children, is easily prepared on the basis of PVA glue with soda. Of course, such a slime is stored for a short time - a maximum of two weeks, and even less with intensive games - up to 2 days. But you do not need to heat or boil anything, which makes the recipe safe, allowing even a child to use it.


  • 1 st. l. soda;
  • 50 g PVA;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • food coloring.

You will also need 2 containers and rubber gloves in order to "knead" the slime by hand.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. In one container, mix 50 ml of water with glue, in the second - the remaining portion of the liquid and a spoonful of soda.
  2. We combine both solutions, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous, viscous toy consistency is obtained.

There is a second variation of the preparation, in which the glue is replaced with a liquid dish detergent. Experts say that the slime according to this recipe is just a godsend for cleaning a computer keyboard from animal hair and other hard-to-reach contaminants.


  • 2 tbsp. l. sodium carbonate;
  • any coloring matter;
  • Fairy or other dishwashing liquid;
  • water.

On a note! The exact dosages of liquid components to make a slime without glue are not given, simply add them in equal proportions until the toy gets the desired density.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. We mix soda with dye. The latter is added until the desired color tone is obtained.
  2. Pour in a little water mixed with dishwashing liquid, mix intensively and thoroughly until a homogeneous, jelly-like consistency.

It is permissible to store the slime made according to this recipe without a refrigerator, but it must be in a hermetically sealed container, otherwise it will lose its elastic properties.

Glass slime without sodium tetraborate

Many users jokingly call this method "girly", because the list of components includes cosmetic product. Be that as it may, through simple manipulations, you will get a super-viscous "glass" slime at home.

We will need:

  • mask-film for the face + water in the same proportions;
  • any kind of dye - natural, food, brilliant green, etc .;
  • air freshener.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Squeeze the mask into the prepared container, fill it with water.
  2. Add dye, mix until the color is uniform.
  3. Without ceasing to interfere, we spray an air freshener on the resulting mass (about 5-10 seconds). Right before your eyes, the mixture will turn into a cool fragrant chewing gum for hands.

To make the toy as similar as possible to glass, i.e. transparent, you should simply remove the dye from the components.

If there is a person in your household who uses contact lenses, you can apply another recipe and make a glass slime at home in no time.

We will need:

  • 100 ml of stationery transparent glue;
  • 90-100 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp liquids for lenses;
  • 0.5 tsp soda.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Pour the glue into a bowl, dilute it with water. The latter should in no case be more than glue. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Add soda and mix again.
  3. Pour in the lens fluid, which will be the final thickener of the toy.
  4. We place the mixed mass in a container with a lid, leave it for a couple of days so that it becomes as transparent as possible, similar to glass.

Soap and toothpaste

It turns out that personal hygiene products can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also as affordable raw materials available in every home, suitable for making toys popular all over the world. 40 ml each liquid soap and gel toothpaste;

  • 10 st. l. flour;
  • ∼1 tsp water.
  • Manufacturing technology:

    1. Squeeze into a metal bowl toothpaste, pour in soap, mix until smooth. (At this stage, you can add paint or dye to get a colored handgum).
    2. Gradually introduce the flour into the liquid little by little, stirring first with a spoon, then kneading with your hands.
    3. Lightly moisten the workpiece with water and knead thoroughly again. Plasticine slime - worthy replacement purchase option - ready!

    To prepare a sticky toy, you can use only toothpaste, excluding soap and flour from the recipe. It will turn out a slime a la “fresh breath”.

    We will need:

    • a tube of toothpaste;
    • 1-2 drops of baby cosmetic oil.

    Manufacturing technology:

    1. Squeeze the paste into a metal container and send it to a water bath for 15 minutes (time may vary, depending on the type hygiene product). Stirring constantly, we evaporate it to a thick, even slightly dry state.
    2. We cool the resulting mass.
    3. Lubricate the palms with oil and knead the frozen paste for 2-4 minutes until the desired consistency is obtained. If the toy comes out too hard, add more oil. If you overdid it and poured too much oil, and the slime became very sticky from this, we correct the situation with flour or starch.

    How to make slime without sodium tetraborate? Dozens of ways, using the most unexpected ingredients - nail polish, hydrogen peroxide, shaving foam, sugar, silicate glue and even paper!

    You can also decorate it in a variety of ways - by adding sequins, beads, foam balls or fluorescent paint, from which the product will glow beautifully in the dark. But along with the manufacturing features, the question is important proper storage received toy.

    The collected recommendations will help you enjoy homemade handgaming for as long as possible:

    1. A jelly-like "pet" should be placed in a "house" - a hermetically sealed jar, which is best stored in the refrigerator.
    2. Protect the product from direct sunlight and high temperatures.
    3. If the slime gets dirty during the game, be sure to “bathe” it in cold water(alcohol can also be used for cleaning).

    Please note that it is very difficult to find the right humidity for storing a toy. With dry air, the slime loses its rigidity, begins to stick, and with an excess of moisture, on the contrary, it loses its density and spreads. In the first case, a little water is added to the container overnight, and in the second, a few pinches of salt are poured into the bottom of the jar, shaken and closed with a lid.

    Summing up, we advise you not to be afraid to experiment with the composition of the slime mixture. For example, to make it stretch better, a few drops of vinegar will help, hydrogen peroxide will add airiness to the handgam, relieve it of stickiness, and glycerin, on the contrary, will make it slippery. Good luck in creating a safe toy that will add excitement to your child's life!