The scenario of the holiday "golden autumn". The scenario of the holiday golden autumn in kindergarten senior group

Autumn fun in the senior preschool group. Scenario

Scenario of parent-child entertainment "Golden Sorceress Autumn" (from the cycle of entertainment on fine arts "Seasons")

Russova Tatyana Valerievna, educator of MADOU d / s "Solnyshko", Kamensk village, Kabansky district, Buryatia.
Description: This script of the event can be useful for teachers and parents. The event is recommended to be held in the fall, together with the children of the older preschool age and their parents. Spend in the form of entertainment or leisure. During the event, joint actions of children and parents are expected.
Goal: Involving parents in organizing leisure activities for children, joint cooperation.
Recommendations: This holiday is designed for children of senior preschool age and their parents.
Expand knowledge about the changes in nature with the advent of autumn.
Develop Creative skills.
Cultivate love for nature.
Preliminary work:
Selection of artistic and musical material.
Development of the scenario "Golden Sorceress Autumn".
Learning musical material.
Educators to learn poems with children, talk about the signs of autumn.
Registration music hall for the upcoming holiday.
Parents with their children visit the gallery of autumn reproductions.
Presenter, Golden Sorceress Autumn - adults;
Cloud, rain - a girl from school, a graduate of the kindergarten "Sun".
Hall decoration: balloons, decorations autumn trees, colorful leaves, cloud with rain, mushrooms, hedgehog.
Suits: Sorceresses of Autumn, Clouds, Rain.
Equipment: tape recorder, audio recordings with autumn themes, 2 easels, 4 drawing paper, 2 cardboard palettes (+ circles of colored paper), soft and hard brushes, gouache paints, watercolors, a basket with apples and cones, “rain”, “umbrella” stencils.
Entertainment progress:
A waltz sounds, children and adults enter the decorated hall
How wonderful the music sounded!
A glorious holiday awaits us today,
And secretly I knew
That Autumn will come to visit us.
It's time for her to be here.
Let's go with you, kids
We will praise Autumn with verses,
Please come here soon.
Music sounds
A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a golden outfit.
Music sounds
You bring with you a sad violin,
So that a sad motive sounds over the fields,
But we, autumn, meet you with a smile,
And we invite everyone to our festive hall!
(includes Autumn)
Autumn: I am golden autumn
My bow to you, my friends!
I've been dreaming for a long time
About meeting with you.
Autumn time again
swirled by the wind,
Miracle paints she
All bewitched:
Look what carpet
Leaves at the door!
It's just a pity that bright days
A little in autumn.
Children, I suggest you determine what colors are typical for autumn.
Competition "Colors of Autumn"
Stick circles on the palette with the colors that come in autumn.
(Cloud breaks in, banging and rattling into an impromptu tambourine)
I am a thundercloud
I look at everyone from heaven,
I know all the guys
And this kindergarten!
In the morning and all day
I'm not too lazy to water you!
If the cloud frowns
And it threatens to rain
Let's hide under an umbrella
Let's get through the rain!
I suggest that children and parents draw a large and beautiful umbrella using stencils.
Contest "Draw an umbrella" During the competition, the Cloud interferes and makes noise.
Guys, you draw so well, read poetry, that I felt sorry to spoil your holiday. Accept my rainy daughter for your holiday!?
I'm not with empty handed came to you -
I brought you an autumn rain.
Hello dear kids!
I am a Rainy-Laughter.
I am Autumn's friend!
How wonderful is my outfit
Droplets hang everywhere
Because the rain and I -
Inseparable friends!
Look, look
What miracles
Together with the music today
The rain danced.
Raindrops are falling harder and harder
Along the branches and along the path.
Let the drops fall, and we have fun -
We are not afraid of a drop, not a drop of rain!
We'll take a beautiful umbrella
Let's dance under the rain and sing loudly!
Dance of the "rain" (at the choice of the music director)
And now I will ask you to convey all your impressions with the help of paints on a sheet of paper. Draw an autumn landscape.
Children and parents tint the sheets with bright multi-colored paints, draw an autumn forest and demonstrate the resulting landscapes. Music is played at the choice of the music director (P. I. Tchaikovsky, A. Vivaldi, etc.).
Agree: a wonderful creation evokes admiration for children's hands!
Guys, look: your common drawings with your parents added even more colors to the decoration of our hall. Let's listen to how the poet I. Bunin conveyed this multicolor in his poem.
One of the parents
Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Merry motley wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun ...
Today it's so bright all around
Such a dead silence
In the forest and in the blue sky
What is possible in this silence
Hear the rustle of a leaf.
Dance with autumn leaves (at the choice of the music director)
The composer has sounds, the artist has colors, the poet has words. And each of them in his own way describes this extraordinary time of the year. Autumn was very fond of A.S. Pushkin. He dedicated many beautiful poems to her.
One of the parents
Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter
Forests mysterious canopy
With a sad noise she was naked,
Fog fell on the fields
Noisy geese caravan
Stretched to the south, approaching
Pretty boring time
November was already at the yard.
And now, my children, guess the riddles.
Competition "Draw a vegetable or fruit." The participants are divided into two teams. 1 team of children and parents draw vegetables, 2 teams of children and parents draw fruits.
1) Before we ate it,
Everyone had time to cry (bow).
2) One hundred clothes and all without fasteners (cabbage).
3) For tops, like for a rope.
Can be pulled out... (carrot).
4) Grows in the garden
Juicy and sweet
green fellow,
It's called... (cucumber).
5) As in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
green in summer,
Turn red in autumn (tomatoes).
6) Although I am called sugar,
But I didn't get wet from the rain
Large, round, sweet in taste,
Did you know who I am? ... (beet).
7) Dig a little under the bush -
Look out into the world... (potato).
8) Grandma is crying, grandfather is crying:
"What's for lunch?"
After all, she sat down firmly
In the garden (turnip).
1) Autumn came to visit us
And I brought with me...
What? Say at random.
Well, of course… (grape).
2) It is as big as a soccer ball.
If ripe, everyone is happy.
It tastes so good!
What is his name? (watermelon)
3) It hung in the spring.
All summer is sour.
And it became sweet.
Fell to the ground (Apple).
4) Yellow citrus fruit
Grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sourest,
And his name is... (lemon).
5) Krugloboka, yellow face,
Can compare with the sun.
And what a fragrant
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field... (melon).
6) With orange skin,
Similar to a ball
But the center is not empty
And juicy and tasty (Orange).
7) This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb (pear).
8) They look like cucumbers,
Only ligaments grow
And for breakfast these fruits
Monkeys are served (bananas).
I also have a riddle for you:
Banana on a palm tree - for a monkey,
And on a huge pine (bumps).
You guys have a treat - the bumps are delicious, sweet.
What are you, Dozhdinka, we don’t have bunnies, not squirrels, but boys and girls. They don't eat cones.
What do you love? (answers). What to do?
There is no magic here! And you guys will help me! Do you agree?... Just look, don't peep, otherwise the magic won't work!
Mysterious music sounds.
The raindrop says the magic words:
Turn, cones, pine, spruce,
In fragrant, juicy, honey apples!
Well, that's it! Here's some treats for the kids!
The presenter and the children thank Dozhdinka for the treat.
Rain dripped on the grass
On trees and foliage.
Didn't catch up with your kids
Angry….. stopped.
You are wonderful guys
I'll tell you honestly
had fun with you
Very interesting!
Well, it's time for me to go home
Mama-cloud is waiting for me.
What a wonderful holiday gave us Autumn. It's time to thank her.
Thank you Autumn
For generous gifts!
We say thank you
Autumn we thank you!
Well done boys. Have fun meeting Autumn: sing, play, dance, draw.
What do you have in your basket?
For this holiday bright, bright
I brought gifts for the children.
Here they lie for the kids
My gifts from the bottom of my heart.
Autumn gives gifts to children

Autumn holiday in a children's institution.

Holiday script for preschoolers "Golden Autumn"

Children enter with leaves to the music. They pass a circle and stand in a semicircle at the leaves.

Leading: It's been a happy summer,
And the sun brings little heat.
Autumn has come, the leaves have turned yellow
It's time to say goodbye to summer!

1 child: How beautiful autumn is!
Let's remember her leaf fall.
Autumn bunches of mountain ash
Burning bright red fire!

2 child: We will arrange a holiday today
And let's call autumn.
We will dance with her, we will play,
Let's sing autumn songs.

Performance of the song "Red Rowan"

Verse 1: A red mountain ash stands under the window
yellow aspen
Will fly over soon.
Leaves, leaves are spinning
Rain cap-cap in a puddle:
Falls on the palms.

verse 2: All flowers are extinguished
All the grass withers.
The birds are flying away
To distant lands. Leaves, leaves are spinning
Rain cap-cap in a puddle:
Falls on the palms.

We stay in our places. Children read poetry.
3 child: Autumn saw off summer
Along the forest path
Scattered with leaf fall
Leaves from a basket.

4 child: A prankster wind has flown,
Shaking branches.
And the leaves rustle a song,
Seeing off summer.

5 child: Between thinning tops
Blue appeared.
Noisy at the edge
Bright yellow foliage.

SONG-GAME with autumn leaves
1. I walk with leaves,
I'll show everyone the sheet!

Like this, like this ... I'll show the leaves to everyone.

2. I will circle with a leaf,
I bow to my mother

Like this ... I bow to my mother,

3. And now my friends,
I'll hide behind a leaf!

That's it ... I'll hide behind a leaf!

GAME "WEAVING A WREATH"(from leaflets)
Under musical accompaniment 3 children around their hoops are collected and laid out, each time bringing 1 leaf. As the music ended, so did the game. We do not collect leaves from the places where the song was sung.

6 child: We cannot live in the world without miracles.
They meet us everywhere.
And so that the children do not lose interest -
We invite guests to the celebration.

Enter two girls "Summer" and "Autumn"
Leading: Girls, who are you?
Summer: Guess the riddles and find out!
The sun bakes
Linden blossoms
The rye is ripening
When does it happen?
That's right, I'm Summer.
Autumn: The leaves turned yellow,
The birds have flown
The rain is pouring
When does it happen?
Of course, in the fall. I am Autumn!

Leading: And where has it been seen that Summer and Autumn are together!

Summer: So that's why it's a holiday,
when you can do something that does not happen!

Summer (hugs Autumn): Hello, sister Autumn!

Autumn: Hello Summer! We haven't seen each other for a whole year!

Summer: Embrace nature! It's time for me to get some rest and go to another part of the Earth!

Autumn: Thank you, Summer, for a rich harvest. I'll take everything and keep it.

Winter (appears): Am I late? Hello, autumn! Ksyusha

Autumn: What are you, what are you, sister Winter! You are not late! We are just starting the autumn ball! (Hug) Polina

Winter: Summer, are you still here? (Bow to each other). I want to enjoy the beauty
Autumn! I don't have those colors! Ksyusha

Autumn: Admire, sister, just look, don't freeze anyone!
Girls Autumn, Winter, Summer sit down
Host: We invite all guests to stay for the holiday!

Leading: Each season has its own months, and which autumn months are you

Children: September, October, November.

September: On a clear September morning
Villages thresh bread.
Birds fly across the sea
And the school is open.

October: In October, in October
The rain is pouring in the yard
The grass is dead in the meadows
The grasshopper fell silent
Firewood prepared
For the winter for stoves.

November: The birch is dressed in a warm dress.
She makes a quiet noise: SUMMER is over.
V warm countries cranes are Flying,
The cry of a crane is heard in the distance.

1. Autumn knocked on our door
golden rain
And stingy, not affectionate

2. Tightened the sad
The song of the fall,
And to this song
The garden falls asleep.

3. A rowan berry
Like a flame
Warm, happy
On a cloudy day.

4. In puddles, like boats
The leaves are circling
Grey, cold
The clouds are rushing into the distance.

Leading: Why are puddles everywhere?
Mom takes her umbrella.
Why, why?
Because it's raining
And we will take an umbrella
And let's go to the street.

GAME with moms and umbrellas "Jump over the puddle"
A team game where mothers with their children under an umbrella run to the puddles, the children jump over the puddle and return to the team with their mothers.

After the game, children sit on chairs and, as the melody sounds, they stand in a round dance.

Round dance "Autumn in a golden scarf invites us to walk .."
1. Autumn in a golden scarf
invites us to walk
Spank fun in the puddles
And collect leaves


2. Don't scare my girlfriend-autumn
We are neither wind nor rain
We will not sit at home
Let's go for a walk anyway.

Chorus: Jump-jump, jump-jump jump over the puddle
And around, and around the leaves will spin.

Leading: Dear guests Autumn has prepared riddles for us (for children and parents). Do you want to solve them?
1. Is the garden empty if it has grown ....
2. Dig a little under the bush, look out into the light ....
3. For tops, like a rope, you can pull out ....
4. Do not be afraid, if suddenly, tears will make you pour ....
5. Brighter than the solar disk is red-cheeked ....
6. Who, guys, is not familiar with the white-toothed ....
7. Fresh, green in the garden in summer, and yellow, salty in a barrel in winter.
Guess, well done, what are our names?


Leading: And now it's time to call those who love to play.

ATTRACTION "NAME THE VEGETABLE" (with a blindfold, take a vegetable out of the bag, feel, guess and name it)

GAMES see Appendix

Autumn: In my opinion, everyone competed so friendly and well throughout our holiday that they deserved prizes, because it is impossible to determine who is better! Do you agree?

(All unanimously agree)

(Autumn, Winter and Summer give prizes to all competitors, or a team is given a prize that can be divided equally among everyone. For example, a pie.)
Summer: It's time for me to leave, sister, Autumn! It's time for a long journey to the south. See you!
(Summer is leaving).

Winter: And I have to go! Reign in nature, open all the colors that have accumulated in it! Let the guys draw your portraits to show to their friends. Goodbye, see you soon!
Autumn: Goodbye, Winter! Come on time!

Autumn: We will all gather together now in a big round dance, spin around like autumn leaves, and go to admire nature.

(Music sounds. Autumn leads everyone into a "spiral", takes them out of the hall.)


Marina Zyryanova
Scenario of the holiday "Golden Autumn" for middle groups s in preschool

The scenario of the autumn holiday for children of the middle preschool age

"Autumn is golden"

Target: Create festive atmosphere conditions for warm, emotional communication of children.

Tasks: To consolidate children's knowledge and ideas about autumn.

To develop the musical and creative abilities of children, taking into account the capabilities of each child with the help of various kinds musical activity.

Cultivate love for nature.

Hall festively decorated. Under autumn a song, children with leaves enter the hall, line up in a semicircle near the central wall.


Leaves are spinning in the sky, raindrops are dripping

We run through puddles, along a forest path.

The sun is smiling, sparkling gold,

We all really like autumn golden!


1. The sun hid, the sky darkened,

Soon the first snow flakes will fall!

2. A maple leaf will slowly fall on the palm of your hand.

This autumn golden is walking towards us

3. What time of year is it raining.

It's simple autumn in a hurry to kindergarten!

Song « Autumn in a golden scarf»



Who does not know, our children are amazing people.

He loves songs and dances, he lives very cheerfully!

Dance with autumn leaves

The children are seated.

(The sound of rain is heard.)


Is rain bad?

We will put on only galoshes.

And they are not only on the roads,

And at least run through the puddles!

Competition "Running in one golosh"

Vedas: Here is an artist so an artist All forests gilded.

Even the strongest rain did not wash this paint off.

Please solve the riddle: Who is this artist?

Children: Autumn. Comes with music autumn.


I dozed under a bush, I hear a noise in the dense forest.

Headache, who was laughing so hard?

Children: This is us!

Leading (bewildered)

Pretty, in sheets, with a berry in her pocket.

Autumn: I AM autumn golden it's been here for a long time.

magical golden is always my name.

We did not see each other for a whole year, after the summer it was my turn again.

I worked so hard, I drew, bright colors decorated everything.

My dear friends tell me about me.

1. How beautiful autumn, which golden carpet,

And guests today guys, to us autumn holiday has come.

2. You are so beautiful autumn, in dress gold,

The leaf is red, yellow says goodbye to warmth.

3. The wind sweeps the yellow leaves in the garden

It's only once a year happens in autumn.

4. Autumn, autumn outside the window, the rain is pouring peas.

Leaves fall, rustle. How are you autumn is good.

Autumn: (Children wear hats for staging a fairy tale.)

Animals live with me in the forest, Mouse, squirrel and hedgehogs,

We will now ask them to say how they all meet Autumn.


Leading: As mushrooms grew in the forest - forest,

The clever mouse ran and saw the mushrooms.

mouse: Oh, wonderful mushrooms, I'll call the Hedgehog, my friend. Hedgehog, Squirrel, ay!

Hedgehog: Here I am, Mouse!

Squirrel: I'm in a hurry!

mouse: I was walking through the forest and found mushrooms for you!

Squirrel: For the winter, I will dry your mushrooms on a bitch.

Hedgehog: Thank you Mouse, for the mushrooms, I'll hide them at the hole.

(Squirrel, Hedgehog and Mouse collect mushrooms)


The Hedgehog is dancing on a stump, the Squirrel is dancing on a branch.

The mouse is dancing near the mink, well, Autumn on the hill.

Top top! Stompers! Dancing paws, dancing ears!


We are not bored today, let's children, let's play!

Competition "Vegetables fruits"

Children are divided into 2 teams (boys and girls). Vegetables and fruits are laid out on the floor. 1-team collects vegetables in a basket, 2-fruits.

Leading (refers to Autumn) :

And with us in "Zhmurki" will you play? You will never catch our children.

Autumn: I'll blindfold myself tighter, Feel free to go out to play, kids!

The game "Zhmurki". Autumn is tired, frustrated sits on a chair.

Leading: Oh beautiful Autumn, what's happened? Has the mood changed?

(Draw the attention of the children to the fact that Autumn is sad, sad)

Don't worry beauty Autumn, Now we will cheer you up.

Song "Rain"

Autumn: I, children, thank you And I will give you all the juice to drink. (gives juice)

Leading: Where have we been? In the garden, and in the garden, And in the forest near the mushrooms,

Been here and there

And now let's arrange autumn

golden salute!

(Tied to the chandeliers Balloons, in which are autumn leaves that are cut out of colored paper. The presenter bursts the balloons with an air stick, at the end of which a needle is attached.)


Well, guys, I have to go, things are waiting for me in the forest.

Autumn is leaving, the children thank her, say goodbye.


It's time for nature to rest, it needs to gain strength.

Under a light snow blanket, you will have to sleep for a long time.

Children go out to calm music

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Scenario of the autumn holiday for children and parents of the middle group "Golden Autumn" On the eve of the holiday, the children, together with the teacher, made autumn leaves and presented them to their parents as an invitation to the holiday. Educator.

Autumn is considered boring and dull at times. However, gloomy weather outside the window is not at all a hindrance to fun. For preschoolers, the autumn holiday is a very important and very memorable event. The main thing is to create a warm atmosphere, offer children original games and entertainment, funny songs and dances, in order to acquaint them not only with folk calendar but also to instill respect and love for the native land, to teach to see the beauty of nature, to cherish its gifts, to enjoy any weather. Therefore, we want to offer you a scenario for the Golden Autumn holiday, in which the guys will show all their artistry and individuality, the ability to guess riddles, talk about the signs of autumn, etc.

Event progress

Leading: Golden leaves fall, fly,
Golden leaves cover the garden.
There are many golden leaves on the paths
We will put the bouquet in the middle of the table.
Golden autumn has come to visit us.

Children of the older group with leaves go on stage to the music.
Dance "Leaves"

After the children have danced, they remain on the stage and become a semicircle.
Telling poems about autumn.

1 child:
The wind blows the last leaves
In the north it is sharp and prickly,
Frost lies on the roofs at dawn,
The sun peeks out from behind the clouds.

2 child:
Wet paths glisten
All of you are already putting on your boots.
Autumn leaves with November from us,
We see her off in a good hour.
3 child:
Autumn swirled in the sky

Over fields, arable land
Brightly fabulous firebird
The sun brightened up.

4 child:
I flew into the distant forest,
Illuminated the lake
And the water glistened in it
Mother of pearl pink.

5 child:
And the bird dropped its feathers
Above the clearing light
Glittered on the trees
The leaves are multi-colored.

6 child:
Look what a wonder:
How bright and beautiful all around
Golden leaves everywhere
Filled with bright sun.

7 child:
Leaf fall wanders in the grove
Through bushes and maples
Soon he will look into the garden
Golden ring!

Ukrainian song "Darunki oseni"

8 child:
Autumn at the edge
Paints bred
Quietly through the leaves
Conducted with a brush.

9 child:
Yellowed hazel
And undress the maples
In autumn purple
Only green oak.

10 child:
Autumn consoles: “Do not feel sorry for summer,
Look at the grove
Dressed in gold."

11 child:
Admire the masquerade!
The forest changes its dress
Took off the green one, measures a new one
Yellow, red and purple.

12 child:
And obediently follow the wind
Leaves fly away
So summer is no more
Autumn is coming!

13 child:
The leaves turned yellow
The birds have flown away
See? (referring to the child)

14 child:
The rain is pounding on the roof
Stronger, quieter
Do you hear? (referring to the child)

Song "Autumn"

Senior preschoolers sit in their seats in the hall. Music plays, Autumn enters the hall along with the children of the middle group, who are dressed in fly agaric costumes.

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello autumn friends!
Are you glad to meet me?
Everyone likes forest outfit?
I came to your holiday
Sing and have fun
I want to be friends with everyone here!
- Guys, look who came to your holiday with me? Did you guess? That's right - Mushrooms! Now they will sing their wonderful song to you.

The song "Amanitas"

Autumn: And now I want to invite all of you guys for a walk in the forest!
Autumn rises to the stage and conducts a round dance with the children of the middle group, and the presenter with the children of the older group leads a round dance at the bottom of the stage. Thus, the guys come to the clearing to Lesovichka.

Autumn: Children, look who is this?
Lesovik: Who, who? I'm a lumberjack! I live in the forest.
Children: Hello, grandfather Lesovik!
Autumn: Aren't you scared in the forest alone?
Lesovik: Well no. I am friends with animals. Forest from bad people I protect. Why are you guys here? ( Children's answers)
Lesovik: Do you guys know the signs of autumn? ( Children's answers)
Lesovik: Well done! Do you know how to solve riddles? ( Children's answers). Then try and solve my riddles.

1 riddle - I found them in the forest
And now I'm taking it home
You see - a full basket,
Let's fry them with potatoes. (Mushrooms)

2 riddle - He came - pounded on the roof.
He left and no one heard him. (Rain)

3 riddle - Came without paints and without a brush
And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

Lesovik: What good fellows you all are!
Autumn: Grandfather Lesovik, play with us the game "Collect the leaves."
Children collect maple leaves in Autumn's basket, birch leaves in Lesovik's basket.

Lesovik: Thank you guys, the old man was amused! But it’s time for me to go, I need to make a detour in the forest to look at distant clearings and swamps. Everywhere must be in order! Goodbye guys. See don't get lost.

Slush: I, Slush, I walk around in galoshes and with an umbrella. I wander through puddles, I catch up with dampness. And why are you walking around here, thinking of scaring me? ( appeals to children). No, to invite guests, to muddy the water in the pools, to dilute the dirt on the roads. So they came here? Now I'll spoil the whole walk for you! I'll blow the wind, I'll pour the rain!

Autumn: We are not afraid at all, because we have multi-colored umbrellas. Look, Slush, how funny they are and how the guys can dance with them.

Dance with umbrellas (children of the older group dance)

Slush: Oh, have fun here! And I have very good gifts for you. Here, for example, hold it ... this is Snickers ... oh, oh, what am I, Nasmorks - from noble manufacturers and Bounty ... f-you confused me ... Just lick your fingers Chihaunty! Slush offers children their gifts.

Autumn: Thank you, Slush, but we don't need such kindness! Better listen to the children sing a song about a hedgehog.

The song "About the hedgehog"

Slush: Of course you are great! But the best thing in autumn is to sneeze! Apchi! Get sick! Gripchik pick up and all sorts of acute respiratory infections there. Oh, how wonderful it is to walk with damp feet and with a blue-red nose! Ha ha ha!
presenter: Guys, let's prove to Slush that Autumn still has a lot of good things!

Telling poems about autumn (children of the middle group)

1 child:
Is rain bad?
Just put on your boots
And they are not only on the paths,
And at least run through the puddles.

2 child:
Autumn makes us all happy
Even with the rain
Entering first grade
We are an autumn day
And fall for it too
Everyone can say "thank you".

3 child:
Let the storm rage
Why should we be sad
And at this time of year
You can dance.

Comic dance "Boogie-Woogie" (children of the older group dance)

Slush: Oh-oh-oh - I sat up here. It’s time for me, because here you can’t make a cold with you. I'll go and treat other children with my gifts.

The children say goodbye to Slush and she leaves.
Autumn: How glad I am to meet you! It's autumn in the yard, the birds have flown away, the sun is hiding behind a cloud, all the animals are preparing for winter, only we are left with a birch, and vegetables in the garden.
presenter: Autumn, and now we will sing the song “Garden-round dance” for you

The song "Garden-round dance" (children of the senior and middle groups sing)

Autumn: Do you kids know poems about autumn?
Autumn turns to the children of the middle group and asks the guys to recite poems about autumn.
1 child:
Autumn, autumn, wait!

And don't sleep with the rain
Give us more summer
Sunshine and light.

2 child:
A crow cries in the sky: - Kar-r!
There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!
And it was just very:
Autumn has settled in!

3 child:
In the morning we go to the yard
Leaves fall like rain
rustling underfoot,
And fly, fly, fly.

4 child:
I walk on the leaves
And they crackle back.
I will dial beautiful leaves
There will be a bouquet for mom.

Autumn: Guys, and now I invite you to play a game with me.

The mobile game "We collect mushrooms and berries" (children of the middle group play)

Autumn: Thank you guys for an interesting trip through the forest!
I will tell you from the bottom of my heart
You guys are good.
Dancing briskly, singing,
You have a lot of fun!
And for this you friends
I brought a basket.
And there are colored apples in it
Sweet juice poured!
You guys don't be shy
And eat gifts!

The host takes a basket of apples. The children thank Autumn for the treats.
Autumn: Time flew by quickly
It's time for us to part.
More worries await me
Goodbye, kids!

Quiet music sounds, children say goodbye to Autumn.

Development authors:
educators Bagmenko I.N.,
Semyonova I.S.
elementary school-gymnasium
"Children's Academy"
LNU named after Taras Shevchenko
Lugansk, Lugansk region, Ukraine.

→ Autumn holidays without a date >" url="http://scenario/index1.php?raz=1&prazd=27&page=1">

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 9414 Human

Dear Guys! Here comes autumn. Harvested in fields and gardens
harvest. The last warm days are coming. But we are not sad, then
mu that in every season there is something unusual, magical.
In the yard the leaves turned yellow, ...

Autumn Festival in the preschool "Oseniny"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 6860 Human

1st host:
Autumn maples are already blushing,
And the spruce forest is green and shady.
Aspen yellow is sounding the alarm,
A leaf fell off a birch,
And, like a carpet, covered the road.
2nd leader:
The sun is tired
You are warming up.
Yellow and scarlet
Sheets are spinning.
3rd leader:

Scenario of the holiday "Harvest Friends"

27.08.2013 | We looked at the script 20578 Human

To the music of the song "Autumn", children enter the hall in a group and examine it.

Presenter: Guys, look how smartly our hall is decorated. Can you please tell me which time of the year this design is more suitable for? Why?

Children answer: In the autumn! ...

Scenario of the holiday "In the autumn forest"

21.08.2013 | We looked at the script 20169 Human

Under a cheerful Russian folk melody, children of the younger and middle groups enter the hall and sit on chairs in the auditorium.

That's an artist so an artist!
He gilded all the forests!
Even the heaviest rain
This paint has not been removed.

Scenarios of autumn matinees - Meeting of autumn

17.08.2013 | We looked at the script 15627 Human

Summer is coming: Hello children! I'm summer, do you recognize me? It's nice. Did you feel good with me for three hot months? I warmed you with my warmth, warmed water for you in the rivers, helped you sing delicious and juicy berries. But three months have flown by and it's time for us ...

Scenario for the autumn ball

05.11.2011 | We looked at the script 17293 human

The autumn ball holiday, dedicated to the beginning of autumn, is accompanied by all kinds of skits, competitions, and theatrical performances. At such an event, you can see a wide variety of skits and theatrical performances. They usually prepare for the autumn ball ...

"Autumn Noisy Ball"

04.11.2011 | We looked at the script 15252 human

To the sounds of a waltz, two children enter the hall
A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a golden outfit.
You bring sadness with you...

"The Extraordinary Adventures of Preschoolers." Autumn Holiday Scenario

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 17093 human

Guys, look: in my opinion, miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit in autumn.
The spider bounces on a string.
What? Do you want to miss us? Strange ... But what are you ...

Scenarios of the autumn holidays "Autumn gifts"

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 19051 Human

Gossamer webs fly
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
Cranes are flying.

Everything flies, it must be
Our summer is flying by.

Summer flies away, and the golden sorceress hurries to meet him ...

"Autumn sisters" scenario of the autumn holiday

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 14956 Human

The hall is decorated with garlands of autumn leaves, bouquets of flowers, branches of mountain ash, aspen, maple.
Children run into the hall and dance to the "Waltz" by A. Griboyedov.

1st child.
Summer flew by quickly
Migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn wonderfully spread