The leaf of a phalaenopsis orchid has turned yellow, what should I do? What to do and why the orchid’s stem turns yellow

If the leaves on an orchid turn yellow and fall off, then it is important to understand why this is happening and take action in time. Yellowed lower leaves- This is part of the natural development cycle, when older ones turn yellow and gradually wither. If the leaves turn yellow at the top of the flower, this is a sign of a problem.

Orchid care at home

In nature, there are about 30,000 species of orchids and many hybrids. However, much fewer varieties are grown at home. Knowing the variety of orchid will help organize the right development conditions for it.

Phalaenopsis, also called moth orchid, is the most commonly found plant in the market. It is very easy to identify by 3–6 identical leaves dark green, between which rises a stem with 3–15 flowers. The length of the stem is 30–45 cm. Its root system is adapted to receive nutrients from the air. Under natural conditions, epiphytes, which include phalaenopsis, use a support plant for growth. They do not interact with the support in any way, but simply lean on it.

For normal existence, phalaenopsis will need:

  • a glass or plastic transparent pot filled with a mixture of bark and moss, which will provide it with an environment close to natural;
  • the pot should be only 3–5 cm larger than the mass of the root;
  • in a pot bulk material, which does not retain moisture and allows air to pass through well;
  • organization of proper lighting, humidity, temperature and air circulation.
Good air circulation will prevent problems such as fungal and insect infestations. There should be at least 15 cm of empty space around the flower to provide it with excellent air access.

It is only necessary when the soil has dried out and, having buried your fingers in the soil, you do not feel moisture. Before applying fertilizers, the soil must be watered. And the fertilizers themselves are applied only during the flowering period.

Did you know?Orchids come in a variety of sizes, from as tiny as a penny to giant ones. Pseudobulbs of the species Grammatophyllum speciosum reach a size of 2.5 m.

The second popular variety is . An orchid has a trunk on which flowers are arranged in clusters, interspersed with leaves. In dendrobium they are narrow and extend from the sides of the stem. The plant needs to be provided with a moderately warm, humid and spacious living environment, weekly watering and sufficient sunny color. In nature, dendrobium grows on rocks and rocks and will not mind if you organize its cultivation with support from a rock massif.

Why do orchid leaves turn yellow and what to do about it?

Factors that cause leaf discoloration include:

  • sunburn;
  • low or high temperatures;
  • illness;
Once yellowing is detected, it's time to find out what caused it and what measures to take.

Natural causes

If the yellowed leaf is located at the bottom of the stem, then this is a natural process. The orchid grows new leaves, and because of this growth, the older ones die off over time. Stress such as transplanting causes the plant to shed a leaf or two. This is completely normal and not a cause for concern. Over the course of a year, a plant can shed several leaves in this way. An orchid grown in a greenhouse may also react to changes in humidity after you bring it home.

Wrong content

If several leaves turn yellow at the same time, and these are the top ones, or they first become covered with spots, then your flower is sick.

Three main reasons why the leaves began to turn yellow:

  1. Sun- direct hit of rays on the plant.
  2. Microclimate- any temperature discrepancy optimal performance. Make sure that the temperature around your flower is about +21...+26 °C.
  3. Check the roots. Excess moisture will cause root rot, which will lead to yellowing of the foliage.

Did you know?Orchid Platystele jungermannioides is considered the smallest orchid in the world. Its flower is only 2 mm.

Violation of optimal conditions

The air temperature in the room and the temperature near the pot may vary, especially if it is placed on a window. The sun's rays heat the air, and the orchid may become too hot. At temperatures above +28° C, the calcium transport process is disrupted, as a result of which the foliage dies. To fix the problem, place the flower in a different location or use blinds for shading.

Strong sun and high air temperatures cause the breakdown of chlorophyll. The damage appears as pale, bleached or discolored areas. Over time, the leaves become fragile and acquire Brown color and fall off. Treatment consists of positioning the orchid away from direct sun.

Separately, it is worth noting the effect of chemical reagents on plants. If the room is undergoing renovation, the smell of paint, alcohol and drafts during ventilation can also cause yellowness.

Over- or under-watering

Insufficient watering causes drought. To survive, the plant sheds some of its leaves. During flowering, it can also drop flowers and shorten flowering time due to lack of moisture.

Epiphytes definitely need air circulation around the roots. If, due to an excess of moisture, they do not get access to air, they begin to rot, and the result is yellow leaves. But this is easy to see by the condition of the pot, substrate and root system. If the roots become soft and brown, this is a sign of putrefactive decomposition.

Important!Tap water is often treated with chlorine and should be used with caution. Rainwater dissolves suspended matter in the air, including metal salts and organic matter. This enriched water is the best for orchid nutrition.

Sunburn of leaves

Leaves turning white are often the first and sometimes only sign of leaf sunburn. In greenhouses, plants are exposed to large amounts of filtered sunlight, so they can withstand these wavelengths of light very well. But on the windows they are not protected and are not ready for additional volume ultraviolet rays. Outer layer cells burn out, resulting in discoloration.

Errors during fertilizing

Excessive fertilization also results in yellowing. An excess of phosphorus appears in the form of yellow spots on the surface of the leaf blade, and an excess of potassium - in the form of very light shade plates in general and falling off.

Video: The main causes of yellowing leaves in orchids

The problem can be easily fixed: you just need to water it abundantly, thus washing away excess fertilizer. If the plant feels good and blooming orchid No visible problems, simply apply half the dose of fertilizer recommended on the package.

Inappropriate pot size

If it is large and the orchid has few roots, then they will not have time to consume all the water that enters the container during watering. Stagnation of water will cause rotting, so the diameter of the pot should not exceed the size of the root ball by more than 5 cm.

Important!Even if you take care of proper watering, once in a large pot, the orchid will actively grow roots and “forget” about flowering for many months.

Pests and diseases

The leaves turn yellow due to pests. Insects that feed on sap may be to blame for yellow discoloration. Their toxic saliva causes round yellow spots to appear. different sizes. Most pests prefer to live on the underside of the leaf, and some are too small to be noticeable, so you may not notice the pests, but you will definitely notice signs of their activity.
If you see signs of infection, treat the orchid with a soapy solution. It will be good if you have insecticidal soap for these purposes. The treatment is carried out with a sponge soaked in the solution. With its help, you will remove some insects and sticky plaque on which fungi and bacteria develop. If the infestation is very severe, use insecticides. Treat especially carefully the area at the base of the leaves, the middle base and all folds. Leaf axils are a reliable refuge for pests. Repeat the treatment every 3 days for a week.

Did you know?The size of an orchid always depends on its habitat, so you can distinguish specimens that can grow in dry climates by their leaves. They will be thick, as if covered with wax. The foliage of representatives of humid climates is thin and has an elongated shape.

How to prevent leaves from turning yellow

Organizing proper care for the orchid will help prevent the appearance of yellowness.

  • good lighting, but without direct sunlight;
  • temperature that does not fall below +15 °C and does not rise above +28 °C;
  • organizing additional ventilation to prevent stagnation of moist or hot air;
  • maintenance normal humidity air (55–75%);
  • the presence in the pot of a loose, porous substrate that drains water well and is permeable to air;
  • watering when the soil has dried out by 3–4 cm;
  • applying half the required dose of fertilizer if the plant is healthy and blooms well.

Orchids are very beautiful flowers, which require close attention, but are generally resilient enough to recover if you correct errors in their content. Provide them with moderately warm and humid environment to help prosperity. Make sure you water properly and provide correct lighting plants.

  • never use regular soil for planting orchids;
  • do not allow water to get on or between the leaves, as this can cause rot, which will kill the flower;
  • Feed the orchid during the flowering period monthly with a balanced fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal parts;
  • Do not use alcohol solutions to treat insects; they can damage the leaves.

Did you know?In Singapore, you can visit a special orchid park, where more than 60 thousand species of these plants grow.

If the leaves on an orchid turn yellow and dry, then:
  1. Increase indoor humidity. Carefully remove dry leaves with sharp, sterile scissors. If the stem is dry, cut it off just above the base. Brown ends are also a sign of dryness.
  2. Move the orchid to a less sunny location. This will help if yellowness is a sign of sunburn or heat shock.
The orchid will grow well if you provide it proper care. Although this plant is whimsical, knowing all the conditions for its proper growth and observing the plant, you can easily achieve its healthy appearance and lush flowering.

For example, the leaves may turn yellow.

In this article we will try to figure out why this happens.

Natural process

When you see that your orchid’s leaves have begun to turn yellow, you should not panic. This is how it manifests itself natural aging process- Each leaf has its own cycle. This “change of generations” is typical for all colors.

In mass hybrids (Cattleya,) one lower leaf dries out. Less commonly, two shoots die off. In the genus Nobile, all the leaves can fall off the bulb, both with and with live ones.

If it is clear that Only the lower leaves of the orchid turn yellow, don’t rush to do something. The leaf will dry completely and separate on its own. There is no need to trim or pick off the barely yellow shoots, so as not to further injure the plant.

Important! Inspect your plants regularly. Yellowing can occur very quickly, within 1-4 days.

The age of the flowers also has an effect - the foliage rarely remains viable for several years. Shedding leaves every year (during flowering or dormancy) is normal for this species. With proper care, flower growers are rarely bothered by the question of why orchid leaves turn yellow. If there were any omissions, the plant immediately reacts to them, changing color or slowing down its development.

Irrigation regime violation

One of the main reasons is non-compliance with the irrigation regime. Forgot to do it on time or, on the contrary, over-moistened the soil - this disrupts metabolism. Because of such mistakes, the “non-statutory” color of the leaves appears.

Did you know? Some orchids are able to live underground.

Insufficient watering

Such cases are rare, but anything can happen. Let's take the same phalaenopsis. The stem is healthy in appearance, the roots are normal, and the leaves are yellowish. This is possible even with regular watering.
The issue may be method of moisturizing– by supplying water from a watering can, they do not properly moisturize the bark (a good one quickly removes moisture into the pan, preventing the roots from “drinking”). Nutrients become scarce, and young shoots seem to intercept them from old ones. As a result, it becomes unclear why they turn yellow and what to do.

It's simple. Switch to so-called submersible watering to avoid instant waterlogging. Within a week or two after changing the regime, the plant will return to normal.

Excess moisture

The most common reason leaf diseases. Beginners often “flood” the orchid. Harm from frequent water procedures is obvious - here there is “clogged”, lifeless soil, and rotting accompanied by bacteria.

Experienced flower growers advise focusing not only on upper pieces of bark. They dry quickly, literally in a day, and at depth the substrate will retain moisture longer. Keep this in mind when starting watering.

Transparent ones are very convenient in this regard - you can see how the soil is moistened throughout the entire container. If the container is opaque, then take a wooden stick and carefully place it near the rim, and after a few minutes the picture will clear up (if it has become wet, it is too early to water).
Pros even determine the dryness of the soil “by weight” by lifting the pot - a wet substrate is always heavier than a dry one.

The following signs indicate that the cause of yellowing of orchid leaves is excessive watering:

  • All processes change color, not just the lower ones;
  • Black spots appear on the leaves themselves (less often on the trunk);
  • The leaves became soft to the touch and moist;
  • The roots darkened and became covered with dark spots.

Another point: the plant can be easily pulled out of the pot, in which it almost turns.

If the rotting process has already started, then the orchid will have to be removed from the pot and, paying attention Special attention roots After such resuscitation, the flower needs special attention.

In addition to the watering schedule, moisture itself also plays a role. So-called hard water with various impurities provokes soil salinization. Having realized that the orchid’s leaves have turned yellow precisely from such a “watering hole,” change the soil. The leaves themselves are washed with liquid fertilizer. Of course, it is better not to perform this operation during the flowering period, so as not to disturb the plant.

Overdrying due to sunlight

Long " sunbathing"can also be harmful. A flower that has stood on the hot side all summer risks getting sunburn. Such damage is immediately visible: “overheated” leaves turn yellow in places that have received a shock dose of rays.
The solution is simple - change the location of the plant. If there is no extra space in the apartment, the flowers are shaded by surrounding them with other, more spreading plants. Don't wait until the leaves turn yellow and begin to wilt. Remember that most hybrids are not adapted to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

The area around the burn dries out over time. There is no need to remove all such leaf - a healthy orchid will have enough strength to nourish a healthy area.

Did you know? It happens that an orchid flower can have the shape of an animal’s head or a small human figure. Almost any species can distinguish itself with such “tricks”.

The other extreme is insufficient lighting. In the cold season, additional light is used (phytolamps, fluorescent devices). They also need to be turned on wisely so as not to overheat the sleeping flower; a few hours will be enough.

The most light-loving lines are considered to be Lellia and Cattleya. It is better to keep such plants away from the north side. Otherwise, all the leaves of the orchid may fall off, and you will need to urgently think about what to do.

Errors when fertilizing

“Nutrition” is also worth paying attention to. Today there are many that may not be suitable for some varieties. When purchasing, it is better to consult with the seller, indicating the name of the variety.

Important! At the slightest suspicion of the presence of pests, do not fertilize the plant - this can lead to the death of the flower.

A separate topic is dosage. Let's consider what mistakes are made most often when calculating it.

Excess fertilizer

Let's start with the purchase. Sometimes sellers carry out “pre-sale preparation”, stuffing the plant with stimulants and supplements. It's clear - they want a beautiful product. Beginners make the same mistakes, usually from overzealousness. And a professional can make a mistake when faced with an exotic one.

An “overfed” flower will last a year or two, after which the orchid’s leaves turn yellow, and it’s hard to figure out what to do right away.

It is better to take fertilizers seriously after the “store” flowering, when the plant has become accustomed to its new location.
When starting to feed, remember that:

  • fertilizer is applied during the growth period;
  • replenishment is combined with watering. Every second watering is a great time. First, be sure to moisten the soil and shake the container with fertilizer so that the additives do not settle to the bottom;
  • after the leaves form, there is no special need for fertilizer;
  • in the cold season (as in the middle of a hot summer), fertilizing is reduced, doing it once a month. Some orchids can easily survive a complete lack of “nutrition” during this period.
  • weak and sick orchids are not fertilized (damaged roots do not absorb minerals, and they accumulate in the soil). This is true for newly transplanted flowers. Feeding in the first month after transplantation is not recommended.

Did you know? Orchids of the Stangopea line grow upside down. The effect is enhanced by unusually shaped flowers and leaves.

Note that growth stimulants are undesirable for home orchids. A typical “sore” is yellowing tips, which is caused by excess calcium. Here it will be useful to review the diet, or even transplant the flower into a balanced substrate.

If you follow these simple measures, the plant will receive the correct dose. But there is also a downside - with poor nutrition, the orchid’s leaves also turn yellow, and the reasons lie precisely in fertilizers.

Lack of fertilizers

This is not as dangerous as oversaturation, but it is not good either. The orchid usually suffers from potassium deficiency, which is noticeable by the gradual yellowing of the upper part of the leaf. At the next stage, the already affected inner plate with dead veins is visible.
This process is connected with the fact that there is extremely little potassium in the flower, and with its deficiency, young leaves begin to simply pull this mineral from their older “neighbors”. Over time, the picture becomes sad - the orchid’s leaves fall off. To avoid this, the plant is transplanted into new soil rich in potassium.

Important! For one-time fertilizer indoor orchids take half the dose indicated on the drug package.

Pay attention to the composition of fertilizers. Potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen must be included. Experienced gardeners also pay attention to the labeling of the nutritional product. On the pack or bottle there are the letters NPK, and numbers next to them. It is this code that indicates what this fertilizer is needed for. The code 4-3-3 is for gaining green mass, and 4-6-6 is applied to the packaging of flowering stimulants.

Diseases and pests of orchids as the cause of yellowing leaves

Like all plants, . Such sores are often caused by various types of pests. Their presence causes the orchid to fade and the leaves to wither and turn yellow.

Major pests

Orchids have many “opponents” with whom they have to fight. We list the main pests and treatment methods. Before doing this, isolate the infected flower from healthy plants.

The easiest thing to spot is a tenacious one. Its presence is indicated by a thin cobweb on inside leaves and shoots.
Eliminated by washing with warm water (40-45 °C). After this procedure, the flower is covered with a bag for three days, not forgetting to monitor the condition of the soil. If it doesn’t help, drugs like “Neoron” and “Tiofos” are used.

Did you know? A number of rare hybrids are hypersensitive. Within half an hour of exposure to sunlight, they receive critical burns.

On back side the leaf blade settles and. These green insects, sipping juices from the plant, also poison the cells. Moreover, they are also carriers of fungi. They like dryness.

If the leaves become sticky to the touch and change their appearance, proceed with treatment:

  • washing with warm water (if there are few aphids);
  • treatment with soap solution (foam is especially effective laundry soap). After this, the plant is sprayed "";
  • infusion of citrus skins: 100 g is poured with a liter of water and infused for three days. The resulting solution is sprayed every 5 hours for several days in a row.

In search of an answer to what to do if the leaves of an orchid turn yellow, take a closer look at them. There may be dark growths there - this is “work” scale insect. Dense-leaved varieties that are kept at high temperatures attract these pests more than others. It is better to isolate the infected flower.
You can get rid of this scourge like this:

  • Olive oil is diluted in water (1 tbsp / 0.5 l) and applied to the affected areas. This is done three times, at weekly intervals;
  • for plants with thick leaves, wiping with cotton wool moistened with ethyl alcohol is suitable;
  • rinsing with warm water and removing young scale insects. Then the plant is sprayed with “Fitoverm”, but “” will also do. Repeats with a difference of 7-10 days.

Important! You can only see young scale insects with a magnifying glass.

Insidiousness thrips- in their invisibility. Translucent insects with wings have chosen low humidity. They leave a mark in the form of small dots or a silvery “spray”.

They can live both on leaves and in the substrate, therefore they require removal:

  • rinsing with warm water and cutting off the affected areas to healthy areas;
  • spraying with special preparations (the same “Aktellik”) with an interval of 10 days. Repeats two more times.
  • olive oil infusion (see above);
  • treatment with garlic and onion infusion (1 tsp of this porridge per glass of water, soaked for a day).

Nematodes inhibit growth and deform leaves. They are introduced purely from garden soil, and not from the substrate. These microworms cannot tolerate high temperatures (maximum +40 °C), but such a “bath” is also dangerous for your pet. A more harmless option is the Levamizal (or Decaris) solution. The tablet is dissolved in a liter of water, after which the moisture is poured into the soil.

Phalaenopsis is considered the most unpretentious orchid, however, when kept indoors it is not always possible to create comfortable conditions to grow it, and this leads to plant disease. The first sign that indicates that something is wrong with the orchid is yellowing of the leaves. This phenomenon can have a variety of reasons, but all of them are usually associated with improper care. This article will help you understand why the leaves of the phalaenopsis orchid turn yellow and how to avoid it.

One of the most common reasons why leaves on home phalaenopsis turn yellow is a violation of the watering regime. Excess moisture in the soil can cause plant roots to rot, causing the leaf blades to begin to lose turgor and turn yellow. Insufficient watering can also cause yellowness. If the root system looks completely healthy, but the lower leaves turn yellow, this is a sign that the substrate has been for a long time overdried.

It happens that an orchid is watered correctly, but the leaves continue to turn yellow. In this case, you should pay attention to the method of watering. If it is carried out using a watering can, then it is possible that water immediately falls onto the pan without having time to moisten the substrate.

Another common reason why phalaenopsis leaves turn yellow may be hard water. If the plant is constantly watered with tap water, albeit settled, this will lead to salinization of the substrate, and, as a result, to a cessation of iron absorption. If you water an orchid with this water long time, it will develop chlorosis - the leaf blades will become covered with light spots, and then turn yellow and fall off.


Second, and no less global cause Yellowing of leaves is due to improper lighting. Many gardeners believe that this tropical flower must definitely stand on the window so that it gets as much light as possible more sun. And this big mistake. In nature, phalaenopsis lives next to large trees, which serve as support and protection from direct sunlight.

At home, it is necessary to create approximately the same conditions - the light should be bright, but diffused. The best option To place the orchid there is a window sill in the southwestern part of the house. You cannot place the pot on the windowsill on the south or north side. In the first case, the plant will receive burns, as evidenced by yellow spots on the leaf blades, and in the second, the leaves will turn yellow slowly.

Lack and excess of fertilizer

Illiterate selection and use of fertilizers can also lead to the fact that the leaves of phalaenopsis turn yellow. Usually we see healthy and beautiful orchids in the store, completely unaware that they have been fed growth stimulants for a long time. A caring seller, of course, will recommend that you use these drugs at home, and be prepared for the fact that after a year or two the flower will begin to lose its original appearance– the leaves will suddenly begin to turn yellow.

The explanation for this is simple - the plant is completely depleted of stimulant drugs. Too frequent fertilizing contributes to the accumulation of nitrogen in the substrate, and its excess is just as harmful as its deficiency. Very often, an orchid turns yellow due to excess calcium or lack of potassium. There is very little of this component in the plant, and if fertilizing does not cover the need for potassium, then the flower will take it from the leaves.

Diseases and pests

If the leaves of a phalaenopsis orchid turn yellow, despite compliance with all maintenance conditions, then most likely it is sick or affected by pests. Fungal and bacterial diseases that occur against the background of waterlogging of the substrate or high air humidity can lead to yellowing of the integument:

Fusarium rot. The reason for its appearance is high humidity and lack of air circulation in the room. The main signs of the disease are the leaves turn yellow, become soft, the main shoot rots and dies.

Bacterial spotting. Infection caused by tissue damage. The main symptom is wet cankers on a yellowed leaf, which eventually becomes soft and dies.

Other reasons

In an adult orchid, the leaves may turn yellow for a number of other reasons. You should know that for home phalaenopsis it is considered normal to lose 1-2 old lower leaves during the year - this is a natural physiological process. The orchid begins to shed its leaves from old age at the age of 4–5 years. If the leaf turns yellow, turns bright yellow, then wrinkles, dries out and falls off, this is a sign of its natural aging.

Also, the cause of yellowing may be that the vase or pot in which the orchid grows is too small. The root system of the plant grows very actively, and if it is not replanted every 2–3 years, the roots will become deformed, which will lead to malnutrition and yellowing of the flower.

We should not forget that the orchid is a tropical plant, accustomed to a constant temperature, and at the slightest draft or hypothermia it experiences stress. And any stressful situation immediately affects the condition of not only the leaves, but also the buds and inflorescences.

What to do

Of course, a phalaenopsis orchid whose leaves turn yellow looks unattractive and needs help. What to do if this happened to your favorite flower? Above we looked at why the leaves of the phalaenopsis orchid turn yellow, and what to do depends on the cause of the damage:

  • if the cause of yellowing of the leaves is hard water, then the orchid is transplanted into a fresh one, and for watering, settled water mixed with distilled water is used 1:1;
  • if the orchid is affected by diseases, the leaves are washed with soapy water and treated with fungicides: “Aktellik”, “Fundazol”, “Fitolavin”;
  • if damaged by a root mite, you need to remove the plant and replant it in a new substrate, removing the damaged roots - in case of severe damage, insecticides are used: “Agrovertin”, “Karbofos”.

To keep your orchid always healthy, take time for prevention. Change the location of the plant periodically winter time additionally highlight, and in the summer - shade from the sun. Follow the feeding schedule and replant the flower on time, and then it will regularly delight you with its flowering.

Video “Why do orchid leaves turn yellow”

From this video you will learn about the reasons why the leaves of an orchid may turn yellow.

The factors that cause yellowing of leaves are varied. Improper watering, insufficient nutrition, various diseases and irrational use mineral fertilizers can lead to disruption of the vital processes of the flower and, as a result, affect its appearance.

  • 1 Reasons related to watering and lighting
    • 1.1 Under- or over-watering
    • 1.2 Hard water
    • 1.3 Lack of lighting. Sunburn
  • 2 Fertilizers
    • 2.1 Overdose of fertilizers and growth stimulants
    • 2.2 Potassium deficiency
    • 2.3 Excess calcium
  • 3 Infections and pests
    • 3.1 Bacterial and fungal infections
    • 3.2 Fusarium rot
    • 3.3 Bacterial spot
    • 3.4 Whitefly
    • 3.5 Root mite
  • 4 Other causes of yellowing leaves
    • 4.1 Age
    • 4.2 Narrow flowerpot
    • 4.3 Stressful conditions

Reasons related to watering and lighting

Under or over watering

The condition of the roots is connected by a thin thread with the color of the foliage. Due to constant overwatering, the leaf cover may lose turgor, become soft and turn yellow. Damp spots may also form on them.

Treatment: in this case, transplantation into a new substrate is necessary.

If the phalaenopsis looks healthy, the root system shows no signs of damage, but the lower leaves turn yellow, which means the earthen ball is overdried. You water the plant regularly, but it continues to turn yellow, pay attention to the watering method. Most likely, you carry out classic watering with a watering can. In this case, the water does not have time to moisten the bark and immediately falls into the pan, and the roots do not have time to drink; they have nowhere to get water. The result is a nutritional deficiency. To compensate for this deficiency, the plant will begin to extract water and nutrients from the oldest leaves, causing them to begin to turn yellow.

Treatment: Give preference to immersion watering and you will avoid similar problems in the future.

Hard water

Many people cannot understand why phalaenopsis leaves turn yellow. In most cases, the reason is very banal - hard water has a bad effect on the base, buds and the entire orchid as a whole. If you constantly water your pet with hard water, this will lead to salinization of the earthen coma. As a result, iron will stop being absorbed and functional chlorosis will develop (first the bottom leaf, and then all the others, will become covered with yellow spots, and after a while they will begin to fall off).

Treatment: replant the plant in fresh soil. Swipe foliar feeding: Rinse the foliage with liquid fertilizers (“Pokon”, “Bona Forte”). Be careful: if the orchid is in bloom, do not disturb it or replant it. It will be enough to free the bark (substrate) from salts by watering it with distilled water.

Remember that distilled water can only be used after diluting it tap water in a 1:1 ratio. In a few months, following my advice, the yellowed phalaenopsis leaves will disappear, and new and healthy ones will appear in their place.

Lack of lighting. Sunburn

If you notice that your pet's foliage is lengthening and its color is becoming light green, you should know that it is suffering from a lack of lighting.

Treatment: change the location of the pot. In the autumn-winter period, use phytolamps.

It happens that you cannot tell by the appearance of a flower that it is experiencing discomfort. In insufficient light, an orchid can grow for up to two years, and then, as it seems to you, the leaf cover will suddenly and suddenly turn yellow and fall off. Let us remember that light-loving species include Cattleya, Lellia, Vanda and their hybrids. These species should not be kept on northern windows, away from bright sunlight.

However, keep in mind that excess sunlight can cause burns (the entire flower will be covered with yellow spots). At large area If damaged, the orchid may die.


Overdose of fertilizers and growth stimulants

You purchased a beautiful looking healthy flower in a store. Be prepared for the fact that sellers used fertilizers in unlimited quantities for rapid and successful growth. This is done so that the phalaenopsis leaves do not turn yellow. Of course, visually no painful signs are observed. They will appear in two to three years, when the plant is completely depleted. In a couple of days, the leaf cover will sharply turn yellow, fall off, and the stem will wither. It is possible that all the leaves of the orchid will turn yellow. To bring the plant to a viable state, you will need not only desire, but also a lot of time and patience, because one transplant is not enough.

Treatment: find a warm, bright place for the flower. In the next six months, stop using fertilizers; after 15 days, start using fertilizers (special for orchids) once every two weeks, but at a 50% concentration. In order for foliage to appear again, it is advisable to fertilize with nitrogen-containing preparations. Thanks to this, it will be possible to prevent flowering and increase greenery. It is very important. If a weak plant, without green cover, begins to bloom, the orchid will die.

If you mistakenly apply a high concentration of fertilizer, rinse immediately with a stream of tap water. root system and only after 6 weeks you can start feeding again.

Potassium deficiency

Orchid leaves often turn yellow due to a lack of potassium. The plant contains little of this mineral. Therefore, the flower uses its reserves from old leaves, as a result of which they begin to turn yellow top part, the entire plate along with the veins is gradually affected, after a while the foliage disappears.

Treatment: transplant into a new substrate. Provide complementary feeding with a high potassium content.

Excess calcium

If the ratio of mineral fertilizers is incorrect, excess calcium may accumulate, and as a result, the tips of the leaves will begin to turn yellow. There are cases when the leaves of an orchid turn yellow due to excess calcium.

Treatment: avoid those types of mineral fertilizers that contain calcium. In the future, be more careful about the selection and concentration, and it is better to use special fertilizers that have the “for orchids” sign on the packaging.

Infections and pests

Bacterial and fungal infections

With frequent watering, the substrate becomes waterlogged. It creates all the conditions for the favorable development of Fusarium fungi. Under their influence, the roots gradually begin to rot. The infection will spread from infected roots along the main conducting vessels, as a result of which nutrients do not enter the sufficient quantity. This soon leads to yellowing of the foliage. The infection spreads quickly from the roots to the top of the flower. In such cases, the leaves of the orchid usually turn yellow.

Treatment: if not taken promptly necessary measures, the plant is doomed to die. To prevent this from happening, get rid of diseased roots and foliage. Treat the affected areas with fungicidal preparations (Vitaros, Fundazol, Fitolavina). Then replant into a clean, fresh substrate and spray the foliage again with a fungicidal preparation.

Fusarium rot

Most often it affects Phalaenopsis, Miltonia, Epidendrium. The main symptom of the disease is that the foliage turns yellow, curling at the edges. After a short period of time, the once beautiful specimen becomes gray. The main shoot rots and dies. Also in such a situation, the leaves of the orchid may turn yellow.

Treatment: it is necessary to immerse the plant in a 0.2% solution of foundationazole. The procedure is carried out for 10 days 3 times a day. Next, I will tell you what to do if the leaves of a phalaenopsis turn yellow due to bacterial spotting.

Bacterial spot

Specific disease. The main symptoms are that the foliage begins to turn yellow due to tissue damage. Over time, it will darken and become soft due to loss of turgor. Wet, oozing sores will appear.

Treatment: urgently isolate the plant from the rest. Cut out the affected areas. Treat all sections with iodine solution. If the leaf vein is damaged or the spotting has become widespread, stronger specific preparations can be used. Observe the flower for 10 days. If no new spots appear, the infection has passed and it can be returned to its original place.


Root mite

The mite attacks the roots and main shoots. The plant begins to suffer due to lack of moisture and nutrients. The foliage turns yellow and falls off. To combat, use the drugs “Agrovertin”, “Karbofos” according to the instructions. After treatment with drugs, it is necessary to transplant into new soil.

Other causes of yellowing leaves


When, after a certain time, the lower old leaves begin to lose their saturated green color, fade - this is a natural process, old age. And there are also long-livers - the viability of the foliage cover lasts up to 5 years. So, Dendrobium sheds its leaves every year during or after flowering. In monopodial orchid species, the leaf cover changes less frequently, but the death of one or two lower ones is obligatory (this is normal) once a year. The Kalantha species loses its green cover during the resting stage. But as soon as the next stage begins, it will acquire young leaves that can survive for many years.

Narrow flowerpot

If the flowerpot has become too small for your orchid, do not delay, transplant it into a larger one. After all, the root system is already cramped; it has already grown and is being squeezed and deformed by the walls of a narrow flowerpot. This is the most common reason why orchid foliage begins to turn yellow.

Treatment: transplant the flower into a new flowerpot, which will be wider than the previous one, but not more than 2 cm. Since in a very wide flowerpot, the earthen lump will dry out more slowly and this can cause waterlogging of the substrate, which will have a detrimental effect on the root system.

Stressful conditions

If there is a sudden change in environmental conditions (temperature, light, location), the plant may experience stress. This will affect the foliage: it will turn yellow and, if you do not react in time, it will fall off.

Treatment: Allow your pet to acclimatize and optimize the conditions of its stay.

If you take proper care of your orchid in a timely manner, then it will not be afraid of any diseases. Flowering and a healthy appearance will only bring you good mood. So, we found out why the buds and leaves of phalaenopsis may turn yellow. I hope my advice will be useful to you, and your beauty will no longer turn yellow.

published on according to the materials

Indoor plants delight owners with their beauty and flowering. But sometimes they get sick. You can often observe that orchid leaves have turned yellow. What to do in this case? It all depends on the reasons for the change in leaf color. This topic is discussed in detail in the article.

Natural process

If you find yellowing leaves of a plant, do not panic. This is how the natural aging process occurs - each leaf has its own cycle. This happens in all plants. In mass hybrids, 1 lower leaf dries out. Rarely 2 shoots die. In specimens of Nobile, the bulb may completely fall off.

Our orchid leaves have turned yellow, what should we do? If this happens to your bottom ones, don't panic right away. They dry out completely and separate on their own. Their pruning or plucking is not required so as not to injure the plant. It needs to be inspected regularly. Yellowing can occur quickly, within 1-4 days.

The age of the orchids also influences it - the foliage cover in rare cases lasts for several years. Annual shedding of leaves (during flowering or dormancy) is considered normal. If proper care is performed, then such a problem rarely occurs. If there are any omissions, the plant immediately reacts to them: it changes color or is delayed in development.

Lack of watering

This is one of the orchids. What to do? It all depends on the type of problem - overdrying or overmoistening. This leads to metabolic disorders and is a consequence of changes in foliage color.

Lack of watering, although rare, does happen. As an example, phalaenopsis. The stem looks healthy and the roots are normal, but the foliage is yellow. This also happens with regular watering. This is due to the method of moistening - when water is supplied from a watering can, the bark is not sufficiently moistened. There will be a shortage of nutritional components, and the young shoots seem to take them away from the old ones.

To do this, use submersible irrigation to avoid rapid waterlogging. Within 1-2 weeks after changing the watering regime, the plant recovers.

Lots of moisture

The cause may also be excess moisture, which often leads to foliage diseases. Because of this, rotting with bacteria appears. Florists recommend focusing not only on the top of the bark. It dries quickly, and in the depths the substrate retains moisture for a long time. This must be taken into account before watering. In this case, transparent pots are convenient. If the container is opaque, then you need to take a wooden stick and place it near the rim, and after a few minutes it will be clear whether watering is required.

Flower growers learn about soil dryness “by weight” by lifting the container - a wet substrate is usually heavier than a dry one. If yellowing occurs due to excessive watering, then the following signs will appear:

  1. Change in color of all processes.
  2. The appearance of black spots on the leaves.
  3. The foliage became soft and damp.
  4. Darkening of the roots and covering with dark spots.

Hard water is neutralized by peat in the substrate. Its content in this composition reaches up to 20%. If there is a process of rotting, then the orchid must be removed from the pot and replanted, paying attention to the roots. After this, the flower requires special care.

In addition to the watering schedule, moisture itself is also important. Hard water with impurities leads to salinization of the soil. Having determined that the leaves of the orchid have turned yellow, you need to change the soil. The foliage is washed with liquid fertilizer. It is advisable not to perform this procedure during flowering.

Drying from the sun's rays

We continue to figure out why the orchid’s leaves turned yellow and what to do. If the plant stands on the hot side for a long time, it may get sunburn. This is another reason why orchid leaves turn yellow. What to do in this case? You need to change the location of the flower. If there is no extra space, the plants are shaded and surrounded by others. You should not wait for the foliage to turn yellow and begin to wither. Many hybrids are not adapted to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

The area around the burn gradually dries out. There is no need to remove the entire sheet - healthy plant there is strength to recharge healthy area. And if, due to lack of lighting, the orchid leaves turn yellow and fall off, what should you do? IN cold period additional light is used (phytolamps, fluorescent devices). They must be turned on for several hours so as not to overheat the flower. The light-loving lines are Vanda, Lelia, and Cattleya. It is advisable to keep these plants further from the north side. Otherwise, the orchid’s foliage will fall off, and it will need to be removed urgently.

Violations during fertilization

If the leaves and stem of the orchid turn yellow, this may be due to errors in fertilization. Flower nutrition is important. Nowadays there are many fertilizers sold that are not suitable for some varieties. When purchasing, you must consult with the seller, stating the name of the variety.

If you suspect the presence of pests, you should not fertilize the flower - this can lead to the death of the orchid. A separate nuance is the dosage.

Excess fertilizer

If the orchid's leaves turn yellow and fall off, the reason may be due to excess fertilizer. Often sellers perform pre-sale preparation using stimulants and boosters. It improves appearance flower. Newbies also make such mistakes.

An overfed plant will last 1-2 years, and then the foliage will turn yellow. It is advisable to fertilize plants after “store” flowering, when the flower has become accustomed to its new location. When performing fertilizing, you should consider that:

  1. Fertilizer is applied during growth.
  2. Feeding is combined with watering. Every second watering is the right time. First you need to moisten the soil and shake the container.
  3. Once the leaves have formed, fertilizers are not particularly needed.
  4. In cold weather, feeding is reduced; this should be done once a month. Some flowers survive the absolute lack of food at this time.
  5. Do not fertilize weak and diseased orchids. You should not fertilize in the first month after transplantation.

It is better not to use growth stimulants for house flowers. If the orchid leaves turn yellow, what should you do? When the cause of this phenomenon is excess calcium, dietary adjustments are required. The flower can be transplanted into a balanced substrate. If these rules are followed, the plant will receive a adjusted dose.

Lack of fertilizers

This phenomenon is dangerous, as is oversaturation. The plant usually suffers from a lack of potassium, which can be seen by the yellowing of the tops of the leaves. Then the affected inner plate with dead veins will be noticeable. The reason for this process is that the flower lacks potassium, and when it is deficient, young leaves pull the mineral from older “neighbors.”

If the leaves turn yellow, in order to prevent them from falling, the flower is transplanted into new soil enriched with potassium. One-time fertilizer is performed based on half the dose indicated on the package. It is important that the composition contains potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Florists recommend paying attention to the labeling of the recharge product. Usually there are letters NPK, and numbers next to them. It is the code that indicates what the fertilizer is intended for. The code 4-3-3 is for gaining green mass, and 4-6-6 are flowering stimulants.


If the leaves of a Phalaenopsis orchid turn yellow, what should you do? When pests are the cause, their type should be identified. They lead to fading and yellowing of foliage. First, the plant must be isolated from healthy ones.

The easiest way to identify spider mite. Its presence is indicated by a thin cobweb inside the leaf and shoots. The pest can be eliminated by washing with warm water (40-45 degrees). Then the flower is covered with a bag for 3 days, while it is important to monitor the condition of the soil.

Aphids settle on the back of the leaves. These are green insects that sip juices from the plant and also poison the cells. They are also considered carriers of fungi. If because of them the lower leaves of the orchid turn yellow, what should I do? They are washed with warm water and treated with soapy water. Then spraying with Fitoverm is required.

You also need to prepare an infusion from citrus peels: 100 g is poured with water (1 liter). After infusion for 3 days, the solution is sprayed every 5 hours for several days in a row.

Other pests

If scale insects cause orchid leaves to turn yellow, what should you do? First, the infected plant is isolated. A solution of olive oil diluted in water (1 tbsp/0.5 l) will allow you to eliminate the pest. The product is applied to the affected areas. The procedure is performed 3 times with a week break. If the plant has thick leaves, wiping with cotton wool soaked in ethyl alcohol is necessary. When washing with warm water, young scale insects must be removed. Then the plant is sprayed with Fitoverm. This is repeated every 7-10 days.

When orchid leaves turn yellow and fall off due to thrips, what should you do? They leave marks - small dots or a silvery coating. You can get rid of them by washing with warm water and cutting off the affected areas to healthy areas. Spraying with special preparations with a break of 10 days helps. The procedure is repeated 2 more times.

Usually changes in flowers are immediately noticeable. You can verify this from the photo. The leaves of the orchid have turned yellow, what should I do? If nematodes appear, then a Levamisole solution is used. The tablet must be dissolved in water (1 liter), and then the liquid is poured into the soil.

Woodlice do not leave a sticky coating on the flower. They form on plants that have been kept outside. You can eliminate them by soaking the container in another container with water. Replanting and washing the roots also helps. The substrate can also harbor other pests besides those listed. It is advisable to engage in prevention.


Yellowing and falling of leaves also occurs due to the presence of infection. Fungal, viral, and bacterial diseases can be obtained from a diseased plant. Such flowers must be isolated from healthy ones. Fungal diseases infect the plant due to oversight. The sign is dark yellow spots on leaves and stems. With these ailments, tubercles appear. If there are few of them, treatment with a fungicide is performed.

In advanced cases, cut off the diseased area or the entire leaf. In treatment, you should not cut the tubercles themselves. The cut areas are treated. Gray rot often appears, which must be treated with Immunocytophyte. Powdery mildew eliminated by "Antidote", anthracnose - by "Mikosan".

Viruses may appear. They occur during times of stress - when transporting a flower, sudden temperature changes, or changes in humidity. Infection can occur during watering. The leaves take on dark rings, but there are other signs. Treatment with antibiotics and fungicides is required.

Bacterial spot appears on older leaves. They become soft, yellowish with a dark tint appears. There are noticeable ulcers that ooze fluid. Treatment involves cutting off the problem area, and the incision is treated with iodine. Using tap water saturates the soil with chlorine. To save the plant, filtered water is required.


In order for the plant to develop correctly, it requires proper care. Important has illumination. The main condition is diffused light, and there should be a lot of it. Therefore, the flower should be placed on a bright window (but not on the south), while simultaneously providing protection from direct sunlight.

Very frequent and abundant watering can cause harm. It is important to practice moderation. Between these procedures, the substrate should dry well. It is better to moisten the foliage with a spray. In summer you need to water more abundantly, which can be done through a tray.

Plants like it high humidity air, which should be at least 60%. Otherwise, you need to purchase a humidifier. To maintain normal foliage growth, warm, settled water is needed. And with moderate humidity, systematic spraying is required.


Thus, the article indicates common causes of yellowing leaves, as well as methods to eliminate the problem. Thanks to careful care, the plant will develop correctly, and the risk of pests or diseases will be reduced to a minimum.