How to carry out autumn work in the garden. Dacha in the fall - a lot of trouble

Autumn is the time for garden worries, because winter is ahead with its weather surprises and troubles; who knows what she has in store for us… And even though we can’t warm the trees in the cold of winter, we have a great opportunity to help them prepare for this difficult period. Work in the garden in the fall is enough. So let's not waste time - let's go to the garden! We will tell you what to do in the fall in the country.


Autumn work in the garden, you should start with harvesting. There should not be a single apple or berry left on the trees and bushes. The remaining fruits contribute to the conservation and spread of pests and diseases. If all the good things have long been eaten, and the remaining gifts of the garden are clearly not suitable for food, they should be collected and disposed of. You can bury them in a hole or burn them. Do not leave apples under trees or throw them into a hole behind a fence. This is equivalent to the fact that they will remain on the branches.

Don't delay cleaning. Autumn varieties apples and pears are harvested in the first half of September. Late autumn and winter - in late September or early October. Remaining unharvested for a long time, the fruits not only lose their taste, but also do not allow the tree to fully prepare for winter.

Autumn fertilizer.

Autumn work in the garden and garden necessarily include the application of fertilizers and various nutritious top dressings. AT different time Plants in the garden and garden need different ratios of nutrients. In autumn, an increased content of phosphorus and potassium is required. These macronutrients contribute to the good maturation of wood, the accumulation of substances necessary for overwintering and a good spring start, have a positive effect on root growth and the formation of a future crop, and increase plant resistance to certain diseases. They are also useful for improving palatability fruits and their intense coloration.

But nitrogen fertilizing in the fall must be excluded. This element provokes untimely growth of shoots and makes it difficult for the wood to ripen. As a result, without having time to prepare for the cold, trees and shrubs are easily damaged even by slight frosts.

Fertilizers can be applied both in liquid and dry form. The fertilizer solution is prepared according to the instructions (the recommended concentration should not be exceeded) and the plants are watered under the root. Foliar top dressing autumn is not carried out: the leaves at this time are rough, protected by a dense integumentary tissue, practically unable to pass various substances.

Dry fertilizers are evenly distributed throughout the near-stem circle, after which the soil is shallowly dug up or loosened. Good result gives fertilizer to the pits. To do this, 3-4 pits 20-25 cm deep are made around a tree or shrub, the required dose of fertilizer is evenly distributed over the pits, the pits are buried. Don't dig holes too close to the trunk: the fertilizer is absorbed only by the sucking roots. they are located approximately along the perimeter of the crown. After applying dry fertilizer, the plants must be watered.

Fertilizers should not be left on the soil surface: potassium and phosphorus slowly move deep into the soil, and phosphorus is easily absorbed by soil particles, becoming unavailable to plants.

If the soil in the garden is acidic, deoxidizers are added ( dolomite flour, lime, chalk). It's good to bring in. It is not only a good deoxidizer, but also a source of ash elements. But first, to determine the norm, determine the acidity of the soil in your garden.

The appropriate doses of the drug are indicated on the package. It is advisable to check the acidity of the soil annually, because most mineral fertilizers contributes to soil acidification.


Garden in autumn what to do? Water, but wisely. Damp autumn or abundant watering can provoke autumn growth of shoots, which makes it difficult to prepare for winter. Trees oversaturated with moisture most often get frost holes. Therefore, as a rule, nothing is watered in the fall. However, if the weather turned out to be dry, watering the plants is necessary. Plants suffering from drought in autumn do not differ in high.

It is important to water the soil abundantly before frost. Moist soil retains heat well and protects the roots from sudden changes in temperature. Dry land in the garden, on the contrary, easily passes air and quickly cools to its temperature. As a result, the roots can be damaged already at the first frost.

Autumn work in the garden and garden - tillage.

As in summer, in autumn it is important to ensure that the soil in the trunk circles is loose and free of weeds. Overconsolidation and crust formation prevent the penetration of air necessary for root growth and nutrient uptake. These processes require a lot of energy, which is released in the process. chemical reactions going with the participation of oxygen.

If there is not enough air, root growth stops, the supply of nutrients decreases, the plant weakens quickly, resistance to diseases and adverse weather factors decreases. Such a plant is not able to prepare well for winter and can suffer even in fairly mild winters.

During leaf fall or immediately after it, it is useful to dig near-stem circles with the obligatory turning over of soil layers. At the same time, insects wintering in the ground find themselves in unsuitable conditions and in most cases die. Therefore, such autumn work in the garden is necessary. After digging, the earth is leveled with a rake. At this time, it is useful to mulch the trunk circles. organic materials(composts, grass, manure, leaves). Moreover, if the trees have already gone dormant and the topsoil is frozen, you can even use fresh manure. roots from hypothermia and sudden changes in temperature, and in the spring - as it decomposes - serves as additional nutrition.

When pouring mulch, it is important to ensure that the base of the trunks remains free: backfilling the root neck can lead to its warming. It is desirable to combine digging and mulching with autumn fertilization.

Leaves are an excellent mulching material. It is best to use leaves from trees that do not have common diseases with fruit crops.

We fight diseases and pests.

In autumn, it is not advisable to spray trees and shrubs against pests and diseases. A short day and a drop in temperature force insects to seek winter shelters - at this time there are very few pests on plants, and the wintering stages of pathogens are not very susceptible to chemical preparations.

The only treatment that is useful to do in the fall is spraying trees, shrubs and the soil around them with a concentrated solution of urea. 500 - 700 g of urea is diluted in a bucket of water. Sprayed during active leaf fall or after it. Such autumn work in the garden on processing contributes to the rapid decomposition of plant residues, and in the spring it will partly serve as additional nutrition.

We whiten the trees!

You need to whitewash, or rather, paint the trees in the fall or early winter. To do this, choose garden paint with the addition of fungicides and a good adhesive base. It will help get rid of pests and pathogens that hibernate in the cracks of the bark. And at the end of winter - will protect the trees from sunburn.

It is better not to use water-based chalk and whitewash, as they will be washed off by the first rain.

Whitewashing in the spring is predominantly decorative and does not perform significant protective functions.

autumn pruning

In the Russian climate autumn pruning fruit trees do not carry out: when frost sets in, the places of cuts may freeze slightly. And, if you still need to remove some branches, then you need to cut them off with a margin, 5 - 10 cm further from the intended place. The final pruning is carried out in the spring.

In autumn, sanitary pruning is usually carried out - diseased and damaged branches are removed. Diseased branches should be burned. if left in the garden, they will serve as a source of new infections.

Be sure to cut berry bushes in the fall. , gooseberries, old branches, as well as weak and unsuccessfully located. If necessary, thinning is carried out. It is better not to leave this work for the spring. It is not always possible to cut branches in early spring before the start of the growing season. Raspberries remove those branches that were already with berries.

Autumn gardening also includes flower care. For the winter, they need to winter well.

What to plant in the fall in the country

In autumn, a huge number of seedlings go on sale. After all, right now nurseries are digging up young trees from the fields. Buy seedlings better in autumn. But planting trees is better to be postponed to spring, especially when it comes to stone fruits (cherries, sweet cherries, cherry plums and others). It is not known what kind of winter it will be. And with spring planting, the tree will have time to take root well and get stronger.

Autumn is the time for planting trees and shrubs. To make it easier to navigate when buying seedlings, follow these recommendations: choose plants for planting at the age of one or two years with a well-developed root system (approximately 30 - 40 cm long for plants with an open root system). The height of a one-year-old should be approximately 1 m, and a two-year-old - 1.5 m.

Seedlings acquired in autumn are stored in a pit in winter, laying them at an angle, the crowns of seedlings are oriented to the south. It is best to place them in a place protected from the wind and the midday sun. To protect against mice, the trunks are wrapped with agrospan or other non-rotting materials, poisoned baits are laid out. So that the earth settles well, pits for spring planting of seedlings are prepared in the fall.

Don't forget to transfer to permanent place young plants pinned in early summer berry bushes. Now is the time for this. Also, immediately after harvesting or in early autumn, it is necessary to remove the props and remove the fences around the fruit berries. This year they are no longer needed.


Every real owner knows that the garden needs a lot of attention and care in autumn. The work done during these months is intended to cultivate the soil, enrich the earth with the necessary substances and ensure the protection of plants during the winter.

Formation of landscape design

Garden care in autumn includes planting young fruit trees. Since the soil has not yet cooled down after the warm summer time, the roots of young seedlings quickly take root in a new place. Moreover, plants in the fall do not release excess energy for the growth of leaves and the formation of fruits. Therefore, they direct all their strength to the roots. What to plant in the garden in autumn? This is up to you. There is practically no such perennial plant that would not be accepted at this time. Despite the fact that autumn is considered the rainy season, it is recommended not to neglect watering recently, as the wind can dry out the top layer of the earth too quickly.

The best fertilizer

Of course, the garden takes a lot of time and you can prepare the fertilizer yourself. Many people think that the main task of working in the garden in the fall is cleaning up fallen leaves. Their summer residents are usually raked into heaps and burned. This is the most big mistake. Why burn or throw away life-giving substances, and then separately buy fertilizers, if you can make them yourself? We suggest that you act rationally and do not spend extra money in order to fertilize the garden in the fall. Wait until all the leaves have fallen, then go over them with a lawn mower to chop them well. Further around each tree carefully without damaging root system, make small holes. Experts recommend raking crushed leaves in them. All this will quickly decompose. Our small leaves will turn into an excellent organic additive for the soil. Thus, you will still carry out mulching and insulate the roots of trees for the winter. Here is such a triple benefit for your garden!

Getting ready for winter

Usually no work is done in the garden during the summer. During this period, a considerable number of pests accumulate here. Garden care in the fall also involves the processing of trunks and When is the best time to do this? Immediately after harvest fruit trees it is recommended to treat with urea. In this regard, a solution is prepared. We need 500 grams of urea per 10 liters of water.

In cases where scab attacked trees or large quantity the crop suffered from rot, the diseased plant must be treated with copper sulphate. The preparation is simple. Its solution consists of 100 grams of vitriol and 10 liters of water. And the fruits that have suffered from rot must be removed from the territory garden plot. Trees must be carefully dug up. For this, it is better to use a pitchfork so as not to damage the roots. After that, you can fertilize and water the tree. It is not recommended to level the soil after digging. There is an explanation for this. An uneven surface absorbs moisture better after rains and melted snow. They will then perfectly level the ground. These are the tasks that summer residents have to perform, preparing their site for winter. Now you know what to do in the fall in the garden.

tree pruning

Pruning of fruit trees is usually done twice a year. This must be done in the spring and autumn period s. Consider the procedure for preparing plants for winter. Pruning the garden in autumn takes place after all the foliage has fallen, but before the onset of frost. Experts are of the opinion that this process increases the possible yield by next year. But you can't overdo it. It is better to adhere to certain rules so as not to harm the trees. One of the purposes of pruning is to thin out the branches to improve airflow and sunlight to the entire canopy of the tree. And in young seedlings, this procedure is performed to form the correct crown. As for mature trees, their thinning consists in cutting out branches that grow towards the trunk or down. They are not needed. Also remove branches that intersect with others. Thus, the crown is formed correctly. Branches should be evenly distributed in all directions. So the plant will get enough light.

An important factor is the shortening of branches, which is performed in order to control their growth and set the direction in the right side. The simplest purpose of pruning is to remove dry or diseased shoots. They need to be removed from the garden and burned. This is done so that the disease does not spread to other trees. Pruning dry branches does not cause any damage to plants. This procedure does not require additional manipulations. But diseased branches are, in fact, alive. The places of their cut for a tree are like open wounds. They need to be processed. For this, it is best to use drying oil or oil paint. It also does not hurt to water the trees well and add fertilizer to the soil after pruning.

Secrets of the formation of crowns of fruit trees

Garden care in autumn is about pruning trees, as we have already mentioned. But it must be carried out not chaotically, but based on established norms. Do not prune young trees too much. This will slow down their growth and delay the time of fruiting. To form a solid skeleton of a tree, only one main top branch must be left, and all competitors should be removed. If the annual growth of the plant is too weak, then you need to carry out a stronger pruning. There are times when it is better to remove one large branch than to constantly remove many small ones. If the cut diameter is greater than 1 centimeter, then it must be treated with garden pitch, drying oil or oil paint.

Tree pruning should be done after the leaves have fallen and before the onset of frost. There should not be branches that depart from the axis at sharp angles, they must be removed. Pruning each tree is an individual task. The intensity of the procedure depends on the type and variety of the plant. If the tree has suffered from frost, then its haircut should be postponed until spring. Then you will definitely see the affected area. For older trees and shrubs, heavy pruning can be applied to rejuvenate the plant. All waste must be removed from the garden area and burned. All tools must be sharp so that during the procedure they do not pull the bark off the plants.

Tree trunk cleaning

We are more and more convinced that the garden in the fall, the processing of trees requires a lot of time. Attention should also be paid to cleaning the trunks of fruit plants. This type of work is usually carried out every two to three years. Using a metal brush or scraper, you need to clean off the dead layer of bark. But this is done very carefully so as not to damage living tissues. This process also aims to kill pests that often live in layers of dry bark. After cleaning the trunk, it needs to be whitewashed. This is done in order to protect against temperature changes, wind and new pests.

Planting trees in autumn

Many people ask the question: “What to plant in the fall in the garden?” In fact, all fruit trees. You can repot whatever you want in the fall. The most popular plants are apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, apricots. The main thing is to properly prepare the soil and seedlings. Also, autumn is a favorable period for transplanting shrubs such as gooseberries, currants, honeysuckle, raspberries. At the same time, do not forget to water them abundantly and properly fertilize.

The value of autumn work

Garden care in the fall is an integral part of the work of every summer resident. In this way, he takes care of his plants, prevents their diseases, and promotes better tree growth. The quality of autumn work determines future harvest. The condition of the trees after winter will also depend on the preparation for winter. Therefore, do not neglect the autumn work in the garden.

The beginning of September is not autumn yet, during the day it is often hot, and in the mornings the fishermen wrap themselves in warm clothes. A visual sign of the season are mushroom pickers with baskets in their hands. Due to the usually transparent atmosphere during this month, August stars seem especially large, and numerous meteors fly across the bottomless sky.

The night garden looks mysterious and unrecognizable. Ripe apples fall with a dull thud. Bats fly by in the moonlight. Toads and some small living creatures rustle in the grass, the chirping of crickets is heard from everywhere.

The intensity of work in the fruit ornamental garden decreases markedly at the end of summer. weeds and lawn grass grow not as fast as in early summer. Plants need less watering. Most harmful insects have already satisfied their appetite and are now choosing places for overwintering. The past harsh winter solved the problem of harvesting and disposing of the fruit crop - it is simply almost non-existent.

Beautiful fruits ripen on individual apple trees, which allows gardeners to conclude: this is the level of winter hardiness that trees should have in order to obtain sustainable crops.

But there is still work in the garden in August-September. Cold damp nights contribute to the manifestation of fungal diseases. And if these diseases are allowed to develop uncontrollably, then the plants will prematurely lose a significant part of the leaves. And this, in turn, will lead to their weak winter hardiness.

In August-September comes best time for landing garden strawberries, which everyone stubbornly calls strawberries. Last year's bushes with dark roots are not suitable for culture propagation. After planting, garden strawberries need to be watered three times a day. It is also useful to slightly shade the planted seedlings for a week, for example, with bunches of plucked weeds.

If in July, immediately after the end of picking berries, you did not cut the leaves of this crop, then in August and later this is not necessary. Since at the end of summer garden strawberries are laying fruit buds, and for this she needs full-fledged leaves. Late cutting of leaves at the end of summer will result in plants that look beautiful on the outside, but will greatly reduce the next year's harvest.

In raspberries, immediately after the last berry picking, all two-year-old fruit-bearing, as well as thickening, deformed young shoots of this year are cut out. Sick bushes with numerous weak shoots must be completely uprooted. All issued shoots must be burned immediately, as they are centers for the spread of pests and diseases.

We also recommend timely removal of basal shoots from fruit and ornamental trees. Particular care should be taken to cut out the "wild" shoots of grafted lilacs and roses. After the last harsh winter, most gardeners were in no hurry to prune tree crops until all winter damage appeared.

Now, against the background of green foliage, branches that have died from frost are already clearly visible, so they should be removed without waiting for the next year. There will be a lot of trouble in the garden in the spring.

At the end of summer, you should carefully examine the cherries. In addition to various harmful diseases, manifested in the form of small spots on the leaves and premature fall of foliage, on all cherries, ordinary, felt, sandy and other stone fruits, a fungal disease, moniliosis, is becoming more and more active. Outwardly, it manifests itself in the drying of individual young leafy shoots.

Exceptions, of course, are cases where individual tops are left for the subsequent replacement of aging and diseased branches. In grafted ornamental trees (maple, willow, mountain ash), all shoots growing below the grafting site are removed.

This must be done every three to five years, otherwise your favorite plants will gradually degenerate, and their luxurious flowers shrink over time.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that on each division there are not only stems and buds, but also roots. When transplanting flowers Special attention should be given to the control of perennial weeds. This garden work is probably always up to date.

A few extra minutes spent on sampling the roots of dandelion, goutweed, wheatgrass from the soil will save many hours in subsequent years needed for weeding overgrown flower beds. When planting (transplanting) perennial flowers, it is useful to pour plenty of water on the eve in dry weather for two days. And immediately after planting, it is also plentiful to water and, if the weather is sunny, shade them for several days - for better survival.

In August, woody plants no longer grow - this is clearly evidenced by the emerging buds at the ends of the shoots. The need of plants for nitrogen fertilizers, which contribute to rapid development in early summer, is sharply reduced. If this is neglected and you continue to add ammonium nitrate or urea to the soil, secondary growth of shoots may begin in deciduous trees, which, unfortunately, will not have time to become woody before winter and will definitely freeze.

For better preparation for winter perennials on poor soils it is useful to feed phosphorus - potash fertilizers or ash. The best “quality” ash is obtained after burning grass, but wood ash is somewhat worse. Note, by the way, that the most "useless" ash is obtained after burning coal.

Late August to mid September is the best time to sow. Those who dream of growing an emerald grass carpet on their site should take advantage of the favorable period of time. Cool weather and very frequent rains, common for this time of year, contribute to the friendly germination and development of grass, sometimes even without additional watering.

Majority woody plants it is best to transplant in early October or in the spring before bud break. But there are exceptions, such as lilac. In the spring, it blooms so early that usually they do not have time to plant it at the optimum time.

And in winter, she leaves in a leafy state and it seems that it is too early to plant her. Practice shows that when transplanted at the end of August, this culture takes root perfectly and its inflorescences do not shrink for the next year. At the same time, small spruces can be successfully transplanted, which have rapid root growth at the end of summer, providing good survival.

At the end of summer, zealous owners plant so-called green manure crops (peas, rye, mustard, seradella,) in place of gradually empty garden beds, as well as between fruit trees. These crops, after several weeks of growth, are embedded in the soil. This technique achieves a significant improvement in soil structure and significantly increases its fertility. The effectiveness of such green manure is not inferior to manure or compost.

With the onset of autumn, the summer season comes to an end. During this period, it is necessary not only to harvest, but also to prepare the site for winter. Autumn work in the garden should not be postponed so that everything can be done before the first frost.

Autumn work in the garden in the country: harvesting and tillage

The weather in September is still quite warm and allows you to harvest the remaining crop in the country. At the beginning of the month, potatoes are dug up, tomatoes are harvested, Bell pepper, eggplant. Then comes the turn of carrots and beets. At the end of the month, they begin to collect zucchini, pumpkins and cabbage.

Dig it up in dry weather, otherwise wet tubers will not store well. Seed specimens are taken out in the sun for several days so that they turn slightly green. The solanine formed in the tubers is a toxic substance, it repels rodents, destroys the fungal infection and allows you to keep potatoes until spring. The rest of the crop is harvested immediately in storage rooms, since tubers that have turned green in the sun should not be eaten.

Tomatoes must be removed from the bushes before the air temperature begins to drop below +5°C. If the fruits do not have time to ripen, they are placed in a box, shifting the layers with paper towels, and covered with paper. Optimum temperature storage air is 15 - 18°C.

A sign of the ripening of carrots is the yellowing of the tops and the appearance of hairs on the root crop. Only whole specimens are suitable for storage, so you should be careful when removing vegetables from the ground. The tops are cut off immediately. Root crops are not washed, but only aired. For storage, they are placed in boxes with sand or sawdust.

The best time for harvesting beets is the second half of September. Root crops by this time reach the desired size and accumulate enough nutrients, and the tops begin to fade. Vegetables are selected for storage without damage. The tops are not cut off completely, leaving about 1 cm. It is best to store beets with potatoes.

To determine the readiness of cabbage for harvesting, it is necessary to squeeze the head of cabbage. If it is elastic and does not squeeze through, you can cut it off. The upper leaves are removed, the stalk is left about 2 - 3 cm. Small dense heads of light color are well stored.

After harvesting, the plot is freed from tops. It should be borne in mind that the tops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and eggplants are destroyed immediately. It cannot be used to further fertilize the soil in the form of compost. Closer to autumn, many leaves are affected by a disease such as phytophthora, and the earth may be infected.

When to harvest beets (video)

Then the garden is dug up and fertilized. AT winter period the soil is resting, and additional nutrition in the form of fertilizer allows it to better recover and prepare for the upcoming season.

Fertilizers are of 2 types: organic and mineral.

  • Of the organic fertilizers, manure and manure are the most valuable, they increase soil fertility. Fertilizers are applied during digging to a depth of 10 - 15 cm. Such top dressing is especially useful for growing cucumbers, sweet peppers, and cabbage. It is recommended to fertilize the soil with manure and droppings no more than once every 3 years.
  • Ash contains many valuable trace elements. It is also brought in for digging. For 1 square meter soil will need about 1 kg of ash. This fertilizer is useful for potatoes, raspberries, strawberries.
  • The compost is placed on prepared loose soil and covered with a rake. You can water the humus with concentrates containing bacteria necessary for the soil, the so-called EM preparations. With this method, there is no need for additional mineral and organic fertilizers. It is especially effective for early varieties vegetables.

  • Mineral fertilizers enrich the soil with elements that are important for plant life. They are divided into potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.
  • Potash fertilizers help to increase the viability of plants, their resistance to adverse weather conditions and pests. Most often, chloride or potassium sulphate is used.
  • Of the phosphate fertilizers, the most popular are: superphosphate, tomasslag, phosphate rock. They have a positive effect on the root system of plants.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers are needed for protein synthesis. Mostly saltpeter, urea and ammonium sulfate are used.

When using ready-made complex fertilizers, you must follow the instructions. Many formulations have a limited scope and are designed for specific plant species.

In autumn, the dug up soil is not broken, leave large layers to retain snow and retain moisture, as well as to destroy pests wintering in the upper layers of the soil.

Autumn planting of horticultural and horticultural crops

To ensure an early harvest, some crops are planted before winter. This saves time in the spring and hardens the plants. Sowing is done when the air temperature drops to 0°C. Otherwise, the seeds may germinate and the sprouts will die.

The seeds of such plants easily tolerate winter frosts:

  • carrots, beets;
  • onions and winter;
  • dill, spinach, sorrel;
  • radish, turnip.

Seeds are sown in dry soil, the grooves are sprinkled. From above, you can cover with a layer of peat or humus and cover with branches to retain snow.

A month before the onset of frost, seedlings of fruit trees are planted. Depending on the region, this may be the end of September or October. For autumn planting, you need to choose winter-hardy varieties adapted to the local climate.

Most often in the fall, such fruit trees are planted as:

  • Apple tree;
  • pear;
  • plum;
  • cherry.

At the bottom of the landing pit, it is desirable to pour a layer of expanded clay. The soil is prepared in advance by mixing earth, vegetable soil and rotted manure. Fertilizers when planting are applied very carefully so as not to burn the roots of the seedlings. Dry soil is poured on top. The root neck of the seedling should be exactly at the level of the soil.

planted in autumn and fruit bushes. Seedlings are chosen with a well-developed root system. During this period, it is best to take root:

  • black currant;
  • raspberry;
  • gooseberry.

It is better to plant raspberries in a trench with a depth and width of about 50 cm. Compost is laid at the bottom of the trench. The soil can be fertilized with superphosphate.

For currants and gooseberries are prepared landing pits about 40 cm deep. A prepared mixture of compost, superphosphate and wood ash is laid at the bottom. Upper layer the soil is not fertilized.

Before winter, cold-resistant flowers and ornamental shrubs, such as barberry, hawthorn, and honeysuckle, are also planted.

In order to improve the structure and fertility of the soil by spring, green manure crops are sown in the free areas of the field in autumn. These include:

  • rye, barley, oats, wheat;
  • rape, colza;
  • soybeans, lentils, beans, peas, clover, alfalfa;
  • sunflower;
  • buckwheat.

How to prepare the site for winter (video)

What autumn work needs to be done in the garden

Autumn work in the garden begins with harvesting fruit trees. It is important to do this on time so that the fruit is stored longer. Fruit maturity is determined by seeds. As soon as they reached the light - Brown color, fruits must be removed, otherwise they will overripe. The fruits are plucked at the base of the stalk so as not to leave a dent.

It is necessary to remove from the trees and under them all the fruits, even spoiled ones. Viruses, fungi, larvae of garden pests can winter in them.

Trees and shrubs are pruned, old, diseased branches are removed. Used as a fertilizer for garden trees wood ash, which is scattered around the trunk.

To protect against rodents, a mixture is prepared from clay and mullein, taken in equal proportions. For smell, creolin or carbolic acid is added. Tree trunks are covered with this composition. It should be borne in mind that such a composition makes it difficult for oxygen to reach plants. At present, for this purpose, it is more expedient to use plastic mesh with small cells. It is wrapped around a tree trunk, which makes it difficult for rodents to access.

An important work in the autumn period is water-charging watering.. This procedure is carried out with the beginning of the fall of the leaves. Around trunk circle they dig small watering grooves about 15 cm deep. It is necessary to soak the soil to a depth of 1 m. To determine the degree of moisture, they dig a hole about 40 cm deep nearby. You can add complex mineral fertilizers to the grooves.

When the air temperature no longer rises above -5 ° C, it is necessary to cover heat-loving plants for the winter. To do this, use sawdust, spruce branches, fallen leaves, burlap or special agrofibre.

Preparing greenhouses for winter

It is necessary to remove all the remains of plants, tops, where pathogenic microorganisms can live. The surface of the greenhouse is thoroughly washed with disinfectants. If the greenhouse is covered with a film, it must be removed, washed with soapy water, dried thoroughly and removed before spring.

Wooden racks are treated with a solution blue vitriol, which prevents rotting and germination of moss.

In addition to disinfecting the surface of the greenhouse, it is also necessary to treat the soil in which during the time holiday season a large number of pests have accumulated.

The earth in the greenhouse is carefully dug up. If the area is not very large, thermal disinfection can be used. The soil is covered with a film and boiling water is poured under it. Hydrated lime or dolomite flour is often used for processing., which destroy pests and enrich the soil with potassium and magnesium. Additional nutrients are provided by fertilizing the earth with superphosphate.

How to prepare the soil for winter (video)

For the winter, it is necessary to strengthen the frame of the greenhouse so that it does not collapse under the weight of snow. To do this, props or arched fasteners are installed on a solid surface inside the greenhouse. If the surface of the greenhouse is made of glass, its integrity should be checked. Small cracks can be sealed with tape so that wind and snow do not completely destroy the surface. If possible, the integrity of the structure should be checked in winter.

Timely completed autumn activities will save time in the spring and get a rich harvest from all crops.

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The last warmth, the aroma of blooming chrysanthemums, the air permeated with pleasant coolness and the smell of falling leaves - the beginning of the hottest season in the life of everyone who has household plot. Already at the end of August, summer residents smoothly turn into active autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden, which will have to be completed before the onset of the first frost.

Whether it is necessary to dig and fertilize the soil in winter, how to prune and insulate trees and shrubs, what seeds can be sown, Dream House will tell about this and more today.

What work in the garden and on the site is done in the fall

Beginners in this difficult but fruitful business at first have enough questions regarding work on the site in the fall.

If you make a list of them, it will look something like this:

  1. Collecting the remaining crop and seeds for sowing next year.
  2. Systematic cleaning of fallen leaves and preparation of fertilizers from it.
  3. Cleaning of tops and unfit for consumption vegetables and fruits.
  4. reproduction perennial shrubs division or cuttings.
  5. Pruning garden trees, fruit and ornamental shrubs, a haircut .
  6. Flowerbed care.
  7. Vegetation warming.
  8. Autumn top dressing of the soil and mulching.
  9. Planting winter crops.
  10. Fertilizer and.
  11. Cleaning in a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  12. Cleaning of reservoirs.
  13. Cleansing from dry foliage drains.

Let us consider in more detail what the autumn work on adjoining territory, in the garden, garden and flower garden.

Work in the garden in autumn

In addition to the fact that in the garden more often than in other areas, you need to deal with autumn leaf fall, you have to perform and many other actions.

Since fallen leaves are a valuable compost material, they should not be burned. Prepare recesses or special boxes and dump foliage there for further organic fertilizer.

Don't rush to harvest late varieties apples and pears until they are fully ripe. Their ripeness is determined by the color of the grains, they should be brown. In order not to damage the fruits, they must be removed, not crushed. Harvest immediately after harvest is placed for storage in a cool place. Do the same with grapes.

What to do in the garden in the fall, when all the fruits have already been harvested? In addition to harvesting and harvesting, attention must be paid to all trees and bushes. Without proper care, they can freeze or get sick and die, which will reduce future yields.

Autumn is the time for planting fruit seedlings, transplanting trees and shrubs, but only after they shed their foliage. Also in the autumn period, division and digging of layers of gooseberries, currants, yoshta, raspberries, blackberries is carried out.

It is processed from pests, cut off and insulated at the base for the winter.

On young trees that have not yet fruited, pinch long shoots to speed up lignification.

It is necessary to cut the branches of trees that have shrunken and are affected by diseases, as well as to clean the trunks of dead bark and moss.

Berry bushes and fruit trees are dug deep around. This process will provide access to the root system of moisture and oxygen, as well as help to locate and destroy the habitats of harmful insects.

Then, for a successful wintering of fruit trees and shrubs, the soil near the root zone is loosened, shed well and insulated with foliage, peat or mulch. The trunks of young trees, up to 4-5 years old, which are still weakly hardened and may not tolerate frost, must be insulated with burlap or fleece.

Additional frost protection garden pests, as well as the final stage of work in the garden in the fall and the preparation of trees and shrubs for wintering, is their whitewashing.

The most time-consuming autumn work in the country is gardening. In September, the "extraction" of potatoes, the collection of tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, cabbage, rutabaga and carrots ends. The next step is to clean up weeds, tops and fallen, unsuitable fruits from the beds.

The remaining tops of potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes cannot be used for compost, as they are poisonous. It must be collected and destroyed.

On the harvested land from the remnants of the crop, you can sow plants for the winter. Planting vegetables in the fall involves getting early harvest spring.

The best time for this is the end of October and the beginning of November. Places should be chosen such that snow does not blow away in winter, and water does not stagnate in spring. The selected site must be fertilized and loosened, as well as set marks that will indicate that the site is occupied.

From vegetables to open ground planted winter garlic, onion, sow the seeds of carrots, parsley, dill, sorrel, parsnips, cilantro, lettuce, spinach. To protect against frost, all crops that will winter in the ground are mulched. Spicy plants, such as sage, thyme, also require warming. For their shelter, spruce branches are used.

Podzimny sowing horticultural crops, and flowers, should not be carried out until the end of October - the beginning of November, as a sudden warming will give seed growth, and the cold will immediately take life from young sprouts.

In autumn, for a good future harvest, cut the leaves of strawberries and strawberries. Further, for their favorable wintering, they fertilize and insulate.

Finally, the beds free from crops are dug up and fertilizers are scattered. When digging in the autumn, there is no need to loosen and level the ground. Huge clods freeze much better than small ones, which leads to the death of pests and their larvae accumulated in the soil.

Autumn work in the local area and flower beds

Front gardens and flower beds in autumn are a real decoration of the yard. Until the first frosts, they delight with their colors, which smoothly pass from one to another.

To maintain such beauty all autumn, you need proper care per summer cottage: timely remove flowering annuals, diseased and shrunken branches of perennials and ornamental bushes, falling leaves and weeds, and also fertilize the soil.

Before the onset of frost, you should cut and insulate rose bushes, dig up and store tubers of dahlias, gladiolus, freesia, begonias, cannes rhizomes. must be removed from the supports, pressed to the ground and covered with spruce branches.

Many perennial flowers, such as hydrangeas, clematis, heather, are resistant to winter frosts, but it does not hurt to cover them with spruce branches, sawdust or fallen leaves, with the exception of asters, bergenia and horned violets, which can rot under a protective layer.

In winter, annuals such as poppies, cornflowers, asters, calendula, and primrose are sown. Also, bulbs of tulips, lilies are planted in open ground, daffodils are planted by dividing the root system.

Autumn is the time to enrich landscape design ornamental vegetation, trees, shrubs, flowers and grass. Under the conditions of autumn planting, the plants are in the most favorable conditions.