Planting fruit trees and shrubs. We create a berry garden with fruit bushes: everything from seedlings to harvest and pruning. Culture of fruit trees and bushes

Planting a new garden is an extremely demanding business. Here it is necessary to take into account many factors, ranging from preferred varieties of fruit trees to comfortable placement on the site. Some garden trees and shrubs create bad company for each other, so this should also be taken into account when choosing suitable options... Basic tips and advice experienced gardeners are given in our article.

Planning a plot for planting fruit trees and berry bushes in the garden

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the available area for the formation of the garden. Each tree and berry shrub needs a certain free space. If the cultivation of vegetables and other crops is also planned on the site, it is advisable to first delimit the location of future beds or greenhouses.

Read how to plant trees.

Trees are best planted after shrubs, for which a falling shadow will not pose a lot of problems. The minimum distance between trees is 4.5 - 5 meters. For shrubs, this value will be in the region of 1.5 - 2 meters. It is also necessary to maintain at least 3 - 4 meters from nearby buildings and structures in order to root system did not damage the foundation.

Find out how to spray in the spring.

This also applies to building fire codes. Shrubs can be located one and a half meters from buildings. This also applies to other fixed structures: swimming pools, verandas and garden compositions.

Separate criteria for columnar plants that require much less space. Planting such varieties will not allow you to get record harvests, but in a confined space will be the best solution.

When and how to prune will help you understand.

It is advisable to protect the place of the future garden from strong winds, fertilize the soil and make sure that there are no closely located groundwaters that will make it difficult to grow.

For a landscape arrangement, the most natural arrangement of crops is more suitable, while it is also necessary to pay due attention and ornamental plants and structures. If the site is small, but you want to arrange as many suitable crops as possible, it is better to give preference to a strict geometric planting plan. This way you can plant more diverse crops, but here general form will meet a practical, not a decorative purpose.

You can familiarize yourself with the description of the Iput cherry variety.


Particular attention should be paid to the location of plantings according to the degree of illumination of the territory. Some trees and shrubs require a lot of sunlight, but for others, partial shade will be more comfortable.

The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground listed.

Photophilous garden trees and shrubs:

  1. Pear.
  2. Apricot.
  3. Peach.
  4. Cherries.
  5. Plum.
  6. Rowan.
  7. Sea buckthorn.
  8. Quince.

The rest of the shrubs and trees can grow with more or less equal success in the shade and in the sun.

Most shrubs thrive even with some shade, so you can alternate them with taller trees. An excellent option would be to land along the fence or along the perimeter of the building. In any case, it is necessary to maintain a comfortable distance between the plants.

Among shade-tolerant crops, the following species are noted:

  1. Apple tree.
  2. Barberry.
  3. Kalina.
  4. Dogwood.
  5. Hazel.
  6. Elderberry is black.
  7. Raspberries.
  8. Blackberry.
  9. Honeysuckle.
  10. Gooseberry.
  11. Currant.
  12. Rose hip.

You should also not experiment with thermophilic crops (for example,) in the middle zone or Siberia. The harvest on such plants simply does not have time to ripen and therefore such cultivation will not bring positive result... In cooler climates, you must choose early varieties(), as well as specially adapted local varieties.

What plants and garden shrubs can be planted nearby

Plant compatibility is an important factor on which possible breeding failures depend. There is a kind of classification according to which some types of trees cannot get along in close proximity to each other. The most unwanted neighbor turned out to be a walnut, which does not fit any tree or shrub as a companion.

Its dense crown covers sunlight, and a powerful root system prevents the receipt of the necessary substances. In addition, the leaves contain a large amount of tannins, so they make the soil around them unsuitable for growing other plants. But if the neighborhood is inevitable, then before you know, you need to understand that the minimum distance from it for other plantings is 18 meters, so you should think twice before planting it on your site. Several similar examples are given below.

How to grow properly determinant varieties Find out about tomatoes for open ground.

What crops are undesirable to plant next to:

  1. Apricot does not get along well with cherries, peaches and cherries.
  2. You cannot plant pears, apples and cherries next to cherry plum.
  3. Cherry does not like close proximity to pear and apricot,
  4. If you decide to plant a hawthorn, don't place it next to a cherry.
  5. Pear reacts very capriciously to cherry plum, barberry, cherry, raspberry, plum and sweet cherry.
  6. The peach tree should not be planned near cherry, pear, apple and sweet cherry.
  7. Plum also does not like proximity to cherries, pears and sweet cherries.
  8. The apple tree does not react too well to the close location of apricots, barberries, cherries, etc.
  9. Raspberries, in turn, also cannot stand the pear and apple trees nearby.

At the same time, to ensure the comfortable growth of garden crops nearby, you can use another classification, which determines the maximum suitable friend up to the other plants.

What crops can be grown side by side:

  1. Cherries willingly grow next to the apple tree.
  2. Barberry and plum are great neighbors.
  3. A pear and an apple tree get along well together.
  4. The plum will also be "delighted" by the close proximity to the apple tree.
  5. The following crops will have an ideal union with an apple tree: quince, pears, plums and most conifers.

In addition, two trees of the same type different varieties go well with each other, which is why mono gardens are so popular. For sea buckthorn, it is advisable to plant several pollinating plants at once, as for some other crops: currants, raspberries and dogwoods.


This video will tell you about the rules for planning a garden plot.

You don't have to call a landscape designer to create the perfect garden. Observing simple rules for the comfortable location of garden crops, and focusing on the preferences of plants in terms of illumination, you can easily plan the site yourself. For clarity, it is advisable to use a paper seating plan, on which you must first mark all buildings and general nuances of the area. Simple techniques and basic information about the possible location of popular cultures are given in our article. List the best varieties repaired raspberries are presented.

Fruit trees include all fruit crops that have a tree-like shape. They usually have one trunk, but there may be exceptions with multiple trunks (for example, figs or mulberries).

There are certain requirements for growing such plants. Tips and practical advice on site selection, landing and further care behind them you will find in this article.

The best fruit trees for the garden - names and photos

According to the botanical classification, the majority fruit trees belong to the class of Rosaceae (for example, apple, pear, cherry, etc.). Mulberry plants include figs and mulberries. Moreover, this category includes nut crops (hazel, hazelnuts, walnuts).

As a group of plants, they are very sensitive to growing conditions, although they are quite easy to plant in a regular garden.

Basic soil and condition requirements include:

  • High-quality soil drainage with optimal moisture;
  • Adequate amount of sun;
  • Deep tillage.

When growing such crops, the harvest can be obtained only after a few years, unlike other agricultural plants. However, in the future, the fruiting period lasts for decades.

It is difficult to single out the best among the wide variety of fruit trees, but we will try to describe the most popular and unpretentious ones that are suitable for growing in any climate. The most popular are apple and pear trees, and by choosing the right variety, you can enjoy juicy fruits from early summer to late autumn. Among stone fruit crops, cherries and plums are especially popular, which differ high yield and frost resistance. Also in the gardens you can find fruit bushes - raspberries, honeysuckle and sea buckthorn, walnuts, petioles, mulberries and cherry plums. In general, we can say that the choice of fruit trees and shrubs for the garden depends entirely on the tastes of the owner of the site, and the wide variety of modern hybrids allows you to choose varieties that are resistant to cold and drought.

Site selection and site preparation

They are especially careful when choosing a landing site. The site should be sufficiently sunny and humid. In addition, the soil must be properly prepared. Approximate scheme the location of trees, bushes and outbuildings is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. From left to right: the location of the orchard and buildings on the standard personal plot, basic recommendations for planting and storage technology for seedlings

Perennial weeds are removed first. To do this, you can simply dig up the ground and remove the roots of the weeds, or use special herbicides. In some cases, even after weeding and processing, weeds remain. In this situation, the treatment with herbicides is repeated after planting, choosing the means that are safe for the fruit crop.

Note: Additionally, the trees provide protection from birds. Unfortunately, it is impossible to organize protection with large specimens, but for dwarf cultures, you can make a cage from metal wire.

As a place, you can use not only open areas, but also an area near walls or a fence. For example, cherries grow well near the northern walls, and certain varieties of plums, protected by a wall from the wind, bear fruit even better than on open areas... For figs, you should choose the most warm wall. Practical advice on laying an orchard are shown in the video.

How to plant a tree correctly

Productivity directly depends on the quality of planting. First of all, you need to properly prepare the soil (dig up and remove weeds). A plot of one square meter is allocated for one tree. The soil is checked for acidity. If it is below 5.8, additional lime is added to the soil.

Note: Before planting a seedling, they are introduced into the dug hole bone meal and mineral fertilizers. The choice of location also plays an important role. It is better to spend it during rest, that is in early spring when the soil did not have time to warm up very much. If growing in a pot or tub is planned, planting is carried out year-round.

If the seedlings were obtained at the wrong time, they are slightly dripped in a windless area or placed in an unheated room (for example, in a shed or garage), wrapping the roots with damp straw and a bag.

V further landing occurs according to the following principle:

  • On the site, stakes are driven into the ground (in light soil to a depth of 60 cm, in heavy soil - 45 cm);
  • The height and number of stakes are chosen depending on the breed. For example, for high varieties, the stakes should be up to 2.5 meters high, and for dwarf breeds, meter stakes are enough. In addition, for specimens with a wide crown (for example, for cherries), several stakes are installed on both sides of the trunk. Top part the stakes should be located a few centimeters below the crown so that the branches are not damaged.
  • Bonsai constantly need support in the form of stakes. For high grades, stakes are needed only in the first five years, after which they can be removed. First, the trunk is wobbled to make sure it is securely anchored in the soil.

On the day of planting, dig a hole of sufficient size. The straightened roots of the seedling should be freely located in it. A small hill is poured in the center of the pit. The soil from the bottom of the pit is mixed with manure or compost (Figure 2).

Further landing order is as follows:

  • Long or broken roots are trimmed;
  • The seedling is placed in the center of the pit, 5-7 cm from the supporting stake;
  • To prevent the scion from taking root, it should be placed at least 10 cm from the surface;
  • The hole is covered with earth, supporting the seedling vertically. First you need to sprinkle the roots with the upper, more fertile layer of soil, and then the rest of the earth. At the final stage, the earth is tamped;
  • Next, mulching is carried out with manure, peat or compost. So that the trunk of the seedling does not become infected with the fungus, a free space with a diameter of several centimeters is left around it.
  • The tree must be tied to the stake. If the seedling is one year old, a small rope will be enough, and two year old seedlings need to provide a more secure hold. At the same time, a spacer is placed between the rope or wire and the bark to prevent damage to the bark. Low-growing ones are tied in one place, and tall ones - in two.

Figure 2. The right technology planting fruit trees

If there is a possibility that the bark of the seedling will be damaged by hares or other rodents, they are fenced off with a wire netting. The ligaments are checked annually and periodically loosened as the tree grows.

Special technology should be followed if the seedling is planted against a wall. If the soil is poor and poorly drained, pipes or a well should be laid, and the poor soil is enriched with sod, manure or fertilizers. When landing against the wall, they indent 30 cm, and after that young tree watered regularly. In the video, you will learn tips from an expert on planting fruit trees.

Caring for trees in the garden

Fruit trees grow slowly, but if you want to get a bountiful harvest, you need to take care of the garden from the very beginning of planting seedlings in the ground. In addition to standard watering, feeding and preventive spraying, it is worth highlighting special care measures, which will be described below.

Choice of rootstocks

Most popular fruit trees (apple, plum, pear, cherry and apricot) grow too tall when using seed stock. To limit the height, dwarf rootstocks are used.

For example, a pear can be grafted onto a quince to limit its growth. Figure 3 shows the growth patterns of pear and sweet cherry when using rootstocks of various varieties.

Figure 3. Growth diagram of fruit trees (pears and cherries) when using certain rootstocks

The main problem with the choice of rootstocks arises with cherries. Recently breeders have created a dwarf hybrid, but it still does not provide the required level of growth restriction.

Pruning and shaping the crown

Cropping - necessary stage growing a garden, since properly pruning allows you to preserve the vitality of the plant and high level yield.

Each fruit crop has its own standards and technology for pruning and shaping. At first glance, they may seem complicated, but by clearly following the step-by-step instructions, even a novice gardener will be able to prune. The basic guidelines for pruning are shown in Figure 4.

Pruning terminology plays an important role:

  • Skeletal branches of the first order extend directly from the trunk. Skeletal branches of the second order depart from them;
  • The central conductor (leader) is the extension of the trunk, namely, its upper part;
  • Overgrowing branches - lateral short branches that are covered with buds and flowers. To stimulate their growth, a special pruning technology is used.

Figure 4. Scheme of branches and pruning technology for fruit plants

There is also a certain classification of the kidneys. In the process of growth, flower ones change into flowers, and growth ones - into young shoots.

Artificial pollination

Many varieties of fruit trees cannot self-pollinate. That is, when planting just one plant of a certain variety, you will not be able to get a harvest. That is why, when creating a garden, several seedlings of the same or different varieties are planted nearby so that cross-pollination by bees occurs. When forming a garden, consider compatibility information and the most effective pollinators.

Note: WITH biological point pollination is the transfer of pollen from male organ(stamens) on the female (pistil). In the stigma of the pistil, fertilization occurs and the fruit appears. Fertilization is usually done by insects and wind, but some crops require manual pollination.

The flowering time and, accordingly, pollination, differs depending on the variety. If the flowers bloom at the same time, pollination can occur crosswise. However, there are varieties with mutual incompatibility. In this case, pollination will not occur. In addition, there are so-called ineffective pollinators (in particular, some types of apple and pear).

  • Most fruit trees have a double (paired) set of chromosomes. But there are also species with a set of chromosomes one and a half times higher than the norm. They are poor pollinators and are planted next to two paired plants.
  • Poor pollinators also include trees that bloom only once every two years.
  • Cherries are excellent pollinators and self-pollinate well. It is good to plant cherries near cherries, as they are pollinated by them.
  • Pollination of apricots and peaches is best done by hand. The same is done with walnut crops, but periodic pruning is sufficient for them, since shaking the branches helps to scatter the pollen. You can also pollinate grapes by shaking the vines during flowering.

If the trees are grown in a greenhouse, pollination is carried out only by hand, as insects cannot enter the room. To check the readiness of the pollen, just slide your finger over the flower. If there are yellow lumps on your hand, you can start pollination.

Figure 5. Manual pollination technology for fruit crops

For manual pollination, take a soft brush or cotton swab, carefully collect the pollen from the stamens and transfer it to the pistils. If the plant has flowers of different sexes, you need to pluck the male one, remove the petals from it and attach to the center of all the female flowers (Figure 5). To increase efficiency, manual pollination is carried out daily until the end of flowering. It is important that pollination can only be carried out in the middle of the day in consistently dry and warm weather.

Planting fruit trees is an interesting and exciting activity for any owner of a summer cottage. Thanks to successful work breeders, a huge number of different varieties have been bred, which give a good and stable yield even in adverse conditions. Fruit and berry trees and shrubs will not only decorate the garden with their amazing flowering, but also generously endow gardeners with healthy and tasty fruits.

Types of fruit trees - 5 popular crops

Laying down orchard, the owner of the suburban area for many years in advance determines the design of the territory adjacent to the house. Each region of the country has its own popular cultures, but there are species for which gardeners will always find a place on their site.

Many fruit trees will have to wait a few years after planting to harvest. But in the future, the fruiting period will last for decades.

Apple tree

The most popular tree in garden plots with sweet and sour aromatic fruits. The height of the apple tree can reach 15 m. Flowers of various shades from white to bright crimson.

The root system, vertical and horizontal, goes 4.5 meters deep. Fruiting begins at 5-7 years. You must immediately choose for the tree permanent place, the apple tree does not like transplants.

Popular varieties:

  • White filling;
  • michurinka;
  • Antonovka;
  • pear;
  • boletus;
  • Chinese;
  • aport;
  • aelita.

You can plant a tree in spring, but you need to catch it before bud break, otherwise the seedling will die. When planting in autumn, a young tree takes root better. Many varieties of this perennial are grown for decorative design territories of parks and squares.


Shrub or tree up to 10 m high. The leaves are dark green elliptical. The flowers are white or pink. Blooms in April – May, depending on the variety. The stone fruit is spherical, at the mature stage from light red to dark brown in color.

Cherry is one of the most widespread and beloved fruit crops. Abundant fruiting, ease of maintenance and good frost resistance made it popular with gardeners.

There are more than 150 varieties, some of them began to be considered as separate crops. Popular types of cherries:

  • glandular;
  • Japanese;
  • Sakhalin;
  • columnar;
  • frost-resistant;
  • warty;
  • robin;
  • carmine;
  • lyubskaya;
  • turgenevka.

Abundant fruiting of the shrub can only be expected as a result of careful maintenance. It is also important to avoid mistakes when landing. Helpful hints for successful cultivation cherries:

  1. 1. Before planting, it is necessary to carefully inspect the seedlings. Seedlings should be healthy, strong, with a developed root system.
  2. 2. It is important to select only those varieties that are suitable for cultivation in a specific climatic zone.
  3. 3. Some types of cherries are self-fertile. If you do not plant a pollinator next to them, you will not expect a harvest from them.
  4. 4. Plant a tree better in spring, over the summer it will have time to settle down well in a new place. Autumn planting acceptable, but it should be carried out 4 weeks before the expected night frost.
  5. 5. For cherries, you should choose a sunny area in the country, preferably on a hill.

Due to its beautiful flowering, it is used not only as a fruit tree, but also used for landscaping a garden plot.


A perennial shrub, depending on the variety, it can be compact or creeping. The leaves are dark green, pubescent. The root system is powerful, it goes 2 m deep, so the currant can withstand dry periods well. Inflorescences are light pink or lavender. The fruit is a fragrant berry. The most popular are black, red and white currants.

Black currant is one of the most favorite berries among gardeners. It is rich in vitamins and completely unpretentious in care. A shrub with red and white fruits, it is difficult to take root in a new place. It is recommended that all planting conditions be followed exactly.

Autumn planting of the shrub is preferable. It is recommended to choose two-year seedlings, they take root better. Each year, young shoots appear from dormant buds. Along the edges of the leaf plate there are special glands that emit a familiar pleasant aroma to everyone.

Fruiting begins after 2 years from the start of planting a bush. Every spring, dead branches are removed, and the soil around the bush is loosened. Currant pruning is very important for good harvest... All branches over 6 years old must be removed.

Popular varieties of currants:

  • dessert;
  • Darnitsa;
  • prestige;
  • curiosity;
  • spherical;
  • Semchinskaya;
  • Konstantinovskaya;
  • Ural beauty.


A semi-shrub with erect stems covered with thorns. Height from 1 m to 2.5 m. Shoots of the first year are green, herbaceous. In the second year, they turn wood and turn brown. After fruiting, they dry out, and on next year new stems grow from the root.

For raspberries, you need to choose a place protected from the winds. It grows best in a vegetable garden next to a fence or tall trees. It is desirable that the shrub is on the south side.

Raspberries grow well in the place where perennial grasses grow. The territory is carefully dug up and large roots are removed. The importance of has quality planting material... Seedlings must be purchased from specialized nurseries.

The productivity of a shrub largely depends on fertilization. It is necessary to apply 3-4 kg annually organic fertilizer... It can be scattered in a thin layer in the near-trunk circle. It simultaneously feeds and mulches the soil. Popular raspberry varieties:

  • hercules;
  • Eurasia;
  • polka;
  • ruby necklace;
  • Bryansk anniversary;
  • Golden domes;
  • yellow giant;
  • brilliant.


Deciduous tree with a pyramidal or rounded crown. It can reach a height of 25 m. The leaves are dark green, the flowers are white umbellate. Fruits are elongated with a widened bottom. Popular pear varieties:

  • duchess;
  • williams;
  • bergamot;
  • nectar;
  • the conference;
  • Muscovite;
  • Rogned.

To plant pears in the garden, you need to set aside an area with loose soil and a small amount of clay. The root system of this tree loves moisture. The place should be sunny. The best time for planting - autumn. When placing a pear, fresh manure is not introduced into the pit.

Growing and caring

A caring owner knows that the more attention he pays to the plantings, the better they will grow and bear fruit. Plant care must be competent and timely. General rules fruit tree care:

  1. 1. In the spring, old, diseased and frost-damaged branches are removed. The procedure is carried out in early spring, until the sap flow has begun. After pruning, the branches are disinfected copper sulfate and treated with garden var. They do the same with trees damaged by rodents. As soon as the buds begin to wake up on the bushes, they must be whitewashed and sprayed with a disinfectant solution from pests (purchased in the store, depending on the type of garden culture).
  2. 2. In the summer, it is necessary to water the bushes in a timely manner during the period when there is no rain. Foliar top dressing with microelements with the obligatory introduction of nitrogen is carried out. If pests appear on the leaves, you must remove them manually. With a large accumulation of insects, the bushes are treated with insecticides. The only condition is that the processing should be completed before setting the fruit. After harvesting, it is necessary to clear the near-stem circle from fallen leaves, fruit residues. There should be no debris and rot near the tree, this will avoid various diseases.
  3. 3. In the fall, apply one more top dressing with complex fertilizers (no nitrogen). Then the trees should be whitewashed to kill the insects that have hidden in the bark. Trunks of thermophilic crops (cherries, pears) must be wrapped with tar paper or covered with sheets of roofing material. Burlap can be laid between the insulation and the barrel. This effectively protects the trunk from frost. In areas with strong winds, it is recommended to cover the trunk circle with snow and tamp it. This will keep the root system from freezing.

Every garden owner is able to create a garden that will bestow a generous harvest. It is necessary to take seriously the issue of planting and caring for trees. The intensity of growth and fruiting depends on this.

Landing without site preparation: right on the lawn, into the virgin lands, into the heavily trampled earth, etc.

Consequences. Young plants suffer, die or live, but barely bear fruit.

How right. Each landing point should extend at least 1 sq. m loose and fertile soil... Into the virgin lands of fruit and berry crops planting is generally not worth it: it is better to postpone planting for a year, and dig up the site (next season you can grow annual flowers, zucchini or other vegetables on it). At least 1 square meter should be removed from the lawn. m of turf, dig in a lawn tape around the perimeter, add 1 bucket of humus to the ground, dig up, and then make a planting hole.

Error 2

Plants are planted too close together.

Consequences. Grown trees and shrubs quickly begin to interfere with each other.

Distances between fruit plants

* If different cultures are in the same row, then the distance between them is calculated using the approximate formulas:

Distance = (spacing for plants 1 + spacing for plants 2): 2

Distance = (expected maximum height mature plant 1 + expected maximum height of mature plant 2): 3.

Error 3

No landing pit: instead, the plant is offered a hole with a root system or container.

Consequences. Very poor growth, poor harvest.

How right. A planting pit (average size 40 x 40 x 40 cm for berry crops and 60 x 60 x 60 cm for fruit crops) is mandatory in all areas where there is no close groundwater.

Error 4

Unsuitable planting substrate: the plant is placed directly on compost pit or completely fill the hole with humus, earth from the forest and other foreign substances.

Consequences. The plant is sick, falls into the depths or tends to the ground.

How right. For all crops except blueberries, lingonberries and cranberries, the planting pit under the roots should be filled with local soil with additives to improve its properties, and the root system itself should be covered with soil without any additives.

Classic landing technology

When excavating land from a pit for planting, a mound of a dark fertile layer is saved next to it, and a light soil from the lower horizons is discarded (in the aisle or to another place). When planting large (in the future) plants - apple trees, pears, cherries - a reliable stake 2 m high is driven into the bottom of the pit. sand for heavy soil, a little clay for sandy, low-lying peat, etc.). Sprinkle a mound of the resulting mixture with clean earth, set the seedling at the recommended depth and cover it with dark soil. In the process of planting, the ground is trampled underfoot if the seedling was with open roots, or crushed with hands if the plant is potted. Be sure to water it abundantly, after absorbing moisture, sprinkle the near-trunk circle with dry soil. Currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle are cut at a height of 5-7 cm from the ground, fruit seedlings tied to a peg "eight".

How to dig in seedlings

You will need a non-blocking place on the site where the snow will not melt in the first place. There they dig a hole (for one or two seedlings) or a groove (if there are more) for two bayonets of a shovel. The excavated soil is poured with a roller on one side. Unpacked seedlings are wrapped in plastic mesh or they are covered with spruce branches (to protect against mice) and placed in the recess with the stem on the roller. Plants in pots are placed on a substrate of sawdust, fallen leaves or other loose material and surround the container with it on all sides (otherwise it will be difficult to get it in the spring). Then they throw the soil taken next to them with compaction - you should get a mound as high as the first mound.

Error 5

"Temporary" landing: owners, if it is impossible to find a suitable place or to comply with all the rules and dates for planting, in case of doubts about the quality of seedlings, they often plant plants "for a while" in completely inappropriate places or several pieces in one hole. Seedlings in containers are sometimes transferred to a larger pot, which is left to stand in the area.

Consequences. As a rule, the owner who has attached the seedlings relaxes and is in no hurry to solve the problem that prevented him from planting them right away. As a result, trees or bushes suffer in a "temporary apartment" for years until they die or wait for a very traumatic and difficult move to a normal place. A seedling in a pot, left standing on the ground, runs the risk of freezing in winter.

How right. Temporary planting until next fall is permissible only for small one-year-old seedlings, and only on good bed at intervals of at least 30-40 cm from each other. In other cases, it is better not to plant the plants, but to dig in until spring.

After receiving land for a cottage or summer cottage, the owners have a problem: what trees to plant on the site? This question is the second most important after capital buildings. An unsuccessful bed or flower bed can be next year redo, and tree crops develop for a long time, you may notice your mistake when the apple tree has already reached a large size and bears fruit. Take your time to the nursery, first of all open the plan of the territory and mark the planting places on it. When you are sure that everything is done correctly, you can purchase planting material.

What breeds to choose

Of course, any summer resident wants to have all kinds of plants on the site that only exist in the world. We'll have to limit ourselves.

The list of desired crops will be significantly reduced by the following conditions:

  • climate;
  • plot size;
  • relief features;
  • the soil;
  • the ability to provide complex care.

The success of breeders makes it possible to grow exotic plants in the middle lane, but their possibilities are not limitless. Palm trees on outdoors they will not grow in the Arctic, no matter how hard you try. First of all, pay attention to the species that have always grown in your area. If you want exotic novelties, contact your local nursery, experts will give you advice on which varieties can survive in your conditions. However, keep in mind that rare breeds require careful maintenance. Do you have enough energy and time to properly grow a capricious tree?

Features of the soil and relief also make their own adjustments. Not every tree can survive in a swamp, on a rocky rock covered with a thin layer of rocky soil, or on the steep northern slopes. Ground waters are very cunning. The seedling will take root perfectly, it will grow for several years, but it will die as soon as the roots grow to a wet layer. You can arrange good drainages, dig huge ditches in rocky ground and fill them with fertile soil - the tree will still feel bad. Consider whether this effort is worth a bucket of fruit, maybe it would be right to plant other species, and buy a bucket of peaches on the market.

How many trees will fit on the site

Any site is not limitless and can accommodate a certain number of trees and tall shrubs. If you plant fruit crops too close to each other to save space, they will grow depressed, they will often get sick and give a poor harvest. Remember that trees must be planted at a distance of at least 5 m from one another, and between tall shrubs there must be at least 3 m.

On the small areas it would be right to give preference to the columnar form. The crown of these trees has the appearance of a neat column, takes up little space and facilitates maintenance. Trees on dwarf rootstocks are very convenient. When harvesting from low plantations, you do not have to pretend to be a stuntman trying to reach an apple hanging at a height of ten meters.

When calculating the number of trees of one species, one should take into account that some species, such as cherries and cherries, grow only in groups. If you are not very fond of these berries, do not plant one cherry tree on the site, it is better to completely abandon such plants. Some breeds, such as walnuts, do not tolerate the proximity of other species and will oppress the apple trees and peaches planted around it.

When planting tall crops near the border of the site, you enter into legislative relations with your neighbors. A beautiful young linden tree in a few years will grow up to 30 m, develop a lush crown and shade half of the foreign territory. If you want to have tall trees, plant them on the south side of the recreation and picnic area, there they will create a pleasant coolness in the summer heat.

For hedges, dwarf trees or shrubs up to 2 m in height are suitable. When planting tall species, choose ones that tolerate cutting well, and you can always shorten them in accordance with the norms.

A good fence will come from the following shrubs:

  • lilac;
  • dwarf spruce.

The side facing a busy road can be fenced off with tall trees. The lush crown protects the site from noise, dust and exhaust fumes. In this place, it is not recommended to plant fruit crops or plants, whose leaves and flowers you are going to use for medicinal purposes.

Even in fact small area fruit trees are sure to grow. When laying a garden, an inexperienced summer resident may choose the wrong breed. As a result, the main area will be occupied by crops, the fruits of which you do not particularly need, and there will be little space for the most important fruits. Before buying seedlings, think, do you need 20 cherries? In a few years they will give such a harvest that it will be enough for an entire microdistrict. If you want to grow berries for commercial purposes, do so, but for one family you don't need so many fruits.

You have already defined. Now make a list of the breeds you want to plant. In the first line, mark the most reliable and necessary, for example. The next item will go to cultures of lesser importance, and the list of plantings that can be dispensed with will be closed. Also, last but not least, take trees that are poorly adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of your site. Start purchasing from the top line and work your way down. In this way, you will properly plan your garden, which is guaranteed to provide you with the most needed fruits.

If there is not enough space in the garden, and you want to grow different types apples or plums, use the graft. On the same tree, you will have branches with fruits of different varieties.

When space permits, you can experiment, try to grow exotic fruit trees. If you choose the right varieties and skillfully care for the plantings, in northern regions peaches will grow, and bananas and mangoes in the south. Only if you plant a site with rare crops alone, you risk being left without a crop at all.

In any garden, it is desirable to have several varieties of the following crops:

  • apple trees;
  • rowan;

Decorative planting

In the country, you can plant not only fruit trees, but also decorative species. Birch at the gate, mountain ash under the window, cypress alley will give the site individuality, create good mood... If space permits, you can arrange a small forest with a barbecue, a picnic fire. Strawberries will grow in an open meadow, and in the shade. If you want to plant mushrooms, keep in mind that each species loves its own tree. Butterlets and mushrooms grow well under Christmas trees, boletus and boletus mushrooms in deciduous forests.

When planting trees on the site, one should not forget about the safety of the owners and guests. Should not be grown poisonous plants... Breeds with fragile wood should be located away from houses and paths: in a strong wind, a large branch can break off and fall on a person or knock out a window. When planting trees near buildings, it must be borne in mind that plants with strong roots destroy the foundation over time.

If you believe in horoscopes and folk signs, you can design the site in accordance with magical recommendations. Sometimes these tips contradict each other. There is only one way out: trust your intuition. Hold the seedling in your hands, imagine it as an adult tree in your area and think about how you feel at the same time. It is believed that willow and willow have no place in the garden, they symbolize suffering and death. But if in your dreams a pond surrounded by these thickets is associated with happiness, romantic feelings, peace - create such a corner, plants will not bring you anything bad.

To decorate the landscape, you can dig trees or shrubs growing in the nearby forest, or purchase specially bred decorative species. Breeders have created many varieties from ordinary spruce with a wide variety of needle colors.

To create a design, you can use:

  • acacia;
  • larch;
  • cypress;
  • palm tree;
  • bird cherry;
  • mountain ash;

How to plant trees correctly

The best time to plant ornamental and stone fruit trees is early spring. It is advisable that the seedlings have not yet begun to release leaves. Pome crops - an apple tree, a pear - should be planted correctly in the fall. The age of the seedling is 1-2 years. Young trees tolerate transplanting more easily, take root quickly. It is advisable not to prescribe trees from remote regions, but to acquire them in a local nursery, then you will be sure that this species can live in your climate.

You brought the seedlings, now you need to mark the holes. Try to place landings so that the most tall trees were from the north side of the garden, and the dwarf ones - from the south, then there will be enough sun for everyone.

Each breed has its own subtleties of planting, but there are general rules.

  1. The size of the hole should be such that the roots fit freely.
  2. Sand or gravel should be poured at the bottom for drainage.
  3. When backfilling, first of all, the upper fertile soil layer is thrown onto the roots.
  4. The inoculation site should be a few centimeters above ground level.
  5. The planted tree must be tied to a firmly fixed peg so that the wind does not swing it.

After planting, be attentive to the young tree. Shade it before rooting and keep the soil moist. It will be correct to add a hydrogel to the soil when planting, it regulates soil moisture both in drought and during prolonged rains. Be sure to mulch the trunk circle, then loosening and weeding is not required, and you will not disturb the finely spaced roots.


On the summer cottage first of all, you need to plant trees that grow and bear fruit well in your conditions. If there is not enough space for ornamental crops, you can make an apple or cherry alley, surround a recreation area with fruit crops. It is better to plant exotic crops if there is free space and time for difficult maintenance.

When landing, you need to consider. Some varieties do not set fruit at all if there is no tree of the same type nearby. Cherries and cherries alone will give a meager harvest. If you are afraid that you yourself will not be able to cope with this work, contact the specialists. A qualified team will properly green the site, all you have to do is take care of the plants and harvest.