Diseases of the twisty willow turn black. Willow, planting and care. Foot baths. With thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hyperhidrosis

Few people know about such a plant as the goat willow Pendula. Planting and caring for it is very simple. And first, it's worth telling what kind of plant it is, and why it is grown.

Amazing plant

Goat willow is a type of tree that is grown for garden decoration. This plant looks the same as its great friend, only its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The drooping crown consists of green leaves with white patches. In some countries, this tree has a different name - delirium. Goat willow can be found along roads, on or in the mountains. Likes to grow on damp soils, mainly near various bodies of water. If you want to decorate your garden with something interesting, then Pendula is perfect for this. Planting and caring for a tree is not difficult, but first we will figure out how to choose the right plant.

With a natural rounded habit, it has its place in arrays, draws paths beautifully, or is only grown in pots if it is on the stem. Willow shrimp - Salix-integrara Hakuro-Nishiki. The willow shrimp foliage is outdated. Its leaves are pinkish at the ends, especially in early spring and in the sun. During the season, it loses some of its pink and green color. Its green leaves are also seen white. Its foliage allows for the most beautiful associations and the most beautiful contrasts in the garden.

Willow prawns are blooming, but this is not his first asset. Its flowers form small yellowish ears. The willow shrimp culture is simple. No big deal: fresh soil and small size every year. Willow shrimp is exposed to sun or partial shade. In the sun, the rose of the leaves will be more intense. But be careful, too hot exposure can burn young pink leaves.

The choice of planting material

Arriving at the nursery, you should know exactly what to look for in order to buy a tree like the Pendula goat willow. Planting and care will depend directly on the quality of the seedlings. We invite you to explore our following tips:

Advice 1. Specify how the scion was obtained. Today there are two main methods:

The willow shrimp prefers cool, light and humorous soils, but does not become waterlogged. Straw to keep the soil cool. After planting and for the first 2 years, sprinkle the shrimp caviar 2-3 times a week, especially in hot weather, until the root system develops properly.

Goat willow

Willow shrimp is cold resistant. To help it grow, a little compost every fall will allow it to grow well and be healthy. Willow shrimp grows rapidly. Judas shrimp must be pruned every year at the end of winter to maintain its ball shape and stimulate new growth. We use the opportunity to remove dead wood. Use scissors or pruning scissors that are sharp and disinfected to prevent the spread of the disease.

  • pruning;
  • graft.

Based on this information, you can outline further care behind a tree.

Tip 2. If the second method was used, then carefully examine the vaccination site. The presence of dead scales on the bark is not allowed. The trunk should be straight and strong.

Tip 3. Buy only goat willow that has increased winter hardiness.

Plants are supplied with a bare crust

Willow prawns on the stem of "Hakuro-Nishiki". Beware of anthracose and powdery mildew like willow. Remove all affected leaves. Spray Bordeaux blend to control anthracnose and sulfur to combat powdery mildew... Plants supplied with bare roots are usually grown outdoors. Then they were ripped off and then cleared of their soil. This operation is carried out during the vegetative rest of the plant, and during this period it is necessary to transplant.

Plants are supplied in buckets, containers and baskets

The advantage of this type of packaging is that, given the same dimensions, their cost is lower than that packed in containers or lumps. The downside is that they are only available for the same period. The container is a rigid plastic pot, usually round, in which the plant is rooted. Its capacity is expressed in liters. The higher the litter, the more comfortable the plant should grow. In general, the older the plant, the larger the container. The indicated gradations are indicative and may vary depending on the variety of the plant, the manufacturer.

How to raise a weeping beauty?

So, if you decide to make the site interesting, the goat willow Pendula is considered an excellent option. Planting and leaving, the photo of which is shown below, testifies to its uniqueness. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of landing.

The bucket is a small, rather flexible plastic pot, usually square, in which the plant is rooted in its soil. The number shown corresponds to one side of the bank at its widest level. For example, a 9cm bucket is a 9cm square pot at the top, the widest. It is widely used for perennials and seedlings. The potted plants we provide have from 6 months to one year of cultivation, they are already well developed.

A basket is a jar, usually square and low enough, in which the plant is rooted in its soil. It is perforated so that water can circulate in the substrate and provide the necessary oxygen for the roots. The number shown corresponds to the side of the basket at its widest level. It is widely used for aquatic plants.

Willow grows on any soil. She is considered one of the few representatives of unpretentious plants. If you want to choose the perfect place for your tree, then medium loam will do. Even close groundwater does not prevent the plant from fully developing. Next, we land according to the following algorithm:

  1. We prepare a pit measuring 50 * 50 * 40 cm (width, length, depth).
  2. We add compost, humus, peat there. Everything should be in equal proportions.
  3. Don't forget mineral fertilizer. It is enough to pour about 300 grams of it per plant root.
  4. Mix the entire contents of the pit thoroughly.
  5. The tree can now be planted.
  6. At the end of the work, do not forget about thorough watering.

Goat willows take root easily. Planting can be carried out for seven months - from April to October - provided that the tree has a closed root system. You need to monitor her so that she does not have time to dry out. If the plant has open roots, then it is better to plant in early spring, until the first buds appear, or at the beginning of autumn, preferably in September. Here we are with you and found out how the goat willow Pendula grows. We will consider tree care further.

Serves as a rootstock

This is comparable to a half stem. Its height is about 2 m, and its age is at least 2 years after transplantation. A 2-year-old shrub is a tree with at least three branches from the base. Trees, set in half of the trunk, have one chest, the horns of which start about 1.50 m from the ground. In general, the circumference of the trunk is indicated.

Trees supplied with tall stems have one chest, the branch of which starts about 2m from the ground. Upon delivery, this tree has no branches. It consists only of a relatively thick trunk and some rather short roots when sold in bare roots. This strange aspect is normal. Nurseries remove them to facilitate plant transportation. But in the spring or shortly after planting, new leaves and branches appear, and the tree takes on a more normal appearance. A tree with a high stem most often has a large, even very large development.

Plant care

Basic tree care includes:

  • Watering. In the first year of life, this willow variety needs abundant moisture. A weeping beauty should consume about 50 liters of water in two weeks. If the summer is too dry, then this volume goes away in a shorter period. In the second, third and subsequent years, one irrigation is sufficient, which can be carried out every week.
  • Fertilizer. For the entire period from early spring to autumn, you need to feed the willow two or three times. For this, complex mineral fertilizers... In September, the tree is fed with superphosphate or sulfuric potassium. If a dark bloom appears on the leaves, then they are used for treatment
  • Mulching. It helps to retain moisture and stop weeds from growing. For this, peat, paper, sawdust, expanded clay or pebbles. All this material is crushed and scattered under the tree on top of the soil.
  • Loosening. If the ground under the plant is too dry and cracks have formed, they must be removed. To do this, loosen the soil a day after watering.
  • Preparing for winter. This step in grooming is also significant. In order for the plant to endure our harsh winter well, the trunk is wrapped in a covering material. This procedure is used for trees under three years old.

We looked at how to properly care for a plant such as Pendula goat willow. Pruning is another main type of maintenance that we will pay special attention to.

Its location has been carefully chosen because once it is installed, it will no longer be possible to move it, except in the early years and provided that it has not grown too large. Also sold in tall stems are many fruit trees and some grafted shrubs.

A tree with a tall stem has the advantage that it can pass under its horns without the slightest tilt. This must be taken into account when the lawnmower regularly passes on the lawn below it. It also allows you to set your table, chairs, or garden furniture in their beneficial shade without having to worry about branches as soon as you stand. This shrub has been cut so that it has only one trunk or is grafted onto one trunk. The height indicated corresponds to the height of this trunk. Branches start from 60 cm in height.

Nothing extra

It is recommended to start pruning a tree from the first year of life. All shoots are cut, leaving only 15 cm each and one healthy bud, which should look up. This is the beginning of the formation of a correct and beautiful willow crown. Mature trees also need pruning, but do so after flowering. To keep the willow thick, all shoots are shortened by 2/3 of the total length. Do not forget that all dry and diseased branches are removed immediately. As a result, you should have a tent-shaped tree with strong, healthy and beautiful shoots.

Goat willow spherical: photo and description

This type of shape is mainly intended for roses and shrubs grown in pots or in lining. These are mostly shrubs to small ones, however, there are some notable exceptions, such as rose bushes or willow. This trellis shape is found in fruit trees. The tree is formed from a vertical main trunk and oblique lateral branches located symmetrically on either side of the trunk.

The tree is formed from a short trunk, the upper part of which extends horizontally and symmetrically with two short horizontal branches. These recent forms were created as their name suggests for apple and pear. On a short chest, two branches, symmetrically positioned on either side, are held to give them the shape of a pear or apple. The advantage of these types of sizes, besides their aesthetic appearance, is the small size of the tree. Disadvantage: These measurements must be performed every year and cannot be improvised.

For correct and timely care willow will thank you with its amazing bloom. It is worth fighting not only with branches, but also with diseases, various pests.

Let's be treated!

If you decide to grow something in your garden that cannot be seen in everyone, then the goat willow Pendula is ideal for you. Diseases and pests are the only things that can darken the cultivation, but you can also fight ailments.

Willow medicines

They ask the gardener about technique and experience. This type of size also offers an advantage when you master the technique. fruit tree v small space, small courtyard, balcony or terrace, well lit. The young leaf of the willow "Hakuro Nishiki" will be painted.

Most often, "Hakuro Nishiki" will be seen as a shrub on a trunk, which is a shrub of a vigorous willow species. They then take the form of miniature trees. But when we make a purchase, let's determine the height that suits us best. Let's not fool the growth of the site, because after grafting willow on it, it no longer pleases and will remain as high as the day of purchase. The Japanese willow will undoubtedly grow and it will reach a crown up to 3 meters in diameter.

Consider what pests and diseases the willow is exposed to:

  1. Willow leaf roll. Harms the tree at the larval or caterpillar stage. To get rid of the insect, you can spray the willow with chemicals that are available in specialized stores.
  2. Flower fly. To begin with, it is worth finding a place where the larvae live. Remove the top layer of soil, if they are located there, then you will immediately find them. You can remove flies by watering the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If it does not help, then insecticides will come to the rescue.
  3. Powdery mildew. This is a representative of a fungal disease that multiplies at a high rate. Timely need to remove bad leaves. You can spray with a drug, the action of which is aimed at combating fungal diseases. It is recommended to replace some of the soil under the tree.
  4. Black spot. To avoid it, it is necessary to reduce the contact of leaves with water. It is sometimes difficult to do this outdoors, so choose places where the breeze will constantly blow the willow. Timely weeding of weeds and removal of debris under the tree helps to fight black spots.


I would like to say that it is not in vain that many people choose and master planting and caring for such an amazing and beautiful plant like the goat willow Pendula. Reviews show that the tree is in demand and is considered the most unpretentious. Do not be afraid either. Buy, grow and enjoy your willow!

Of course, as long as we want to, it can be very interesting to mold this plant according to our needs and tastes. Due to its special beauty, the willow "Hakuro Nishiki" is best presented as a solitaire game, for example, on a lawn or perhaps planted in the green of other plants. The willows are red and red and the leaves are multicolored. Young spring leaves are white to greenish in color, but over time they change color to white and green and they remain for most of the season. The bases are very small and appear at the turn of March and April, in front of the leaves.

It is very beautiful to have a decorative tree in the garden, which is its accent. Weeping willow can become such a tree. It can be both an element of the garden, decorating a flower garden, and a canopy, under which benches are located.

Description of the plant

There are many forms of wood in nature. They come in both huge species and small shrubs. We have about 100 of them.

Planting and leaving

Once the bloom is over, we can start molding it. A prickly form of Japanese willow, formed by several cuttings per season. It also does not tolerate over-drying, so be sure to water frequently. To make our task easier, we can remove the soil around the base of the trunk. Such treatment will lead not only to a decrease in water evaporation, but also to the development of weeds. Since the Japanese willow likes to have more humidity in the air, it is advisable to scratch the leaf occasionally.

Willow "Hakuro Nishiki" does not require exceptional soil, but has rather high nutritional requirements. Therefore, it is very important to fertilize Japanese willow regularly. For this purpose, we can use compost, and if we do not have it, ready-made mixtures, such as using mineral fertilizers, but do not forget to periodically replenish them with organic fertilizer.

The willow is interesting for its decorativeness. It has a transparent and transparent crown that reaches 25 meters. The trunk is strong with gray bark. At first, the crown of the tree has a columnar shape, which over time becomes spreading and wide. The branches are thin, very flexible. Their bark is light, green, and purple. The shoots go up, and the side ones hang down. Petiolate leaves are located on them. The shape of the leaf is elliptical, some species are long and narrow. The color of the foliage is dark green, the bottom is lighter or bluish. The flowers are inconspicuous in the form of earrings. Their flowering begins before foliage growth in early spring. The fruit is formed in the form of a box with small seeds, pubescent on top. They are capable of being blown over long distances.

In general, Hakuro Nishiki will be quite resistant to snowstorms, although it can sometimes get wet during extreme harsh winters. In winter, we must not cover it, except for young people, whose vaccinations must be covered in winter. In young willows, during the first 2-3 years of cultivation, it is advisable to provide a place for vaccination in winter, since this part of the plant is most sensitive to frost in the first years of growth.

Video review - willows in landscape design

In the first year we cut very strongly, about 20 cm long or several nets, and later cuts already depend on how big the crown we want to get. Just keep in mind that it is not too big for the trunk created by the pad, as winds can easily fold the tree. Let's not get too far from the previous cut. The crown should grow gradually and fairly evenly. We make sharp cuts, right above the eye. Under our eyes, our naked willows will show unmistakably naked hair pieces.

Growing a tree

Willow is grown in a place open on all sides, which has a neutral or slightly acidic high-humus loamy soil.

The tree does not particularly like excessive moisture. If the soil around it is too wet, then the roots slow down their development. This, of course, is reflected in the surface of the tree as well. Willow has enough natural precipitation, so there is no need to water it additionally. An exception would be a prolonged drought. During these periods, watering is allowed once every 10 days. It is advisable to spray the crown of the tree with sprayers at the same time as watering.

Special care for standard plants

The willow itself, it does not form a compact, slender sphere and will create a very loose crown with slightly overhanging stems. So, just like it grows in nature. Of course, it can be and thus lead, but then quite often it spreads from the leaves of the parts of the vertices. It has completely “fragile” fragments, and when such gems are larger, the crown loses much of its appeal.

Forming a regular round crown naturally takes a little practice and time. But you certainly don't have to deal with the first setbacks, because in 4 weeks you will be able to fix all the mistakes. All season, until August. Then we will try to carve the willow one last time, so that before winter comes, we have the opportunity to be reborn and get ready for the rest.

In order for the tree to develop well, it is provided correct feeding... Rotted organic matter is used. It is brought in together with the digging of the trunk ring. It is recommended to add a bucket of organic matter and up to 100 grams of mineral fertilizer to one plant. Willow is fed in spring and autumn.

The willow is not touched for the first four years. In subsequent years, pruning of willow is recommended in order to form it. If this is not done, then the crown becomes sparse and not dense, which is why the decorative appearance is lost. This raises the question of how to prune willow correctly? Let's consider this with examples of the most common types of wood we have.

Common types of willow and their pruning

The tree tolerates pruning well. It is carried out after the plant grows about a meter. All shoots are cut to 30 centimeters. Usually, the procedure is best done in the spring. Trees that are actively growing are pruned in summer as well. And so, in the summer, only dead shoots are removed. As a result of pruning, the willow becomes attractive, and its bark becomes denser.

Most often, the following species are grown in our parks, which need special formative pruning:

  1. Willow is white. A frost-resistant powerful species with a shapeless crown. It is formed by straight branches, with branching drooping shoots. The tree forms a crown on its own, but due to uneven growth it can break, therefore, it is formed in the early stages. Pruning helps to distribute the branches evenly. For this purpose, the young tree is cut into a stump so that pronounced shoots are formed.

The tree is formed as a standard tree. Leave the main trunk and remove any buds that develop below two meters. Superfluous, from above located, are removed evenly. Once you have the skeleton of the tree properly formed, some minor pruning will be needed later on.

To grow a tree with shoots spectacular in color, it is necessary to prune it every year on a stump, you can on a stem. Its height will vary from half a meter to one and a half meters, it all depends on the required effect.

The shape and height of the pruning is set early, since adult specimens do not respond well to wounds big size, because these places are exposed to rot infestation, and hollows are formed there.

If dangerously located large branches need to be removed from a tree, then the procedure should be performed by a professional; if a similar situation repeats, it is better to cut off the old tree and plant the young. White willow is considered the largest species.

  1. Goat willow. A frost-resistant tree with an umbrella-shaped crown. This species is compact and slow growing. In the spring, many male earrings are formed. Mostly weeping standard trees are sold for sale. They are a cultivated form that is grafted onto a cleaned stem. Its height is 1.5 meters on average. This species is not picky about pruning in order to form a crown, it is enough just to prune it so that it does not thicken and does not fall to the ground.

During maintenance annual pruning, half of the branches are removed, creating an airy foliage. These shoots will grow to the ground at the end of the growing season. It is also necessary to thin out the branches in the middle of the crown, this is how a through canopy is formed in the form of an umbrella. Then the side shoots are removed, which are from the outside. The remaining branches are shortened to half the size. In the spring, when the shoots are actively growing, all traces of pruning will be masked. All kidneys that appear in places below the vaccination must be removed.

  1. Mourning willow. It is a conical frost-resistant species. It is a hybrid of white willow and Babylonian. Interesting foliage of a bright green shade and yellow shoots.

In young animals, they try to form a strong trunk with horizontally located branches. Maintain the height of the trunk from 1.5 to 2 meters. As the willow grows, the central shoot is shortened so that the crown expands and takes on a weeping look. Over the years, the tree grows in height due to individual shoots directed upwards, but they gradually begin to droop during the year. They should not be removed, since direct growth is a temporary phenomenon. Each year, a new such shoot will appear, due to which the crown gradually becomes cascading. When the tree is fully formed, there will be little pruning. It is necessary to thin them out so that light and air can enter the plant. This strengthens the lateral branches, their weight gradually increases with the growth of the crown in width. Deep pruning is bad for willow.

In folk art, willow is most often found as a symbol of sadness, and at the same time beauty. Tall, beautiful spreading trees are found along the roads, on the banks of rivers and reservoirs. Long willow branches go down to the very ground, moreover, with an excess of moisture in the soil, they are able to emit water droplets, which is why the willow is called weeping. Thanks to the work of breeders, there are now many hybrid varieties of willows that are widely used in ornamental gardening.

The willow genus has nearly 600 plant species. Moreover, it can be both trees and shrubs. Most of them grow in the cooler parts of the northern hemisphere, in Eurasia and North America. The closer to colder regions, the smaller the size of the plants that have mastered the climate. The smallest representatives of the species are found in the northern regions, and they are so small that their height does not exceed the height of the moss.

In most species, the shoots are flexible, thin, the leaves are narrow, long, pointed both at the outer edge and at the petiole. The willow blooms in spring, before the first leaves appear, small flowers are collected in earrings. Some species bloom after the leaves bloom. After the end of flowering, the fruit is formed in the form of a box with seeds. Small, light seeds are carried over great distances by the wind. On outdoors retain germination for a short time, but when it gets into the water, they can wait for favorable conditions for several years.

The most common and often found representative of the genus in the middle lane is the white weeping willow. An adult tree reaches 25-30 m in height and lives for about 100 years. The trunk of the willow is strong, the bark is gray, the lower part of the tree is covered with cracks. The crown of the white willow is wide, spreading, transparent. Leaves dark green, smooth, shiny, light underside, covered with a whitish downy. In calm weather, the tree is green, but with a light breeze, the leaves move, turning their underside, and the foliage of the tree looks white.

Willow: landing

All willows are unpretentious plants that are found almost everywhere in nature. Different varieties of willows have taken root in different regions, so the planting site and type of plant are chosen based on the characteristics of the area.

Pick-up location

Light to medium loamy soils are best suited for planting. The place is chosen well-lit, sunny or light partial shade. Willows do not grow in full shade. Even in natural conditions, willows are not found in the wilderness of the forest, although they feel great on the edge. For planting willow, you can use an area with a close location of groundwater.

Boarding time

A willow with a closed root system is planted at any time of the year, from early spring to late autumn, provided that the seedling sits down with a clod of earth from the planting container. The optimal time for planting seedlings with an open root system is early spring, before bud break, or autumn, after the end of sap flow. It should be borne in mind that varieties with low frost resistance at autumn planting do not have time to properly take root, therefore, when planting in autumn, the land under the seedlings is mulched with dry leaves of trees and shrubs, and the seedlings themselves are covered with spruce branches.


  • They are digging a landing hole. For shrub forms, the size of the hole is 50 cm in diameter, for woody forms - 60 cm, 40 cm deep. For a willow seedling with a closed root system, a hole is dug according to the size of an earthen coma.
  • When planting on heavy clays, drainage is required; for this, 20-30 cm of sand or crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the planting pit.
  • A nutritious soil mixture is prepared from soil, compost and peat mixed in equal parts. Azophoska is added to it at the rate of 200 g per plant and mixed thoroughly.
  • Fill the planting hole by a third with the prepared soil and place the seedling in it.
  • The seedling is poured, the soil is tamped so that a pit is formed around the seedling to facilitate watering.
  • 2 buckets of water are poured under each seedling.
  • If the seedling is tall, for the first time, you can install a support stake to fix the vertical position of the tree.

Willow: leaving

In order for willows to develop quickly and look attractive, you should know the individual needs of these plants and the peculiarities of caring for them. Willow cultivation requires the most attention during the first time after planting.


Weeping willow is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs frequent watering and spraying. Young plants grow very quickly, especially in the first years of life, some varieties are capable of growing up to 3 meters per year. The seedlings are watered once a week, at the rate of 2-5 buckets of water per plant. Watering is done early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset. During watering, water is poured not only under the root, but also on the crown of the plant.


At the beginning of the growing season, the soil under the willow is loosened, mulched with peat. The plant is fed with complex fertilizers. In total, 2-3 such dressings are carried out per season, the last dressing is carried out in July. In the second half of August, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are introduced under the willows.

Do not leave fallen willow leaves under the tree, as they contain tannins that will adversely affect the development of the plant.


For the first 2-3 years, the willow grows uncontrollably, and you do not need to prune it. Then the tree or shrub rises and the need arises for its formation. The best time to carry out formative pruning of willow is spring, after flowering ends. The exception is frozen or broken dry twigs, which are cut in early spring.

Do not be afraid to cut willow branches, this will not bring any harm to the plant. The branches of ornamental species are pruned by 10-20 cm, then lateral shoots are formed from the remaining upper buds, and the plant acquires an attractive dense crown. Mature trees are cut annually, cutting off their long branches hanging to the ground at a height of 2 m from the ground. By pruning, they achieve both a spherical or umbrella type of shrubs and trees, and a regular rectangular shape when planting willows as a hedge.

Willow propagation

Wild willows propagate by seeds; in culture, most often the plant is propagated by cuttings or layering. A plant grown from a cutting retains all the varietal characteristics of the parent species.

Propagation by cuttings

  • Cuttings are cut in the spring, before the leaves appear. The lignified parts of the shoots of one to two years of age are better suited for rooting. The lower cut is made oblique, the crown is cut off. Cuttings of tall species are cut into a length of 30-40 cm; for shrub forms, a cutting of 15-20 cm is sufficient.
  • Before planting, willow cuttings are dipped in a root solution for 18-24 hours.
  • The finished planting material is stuck into the soil so that 2-3 buds remain above the soil level. It is allowed to position the handle both vertically and at an angle to the ground. When landing at an angle, the lower part is positioned in the direction of the south or southeast.
  • Water the soil every day 1-2 times a day so that the ground is constantly wet.
  • The soil around young seedlings is regularly weeded out, since at an early stage of development, a weak plant is clogged with tall weeds.

Cuttings can also be germinated at home, for this they are placed in a jar of water, and the first roots are expected to appear, after which they are planted in the ground.

Green cuttings, which are cut off during the growing season of the plant, are also successfully rooted. To do this, the apical bud and lower leaves are removed from the stalk 15-20 cm long, and the upper ones are shortened. The stalk is stuck into a wet nutrient mixture and greenhouse conditions are organized for it, covered with a jar. If you need a lot of seedlings, they form a greenhouse with the help of a film. The survival rate of green cuttings is 50-90%, depending on the conditions for rooting.

Reproduction by layering and grafting of willow

Not all willows propagate by cuttings, for some, only propagation by layering, or grafting on a bole, is suitable.

  • For propagation by layering, the root shoots with formed roots are dug up in early spring, the cut roots of the seedling are treated with fungicides, and the plant is planted in a new place, observing all the rules for planting a new seedling.
  • Some types of willows are grown only on a stem, therefore, to obtain a varietal plant, a branch of the desired varietal plant is grafted onto a stem of the required height.

Diseases and pests of willow

Even such an unpretentious plant as willow needs to be monitored for the health of leaves and wood.

Willow diseases

From fungal diseases on willow there are powdery mildew, rust, various types of spots, scab. The emergence and development of fungal diseases is facilitated by high humidity, which arose as a result of the established long rainy weather. To combat such diseases, ornamental varieties of willows are treated with fungicides for prophylaxis twice a season - in spring and autumn, as well as during the season when the first signs of the disease are detected. Woody tall varieties are cut so that their branches do not touch the ground. Spores of fungi overwinter in fallen leaves and in the spring again infect plants. Without timely control, fungal colonies grow, and the willow may die.

Regularly inspect the bark and branches of willows, since when necrotic signs appear, timely measures are required to combat the disease and prevent its development and transfer to other plants. Infected branches are removed to healthy wood, the cuts are processed. Avoid mechanical damage to the bark of trees, through which disease vectors usually enter.

Preventive treatments for cytosporous and diplodine necrosis are carried out in August. If the treatment was not carried out in the summer, then it should be carried out in May. One treatment per season is enough.

Willow pests

Pests are also found on the willow. The caterpillars of the willow leafworm eat up the leaves, as a result of which the shrub or tree loses its decorative appearance. To combat the pest, the masonry found on the leaves and bark is removed, the hatched larvae and white butterflies are collected by hand and destroyed.

Aphids suck out plant juices, young buds and leaves fall off. Aphid eggs hibernate on the bark of a tree, and new aphid colonies appear from them next year without fighting the pest. For prevention, avoid planting plants that the pest loves near the willow. Affected plants are treated with insecticides.

Willow: species and varieties

Among the willows, there are tall trees, shrubs and creeping species... They all grow quickly, adapt well to their habitat, and lend themselves to shearing and shaping. Consider the varietal characteristics of some of them.

1. Iva Matsudanatall tree, up to 10-12 m, grows naturally in Korea and China. More often for cultivation, they use its decorative form, which grows in the form of a shrub, its branches are curved, the crown is highly decorative, openwork. A sunny, well-lit area is required for planting.

2. Whole-leaved willow- tall, spreading bush. Leaves are oblong, oval, shoots are red or yellowish. The shape of the shrub and its leaves resemble a fern. It blooms with dark red earrings, while publishing pleasant aroma... In nature, it grows in damp meadows. Decorative varieties whole-leaved willow:

  • All-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki is a small shrub or tree with a spherical crown. It has unusually decorative foliage and shoots. Young leaves are pink-white, shoots are red or olive.
  • Whole-leaved willow Pendula is a creeping shrub that looks most advantageous when grafted onto a stem.

3. Willow, or holly willow- shrub or tree with strong force growth, grows in nature near a body of water, prefers sandy soil. Branches are thin, flexible, young shoots are red, with a waxy bloom. The leaves are long, pointed, gray-gray on the underside. Unpretentious look, easily propagated by cuttings.

4. Willow brittle, or rakita, differs from its congeners in the shape of the leaf branches. Its shoots are fragile, olive green, the leaves are elongated, pointed, with a serrated edge, on the underside of a blue tint. Crown natural species rounded, asymmetrical, openwork. Used as a decorative type spherical shape willow varieties Bullata, which has a dense, even rounded shape.

5. Willow of babylon- a tall tree with a gorgeous weeping crown. It grows up to 15 m, the crown diameter reaches 9 m. It is successfully used in landscaping parks and reservoirs. The leaves are long, narrow, serrate, blooms after the leaves open.

6. Goat willow- the most common type in landscaping. This tree is up to 10 m with a dense crown and wide oval leaves. Young leaves are pubescent, over time the upper part becomes smooth. It blooms with large catkins, decorative forms reproduce by cuttings, in nature - by seeds. Many varieties of decorative forms of this species have been bred. The most interesting of them:

  • Silberglyants is a highly decorative variety, especially good during flowering due to the large number of large fragrant earrings. Leaves are wide, oval. It tolerates partial shade well, high frost resistance.
  • Mas - tree or shrub up to 10 m, spreading crown, blooms profusely. The male form has decorative properties.
  • Weeping is the standard male form of the plant. It grows to a maximum of 3 meters. Multiple branches hang down densely to the ground. The earrings are numerous, with a pleasant aroma. It grows very quickly, hardy and shade-tolerant.

Willow: photo

Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki

Iva Matsudana

Willow brittle, or raquita

Willow of babylon

Goat willow weeping

Varietal varieties of willows are used for landscaping city parks, design gardens and park areas. The bark and branches of willows are used for medical purposes, as well as for weaving baskets and furniture. Willows also proved to be excellent plants used as hedges. Unpretentiousness and rapid growth allow you to grow a real hedge in 2-3 years, which will not only serve as a fence of the site from uninvited guests, but also decorate it with its unusual attractive appearance.

How to grow healthy matsudan willow. Diseases and pests of willow

Although willow matsudana is a "native" of Japan, our gardeners are happy to grow it on their plots. Everyone considers the main advantages of the matsudan willow to be its high decorative qualities and unpretentiousness... However, there is still one, rather serious problem, in order to preserve the beautiful appearance of the plant, one must be able to deal with pests and diseases that harm and sometimes can completely destroy the tree.

Willow leafworm

Among the main and most important pests of willow, the ubiquitous willow leafworm... An adult is white butterfly with wings 44-55 mm in span. Butterflies fly during June and July, then lay eggs on willow bark or leaves, moreover, they glue the clutch with a silvery mass. Thus, the pile of eggs resembles a flat cake. In this state, the testicles hibernate. Caterpillars are able to eat willow leaves very strongly, and the process of eating continues during the night, and during the day the pests, as if nothing had happened, calmly sit on the branches of a tree.

Another of the main enemies of the matsudan willow, according to many gardeners, is common willow aphid... This pest intensively sucks sap from buds, leaves, and also young shoots, which inevitably leads to leaf fall, growth retardation, and in some cases, complete death of the tree. This often happens with young trees that are not yet very well rooted. Aphids settle on the tip of the foliage, due to which the leaves deformed and curl up. Aphid eggs hibernate in the cracks of the willow bark, in the buds. In spring, aphids settle on leaves, shoots and begin to feed on their sap. Later, winged aphids appear, which fly to dill, parsnips and carrots. Several (up to 10) generations of aphids are born on these plants. And in August, winged individuals return to the willow to lay eggs in the bark for wintering.

Control measures include insulation willow plantations from crops of carrots, dill, parsnips, destruction of wild carrots. It is also necessary to spray with decoctions of phytoncidal plants - marigolds, onions, henbane, mustard, potatoes, pepper. To combat aphids, it is recommended to spray the willows with a soap-kerosene emulsion or nicotine sulfate. Good results (complete death) were given by spraying with an insecticide in a dosage of 2.5 kg of kerosene and 400 g of ordinary soap (gray or green) per 75 liters of water.

Spider mite

Another type of pest - spider mite, which appears on the underside of the leaf and sucks out the sap, which is often the cause of the leaves falling off. Adult female spider mites overwinter in fallen leaves.

Sometimes you can see white foam like spitting on the willow branches. Such foam appears due to the activity of an insect - willow penny. As a rule, "spits" appear on the willow in the spring, in May. Pennitsa larvae feed on tree sap. Foam appears after the juice passes through digestive tract larvae. Foam serves as an excellent shelter for the larva from adverse factors. the environment, protects her delicate larva body from drying out in the sun. The affected tree must be treated with a 3% solution of karbofos or sprinkled with fluff lime; in case of a larger lesion, it is necessary to treat the plant with insecticides.

Willow diseases

Willows can also be affected by: scab, powdery mildew, rust, spots. At a high level defeat, it is necessary to apply chemical protective measures, including eradicating and protective (prophylactic) spraying with fungicides. Spraying can be carried out both in late autumn and early spring. Protective sprays prevent the penetration of pathogens into plant tissues and prevent the development diseases... They are carried out during the growing season, at the time of the mass spread of the infection. Spraying the leaves against powdery mildew, rust and spotting should be started at the first signs of disease. One or two repeated treatments are carried out with an interval of 2-3 weeks. To protect the willow from scab, the first treatment is carried out immediately after the leaves bloom, the second - after 10-12 days. In the fight against rust fungi, it is recommended to burn the affected foliage or spray young crops with Bordeaux liquid.

Mouse-like rodents can also pose a danger. With the onset of cold weather due to lack of food, they tear and harm the roots, and also gnaw the planted cuttings.

By the willow matsudan there are many other enemies, but numerous observations have shown that their mass distribution is observed primarily on unkempt and weakened plants. Therefore, the main attention in the fight against willow diseases should be paid to prevention... A healthy, strong, well-growing plant is resistant to diseases and pests. To do this, ive matsudana requires a minimum, but constant care.

The use of willow matsudana and its bark

Matsudana willow bark, rich in tannins, is widely used in folk medicine. substances, glucose, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and resins. Willow bark has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect... Infusion of the bark of this tree is used for colitis, gout, female diseases, gastritis, internal bleeding, liver disease, spleen and other diseases. A decoction of tree leaves is used for severe bleeding in the intestines and for colds. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are not recommended to use medications, which include this plant.
The abundantly branched willow roots serve to strengthen loose soils and sands. Willow stands can often be found around mountain streams. They use trees to anchor river banks, canals, slopes, dams, slopes and cliffs.
Sheep shelters and cattle pens are made of thick willow twigs. The bark of the trunk and branches is used as a natural dye, with which wool, leather and silk are dyed red, brown and yellow.
Soft and pliable enough wood rots quickly and is used for making crafts. The branches are used to feed livestock, especially goats and sheep. Willow bark is used for tanning leather.
Willow bark juice is a part of some cosmetic drugs, smoothing fine wrinkles and relieving redness, cleansing the skin.

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Amazing plant

And I. (Nigricantes) belongs to blackening I. (

The choice of planting material

), Medium or tall shrub; branches are rod-shaped, glabrous; leaves are glabrous, long, narrow, serrate along the edge; stipules semi-heart-shaped, rather large; stamens 3; a box on a leg is 2-3 times longer than a piece of iron. It is often found in damp forests, along the banks of rivers, ponds, especially on sandy soil. Two varieties of this species are ubiquitous: a discolor Koch. and β concolor Koch.

II. Leaves on both sides are bare, bluish-green underneath, blackening when dry, broadly ovate ... 7. Blackening (Nigricantes). Salix polaris

  • Aspen leaf beetle
  • Willows, planted at intervals of 1.5–2 m, form a high hedge, and in two rows - a shady alley. The alley of white weeping willow is especially beautiful when the trees close their crowns. For this, already in the second or third year after planting, branches directed towards each other are intertwined at a height of 2.5–3 m or connected by ablactation. Ablactation is a grafting method used to connect the shoots of one or different plants without cutting them off. True, this method requires special skills, so the easiest way is to braid the branches by fixing both tops with a thin plastic tape. After the branches are closed, a green openwork tunnel is obtained. And if there is no place for an alley in the garden, then you can limit yourself to a green arch at the entrance - just two trees.

Most willows are small trees 10-15 m or shrubs, but there are willows 30-40 m high and more than 0.5 m in diameter.

The goat willow Kilmarnock is a miniature, standard tree up to 1.5 m high. The branches are long, deeply drooping, stretching to the very ground. The shape of the crown is weeping, in the form of an umbrella. Blooms in April. Flowers - silvery, numerous, yellow earrings with a pleasant aroma. Leaves are elliptical, long, up to 11-18 cm long and 5-8 cm wide, dark green above, grayish below. The edge of the leaf is unevenly serrated.

It is recommended to start pruning a tree from the first year of life. All shoots are cut, leaving only 15 cm each and one healthy bud, which should look up. This is the beginning of the formation of a correct and beautiful willow crown. Mature trees also need pruning, but do so after flowering. To keep the willow thick, all shoots are shortened by 2/3 of the total length. Do not forget that all dry and diseased branches are removed immediately. As a result, you should have a tent-shaped tree with strong, healthy and beautiful shoots. Few people know about such a plant as the goat willow Pendula. Planting and caring for it is very simple. And first, it's worth telling what kind of plant it is, and why it is grown.

S. nigricans Fr.

How to raise a weeping beauty?

B. Low shrubs growing on high mountains, or peat meadows and swamps; branches are thin, bare; box on the leg.

  1. ), Willow herb (
  2. ... The appearance and biology of the aspen leaf beetle are similar to those of the poplar. The beetle is slightly smaller than the poplar beetle (7-10 mm long) and does not have black spots on the elytra.
  3. Shrub willows (twisted, purple, Caspian) are excellent material for hedges. They will both shade and at the same time decorate a playground or playground. But no less picturesque are the bushes, simply planted in a row or in several clumps along the garden path. And how interesting dwarf or weeping willows look in rockeries, especially if a stream is streaming nearby or a small fountain beats. However, a lone willow on a wide lawn, surrounded by flowering ornamental shrubs or in the company of conifers, whose prickly beauty only benefits from such a contrast, is also impressive.
  4. In cold countries, willows grow far to the north, such are the very undersized dwarf willows: Blunt willow (
  5. Leaves are slightly wrinkled, oblong - elliptical, green. Turn yellow in autumn. The root system is shallow and sensitive to flooding.
  6. The earrings are thick, large, 30-40 mm long. Male earrings are wide, oval or oblong, up to 6 cm. Female earrings are cylindrical, dense, multi-flowered, up to 10 cm long.

For proper and timely care, the willow will thank you with its amazing flowering. It is worth fighting not only with branches, but also with diseases, various pests.

Plant care

Goat willow is a type of tree that is grown for garden decoration. This plant looks the same as its great friend, only its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The drooping crown consists of green leaves with white patches. In some countries, this tree has a different name - delirium. Goat willow can be found along roads, on forest edges or in the mountains. Likes to grow on damp soils, mainly near various bodies of water. If you want to decorate your garden with something interesting, then the goat willow Pendula is perfect for this. Planting and caring for a tree is simple, but first, let's figure out how to choose the right plant.

  • ), A tall shrub, with serrate or wavy-serrate leaves, ash below, and dark green above, blackening when dry. The leg of the capsule is three times as long as the glandular. It grows throughout Russia, except in the southeast.
  • Third group
  • Aa. Shrubs of high mountains; leaves are glabrous, elliptical, lanceolate or ovate.
  • Salix herbacea
  • Willow leafworm

There are more than 350 species of willows in the world of various shapes and sizes - from mighty twenty-meter giants to a creeping shrub several centimeters high. More than a hundred of them are in our country (only in the middle lane there are about 20 species).

Nothing extra

Salix retusa

Goat willow Kilmarnock is photophilous, frost-hardy, wind-resistant. The soil is not whimsical. Grows on loamy and light substrates with a low lime content, sensitive to moisture. With excessive soil moisture, the roots located in the surface layer can rot. Grow a tree in a well-lit area.

Let's be treated!

The fruit is a capsule, 7-8 cm, on a fluffy petiole. Each box contains up to 18 seeds. The seeds are equipped with fluffy flies, so they are easily carried by the wind over long distances, and quickly lose their germination.

If you decide to grow something in your garden that cannot be seen in everyone, then the goat willow Pendula is ideal for you. Diseases and pests are the only thing that can darken the cultivation, but you can also fight ailments.

  1. Arriving at the nursery, you should know exactly what to look for in order to buy a tree such as the Pendula goat willow. Planting and care will depend directly on the quality of the seedlings. We invite you to explore our following tips:
  2. And I. (Purpureae) belongs to yellowweed (
  3. Α. Leaves are leathery, elliptical or ovate ... 8. Lancet (Hastatae).


) And others.


Goat willow

... Most often it affects the rod-shaped willow. The caterpillars of the leafworm roll the tops of the leaves into a dense cocoon and gnaw at the top of the shoot. The shoot is bushy, which is why it loses its technical qualities.the form is silvery

), Willow reticulated ( Goat willow bark contains tannins used in the tanning industry. Thin leather, intended for the manufacture of gloves, as well as morocco are made with the tanning extract of the bark of this tree. The bark is also valued in folk medicine. It is astringent, antipyretic, wound healing, choleretic and sedative. A decoction of the bark is used for colds and rheumatism, diseases of the spleen and gallbladder.

The goat willow blooms in April, before the leaves open. Duration of flowering is 10-13 days. Bears fruit in May. Hardy, not demanding on the soil. Goat willow photo Let's consider what pests and diseases the willow is exposed to:

Advice 1. Eighth group

S. purpurea E.Β. The leaves are thin, almost heart-shaped, on the underside of the retina-nerve ... 9. Blueberry (Myrtilloides).

Their interspecific hybrids are often found. Various types of willow are called: willow, willow, shelyuga, rakita (large trees and shrubs, mainly in the western regions of the European part of Russia); vine, vine (shrub species); tal, talnik (mostly shrub species, in the eastern regions of the European part, in Siberia and Central Asia).

... The tallest (up to 10–12 m) and the most unpretentious of the decorative willows. It got its name due to the spectacular silvery color of the leaves. Magnificent in parks - against the background of dense dark green foliage of large trees: horse chestnut, elm, linden. And planted in the background (along the fence), these willows, with their silvery foliage, emphasize the beauty of red-leaved maples, plums, barberries or the dark needles of mountain pine and yew. Salix reticulata

In addition, goat willow bark contains biologically active compounds: flavones, tannins, glycosides, vitamins, and minerals. Fresh willow leaves are applied to calluses to soften them. With tuberculosis of the joints, baths are made with an infusion of willow leaves. Male inflorescences in the form of alcoholic infusion or water broth help with neuroses and disorders of the cardiovascular system.Goat willow is not demanding on the soil, so planting can be done in any substrate. Prefers light, fresh loams. High lime content should be avoided. The root system of the tree is shallow, tolerates planting of a near-trunk circle, but is sensitive to soil moisture. The tree is hardy, but young individuals may suffer from the first frost. Since the plant is photophilous, it should be planted in well-lit places protected from the wind. Caring for goat willow consists in the timely removal of wild growth that forms under the vaccination site. Decorative trees pruned regularly to a height of 30-60 cm.

Description of goat willow tree

Willow leaf roll. Harms the tree at the larval or caterpillar stage. To get rid of the insect, you can spray the willow with chemicals that are available in specialized stores.

Specify how the scion was obtained. Today there are two main methods:

(Hastatae) belong to S. hastata L., S. grabra Scop. etc.

), Shrub with purple or yellow, thin, flexible, shiny branches; the leaves of this I. are lanceolate, glabrous, dark green above, gray-green below, dull. The capsule is ovoid; sedentary, hairy. Anthers are reddish at first, then blackish. This I. grows along river banks and is often bred.

Bb. Shrubs of swamps and peat meadows; the leaves are linear-lanceolate, their underside is mostly silvery-white, tomentose, the leaves turn black at the end ... 10. Creeping (Repentes).

Due to the ability to give adventitious roots, willows are easily propagated by cuttings and even stakes (with the exception of Salix caprea - delirium, or goat willow). Seeds lose their germination within a few days; only the five-grained willow (

... It sucks juice from leaves, buds, young shoots. Gives 10 generations a year.

Weeping shape

Planting goat willow and tree care

), Willow herb (

For stomatitis and gum disease, a decoction of the bark is used to rinse the mouth. Goat willow is also an effective remedy for excessive sweating... To normalize the work of the sweat glands, a decoction of the bark is taken orally.

Goat willow on a trunk: height and pruning for shape

Goat willow is planted in early spring. In order for the plant to take root faster, the branches are placed in a container with water. Ready cuttings are planted in open ground... Before planting, you need to dig a shallow hole. Mix the excavated soil with compost. Place the seedling in the groove, tamp the soil. Water the planting site with plenty of water. Watering young seedlings should be done 2-3 times a week. Adults do not need regular watering.

Flower fly. To begin with, it is worth finding a place where the larvae live. Remove the top layer of soil, if they are located there, then you will immediately find them. You can remove flies by watering the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If it does not help, then insecticides will come to the rescue.




In. Low, very branched shrubs growing on high mountains; branches are short, gnarled; capsule with very short stalk ... 11. Upland (Frigidae).

Salix pentandra

Spider mite

... The tree is 5–7 m high, with a very beautiful crown, cascading down, and long (up to 2–3 m) branches dropping almost to the ground. Undemanding to the soil, winter-hardy, moisture-loving. It tolerates shade, but in the absence of the sun, the crown is not so thick and not so decorative. Weeping willow is good both on its own and in a small group of trees, especially along the banks of water bodies. It is ideally combined with flowering and decorative deciduous shrubs and low conifers: thuja, juniper, cypress.

Salix herbacea

Willow preparations are not recommended to be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as along with aspirin, laxatives and vitamins. ... The willow on the trunk is used for decorative design garden plot. It does not take up much space and is not whimsical to care for. In order for the standard tree to retain its shape and height for a long time, a constant and correct pruning branches.

Powdery mildew. This is a representative of a fungal disease that multiplies at a high rate. Timely need to remove bad leaves. You can spray with a drug, the action of which is aimed at combating fungal diseases. It is recommended to replace some of the soil under the tree.

Goat willow Pedula (Pendula)

Ninth group

Fourth group

B) Earrings appear on branches developing from the apical buds of last year's shoots. Dwarf I., growing very high on the mountains and in the polar regions ... 12. Glacial (Glaciales).

) The seeds remain viable until next spring.

... Appears on the underside of the leaf and sucks out the juice. With severe damage, the leaves turn brown and fall off. In summer, the mite is greenish-yellow in color, by autumn it acquires a reddish-orange color. It hibernates under bark, fallen leaves and in soil (at the stage of an adult female).

Goat willow weeping

White willow, or silvery willow, Willow. © Willow

Goat willow spherical: photo and description

), Polar willow (

Goat willow wood is used as a construction, ornamental material and material for the manufacture of furniture and household items. It also serves as fuel. Branches are the material for creating hedges. Leafy branches are used to feed livestock, especially goats and sheep. Bredina leaves are used as a surrogate for tea. In the Caucasus, an intoxicating drink is made from the male earrings of this tree.

The most common variety of goat willow used for the trunk is Pendula. The result is a nice little tree with vertically hanging branches.

Goat willow Kilmarnock

Black spot. To avoid it, it is necessary to reduce the contact of leaves with water. It is sometimes difficult to do this outdoors, so choose places where the breeze will constantly blow the willow. Timely weeding from weeds and removing debris under the tree helps to fight black spots.

Based on this information, you can schedule further tree care.

(Myrtilloides) belong to the blueberry I. (

Application of goat willow

And I. (Pruinosae) belongs to the red willow (

Willow wood is very light and soft, rots quickly, and is used for many crafts. In treeless areas, willow is used as a building material. The twigs of some shrubby willows (twig-shaped, purple or yellowwort, three-stalked and others) are used for weaving baskets, making furniture, and other things.


Spherical shape

Salix polaris

Goat willow is considered an excellent honey plant, valuable for beekeeping. Bees take nectar, pollen, honeydew, sticky excretions from the buds from the tree, which the bees turn into propolis.

To obtain an oval spherical crown, the goat willow variety "Mas" is used.

I would like to say that it is not in vain that many people choose and master planting and caring for such an amazing and beautiful plant like the goat willow Pendula. Reviews show that the tree is in demand and is considered the most unpretentious. Do not be afraid either. Buy, grow and enjoy your willow!

Tip 2.

Photo gallery: goat willow (click on the picture to enlarge):


S. myrtilloides L.

S. daphnoides Villd. First group The leafy branches of the Willow are used as food for animals, especially goats and sheep. ... A weed that is harmful to willow plantations, especially in the first year of life. The bindweed twines around the twig, leaving traces of spirals on the bark and even on the wood, causing the twigs to break during operation. Shoot growth stops.... The crown is very dense, regular spherical or domed. The tree is multi-stemmed, sometimes reaching a height of 7 m. It does not freeze even in cold winters. Gorgeous in both single and group plantings, can serve as a good background for other ornamental plants. A small clump or line of such willows is especially picturesque on the shore of the reservoir. Rakita is also used as a hedge.

The branches of delirium during the flowering period serve as a decoration of the room, and where there is no real pussy willow, they are used in Easter ceremonies.

Serves as a stock: Botanical name: If the second method was used, then carefully examine the vaccination site. The presence of dead scales on the bark is not allowed. The trunk should be straight and strong. ), Shrubs of peat bogs of medium and northern Russia... Its leaves are ovoid or oblong-ovate, glabrous, dull, with a prominent network of veins, similar to blueberry leaves., Shelyuga or reddish). This is the same willow that is distributed in churches on Palm Sunday. It grows in southern and central Russia along sandy hills, along river banks and is often bred. A tree up to 10 meters in height or a tall, straight shrub. The branches are cherry-red, covered with a thin, bluish waxy bloom as if moldy. Leaves linear-lanceolate, sharp, toothed, with glands, glabrous; stipules are semi-heart-shaped or lanceolate. The box is naked, sedentary. Two varieties are known: α praecox Norre and β acutifola Villd. Red willow is often bred in our south to strengthen the flying sands. Willows (Fragiles) belong to the following willows of our flora. The bark of many willows (for example, gray, goat, white) is used for tanning leather. The bark of some species contains the glycoside salicin, which has medicinal value.

European dodder

Willow brittle, or Rakita ‘Bullata’ variety. © Kymi

Low-growing willows grow in the mountains Grassy willow ( The bark is harvested before the willow blossoms, during sap flow. The bark removed from the tree is dried in the sun and dried in the oven. The finished raw material should not bend, it becomes hard and brittle. Store the dried bark in a box. Shelf life is 4 years. Willow red Goat willow or Bredina (Selix carrea), a species of the willow genus, willow family. Tip 3. To To Belaya I. ( Many species are decorative, for example hemp willow (

Baskets are woven from the twigs of this tree, different in shape and purpose. A thin willow twig combines flexibility and resilience. From the peeled rods, the craftsmen make small products that are convenient for picking berries, and large baskets with which you can go for mushrooms. Neither mushrooms nor berries crumple in them. For harvesting potatoes, special baskets made of willow twigs are used, which are called "potato" baskets. There are wicker products for storing papers, there are also flower baskets, they are used to decorate the festive table.

Shaggy willow

Homeland of goat willow: Buy only goat willow that has increased winter hardiness. Tenth group Fifth group S. alba L.


Salix viminalis

Willow wolf

... Very effective, with weeping shoots, located in a “tent” on the top of a small, usually one and a half meter stem. Recently, it has become popular thanks to the foreign planting material that has appeared in our country. In good light, the tree forms a narrow tent-shaped crown with shoots hanging vertically downward, sometimes to the very ground. In the spring, they are densely covered with fluffy flowers, turning the trees into large dandelions. It hardly grows upward, exceeding the height of the trunk by only 30–40 cm. It is planted in groups. But one tree is also beautiful against the background of plants with a different shade of foliage or at the bends of garden paths. They take care of the goat willow in the same way as for any standard grafted plant. First of all, it is necessary to remove in time the wild growth that forms on the stem under the grafting site (below the bases of the weeping shoots at the top of the stem), otherwise the grafted part may die off. Since this type of willow is not very winter-hardy, it should be planted in well-lit and wind-protected areas. In the northern Moscow region, it is better to cover the grafted part of the seedling for the winter by wrapping it in several layers of non-woven. When landing standard plants must be tied to three stakes to maintain verticality.

) And others that reach the very snowy border. Polar and high-mountain willows - low-growing creeping dwarf shrubs - up to several centimeters in height.

Breadbins, candy bowls, rusks and other items of kitchen utensils are weaved from the vine. A beautifully woven vase will decorate any table, both ceremonial and everyday. One-year and two-year willow shoots are suitable for weaving baskets - long and thin.

Creeping willow


How to decorate a willow garden

Creeping I. (Repentes) belong to the creeping talnik (

And I. (Viminales) belongs to basket I. (

- willow, willow, willow, vine). One of the largest and fastest growing species; these are trees reaching up to 35 arsh. height and up to 16-18 vershoks in diameter. Leaves are lanceolate, finely toothed, yellowish-green above, and almost white below with thick yellowish-white hairs; stipules lanceolate; capsule ovate-elongated, pedunculated, glabrous; ovary leg of the same length with a piece of iron; stamens 2; branched branches, flexible; the bark falls off with scales. Belaya I. is extremely widespread in central and southern Russia (its northern border runs through the Petersburg province to Kazan and the Urals at 56 °). Its wood is soft, light, and extremely viscous, which is why it finds a variety of uses (it goes on hoops, stakes, arcs; the best pit arches are prepared from this I.). Two varieties of white H. are often bred in gardens -

Types, varieties and forms of willow

White willow (willow)

  • ... The butterfly is 20-25 mm long with white wings. Caterpillars are shaggy, yellow-blue with red dots. Goat willow, cultivar 'Pendula'. © baumschule
  • Their interspecific hybrids are often found. Various types of willow, as already noted, are called: willow, willow, shelyuga, rakita (large trees and shrubs, mainly in the western regions of the European part of Russia); vine, vine (shrub species); tal, willow (mostly shrub species, in the eastern regions of the European part, in Siberia and Central Asia.) Without requiring special attention to itself, the willow fully responds to the care shown - a lush crown, graceful bend of weeping branches and a light silver haze of leaves ...
Whole-leaved willow

Willow brittle (rakita)

  • Lighting: So, if you decide to make the site interesting, the goat willow Pendula is considered an excellent option. Planting and leaving, the photo of which is shown below, testifies to its uniqueness. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of landing.
S. repens L.

Goat willow

  • S. viminalis L. S. vitellina L.
Willow is used to strengthen sands (shelyuga, Caspian willow), canal banks, ditches, dam slopes (White willow, Brittle willow), in anti-erosion plantations in forest-steppe and steppe regions (white, brittle, twig-like), for shelter and roadside forest belts on wetter soils.

Willow twisting

  • Mouse rodents Matsuda uniform
  • Willow of Babylon. © sjg bloom Willow (
Standard willow looks good in a single planting, on an alpine slide, in a garden and on the shore of a reservoir.

Whole-leaved willow

  • Photophilous, shade-tolerant. Willow grows on any soil. She is considered one of the few representatives of unpretentious plants. If you want to choose the perfect place for your tree, then medium loam will do. Even close groundwater does not prevent the plant from fully developing. Next, we land according to the following algorithm:
), A low shrub with an underground stem and thin branches; the leaves of this I. from below are silky-tomentose or silvery-gray, linear-lanceolate, small, pointed; stipules lanceolate. Earrings are almost spherical or shortly cylindrical, red-brown. It grows in swamps, less often along river banks, everywhere in central Russia. Several varieties are known; α rosmarinifolia L. is a low shrub with linear or lanceolate-linear leaves.

Purple willow

  • , Whitewashed, vine). This willow, together with
, Yellow, or gold, I. (the bark on young branches is bright yellow, the branches are unusually flexible - go to weaving baskets, etc.), and S. argentea L. - silver I. (leaves on both sides are silvery white).

Caspian willow

  • Below is a table of the division of willows into several groups and a description of our most important and interesting species.
- harm the roots and gnaw planted cuttings.

The main pests of willows and control measures

... Golden spiral shoots with slightly curled leaves give it a special charm. Like any beauty, Matsuda's willow is very capricious. A foreigner, she does not tolerate Russian frosts: in the Moscow region and more northern regions, in severe winters, she freezes up to the level of snow, so she needs to be covered. This willow is planted only in well-lighted places, well protected from the wind. But even under ideal conditions in the Moscow region, the plant height rarely exceeds 3–3.5 m.

  • Due to the ability to give adventitious roots, willows are easily propagated by cuttings and even stakes (with the exception of Salix
  • Goat willow grows in deciduous, broad-leaved, mixed and coniferous forests, on forest edges, along roads, around water bodies. Distributed in Europe, the Caucasus, Western and Central Asia. Soil:
  • We prepare a pit measuring 50 * 50 * 40 cm (width, length, depth). To
  • S. amygdalina Lomkaya I. (
  • A) Earrings appear on leafy or leafless branches that have developed from lateral buds of last year's shoots. © Roni Tree
  • Ural twisted Salix caprea
  • ) - trees and shrubs of the willow family ( Tree pests:
  • Sandy, marshy, fertile, gravelly. We add compost, humus, peat there. Everything should be in equal proportions.
  • Eleventh group, Often forms coastal willows, willows, or willows. A shrub with thin flexible branches covered with long narrow pointed leaves, the edges of which are slightly curved inward. Leaves are whole-edged and white-tomentose below. The capsule is hairy, sessile. Blooms before the appearance leaves. In Russia, it is found from Vologda to the southern steppes. Flexible annual rods are used for weaving.
S. fragilis L.

1. Bracts of the same color, namely yellow-green; appear simultaneously with leaf spreading.

For a long time, willow bark has been used as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. But this beneficial features plants are not exhausted. Suffice it to mention that salicylic acid - the active ingredient in aspirin - takes its name from the Latin word salix - willow.

... No less attractive than Matsuda, but better adapted to the Russian climate. The tree is low (up to 3.5 m), but very decorative, and at any time of the year. Its spiral shoots are greenish-gray in color and appear glossy brown in the sun. Regardless of the season, it tolerates pruning and trimming, therefore it is suitable for hedges. Thanks to the twisted shoots and twisted “curly” leaves, this willow pleases the eye both by itself and surrounded by other willow trees - delirium, or goat willow). Seeds lose their germination within a few days; only in the five-headed willow (Salicaceae


Weeping Willow is ... What is Weeping Willow?

Botanical description

Willow leaf roll, flower fly.


Don't forget mineral fertilizer. It is enough to pour about 300 grams of it on one root of the plant.


And I. (Frigidae) belongs to the Lapland I. (

), Also a tree of rather large or medium height, with a wide, spreading top. Fully developed leaves are completely naked, pointed, coarsely toothed, shiny above, pale green below; stipules are semi-heart-shaped; stamens 2; capsule ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, pedunculated; the leg of the ovary is 2-5 times longer than the glandular. The branches are very brittle (hence the name). This I. is distributed mainly in central and southern Russia everywhere, near dwellings; use is negligible (for fuel).

A. Bracts fall off after flowering; stamens 1, 2, 5 or 10; mostly trees, in which branches are easily separated from the stem at the point of their attachment ... 1. Fragiles. In addition, willow is a wonderful honey plant, its fluffy flowers, gray with yellow stamens, are unusually rich in nectar. And from the flexible shoots of willow, they weave strong baskets and make light furniture... Looking forward to your advice! Willow branches of Matsuda, cultivar 'Tortuosa'. © baumschule Salix pentandra​). Popular name: willow, willow, shelyuga, willow, vine, willow, talnik.


Moderate. Mix the entire contents of the pit thoroughly. S. lapponica L.


Sixth group

Blackotal (

B. Bracts remain after flowering; stamens 2-3, with completely free threads, or with threads slightly fused at the base ... 2. Almond (Amygdalinae).

Plants are very common and very well-known in the central part of Russia. Most willow species love moisture and settle in damp places, while in dry places (on the slopes, sands, etc.) and in swamps, relatively few species grow. Willow is also found in forests, as an admixture to other trees.


Powdery mildew, black spot.

Maximum tree height:

The tree can now be planted.

), Shrubs of peat bogs of the northern provinces. The branches are gnarled. Leaves underneath are white-hairy, whole-edged, pointed. The earrings are thick and fluffy.

And I. (Capreae) the following species belong.

S. pentandra L.

2. Bracts are not the same color: their tops are of a different color; catkins appear mostly before foliage, stamens 2.

... A very interesting form with snow-white leaves at the end of the shoots and variegated in the middle and closer to the base of the branches. It grows as a low bush (up to 1.5 m) or a low tree - when grafted onto a stem. The disadvantage is low winter hardiness. In the middle lane, it is better to plant non-standard seedlings and cover the plants for the winter.

Willow is very unpretentious to soil. However, it grows best on light to medium loams, especially if organics are used to feed it. She also easily tolerates the close occurrence of groundwater.

White willow, or silvery willow, Willow. © white willow

Goat willow Pendula - deciduous tree... The shape of the crown is weeping, tent-like, 2-3 m wide, 2-3 m high. The average life expectancy is up to 30 years. Leaves are oblong-elliptical, dark green, 8-10 cm long. Yellow in autumn. Flowers - golden yellow, flat earrings. Goat willow Pendula blooms from April to May. Flowering lasts up to 15 days. Fruits are capsules. The tree is light-requiring, shade-tolerant. It grows in any soil moisture.

At the end of the work, do not forget about thorough watering.

Bredin (

) - shrub or small tree; leaves ovate-elliptical, finely toothed, glabrous, shiny on both sides; stipules ovate-elongated, straight; stamens 5-10; stigma of the same length with the column; box on a short stem; blooms later than all other I. It grows in damp forests, swamps, river banks; common in central Russia. The bark containing salicin is used in medicine (Cortex salicis).

A. Tall shrubs, rarely trees.

Whole-leaved willow, variety 'Hakuro Nishiki'. © plantenbestel

To plant a seedling of shrub willows, you need to dig a hole 50x50 cm, for tall trees a little large sizes- 60x60 cm and a depth of 40 cm. (When planting large-sized plants with big lump the ground pit should be 40–50 cm wider than the lump, and the depth should be 30–40 cm deeper). Fill it with a soil mixture (from 1/3 to 1/2 of the pit volume), which will consist of soil, compost or quilted manure and peat (1: 1: 1). If the soils are heavy, sand is added to the soil (up to 20%). In addition, it is necessary to apply complex mineral fertilizers, for example, azofoska (150-200 g). Soil mix mix well in the pit. When planting a hedge or a dense alley, it is advisable to dig a trench 40-50 cm wide and 40 cm deep.

Willow appeared on the earth quite early, its prints come across already in the Cretaceous formation, and even the present species lived in the Quaternary era: Ash willow (

Willow goat Pendula is used in single landings and decorative groups... It is not whimsical to the soil, but it needs abundant watering and care. In order to prevent root rotting, a thick layer of drainage is laid in the soil during planting. Despite the high frost resistance of the tree for the winter period, it is required to cover the bole. Average tree lifespan: Goat willows take root easily. Planting can be carried out for seven months - from April to October - provided that the tree has a closed root system. You need to monitor her so that she does not have time to dry out. If the plant has open roots, then it is better to plant in early spring, until the first buds appear, or at the beginning of autumn, preferably in September. Here we are with you and found out how the goat willow Pendula grows. We will consider tree care further.

  • Twelfth group S. cararea L. Plakuchaya I. ( Aa. Anthers are red, turning black after flowering, filaments of stamens have grown together to their full length; hairy capsule. Shrubs with flexible, thin, shiny red branches ... 3. Purple (Purpureae). The foliage of some willow species is dense, curly, green, while others are more rare, transparent, gray-green or gray-white. Leaves are alternate, petiolate; the leaf blade in some species is wide, elliptical, in others it is rather narrow and long; the edge of the plate is solid only in a few species, while in the majority it is finely or coarsely toothed. The plate is either shiny, bright green on both surfaces, or only on the top; the lower surface of such willows from hairs and from bluish plaque is gray or bluish. The cylindrical petiole is rather short; at its base there are two stipules, mostly dentate, wide, or narrow; they persist either only until the full development of the leaf, or all summer. Stipules are a good indicator for distinguishing between different willow species; one species, called the eared willow S. aurita) has large stipules, protruding in the form of ears. It is very curious that stipules develop most on young shoots growing from the trunk or from the roots. The stem is branched; branches are thin, twig-like, flexible, brittle, with matte or shiny bark, purple, green and other colors. Kidneys also different colors, dark brown, red-yellow, etc. NS.; their outer integumentary scales mutually grow together with their edges into an integral cap or cap, which separates, during the growth of the buds, at its base and then falls off entirely. The apical bud on the branches usually dies off, and the lateral bud adjacent to it gives the most powerful shoot and, so to speak, replaces the dead apical bud.
  • Medium-sized shrub, up to 2–2.5 m high, with a dense, almost spherical crown and glossy reddish shoots. In recent years, this species has become more and more popular in Russia. Shade-tolerant, but not very winter-hardy. After freezing, it grows easily, it is not necessary to cover for the winter. It is better to plant in places protected from the wind. A willow with a closed root system easily takes root at any time - from April to October (the main thing is that the lump and roots are not overdried). But plants with open roots are best planted in early spring, before bud break, or in September, with the beginning of leaf fall. When planting in autumn, the leaves of the seedling must be removed. Low-hardy species and varieties should not be planted in the winter, since their fragile roots and shoots can die from frost before they can develop. Salix cinerea
  • The most difficult part of caring for Pendula willow is pruning it. If in the early years the plant is not formed correctly, its branches will very quickly settle to the ground. All shoots are cut from young seedlings, leaving 15 cm with one bud at the end, looking up or to the side, but not inside the crown. Thus, a crown is formed, similar to an umbrella of short branches. 150 years old. Basic tree care includes:
  • (Glaciales) belong to I. high mountains and polar countries; what are: , Goat I.); grows mainly in forests throughout Russia from the most extreme C to the Black and Caspian Seas, as well as in the Caucasus; one of the two varieties of this I. reaches the size of an average tree, the other has the appearance of a dense bush. Leaves are rounded elliptic, crooked-pointed, weakly arboriculate, gray-tomentose below, at first fluffy above, and then completely naked, green; stipules are reniform. Earrings bloom long before the leaves appear; their scales are dense, blackish at the apex. The leg of the ovary is 4-6 times longer than the glandular. The bark is used for tanning. S. babylonica L.

Bb. Anthers are yellow all the time; the filaments of the stamens are free. Inflorescences (catkins) of white willow Purple willow, or yellow willow, variety `Nana Gracilis`. © sadevalja Weeping form Salix × sepulcralis. © Jdforrester), White willow (

Mature trees are pruned after flowering. Shoots are shortened by 2/3 of their length. Thanks to such pruning, the goat willow begins to branch densely. During the summer period, new shoots have time to fully form and become strong enough for flowering. Landing: Watering. In the first year of life, this willow variety needs abundant moisture. A weeping beauty should consume about 50 liters of water in two weeks. If the summer is too dry, then this volume goes away in a shorter period. In the second, third and subsequent years, one irrigation is sufficient, which can be carried out every week. S. retusa Ushastaya I. (

) - a tree of 3-7 meters. tall, with long hanging branches; leaves are linear-lanceolate, fine-toothed, gray-green below; stipules lanceolate-subulate; blooms during leaf-spreading. Weeping willow grows wildly in Japan and China; two hundred years ago it was brought to the East, and from there it came to us (we mostly have only female specimens); in the area where Babylon was, it was not there before, and it is not even now ("Verbia", mentioned in Psalm 137, actually poplar, Populus euphratіsa). One variety of weeping I. growing on Napoleon's grave on St. Helena is called S. Napoleonis. The bark of the branches is yellowish in summer; young twigs and branches are hairy, older ones are covered with gray or bluish bloom ... 4. Wax (Pruihosae). leaves or even later (eg S. pentandra). Flowers are dioecious, very small and in themselves hardly noticeable; only due to the fact that they are collected in dense inflorescences (catkins), it is not difficult to find them, and in willows blooming before the leaves bloom, the inflorescences are sharply noticeable. Earrings are unisexual, or only with male, or only with female flowers; male and female catkins appear on different individuals: willow in the full sense of the word, dioecious plants. A description of the structure of earrings and flowers is given below in the article: Willow; it also says about the pollination of willows. Fruit is a box that opens with two valves. The seed is very small, covered with white fluff, very light, freely carried by the wind over long distances. In the air, willow seeds retain their germination for only a few days; Once in the water, at the bottom of water basins, they retain their germination capacity for several years. This is where the reason is that dry ditches, ponds, silty mud, scooped up when cleaning a pond or river, are sometimes abundantly covered with willow shoots in a relatively short time. The young willow sprout is very weak and easily drowned out by the grass, but it grows very quickly; woody willows generally grow unusually quickly in the first years of their life. In nature, willows reproduce by seeds, in culture, mainly by cuttings and layering; a living willow twig, a stake driven into the ground, quickly take root. Sprawling three-meter shrub with thin long shoots of a pale yellow color and narrow stiff leaves. Shade-tolerant, but not very winter-hardy. After freezing, it grows easily, it is not necessary to cover for the winter. It is better to plant in places protected from the wind. In the first season after planting, willow needs abundant watering: 20-50 liters of water (depending on the size of the plant) every two weeks and every week - during the dry season. Then moderate irrigation will be enough for her. Shrub species forming hedges should be cut once or twice a season (in spring and mid-summer).

Salix alba B landscape design goat willow Pendula is used in singles and group compositions. Looks harmoniously near water bodies and in rock gardens. Combines with moisture-loving plants, perennials, ground cover, conifers dwarf trees... The goat Pendula willow is propagated by grafting on boles with seeds, grafting, cuttings. Fertilizer For the entire period from early spring to autumn, you need to feed the willow two or three times. Complex mineral fertilizers are suitable for this. In September, the tree is fed with superphosphate or sulfuric potassium. If a dark bloom appears on the leaves, then copper oxychloride is used for treatment. L. a small shrub, richly leafy branches of which reach 16 cm in length. The leaves are small, whole-edged. S. herbacea L. - dwarf shrub, the branches of which bear only two small leaves; branches 4 cm long. S. reticulata L., S. polaris Wahlb. and others. S. aurita L. To

Β. The bark is greenish; branches without plaque Willow appeared on the earth quite early, its prints are found already in the Cretaceous formation, and even the present species lived in the Quaternary era (Salix cinerea, Salix alba, Salix viminalis). © Ilya Smelansky

  • As for feeding, during the spring and summer, complex fertilizers are applied two or three times, and at the end of August - superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In rainy years, gray and black spots, similar to a dirty coating, often appear on willow leaves. To return the tree to its original beauty, it is necessary to spray it with copper oxychloride (HOM) or oxychom. ), Rod willow ( A very spectacular tree with flexible, twig-like, weeping shoots, which are located at the top of a small trunk - a trunk. In good light, it forms a narrow tent-shaped crown with shoots, dropping to the ground. In spring, the shoots are densely covered with fluffy flowers. Upward weeping goat willow almost does not grow. Exceeds the height of its trunk by only 30-40 cm. Looks beautiful against the background of plants with a different shade of foliage. Used in group plantings, planted at the turns of garden paths.
  • Goat willow is a small deciduous tree, the height of which reaches up to 10 m.The diameter of the trunk is up to 75 cm. Mulching. It helps to retain moisture and stop weeds from growing. Peat, paper, sawdust, expanded clay or pebbles are ideal for this. All this material is crushed and scattered under the tree on top of the soil. The benefits of willows are quite varied. Bark of 2-3 year old branches

In autumn, it is advisable to remove fallen leaves from the site. Grafted trees in summer or autumn must be freed from wild growth. We must not forget about the shelter of non-resistant varieties. This is done in October - early November. Salix viminalis Low dwarf tree. The ornamental value of the plant lies in the spherical crown with unusual shoots hanging down.

Branches are thick, spreading, young ones are grayish, pubescent, in older trees they are yellow-brown and gray-green, in older specimens they are gray or dark, brittle. If the ground under the plant is too dry and cracks have formed, they must be removed. To do this, loosen the soil one day after watering. S. pentandra, S. fragilis, S. alba To And I. (Amygdalinae) belongs to almond I. (

1. The capsule is almost sessile; catkins appear before foliage or simultaneously with it; branches are thin, flexible; narrow-lanceolate leaves; flexible shrubs ... finely branched. 5. Basket (Viminales) Most of the willows are small trees 10-15 m or shrubs, but there are willows 30-40 m high and more than 0.5 m in diameter. In gardens and parks, willows are traditionally planted on the shore of a reservoir. And this is understandable - a natural landscape, a familiar image. But, of course, such a plastic and unusually spectacular tree will decorate any corner of the garden, and its crown will protect from the sun.​).​

Leaves are lanceolate, leathery. The underside of the leaves is gray - tomentose, the upper side is dark green. The goat willow blooms until the leaves appear. Flowering lasts up to 20 days. The flowers are fluffy, yellow catkins. The willow of this form grows very quickly, the bark is smooth, has a gray-green color, becomes brown with age, cracks appear at the bottom of the trunk. The wood is smooth, reddening in the air Preparing for winter. This step in grooming is also significant. In order for the plant to endure our harsh winter well, the trunk is wrapped in a covering material. This procedure is used for trees under three years old. And others., Containing salicin and tannic acid, is used in medicine (Cortex Salicis) against fever, occasionally as a quinine substitute. In the East, earrings and young shoots of weeping willow are used in folk medicine, and in North Africa, a tincture ("kalaf") is prepared from the odorous earrings of the Egyptian willow (S. aegyptiaca), which is used as a diaphoretic. Seventh group

S. amygdalina L. 2. Long-stemmed box; strong branches; leaves are oval-lanceolate (their length exceeds the width only three times); trees or shrubs ... 6. Goats (Capree) In cold countries, willows grow far to the north, such are the very stunted dwarf willows Salix retusa, Salix reticulata, Salix herbacea, Salix polaris. In the mountains, there are low-growing Salix herbacea willows and others, which reach the very snowy border. Polar and high-mountain willows - low-growing creeping dwarf shrubs - up to several centimeters in height Polar willow ( ... The beetle is 10-12 mm long, with reddish elytra and bluish-green pronotum and undersides. One black speck at the apex of the elytra. Weeping willow. © Darren Larson

The genus includes at least 350 species of willows, distributed mainly in the cool regions of the Northern Hemisphere, where the willow enters the Arctic Circle. Several species are native to the tropics. There are more than 65 species in North America, of which only 25 reach the size of a tree. It is planted in parks, squares and garden plots. Used as a hedge. Photo of goat willow spherical white cabbage and its pests

Willow (Salix) is woody plant, referred to the Willow family (Salicaceae). Most of all, specimens of this genus of the same name are found in cool regions of the Northern Hemisphere, climbing even beyond the Arctic Circle. There are, however, those who do well in tropical climates. In total, this family has up to 500 varieties. They choose damp lands for their growth, but they can settle on slopes or sands, only some of the species are found in swampy areas. They also mix in forests with other tree-like plants.

There are many names in the Russian language for this green beauty, which are attributed to various species, but many have heard of them: willow, vine, willow, willow, willow and willow, as well as many similar ones.

The external image of the willow is very diverse and directly depends on the species. These specimens of the willow family can take tree forms and reach in height up to 10-15 meters with a trunk diameter of up to half a meter, and also grow as shrubs, not exceeding indicators of one and a half meters. There are also dolno small varieties, in which branches creeping along the surface of the earth. In mountainous areas, you can contemplate dwarf willows or small shrubs, the height of which barely exceeds 2.5 cm. Such specimens almost do not rise above the mosses, among which they grow.

The foliage also depends on the variety, so in some varieties it curls and has a green color and great density, while in others it is completely rare and its color can be either grayish-green or gray-whitish. The leaf plates are located on the branches in the next order, the shape of the leaf can be wide and elliptical or narrowed and elongated. The edge of the leaf can be either solid or, in most cases, with fine or coarse serration.

The stems of the willow are branched, the branches are thin and twig-like, easily bend and break. They are covered with a matte or glossy bark painted in purple, greenish or other shades. The buds on the shoots also vary in color: dark brown, reddish-yellow, and the like.

Many varieties begin their flowering even before the foliage appears or at the same time as it. Basically, this time falls in early spring or early June. The flowers are heterosexual (willow is a dioecious plant), small and not very noticeable, and all their beauty is visible due to the fact that they gather in dense inflorescences that have the shape of earrings. The color of the flowers against the background of bare shoots looks quite elegant: whitish-green or yellowish-green.

After flowering, the fruit ripens in the form of a box, which has a pair of opening valves, small seeds are placed inside, which are covered with a whitish fluff. With this cover, the seed is easily carried by the wind over long distances. It is interesting that once in fresh air, germination is lost after a couple of days, but once at the bottom of the waterways, the seeds can wait "in the wings" for several years, therefore, when they clean ponds or rivers, very soon all the dredged mud or silt is covered willow shoots. However, young sprouts are very weak and even grass drowns them out easily, but they have a high growth rate and stretch out very quickly in the first year.

Due to the fact that the willow has the ability to form adventitious roots, it easily propagates by cuttings and even pegs. Seeds, on the other hand, very quickly lose their germination properties, and only a variety of five-headed willow (Salix pentandra) can multiply with seed next spring.

Rules for caring for willow, growing in the garden

  1. Choosing a landing site for a wakita. In order for your willow to be comfortable, you need to choose a place with sufficient moisture and a nutritious substrate. It is better that the latter is light and sandy. You should take a one-year-old rakita seedling with well-developed roots. Landing is carried out in early spring, as soon as the snow has melted. If the variety is shrub or undersized, then a hole is prepared for it with parameters 50x50x50 cm.If it is planned to plant a tall tree, then the hole is made larger. After planting, the seedling should be well watered and the trunk circle should be mulched. If planting is carried out in a heavy substrate, it is recommended to lay drainage material at the bottom of the hole - about 20-30 cm of sand or gravel. When subsidence occurs, humus or matured compost is added to the hole, and the soil mixture is prepared from garden soil, peat soil and compost, parts are taken equal. Azophoska is also introduced there, expecting that there should be 200 grams of the drug per plant. The mixture fills the hole by 1/3 and a seedling is placed in it, straightening it root system... Then the hole is covered in such a way that a pit is formed around the seedling, which will facilitate watering. Up to 2 buckets of water are poured under each plant. If the seedling turned out to be high, then for the first time a peg is placed next to it and with its help the position is fixed. The place where the willow will grow should be well lit, but it will feel good in partial shade.
  2. Watering willow will have to be carried out often, especially if there is no long time rains. One adult tree or shrub should have several buckets of water. To maintain the "young growth", spraying of the crown is also carried out.
  3. Fertilizers for raquita, they are introduced to increase its decorative effect. With the arrival of spring, the soil in the trunk circle is loosened and mineral fertilizers are embedded in it. It is recommended to use organic matter, alternating it with mineral dressings, they are used throughout the growing season, depending on the type of willow.
  4. Crown formation. This plant tolerates all kinds of pruning well, and some craftsmen manage to give the rakita a wide variety of shapes. For the first time, you can trim the crown of a tree only after several years have passed after planting a seedling, when its height becomes equal to one meter. Pruning is carried out after flowering. It is recommended to shorten young branches by 20 cm. The cut is made above the bud, which is directed outward. When the tree is already large, then its branches are cut at a height of 2 meters from the ground.

To obtain a new tree or rakita bush, vegetative methods are used - cuttings, layering and grafting.

When grafting, use green twigs, cutting out their middle, the length of the stalk should be 15–20 cm. The bud at the top should be removed and the leaves from the bottom of the stalk should also be removed, the upper ones should be shortened in half. The stalk is planted in a nutritious substrate and wrapped plastic wrap or placed under a cut plastic bottle - this will create the conditions for a mini-greenhouse. It is important to periodically ventilate and moisten the soil. However, rooted seedlings are planted only in the second year, so that they spend the first winter in the greenhouse.

In order to propagate the willow by layering, you need to dig up the root shoots in early spring, which have already formed their roots. Then they are treated with a fungicide and planted in a new place according to all the rules.

There are varieties that should be grown on a trunk - choose a plant with the required height and then graft a varietal willow scion.

Willow pests and diseases

The plant can be affected by powdery mildew, rust or various types of spots, as well as scab. All these troubles arise as a consequence high humidity because of the long rains. For the fight, they are treated with fungicides. Cytosporous and diplodine necrosis occur, which, with timely treatment, once in August or May, will help preserve the willow.

Aphids and silkworm caterpillars can be distinguished from pests. The former suck out the juices of the vine, and the latter devour the foliage. When aphids are damaged, insecticides are used, and the caterpillar will have to be destroyed by hand, collecting the hatched white larvae and butterflies.

The plant appeared on our planet a very long time ago, as evidenced by the imprints of leaf plates that are found in the sediments of the Cretaceous period.

Willow wood is very light and soft, because of this, it quickly deteriorates and begins to rot. Often wooden dishes or crafts are made from it. For a long time, branches covered with foliage were used to feed pets, especially goats and sheep. The varieties of willow are also famous for their melliferous properties. The bark of varieties such as gray willow, goat or white is used in tanning. If some areas do not have extensive forests, then wood was used as a building material.

Also, the craftsmen did not ignore the flexible willow branches, from which wicker products of various formats have long been made - from dishes to furniture. The most popular in this matter were twigs of purple willow or rod-shaped willow.

If we talk about church rituals, then often the branches of young pussy willow are used instead of palm branches according to the Orthodox and Catholic traditions on Palm Sunday.

There are many popular beliefs and sayings associated with the green beauty:

  • You will see a fluff on the willow - and spring will come under the sixth;
    - If the willow is covered with hoarfrost early, then your winter will be long.
Willow is very much loved by landscape designers who use it to strengthen the loose and sandy substrate found on the banks of natural and artificial waterways or basins. All this is possible due to the well-developed root system of the rakita.

Willow bark has long been known to folk healers for its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effects. And the substance salicylic acid was found in willow, which is why it bears this name.

Willow species

White willow (Salix alba) is a large tree with thin and flexible branches hanging beautifully to the ground. On them there are densely arranged leaf plates of elongated outlines and dark green color with a silvery sheen. With the arrival of autumn days, they change their color to yellow-green. The crown is formed lush, spherical and with the help of a haircut it is easy to give it the desired shape. It is used for planting as a specimen plant. When flowering, fluffy yellowish-green flowers appear, which are popularly called "cats". The process of their formation falls on April-May. In five years, it can reach 3 meters in height, and its maximum parameters in height are equal to 25 meters, while the tree at that time may be 15–20 years old. The crown diameter of such a specimen increases to 20 meters.

The fragile willow (Salix fragilis) is popularly called "rakita". It is a small tree or shrub. Most often it grows in a damp substrate or in flooded areas. Loves bright lighting, but grows well in partial shade. The height of this variety can approach 15 meters with a crown reaching 12 meters in diameter. The crown takes on a rounded soft outline, and can resemble green clouds. Leaf plates from the very beginning of a green color, over time, change their shade to bright yellow. In the period from mid-spring to its end, it can form oblong flowers with a greenish-yellow color scheme.

The purpurea willow (Salix purpurea) is found under the name Yellowberry. It has shrubby outlines. The branches are thin, covered with a reddish-brown bark with a bluish bloom. It is not picky about the soil and shows excellent growth in any case, even on sand. The variety is frost-resistant and undemanding to the level of lighting. The crown is easy to shape with a haircut. It is often used for planting, both as a single species, and in the formation of hedges. It can be measured in height by 5 meters with a crown with a diameter of about 5 meters. The crown has spherical contours, the leaf plates are shaded with a silvery-greenish color scheme. With the arrival of autumn, they turn yellow-green. The flowering process is extended to April-May. The variety got its name due to the fact that purple flowers are formed on the plant.

Goat willow Kilmanock (Salix caprea ‘Kilmanock’) is decorative and medium-sized, height figures may vary depending on the grafting site. The branches hang down beautifully. It is often planted near reservoirs, the plant is unpretentious, grows well on wet soil, frost-resistant. The height rarely exceeds one and a half meters, the crown in diameter is close to 1.5 meters. The outlines of the crown are weeping. The leaf plates are painted in a dull green shade with a silvery tone, with the arrival of autumn they acquire a yellow color scheme. The flowering process occurs in April-May, and fluffy flowers of a golden hue are formed.

The Matsudana willow (Salix matsudana) is sometimes called the Matsudana willow. It has a sufficient height, which varies in the range of 10-12 meters. The native area of ​​growth falls on the lands of Korea and China. There is a decorative form in the form of a bush. Branches of often curved contours, the crown is distinguished by a high decorative effect of an openwork look. When disembarking, a well-lit area is selected for her.

All-leaved willow (Salix integra) has a shrubby form of growth and spreading contours. The leaf plates are oblong, they can also grow oval. Branches with reddish or yellowish bark. In appearance, this shrub is very reminiscent of a fern and the same leafy fronds. When blooming, elongated flowers-earrings of a dark red hue are formed. The flowers have a pleasant aroma. Under natural conditions, it can be found in wet meadows and flooded areas.

Varietal varieties:

  • Whole-leaved willow Hakuro Nishiki (Salix integra Hakuro Nishiki) can have both shrub and tree-like growth. If this is a tree, then it is not tall. The crown with spherical contours reaches 2 meters in diameter. Foliage and branches are very decorative. The color of young foliage is white-pink-greenish, by autumn the leaves become completely pink. Shoots have a reddish or olive shade... From mid-spring to its end, it blooms with yellow-greenish flowers.
  • All-leaved willow Pendula (Salix integra Pendula) possesses creeping shoots and shrub growth. Most often, for decorative purposes, it is grafted onto a stem.
The Babylonian willow (Salix babilonica) is often found under the name Weeping willow. This tree has a spreading crown formed by branches hanging down to the ground. Shoots are thin and long, covered with reddish, yellow or greenish bark. Sufficiently frost-resistant and characterized by unpretentious care. It can be grown as a tapeworm or along the banks of water bodies.

The crown is rounded, the leaf blades are long, the color on the upper side is dark green, the lower is tinted with a bluish-greenish color scheme. When blooming, flowers appear, similar to earrings of a white-yellow tone. the height of the tree can vary in the range of 10-12 meters, but the crown can sometimes exceed this figure.

Learn more about the willow varieties from the following story: