Callisia creeping: species, care, cultivation, reproduction. Fragrant callisia: home care, photo

Belongs to the Kommelinov family and is grown mainly as an ampelous plant. In nature, there are more than 12 plant varieties that grow in Mexico. on appearance very similar to T decansion. Caring for Callisia at home is not particularly difficult, and the flower itself, due to its decorative effect, is perfect for any interior. There are several varieties of Callisia that are grown indoors.



Most common view. Plant up to 10 cm high, creeping stems with dense foliage. The leaves on one side are green, on the other - burgundy, heart-shaped, pointed downwards, do not exceed 15 mm in length.


Fragrant also known as "Golden Mustache" and is grown such as medicinal plant... Differs in larger sizes and erect shoot up to 80 cm high. Leaves are horizontal, bright green in color.

Lighting and temperature

Prefers diffused light, you can put the plant on the west side of the house. A light shade will not bring tangible harm to the flower. For the correct development of Callisia, a spacious room and good air circulation are needed.

A heat-loving plant, the standard temperature should be around + 20-25 degrees. The only thing that does not tolerate is sudden changes in temperature.


Watering Callisia is necessary in moderation, with settled water. V summer period should be watered as soon as it dries upper layer soil. In winter, watering can be reduced a little, but do not let the soil dry out. Room humidity should be at least 60%. If the room is rather hot and stuffy, then frequent spraying is necessary. It is necessary to spray water from a spray bottle very carefully and the mode should be at the smallest spray.

Soil and fertilizing

The soil should consist of turf, peat, humus and sand in equal proportions. Make some drainage holes in the bottom of the pot to keep the water from stagnating. During the period of active growth, it is recommended to feed Callisia with universal, mineral fertilizers.


Experienced growers do not recommend replanting Callisia, because after a while the plant becomes bare and the flower loses its decorative effect. If if you do not dare to update your plant, then you should adhere to the following transplantation algorithm: it is recommended to transplant young Callisias once a year, adults 1 time in 3 years.


It is best to propagate the plant with the help of apical cuttings. The right time for transplants - spring... Cuttings should be with two or three knots.
Cut cuttings should be placed in water. After a while, small roots appear on the cuttings. After the roots appear, Callisia can be planted in pots. It is recommended to plant 2-5 cuttings in each pot.

Diseases and pests

Most widespread pests of Callisia are thrips and spider mite... If pests are found, it is necessary to treat the flower with any insecticide according to the instructions.
Plant diseases can be associated with improper care. If the tips of the leaves dry out, then this phenomenon indicates insufficient watering or too dry air. With a lack sunlight, the leaves may lose their color or stretch out. It is necessary to rearrange the flower closer to the window or put the plant on the loggia.


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Callisia is a plant of the Commelin family. It grows naturally in parts of Mexico, South and Central America. This creeping, herbaceous perennial has twelve species.

Features of certain species

In decorative floriculture most widespread have the following types:

  • callisia is elegant;
  • creeping callis;
  • fragrant callis ("Golden mustache");
  • callisia is scaphoid.

Callisia elegant is a small plant with creeping, succulent stems. The leaf plates are dark green above, below they have a purple hue, velvety, with bright light veins.

Callisia navicular is a succulent plant with greenish, fleshy leaves that resemble roof tiles or a boat. If direct sunlight falls on it, then it acquires a reddish tint. The flowers of this species are inconspicuous, lilac or purple in color.

Fragrant callis is a flower with an erect stem, monochromatic large green leaves. After several years of vertical growth, a horizontal mustache appears. Flowers are collected in small axillary inflorescences. Until now, there is no clear evidence that this species can be used as a medicinal plant.

Callisia creeping is a miniature plant with dwarf, densely arranged leaves that turn dark purple in the sun. The stems are creeping, growing rapidly.

Callisia is a tropical plant, but grows well at home. To create optimal conditions, you must:

  • maintain the ambient temperature within 18 - 25 degrees;
  • periodically spray the flower from a spray bottle.
  • the color of the leaves depends on the intensity of sunlight;
  • does not like sudden changes in temperature;
  • overdrying an earthen coma leads to the death of the plant;
  • old shoots are quickly exposed.

Transplant and substrate

It is better not to transplant callisia, but to constantly receive new plants from the apical shoots.

The soil for planting must be loose and permeable. To make up the potting mix, the following ingredients are required in equal parts:

  • sod land;
  • leafy land;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • peat.

To the bottom flower pot it is better to put broken brick, expanded clay.


Callisia must be placed in rooms where there is bright diffused lighting. The color of the leaves depends on its intensity. Callisia navicular can get sick and die if it does not receive the required amount of direct sunlight,


The optimum temperature for the growth and development of callisia is +16 - 25 degrees. With a sharp drop in temperature, shoots can be exposed.

Watering and feeding

Callisia is watered regularly in the summer, preventing the earth from drying out. In winter, the soil in the pot is moistened moderately.

Top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer is carried out regularly, but only during active growth.


Callisia is propagated:

  • apical cuttings;
  • layering.

Cuttings are cut in spring and then put into water. After the roots appear, the plant is transplanted into the ground. For greater attractiveness of the future composition, several cuttings are planted in one pot.

Layers are dropped directly into the ground near the plant. After the roots appear, they are cut off and planted in a separate container.

Growing difficulties

Basically, spider mites and thrips like to settle on a flower. For protection, it is better to use biological products.

Have traditional healers callisia is used as a medicinal plant. Its juice is said to contain highly active beta-sitosterol compounds that may help fight disease:

  • the prostate gland;
  • metabolism;
  • vessels;
  • endocrine system.

Callisia deserve the attention of flower growers due to their unpretentiousness.

Callisia is a genus of perennial evergreen herbaceous plants of the Kommelin family. Most representatives of the genus are characterized by creeping stems. Natural habitats - humid shady places of tropical and subtropical forests of Central and South America where the plant forms dense sods.

As ornamental indoor plants, Callisia gentlei and Callisia repens are grown. But fragrant Callisia is especially popular ( Callisia fragrans) or "Golden mustache", it is grown as a medicinal plant.

Callisia elegant- long-term herbaceous plant with creeping stems, resembling a tredescantia. The leaves are arranged on the shoot alternately in 2 rows, oval in shape, pointed at the ends. The leaves are velvety, dark green in color with narrow longitudinal silvery-white stripes along the veins, with back side- purple-green. Stems and leaves are covered with slightly pubescent. The flowers are small, white, located at the tops of the shoots.

Callisia creeping- herbaceous plant, with miniature leaves 0.5-2 cm long, about 10 cm high. Creeping stems, thin, leaves are arranged in 2 rows, close to each other. The leaves are green with barely noticeable purple specks, on the back - with a burgundy tint. The plant grows very quickly and becomes like a green carpet.

Callisia fragrant(Callisia fragrans) reaches 70-120 cm in height, its shoots are thick. Fleshy, there are two types: erect vertical with large elongated leaves, reminiscent of corn, and horizontal, creeping, with underdeveloped leaves, forming a leaf rosette at the ends. The flowers are graceful, white, small. It rarely blooms at home. This species is known for its medicinal properties, for which it is called "homemade ginseng".

Medicinal properties of the "Golden Mustache"

Fragrant Callisia juice contains quercetin and kaempferol. Quarcetin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, slows down oxidative processes in the body, it is recommended to be taken in the treatment of inflammatory processes, including arthrosis and arthritis. Camferol - has tonic and anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens capillaries and removes excess fluid from the body. These substances, having similar properties, enhance the action of each other.

Tincture of Golden Mustache is an excellent anti-inflammatory and tonic. External application of fragrant callis has a good effect in the healing of wounds and trophic ulcers.

Traditional healers use this plant to treat endocrine diseases, to strengthen blood vessels and the heart, to treat kidneys and liver, as well as as part of a comprehensive treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But it is also known that unreasonable ingestion of the juice and infusion of the golden mustache can cause poisoning and severe allergic manifestations.

At home, the golden mustache plant is usually used to treat inflammatory diseases of the skin and joints. For therapeutic purposes, you can take leaves (mashed so that juice appears) and apply to wounds, abrasions, calluses, boils. Tincture on alcohol or vodka of pieces of horizontal shoots is used for rubbing with inflammatory diseases of the joints.

A golden mustache is considered an adult, and therefore medicinal, when a rosette with leaves appears at the end of the mustache, suitable for separation and further rooting. Often young plant cut off, rooted in a new pot. The shoot itself is divided into parts and used for treatment immediately or placed in glassware, poured with alcohol or vodka, tightly closed and placed in a dark place.

Important! It is possible to grow fragrant callisia (Golden mustache) for medicinal purposes only in a clean, regularly ventilated room or on fresh air... Kitchen fumes, tobacco smoke and others harmful substances are intensively absorbed by the leaves of the plant. It is good for cleansing home atmosphere but not suitable for treatment.

Callisia is grown as an ampel or ground cover plant, it is best to plant it in a hanging basket or in a tall pot. Caring for all popular indoor varieties is about the same, it is not particularly difficult.

Lighting... Callisia loves light, but it is desirable that it be diffused. At good lighting leaves are distinguished by a bright saturated color.

Temperature... Heat-loving plant, does not like sudden changes in temperature. It is better to keep it at 15-20 ° C in winter and -20-25 ° C in summer. In warm weather, it is useful to take it out to the balcony or terrace, but pick it up before the nights get cold.

The soil... Fertile loose soil with neutral acidity is most suitable.You can prepare a mixture of sod and deciduous soil with the addition of humus, peat and sand (taken in equal quantities).

Watering. Moisture-loving plant, but if you forget to water, then nothing special will happen to her. In summer, callisia is watered abundantly, with lukewarm, settled water, in winter, watering is moderate. Regular spraying is helpful.

Fertilizer... Callisia is fed from April to September with a complex mineral fertilizer, once or twice a month. Before using for treatment, the golden mustache is not fed or watered with a weak organic fertilizer.

Transfer... All callis grows quickly, so only young plants are transplanted if necessary. Adult plant usually not transplanted, but simply rooted new cuttings or daughter rosettes. The cuttings are fully rooted in 2-3 weeks. In callisia creeping, to obtain a lush bush, as soon as growth begins, it is recommended to pinch the top to stimulate the appearance of lateral shoots.

Reproduction... Propagated by cuttings, fragrant callis - also by daughter rosettes. The stalk is usually rooted in plain water and planted in the substrate only after it is fully developed. root system... V open ground or a wide pot, creeping shoots easily root out when in contact with wet soil.

And even experienced plant growing enthusiasts often mistake it for setcreasia. This is not surprising, since the plants are similar, belong to commelin and are in close family relations. These plants are usually grown as ampelous. Callisia is compact and very ornamental plant... Thanks to this, it is easy to place it in any interior, where it will decorate it and make it modern and attractive.

Florists grow several types of this plant. The most common is Callisia is graceful or elegant... She was one of the first to take her place in our homes. After it, other varieties of it appeared - creeping, scaphoid... On a special account, flower growers have Callisia fragrant, which has another name "Golden mustache". This variety is preferred for its many useful medicinal properties plants. Regardless of the type, callisia will not cause inconvenience to the grower in care, it is unpretentious and requires almost the same content for all varieties. Since callisia is graceful - the most common in our homes, we will consider the content of the plant using its example.

Location and lighting

Callisia, having a variegated color of leaves, like all similar plants, treats well diffused lighting and does not tolerate sun exposure to leaves at all. Light shading will not harm it, which allows you to place the plant in depth bright room... This property of the flower makes it very suitable for offices and large spaces. The best conditions the plant will have a well-ventilated room with a large volume of air. And in the summer months it can be taken out onto the balcony.


Plants are quite thermophilic, which allows it to develop well. all year round in an apartment. In winter, the temperature should not be lower than +14 degrees, anything less is not at all suitable for callisia. It is quite normal and optimal for a flower to be temperature regime in summer + 20 ... + 25 degrees, in winter - from +16 to + 20 degrees.


Callisia has no particular claims to watering, but it is not recommended to overdry the land. Lack of watering leads to the fact that the plant loses its beauty and begins to ache. If the top layer of soil in the pot is dry, then the plant can be watered. In winter, the irrigation regime changes: it becomes less frequent, but it all depends on the ambient temperature in the room.

Air humidity

The plant loves high humidity, therefore, the plant needs constant spraying. But the plant should be sprayed carefully, it must be done with a fine spray. If large water droplets remain on the leaves, they can damage the leaves.

Top dressing and fertilizers

Like most plants, during the period of greatest growth, from early spring to late autumn, callisia must be fed. For these purposes, it is quite suitable mineral fertilizer, which is usually used by flower growers.


It is widely believed among plant lovers that it makes no sense to transplant callisia, but it is better to grow new flower... Over time, the plant loses leaves and becomes bare. But this process is rather slow, so callisia retains its attractiveness and decorative effect for a long time. There are no special rules for transplanting a plant. Young callisia are transplanted annually. Older plants can be replanted less frequently - once every 2 years or as needed.

It is easy to prepare the soil for planting yourself. Its optimal composition is as follows: peat, leaf earth, humus, sand and sod are mixed in equal proportions. Before replanting the plant, broken shards or expanded clay should be placed on the bottom of the pot to ensure drainage for the plant.

Reproduction of callisia

It is very easy to propagate callisia, in almost the same way as, or. To do this, you just need to cut off the top, leaving two or three knots with it, and place the cutting in water. The stalk will soon develop roots. After the roots are sufficiently developed, the plant is transplanted into the ground. In order for callisia to be more attractive and look more decorative, several shoots can be planted together.

Another way of propagation of callisia is by layering. If there is enough space in the pot, then the process is buried in the ground at the second or third nodule. In the event that the pot is too small, then an additional container with earth can be placed next to it for these purposes. After the shoot has given roots, it is cut off. It turns out an independent little plant. The breeding process can be carried out throughout the year, but best time there will be a summer period when the plant is actively developing.

Diseases and pests

The greatest danger to callisia is represented by and.

Growing a golden mustache (video)

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There are hardly many people who have not heard of such a plant as the golden mustache and its miraculous properties. it popular name plants, and scientifically it is called the Fragrant collision. Golden mustache is a plant that is often found on windowsills, although its owners do not always know about the value of the grown specimen.

It is indicated for many diseases that have different symptoms, and therefore the treatment of a collision must strictly correspond to the exact diagnosis, and also be carried out after consultation with the attending physician.

Diseases of the circulatory system

This group of diseases includes many different ailments related to dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels.

With anemia, or anemia, the amount of hemoglobin contained in the blood decreases, which leads to a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

Such therapy should be monitored by the attending physician. The use of preparations containing iron is shown. It is with this characteristic that the use of a golden mustache is associated, since it includes such a trace element as iron. As a treatment, it is necessary to use a tincture or decoction of collision leaves. For this purpose, take 5-6 leaves of the plant, grind and boil in a liter of water, and in the case of tincture, pour 1 liter of medical alcohol. The treatment lasts one week. Both formulations are taken 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before the start of a meal, two to three times a day.

Arrhythmia is observed when violations in the rhythm and sequence of contractions of the heart muscle are detected, which can be due to both congenital diseases and disorders associated with side effects drugs, psychologically heavy loads, as well as metabolic disorders. In such situations, the use of collision combines a beneficial effect on nervous system, as well as restorative and sedative effect. Its use should correspond to the simultaneous appointment of a special regimen and in combination with adherence to a diet.

For treatment, the following composition is used: 2-3 leaves are crushed and 300 grams of liquid honey and juice squeezed from one lemon are added to this mass. This mixture is kept in the refrigerator. Treatment lasts one week, during which it is necessary to take 2 teaspoons of the composition twice a day half an hour before meals.

The development of atherosclerosis is associated with the formation of local cholesterol deposits in the vessels, which lead to their blockage and disruption of normal blood circulation. Flowers of a golden mustache and medicinal infusions based on it provide beneficial influence due to the substances it contains, such as kaempferol and quercetin. These are natural antioxidants that help to strengthen the muscle layer of the vessel walls.

As a therapy, a golden mustache is used, the tincture of the shoots of which is made according to this recipe: three shoots must be crushed and filled with 1 liter of alcohol or vodka. V dark place such a tincture is kept for two weeks and taken by mixing with sunflower oil in equal parts three times a day before meals, in the amount of three teaspoons. The course of therapy is 10 days.

Hypertension is characterized by regular increases in blood pressure, which may be due to a genetic predisposition or severe psychological trauma, as well as the presence in the patient's blood of a high concentration of metal salts and free radicals.

With such a disease, treatment with a golden mustache is auxiliary means, which has a positive therapeutic effect, especially in combination with hawthorn preparations. Here you can use the usual alcoholic tincture, for the manufacture of which the container is filled with 10 freshly cut and crushed leaves and filled with one liter of vodka. Insist on this mixture for 2 weeks and take 1/2 tablespoon three times a day. The golden mustache prepared in this way on vodka is used in all the recipes described below for internal use.

Hypotension is a disease that is the opposite of hypertension. With her, there is a frequent and systematic decrease in pressure and the associated symptoms: weakness and dizziness, lethargy and headaches.

In the presence of such a disease, the flowers of the golden mustache are prescribed in the form of an alcohol tincture, in a dosage similar to that for hypertension, for two weeks. The effectiveness of the treatment is increased if it is used together with tinctures and oils of lemongrass and Rhodiola rosea.

Respiratory diseases

At bronchial asthma the patient suffers from frequent repeated systematic attacks of suffocation and coughing. This disease is of an allergic nature. In such cases, the golden mustache is used as a remedy that can reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, thereby facilitating their patency.

For the treatment of this disease are used:

  • An alcoholic tincture made from 5 shoots of a golden mustache, filled with one liter of alcohol or vodka and infused for 2 weeks. This tincture is taken before each meal, 1/2 tablespoon.
  • Three long barrels and three large leaves must be thoroughly crushed and placed in a glass container. Crushed raw materials need to be poured with a liter of medical alcohol and insisted for 10 days in the refrigerator, stirring daily. The finished tincture is filtered and taken in a dosage similar to the previous recipe. The period of treatment with such a remedy is 10 days.
  • You can also insist the shoots of a golden mustache not only on alcohol and its derivatives, but also on cahors. To do this, take two collision barrels + 1 glass of Cahors + 1 glass of honey. Shoots are chopped with a blender or meat grinder and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Such a mixture is infused for one month, after which it is taken 1 hour before meals throughout the day, in the amount of 1 teaspoon. This treatment is continued for 1 month.

Bronchitis is often the result of colds or viral diseases and are characterized by inflammation of the mucous tissues of the bronchi. In the treatment of this disease, a golden mustache has proven itself well, recipes for the preparation of which are used as auxiliary medicines.

In acute bronchitis, decoctions of collision shoots are used, which are taken warm in a tablespoon 2-3 times a day before meals, and this decoction is also used as compresses that are applied to the chest and wrapped around the patient warm blanket keeping on the skin for about 20 minutes. To prepare it, you need to take 5 trunks, cut them lengthwise into thin strips and boil in a liter of water for 15 minutes.

In chronic bronchitis, golden mustache is also used, given some of its healing qualities, such as:

  • Expectorant. Recipe: One large leaf, a glass of honey, 1/2 glass of silver water. The leaves are crushed, mixed with the rest of the ingredients and boiled for an hour over low heat. This mixture is taken in a tablespoon twice a day.
  • Soothes irritated bronchi and throat. Recipe: 100 grams of honey + one teaspoon of collision juice + 2 teaspoons of aloe juice. The medicine is diluted in a glass of hot milk and drunk 1 hour before meals twice a day.
  • Healing warming ointment. The juice of a golden mustache in a mixture with internal pork fat is used as a rub on the chest, followed by wrapping. To do this, take the juice from the trunks of the plant in the amount of 3 tablespoons with fat, which will need twice as much, and mix thoroughly.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses. It can be both acute and chronic. It is characterized by impaired breathing through the nose, pain in the sinuses, lacrimation, purulent discharge, as well as an increase in overall body temperature.

In the treatment of such a disease, a golden mustache is used, the use of which is positioned as an additional, and not the main one. medicine... Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is excellent as an auxiliary therapy.

In the fight against the disease, golden mustache is widely used. Prescriptions of medicines:

  • Compresses on the area of ​​the nose, for which they take the leaves of the plant, scald with boiling water and apply to the skin in areas on both sides of the nose. Such procedures are done several times a day for 10 minutes.
  • The inner mucosa is treated with oil infused on the collision leaves. To do this, you need to take the juice of the plant and mix with vegetable oil, in a ratio of 1: 5. Turundas that are placed in the nasal passages must be thoroughly impregnated with this compound.
  • Also, the use of alcoholic tinctures inside helps to achieve a general strengthening effect and relieve inflammatory processes in the body. The course of treatment is one week. The tincture is taken 2-3 times a day, one teaspoon at a time shortly before meals.

Joint diseases

Due to trauma, congenital abnormalities, age-related changes or salt deposits, joints are often subject to various diseases that are difficult to treat with medication.

Arthritis is a disease of the joint tissues, which is characterized by frequent pain that reduces the ability to exercise, and causes a lot of discomfort to a person. With this disease, it is very good to help folk remedies in the form of various rubbing and ointments.

For treatment, a golden mustache is used, the tincture of the trunks of which is made according to this recipe: 5 stems of the plant are thoroughly crushed and mixed with half a liter of vodka or medical alcohol. After the mixture is well infused for three weeks, sore spots are rubbed with it and well-soaked compresses are applied to the joints. After that, heat must be supplied to the affected area, for this you need to wrap it in a warm woolen cloth.

For compresses, take gauze or cloth napkins, which are folded several times and soaked in infusion. Apply such compresses for a long time, up to two hours, wrapping the joints with polyethylene.

Treatment with a golden whisker, along with the use of rubbing and compresses, is fixed by the use of tincture inside, to remove the general inflammatory process in the body. In this case, the tincture is taken 1 tablespoon before eating for one hour, for 10 days.

Osteochondrosis is characterized by displacement of the intervertebral discs, due to which there are severe pain with physical activity. Such a disease is treated only with a complex of special physical exercise, massages and the use of external treatments.

According to the recipe described above, alcohol tincture, which is used as a rubbing and compress on sore spots, which relieves severe conditions with osteochondrosis.

Eye diseases

Golden whisker treatment various diseases eyes that are infectious or inflammatory, such as conjunctivitis, are produced using infusions for washing. To do this, you need to take one leaf of the plant and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it. Insist the composition for two hours. With this tool, you can rinse your eyes or gently wipe it with cotton swabs soaked in infusion.

Similar compositions can be made in combination with chamomile flowers. Such infusions disinfect well and remove the bactericidal environment, and also soothe inflammatory processes.

For glaucoma, the use of an eye wash prepared according to the above recipe is indicated.

Skin diseases

Various skin inflammations respond well to treatment due to the antibacterial effect, the ability to eliminate puffiness and inflammatory processes.

For the treatment of all kinds of abscesses and boils, fresh leaves are used, which are poured over with boiling water and applied to the site of inflammation, and also wiped with alcohol tinctures.

For the treatment of warts, the juice of the Golden Whisker plant is widely used. Its use goes well with the use of celandine. The juice from the two plants is taken in equal parts.

An excellent remedy for removing warts is freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the collision, as well as ointments based on it. To this end, take 3-4 large leaves, grind strongly and pour in two teaspoons of silver water. This mixture is infused for half an hour and the resulting juice is smeared with warts twice a day.

The healing and antibacterial properties of the plant work well in the treatment of burns and frostbite. To do this, take fresh leaves, douse them with boiling water and apply them as a compress to the affected areas.

It is good for such a disease to use a specially prepared prescription ointment: golden mustache - 1 part (juice squeezed from the shoots) + petroleum jelly or lanolin cream - 3 parts.

Infectious diseases

The antibacterial properties of the plant are the best suited for the treatment of diseases of a bactericidal and infectious nature. When treating herpes, you can use an ointment from fresh leaves and petroleum jelly.

Oil infused with collision, calendula and eucalyptus also works well. It is good to use such a remedy for colds, rubbing it on the chest and under the nose, as an inhalation.

With herpes infection, it is good to lubricate the affected area with freshly squeezed collision juice.

Influenza conditions

Influenza infections cause unpleasant symptoms such as high body temperature and dry cough and sore throat, as well as general malaise. In the fight against such diseases, the valuable properties of the golden mustache perfectly manifest themselves as an excellent remedy.

It is good to use water infusions and decoctions for gargling. Golden mustache has a bactericidal, anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory effect. In this case, gargle a sore throat at least 3 times a day.

As an inhalation, it is good to use an ointment made from petroleum jelly with juice from any parts of the collision plant, with the addition of eucalyptus and jojoba oil.

Golden mustache is a plant used as a general tonic. Increasing the body's immunity is achieved by using a decoction of the herb echinacea in combination with collision. To prepare such an infusion, you need to take two teaspoons of dried echinacea herb and the same amount of crushed golden mustache raw materials and pour 1 liter hot water, insist for two hours, then take 1 tablespoon half an hour before the start of a meal, three times a day.

Action on the central nervous system

Decoctions using golden mustache are often recommended in the treatment of conditions such as depression or alcohol addiction. In both cases, tea from collision helps to fight fatigue, impotence, headaches. These symptoms often accompany the above diseases. As a fortifying agent, the collision has proven itself quite well.

In this case, the golden mustache is used in combination with the root of ginseng, motherwort, St. John's wort, both individually and in a general recipe. You can combine them with each other and make up various tea compositions.


For cosmetic purposes, the healing golden mustache is widely used both to relieve inflammation and to eliminate acne. Antibacterial properties are widely used during baths with the addition of a decoction, which will eliminate minor skin imperfections and relieve inflammation. They help well from corns foot bath with a strong collision broth.

Golden mustache. Contraindications

Before using any formulations, you should consult with your doctor. Like any other drug, it has its own side effects on the body and the use of the plant Golden mustache. Contraindications to use: allergic reactions to the plant. The collision is not poisonous, and therefore, in the absence of an overdose, it has no other contraindications for use. Golden mustache in the pharmacy can be found in the form of cosmetic and medicinal balms and creams, as well as elixirs, combined with leech extract, bee venom and ginkgo biloba, celandine and other plants. The price for elixirs varies from 30 to 60 rubles, and for balms and creams - from 30 to 120 rubles.

The wide spectrum of action and valuable properties of the golden mustache are indispensable in the fight against diseases and when used for cosmetic purposes. In addition, this beautiful plant will become good decoration windowsill and will always be ready to provide you with the assistance you need.