Curl lesson in the preparatory group. Outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: Decorative drawing "Curl" (based on Khokhloma painting) in the preparatory group

Abstract of a drawing lesson in preparatory group on this topic:

"Khokhloma painting".


1. To acquaint children with the history of the craft and the works of folk

arts and crafts, painting technology and features of the Khokhloma drawing.

2. Explain the differences between species Khokhloma painting.

3. To promote the manifestation of accuracy in work, the development of imagination and observation.

4. To foster interest and love for folk art, a sense of pride and patriotism for the rich cultural heritage Russia. To give children the opportunity to feel like folk craftsmen.

Equipment and materials:

products with Khokhloma painting, postcards, reproductions;

poster "Khokhloma painting";

presentation "Khokhloma painting";

model for coloring "Saucer";

a jar for water;

signet-poke (cotton swabs, 2 pcs.);



During the classes:

Educator: A long time ago, in the Nizhny Novgorod Trans-Volga region, the custom arose to decorate wooden dishes with painting. In this forest area, almost everything was made of wood. The entire territory of the region was like one workshop scattered over hundreds of villages. Residents, as if by agreement, divided among themselves all types of production of wooden products. Each group of villages had a center - a large trading village, where peasants came to the market every week to sell their products. The villages where they sharpened and painted wooden dishes were located around the large trading village of Khokhloma, which gave its name to the entire art of painting. It was from here that cups and spoons scattered like firebirds all over the earth. When the merchant was asked: "Where is such a miracle from?", He proudly answered: "From Khokhloma." And so it happened: Khokhloma and Khokhloma. To this day, the name of the painted dishes is Khokhloma.

But before the dishes fell into the hands of the merchants, they were made by the “golden” hands of the craftsmen. How did the craftsmen come up with painting wooden dishes in golden color without the use of gold? This still remains a mystery even for specialists. But the process worked out for centuries and now turns the usual white tree into a shiny gold piece.

What is the secret of the colorful Khokhloma dishes? How is it done? It turns out it's not easy at all.

1. Wood product covered with a liquid solution of clay "vapy". Clay closes the pores of the wood, creating a waterproof layer.

2. After this, the products are moistened wet linseed oil and dry well. Then cover with linseed oil and dry again, repeating this operation 3-4 times.

3. The next step is tinning. The product is covered with half a day: tin or aluminum powder is rubbed into the product with a swab. Products become smooth, shiny and resemble metal.

4. And only now the dyer (the person who applies the pattern) starts to work. The painting is applied oil paints... All elements of the painting are performed immediately with a brush, without preliminary drawing with a pencil.

5. Painted and dried product is covered with oil varnish (previously covered with linseed oil) and put into the oven for "heating". The varnish turns yellow under the influence of temperature. Then this delicious honey-gold color appears. This is how the phrase "Golden Khokhloma" arose.

According to the masters, such dishes are not afraid of either heat or cold, they wash well, they serve for a long time, they compete with gold in their elegance, and are affordable for everyone.

Question: What colors do the masters use?

Answer: Red, black, very little yellow and green for small details.

Question: What patterns do you see on the dishes?

Answer: Leaves, berries, curls, dots.

Question: And what can these drawings be compared to? Do craftsmen invent them themselves or borrow somewhere?

Answer: Nature has twigs, leaves, grass.

Educator: Right! The master knows and loves the forest side: here viburnum, mountain ash, lingonberry - all kinds of fruits, flowers and herbs are expanse.

Let's take a closer look and see that the Khokhloma painting is divided into two types: "riding" writing and "background".

The peculiarity of the "horse" painting consists in applying a pattern with strokes over a golden background.

The peculiarity of the "background" painting is that the background around the pattern is painted in red or black. With this method, leaves, flowers or birds stand out against this background in the form of golden silhouettes.

But usually these two types of painting are intricately intertwined in one product.

The most favorite among Khokhloma artists is the "herb pattern" or "grass", which vaguely resembles sedge. Often a flower, a bird, a fish is depicted among the "grass". The most intricate patterns are called "curls": grass, turns into large curls - curls.

Here are the berries. For berries, lingonberries, currants and mountain ash use a poke sign ( cotton swab). But gooseberries, strawberries and raspberries are drawn immediately with a brush. After the red paint dries, the berries are “diluted” with yellow color.

A blade of grass is a thin, smoothly curving stem, from which curved stems with curls extend in all directions. Brush pressure falls on the widest part of the blade of grass.

"Kudrina" is a floral-leafy pattern with rounded wide leaves with curls.

A leaf is most often a stylized currant leaf. Leaves and flowers begin to perform with the image of the stems, then draw the basic shape of a leaf or flower. Next, veins are drawn on the leaves and stamens on the flowers.

From such elements, you can make a pattern.

"The world of magic Khokhloma"


Somehow festively alive


Black and red grass.

The leaves are turning red

From the breath of winter.

We enter the kingdom of Berendey -

Into the world of magic Khokhloma.

(B. Dubrovsky)

And today we will try to turn into masters of the Khokhloma painting, and we will make a "herbal" pattern. The art of Khokhloma is the pride of our culture. Khokhloma's golden patterns have absorbed all the beauty of the Russian land.

In the process of independent work, the educator provides children with creative freedom, providing individual assistance. You can turn on soft folk music. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition is arranged. The guys set their saucers on a special stand and, together with the teacher, choose best works... The teacher does not forget to praise each pupil, to note what he did best.

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Golden Khokhloma. Painting on a plate based on Khokhloma painting "(made in an unconventional technique: wax pencils and watercolors).

The author of the work: Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher of additional education in fine arts. MBDOU number 202 Kindergarten general developmental type "Fairy Tale"
Description: this summary will be of interest to educators of senior and preparatory groups, teachers of additional education in arts and crafts, as well as simply creative people.
Target: expansion of knowledge about folk craft Khokhloma painting.
- to form an idea of ​​children about the appearance of dishes in ancient time;
- to tell about the appearance of the Khokhloma painting;
- teach to consistently perform work in non-traditional technology;
- learn to beautifully arrange the pattern over the entire surface of the plate;
- contribute to the development of aesthetic taste;
- to promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands, through drawing small curls;
- to foster interest in the folk crafts of Russia, pride in our craftsmen;
- to foster interest in drawing, through the use of non-traditional techniques.
Preliminary work: study of dishes, folk crafts in the classroom around the world.
Methodical techniques: story, conversation-dialogue, visual material, practical work.
Course of the lesson:
Educator- Every day we use different utensils: kitchen, dining room, tea room. This tableware is made of metal, porcelain and glass. There are dishes that we use every day, and there are beautiful festive sets that are only taken out on holidays to set the table. Do you know how the dishes appeared?
Dishes appeared a long time ago. At first, the ancient people used the bark of trees to, for example, scoop up water or the shell of nuts. They tried to gouge vessels out of stone and wood. Sea shells were used as spoons, they were convenient for scooping food. The dishes were gradually improved. People have learned to make dishes out of clay, to burn them.

And of course, since ancient times, people have tried to make dishes not only convenient for use, but also beautiful, therefore, since ancient times, various patterns have been applied to the dishes. The first patterns were simple, they were made with thin wooden sticks, this geometric figures, people, animals.

So there appeared wooden dishes, earthenware - ceramic, and later people learned to make porcelain, which we use now.
Wooden dishes exist in our time, but now they are more often used to decorate the interior. Beautiful, bright it stands on a shelf or in a closet and pleases the eyes with its unique pattern. Whoever knows from you the name of this dish?
Children- Khokhloma.

Educator- Right. This wooden tableware, painted floral ornament... What does vegetable mean?
Children- this is grass, flowers, berries.
Educator- Yes this all kinds of plants: grass and leaves, berries, flowers with beautiful curls. According to legend, this painting was created by a talented master - icon painter Andrei Loskut. He worked for the king and he generously rewarded him for his work. But the master loved freedom most of all. One night he left the royal court and went to live in the forest. Andrey wanted to paint not only icons. He dreamed of creating something simple, necessary and at the same time beautiful, like native nature around. This is how the first wooden dishes appeared. And since the master lived in the forest, he began to paint it with flowers, berries, leaves, twigs. The fame of the amazing master reached the surrounding lands. Many came to him to see these dishes, someone stayed forever, wanting to learn how to create the same wonderful products. Andrei Loskut passed on the secrets of his skill to his fellow villagers, his skill has been preserved, to this day, pleasing the eyes and souls of people. And since all this was in the village of Khokhloma, the painting began to be called - Khokhloma. This painting is distinguished by obtaining a golden color without the use of precious metal. Therefore, they often say "golden khokhloma".

Now we will paint our plates based on the Khokhloma painting.
For this we need:
- yellow and red wax crayons;
- black watercolor;
- wide brush No. 5 or No. 6.
1. First, with a yellow wax pencil, draw three leaves at the bottom of the plate.

2. draw three large strawberries with a red wax pencil over the yellow leaves.

3. between the berries with a yellow pencil, draw droplet leaves from smallest to largest.

4. draw curls between the lower leaves

5. add small flowers and curls at the top.

6. paint over the entire plate with black watercolor.

The plate painting based on the Khokhloma painting is ready.

Author: Grishchenko S. А. educator MBDOU №31 Armavir.
The purpose of the lesson:
Drawing up a pattern from a smoothly curving branch with berries, leaves, curls, herbs.
Continue introducing the art of Khokhloma
Continue learning to draw a pattern in a specific sequence (border, branch, berries, curls)
To form the ability to combine colors in a pattern that are typical for Khokhloma painting: black, red, gold (ocher). Develop Creative skills children.
To educate accuracy, the ability to objectively evaluate children's work.

Demo material:
Multimedia, tape recorder, items with Khokhloma painting, brushes, gouache, oilcloths, napkins, brush stands, cans of water, palette,
Preliminary work:
Excursion to the museum, acquaintance with Russian folk art crafts, training sessions on Khokhloma painting, examination of samples.
The course of the lesson.
Everyone sat down at their desks, everyone looked at me to make the lesson interesting, creative, we begin the lesson with a good mood.
Show children a demonstration material with a Khokhloma pattern. Look at the screen slide No. 1, No. 2.
What is this subject?
Children: this is a plate, this is a bowl, spoons,
What patterns is the plate decorated with?
Children: Khokhloma.
Today you and I will learn to draw a small plate with a Khokhloma pattern. Look at the bottom and top of the product, straight stripes are drawn, repeating the shape of the object. Slide number 3 is a border.
What does the pattern on the bowl consist of? (From a branch with berries, leaves, curls and grass). Slide number 4.
Sediments are the simplest element of the pattern. It is performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom.
Blades of grass are strokes with a slight smooth thickening.
The droplets are drawn by applying a brush to the paper.
Antennae are drawn in the form of a continuous line of equal thickness, twisted into a spiral.
The curls are made with light pressure in the middle of the element.
The bush is the most complex element; all elements of the herbal ornament can participate in its image.
Which branch? (Curved). How are the berries and leaves located on the branch? Where are the curls and weed located? Name the colors used to paint the elements of the patterns. Slide number 5.
Now let's talk in detail about the methods of applying elements of the Khokhloma painting. Slide number 6. The order of drawing the elements of the pattern: at the top and bottom of the product draw a border, then along the bowl a slightly curved branch; it depicts berries, leaves (three at a time), then curls and thin curved grass are depicted on all free places on the branch.
Physical minute.
Flowers grow in the meadow
Unprecedented beauty.
Flowers reach out to the sun.
Stretch with them too.
The wind blows sometimes
Only it doesn't matter.
The flowers are leaning
The petals are lowered.
And then they get up again
And they are still blooming.

We continue to draw. When the children draw berries and leaves, advise them to finish drawing to the berries small parts at their ends (dots or "antennae", and on the leaves - streaks (black). Draw curls and grass with the tip of a brush.
A small view of the work performed. Correctness of implementation. Accuracy of execution. We select the most successfully completed work.
Analysis of errors. Conclusion. Presentation. A small survey to determine the types of Khokhloma ornament.

Developed by Prototype in Uncategorized and posted on 30th May, 2015
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Marina Mikhailova
Summary of the lesson for the preparatory group "Curl. Acquaintance with Khokhloma painting "

Target: To generalize the knowledge of children about the folk art craft of Russian masters.


to acquaint with the Khokhloma painting and its features;

teach to highlight an elegant, bright color, composition and elements of the Khokhloma pattern (curl, droplet, blade of grass) and teach to see the beauty of products;

teach brush painting techniques decorative elements vegetable pattern Khokhloma painting;

develop color perception, a sense of rhythm, creative imagination;

to develop in children knowledge about folk crafts: Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel;

to cultivate love and respect for the work of folk craftsmen;

Preliminary work: Educator's informative story about Khokhloma products.

Reading. Viewing albums of decorative and applied art: "Gzhel", "Khokhloma", "Gorodets", " Dymkovo toy". Consideration of products of decorative and applied arts.

Memorizing nursery rhymes, poems about Russian folk crafts. Making riddles.

Making blanks with children - templates for Khokhloma painting. Toning templates.

Materials: products from Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymka, with Gorodets painting, illustrations depicting products from Khokhloma, a doll in folk style, cut pictures "Folk crafts" by the number of children, ready-made templates spoons for painting, brushes, napkins, jars of water, gouache, schemes for the stage-by-stage drawing of elements and compositions of painting, a scheme for the color of Khokhloma.

Vocabulary work: khokhloma, painting, grass, elements of painting, curl, droplet, leaf, color.

Course of the lesson:

Come in guys, stand in a semicircle.

We have guests today. Let's say hello to them and not get distracted anymore. And the guests are not alone today. She came to us from the distant lands of Matryona, to look at us, to show herself, and to boast of her goods. Let's see what Matryona has prepared for us.

(children examine haze products, Gorodets painting, Gzhel)

Look guys at these items. Which ones are you familiar with?

Guys, what kind of handicrafts did you see? (children's answers)

That's right, this is Gorodets painting (put the name, and this is Gzhel (name, here Dymkovo young ladies (name ... And what kind of miracle is this?)

Look, it's like unusual wooden bowls and spoons, ladles and bowls, but gold!

And this beauty is called - golden khokhloma.

We will talk about her today, find out where she was born, what it serves, what objects are painted with this painting and how it is made.

Come in, sit down in your seats.

An old legend tells: a man once lived in the Nizhny Novgorod forests, on the banks of a quiet river. Who he is and where he came from, we do not know. The man cut out wooden bowls and spoons and painted them like that (he painted them as if they were made of pure gold. The king found out about this and got angry: "Why don't I have such a master in my palace! Come to me! Immediately!" stamped his foot and sent a soldier to bring the craftsman to the palace. The soldiers went to carry out the tsar's order, but no matter how much they looked, they could not find the miracle master. He left who knows where, but first taught the local peasants to make "golden" dishes. Cup to spoon in "gold."

And making a real Khokhloma is not at all easy.

First, the master carves a blank out of wood - the future bowl. Then he dries it and covers it with a thin layer of clay. Now the bowl looks like an earthen one, then it is impregnated with linseed oil. And gold for the "golden khokhloma" is not required! Instead of expensive gold, they rub the bowl with tin or aluminum powder. The bowl shines like silver. Then the bowl is varnished and placed in the oven. Do not cook porridge, but for drying, for "hardening". And a miracle happens: the wooden bowl turns golden, with an elegant, colorful pattern!

Algorithm "The sequence of manufacturing Khokhloma products"

1. Grinding products on the machine.

2. Putty - covered with a thin layer of clay.

3. Sandpaper - wipe with sandpaper.

4. Drying oil - coated with a special compound for wooden surfaces.

5. Tinned - coated with aluminum powder and tempered in a very hot oven.

6. Cover the product with a special varnish.

The varnish turns yellow under the influence of temperature. Then this delicious honey-gold color appears.

Craftswomen manually painted products with an intricate ornament with a soft brush.

Khokhloma painting - a scattering of scarlet berries.

The brush is bathed in paint

Here I snuggled up once,

And a golden curl gleamed on the dishes.

Brush draws cilia

Next to that curl.

And dry blades of grass under a cheerful stroke

Turned into blades of grass

The tendril curls crawling ...

poem by P. Sinyavsky "Khokhloma"

Tell me, what colors are found in the patterns? (four colors: red, black, yellow, green)

See what plant elements the Khokhloma pattern consists of? (when the children name them, the correct name is given.)

You have listed the elements, but in the Khokhloma painting they are called differently: curl, and the leaves are decorated with liveliness, in the form of veins. There are scarlet bunches of mountain ash, and a ripe strawberry, and curls of herbs and leaves.

The curl is the main element of the Khokhloma painting.

What is the main rule when drawing up a pattern? (the elements of the pattern should be placed rhythmically, at the same distance, repeating the elements evenly).

Getting the skill of drawing elements.

Let's try with you to draw some elements of the Khokhloma painting. (a diagram with elements is exposed)

Children draw on separate sheets of paper under the guidance of a teacher with a demonstration of drawing techniques.

Guys, our guest Matryona has prepared tasks and gifts for you. Take the envelopes, open and take out the cards. Look carefully at the cards, determine where the Khokhloma painting is and bring it to our Firebird. (there is a painted bird on the board called the painting) (completing the task) Well done.

Let's take another look at the products of Khokhloma. How much heat they radiate, soft, smooth to the touch, pleasing to the eye. The colors shine so brightly

Golden khokhloma,

What's in her warm rays

We keep warm.

And how delicious it is to eat from such a fabulous dish! And even with a golden painted spoon. Khokhloma is not afraid of heat, moisture, or cold. All the same, its colors will shine, the "gold" will not fade. Because the golden hands of the masters made this miracle.

“I think that today we can also briefly turn into Russian masters and try to paint the dishes with Khokhloma painting ourselves.

And the Firebird will help us in this.

Let's say magic words with you and make magic movements, and then we will turn into masters of Khokhloma.

Physical education.

The Khokhloma bird was waving its wings (Hands to the sides, swinging)

She waved her wings - scattered gold. (Mahi, shake hands)

I swung my head, swung my head to the sides (Head tilts)

Yes, I collected Russian grass from the land. (Tilts to the floor, collect)

She collected herbs, decorated the bowls, (We collect, draw a circle with our hands)

She passed her skill to us with love. (Hands to heart, hands forward.)

Well, here we are, masters and craftswomen. Let's go to our seats.

- Guys, look, what gifts Matryona brought you? (wooden spoons). And the Firebird gave you knowledge about Khokhloma and her skill. Therefore, we will now try to paint these spoons with you.

But first, look at the sequence in which we will paint them. (the teacher analyzes the sequence of the spoon painting according to the stage-by-stage development).

Doing work by children. (During the work of children, a Russian folk melody sounds quietly).

- Well done, guys, today you are real Khokhloma artists, you have painted such wonderful spoons that we will have enough for the whole fair.

Now look at these products and tell me what kind of mood does Khokhloma dishes evoke?

Choose and display the most beautiful spoon. Tell us about it: what color it is, what colors it is painted with, what berries are on the pattern, why is this spoon better than others.

Golden Khokhloma!

And rich and beautiful

I am glad to see the guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, cups and ladles -

And what is there just not!

Bunches of fire rowan trees

Sunny summer poppies

And the daisies of the meadows,

Dawn beams of hearts

And patterned ornament

Ancient Suzdal brocade!

Abstract of the GCD for decorative drawing with children of primary preschool age.


Software content: continue to develop children's artistic taste, acquaint them with (Dymkovo, Gorodets, Khokhloma, Gzhel painting).
Develop aesthetic feelings: colors, compositions.
To consolidate the skill freely and with the whole brush, all over the sheet of paper, but without going beyond its borders. Teach children to evaluate the work performed, highlighting the means of expression.

Materials: paper different color and forms in accordance with the forms of a particular kind of decorative art. Items decorated with Dymkovo, Gorodets, Khokhloma painting, Dunno toy.

Preparation for the lesson: before the lesson, make an acquaintance with decorative and applied folk and modern art (fabrics, scarves, dishes, etc.), reviewing albums, postcards, filmstrips on the topic.

Course of the lesson:

Introductory part: knock on the door. Children, let's see who came to visit us there. This is Dunno.
Why are you so sad?
N: Look how many different objects I have, and what is drawn on them and what they are called and why they are needed, I do not know.
Children will help Dunno answer his questions. (Ask the children what folk decorative arts they know).
Show cooked items, clarify how they look, how they are decorated.

Let's teach Dunno how to draw a pattern called Curl.

Invite children to draw a pattern based on one of the considered types of painting, passing it on characteristics.
Offer to choose paper of your choice different shapes, think and choose paints that you will need when painting.
Tell the children that we are drawing a pattern on the whole sheet.

Performing part:
I help those children who have difficulty doing work, give instructions, verbal instructions, and encourage children along the way.
I invite the children to put off their work for a while and get up and play with Dunno.

Physical minute.
Dunno stretched
Bent down once, bent down twice,
He spread his arms to the sides,
Apparently the key was not found.

Final part:
We are with you today,
The patterns were drawn.
And the patterns are not simple,
Painted and like a rainbow colored.
We drew a pattern on the whole leaf,
And they called it a curl.
Curls, then what,
We have placed them at the exhibition.
And now they hang
And to all adults and children
Pleasing to the eye.

Children did you like our lesson?
And who came to us?
And what did we do with you?
And who remembers what types of decorative painting exist?
What pattern did we draw with you today?

All works are positively assessed by the teacher.
Invite children to choose the most beautiful patterns and explain why they chose this particular work.
Invite the children to design an exhibition on arts and crafts in a group.

Children say goodbye to Dunno, and he thanks them for their help and presents sweet gifts.

Title: Abstract of GCD in younger group drawing "Curl"

Position: educator
Place of work: GKUZ KO KDRS " Warm house»
Location: Kemerovo, Kemerovo region, Russia