Synopsis of the GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory school group "Sea Voyage". Synopsis of the GCD "Mathematical Development" in the preparatory group

Burliyat Akhmedpashayeva
Synopsis of GCD " Mathematical development" in preparatory group.

GCD « Mathematical development» in preparatory group.

Subject: "Journey to a fairy tale"


- Development of the imagination, ingenuity, ingenuity, attention;

Learn to listen to information.

Learning tasks:

1) Exercise in solving examples for addition and subtraction, in solving arithmetic problems.

2) Strengthen counting skills within 10.

4) To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes.

5) To consolidate knowledge about the times and months of the year.

Development tasks:

1)Development of attention, memory, creative imagination, logical thinking.

2) Contribute to the formation and expression of their thoughts.

3)develop speech.

Educational tasks:

1) Cultivate independence, endurance, ability

listen to the question of the teacher to the end.

2) Cultivate friendly relationships, the ability to work in a team.

Integrates with educational areas:






Simple pencils, notebooks, a set of numbers, a game material"Kuiser's Sticks", images of dolls, drawings depicting the heroes of a fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" for coloring, an easel for a teacher, a flannelograph, cards with the image of Pinocchio and cards with the image of Karabas.

Progress directly - educational activities

(Music from a fairy tale sounds "The Adventures of Pinocchio").

caregiver: “Children, someone is knocking on the door!”(Opens door to group the postman enters with a bag on his shoulder).

Postman: “Children, I brought you a letter from Fairytale City. Pinocchio is writing to you. (The postman gives the letter to the teacher). Goodbye, guys! (Postman leaves).

caregiver: - Guys, have you watched the fairy tale about Pinocchio? (Yes)

Let's read the letter from Pinocchio. The teacher opens the envelope and reads letter: "Dear Guys! Karabas-Barabas grabbed me. He does not want to let me go until I complete the tasks, and I find it difficult to complete them. Help me please. I really want to get into the new puppet theater.”

Guys, do you agree to help Pinocchio and go to the Fairytale City? (Yes)

caregiver: Our first task is called "Merry Account".

1. Warm up:

Direct and reverse counting within 10; (Children pass the ball to each other and call numbers from 1 to 10 and vice versa).

The teacher calls the numbers 5,6,7, and the children - "neighbors of this number", show the corresponding numbers and explain your answer;

The teacher calls the numbers from 1 to 8; from 1 to 5; from 1 to 6, and children count from this number to 10;

Compare numbers 4 and 6, 2 and 9, 7 and 7;

Children, you have done this task very quickly.

2. Orientation on a sheet of paper. "Graphic Dictation".


Children, look! The girl with blue hair is Malvina. She ran away from

Karabasa got lost. She wants to get into the new puppet theater. Can we help her find her way?

Children open notebooks. From the marked point, children draw as directed educator: 1 cell right, 3 up, 1 right, 3 down, 1 right, 1 up, 1 right, etc.

Well done, children! So we showed Malvina the way.

3. The third task. Solving simple arithmetic problems.

Images of Carabas dolls appear on the flannelograph.


Guys, what were the names of Karabas dolls?

Karabas had 7 dolls. He caught and took Pinocchio to him. Did Karabas have more or less dolls? (children's answers) How much has it become? What is the condition in this problem? What question? (children's answers)

4. Physical education


Guys, are you tired?

Well then, let's all get up together.

Pinocchio stretched

Once - bent over.

Two - bent over.

Hands to the side divorced.

(Perform movements in accordance with the text)

Apparently the key has not been found.

(gesture of regret).

To key

(turns left - right)

We get

(hands up)

Gotta get on your toes

(rising on toes).

5 task. Solve examples quickly and correctly (orally)

(Images of dolls appear on the flannelgraph. Children put up the required number of dolls and solve examples).

Guys, how many dolls were there? (3) How much more do you need to take? (4) How much has it become? and. etc.

We have completed this task as well.

6 task.


And now, children, we are in the theater of geometric figures. You need to look and tell from the picture how many and what shapes you see.

7 task.


We need to complete one more task in the theater of geometric figures. Us

You need to solve riddles and make figures.

1. Three peaks are visible here

Three corners, three sides

Well, perhaps enough! -

What do you see? - (triangle).

2. From it we build a house.

And a window in the house in that house.

We sit down for him at lunch,

We have fun in leisure time.

Everyone in the house is happy for him

Who is he? Our friend - (square).

3. Circle the brick with chalk

All on asphalt

And the figure will turn out -

Of course you know her. (rectangle)


Children, you need to make these three shapes and name them.

8. "Workout"


Now we are training for the eyes.

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text)

One to the left, two to the right

Three up, four down.

And now we look around

To see the world better.

Exercising the eye muscle.

We'll see better soon

Check it out now!

Now let's press a little

Dots near your eyes.

We give them a lot of strength,

To amplify a hundred times!

(Look left. Look right.

Circular eye movements: left - up - right - down - right - up - left - down.

Raise your gaze up. Drop your gaze down.

blink quickly)

9 task.

To consolidate knowledge about the seasons and months of the year.


Now, children, guess riddles.

1. The sun bakes, the linden blossoms

Rye ripens, when does it happen? (summer).

2. Who whitens the glades with white.

And writes on the walls with chalk.

Sewing down duvets.

Did you decorate all the windows? (winter).

3. The snow is melting, the meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does it happen? (spring).

4. The fields are empty, the earth is getting wet,

The rain is pouring down

When does it happen? (in autumn).

Guys, what month does the year start from?

What month ends?

What seasons do you know?

What months does autumn (summer, spring, winter) consist of? (children's answers)

caregiver: Well done, children!

Here we have completed the tasks. Pinocchio will be able to free himself from Karabas and get with his friends to the new puppet theater, which is located behind the cherished door, behind the hearth, because you all actively participated and did everything correctly.

Guys, let's tell Pinocchio this news, write him a letter.

(The teacher and the children write a letter and send it).

Guys, where have you been today? Did you enjoy your trip? What was the most difficult for you? What did you find interesting? The next time you go to

journey to another fabulous city where you will be met by others fairy-tale heroes. And who will meet us there is a secret.

Guys, how are you feeling? If it’s good, then raise a card with the image of Pinocchio, and if it’s bad, then a card with the image of Karabas. (Children show cards). I see that everyone is in a good mood.

Knock on the door. The teacher opens the door. Pinocchio appears.


Thanks a lot guys for the help! I got rid of Karabas-Barabas and I hurry with my friends to the new puppet theater. As a keepsake, I want to give you pictures of my friends. Goodbye, children.

Synopsis of GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory group for school



    to consolidate the ability to navigate on a plane;

    to consolidate the ability to classify sets according to three properties: color, shape, size.


    develop the skill of orderly counting within 20;

    develop logical thinking ability to find similarities and differences;

    develop visual attention, general, fine motor skills, creative imagination;

    to encourage the child's desire to express his thoughts and judgments with the help of accurate, clear speech.


    to maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games of mathematical content, to show perseverance, determination, imagination, ingenuity, analytical perception, mutual assistance.

preliminary work: reading a fairy tale Swan geese”, a conversation with a teacher, according to a fairy tale.


    multimedia equipment,

    record player,

    three hoops (red, green, yellow),

    educational game manual "Gyenesh Blocks",

    schemes of signs-symbols denoting the properties of objects;

    apple pictures different forms and size and color

    digital "Yes - no",

    pictures (apple tree, river, hedgehog, stove),

    landscape sheet with dots numbered in ascending order for the game exercise "Connect the dots",

    flat apples with examples for the game exercise "Collect apples",

    lgeubesdia card,

    counting sticks,

  • checkered paper, pencils.

GCD progress:

1. Organizational moment:

Children enter the group together with the teacher, stand on the carpet around the teacher.

2. Motivational part

Educator:- Today we have a long journey with adventures, with tasks for ingenuity and ingenuity. A fairy tale will help us in this. You will recognize its name if you first read all the red and then the black letters.

LGEUBESDIYI - "Geese-swans"

3. Main body

Educator:- I suggest you start the journey .... How does the fairy tale begin? How many swan geese were there? - Attention. Riddle in verse:

Two geese are flying over us

Two geese behind the clouds.

The three went down the stream.

How many geese were there? (Seven)

Let's make up the number 7 from the two smaller numbers, all possible options. 6 and 1; 5 and 2; 4&Z; 3 and 4; 2 and 5; 1 and 6.

Educator:- Let's get back to the story. A girl came running, looked - there was no brother. The girl ran to look for her brother, runs and sees ... And what she saw, you will find out if you correctly connect the numbers from 1 to 12 (Children connect)

Educator:- That's right, OVEN. Stove, stove, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

Stove:- Get out the pies and count how many of them I have baked? And the game "Yes-no" will help me in this.

Rules of the game:

The teacher lays out cards with the numbers 1-9 on the table in a row and thinks of a number.

Children guess it by asking questions that can be answered "Yes" or "No".

Educator:- And now imagine that there are a lot of pies and they are in the form geometric shapes.
Arrange the pies in three baskets (in the first basket - all round, in the second - all
yellow, in the third - large figures).

A game is being played with the "Gyenes Blocks", the children lay out the figures in three hoops.

Educator:- The stove showed the girl the way. And now I'll show you the way, and you remember
it, and then lay out the same path with the help of counting sticks, taking into account the color and quantity.

    How many green sticks?

    How much red?

    How many sticks should you take?

Educator:- The girl ran along the path and suddenly sees an APPLE TREE.

“Apple tree, apple tree, where did the swan geese fly?” the girl asks. Do my job, then I'll tell you.

Task: Collect the apples in the basket according to the diagrams that are on the table. According to the schemes, children find apple figures and put them in a basket (on one apple - an example, on the other - the answer; you need to pick up the apples correctly).


Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

To the sides of the hand, gently wave -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down - we will also show:

Wings folded back.

    River, river, where did the swans geese fly? - asked the girl.

    I'll tell you when you draw the riverbed. A graphic dictation will help with this.

From the point 3 cells down and 3 cells to the right, 2 cells down and 2 to the right, 4 down and 1
right, 1 up and 1 right, 1 up and 1 right, 2 up and 2 right, 2 up and 5 left.

Educator:- The river showed the way to the hut of Baba Yaga. Now, children, you have to help the girl Alyonushka pick up Ivanushka from home Baba Yagi. How can I do that?

Suggested responses from children:

1. Scare Baba Yaga by dressing like her.

2. Cured of anger.

3. Invite guests to stay.

4. Offer her to become a man.

4. Final part

Alyonushka freed her brother, and they ran home. Parents came from the city, brought gifts to the children and to you for helping Alyonushka cope with all the tasks.

Synopsis of the GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory school group "Sea Voyage".

Educator: Samosudova T.V.

Tasks: Continue to form constructive thinking in children, learn to build complex geometric shapes according to a given pattern. Continue to exercise in counting within 20 in forward and reverse order, in the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 20. Consolidate children's knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers. To consolidate children's knowledge of the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year. To consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage. To cultivate independence, the ability to understand and accept a learning task and perform it independently. Cultivate interest in math problems.

Preliminary work: Guessing riddles, solving logical and constructive problems, observing the calendar, individual work with children to develop mathematical concepts.

Demo material: Telegram, rebus, long rope, castle illustration, padlock, book chest, cup, glass, cereal.

Handout: Cards with tasks and number houses, envelopes with geometric shapes, cups, cereals, cords.


Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, this morning we received a telegram from the Fairy from the country of Mathematics: “Dear children, I invite you to travel by sea to the island of miracles in search of treasures. Interesting tasks await you along the way. You will have to show your knowledge, skills, ingenuity and ingenuity. Good luck!"

Educator: Before traveling, you need to warm up.

Let's warm up: If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair? (below the table).

If the road is wider than the path, then the path? (already expensive).

If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil? (shorter than a ruler).

If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread? (thinner than a ruler).

If sister is older than brother, then brother? (younger than sister).

Educator: Well done! The team is ready. What are we going to sail on?

Children: We need to build a ship.

Educator: take the geometric shapes out of the envelopes.

How many geometric shapes do you have?

How many triangles do you have?

How many quadrilaterals do you have?

Educator: Let's start building.

(Children work at tables. According to a given scheme, a ship is assembled from geometric shapes).

Educator: Well done! So the magic ship is ready. You turned out to be skillful builders, let's go. Get your controls ready. We start counting.

(Children show and call numbers from 1 to 20 and vice versa).

Educator: And now we are at sea. (The phone rings. The teacher "accepts" the message).

Educator: Children, I received a message from another ship. Listen carefully:

"Here is such a rigmarole -

Our ship ran aground

And sailors all week

They ate aground caramel,

The sailors need to eat something more nutritious for lunch, for example, porridge. But the trouble is, their scales are broken, and the cook cannot find out how much cereal to take. Help him. We have packages in which you need to pour two large glasses of cereal. But there is, unfortunately, only one large glass, but in front of each there is a small cup. Two such cups make up a glass.

(The teacher demonstrates that 2 small cups of cereals fit into 1 glass. Children complete the task on their own).

Educator: Well done boys. Other ships are rushing towards our ship. They will deliver them cereals. And we're moving on.

Oh, the fog of time has descended on the sea. To get out of the fog, you need to answer the questions:

How many days did the sailors sit aground? (7).

Why do you think so? (There are 7 days in a week).

What day of the week is today?

What day of the week was yesterday?

What day of the week will be tomorrow?

What day of the week is between Monday and Wednesday?

Educator: I will name the day of the week, and you answer what it is on the account (Thursday, Friday, Tuesday).

How many seasons do you know?


There are four seasons in a year, and they are all friendly.

These four times guys should know!

In winter, the year begins, everything is covered with snow.

Spring continues, leaves appear.

In summer the sun is warm and the leaves are green.

In autumn, the leaves turn yellow, the wind blows them across the fields.

And after autumn, again, winter will continue the year.

Educator: How many months are in each season? (Answers of children).

Name the autumn, winter, spring, summer months.

What season is it now? What month is it?

Well done, we're moving fast. We are already on the island. We must drop anchor. But I don't know if it's enough anchor chain to hook the anchor to the bottom?

(Children receive cords of the same length, but different measurements for their measurement. Each has a card indicating the required number of measurements).

How many times did you measure the length of the chain? Why did it turn out different numbers? (Children answer).

Educator: Well done boys. Look, the island grows extraordinary flowers. On each flower there is a task, fairy riddles. Guys, let's solve the riddles:

    Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha,

Fluffy the cat, Druzhok the dog.

How many grandchildren does the grandmother have? (one).

    4 birds are sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows, the rest are crows. How many crows? (2).

Educator: The next task of the Fairy is to help the inhabitants of Chislograd. The houses in this city are unusual: on each floor there are numbers-neighbors, which together give the number of the house. Populate the houses with numbers. (In the house of the number "6" there are pairs: 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 3).

Educator: We coped with another task of the Fairy and ended up in front of the castle. Where can we look for treasures? After all, the castle is so big. The rebus will help us with this, let's decipher it. (rebus "PO 2 L" - basement).

That's right, guys, but the door to the basement is guarded by an invisible guard, we need to find out who this guard is and name him.

Math dictation:

2- up 6- right 3- down

2- right 2- up 1- left 1- left

    up 1- right 3- up 3- down

    right 8- down 4- left 1- left

    up 1- left 3- down 6- up

    right 3- up 1- left 2- left

4- down 1- left 3- up

Educator: Who is guarding the castle? (Dog).

Did you manage difficult task because they were persistent and attentive, friendly. I am proud of you! It remains to open the door, but there is a lock on the door. You have to figure out the code for the lock. If you add 2 to the intended number, you get 8. What is the code for door lock? (Number 6).


Educator: Well done! We open the chest, and there are books on mathematics in it. These are very important books. On them you will learn how to solve problems, examples. We coped with all the tasks and found the treasure. Fairy thanks you for good game. And it's time for us to Kindergarten. Take the controls and let's count down from 20 to 1. Close your eyes. So we returned to our group. All of you are great!

Noskova Elena Vyacheslavovna
Educational institution: MADOU Ushakovsky kindergarten "Goldfish"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-02-26 Synopsis of the GCD on the mathematical development of preschoolers in the preparatory group "Violet" Noskova Elena Vyacheslavovna To form the ability of children to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems, for addition and subtraction within 10, based on clarity. Teach children to analyze problems. Fix the score within 10 in forward and reverse order.

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Synopsis of the GCD on the mathematical development of preschoolers in the preparatory group "Violet"

Target:Form skillchildren to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems, for addition and subtraction within 10, based on clarity.

1. Teach children to analyze problems.Fix the score within 10 in forward and reverse order.

2. Develop visual and auditory attention, fine motor skills of hands, logical thinking of children.

3. Educate personal qualities each child: stability of interest in mathematical knowledge and skills, purposefulness, concentration, curiosity.

Lesson progress:

Children on the carpet.

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Let's greet them. We will show what adults we are, our knowledge, behavior.

2. Conversation.

- Today our old friend Mouse Peak is visiting us. Tell us what he likes to do? The mouse loves to gain knowledge. How can you call a mouse in one word? (inquisitive).

- Mouse Peak brought a lot of interesting tasks for us. I think you can handle all the tasks. Is everyone ready? Everyone has good mood? Now let's check.

Children stand in a circle. “All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other!

- First task: What season is it now? Name three winter months. What month is it now? Name the days of the week. What day of the week is today?

3. Mathematical warm-up "Fun account".

- The second task is called "Merry Account".

Let's count in unison from 1 to 10. Count down from 10 to 1.

Count in one number. Count in two numbers.

Count from 3 to 7, from 2 to 5. What number did I miss: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10.

- Tasks are getting harder. The wind blew, and all the cards with numbers scattered.

We need to solve the riddle. “A multi-colored rocker hung across the river” (rainbow).

And how many colors are in the rainbow? (seven). Find a card with the number 7. Name the neighbors of the number 7. Find the cards with the numbers 6 and 8. Which number is greater than 6 or 8; smaller?

Guess what number I guessed if it is 1 less than 5; 2 more than 7.

Name a number greater than 2 but less than 4.

Can all numbers be divided by...? (even and odd). Name even numbers; odd. Cards with numbers from 1 to 10 must be laid out so that there are cards with even numbers in one hoop and odd numbers in the other.

- Well done!

Children sit at tables.

3. New theme.

- Mouse Peak brought another task, the most difficult. You have to be very careful in order to complete this task correctly.

A drawing for the problem hangs on the board: “4 bullfinches and 2 titmouse are sitting on a branch. How many birds are sitting on a branch?

What birds are sitting on the branch? (bullfinches and tits).

- How many bullfinches are sitting on a branch? (four). Put as many red sticks as there are bullfinches on the branch. Put as many yellow sticks as there are titmouses on a branch.

- This is what we know, that is, the condition of the problem.

- Who will say the question of the task? What needs to be done to answer the question? (need to add, add). Connect sticks and count. We can answer the question of the problem: how many birds are on the branch? (There are 6 birds on a branch).

- How to write down the solution and the answer of the problem in a notebook?

One child works at the blackboard, explaining his actions: add 2 to 4 and get 6. Answer: There are 6 birds on a branch.

- In the upper left corner of the leaflet, we found a box and write down: 4 + 2 = 6.

4. Fixing a new topic.

Similarly, they compose and solve the problem of subtraction.

- Well done. They did a good job with these tasks. Mouse Peak is very happy. He has one last task for you. A dot was placed in the lower corner of the leaflet. From this point we draw 2 cells up, 3 cells to the right, 2 cells up, 2 cells to the left, 2 cells up, 2 cells to the right, 1 cell up, 1 cell to the right, 5 cells down, 3 cells to the right, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 6 cells to the left. What happened? (ship). On this boat, Mouse Peak goes to circumnavigation. Let's thank him and have a safe trip.

5. Summary of the lesson.

What new did you learn in class today? What did you like the most? Well done boys! I am very glad that everything worked out for you.

Educational area:"Knowledge".



- introduce children to the history of watches;

- to bring to an understanding of their purpose and function;

- to consolidate the ability to highlight the features of objects (shape, size, parts);

- develop creative imagination and logical thinking;

- learn to save time.


Educator. Guys, I'm walking this morning and I hear that someone is crying. I looked and saw that it was such a small honey-cubby. she asked him what happened, and he replied that he was invited to visit, and when he arrived, it was already late - all the guests had left, and most importantly, he did not have enough honey. Why do you think Mishutka was late?

Educator. How do you know when it's time to leave the house? Children. We must look at the clock.

Children. No.

Children. We won't know when to go to kindergarten when cartoons start on TV. Mom and dad will be late for work.

Children. The hours were not always there.

Educator. But how then did people determine when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work?

Children. By the sun. The sun rose and people got up.

Educator. That's right, people determined the time by the sun. The sun was rising and people were waking up. Now think about it and tell me when people slept longer - in summer or in winter?

Children. In winter, because the sun rises later in winter. The shadow is longer in the morning and evening, and shorter in the afternoon.

(Shows a picture Can you tell me when the shadow is longest?

The children answer.

Children. In the morning the shadow is on one side, and in the evening on the other.

Educator. Correctly. When a person noticed this property of the shadow, he came up with such a sundial. (Shows a picture of a sundial.) Do you think it was good for a person with such a watch?

Children. No. They showed time only in a sunny year, and in cloudy weather or when it rains, you can't tell the time from them.

Educator. Who knows what kind of clock a man then came up with so that they would work in any weather? (Shows an hourglass.)

Many years have passed since then

And people got the answer

That only sand - it is

And god, and king, and lord.

Educator. These watches are designed for three minutes, every three minutes they must be turned over. (Shows an hourglass.) Imagine what will happen if we take such a watch with us for a walk? Or will you take them to school with you? Will they be comfortable? Why not-convenient?

The children answer.

Option 2: Fizminutka "Watch" Who's walking left and right? This is the pendulum in the clock. It works properly.

And above him sits a cuckoo, This is not a toy at all. The bird opens the door, Tells the exact time. (

And the clock goes, goes, Do not rush, do not lag behind. We won't know without them walking in place) That it's time to get up. (reach out)

Educator. Instead of sand, oil was poured into the clock, people used a candle, on which divisions were applied. The candle burned down, decreased, and people determined by divisions how long it had been burning. What do you think was wrong with this watch?

The children answer.

You said everything correctly. All watches - sun, sand, oil were uncomfortable, and the man came up with the following. They made a big mechanism and hung it on big tower. Every hour the clock struck and people recognized the time. But still, these hours were uncomfortable. Why do you think?

The children answer.

And what kind of hours did people come up with then?

The children answer.

The children answer.

Are they on the floor?

The children answer.

Are they on the table?

The children answer.

Are they worn on the arm?

The children answer.

What hours are there now?

The children answer.

The children answer.

That's right, the cockerel also helps to find out the time - in the morning he crows and wakes everyone up, and in the evening he crows so that everyone goes to bed.

We have now examined the history of the emergence of clocks, looked at how they have changed over time and what clocks are in our time.

The kids are in charge

caregiver (refers to the toy).

The kids are in charge

Children, do you need to learn to recognize the time? If you need to go to the kindergarten, your mom or dad will wake you up, in the kindergarten the teachers will tell you when to study, when to walk, when to sleep. (Hands out letters to children, they add the word “Clock” from these letters.) And now I suggest you go to a store that sells watches. How can you call a store that sells only watches?

The children answer.

But they are a little behind.

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"Synopsis of GCD on mathematical development for children of the preparatory group" From the history of the clock ""

Synopsis of GCD on mathematical development for children of the preparatory group
"From the history of watches"

Educational area:"Knowledge".

Target: teach children to identify cause and effect relationships.


Introduce children to the history of clocks;

To bring to an understanding of their purpose and function;

To consolidate the ability to highlight the features of objects (shape, size, parts);

Develop creative imagination and logical thinking;

Learn to save time.

Equipment: subject pictures depicting clocks, wall clocks and hourglasses.

Educator. Guys, I'm walking this morning and I hear that someone is crying. I looked and saw that it was such a small teddy bear. (Show a teddy bear toy.) I she asked him what happened, and he replied that he was invited to visit, and when he arrived, it was already late - all the guests had left, and most importantly, he did not have enough honey. Why do you think Mishutka was late?

Children. Didn't look at the clock. Didn't know when to leave.

Educator. How do you know when it's time to leave the house? Children. We must look at the clock.

Educator. Does the bear in the forest have a watch?

Children. No.

Educator. And what will happen if we lose all the hours?

Children. We won't know when to go to kindergarten when the cartoons on TV start. Mom and dad will be late for work.

Educator. Yes, it will be very difficult for all of us. Tell me, has the clock always existed, or not?

Children. The hours were not always there.

Educator. But how then did people determine when to sleep, when to get up, when to start work?

Children. By the sun. The sun was rising and people were getting up.

Educator. That's right, people determined the time by the sun. The sun was rising and people were waking up. Now think about it and tell me when people slept longer - in summer or in winter?

Children. In winter, because the sun rises later in winter. The shadow is longer in the morning and evening, and shorter in the afternoon.

Educator. Did you know that the sun can accurately determine the time? When the sun is shining, the trees are shaded. (shows a picture - shade from trees in the morning and evening.) Can you tell me when the shadow is longest?

The children answer.

A man wanted to know if it was morning or evening. How will he determine this by the shadow?

Children. In the morning the shadow is on one side, and in the evening on the other.

Educator. Correctly. When a person noticed this property of the shadow, he came up with such a sundial. (Shows a picture of a sundial.) Do you think it was good for a person with such a watch?

Children. No. They showed the time only in sunny weather, and in cloudy weather or in the rain you cannot tell the time from them.

Educator. Who knows what kind of clock a man then came up with so that they would work in any weather? (Shows an hourglass.)

The children answer. The teacher tells them.

Many years have passed since then

And people got the answer

That only sand - it is

And god, and king, and lord.

What was good about them and what was bad?

Children. They had to be turned over all the time.

Educator. This clock is designed for three minutes, every three minutes they must be turned over. (Shows an hourglass.) Imagine what will happen if we take such a watch with us for a walk? Or will you take them to school with you? Will they be comfortable? Why is it inconvenient?

Children. Uncomfortable. They can be broken. Or not noticing when to flip.

The teacher summarizes the answers of the children.

Educator. Children, how do you understand the proverb: “the day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do?”.

The children answer.

Option 1: Physical education "Clock"

Torso to the right, to the left.

Option 2:Fizminutka "Watch"
Who's walking left and right?
This is the pendulum in the clock.
It works properly.

And repeats: "Tick-tock, tick-tock." ( Hands on the belt, tilts to the right and left)

And above him sits a cuckoo,
It's not a toy at all.
The bird opens the door
The exact time is reported. ( The arms are bent in front of the chest, with sharp jerks the arms are straightened to the sides)

And the clock goes, goes,
Don't rush, don't lag behind.
We won't know without them walking in place)
That it's time to get up. (reach out)

Educator. Instead of sand, oil was poured into the clock, people used a candle, on which divisions were applied. The candle burned down, decreased, and people determined by divisions how long it had been burning. What do you think was wrong with this watch?

The children answer.

You said everything correctly. All watches - sun, sand, oil were uncomfortable, and the man came up with the following. They made a big mechanism and hung it on a big tower. Every hour the clock struck and people recognized the time. But still, these hours were uncomfortable. Why do you think?

The children answer.

And what kind of clock did people come up with then?

The children answer.

The clock began to hang on the wall, put on the floor.

What is the name of the clock that hangs on the wall?

The children answer.

Are they on the floor?

The children answer.

Are they on the table?

The children answer.

Are they worn on the arm?

The children answer.

What hours are there now?

The children answer.

We are talking about watches, but what is the cockerel doing here? Maybe he got here by accident?

The children answer.

That's right, the cockerel also helps to find out the time - in the morning he crows and wakes everyone up, and in the evening he crows so that everyone goes to bed.

We have now examined the history of the emergence of clocks, looked at how they have changed over time and what clocks are in our time.

What clock do we use now?

The kids are in charge

caregiver (refers to the toy). Mishutka, do you understand what a watch is for?

Children, please repeat once again what the hours were, what they are for.

The kids are in charge

Children, do you need to learn to tell the time? If you need to go to the kindergarten, your mom or dad will wake you up, in the kindergarten the teachers will tell you when to study, when to walk, when to sleep. (Hands out letters to children, they add the word “Clock” from these letters.) And now I suggest you go to a store that sells watches. What do you call a store that only sells watches?

The children answer.

They say: the clock is standing, They say: the clock is in a hurry, They say: the clock is running,

But they are a little behind.

We watched together: And the clock stands still.