Anchoring technique: how it works with a beloved man. Anchor chains for men

Emotional anchor is a concept from the field of psychology. In common language, this is a kind of stimulus that can cause certain emotional or physical sensations. Very well the effectiveness of this method is shown in the movie "Sex and the City". With simple touches on the arm of a loved one in the elbow area main character could achieve anything. It is clear that such ease of application of an emotional anchor in relation to a man is greatly exaggerated. But, nevertheless, there are many ways, using which you can change the emotional mood of a person.

One such method is the use of aromatherapy. For example, your favorite perfume that you use only on holidays will easily cheer you up and create a festive atmosphere in any situation. The beloved man will feel the same, inhaling the aroma that always accompanies you on holidays and joyful days. The same way affect the emotional state and sound, taste sensations. Also, a well-created image that evokes certain associations will help draw attention to something or interest.

Remember that emotional anchors can have both positive and negative effects. Therefore, you must first select a positive emotional state, and then apply one of the selected stimuli, so that in the future, if desired, you can repeat it. Be careful don't fix it, any stimulus Bad mood, a period of bad luck and failures of a loved one. For example, by showing a certain tenderness to your husband at the moment when he is upset or dissatisfied, you put a mark, and in the future, such an action of yours can lead to subconscious irritation or discontent, even when he is in a wonderful mood.

Most of the incentives that Everyday life there is a whole set that is used involuntarily, securing a certain state and perception of the situation by a person. According to psychologists, any little thing can serve as an emotional anchor. After all, many of us have come across a situation where the usual memories of a pleasant pastime with a loved one helped to adequately survive a difficult period of life. The smell of buns associated with a happy childhood, photographs of loved ones, music from your favorite movie - these are all psychological stimuli that can serve as emotional anchors in certain situations.

It has been proven that with the help of emotional impact it is possible to influence the behavior and thinking of a person as a whole. And the fact is that no one in everyday life, communicating with other people, can avoid the fate of being "anchored". Therefore, this should not be resisted, it is better to use it wisely psychological ways to build a harmonious relationship with your loved one.

Experts divide emotional anchors into:

Visual is an emotional impact with the help of an image. For example, wearing nice outfit who likes a loved one, you need to hug and kiss him every time. So you can eventually work out from him positive emotions associated with the outfit and the desire to fulfill all your desires.

Auditory - this emotional anchor associated with a particular melody is often used to evoke memories of a loved one. To do this, more often, arrange romantic evenings for two with original musical accompaniment.

Kinestatic - any touch can be attributed to the stimuli of this emotional impact. Show originality and come up with something unusual, associating it with a certain state of your loved one.

Olfactory - one of the strongest emotional anchors, operating at a subconscious level. Be sure to use the same fragrance in bed, causing positive emotions for your loved one.

Psychology is a science that requires a lot of patience; when using its methods, you always need to know when to stop. You should never expect an instant result, because a loved one is not a puppet and will not follow commands like a trained dog. Be patient and try another action and stimulus if this one does not seem to appeal to your husband. And most importantly, be careful, do not aim to manipulate your loved one in any situation. After all, if he notices this, then this will only spoil the relationship, since it is unlikely that anyone will like to be controlled.

Every day Neuro Linguistic Programming is becoming more and more popular. NLP Techniques are used in different areas of life and help people achieve results, deal with negative emotions and get to know yourself better. One of the methods of NLP is the setting of psychological anchors. Few people know that this technique is used not only by psychologists. Anyone can learn how to apply it in those moments when you want to get the necessary state: confidence, love, happiness, and more. Let's take a closer look at this technique below.

What is NLP

In the 60s of the last century, a group of scientists from America became interested in the methods of work of psychotherapists with patients. It was not clear to them why some psychoanalysts are more successful in helping people than others. After examining a large number of works by psychologists, scientists grouped methods and techniques according to their effectiveness. Thus, the first NLP models appeared. interpersonal relationships and the influence of people on each other.

The works of famous specialists were chosen as the basis of neurolinguistic programming: Virginia Satir - family psychology, Fritz Perls - Gestalt therapy and - hypnosis.

NLP tries to teach a person to interact effectively with himself and with other people, just as experienced psychiatrists do. With these techniques, you can:

  • improve communication skills;
  • learn to understand your emotions;
  • diversify the world;
  • make your behavior more flexible;
  • get rid of phobias and psychological trauma.

What is anchoring in NLP

A psychological anchor in NLP is any action that a person associates with certain emotions. It can be a sound, an image, a touch, a taste, or something else that is identified with some state or event and causes a certain reaction.

An example psychological anchor maybe the music that played on the first date, after hearing it, you can mentally go back to that day and experience the same emotions. The melody in this case is an anchor that starts a chain of reactions.

We can say that an anchor is a signal that causes the brain to reproduce the emotions associated with it.

Unconscious Anchors

Each thought of a person is always accompanied by which, in turn, causes physiological changes. This may increase or, conversely, slow down the metabolism, heartbeat, breathing. There may be a release of hormones into the body, involuntary muscle tension or relaxation, and other reactions. This suggests that any event causes not only a psychological response, but also a physical one.

Therefore, when a person thinks about something or experiences certain emotions, changes in the physical state occur in his body. If the thoughts are positive, you can observe a surge of energy, increased muscle tone and increased activity. With negative thoughts, there is a breakdown and apathy.

It has happened to everyone that at some point the mood suddenly worsened without apparent reason. Most likely, at this moment the negative psychological anchor of the person worked. It was associated with some event in the past. Seeing, hearing or feeling something that was connected with that time, the brain responded to the signal. Although at the time of the event, the person did not realize that he had anchored an unpleasant state. And now, at the moment of receiving the signal, unconsciously reacts to it.

In order to place a psychological anchor, it is not necessary to consciously want it. For example, the situation with the melody from the first date indicates an involuntary transfer of the feelings experienced at that moment to the music. Unconscious anchoring occurs in two cases:

  • Frequent repetition. This is similar to what Pavlov called a reflex.
  • Strong emotional experience. The stronger it is, the faster the reaction is fixed. For example, in school time, information that was interesting was remembered faster. It is the same with emotions: the stronger they are, the faster the anchor appears.

Conscious anchors

Understanding how it works, you can consciously fix and call in yourself the necessary emotional states. The question arises: why is this necessary? The fact is that psychological anchors serve as triggers for the internal resources of the human body. For example, in a difficult situation, when one feels a decline in strength and energy and bad thoughts overcome, launching a positive anchor can help change emotions and get out of this state. After all, many people know how difficult it is to get away from bad thoughts and switch to something good.

Anchor can give strength, improve mood, restore waning interest, increase self-confidence and cope with a phobia.

What are anchors

Psychologists distinguish several types of anchors:

  1. Visual. Here the signal is the image. For example, every time you put on a spectacular outfit, you need to hug and kiss a man. After a while, he will develop positive emotions associated with this clothing, and at the sight of it, a desire will appear to fulfill the woman's request. This example can be classified as psychological anchors for men, which are successfully used by females.
  2. Auditory. Such an anchor is associated with sound, mainly with a melody. It can be used during romantic date by putting the original musical accompaniment. In this case, the pleasant state of falling in love will anchor on the music and will be constantly remembered when listening to it.
  3. Kinestatic. Here, any touch serves as a stimulus. At the moment of a strong emotional experience, it is necessary to touch any part of the body, for example, pinch your earlobe or grab your wrist, the place itself does not matter. The next time, when repeating this action, the experienced emotion will arise again.
  4. Olfactory. These are very powerful emotional signals. Such a psychological anchor for a man can be made if, for example, the same fragrance is used in bed. This smell will set you in the right mood.

Method of psychological anchor - the first stage

  1. It is necessary to determine the situation for which additional resources are needed.
  2. Understand exactly what kind of emotion you need. For example, when taking an exam, you want to feel more confident.
  3. In order to make sure that this particular resource is needed, you need to ask yourself the question: "If I had this emotion, would I definitely use it?" If the answer is yes, you can move on to the next item.
  4. Try to remember a situation in which this feeling was vividly experienced.


  1. Decide what kind of psychological anchors will be used to induce this state in the future. It can be one view or several at once: an image, a melody and a touch. The kinestatic anchor is the most commonly used, because it can be easily repeated in any situation, and without being noticed. But the strongest anchors, as a rule, involve several types at once: sound, supported by visual imagery and movement.
  2. The selected signal must be repeated several times in order to develop a skill. The thing is that the anchor will work if it is repeated exactly as it was the first time.


  1. After the anchor rehearsal, you need to enter the very state that you need to get. To do this, you need to go to another place and remember the situation in which the desired emotion manifested itself most clearly. For example, in the case of confidence, you need to remember an event in which you felt complete self-confidence, and feel it as strongly as possible. Remember all the details of the event, what were the sounds at that moment, who was nearby and how it manifested itself in the body. Emotions must completely fill consciousness.
  2. At that moment, when the memories will be at their peak, you need to put a rehearsed anchor. It is necessary to stay in this state for a certain amount of time, and then smoothly exit it.
  3. After that, you need to check if the emotion has anchored. To do this, the signal is replayed, and if the desired state is not felt, it is necessary to return to the previous paragraph.
  4. After successful installation, you can conduct a final check. To do this, you need to imagine the moment when the situation is approaching in which you want to apply the anchor. For example, before the exam, anxiety begins to increase, the heart beats more strongly, perspiration appears. It is necessary to feel this standing, immerse yourself in it, and then use the established anchor.

How to get rid of psychological anchors

It happens that you need to get rid of the anchor. After all, it may not always be positive. Unconsciously, you can set inappropriate, harmful and unnecessary signals. For such situations, there is a method by which you can erase unnecessary anchors. You can use it in situations like the following:

  • when I see the boss, there is irritation;
  • this place makes me sad because of the negative memories associated with it;
  • I hear this song and immediately tears well up.

This method copes well with such reactions: longing, anger, irritation or apathy.

Anchor Collapse Technique

  1. It is necessary to determine the anchor that you want to get rid of. This may be some kind of situation during which an unwanted reaction is repeated.
  2. A situation with a negative reaction is remembered and anchored.
  3. The situation with the resource state is remembered and also anchors, but in a different place. Alternatively, you can clench your fist with one hand for the first state, and clench your fist with the other hand for the second.
  4. Two anchors are launched simultaneously and held for at least one minute. For example, both fists are clenched.
  5. After a while, imagine a situation to which you don’t like the reaction, and test how it feels now.
  6. If emotions also arise, repeat the second and third steps.
  7. Then you can check the anchor for environmental friendliness. To do this, you need to ask yourself the question: "Can these changes harm me?".
  8. If the answer is yes, you need to return to the third paragraph and add the necessary emotions.

Relationship Help

Many women are interested in the question of how to anchor a man psychologically. by the most in a simple way is a kinestatic signal, or touch at the right moment. The speed of setting such an anchor depends on how strong emotional experiences the partner will experience at that moment. Therefore, you need to be patient and not worry about the fact that the technique did not work the first time.

  • First step. It is necessary to choose the moment when a man good mood or he is in the right emotion.
  • Second step. You need to accidentally touch a pre-selected place, for example, cover his palm with your own or grab his wrist. To enhance the effect, you can whisper something pleasant to your partner in your ear.
  • Third step. Now you need to repeat this process several times, but always at the moment when the man is in the right emotional state.
  • Fourth step. After some time, the state will anchor, and you can successfully return the partner to the desired state when required.

Knowing how to put psychological anchors can easily and simply improve the quality of your life. After all, now you can successfully deal with negative conditions. The main rule is to observe always and in all measure, and not to use these techniques to harm another person.

In my previous article, I talked about one of the NLP techniques, namely about anchors and their installation for oneself. In this article I would like to continue this interesting and undoubtedly very useful topic and tell other people about anchoring, a process called anchoring in NLP. Let me remind you once again what an anchor is and how it works: an anchor is any external stimulus, stimulus, something that precedes a conditioned reflex, for example, it is a visual image, auditory, olfactory or kinesthetic, everything that affects our senses. The anchor evokes a human reaction, this reaction is a certain internal state of a person, for example, an external stimulus causes a person to feel fear, or simply attracts his attention, for example, ringing a bell or knocking a hammer on a table, as happens in court, draws his attention audience. Anchors can be installed and controlled thereby by your internal state, that is, causing the resource you need, a sense of satisfaction, concentration of attention, various emotional states, such as resentment, anger, a sense of joy, and so on and so forth.

But anchors, as you understand, can be set not only for yourself, but also for other people, and use them to access other people's resources, for example, causing a person to feel shame, pity or trust in you. If you use this technique solely for your own purposes, achieving the set result that meets your interests exclusively, then this can be called manipulation of the behavior of other people, which I will now tell you in more detail. In part, setting the anchor is reminiscent of hypnosis, to some extent being it, only in a less frank form, after all, you don’t zombify a person so much that he unquestioningly fulfills all your desires. Although those people who are very good at setting anchors and have strong suggestion are able to put people into a hypnotic state, I have witnessed such sessions many times, I must say very impressive. But I’ll tell you about hypnosis some other time, for now let’s get back to setting anchors, which is also very exciting process capable of influencing people, both positively and negatively.

First of all, it is necessary to single out the group of people on whom it is easiest to anchor - these are people with a developed right hemisphere of the brain. Such people do not think in a structured way, they rely more on the senses and sensations, acting intuitively, without analyzing or rethinking the information that comes to them. But this does not mean at all that these people are not inclined to think, and therefore not everyone can be anchored, that is, it is more difficult to do this with some people. Having decided to anchor a person, it is necessary to find out which of the organs of perception is the main one for him, setting the anchor through this organ will be the most effective. That is, you need to determine what type of person is in front of you: visual - better perceives information with the help of vision, auditory - the best way to perceive information for them is the auditory canal, kinesthetic - a person who predominantly feels rather than sees, hears or thinks, or such a type of people as discretes - that is, people who perceive information for the most part with the help of logical thinking, understanding the information received by them, with the help of numbers, facts, various signs and logical arguments.

Of course, it is not necessary that only an anchor similar to their channel of perception will work, setting other anchors will also give a result, but what is closer to these people will work best. Although the kinesthetic method of anchoring is considered the most effective, nevertheless, sensations store information in memory best of all, in most cases. Now about the actual process of installing the anchor, which boils down to creating a certain environment for a person in which he feels as comfortable as possible. Anchoring can happen in any way, you can have a casual conversation about a person’s past, returning to which he experiences positive emotions that are peaceful in nature. That is, in any way you need to create for the other person the most favorable environment in which he feels as comfortable, calm, and at ease as possible.

Music, smells, visual surroundings, your words, behavior and of course touches, including from the side of the person you are anchoring to. That is, everything is ingeniously simple, certain actions on your part, they lay this favorable situation in the memory of a person, you can touch the person’s hand in a certain way, say pleasant words, ask, for example, to do something relaxed so that it remains in memory as an action accompanying the situation. Subsequently, when reproducing some moments from this situation, they will cause a person to remember her, about you and bring him to the state in which the person was when the anchor was installed. That is, if you wanted to be remembered as positive personality, then the associations associated with the situation that you created will remind the person of you, and naturally this will be a pleasant memory.

Regarding the setting of the anchor through the memory that I mentioned, here the point is to call out certain emotions in a person with the help of memories, as happens during hypnosis, and associate this situation with oneself. That is, you ask a person to remember the pleasant moments of his life, and when he is at the peak of emotional experiences, perform some action, for example, touch and say pleasant words, that is, those positive memories in which the person is located also allow your presence, thus, for example, you can achieve confidence in yourself on the part of this person and much more. Anchor can be installed in the same way evocative fear, associating certain actions with a negative feeling for a person, a simple example is a swing at a person with a hand, which can cause him to feel fear or other response if he is often beaten. Let's say if you want to anchor a child so that he does not climb into the socket, then you must in any way convenient for you cause fear in him every time he approaches the socket, for example, emotionally explain to him how scary it is, the more emotions, the better, or just punch him in the arms.

This is information for the subconscious, which gives out a reflex reaction, a person is afraid not of what is at the moment, but of what was once, and the current situation simply evokes this feeling in him. I think the meaning is clear to you, since there can be a lot of situations in each specific case, as I mentioned earlier in my first article on anchors, the topic is quite deep, but it is interesting and useful to study it. I also want to tell you about setting an anchor through an indirect impact on a person, that is, creating a certain myth about yourself, in the form of a positive or negative image, depending on what you need. This is done by people who create a positive image in the eyes of the public, for example, for some pop star, or a politician, that is, for a person, associations associated with him are artificially created. For example, political figure against the background of children, family, against the background of workers communicating with him, and similar tricks, create an impression in people about such a person as someone of their own from their world.

Thus, the anchor of the positive attitude of some people to others is established, without direct impact, but indirectly.

In general, I’ll tell you this, calling a person to certain memories and thereby creating a certain internal state for him, already establishes an anchor for him on you, as on a positive or negative person. This will be the so-called first impression that you can create with a person by talking to him about a certain topic. You can make it, this impression, the way you want, if you approach this issue with all seriousness, controlling your every word. If you make a person remember the most terrible moments in his life, then he will inevitably connect them with you. And if you help him remember and think about the good, then the pleasant sensations that he will experience will also be associated with you. That is why some competent sellers try to evoke as many pleasant associations as possible in a person during communication, so that he not only buys the product or service he needs from them, but also becomes attached to them - to the sellers, to the store, to the company. Here is an anchor setting that is often used by many people.

By the way, it is difficult for psychologists to use such a technique, since while working with people they often have to touch upon extremely unpleasant moments for a person, which, of course, does not add popularity to a specialist, but it helps people cope with their problem. Therefore, if the psychologist with whom you work annoys you or makes you suffer, raising layers of information that are extremely unpleasant for you in your memory, then you should know that he is working, and we can say with all confidence that he is a good psychologist.

In this way, friends, anchors are established, or as it is also called, anchoring occurs. Of course, we have considered far from all examples that can create a complete picture of anchoring for you, but as with everything else, we will also return to this issue, considering specific situations and various ways management of human behavior, we study psychology after all.

In subsequent articles, we will definitely touch on the issue of removing the anchor, ways to recognize the manipulation applied in this way against you, as well as the ability to resist it. Most importantly, remember that everything inexplicable, random, unexpected, incomprehensible and unusual happens in the lives of those people who do not realize much of what is happening to them. And where there is no awareness, suggestion works. In the unconscious life there is only one pleasant moment - it is a pleasant surprise, although, as a rule, there are more unpleasant surprises. But in the life of a person who understands and realizes, there are always more pleasant moments, since he creates them for himself.

Our psyche is so arranged, dear friends, that it is able to fix certain moments of our life in our subconscious, linking them with certain sensations and internal feelings caused by external stimuli. Reproduction then of a situation associated with some kind of memory will cause in us a corresponding reaction and an internal experience of a person, which is called a resource. That is, we call a resource a feeling of fear or, conversely, calmness, a feeling of love and a feeling of trust, a feeling of anxiety, a feeling of concentration, increased attention, and so on. An anchor is just that very irritant from the outside world that causes you a certain feeling, for example, it can be a melody familiar from childhood, after hearing which you return to that moment of your childhood when you first heard it, and experience the same feelings, as then. Also, any visual image, kinesthetic influence, that is, any touch, can be an anchor, by the way, a kinesthetic anchor is considered the most effective. Different smells also evoke different memories and feelings in us associated with those smells.

In general, an anchor is not a signal, but a resource in the form of our inner experiences - it is a reaction to this signal. Now think about how you can manage your internal state through these anchors, as well as the internal state of other people. The anchor of speech influence can be very effective, because, as we all know, the word has great power, especially if this power is recognized and tamed. There are words that evoke positive feelings in us, there are also those that evoke negative ones, so you can use only the words we need in your life, pronouncing them yourself and, if possible, demanding the same from other people, for example, members of your family. You hear, for example, the word problem is an anchor that makes you feel anxious, unless of course you don’t like problems, then exclude this word from your vocabulary or set this anchor in such a way that it makes you feel concentrated and energized for solutions to this problem. You can do this in the following way: remember a situation from life when you successfully solved a problem, and then admired the result of your work with self-esteem, this is the feeling of a winner who solved the task assigned to him.

Remembering this situation, imagining it as realistically as possible, literally returning at this time, put an anchor in the form of the word problem at the peak of this experience, and it is also desirable to put a kinesthetic anchor, that is, fix this moment with a certain touch (you can scratch your hands or chin). You need to train anchoring in this way until the word problem gives you that very feeling of an omnipotent person who is able to cope with any problem and a sense of pride in himself in connection with this. Let's also say that chin scratching or any other body touch that you used to establish a kinesthetic anchor should also bring you back to similar inner experiences that you have no problem with. In this way, you can program yourself for any external stimuli, you can completely take control of your inner feelings through the installation of anchors.

I usually do not use the words "anchors" and "resources" in my practice - I give different definitions to various external stimuli, thereby sharpening the human psyche in a certain way, as if transforming their image. And, in fact, this is setting anchors for another person, which I will write about in my next article, since there are a lot of interesting points that should be focused on. But regarding setting anchors for yourself: I want to recommend you a simple, but very effective way- this is a way of suggestion, that is, setting anchors for frequent events in your life. Let's say you meet with your boss and it makes you very nervous, you feel discomfort from such meetings - reprogram yourself, make this time pleasant for yourself. To do this, select the state, that is, the resource that you need at the time of the meeting with your boss, remember the time when you were in this state and fix it with a touch or visual image, for example, imagine the face of the boss and his office. You can do the same by simply remembering it in a very comfortable environment for yourself, when you feel good, then fix this moment with any touch on yourself or spoken words.

What you are doing is associating an event with a feeling, and it is up to you to decide which event will make you feel certain. I recommend that you use a notebook in which you will record observations of yourself, with the aim of later identifying patterns in your behavior in certain situations. There are a lot of different anchors in our life, all of them are at the subconscious level, and even if we understand why we have certain feelings, we cannot always control them. Therefore, it is better to start a diary and write down in it each time your inner feelings and what caused them. If you have a feeling of anxiety or fear, immediately write down everything that happened to you if you do not know what exactly caused this feeling. If some person forced you to make a concession to him, pay attention to how he behaved with you, what he said, how he said, whether he touched you, in general, everything, write it down in your diary, along with your feelings that you have arose from communication with this person.

Good sociologists know that many people have, so to speak, common anchors for all, which are set en masse. That is, certain news can cause a certain reaction in the majority, because it will be associated with a specific experience. So that your reaction is not controlled in this way, you should keep a diary, writing down in it all your experiences for the day, as well as the events preceding them, since you can not always notice this kind of manipulation, but it happens every day. To set the right anchors, that is, the anchors you need, you can resort to your own imagination, as well as to the experience of other people, even fictional ones. Suppose you have not experienced a feeling of victory in your life, or simply do not remember it, but at the same time you have seen how the winners feel, how proud they are of themselves, how they enjoy life. Imagine their feeling, translate your admiration for them into admiration for yourself and fix this feeling, this resource you need with the help of an anchor, kinesthetic as the most effective or any other.

Use words effectively such as: “I am a winner”, “I am the best”, “I am calm”, “I will achieve my goal” and so on. There are many such ways of psychological pumping, they work great if, say, say these words constantly when you have a feeling of victory, and especially when you win. And when something happens in your life with which you will have to fight, by saying these words, you will turn to the very resources that you need at the moment, it can be courage, determination, self-confidence and the like. I would even recommend that you use some of your own ritual, for example, no matter what, every day, perform some physical exercise, with the idea that if you do this, then today you will be fine, you will achieve everything and solve all the tasks set for yourself.

When it becomes a habit, I mean exercise, then it will become a habit to achieve your goal, for example, by doing ten or fifty push-ups every morning, depending on your capabilities, you turn to a resource that makes you feel confident in yourself. After all, you were not too lazy, you found the strength in yourself to do this physical exercise again, which means that you have enough strength for the rest. As you can see, the topic of anchors can be considered very deeply, but the meaning comes down to working on your subconscious and bringing your feelings to a conscious level. It is the anchors that force us to experience certain inner experiences that we are not always aware of and therefore do not control. But if you approach this issue in more detail, then you can set yourself up in such a way that your internal state is the way you need it.

Keep a diary, do not be too lazy to do this, believe me, the work you have done on analysis own behavior, will not go in vain. Many of my clients have radically changed their lives thanks to this work, because every time we analyzed the entries in their diary together with them, we found answers to all questions and came to an understanding of previously incomprehensible things. Our behavior is not unreasonable, and our feelings are not as complex in origin as we think. Control yourself dear friends, otherwise others will control you, set the right anchors for yourself.

What woman does not dream of becoming the most desirable, beloved and the only one in her man's bed? For this purpose, many of us are ready for any tricks, as well as endless self-improvement in the art of love and flirting, just to give him such sex, after which he will not want any woman except you alone. This is especially true for women who are financially dependent on their man: kept women.

What is the Psychological Anchor Method?

This is a kind of way with which you can not only excite the imagination of a partner, resorting to memories, but also keep a man in your bed for a long time. Anchor in this case denotes such a memory that once caused a surge of tender feelings in a partner, a strong impulse of passion or extraordinary excitement. As an example: Vivaldi's music played on your first date, and therefore this composition will forever remain in his memory associated with you. Or on your wedding night, you were dressed in red lingerie, which he now associates with unforgettable sex.

What is the anchor method used for?

The use of the “psychological anchor” method allows you to reduce the time it takes for partners to get excited, as well as set both of them up for a positive ending. In order to turn on a partner with a half-turn, now you don’t need to go out of your way, just put on memorable sexy lingerie, say a phrase that turns a man on, give him a characteristic touch - and his penis will quickly come to combat readiness.

Opinions of psychologists

But the thoughts of psychologists regarding this technique vary. Some find the "anchor" method to be a fairly effective bonding tool in a couple's relationship. Others insist that the “psychological anchor” allegedly programs partners, setting the desired vector in intimate relationships and depriving a couple of spontaneous joys. Following the logic of the latter, this technique introduces both partners into dependence on secondary things (music, smells, caresses), forcing them to obey the voice of reason, and not momentary emotions and passions.

Types of psychological anchors

Be that as it may, we suggest that you try out the action of the “psychological anchor” right in your bed, at least as an experiment, for which we will open several alternative way seduction with it.

1. visual anchor. Try to connect unforgettable sex and certain underwear in your man's ideas. So, it can be completely ordinary lace panties or a silk nightgown, but every time he sees you in it, a man will already subconsciously be ready for a portion of mind-blowing pleasure. Not bad?

2. Sound anchor. You can get a man to get an instant erection by associating the delights of a romantic night with a certain tune or a special phrase uttered in a special voice. To make it easier than ever, if you include the same melody, indulging in erotic games, or whispering a symbolic phrase at the peak of bliss.

3. Taste anchor. Here you can program his excitement in two ways at once: associate the taste of your favorite dish with unforgettable night passions (for example, feeding him fruit or ice cream before making love), as well as trying to imprint your own individual smell in his mind. For the latter, it is better to always use the same perfume and shower gel, then the aroma of your body will act on him in a special exciting way, and he will not be able to confuse it with any other!

4. verbal anchor. There is a direct connection between the partner's words and the man's arousal. So, a couple may have certain signaling words that one is not averse to having fun. They can have both a vulgar shade and a neutral one, but they must be understandable to both. Many men are ready to turn on with a half-turn if a lady asks them for a spank. And what did you think?