Features of neurolinguistic programming. What is NLP in psychology: features of the methodology, types, techniques and processes of neurolinguistic programming

For half a century, I observed from close range how the domestic “elite” was sanded and corrupted. As a result, she surrendered and betrayed her country and infected her people with selfishness and admiration for the West. Treason at the top caused confusion at the bottom. Our people have become pathologized. And a system of self-genocide unheard of in world history arose.

I think there will be enough work for historians and philosophers for tens and hundreds of years to comprehend what has happened and is happening to us. And recently it appeared great material Doctor of Philological Sciences Tatyana Mironova “Teletrans: Electoral technologies are turning Russia into a madhouse” (). Many of the conclusions and considerations in this article are confirmed by my observations.

We, says Tatyana Mironova, are already tired of the abundance of unhealthy faces in the subway, nervous breakdowns of loved ones, hysterical attacks from colleagues, and most importantly, from the reasoning of these same colleagues and neighbors, which is very far from common sense. Recklessness on the verge of madness is characteristic of the consciousness of many of our compatriots today. It’s as if an Orthodox seer said about us that times will come when the whole world will be driven mad, and those who maintain their sanity will be declared mad.

The feeling of a general epidemic of madness is not an illusion, it is a real state of many people, which can be called widespread schizophrenia in society. Impaired ability to think is manifested in a naively simplified perception of the world of things and events. Moreover, the patient may retain the ability to analyze facts and draw his own conclusions, but the connection between the event and judgments about it is accidental, for example, about the weather it will be said that “it is raining because the weather forecasters promised bad weather.” A mentally ill person is not critical in his thinking. The uncritical nature of a sick mind is revealed by reasoning like “Luzhkov and Putin raised pensions by six percent, well done, they care about people!” Schizophrenic and speaks without speech errors, and constructs sentences that are outwardly correct, but all this is just empty mental chewing gum.

Personality change is a psychiatric diagnosis. A person with a personality change does not recognize the “hierarchy of motives for his behavior”: when he is given a choice between a cup of coffee and a visit to his sick mother, he will choose coffee and find weighty justifications for his choice, such as the fact that his mother took little and bad care of him. A patient diagnosed with “personality change” has developed pathological needs, often in the form of obsessions. He may tend to make large, expensive purchases, or eat excessively, or compulsively harass women. The patient is unable to control his actions; he is easily infected with a new “mania.” Here the beer propaganda hits us in a flurry from the screen and forces millions of boys and girls to walk in schizophrenic fascination through the streets with beer bottles in their hands, taking puffs from them with a thirsty look. And if you ask why they drink beer so much and anxiously, the answer will be schizophrenic, drilled into their heads through the screen - “to prevent themselves from drying out.”

Thinking disorders and personality changes are not all the symptoms that bring a TV viewer closer to a schizophrenic. Schizophrenics are characterized by hallucinations - visions that the patient treats as reality; he, in fact, lives in a world parallel to reality. According to psychiatrists, these hallucinations are so life-like, their images are so vivid and sensual, that it is impossible to convince the patient that this is just a figment of his fevered imagination. But the hallucination of a schizophrenic is similar in its psychological nature to the live screen picture that our viewer watches on TV. The sensuality and authenticity of the images, the brightness of impressions are experienced by both. This is exactly how a schizophrenic illness develops - from loss of logic in consciousness to vivid, convincing hallucinations - schizophrenic, hallucinatory thinking is developed in television and radio listeners, imposed on them special techniques supply of information.

The main goal of information technology developers is to manipulate the masses in order to be guaranteed to have power obtained through general, direct, equal and secret elections, which back in the 19th century smart people Russia was called the “four-tailed”, very accurately comparing it with a whip, which Ancient Rome commanded slaves. With the help of the technology of suggestion, Homo sapiens is remade into a “voting person,” into a microelement of human biomass, which, obedient to external impulses-commands, acts as a voting machine. Manipulation of people has received the scientific name of neurolinguistic programming (NLP).

The definition reads: “NLP is the speech influence of a person on a person with the aim of creating new programs of behavior and action in the latter.” We are also convinced that NLP is just “a process of accelerated learning and retraining, getting rid of unwanted behavior patterns, and creating new behavior programs.” But in all these formulas it is clearly stated that someone outside the individual is drawing up a new program of behavior for her, ridding her of “stereotypes” that are undesirable to this outsider! It’s as if the bearer of neurolinguistic technologies alone possesses true knowledge about the world and professes an authoritative approach to others: “A person is a text that can and should be edited.”

It is in the consciousness of the individual that someone unceremoniously interferes, calling our mind and soul “incorrect text”, ready to erase one thing from memory, change another to the opposite, and drag in as pleasant something that is disgusting to your core. Methods of neurolinguistic programming proclaim the idea of ​​​​enslaving our souls: “A person, communicating with another, represents for the latter his territory, which he himself forms in accordance with his own map.” In the “territory” captured by an aggressive stranger, there is an “inducement to a reaction that is contradictory, opposite to the reflex behavior of the organism, because it is absurd to suggest something that the organism is already striving to fulfill.”

Let’s give, says Tatyana Mironova, an honest definition of neurolinguistic programming, which is openly used today in electoral games, on political lists.

Neurolinguistic programming is a psychological seizure of the soul, violence against a person who may feel an aggressive invasion (and then in response to a sharp rebuff to the rapist - “Don’t meddle in the soul!”), or may not feel it. The latter is the diabolical art of neurolinguistic programming technologists, who, already openly and brazenly boasting, call themselves “linguist priests” so that the victim of their violence does not feel the impact, so that mental changes occur in a person unnoticed by him.

Neurolinguistic programming is someone else's intervention in a person's subconscious in order to control it without him noticing. What political strategists, these “linguist priests,” call the subconscious, Christians call the depth of the human soul, and any intrusion into it is very precisely defined as seduction and temptation.

Invasion into the subconscious is carried out primarily through a hypnotic trance. Hypnotic trance is a special state of a person when he is able to most easily perceive and assimilate a suggestion, someone else’s program, a command from the outside. This technology was discovered by the psychiatrist Erickson at the end of the 19th century and was used for medicinal purposes for a long time, but the rapid development of television allowed political strategists to apply it to completely healthy people. Introduction to television trance completely coincides with the technology of introduction to therapeutic hypnotic trance.

A person should be in a position that is comfortable for him, for example, lying on a sofa or sitting relaxed in a chair after a working day. His attention must be focused on some object, and such an object is precisely the television screen - a bright spot with constantly changing colors, which naturally attracts the eye. A person should not think about anything and not have any worries at this moment - it is in this state that a TV viewer sinks onto his sofa, renouncing the hustle and bustle of work and home. This is the starting point of television trance, similar in every way to professional hypnotic trance.

Then the technologists “split” the client’s consciousness and subconscious, that is, they turn off the mind, convincing the person not to think about anything. The viewer in front of the TV is brought into a state of light doze or meditation by a chain of rapidly changing images on which it is impossible to concentrate: consciousness turns off by itself.

The depth of such a trance can be different. It’s good if a person is teased by children, asked to check his homework or read a book, it’s great when a wife grumbles dissatisfied, annoyed that her husband doesn’t watch her favorite TV series, it’s just great if the phone suddenly rings or the milk runs out in the kitchen. Hypnotic trance does not like such “suddenly”, it is frightened by external vanity, and then the human soul remains slightly damaged. But if all this is not there and you are focused with a spellbound gaze on the magically flickering screen, then your soul is in someone else’s and very dangerous power. It is then that the unhindered “formation of human behavior programs and his goal settings occurs.

The simplest operations of inducing a hypnotic trance - joining a source of suggestion, subordinating to this source, consolidating in a state of hypnotic trance with the consciousness turned off but the subconscious open, control by instilling programs that are new to your life experience - this is the ABC of neurolinguistic programming. And even if these methods were used to treat mentally ill people, neurolinguistic programming is used on healthy people who, having received a dose of suggestion, begin to behave like psychopaths.

With a switched off consciousness, as if half asleep, a person does not filter the information and commands that come to him; they freely penetrate the subconscious and are transported to consciousness. As a result, the victim of a hypnotic trance cannot explain the motives for his actions even to himself; only the one who wrote down the command for her to “subcortex” knows about this.

Those programmed to elect a “favorite candidate” can be observed during any election, when polling station Confused, preoccupied, somewhat depressed people come, absentmindedly take the ballot, look long and hard at the long list, as if trying to remember something, and then put a tick next to some name unknown to them. Election technology specialists, advertising their services, boast that, “according to various estimates, by influencing the subconscious of voters, it is possible to attract from 2-3 to 10-15 percent of the number of voters.” However, more pessimistic estimates put the figure at 35 percent of all voters who exercised their right to choose. This is exactly the figure that American consultants cited after Yeltsin’s victory in 1996, when they talked about the effectiveness of their election technologies.

Approximately the same number was given by a population survey after the presidential elections in June 1996 (Kommersant-Daily, 1996, August 29): “For 32% of those who voted for Boris Yeltsin, his victory was indifferent, and only 67% were satisfied with it." The command impulse to vote for Yeltsin was strong, but short-lived, and already in September 1996, the level of trust in the newly elected president was, according to VTsIOM, only 12%.

What are the informational “master keys” for “hacking” our souls? By penetrating the subconscious, neurolinguistic programming specialists overcome special “filters” of the soul that filter incoming information. These “filters” protect the mind from gross damage, trying to prevent clouding of the mind. The subconscious can turn off memory, saving you from “bringing through” information that is obviously unnecessary for its owner.

And if you are firmly convinced that you will not go to vote, since elections are a mixture of fraud and profanity, then all the candidate names from all corners and pillars will slip past your memory.

The subconscious works as a “filter”, not perceiving, discarding what is undesirable for a person. And when they try to explain to an old communist that the Communist Party, to which he has been devoted all his life, has stained itself with repression and the destruction of Orthodox priests, he will “close his ears.”

The human subconscious, to please the owner, is able to justify everything, explain everything, forgive everything. Having received the suggestion to love the president as his own father, a person “at the subconscious level” begins to justify, whitewash him, cleanse him of all crimes, sins and mistakes: the environment, assistants, subordinates, aliens from Mars are to blame for everything, solar Activity, but not the president. And no matter what happens, rest assured, there will always be an excuse for the beloved president.

The most stable of the psychological barriers of the subconscious, saving a person from information invasion of the soul, is his beliefs, in the terminology of political strategists - the “barrier of myths.” To break this barrier, political strategists have developed particularly cunning “master keys.” Thus, a convinced Orthodox believer can be encouraged to vote by an Orthodox priest and only for an Orthodox Christian, which PR people very actively use by releasing into the campaigning arena crafty people dressed in robes and convincing them to vote “according to the will of God.” For the same reason, PR people like to present their candidates in landscapes with churches and crosses. The subconscious of a believer without resistance receives a similar signal: “Your Orthodox!”

A strong barrier to alien invasion of the subconscious is the palisade of professional knowledge. For example, people who deal with words professionally - writers, journalists, philologists, artists, psychologists, politicians - will only laugh at the cheap electoral blackmail “Vote or you will lose”; they will not believe the actor who enthusiastically assures that Yeltsin’s book “Notes of the President” - like Tolstoy’s “War and Peace”, the same scale, brightness of thought, artistic skill.

A serious obstacle to the penetration of strangers into the subconscious is the so-called interpersonal barrier, that wave of hostility that rises in the soul when you hear about people you hate from experience. Was it possible to win the voter over to Yeltsin, who came to power on new term who destroyed the country, sold people's property to swindlers, and started a civil war? But political strategists were able to crack this seemingly insurmountable barrier of the subconscious. They did not come up with a new “image” for Yeltsin, but, as if forgetting about their ward, they began to change the “image” of his communist rivals. They renamed them “red-browns”, inspired them that under the “red-browns” there would be famine and Civil War, and thereby changed the attitude of the population towards them. Having accumulated vast experience in hacking the subconscious, political strategists will soon be forced to perceive the name of Chubais, hated by the people, with benevolent good nature: not a wimp, tough, strong-willed, he managed to restore order in the energy sector, and will restore it in Russia.

Each person has his own, sometimes very personal barriers of the subconscious from beliefs, knowledge, beliefs and with them he is protected from strangers, uninvited intrusions into his soul, therefore, during such mass campaigns as elections, soul seekers need to simultaneously find “keys” for millions of people . Are there such universal “master keys”? Yes, they are. All television and radio channels are strictly controlled either by the authorities or by their owners, and information comes to the viewer and listener in the “packaging” of a commentary or with a “tag” of evaluation by a journalist. A military chronicle from Chechnya in 1995-1996 may not have contained any reasoning from the reporter, but when talking about the warring sides, television journalists called Russian soldiers “federals” and Chechen bandits “field commanders,” and the viewer intuitively sympathized with the partisan commanders who heroically fought with incomprehensible "federals".

The false freedom of information law convinces naive citizens that the means mass media in a democratic society they show what the majority of television viewers want to see, that this is the “people's order.” But do people really want to see the wave of violence, sex, hypocrisy, and meanness rolling from the television screen? Yes, if some space alien, knowing nothing about our civilization, would judge it only by those films that were released over last years, he would have come to the firm conviction that Russia is a country of murderers, prostitutes and drug addicts. But they seriously convince us that we are exactly the way they show us, they instill in us that we are aggressive and evil by nature and television objectively, directly mirrors our face and our nature.

We are convinced that the “black box” in the corner of the room is our friend, our window to the world, our eye, keeping an eye on the most interesting things in the world. This bribes us to trust the screen as our own eyes, which, coupled with the gates of our subconscious opened with the help of television trance, makes the viewer an obedient toy in the hands of political strategists.

“Splitting” consciousness can be achieved in the most ingenious ways. On the screen appears the painting “Hunters at a Rest”, known to everyone from childhood from reproductions in textbooks, on which our gaze rests with pleasure, intuitively rejoicing in the images of childhood and school years, and suddenly the image begins to come to life, the hunters stand up, the dogs jump up, and the viewer, Naturally, he shudders, believing for a moment that he is “imagining” all this and that he is going crazy. This instantaneous loss of the sense of reality itself splits consciousness and puts a person into a hypnotic trance.

When a dose of information hits the subconscious of the TV victim, the TV viewer is immediately brought out of the state of semi-oblivion. Most often, this occurs with the help of a series of bright flashes, to which the eye and brain react, as if awakening from sleep. This awakened consciousness is again influenced by an even more enhanced dose of information, which penetrates the human mind and memory in a state of post-hypnotic suggestion, which is very favorable when controlling a person from the outside. This is a scheme for actively influencing a person’s subconscious using technical techniques of television advertising.

Now imagine that all these methods hit the same point, pursue the same goal: to force the people to vote for the candidate desired by the authorities, for the elected Duma bloc pleasing to the rulers. Having received an overdose of such suggestion, a person, all the protective barriers of whose subconscious have been broken, all the filters of the soul have been destroyed, simply falls ill with a mania of love and devotion, becomes not himself, and symptoms of mental personality changes clearly appear in him.


During the pre-election period, all genres of television serve the elections, and their impact on viewers is especially aggressive. The number of victims of information technology is increasing many times over, some are becoming depressed, the number of suicides is growing, people are becoming unreasonably angry, suffering from fears, or, conversely, developing apathy. And this is not surprising, because, without asking, even without our knowledge, they plant information in us, trigger command impulses, develop likes and dislikes that are not characteristic of us by nature, which cause a painful feeling of split personality, destroy the psyche.

Let's look at how sabotage “bookmarks” of information are made into our subconscious. The “25th frame” embedded in the videotape is not visible to the eye, but is well captured by the subconscious. A classic example of its use in advertising popcorn during movie rentals in the United States is always accompanied by a false assurance that such blatant manipulation of people is simply impossible now, since the “25th frame” is banned as a criminal unhindered entry into the subconscious, while the editing is supposedly easy to detect and, they say, advertisers and television technologists are afraid of trouble. Such assurances only lull our attention to what we receive from the screen. It is almost impossible to identify the “25th frame” on television; this requires a special computer program, which appeared in Russia only in 2002 and showed the overload of “25th frames” in all television programs on all channels. When this computer program, due to someone’s oversight, began to be advertised, the Russian Ministry of Press and Information let slip that the “25th frame” is now used in almost every television program and in every advertisement.

What exactly is being introduced into our subconscious through the “25th frame” - an indomitable desire to drink Pepsi, an obsession to worship Buddha or Krishna, or perhaps a mania to frantically love Zhirinovsky - we do not know. You can, for example, force a crowd of heated fans to smash windows and set fire to cars in the streets by transmitting to them a signal of fierce anger through the “25th frame” on huge street television screens. And then, in response to the provoked massacre, urgently pass in the Duma a law on countering extremist activities, punishing with repression all those disliked by the authorities.

There are other ways to get into our souls and brains, to plant “fatal eggs” in our nests. This is the so-called “convolution” of information into an easily digestible image and its “unfolding” in the viewer’s mind in the form of a firm belief. In 1996, on the eve of the next presidential election, court director Eldar Ryazanov made a documentary about how he visited the Yeltsins. He was received easily in the kitchen, the fussy Naina flashed on the screen with a cabbage pie, the president mumbled something inarticulate, but the main event of the film was... the chair on which Ryazanov seemingly accidentally sat down and, as if accidentally, tore his trousers. What a wonderfully winning scene! The viewer is taken aback: Yeltsin has nails sticking out of his chairs! A simple, modest person, just like us sinners! Ryazanov’s nail and torn pants are the image into which the extensive information was wrapped up that Yeltsin was not a thief and a villain who dishonored a great state, but modest, simple, ours, one of his own. And “one’s own” can’t be bad!

The technology of “compiling information” was put on a grand scale in the program “Without a Tie” on NTV, where we were regularly presented with “domesticated” politicians - in kitchens and dachas, with wives and children, dogs and cats, and subjects with camels. What they did not do with an idiotically sincere face under the approving prodding of the presenter. Prime Minister Chernomyrdin banged (you can’t call it a game!) two stomps - three slams on the accordion, Saratov governor Ayatskov demonstrated the art of riding a camel, Security Council Secretary Lebed puffed out push-ups and ironed duvet covers, Prime Minister Kiriyenko puffed with teenage enthusiasm Japanese kitchen knife imaginary enemy. These people pretended to be complete idiots for the sake of one thing - to show the voter that they belonged to them, simple, accessible, like everyone else. The man in the street and his wife will see how Chernomyrdin lives, and it seems he visited Chernomyrdin, sat on a chair next to him, listened to his hoarse accordion, admired his wife, noticed where everything was on the shelves, where the prime ministers bread and salt are eating. And if you were in a person’s house, he becomes one of your own, completely dear, almost like a brother. And he sings no better than his drunken neighbor, and his woman is even fatter than my Nyurka, and his mangy dog, the same ones run around in our yard. Well, how to eat yours! And for your friend, your dear one, for Nyurka, the accordion and the dog - how can you not vote, your hand fumbles for the ballot...

So, through a fleeting image, a seemingly unexpected detail, a seemingly random action, thoughtful information creeps into a person’s soul and spreads, filling the consciousness with a convinced opinion - about the modest and honest worker Yeltsin, about the friendly peasant Chernomyrdin, about the respectable family man Zhirinovsky... In the elections campaigns consider this technology to be the most important. If a politician is shown sweating in hard physical labor, say, chopping wood at the dacha, it means they want to convince us that our future chosen one is hardworking and economical. If they show a politician petting a horse or dog and patting a cat’s ears, be wary: they want to convince you that he is a kind and sympathetic person. A cat, a dog and a horse very often have nothing to do with the hero.

The cunning Margaret Thatcher, for the sake of her image, walked a dog completely unfamiliar to her on the beach in front of television cameras. Mr. Putin’s election poodles, if they weren’t his own, could also have been rented from some dog club, and poodles are stupid, good-natured creatures that rush to lick the nose of everyone they come across and cause tenderness among voters. TV technologists would hardly dare to show Putin’s favorite bloodthirsty bull terrier in the role.

PR people will flatly refuse to show a candidate stroking an exotic warty toad or a miniature pet crocodile—some of the originals have such family pets—just as they won’t offer the “client” a walk along the beach with a black Karakum tarantula on his shoulder or a pair of purebred white rats on his elegant gold twisted chain.

Be especially critical of idyllic reports about politicians surrounded by children - both their own and others'. The little daughter climbed into her dad's arms and pressed her rosy cheek against him. There is honey and molasses in the viewer's soul - this man will not harm anyone, because he loves children so much! He will take care of our children no worse than he takes care of his relatives! And how many such idyllic pictures from the “children’s album” have political strategists stored up for the gullible voter: here you have a visit from a “client” orphanage with gifts, and his visit to the children's hospital with medications. Destitute children, pained faces, with touching expectation and sincere eyes, this is how deputies and presidents cynically crawl into the souls of voters. This is where the constant plot of election news comes from: the president’s wife with a sweet smile strokes an orphan on the head, Luzhkov personally brings honey to an orphanage and solemnly holds a public tea party there, Putin attends school classes almost every day, personally explaining his election program to second-graders ...

For a sane mind, this is a mediocre use of a leader’s time. People in such important positions, burdened with a bunch of government affairs, are busy with mere trifles. It’s funny for the mayor to work as a distributor of honey, and for the president to teach second-graders the constitution, but from the point of view of election technologies - wise steps - the voter will shed a stingy tear and will constantly remember until the most cherished election day - our chosen one is an unusually, exceptionally, remarkably kind person!

Please note that voters do not see all aspects of the lives of their beloved leaders in these “electoral pastorals.” No one has ever shown how any candidate with appetite absorbs black caviar, and none of them have even eaten a simple pork chop on screen yet. And why? Yes, because this is intuitively not to the liking of the average person, who, after looking at someone chewing, will certainly decide: “Oh, he’s gluttonous! You can’t bring someone like that to power - he’ll devour everyone!”

In the same way, none of the PR people advise their “clients” to show themselves washing, combing their hair, getting dressed (but in the bathhouse, certainly in the steam room, many managed to show off from the TV screen - after all, this is figurative information about Russianness and the health of a person). But a candidate washing, say, in the shower, armed with a washcloth and soap, will certainly give the viewer a reason to think: “It looks like he’s very dirty if he needs to wash himself in public.” And since the subconscious mind does not accept metaphors, the image of a person who is dirty in all respects will be assigned to the “client” forever.

An important technology of suggestion, penetration into our brains and souls are copyrighted programs political topics. Their impact is based on the special role of monologue. Questions, answers, disputes, objections, that is, the dialogue familiar in our everyday life gives everyone the opportunity to analyze, doubt, and think. A monologue - when one speaks, and others only listen to him - is possible in ordinary life when a senior person speaks - a boss, a teacher, a leader, a parent, a master, in a word, an authority whom it is customary not to interrupt, to whom it would be better not to contradict, with whom oneself It's more expensive to argue.

But the monologue from the TV screen in the author’s programs creates a situation where we, the audience, cannot object to either Svanidze, or Posner, or Shuster, speaking from the screen. We are forced to only listen to them, as if they were our fathers or teachers, bosses or masters. Thanks to the telemonologue, most viewers, despite their own will, develop a habit, even a need, to agree with what the “talking head” is telling them from the screen. The words of a “talking head” on the screen always seem weightier and more significant than the words of those living nearby, even if they are a hundred times smarter than the Posners and Shusters. After all, you can argue with a smart neighbor, you can even hit him in the ear so that he doesn’t get too smart, but you can’t argue with a screen head, even the most empty one in the world, you can’t hit him in the ear. This is the psychological reason for the height of the screen pedestal, which creates a cult out of any dullness.

A magnifying telelens, aimed at a performer of monologues - a TV commentator, a deputy, a president, a banker, amazingly multiplies the volume of brains and the significance of the words of anyone at whom it is skillfully aimed. Let us remember how the speeches of the sick and drunk Yeltsin were presented from the screen when he was president of Russia: they cut out drunken details, absurdities and nonsense that he said “out of his mind.” And these edited monologues were presented as words from the throne, which, imagine, touched the soul of many! How can you condemn him if he speaks and you remain silent, you subconsciously find yourself in the role of a guilty son in the eyes of a strict father. But is it possible to choose a father, is it possible to judge a father? This is how the magic lens of a television screen turns a shrilly yapping pug into a meaningfully trumpeting elephant, and out of a Lilliputian into a Gulliver.

Of course, not everyone shows meek obedience to the “talking head.” It has been noticed that these same “heads” effectively influence people of fairly high intelligence, who, as they say, are “easily teachable” because they are trained by life and work to learn from any authority. But for many people, who are by nature rebellious and intractable, as well as those who are slow-witted and do not like to study and listen to smart speeches, the convincing monologues of “talking heads” do not work. Even in childhood, such unheard-of people do not honor their father and mother; at work, they contradict their superiors and litigate over trifles. A trap for “talking heads” who are not ready to participate in incantatory “sessions” is another virtuoso technology of suggestion, worked out in television “talk show” techniques.

A talk show is a dialogue - the host or hosts question the guest or guests invited to the show. The viewer watching the conversation on the screen is the third party, contemplating the action. It seems that clashes of opinions, heated debates, sharp objections make the observer free to choose with whom to agree and whom to support, first with his soul and heart, and then with his head. A debater and a deaf ear will certainly catch an opinion to his liking in the hubbub of polemics.

But the freedom to choose one of two or more opinions is also illusory here, and here’s why. You've probably noticed that talk shows always have spectators surrounding the interlocutors in a tight ring. This audience is mostly youth (recruited from students) or women (it is unknown where they get so many idle housewives). It is with this audience, with its opinion, its feelings, its impression, that the viewer merges with his soul, heart and head. Psychologists have found that a third of humanity certainly wants to be like everyone else, keep up with others, and sing along with the general choir.

The calculations of the political strategists who program us are based on solidarity in opinions, on the automatic joining of the TV viewer to the audience of the talk show. After all, the opinion of the talk show audience is absolutely controllable. For example, on Posner’s program “Times” there is an unspoken agreement between the host and the audience in the stands ringing the talk show: next to the videographer stands a human prompter, at whom the stands glance from time to time, and this person frowns, is indignant, and laughs. And most importantly, he is the first to applaud in the places required by the script. And the stands, following him, frown, protest indignantly, laugh, throwing up their hands, and, above all, unanimously take up the applause, giving the opinion heard in the arena the emotional assessment the manipulators need. And we, squeezing our sofas in front of the TVs, not of our own free will, but solely at the dictate of the talk show prompter, frown and are indignant, giggle and applaud.

My colleague, being invited to Posner’s “Times,” noticed the prompter’s manipulations. Having made sure that the stands were rushing to clap their hands at the sound of his first clap, he began to clap at an “inopportune hour” and “took” the stands along with him; they enthusiastically applauded the words, in response to which, according to Posner’s plan, they were supposed to stomp their feet. The confusion in the “Times” program was complete, and the result of manipulation of the audience’s opinion was practically zero.

Please note that talk shows on television are presented in a wide range, covering all social groups of people who do not like to think and learn, for whom the logic of fact does not apply. These are mostly women (and they are very conscientious voters), in the absence of television, they would spend days on end on benches near houses, arguing with neighbors, relatives, bosses and everyone they meet, but there, on benches, it is impossible to control their opinion, and for elections these people would be lost. But managing them, merging into one collective soul with the stands of a talk show, is very convenient. And political strategists skillfully manage, playing on the curiosity of TV viewers for the “dirty topics” of perverted love, adultery, the secrets of black magic and sabotage witchcraft, Kabbalah and fortune telling, and you never know the dirt of everyday life, which stupid female curiosity pecks at, overpowering shame and disgust , caution and disgust. Only one program “Wait for me”, engaged in the search for runaway husbands hiding from alimony, and prodigal sons, who have forgotten about their parents, will so chain the viewer to the screen that even the cry of her own child will not tear her enchanted gaze away from the shimmering blue lens.

This almost manic attachment to talk shows makes poor women obedient herds of the beloved shepherd - the show's host. And this manipulator, at the sacred hour, pronounces the sacred word, according to which hundreds of thousands of his fans carry out what was assigned to them by the leader as the main task of their lives.

Another technology of suggestion is fictional series that rivet the population to the screens day after day so that young and old forget about sleep and drinking, they can’t wait to find out who will defeat whom in a gang war, whether Rosa Maria Isabella will get married for Don Diabolis, whose son is Lucia's child... About ten years ago, TV series already did a bad job: they raised a special type of TV viewer, having accustomed the majority of the country's population, including by no means sentimental men, to regularly sit in front of the TV, to get used to the TV, Don't leave the TV, think with TV. Other sources of information have begun to disappear from the lives of most people - books and newspapers, with which a person feels much freer in judgment.

This is where the role of “Slave Isaura” and “the rich who cry” ended. Today they decorate the loneliness of pensioners, who, instead of praying and raising their grandchildren, the natural state of an old man who has lived through a time of passions and is thinking about the salvation of his soul, are in a narcotic half-sleep, whispered by the virtual passions of Mexican soap operas. The place of “Tropicana” and all sorts of “slaves” has now been taken by domestic series about “our life”. Their task, having tied the adult population of the country to themselves, is to slowly re-educate them in accordance with the tasks set by the authorities. The black-and-white characters of the series program the viewer, imposing on him new ideas about life, persistently forming our new likes and dislikes.

For example, the series “Code of Honor,” shown at the beginning of 2003 on NTV, is one of those that brings up national sympathies and antipathies in the run-up to the December 2003 elections. In several films, several episodes each, former special forces soldiers are shown, honest and brave, with their souls caring for the state, among them are five Russians and two Jews. The enemies that Russian commandos are fighting are Chechens who are planning to blow up nuclear power plant, this is a corrupt Russian general trading chemical weapons with the Arabs, this is an Estonian bandit who controls the Kaliningrad port. But who are the friends and faithful helpers? It’s not hard to guess: the Jew Aaron, a former Soviet intelligence officer who once fled abroad and now yearns for Russia, a brave Jewish girl Mossad agent who saves Russia from a Chechen atomic explosion at the cost of her life...

The next films in this series will continue the list of national likes and dislikes, no doubt in the same direction. Caucasians, Estonians, Arabs will obviously oppose the special forces, and Jews will remain faithful comrades in arms, and for the glory of Russia. And so, unobtrusively, not head-on, but gradually, through the plot, through the image of kind old Aaron and the brave Mossad heroine, through the brave lieutenant Semyon, who died a heroic death, the audience develops a feeling, yes, so far only a feeling of deep sympathy for any Aaron , who will then nominate himself for deputy, governor, mayor and president. And we will pour out all our indignation about the troubles of the Fatherland on the heads of the culprits of our troubles who were cleverly handed to us - Caucasians, Arabs, Estonians...


Many analysts draw attention to the amazing uncriticality /=non-subjectivity/ of today's Russians. So the host of the “Observer” program Andrei Yegorshin, in a conversation with Dmitry Furman, touched on this topic - “What needs to be done with our compatriots so that they wake up and come to their senses, and begin to think sensibly.” Dmitry Furman replied that it is better not to hope for this in the coming years. However, he admitted that the next Russian generations might behave more worthy and want to live like human beings.

I prepared a note on neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), which described the most effective techniques for influencing Russians in order to suppress their will and dignity, demoralize them and turn them into cattle. But why is it so easy to deceive the Russians and lead them to commit suicide? Maybe their mentality is so weak, unstable, susceptible to all kinds of spiritual infection? No, all people and all nations are the same in their divine-human essence.

This means that there are some historically transitory reasons for the current Russian misfortune. The anti-state Russian intelligentsia immediately comes to mind - as they call it, “the spiritual AIDS of the nation.” The revolutions of 1905, 1917 and 1991 are largely on its conscience. But intelligentsia similar to ours arose in other countries, and not only in the peripheral ones, but even in the Western ones. For example, the influential protest American intelligentsia was very active in the 1960s and 1970s and also almost derailed their country, until Reagan’s reforms eliminated the intelligentsia in our Russian understanding and replaced it with the “new middle strata” of post-industrialism, the “class of intellectuals.” " Then the question arises: why, in what historical circumstances does the intelligentsia arise?

In order not to go into the jungle of superstructural historical specifics, I will turn to the basis. Let me be clear: a person cannot think independently if he is not financially independent. Material dependence on the state, company, employer distorts the depths of the human essence, is deposited in the subcortex, and suppresses subjectivity. Yes, “induced subjectivity” is possible, excited by complexes of imitation (monkeyism), superstructural influences, and formal rights. But normal, genuine subjectivity grows only on the basis of economic self-sufficiency, which is possible on the basis of either private, or shared, or artel property, but in no case - state property.

When a Russian person is economically self-sufficient, that is, with the rent from his property he can provide himself with a living wage, and if this self-sufficient property of his is not under the sword of Damocles of state arbitrariness, as in the current policeized and deliberately desubjectized Russia, then he behaves like a normal person , and not as an inmate of a madhouse. Alas, the overwhelming majority of today's Russians do not have economic self-sufficiency and are not able to support themselves; they depend on the state or on the owner, and the owners themselves, right down to the richest of them (Khodorkovsky), also feel in limbo.

I note that in other poor countries people are also extremely susceptible to NLP. The point is not in the national-ethnic mentality, but in the socio-economic conditions of life, in poverty. If Russia ever manages to make a breakthrough into post-industrialism, then the Russians will behave no less sensibly and pragmatically than the Europeans, Malaysians, Indians, new Chinese, Japanese, and Australians. But the vicious circle of “poverty-authoritarianism-downtrodden-suggestibility-slavery” is very unlikely to be broken from below, and the Russian “top” has become so tarnished that it has become the main destroyer of the Russian people.

The content of the article

NEUROLINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP), direction in theoretical and above all practical psychology, which differs from similar psychotherapeutic methods - psychoanalysis, group psychotherapy, Gestalt therapy - by focusing on the effectiveness of therapeutic intervention. According to one version, NLP arose as a theoretical generalization of the characteristic features of the practice of famous psychotherapists, which appears to the inexperienced viewer as magic. Hence the title of one of the books by R. Bandler and J. Grinder - Structure of Magic. From the point of view of psychology as a science, the theoretical innovation of NLP lies in changing the focus of attention of the researcher and, as a result, the psychotherapist: instead of deviations of the mental state, NLP recommends paying the main attention to the norm, and not just to the norm, which, strictly speaking, does not exist, but on examples of successful human behavior in crisis situations. According to the founders of NLP, only by studying how a person manages not to go crazy can one develop methods for improving the condition of people with certain mental disorders. Another important feature of NLP is the connection of NLP provisions with language and knowledge about the peculiarities of the functioning of the language system. The founding fathers of NLP include, first of all, Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, David Gordon and Michael Sparks.

NLP as a psychotherapeutic method.

NLP proceeds from the fact that the functioning of human thinking is to a certain extent reminiscent of the work of a computer, but not in the sense of the trivial computer metaphor on which modern cognitive psychology grew (cf. the analogy between computer memory and human memory, computer processor and cognitive system), but in the sense that human thinking is programmable. The whole question is to correctly formulate the program and make it accessible to the conscious and subconscious mind of a person. Hence the concept of modeling: the therapist (and more broadly, the communicator) tries to identify best way, with which a person performs a specific task, and attempts to make it accessible - to that person or another person. The way to verify the resulting model is not to argue whether it is correct, whether it corresponds to reality, but to ensure that the model successfully performs its functions. According to NLP, in the psyche it is generally difficult to talk about the correctness or correspondence to reality of any experience. At best, we can only say that some experience belongs to a shared reality, i.e. to a set of more or less generally valid ideas about the world around us.

The modeling process goes through several stages. At the first stage, information is collected about the client’s current state and the desired state - in fact, about the very essence of the impact. At subsequent stages, the essence of the desired state is consistently clarified. At the second stage, rapport is established - a state between the communicator and the client in which there is maximum mutual trust between them. Achieving rapport is the most important goal of NLP. Rapport is achieved at a conscious or unconscious level when the communicator joins the client's representational systems, reflecting them in his verbal and nonverbal behavior. In NLP, a representational system (RS) is a way of representing and understanding one’s experience of interacting with the world around us. This can be visual MS (experience is represented as a sequence of visual images), auditory MS (experience is conceptualized as a sequence of sounds of different types), kinesthetic MS (experience is represented as tactile sensations) and olfactory-gustatory MS (experience is perceived by a person as a sequence of smells and taste sensations). ). By reflecting the client's reactions in each of these systems and adapting to them, the communicator can achieve rapport with him. Reflection can be verbal (the communicator repeats certain features of the client’s verbal behavior) and non-verbal. In the latter case, the communicator adapts to important elements non-verbal behavior, indicating the leading (most important for the subject) RS - under the pace of breathing, gestures, eye movements, etc. Achieving rapport can be a rather lengthy procedure, but in some cases it is achieved very quickly - it all depends on the skill of the communicator and the complexity of the case.

Once rapport is achieved, the communicator must establish what the client really wants. In other words, what should be a well-formulated result of modeling, which should not contradict one or another aspect of the client’s personality and cannot harm his immediate environment (hence the concept of environmental friendliness of modeling).

When exploring a person’s representative systems to subsequently achieve rapport, the communicator, in addition to the non-verbal aspects of the client’s behavior (in particular eye movements, gestures, breathing), must Special attention pay attention to linguistic behavior. For this purpose, NLP has developed a so-called meta-model of language. The underlying assumption of the meta-model is that language—like many forms of social experience—acts as a filter that distorts experience, or at least structures it. The meta-model draws the communicator's attention to those properties of the language system that most often distort perception. As will be shown below, in terms of content, the meta-model represents a summary of the results from grammatical theory, theories of speech influence and pragmalinguistics, adjusted to the goals of psychotherapeutic practice; The ideas of “general semantics” also had a certain influence on the formation of NLP. Explicit clarification and identification of distortions introduced by language constitute a significant part of the psychotherapeutic procedure. In other words, a meta-model of a language is not a model of a language at all and not a model of its individual subsystems, but a model of the behavior of a communicator in relation to the natural language used in the process of communication with a client.

Once a “well-formulated result” has been established, methods of therapeutic intervention are selected and the client is transferred to the desired state using a set of selected techniques. One such technique is anchoring. An anchor is any stimulus that allows a person to transfer his previous experience to the present and experience the same psychological state (both positively and negatively colored). For example, some melody may evoke associations in a person associated with past experiences, or a randomly found thing will remind one of some childhood event, etc. In fiction, the anchoring procedure, as a rule, attracts the attention of writers with a “psychologism” mindset. (Cf. a typical example from Nabokov: “She blew her nose, rummaged in the dark, pressed the button again. The light calmed her down a little. She looked at the drawing again, thought, decided that, no matter how dear it was to her, it was dangerous to keep it, and, tearing the paper into shreds, threw them through the bars into the elevator well, and for some reason this reminded her early childhood . – V.Nabokov. Pinhole camera.)

The almost arbitrariness of the anchor and at the same time its effectiveness in inducing a mental state are widely used in NLP as a tool for influencing the subject. An anchor stimulus can be established during a therapeutic procedure verbally (for example, by pronouncing certain words, verbal sequences, changing the tone of voice), non-verbally (by shaking hands, shoulders, knees; changing the position of the communicator’s body, etc.), as well as by a combination of verbal and non-verbal elements . It is clear that installing an anchor is possible only if stable rapport is maintained, otherwise the connection between the anchor and the experience will not arise.

Anchoring should be based on identifying the resources of a given individual to solve a problem situation. Awareness of the resource, the understanding that the problem can be solved, is achieved through expanding the model of the human world. The role of the communicator at this stage is to identify in the client’s experience something that can be considered as a resource. In NLP, to find a resource, both techniques are used that involve the client’s conscious participation, as well as his immersion in a trance and working with the subconscious. The latter in many cases turns out to be significantly more effective. Next, a person's positive and negative experiences are anchored. Consistent - in different combinations - use of anchors and, thereby, mental states allows the communicator to eliminate unwanted connections, form new ones and, as a result, program a person for the behavior he himself desires, defined in NLP as a “well-formulated result.” Anchoring, the anchors themselves, the sequence of their use are actually similar to the algorithms of a computer program, with the exception that, unlike computer programming languages, in NLP during a therapeutic procedure, operators (anchors) are determined for each client individually.

Among NLP methods there are techniques that enable the communicator to work not on one client problem, but on a complex of similar problems, as well as on such difficult situations when a certain type of behavior in itself is not a psychological problem, but becomes one in a certain context. For example, fear is a very useful and necessary feeling, but it turns into a painful state, into mania, if the fear is not justified or spreads to everyone around. One such technique is reframing. The essence of reframing is to modify the client's behavior caused by a certain stimulus or set of similar stimuli, limiting this behavior only to those situations where this behavior is really necessary.

In general, it should be noted that the main books on NLP (primarily those written by the founders of this direction) themselves represent a brilliant example of the application of NLP techniques to influence the reader. Here you can also find anchoring techniques, for example, with the help of interesting (usually funny) examples from practice, as well as reasoning leading to “expanding the positive experience” of the reader, and reframing in the form of appropriate instructions - both explicit and hidden.

Linguistic aspect of NLP.

The interpretation and use of knowledge about language in NLP is carried out by non-professional linguists (with all the ensuing consequences). Therefore, the description of the linguistic component of NLP within the framework of the linguistic paradigm itself requires a certain correction of those linguistic categories, appeal to which is used in the original works of representatives of this direction.

The main linguistic postulate of NLP can be formulated as a hypothesis about the inadequacy of language as a means of reflecting reality and human experience. Words are just artificial shortcuts for experience, and language itself is a filter that allows the cognitive system to cut off everything unnecessary from experience so that the system does not become overloaded and functions adequately. However, this useful function leads to the fact that a person’s consciousness ignores important parts of his experience, which leads to the formation of a significantly impoverished list of alternatives when solving problem situations. The meta-model of language allows us to identify the most typical cases of distortion and correct them, enriching a person’s positive experience.

The second postulate seems to be directed in the opposite direction from reality - it determines the nature of the connection between language and psyche. This is a postulate about the iconicity or isomorphism of language, on the one hand, and mental and/or thought processes, on the other. According to this postulate, linguistic forms regularly reflect the characteristics of a person’s thinking and mental state. By paying attention to the characteristics of the client's speech, the communicator is able to identify his leading representative system, as well as identify areas of omission of important experience. In other words, language and speech are considered as the most important sources of information about a person’s mental state. The opposite is also true: although excessive use of any one linguistic device is unlikely to lead to illness, nevertheless, a complex of corresponding linguistic expressions makes it possible to induce the required mental state. That is why therapeutic effects are generally possible with the help of language.

An important consequence of the postulate of iconicity is the principle of psychological differentiation between the surface and deep structures of an utterance. Interpreting this opposition in the spirit of transformationalism (sometimes in the sense of generative grammar, and sometimes in the sense of generative semantics), proponents of NLP attribute to the surface structure the function of reflecting consciousness, and the deep structure - the subconscious. The deep structure contains the actants of those variables that must be explicitly filled in to identify the actual, real-life client problem and create the idea of ​​a “well-formulated outcome” of the simulation.

Linguistic phenomena in the theory and practice of NLP.

Let us briefly consider specific language structures that are used at different stages of neuro-linguistic programming in different NLP techniques. In fact, these linguistic phenomena form the meta-model of language that underlies NLP.


Metaphor is one of NLP's favorite tools. It is no coincidence that D. Gordon's famous book is called Therapeutic metaphors. However, this category is interpreted differently in NLP. The closest thing to a linguistic understanding is that metaphor is used in the meta-model of language. As was already said above, this is not a model of language as such, but a model of behavior of a psychotherapist, a communicator, when he collects information about a client or establishes rapport with him. At this stage, the communicator must determine which representational system, e.g. the way of comprehending experience is most strongly developed in the client and, therefore, most often used by him. If we turn to the tools of cognitive linguistics, we can say that a representative system is a structure of knowledge, frames, in terms of which a person comprehends his experience and structures it, gives it meaning. At the surface level, at the level of speech behavior, these frames can be represented by metaphors, or more precisely, metaphorical models.

As already noted, NLP distinguishes four types of representational systems: 1) visual RS, which allows you to structure and comprehend experience as a sequence of visual images, “pictures” that appear in the human mind; 2) auditory MS, within which experience is structured as sequences of sounds various types, music, noise, etc.; 3) kinesthetic MS, which allows you to comprehend experience as a change in body sensations, and, finally, olfactory-gustatory MS , recreating experience as a sequence of smells and tastes. One of the MS is primary, the most important for a person. This is what the communicator should identify at the stage of collecting information about the client. In this case, both verbal and non-verbal behavior of the client is analyzed. The nonverbal component is the study of access keys, which are eye movements. They are completely specific for each type of MS. When studying verbal behavior to identify MS, analysis of the metaphors used by the client is of great importance. In NLP, these expressions are often called "process words." In fact, we are talking about metaphorical models embedded in figurative meanings words and in the client’s original metaphors. For example, visual PC is established by expressions such as I I see that he doesn't understand me;I vaguely I understand that something is wrong here;To me Seems that everything is against me;This painting so it stands in front of me.

Auditory MS manifests itself in metaphorical models, the source of which is the area of ​​sound, as well as in extensive comparisons with the same source. For example, This simple but clear thought is just stunned me; Memories of that summer remain like a round dance discordant sounds above the surface of the river at dawn[K. Paustovsky]. Kinesthetic MS is established by the meanings of words, which are based on metaphors with a source - a region of sensations: I feel that you are right/wrong;I groped there is something needed in my memories, but I can’t do it grab ;Mom was always there dry with me and didn’t notice what I did for her. Olfactory-gustatory MS is found in statements like My childhood always makes me feel bitter memories;I I'll try concentrate, but I'm not sure I can do it now;Something about you today sour ;Didn't leave my father's face sour mine. Identifying the primary MS allows you to both establish rapport with the client, adjusting verbal reactions to his primary MS, and expand the client’s space of choice, transferring the understanding of experience to other types of MS.

Superficial vs. deep structure.

One of the main ideas of the transformational model of language is that the same deep structure can be realized on the surface by different surface structures, while the deep representation - the basic structure in early versions of TPG - turns out to be poorer, simpler than the surface one. NLP proponents are not very interested in such variation. In fact, what is important for them is not transformational grammar in the spirit of N. Chomsky, but generative semantics, which works not so much with syntax as with the semantics of the statement. From the point of view of NLP, at a deep level a complete, fairly rich representation of a problem situation is always built, but at a superficial level it becomes impoverished as a result of a number of alternative choices, as a result of various transformations. For example, a sentence John bought a car in the deep structure contains information about who the car was purchased from, for what amount and when. In other words, at a deep level there is always a verb control model with obligatory and optional valencies that describe the corresponding situation in more detail. The impoverishment and reduction of the surface form occurs, as a rule, unconsciously. In the process of therapeutic intervention, the communicator must restore at the surface level all the important deep elements - the missing valences and, above all, the actants that fill them.

From this point of view, of significant interest to NLP are certain transformations that regularly “collapse” richer content (see the concept of “cancelling” transformations in the verbalization of meaning discussed above). These include, for example, the transformation of omission in dialogues like Client:Well, I'm not really sure.Therapist:Not sure what? Client: What should I say about this?. Therapist: What about« this"? In the client’s first response, the entire component that realizes the obligatory valence of the verb is eliminated, and in the second, there is a syntactic component, but it is replaced by an anaphoric pronoun, but the anaphora is not disclosed. These cases are described in NLP as utterances with missing referential indices. It is assumed that in the deep structure there are always referential indices and the therapist must, in the process of interviewing the client, explicate these indices, restoring omitted antecedents and omitted components. It should be borne in mind that the referent structure is understood in NLP very broadly and includes the communicative and cognitive contexts of the utterance, the person’s feelings regarding the problems being discussed, and ideas about how other participants in the communication perceive what is happening.


A similar phenomenon of content collapse is observed during nominalization. As is known, structures like Refusal of the agreement led to the failure of negotiations hide propositional forms like “someone refused the agreement” in the deep structure. Nominalizations – in NLP terminology – impoverish the client’s experience, since they not only translate some important aspects of the situation into an implicit form, but also represent some controlled processes in the form of uncontrollable events that have already occurred. So when the client says My abilities are not recognized, then he is in captivity of the “magic of the word”, since he understands the word confession as an accomplished event. In this case, the client’s attention should be drawn to the procedural nature of the situation, its controllability, as well as the existence of valencies in the verb to acknowledge or expressions find recognition using questions like From whom do you not find recognition?? or Can you imagine a situation where you found recognition[from colleagues or smb. more]?

Modal operators.

A typical linguistic manifestation of impoverishment of one’s experience and, as a consequence, narrowing of the space of choice is the use of constructions with modal words like Required P,Should P,I have to P,I need to do P. The meta-model of language in NLP attributes to these constructs the deep structure "Modal operator P, otherwise Q". The therapist must push the client to move beyond his limited experience by focusing on an alternative Q: What happens if you don't do P?;What would happen if you gave up P? For example, to the client's response You can't love two women at the same time the therapist can answer What's stopping you from doing this?? or What happens if you love two women at the same time?;Why is it impossible to love two women at the same time?? Understanding the alternative Q will expand the client’s conscious experience and contribute to solving the problem that has arisen.

Expressions with a universal quantifier.

Distortion of experience, its incorrect interpretation can be associated not only with omission, elimination, but also with unfounded “completion”, “enrichment” of ideas about reality. A typical source of this type of distortion is improper generalization or generalization. In natural language, expressions like Always P interpreted either in a “weakened” quantifier sense “Usually P/More often P/Usually P", or in the “strong” logical sense (something like “for any moment of time from the selected time interval, P holds”). It is clear that statements with a universal quantifier in the weak sense can always be questioned from the point of view of their own logical meaning. This is very important for the psychotherapeutic procedure, since the client’s generalized statements, as a rule, relate to his negative experience and represent an interpretation of his emotions, impressions of reality, and not factual knowledge. I've never been in Paris is completely verifiable, since it reflects the real experience of the subject (“knowledge by acquaintance” - in Russell’s terms). However, client statements like No body understands me represents the result of a “naive, natural conclusion” and reflects a catastrophic perception of reality. To reduce the significance of the client's negative experience and focus on positive experience, the therapist questions the client's statement from the point of view of logical understanding: Are you really sure that no one understands you??;Wasn't there a time when at least someone understood you??

Causal connections.

Awareness of reality necessarily entails the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between events. Since the very essence of NLP is to rethink experience, establishing new connections between phenomena and feelings/cognitive states, working with causal constructs turns out to be effective tool impact on the addressee. The communicative technique for discussing causal relationships assumes that the psychotherapist draws attention to the lack of a necessary connection between events that are put into a cause-and-effect relationship. For example, a client's statement My wife makes me angry with her behavior hides a causal dependence like “My wife does something to make me angry.” Here it is necessary to find out on what basis the client decided that his wife was deliberately making him angry, whether his wife’s behavior could be explained by something else, whether the wife’s behavior always causes the client to feel angry, etc. A similar technique is used for statements with more explicit causal connections like I want to become different, but my parents are stopping me,I needed to leave home, but my wife was sick. In all these cases, the communicator's goal is to question the existence of a necessary connection between cause and effect. This can be done by identifying cases where there was no connection ( Does this always happen?), drawing attention to the fact that the situation could have arisen unintentionally ( Did your wife deliberately want to make you angry??), trying to reverse the causal relationship ( If your wife weren't sick, you would definitely leave?).

Hidden performativity.

For NLP it is important that any statement a person makes makes sense only within the framework of his own model of the world. Failure to understand this is another source of misconceptions that limits the field of choice of alternatives when making decisions in problem situations. In these cases, it is useful to explicate the deep performative, which, according to performative analysis, is represented in the deep structure of any speech act. For example, transforming a statement It's bad to annoy others with your own problems. into a form with an explicit performative I maintain that it is wrong to annoy others with your own problems. immediately reduces the scope of applicability of the statement, limiting it to the model of the world of the speaker himself. In fact, this is equivalent to removing the inappropriate generalization.

Meta-model of language.

The natural language model in NLP is a set of instructions with which the communicator controls the communication process, and also identifies those parts of the discourse that indicate the characteristics of the client’s thinking (identifying the primary representative system) and limit his positive experience. The phenomena discussed above form parts of the meta-model, which is first used to collect information about the client, and then for verbal influence. Note, however, that often these stages are not opposed in time and occur simultaneously.

The significance of NLP practice for language theory.

The linguistic postulates of NLP clearly indicate the existence of isomorphism between linguistic/speech phenomena - such as metaphor, consequence, deep and surface structure - and thought processes. In theoretical linguistics, hypotheses have been repeatedly expressed about the existence of such a connection, but practical proof was impossible. The experience of successfully using the principles and discursive strategies of NLP turns out to be extremely important in this sense. The hypothesis about the psychological significance of almost any variation in linguistic forms, at least in modern times, is also of considerable interest. lexical level. In particular, unconscious variation of metaphorical models represents most important source information about the ways in which humans understand the world.


MacDonald W. Guide to Submodalities. Voronezh, 1994
Bandler R., Grinder D. Reframing: personal orientation using speech strategies. Voronezh, 1995
Gordon D. Therapeutic metaphors. St. Petersburg, 1995
Bandler R., Grinderg D. Structure of Magic. St. Petersburg, 1996
O'Connor J., Seymour J. Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming, ed. 2. Chelyabinsk, 1998
Bailey R. NLP consulting. M., 2000
Dilts R. Tricks of the tongue. Changing Beliefs with NLP. St. Petersburg, 2000

"...When we came up with the name Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a lot of people said, 'That sounds like mind control' - as if there was something bad about it. I said, 'Yes, of course, unless you start controlling and using your own brain, then you should just leave it to its own devices."
Richard Bandler.

These words of one of the founders of Neurolinguistic Programming (see Psychological Dictionary - " ") reflect the true essence of the psychological trend that is fashionable today. What is it and how does this psychological direction differ from previously existing ones? Let's try to make an outline of Neurolinguistic programming as one of the professional methods of influencing the human psyche. Here it is important to remain understandable to both professionals and ordinary people.

Working as a practical psychologist, you have to use methods from different schools, including NLP, so I suggest comparative form look at this innovation and give it an approximate assessment. Let's start with the most impressive characteristics of the neurolinguistic programming method.

The first thing that catches your eye when using NLP psychotechniques is the operation of such deep structures of the human psyche, in which conscious control and resistance to the changes created are practically excluded. The necessary correction occurs directly in the subconscious and is subject to natural execution. From here it is very high efficiency and the speed of assistance provided. For example, in traditional schools it is believed that the client’s awareness of his problem, as well as the path to its resolution, should take place consciously, despite the time costs and the client’s desire.

The second is the lack of sufficient content in the methods used. A client of an NLP specialist may, in principle, not talk about the details of his problem and still he will get what he wanted. It sounds a little mysterious, but it's true.

Thirdly, the neurolinguistic programming paradigm itself is quite original. It assumes that a person must constantly learn new ways of behavior, and problems arise only when he does not have the appropriate behavior model to overcome any situation.

All a psychologist preaching this school has to do is teach appropriate behavior patterns to those in need. To better understand this, I will give an example of the approach to the same problem by psychologists from psychoanalysis and neurolinguistic programming (NLP).

A 12-year-old girl, too shy.

A psychoanalyst will look for the reasons for this behavior in the girl’s childhood. Having found the reasons for such behavior (shyness), he, together with her, will evaluate these reasons and possible conclusions, which, in theory, should help her behave differently, that is, be less shy.

An NLP specialist will evaluate the girl’s complaint of excessive shyness directly. The girl is asking for ways of behavior that will not embarrass her. Then the specialist will begin the process of learning new ways of internal and external behavior satisfying the given personality.

Fourthly, the psychotechniques of neurolinguistic programming work excellently to correct school failure and age-related character problems. Some modernization of these psychotechniques allows them to be used directly in the educational process, as well as for training any skills. Here's how Bandler puts it:
“...One of the things that NLP represents is a way of looking at human learning. Although many psychologists and social workers use neurolinguistic programming to do what they call therapy, I think it is most appropriate to describe NLP as an educational process."

So, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is not only psychology and medicine, but also education, management, as well as a method for researching and copying any behavior.

The range of features offered is simply fantastic. Having studied and practiced using the proposed NLP methods, you become the owner of a tool that changes your destiny. For example, some people cannot overcome various fears and insecurities for years. An NLP specialist will correct these shortcomings in 15-20 minutes. In the same short period of time, you can cope with uncertainty or problems of choice in any life situation etc.

At the same time, I would like to somewhat “dilute” the euphoric description of NLP and respond to those people who are afraid of this psychological school.

There is a phenomenon that occurs when using the method of neurolinguistic programming. Professional psychologists know about its existence.

When used correctly, neurolinguistic programming is an excellent assistant, but when used sloppy or selfishly, it turns into a Pandora's box with all the ensuing consequences. I will try to clarify the above.

The use of neurolinguistic programming techniques to manipulate human consciousness for selfish purposes leads to the gradual internal devastation of the manipulator and the destruction of his psyche. The thing is that NLP operates with the deepest mental processes that are not subject to conscious control. And in order to instill some model of thought in the interlocutor, i.e. to instill your will, you first build this model in your head and unwittingly instill it in yourself first and only then send it to the address. The accumulation and, over time, manifestation of such destructive “commands” creates a distortion in the psyche and the manipulator becomes ill. Therefore, in this direction of psychology, the motto is more important than anywhere else: wish for others only what you want for yourself. The deeper the impact, the more accurate and harmonious it should be. And this is primarily important for the health of the psychologist than for the client, no matter how strange it sounds. This phenomenon is perhaps the only thing to be wary of in NLP.

However, I believe that neurolinguistic programming techniques can be used to shape the Human of the future. A person who will be able to shape his own psyche, inclinations and character traits in the same way as an experienced stylist selects clothes, makeup, etc. A person who will gain power over himself, over the time of his own death. After all, NLP methods make it possible to find the keys to consciously regulating and stopping cardiac activity, metabolic processes, etc. Naturally, a person who has power over his death is not afraid of it, and this is a truly Free person.

There is an analogue to this in human practice; these are the skills that experienced yogis possess.

To finish the philosophical digression, I will make a reservation that such development is possible only with a parallel increase in knowledge about the laws of the universe, personal development, which will balance the emerging abilities. After all, a person with such capabilities is not quite a person in our understanding, but something greater and more perfect.

You can describe other possibilities of neurolinguistic programming, but they will look too fantastic for an unprepared reader. On my own behalf I would like to speak out on the topic of the growing hype against NLP lately. An analysis of such articles shows that those who make the loudest noise are those who are superficially familiar with NLP and have a vague idea of ​​any kind of psychocorrection in general. Oddly enough, there are a lot of such people in psychology, and often they have scientific titles, “weight” in nomenklatura circles from education or medicine.

Sometimes I am provoked by a question like: “Neurolinguistic programming methods are dangerous, how do you use them?” I answer: “You have a knife in your kitchen and you can use it not only to cut off a piece of bread, but also, excuse me, to stab it. Why don’t you cut anyone?”

After such a counter-question, the incident is over. It has always been the case that what is criticized most is what later turns out to be the most interesting. Everyone decides for themselves...

For those wishing to get acquainted with the methods of neurolinguistic programming, I can recommend literature that describes the history of its occurrence and methods of use. Here we can help the following: If we examine the history of this current of psychology, we will come to a decreasing series of authors significant for NLP: contemporaries - John Grinder, Richard Bandler; in turn, they adopted the main practical methods from Milton Erickson, who borrowed the main theoretical foundations and practical research from Alexander Romanovich Luria. So look for books by these authors and read! Good luck!

Podkhvatilin N.V.
employee of FPPM VShK 2002-2004

Hello, dear readers of my blog! I am sure that most of you have heard about such a controversial and sometimes even frightening psychological technique as neurolinguistic programming. Indeed, the first thing that comes to mind when you get acquainted with NLP is the tambourines of gypsies with bears robbing their victims using hypnosis, or the silhouettes of secret intelligence agents. But in fact, what is NLP technique? And why are we talking about it on the pages of a blog about self-development?

What is NLP, who created it and why?

NLP is a direction in psychology and psychotherapy, founded in the sixties of the twentieth century by a group of scientists from the University of California: R. Bandler, J. Grindler, F. Pucelik and Gr. Bateson. This is a kind of symbiosis of the most effective techniques of family therapy, Ericksonian conversational hypnosis, transactional analysis and Gestalt therapy.

NLP is based on the technology of modeling the verbal and nonverbal behavior of successful people and their interaction with society.

More in simple language is a technology that helps you learn what someone else already knows. It could be anything: cross-stitching, Chinese, managing corporations, the ability to charm the opposite sex, establish communication with people, and even manage your emotional state.

From F. Pucelik's point of view, NLP is a set of skills that allow you to do whatever you do better.

That is, NLP techniques can be useful to everyone who is trying to achieve something, to become brighter, stronger, more effective. The master’s task is to track the characteristics of the behavior pattern of a person who has achieved something, overcome something.

Thus, Richard Bandler, to work with patients who suffered from phobias, found several people who had independently overcome the disease, summarized their experience and created a technique “ Fast treatment phobias."

And one of John Grinder’s successful students modeled mastering the skill of walking on hot coals as a credit project. The idea gained popularity, and the enterprising student toured with seminars all over the coast.

Many people have the mistaken opinion that NLP is a technique for manipulating people that allows them to “fuck the world.” Indeed, any reliable knowledge about the functioning of the human brain makes it possible to influence behavioral reactions.

Where can these techniques be applied?

The methods and techniques of this amazing system work amazingly effectively. This is sometimes the danger. Knowledge in itself is neutral, but the scope of its use can be both a plus and a minus. Therefore, like many other discoveries, NLP techniques can, unfortunately, be used by “specialists” with a bad conscience to create various totalitarian structures, sects of controlled people.

However, the reality is that we do not live in society in isolation, but exchanging impulses, influencing each other, sometimes quite harshly.

Can a teacher conduct a lesson without manipulating his students to some extent? Is it possible for a company manager to manage a team without influencing it?

Or maybe you managed to put your naughty son to bed without having to carry out complex maneuvers and bargaining?

I doubt it. Personally, I take manipulation quite calmly. While studying NLP, I learned to track such attempts. If a manipulator tries to act to my detriment, I do not get annoyed, but ignore or simply play with him.

Let's say when your daughter in a supermarket, walking past shelves with bright toys, suddenly tries to tell you how lucky she is to have her parents. This is also manipulation and much more subtle than the banal throwing of a tantrum. So manipulation and manipulation are different, and there are benefits from them (the daughter will still receive a new doll - I think few will be able to resist).

The simple use of neurolinguistic programming techniques helps resolve conflicts or prevent their occurrence, that is, produce high-quality communication.

In addition, NLP is not a collection of knowledge available to a select few, not shamanism, but carefully collected into a system psychological techniques, which really help a modern person in learning, in love and in business.

After all, NLP is a tool like a hammer, knife or drill. You can use them to build a house, or you can injure a person. It all depends on how to apply them.

How NLP can help you become more effective

As mentioned above, NLP focuses primarily on the practical aspect and provides answers to many inconvenient questions.

  • How to build a negotiation strategy correctly?
  • Convincingly and convincingly formulate your thoughts?

A person practicing these techniques changes both his inner world and his system of external interactions. Relationships with other people become more transparent and harmonious, thanks to which it is possible to solve a large number of problems that interfere with life.

So NLP helps:

  1. learn to “read” your interlocutor using non-verbal sources of information;
  2. get rid of other people's influence, suppress or transform its direction;
  3. form and develop the gift of persuasion;
  4. achieve mutual understanding with other people;
  5. establish relationships with loved ones, subordinates, and random audiences;
  6. learn new skills and improve existing ones;
  7. increase the efficiency of your actions;
  8. get rid of bad habits and acquire useful ones;
  9. transform worldview and increase self-esteem;
  10. manage time effectively;
  11. to form or strengthen a feeling of inner joy and pleasure.

Did you know that using neurolinguistic programming practices allows you to boost your charisma yourself? We have already talked about that.


NLP provides many tools for self-development. With its help, you can form the necessary attitudes and achieve success in those areas where you think you are not strong enough.

The great thing is that learning NLP is interesting and fun, as the results are visible almost immediately.

There are also many techniques for using this method, from complex pseudo-scientific ones to simple ones accessible to the common man. If you are interested in this model of self-development, then write in the comments. And I will cover this issue in more detail in future articles.

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Learn new things, friends. Bye bye

More recently, the concept of NLP has come into common use among many people. Techniques and techniques suggest that the human brain can be influenced in a certain way. This is why many people use NLP practice, learning its rules, because they think that we are talking about methods of manipulating the consciousness of others.

In modern society, NLP is something like " magic wand", using which you can influence yourself or others. In fact, NLP techniques are indeed effective, but only with conscious use and understanding of brain processes. Psychologists advise using NLP techniques to develop yourself.

What is NLP?

What is NLP? People mostly understand this term narrowly. Neurolinguistic programming is a technology that allows you to influence the course of thinking, behavior of an individual, and control your own mind. Many people try to use these techniques on others. This is why NLP is so common in politics, training, coaching, trading, promotions and even seduction (pickup).

The NLP method is based on the teachings of three psychotherapists:

  1. V. Satir is the founder of family therapy.
  2. M. Erickson is the author of Ericksonian hypnosis.
  3. F. Perls is the founder of Gestalt therapy.

Individuals who adhere to the principles of NLP are convinced that reality is determined by how a person reacts and perceives it, which allows them to change their beliefs, heal psychological trauma, and transform behavior. Behavioral reactions have been studied by psychologists to determine their basis. And in fact, they succeeded, which is what the NLP technique is based on.

NLP psychology

Changes are inevitable - this is how NLP psychology explains. This direction is an independent field that studies individual experience, behavioral reactions, human thought processes, as well as copying successful strategies.

NLP is a field of practical psychology, when a person is engaged not in study, but in practice to transform himself. This trend originated in the 20th century in the 70s. NLP is based on all areas of psychology.

The main goal of NLP is to transform a person into a successful individual. Here they study various ways and techniques on how to achieve this. It is based on the thought processes used by a particular individual, which is manifested in his emotions, beliefs, and behavioral reactions. That is why the main techniques are aimed at controlling one’s own thinking, emotions and reactions, which should form a successful pattern of behavior that manifests itself in the outside world.

NLP methods are used today in many industries, especially in psychology and commerce. When a person wants to influence, he resorts to NLP techniques, which are aimed at transformation in order to acquire and develop a successful model of behavior. It doesn’t matter what kind of person a person is or what experience he or she has. What becomes important is what a person can do now, change in himself in order to...

NLP does not claim to be an explanation of how the world works. He's not really interested in that. An important tool is one in which theory turns into practice, which helps a person improve his own life and solve problems.

There is no concept of “correct” here. NLP practitioners use the term "appropriate" regardless of whether it is moral or correct. What matters is what works and changes, helps and improves, and not what is considered correct.

According to NLP, a person is the creator of his own misfortunes, successes, bitterness and happy moments. All of them are based on his beliefs and past experiences, which he continues to use at the present moment.

NLP Techniques

NLP is a set of techniques that help a person manage his own brain processes. Here are the following techniques:

  • Anchoring is the most popular in NLP. This is a way of creating an association in a person between his experiences and external circumstances. For example, when playing one piece of music, certain memories that were associated with it arise. This happened because the music sounded at the moment when a significant event happened to a person.
  • Reframing.
  • Love techniques are used in pickup when an individual wants to please the opposite sex. Hypnosis, anchoring and anecdotes are used here. A popular technique is the “Triple Helix”, when a person begins to tell one story, then abruptly moves on to a second, after which he jumps to a third without finishing either one. After the third story, he moves on again to the second, ending it, and to the first, ending it in the same way.
  • The swing technique is aimed at change, transformation. This is done in two ways. The first image is what a person wants to get rid of. The second image is what a person wants to acquire, what to replace with. First, we present the first image in a large and bright size, then the second image in a small and dim size. Then we swap them and imagine how the first image decreases and dims, and the second image increases and becomes brighter. This needs to be done 15 times, and then track the success of the transformation.
  • Language strategies.
  • Inserted message technique.
  • Manipulative techniques are especially popular among people who want to influence the beliefs and reactions of others. Among them are:
  1. "Demand more." At first you ask for more than you need. If a person refuses, then over time you can ask for less - just as much as you need. Because of the inconvenience of being rejected, the person will agree to the second offer so as not to appear bad.
  2. Paraphrasing.
  3. Flattery. Here, through compliments and pleasant words, you harmonize with the sensations and feelings that a person has about himself. This endears the other person to you.
  4. Name or status. A person likes to be called by name. You can win him over by saying his name often. It’s the same with status: the more often you call someone your friend, the more he becomes one.

NLP techniques

NLP techniques are no less interesting than techniques. They are often practical in nature to influence others. Interesting ones are:

  1. Offering a person what he wants to receive, and then saying what you would like to receive. For example, “You can take a break. Please make me some coffee."
  2. Complicating the situation. When you tell a person a complex mechanism for the development of events so that you can ultimately get what you want. For example, “Tomorrow my friend will come to you to get your phone number so I can call you.”
  3. Using strong words that will motivate people to take action. For example, always, constantly, every time, again.
  4. Repeating the end of the interlocutor’s phrase, continuing it with your own statement.
  5. Using the words “please”, “dear”, “be kind”, etc. at the beginning of a phrase.
  6. Pronouncing an important word that should be emphasized in a loud and clear intonation.
  7. The “closer-farther” technique, which is often used in relationships between people, especially in love. This is when a partner first brings another person closer to him with his love, affection, attention, etc., and then grows cold towards him, moves away, stops paying attention, etc. The stages alternate with each other.
  8. Adjustment is a popular technique that is used to establish trusting relationships. It lies in the fact that you adapt to your interlocutor, copying his gestures, facial expressions, voice intonation, mood, etc.

NLP rules

In NLP there are rules that are additional transformative techniques:

  1. Pay attention to your own sensations, visual images, feelings, states. Any change inside a person indicates that something has changed in him or in the outside world. This will help in monitoring the situation.
  2. All human experience is recorded in his nervous system. It can be retrieved and modified.
  3. A person notices in others what is inherent in himself. In rare cases, an individual notices in others something that is not inherent in him. Therefore, any shortcoming or advantage that you note in others, most likely, is in yourself.
  4. A person decides for himself who he will be in this world and how he will live.
  5. Every individual has enormous potential, which is much greater than he thinks.
  6. Everything in life flows and changes. As you move, new paths and paths appear.

NLP hypnosis is based on different rules, since it uses verbal or non-verbal suggestion techniques. This is introducing a person into a special state in which he will not resist new beliefs. Hypnosis is used by all people in everyday life, since everyone wants to influence each other.

You can also resort to reprogramming, when you tune yourself into different beliefs.

NLP training

Is it possible to learn NLP? There are many trainings that offer similar services. NLP training can be done not only through special trainings, but also from books. Of course, this process will be a little more difficult and take longer to develop, but it will also affect the transformation.

Perhaps everyone would like to master NLP techniques and techniques. However, it should be understood that all of them may or may not work. NLP techniques work best on insecure, weak and low self-esteem people. Successful and self-confident people are difficult to succumb to external influence.

It is better to use NLP in relation to yourself for the purpose of transformation and development. After all, this practice was originally developed so that people would change and improve their lives.

NLP training helps in expanding your skills, establishing communication connections, and self-improvement. Collected here various techniques and techniques that suit everyone.

Bottom line

NLP is not a method of manipulation, although it offers technologies that are manipulative in nature. Here, both the theoretical and practical parts of psychology are simultaneously revealed. We are talking about influencing the subconscious, which often happens unconsciously in people. The result is a life that operates and develops according to incomprehensible rules.

To take control of the course of your life, you can use NLP techniques, which show effectiveness not only in influencing others, but also in influencing yourself.